HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-8-16, Page 3Rao }r, s . 1 1 The Signal's Clubbing List will saveyou time and money. can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. rim SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. • - ,7-a' .• • 7 ,} .. • lir Or' , 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY.. AUGUST 16, 1928 Collection of Money by Drafts 11E use of drafts in modern business prac- I tier is occasionally overlooked, their pur- pose misunderstood. and their value not appreciated. Thio service a1 practised by the Standard Bank is ane of the o6le,.t intttitu- tions of the banking hotline** and the logical outcome of a desire on the part of b .th buyer and miler to expedite the et -flit -mem of ac- counts peri..lically in the most *convenient manner to both parties. 11 'e shadl be ¢I.el u. give information on the value of collection by draft as applied to your busineme. 111r.0STANDARD BANK ESTABLISHED 1873 H. H. REID Manager, Godertch Branch a oodaw h. u - Ao h1.a e.rh.ld ..d DtnPa.m. i nt VISIT TO BELGIUM • UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Students receive personal attention in all Faculties and Departments. ]lien and women interested in under- graduate or post -graduate, resident or non-resident courses should write to the Registrar. What career? More than half of the university graduates of this continent go Into L.hollows This Usivwdtp gives a seed& I merge be Commerce for w yarpw el erewNa pfo i mg yeas( saes ley bossism/1a eunoia. Tb. oalratar help to thea doom who are worthy. For additional tit- toriaatioa writ. - iL P. R. I(EVILLE, Ph.D., Repotrar, Landon, Canada w RECALLS INCIDENTS TOWNSHIP COt'.NCILS GODERICH TIIWNsIMV \ Council met in llolmeeille .t. Aug - OF THE GREAT WAR' ,tat 7111. re wreds. etc. The cher\ am. iu•rroe- led to put a pollee in the paper atlk. Belgian Intl/ the ratepayers t.. ..-.yvrnte whet Buildin the 4411111411 by eut1Iii the Neo.Ig ht twpitrtrlleal( of .\grirulrnr' wade ties Have Beautiful with Wonderful Carvings d Paintings Mrs. Currie lWntln •a Ler airier of letters uu Ler Europe, trip, this week deOing %ILL a flet to Belgium and Llyllauir: 1\/ - • k arrived at-lutwei'p by t at b uclock of u lutety ruwwer wor -ug. 1 he ur11t t taw disclosed the ruts torts destroyed by German cuunuu 1 1:/H._ They Lud hitherto been cousid- rd w r- i.uuu.c tat sinrtrwrir'd e Y • nu few hours to a heavy bowbardment..1 1118The .icy pus eery' uarruw etreets uud guilded houses. It Lae one of the tit, -r, I , tet/ es; harbors in the world. ltubeurut :..e-.. et•fat artist. f4./11iuc .1 nof the 'mutter of Antwerp. Tip cathedral 00 tut Notre Laws lfourteenth century p, uudl nu SI. l'aul s church ure too of its tfutrt ne buildings The Belgians are wonder - fault of Illeir I.w'11 proper,). Duran Tract celebration .-oulutittee tasked it grant to 1141.1 lei &licking the wdebrntiuit at ,'i e,00t. T.• 0,I..t Kraut of $1O one given. Further el.rreaLN.t+deu.rr from Mr. Jas. Ruck re nulsauce. ea'.. wa. recd 1'.. clllor Salkeld was delegated 11 1101110 ilapdry and report at 'text meet tug. Mr. Reg. Sturdy co ml•laimsl Ill the (':111. Nat. Ry. Co. ser' rwprclu len ut*lerdrai.n out of the nature ,ultra• and that till. ma, ;111 in.lurj t The couml •il agree • mart hit SPARKS', THE CIRCUS OF A THOUSAND WONDERS To Exhibit in (:alerirh on Friday.l August l7. The old saying "bigger and greater titan ever" surely till: the Starks cit.- .4 n cu &his 11& .', for taus. Spu•ks, manager of this groat iuslltutiou, has stared no expense In culurgitg anal I adding new ,pad novel features to the Iviten. 111111 Ins gained ti •• world- ttde reputation for ck•;uiliue•• :11111 hop• -10x11. The u:der folks speak of the Il:rt1iurks Sir, -us its 0 "Nouderfnl &duet t circus:' failing 1.. remember that the o 1 growth of this circus has beep pLeti- u •11:11w11il 0/.111; 11 r.auks among the largest in America. Great cowe nt. pubes of l.atutlfnl trained equines 11 i are exhibited with this yhuw- wild. 1 ' snarling. roar.ug N0110111n 1 woder+. from plain- de -ort. pla1.•mt. 1111/1 jungle. are trained and laude to lie dow to ether with their More do.nle.- lsnnunla>' ti.•nted contra. rs...cI•n r a.1J Ni.7. the Iamb. 1`1111 -grown Nubbin 11.ats .. ,' ., con tic rue: for lareeentl•d -;de by side with shaggy to a %ti a .1.0 sl• the t beat, 'front is.lnr .418. ]tau-decomr • the 1111,1 0. 1111 .I tar. Ing. ro}'111 'Bengal tigers from drvt lest ..4•11111111'1. ... tr. 4:101.1% wets pre-ei • ry• utsiir. }-jtttl¢!r+ nln.lr nuswgraL:r t. yl nn'_'.; •that sacs taken until I commend. f.eegttlrd4 trained to per- fa•ttou. the result of infinite hiller••. ,mtli+ w••re pa{d:' on the ]art of trainer. specially tilted fur the dln'prim • tasks set before • • • c►nitrial Q! Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well' done. t, Telephone 35 i -•••••••• t illi • car P. het The rep d It% C. cr. 1111 n.. N1 1111rtitlg. The follow'Ing :1 111 for wood carving and paiutiug. C. }:. \\'1w. sheep . •1hn. zt'e; SuIN'r- • N,, . 5111;44 :.1 I tnem- Eatire colRressrar of .elebritie. front r 1.3.. pm.. I t.. . . foreign clime•. New and solvate ed ([ i•. Labor exponents of modern phcsi,•a} cnpnlrl• ('I.•rk. 1 The Most wonderful nerlallst• of the age. The loon famous gynu'Itt- ofJI I every country. together with the must Il remarkable athlete: y Aer n.-em1.1e.1 The bl11¢eot anal moot wottierftrl trained horse nets ever pre.ented ae7- here: tmasing equim•• who perform unison aithont word .r comutngd• e free avert parade at 11 evert Ip to More w•underfol-ptn.l-larger ter. .another new and novel Going uu to plruerele we pass ever intevl.1ett, pay conch.. tele very ground where the Peder of , 1-1.1111.11 then adjourn \upukvu war fur ever brokeu ut S14htr.1oy. September 1st. \\'atrrlo and cheer the .urrlv11l of instead or Moud:uY. wld.'L Uluclter'm rrusslaus timed the tide of 11:iy• R. G TIiel]II'Se'\• battle. Exactly one Luudrrd years' later Britain and 1'rauc'e united cult turn the tide against the 1"russiaus. uun.-il met ou August 21 b, wtth Belgium liar very fittingly taeu des -1 C the utrnllN•r. 1111 uta celled us the battleground of Europe., 0310]lfunp• of last meeting w're real could hardly believe that tLel awl apprrncerl. country had beau so rut hleasl' dee-' .\ 11.pre-clrtathv of •the •1'or..uto;l t.n..'yw1a14.1 fItoeu pyroeurlrxeru aug+o. . EEcrreyrytlUtituLar .. ra r' rnraeltmty e 1t,, wtanktIedg utoutthae clu.r..htm. tl fhue l ?a:11 w euttlinga thewheal'with well lied and or an old -fast i policyRuarutlring l liability rt.tul+ f 1r opening n0cfdeytts .arurrluoitit g ll opening •tion .rfore.1 thi. sen•sott le the Nrt•.•le of 111e Fnr r/11.1 Jangle Unarm:' fent tiring le prima -donna of the I uud George Sohn.. supported by- heath optical coma)} tit- I nttractiv4 looks' nil dame. The tofore Wen n its ha. Also refire thel f (lode - art' to lazing ,con N.L.y itt ••nu 1 1 :Al the. Every huu.r was tidy the foNu•bip ] I "1,(lrn. tit t et awl had t, little dower therewith is being .Vi garden. i Braswell' luta Iraen dem relied ar a their u••yl meeting- il' bylaw was two ..IIIY 1•l-• • ' ower sent the 1..vnship 1 eP Rohn. am neat ' Mlhject to 1111. approval of coup.'il nt • 'White, Toon`. concert baritone, et awl t&t.',-'4 leis HtuF girls from miniature farts. The old City Ha Inc f..11owing rater of taxation forT tte w buildings nl b•. g f 1 ant beautiful CARLOADS CARLOADS SHINGLES nf1 ROOFING EVERY GRADE, KIND AND SHADE WOOD OR SLATE SLAB, Call us if you are in need of anything in this line. Goderich Planing Mills 19 (BUCHANAN'S) Anything and Everything in _Builders' Supplies Phone 47 P. O. Drawer 160 GODERICH FRI., AUGUST 7/ie MRSTERPIECE OF THE TENTED WORLD! 5PARK JCIRCU THIS SEASONTHEGMENTED CY AU EAR, HS MOST WONDERFUL 1)I5PLAY OF TRAINED WILD CASTS COMPREHENSIVE 3"MENAGERIE ARENIC OF THE FINEST ARTISTS ANIMAL SPECIMENS •"- 2 HERDS OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS 40 FUNNY CLOWNS WO/N THE ONWARD MARCN Of : PROGRESS/ON THE Au7m't08/LE 00000, /S SUPERSELNAG THE MORSE AND A "HORSELESS AGE "IS FREELY PREDICTED WR171MRY Or 7K HORSE W/LL NEVER BE I TEN AS LONG AS THE SPARKS CIRCUS IVES ! ' THIS ORGANIZATION IS, HORSES FAMOUS FOR ITS Ol SEE THESE SPLENDID ANIMALS 1N RUNDRE TTHE SENSATIONAL FOX HUNT. AND HIGH J MIPING EXMSIB T ONS • MANOR 144. 1 1111 / I,r, ons engaged f and ability to sing in ltnrsels. lu lief* city also is the the present ?Par- t ty Patois tee Jtnalee. the largest ped.1il' twills; toanshti, rale. 31nitll.; gen•& building to the world, covering 270,- - oral eleho d rate. 310: mills .n the dol- 11rR 11011s,pinre feet of ground and cleating, El0,tooto. Na►- 1t is a mass of sculptur- ed marble and has a tower 4011 feet t e1 • 1\'r saes the garden where Fath afl.•r ]tuctrwl.rr l th was real, and on i:ridnc- Angled 1.. Cavell was executed by the Germanopent• chi le secured sirens Arty In 1D1:r. it IK n lovely place flllwl with p'asa"1• The following app Cole'. Rook Ston --.41010 Pelee Re *bow grnnnds. 411 comity rate IK the stunt' :1+ menagerie atilt 111" he feature with Spark- e1 been greatly ,•inert/ 1. year hot the township rat' is 111• I mmnsrment--/,•king i.s.plc Icrew -o,1 1, of n mill. Another bylaw rich and Vicinity Pan lookf,. authorizing the collection fl remaining of 3 per n day Aliment wonder when Oils n centon all u1xPN reainin11 unpntd Pnte•rtment exhibits in this Ifte 1 20t.1.% CENTURY LWONDER SHOW '' il.!illgllli illgl lilt NI{Ill ilu • C13""u%nifT PARADE FREE n. 10 30 A TWO AT 2 and DOORS OPEN ORE ROW f s %R 71, AIM mama NM i 11:0 VIS/T 771Y 'ifA14 fOr 0rflSI7WIff SEATS on SALE on CIRCUS DAY at COLE'S BOOK STORE. Sams price as at Show Grounds /CPA? fee on S141NI omits were paid: The N1%10.11111 World. suplies. Az.67 The .adrntn•e-Times• ,uMce, printing voters' 11.44 and n,lv4rt{wing• $101.05: 1. i,-rlingeo tr, c n i v e r t. Then.. No1.:e, •h04•p .1e.•Irnce1l 1.' dogs. P82: 1tis. 11owa11. .here deit`oted by AIW(to11 dug,. $07:.1 ('. Stoltz. sheep itayfleld ft: A. E. Purdou..rpptil•s for grader. myth It4.21: S. Dutchiu-.an, rPlrttr. for itAitmeis blooming plant. 141111 having n stone and an inscription. though the body of the brave woman was taken ter Westntlntrter Abbey In 1919. Brame Whitlock. the United States Consul, tied na.h• .uperhnm:ln effort. to re - mire her reheat.•. but 1t ons Of no avail. The cathedral of St. Gn.h11e f4 s very handsome strm•ntre', its nitnr 1e grader. $5.20: 1.. IL Itosman. tile. I1ttngannoo of the (inept ,ervinr In the world. The $milt: 1.. S.•rimre"ntr, three steel Exeter Germans used nearly all of the public culc'erts, $3!Mt.3(1; 1\111 \\'LLnnnn. FarltcicIt - teerb-HU, in* L:OI,EIt1CI1 buildings for T'ntrno T;(: ttitt-ttn. dM1 fn tf ptR,-Barn . FALL not destroy the city ns WAN their npirs ting .,mtrnet. M01r4.wan dill fl. clntntf. - 1P1a: John Gillespie. r.•t.l etlrrinten- The ride( Industry is the making of .h1nr.• X-11 "15: lrutrolniel,-f1. *S,rter. Brussels' lace. 1113: W Me11117 1.2 -;IR ; (:. R. Vin - Holland next -kind of windmills cent. P21.75: M; (.. \ientities. $1o: A. and canals: flat and featurele• . hat .\tnco•rlt. S. }1,111ahan. well tilled and a perfect garden of T. Robinson. $57.75: ]Iil,*' tnn flowers. The tercets are spotlealp • x200•1;2: -R. ]t p:nrnPs, (174;5: J (Gwen Sound Rollover Kim:online K irk ton t,lstowel London Liu•k m aw M l i che•11 •, FAIRS -1928 clean. and several lovely avenues of , \ insert. t_•(••• . trees are in the residential part. \1'e.' ('onncll adjourned to meet ,igt{n ON new the palaces of the Queen and the Tuesday. Seplender 11111. Queen Mother. and the Palace of I A. PORTHRFiF,1,T. Clerk. Peace. which 'neem. to represent smile- R'Ingham h{ more re tangible than a vi.•ion. if WEST 'HI'R/1N IA]1T:R 5('111}01. Ripley St. Marys Sea forth Terswater Toronto • TS192S zurlcl & L . tug t° i the fnt.,u There is n wondwrfltl art RES ( Rembrandt and Avery . The pen ild a Huron " ".vl°g stl a ' SUMMER COMPLAINTS' 1 tee nn11 n Hunm public s''lioolg wrote ou le•wgr In 111 smbje rl•-hediclltell i paintings by gallery here with mere .nnts The f Il pupils 1 f the West here are twiny of errs qua n ,. great tunny of them wear w(Nldea School egnnuintttha,• in 1924 and pslii- England. hat thorn nrP acd five time. ngI .1,S11FI1:Li1 a Sept. 21. 22 Rept. 25. Lai Sept. 19. 21' (h1. 4. Oct. 4. 5 Sept. 1S, 19 (h -t. 11 Sept. 17. 18. 19 SetiT 19-21 Sept. 19, 211' Oct. 2, 3' Aug- 21. 22' Sept. S-1.5 Rept. 27. 2S1 t3etst. 25. 201 Rept. 27. 2g Cwt. 4-11 Sept. 25. 211 Oct. 4. 5 Sept. 20. 21 Oct. 2, 3 Aug. 24 -Sept. R act. 9. 10 Sept. 24, 25' E F:II:&ITT.riltST YEAR ;10.33. d • 711 r"r - - nw•' •r Itl',tll t' GROWTH alit}I IN sixty years of growth, from a single office In Halifax to a position of international importance, there has always been a sincere spirit of helpfulness between this Bank anditl its customers. That was the spirit of the pioneers who founded this institution -that spirit guides our work to -day, r ole za,a xr.o r.,mm, You wilt dais &wilting at Th. RopE The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch iYs'x F. Woollcombe, Manager ter 9 0. F. CAREY & SON Li rnited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 _ Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO ,hoes. We Monett we sos slew nes i0- man.' here. No. :1. &Maier. F: &gram., grog.) : .Ae'a• ,t'olllns.at. J. a g,..11. 1 : 'MacDonald. 11. At the flea sign of 111111... during ALL ROADS LEAD TO Ig04u ': Mn.•c :rggor, 31•1111(gra ta-• the hot oetither give the little one hisl.. g'og i : Rintpw.p, NI.4ernm.. WESTERN FAIR Rnhy's (1Kn Tablets Or in 11 few h{gt.• ge.•R•'• !noire he mny be yot.,l aid. "&'carp'& Tablets will present summer roan - KILL LITTLE o. Williams Dealer in DOM LNI: PROVINCIAL. 111L'NI('I AND CORPO- RATiI BONDS F1re1 Accident. f tomoblle, and General insure - Agent t °thee, next to hank . 'omrnerce Phone 5:1 God ich Tltom+lln11. of motor car, uud s/,.r1••' gl'.11. nrltl. art. I.dansl 1 1. haat ileal if ghr❑ cs. i.1b.nnlly to OP well s 1• Mt 1 vKPn Plaint 1 tetlf Iwamoto: of KtN.cial Inning will ,Omit- i n drie (NI. (, art. child. /111.1 will promptly repave tl r 1\'e-tCrIt 4(ttarto men, that w•{VP• And drick. ]I. (gr%tm. hest, 11*'..g, nrith.. t.1ndlies to Western Ft;r. Landon.' 1t1:1lhle.• {f Ihg pump on sn.1.1"1111. err. botany 1 ; etas.. Kenneth 1¢rnm . ltab)'s (/wen T.abl't. •11.111.1 ;11W:i - 1N• 111 I15111.kept In ere fl' i1.. ".11.wler 4fh to g0f,¢.1. 1 ,,,.• where there arae g \.. 5- -ander-oma Norm, (gees 1. \\'ittt n cnn+tnni i .Rinser and Hurl- y.nng childilm. There le no otter prncutY .xhibetiott in wtut It the nFr1- \.i. 11. }'o•t'r, '1ir¢argt ILI•. u • 1111ellrt,.. e+ w•K.t au.L the mot]pt:r_hll .. . 011 lira interest Is nlw.tys to the aeric. 1. 1 1 \'r.N'nt:ui. 1'uwldy (g'i'1rk • i art, agile. 1.1. the g°nr;Opp that the -Y- are ah.ohtic fore. \\'*'stern Fair promise. 1111.1y ¢u fp. They nr4' .old i.y mel drugtear to Asch the peak of its long j' No. 1°. 1t..y.1. Gordon (gene.) : Clumpbcii. win. (11'°11.. 1,40,1 1y t : ' • las or will be m tiled on re: 0110 of ori • • 25 cents per boo. by Tlu 11r. Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada offers tinny attractive forms of policies. Consult um regarding tlwsc•. 4 H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 r• The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFE INSURANCE (Sun Life Cs.). ACCIDENT. SICKNESS. AUTO. ETC.. UNSEBANCE 1I Houses and Lots In Goderida and Vi' r t clotty, and Farmsfor Salt +euw .a.nru•w 812201 well buy a 2:story (trick Ilona* qt) htt4t; 1111.1 large lot. Residential 1N•ntlon. tt 91500 will buy a fine 11,4t -story Ronne; - good apleurnne"; partly furnished (g.oal fur 11lurel ; convenient ake m,venient to t. frust un.l ttlutrf. 81200 sill buy- n g.N.11 Home anal tot. tl' Britannia road. $21141 .:1-h paywutt balance same as rent. 9700 will buy 1'! -story house, small stable nod lot. Small *loon payment; h' monthly I''m1•ttt peau for INlkulce. f, SSW will bac' heat Cottage:. 2 lots. .i Smell down payment: monthly pay- h alert fur balance. 92700 will ally tr_tery (gooier l'.2 -story Itouse. A real home; (1111 modlern equipped; hot water heated; flue lot 1'nib ¢1'111¢1'; excellent lo•ntlon; Calle hila road• Eo,'lleat llonse; full modern equip- d : w,11 des,'rated ; completely fur - 1 peal ; ready for -occupation; tine i.s,Itluu; ut u Lasgain. Choice Rriek House; modern design; full modern equipped ; hot water heated; One lot end enrage: vie - .ria street ; convenient to Square. 82: cash p iymettt w111 hue a good - hoot ; cn1Venlenq to Victoria scbooL 4:well mins for smell balance. Farms Many Shu s Farms with all build - Ingo; some ti erred; almost any itlze or lineation refit • 1; very low in Dr e and wigs terms. Ask about them. Li -'fury of excellence. l'urwting It. 'sill's of replacing old l tiII Zings with new 0110•. 1he board as ordered the demolition of some rt,,• honored structures to make way for Ih' ring IlPw ='el rtul brlf•k lite- •t.N•k arena. Net Is« then 11.-111.000 will be Px- pende.l this year on nttrnetione anal prizes. which are sere 10 finite mord entries and bumper entre.. ' The ugrh•ultnnil.• Industrial and handicrafts exhibits will evert all previous efforts and will he well 41,- pltlyed In the,tna¢nifleent new bnlhi- tne. prncId0d. Fntertnlnment for paint nod old, nn tm1l patgnhle feature of ere y Ev hRdtlnn, will he on A bleb plane. with etellar grand1ttnd attrnctleng. A 'lean. lire midway, poultry exhlAl- ttfm. ..bog ah.'w, mnehinery evhihits. the ever -poplar flredorkg 4l p)tiy. and neper fenNlMt. "Western Fair le too hig to glee thornttrhly In to half-dat or 0 few boors," cart Aeeretary W. T. Jtork•nn. (-Woke an 'early efart. bring the whole \',mitt and plan for At *1st a fall .44r with no, nr. hotter still. two day•" • stool., Norma (gong.. nrtl, Williams'Medicine (o., 1tnN•1.&110. N,,. 111. ('roster. Clifford (gtitti. plisaog- arith., art. zoology) ; iLnay. (net. % little. booklet. "('are of the .tld,a, (grant.. nrith.. zoology). , 1t0he in }lealtli nn.1 Sieknes .' nil! 1 be sent: free 1.. iutr mother on request. No. 17-\ic\\'hinnpy. 1in¢lt fgranl..i hist . p1•y•iog, nrt. °gree. 7), : ST.tNT.EY The Tactful }India nil: "Mc 111.°r. No. 4 fila*', ]lapel (gram., grog, n man WAN slot 111 he n lairglar. find aril. his life wen• etced Irk A Manan which Nn. 7. --Reichert. .1. C. (Rena., ra'•the bullet struck... ()logy), STEPHEN Nn. 7.-Rn'*'Itzer. ]i. F. (agree. 11. n.e 5.-- Ttronner. (ieiM (gram.. lonCl. EAST .%NT+ WERT WAWAN11R11 No. 7.-_ ('hfmner, V. (re.ng.l : Rote inion, R. Ureic.. arts. No. R.--Me('tillnm. F. (gong.. art) : Vinfent. H. (¢Pog•1. No. 12.-McCee• V. N. (list.. gent.. tort. eerie, 1.) : Neale. 'Barham grog.. art. merle. 1.1: Weh'ter, Jean (111o1.. ren¢., art. Aerie. 1.1. No. 13.--Meilnwell. Graeme (rene-. nrtth.. art. aerie. 1.1 : McTMw41l, lTar- vev (grog., trlth., Art. aerie- 1.1. - No. 17.---McXee. Charles (Rene.l. f ertlSeate• and marks of fellates 111" Wife: -Melt. allot nbont It'" "Nothing. my dg.tr• only the lmtton wand have been on.". sosoi Rualiteit As 1'gual • The C»wtnms "Myr in the parlor of hi. 'snug home, awnitiig news (If the Important event flint wan taking place In the next room. Soddenly n nnr'e Anent into the room hearing In her arms n stroll Mrod1e. "it'a a boy." she mild, "and every- thing hag gone splendidly." "Oh. has it r' replied the nffl er. absent-mendedly. Then in stem tone% he addren'M the MmrMi-"Have tmt any wines. spirits. perfumm tntmron, here been sent to secretary of tea(her. *Mk, opera giasue*, w*tetle1-•' yl. Huron Investments Limited Stock Brokers Bond Dealers Insurance .4+7144, Royal Bank Building, Boderich, 0.1. Pkones 430 and 445 • itranch (4111,•. nt \Vinthenl, Ont. I Office ddyts--Monday Saturdays, or any request- ( ' For all particul: W J. W. Rad lam P. O. Bea fit. t TROTS &god 31 .pedal J. W. Craigie Real Liston(' Insurance i • • 4 1M• • 1,7 For a real investment nothing s better than $1.25 for one share of preferred and one of con'. From The (Hobe of recent date:--- lties ki ''-a,'' Royal Roy mon; yielding 1Z per minIth• . Oil Royalties, which during the 101 PI" "",1';',1,11";,1, Irge stated that he personally is quite istisiii il ‘Niln int' Initnnfr in which those royalties companiea b• has invustigated to ante' 3" W. J. ?own'.