HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-04-20, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1988.
Londesboro Londesboro bowlers end season
Compiled by June Fothergill Phone 523-4360
Marjorie Anderson heads
Londesboro Wl for '88
The banquet and annual meet
ing of Londesboro W.I. was held on
Wednesday evening, April 13 at
the Hillcrest Restaurant in Londes
The meeting opened with the
Mary Stewart Collect. Hattie
Woods led in prayer. Doreen
Carter had a pie contest. Winners
were: Ramona Jamieson and Beryl
Reid. Roll call was answered by the
payment of fees for the coming
year. President, Marg Anderson
read a piece by Charlie Farqueson
on doctors and health care.
The minutes of 1987 annual
meeting were read and approved.
The financial statement was given
for the month and the year. The
auditors report was given by
Ramona Jamieson. Programme
Convenor Helen Lawson gave her
report of meetings for the year.
Lois Elliottgave the PRO report
and a reading on what being a
Canadian means to us.
Alice Buchanan gave a report on
the number of meetings held
duringtheyear. Having perfect
attendance for the year were three
members: Helen Lawson, Annie
Vincent and Hattie Woods. Each of
them was given a small gift.
Correspondence was read. A
thank you was read from Doreen
Carter for a flower sent to Mr.
Carter. A plea for money from the
Huntingdons Association was
read. A letter was read from
Food la nd Ontario about a peach
recipe contest. The London con
vention is in October. It was moved
and passed to send $50 to the
Huntingdon’s Association.
Doreen Carter thanked Marg
Anderson for being W.I. President
the past two years.
The nomination committee re
port for the coming year was given
and installation of new officers was
held by Lois Elliott. The new
president is Mrs. Marjorie Ander
Londesboro church news
Greeter on Sunday, April 16 at
Londesboro United Church was
Bert Lyon. Ushers were Denise
Hulley, Melanie Knox, Pam Sal-
verda and Kim Salverda.
The scripture was read by Nick
Whyte. A minute for missions was
was read.
‘ * Break up the ground and sow the
good seeds. ’ ’ Rev. Dave and Caron
leave on holidays tomorrow. They
will be away until May 2. If a
minister is needed, please call Rev.
Dave Woodall, Ontario Street
Church, Clinton, 482-9553.
Next Sunday, April 24, Rev.
Gordon Pickell of Goderich will
The Londesboro men’s bowling
banquet was held on Thursday
evening, April 14 at the hall. The
banquet was catered by Londes
boro W.I.
Names of the winners are as
follows: First Place, Lear Jets,
Harry Lear, Bruce Roy, Paul
Buchanan, Paul Brunkard, Her
man Greidanus, Dan Reid; Second
Place, Jeeps, Bert Lyon, Don
Buchanan, Frank Szusz, Ed De-
Euchre results
At the euchre party at the hall on
Friday, April 15, there were 11
tables. Winners were: ladies’
high, Trudy Pollard; ladies’ lone
hands, Rena Watt; ladies’ low,
Beryl Reid; men’s high, Bert Daer;
men’s lone hands, Les Reid; men’s
low, Lome Hunking. The last
euchre of the season is on Friday,
April 29 at 8 p.m. Lunch will be
Couple get
Congratulations to Margaret
and Russell Good on the birth of
their grandson on Sunday, April
10, born to Randy and Sandra
Logan of London.
Friends and neighbours of Mr.
Jackie McDougall will be sorry to
hear he is a patient in Clinton
Hospital. He iswished a speedy
Word has been received from
Alberta of the deaths of Donald
Ferris of Edmonton and Mrs.
Gladys Ferris Jickling of Provost.
Theirparents werethelate Bert
Ferris and Maude (Taylor) Ferris,
both of whom were natives of
Hullett Township.
Jong, Henry Wilts, Bob Szusz.
High average was recorded by
Bill Roy, 210; high triple, Harry
Seniors attend
Spring rally
The following Londesboro
Happy Gang Seniors attended the
spring rally at Varna Complex on
Wednesday, April 13: Clara Riley,
Beth Knox, Margaret Good, Hazel
Reid, Isabelle Scanlon, Audrey
and Bob Thompson. Guest speaker
was Mrs. Joyce King, President of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill
spent Sunday with her sister Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Simpson of Wing
ham where 30 nieces and nephews
and great nieces and nephews
gathered for a surprise birthday
party for their aunt Miss Claire
Keeso of Listowel.
Lear, 790; high single, Bruce Roy,
333; most improved, Dan Reid,
+ 18.
After the banquet an evening of
bowling was held. Winners were:
first, Dan Reid and Don Buchanan;
second, Bill Roy and Don Allen;
third, Brad Thomson, Garry Buch
anan; fourth, Ray Beisinger, Paul
Farquhar; fifth, Doug Snell, John
Reinink; high single was scored by
Garry Buchanan, 349; second high
single, Burt Greidanus, 348.
The children’s portion of the
servicewas conducted by Laura
Scott, Billy Jim Scott and Kent
Shillinglaw. They had on display a
flashlight and the globe.
The choir sang, “WhatGod’s
done for others”. The sermon was
have the service. The next Sunday,
May 1, Mrs. Barb Hicks of Clinton
will preach and several ladies of the
U.C.W. will be leading in service.
The Junior Youth Group will meet
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21 at
Vanastra pool.
In time for spring outings Debbie McDougall gets a new bicycle from
Dr. Lavera Clark of the Blyth Veterinary Clinic as the winner of the
April draw of the Blyth Minor Ball committee. Local businesses
support the monthly draws which fund minor ball operations.
Are you thinking of
starting a new venture
Seaforth on Highway
•Space available from
400 sq. ft. to?
•Plaza Type Stores
•Professional Offices,
Boutiques, Etc.
•Ample Parking
Fifteen young Can
adians will win an all
expense paid trip to the
Toronto Economic
Summit, June 19-21,
as officially accredited
The Government of
Canada wants to en
courage the active par
ticipation of Canadian
youth in this major
international event
which will be hosted
by Prime Minister Brian
Mulroney, andattended
by the leaders of the
United States of Amer
ica, United Kingdom,
France, Federal
Republic of Germany,
Italy, Japan, and the
European Economic
To enter this competi
tion simply write a
short editorial on the
topic “A Key Issue for
Canada at the Econom
ic Summit.” The issue
selected should relate
to Canada in the world
economy or to social
and other factors that
directly affect our
economic performance.
A video and an infor
mation kit are being
sent to your high
school (or CEGEP) and
should be there by
April 18. Ask your
teacher or principal
for details, or call
1-800-267-0829 for
further information.
Competition rules:
Entries in English or French. Length up
to 500 words. Double spaced. Typed or
legibly written. Open to full-time high
school (including CEGEP in Quebec)
students age 19 or under on December
31, 1988. A panel of experts will judge
entries for clarity, style, strength of argu
ment and originality. Competition entries
must be received in Ottawa by May 12,
1988. Entries cannot be returned.
Winning entries may be adapted, trans
lated, reproduced, and made public.
Send entries to:
Department of the Secretary of State
of Canada
Ottawa K1A0M5
Attach this entry form or facsimile to your Summit Editorial
1*1 Hon Lucien Bouchard
The Secretary of State of Canada
Lhon Lucien Bouchard
Le Secretaire d Etat du Canada
Postal Code
PHONE __________________________AGE ----------------------
SCHOOL NAME _____________________________________
SCHOOL PHONE ____________________________________
I have read the competition rules and accept them
Signature of student
Signature of parent or guardian if student is a minor
Pour une copie de cet avis en franqais. veuillez composer
le 1-800-267-0829
Hon Jean Charest
Minister of State for Youth
Lhon Jean Charest
Mmistre d Etat a la Jeunesse