The Signal, 1928-8-9, Page 8,.r• Wes y, August 1► 1588 rF! Roe `It's Her Birthday Don't forget there's a Greeting Card for every occasion. BIRTHDAY, ILLNESS, CONGRATULATION, BIRTHS, ETC. "Scatter Sunshine with Greeting Cards Cole's Book Store The Leading Men's Store SMART WEAR HAND TAILORING Special Orders to your measure Chas. Black Phone '2I!i A woman with a few ('hile:e 1 never among the unen►pioyed.-l. gar Times. FOR YOU, DUB RXAp$R Readers of The Signal are W- elted to assist In making this column Interesting to all. Let us have the names of any visit- ors you are entertahylug; or if you or any of your friends are taking a trip we Auntie appreci- ate It 1f you would let ns know. Many people at home.and at a distance rend the Personal Men- tion column with interest each week. With the co-operation of all our readers it will be mill more Interesting. PERSONAL MENTION rt` *HE SIGNA ,i ford, were shakers In town over the wee'k'end. • Capt. John MacDonald returned un Wednesday from Toronto, where he 'had been working for the past sev- eral months. Miss Margaret Moore, of Toronto, wag It recent visitor ut the home of her 411.1111. Mrs. t'athttiue Cameron, Cedar street. Rev. W. .3. Dean tool 7slste f Stella. of I'ot't London's. aro visiting their -later. Mr". J. Royle, and reh'g rela- tives in Ashfield. Mr. and Mr+. Rooney a11Q Mr. and Mrs. Ilaslum. of Tonrot.'. aero ci-it• .ors at the home of Sirs. Jas. Doom at the week end. Mrs. Win. Farr returned Monne on Satunlay after slwadliiy two et41'ks with her (6uughter. Mrs. Morena Hearn. at Strnttont. Air. snit Mrs. William Beard and j dare' ,'hiLln•u and Mi-. Gr.) r Wel:s. of IM•frnit. •l I1e,l Mr. 1L l:. \cells. Mrs. \V. M. Johnson it visiting at' of town. hist %%eels. Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Gray. of 4'lece- M1r. Con. Statin totem the; week -end I hand. Ohio. spent the noe•k-end of at Stratford. Itenusiller• visiting Mrs. Gray. ntoth- M!ss 1.ottle Robinson 14 spending a, .r, Mrs. S1.wtart. M-. ar,1 Mr.. W. Me•: I!. o1 1h•- ; few days in Toronto. Miss Annie S. Newell. of Detroit. trot, were r•.'ent c:-i:.:r< at the holidaying In town. !:once of Mr and Mrs. W. \t. .lohu- 51r. Reg. Smith, of Toronto, [meta i -ton. Park street. the week end in town. i Mis.. Val-':.'?ee h, t -t ' is Mr._F.:.1, £UioIL eL Turuuto_ ytrot Sunday Mr.. \\'. I 0 h ti .0 .! Grnul tlic wet'k-end ht town. I Valley. (1111 an,; t1^ �ITaii Th L- Ali>- Goldie t'on.tleld was a visitor, man, of at Torooto the isn't week. Mrs. D. AI. lint,*, ef 1..111..1111e Mr. tn..t Mrs. S .\.•Smith and fain- E. Is holl.latlne at the hoorah- of her. left en Monday for (►-haw'a. parents. Mr. and Air.. .1.•Iu, S ('::ark. llLse- .1. and J. K..1,Rnty. of New! Colborne township. York. aro holiday Inc in town. Miss 31.1Cdale,.4' re:ura- \Ie.rs. Ernest 1111,1 innaes Haut, of ; e,1 to l:er l...ui' at Detroit after Toronto, are holldaciilg 1n town. spending three 741.1.. with ler moth- Alr. and Mrs. Wm. Price and fatality er. Mrs. Alan Cotyler. 1.•nt the week -end at Owen Sound. , Mr. Carl Iteudriek. who Lad igen Mr.. Wm. Tighe. of Windsor. is sales.•lerk 1), F. Hoar. -tore the last visiting Mrs. :Ins. 14'4)). itegent two years. left this. week for Brant- .areet. ford, where he has ti position. Mr. an.1 Mlrs Wnitir itn•hnntin, of Miss Eleanor Whi7ty- retuned home Tnro11t.., are spending holidays in fruit Toronto on satnr.lac and w11s t„sail. a.e•nmtrtnle) by her nnnt on.! tnn•!e. Miss Biggar left this week to *lend Mr. and Mrs. Hugh \l. ...eni. a 7':,,-atiot1 at Kennetrtnk Reach. Mk* hnrothy Met4r.nnld has re - Slain.. , turned to her home at Kit.'Iwner af- Mr Harry Wilann.of Fort William, ter •mending w•,Pral weeks with her spent a couple of days in town the i cousin. MIs. Mildred SioKac. past week. I lir. and' Mrs. 47.'! . Ilutty Ind. -sol. Alla. 'Audrey cook. of Hamilton. 11 of Hamilton. au.l 11r. and Air-. ;4' hntfrtncfng with her'friend Mb** Jean± Phfpp.. of Filltertnn. .pent Sunda at' pi. Andrews. i the home of Sir. and Mr-. J. 1Tn-".'r. Mr. N. Sterman. of Buffalo. i+ holt- Mies Dorothy and Sir 11Pr_en„n dnyhar art the home of \U•. nn'1 Mrs:, Stuith. of Toronto, are 'gentling alar tr .3. Cornfield. ; cncatlon at the home of their parents. Mrs. .1 Kramer. of Detroit. 1s visit- Mr. and Man. Jamt•s Smith, limon :ng at the home 1.1 \11.- T.mton and rod. \ir-. Win. Tait. Sirs. J. Hoggartlt has returned from Mr. an.1 )Ir.. 44.1111 14.41)..1 8041 •1111 n cleft to IK'ltebwn'r. Mrs. Jack For - .Tack. of Timmins. visited friends 111 den. her daughter. returned with town ,Irvin^ the we. k. I her and is [pending a few days In Mr. rind Mrs C. G. henry. .d felts -1 tone. .:Irdine. visited Mr. 1)74,1 Mrs. W. 51. Cul. J. I. McLaren and Mrs. Me- Johneon nr the week -end. Laren.. of Hamilton, with two wens Alis.. A. Frer•mn11. of W alken'ille. in • and nue danghter, were visitors 111 V141111n^ 111 the home of her pa mut..' town this week. staying at lintel Dr . and Sirs. Froman. , $$haat. Pr. f.. 11. Mabee rehirned venter- 1 Mis .' Edith Williams. Claire day- from a motor trip to G0nnnnqut1 RPy'uo1ds and Eleate.r 'Hors motored: aiter,. ho visited his brother. to i'enetnng on Saturday to join the, Apr+. 1.nbeile We1141. of T1Pttr'it. feel cruising party on the yacht Sidi-101in uteric of Goderich. I. crating with nu a trip to Sault Ste. Mariks her sen,. Mr. 11. E. Wel!s. • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McBrien, of. Mr. G. A. Carrie. of Toronto. event Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, set -ern) days this week with hi• of Whitechurch, and Mrs. D. Stevens, brother. Mr. 3a.. C. Carrie. of London, attended the Cox -Smith )Iles Lillian Patteraar is si.iting ,wedding in Goderich on Wednesday, I her sisters. Mrs. Gen, Gee and Mr.. Mr. C. V. Williams eta. returned Alf. Gilham. at Brantford. t.. Detroit and Mr. 11. C. William. to Mr. 11114 Mr.. .1n.hnn Johnston and New (Wenn. otter spending tw.. tomtit. ..t T•iwmatn'Rla. 7.t.11e.1 *Rh Week.. vacation ret the home of their friend. Ins town this wa•k. potent.. Mr. and Nr.. Geo. Williams., Mr. tool Mrs. Ale.. 3iseLenn, end , Sir. ami Mae.. Mervin Mi'Qmirrle children, of Windsor, are visiting and children and Mr. Tom Martin friend., in town and In A.hflel.l. have returned to Toronto after lisle, D. L. and W. Scranton COAL Pocohontas and Alberta Lump Shingles and Cement, Second-hand Lumber, such as Ceiling Lumber, lath. q'ainecotting, 2 x t; Rafters and Studding, Sheeting, Window's and Window Sills and about :t(),1er' good Brick. - Wm. McClure Phone 42 Dungannon I• NOTICE i am goil,g \\'c:t for cattle.. and i will he in touch with all leading stunk Markets. I will till orders for carloads or small lot., and will he pleased to give you any information regarding -ante. I will leave August 14th. .\ft' -r that date, phone or write M. PRIES. FORT)\VICII, anti information will be forwarded SHELDON BRICKER, Fordwich, Ont, WARNING Bicyclists or, rentinde.l that riding On' the sidewalk- 1 - strictly prohibit es] Offenders w'i.l1 Is. pr"seeute,l without further morning R. C. POSTELETHWAITE, Chief of Police Mr.. Blake Cheer and family hare' returned home after .ponding the p4•t week with friends at Toronto. • Mr-. H. J. Fisher and .nn RPR. • Late' returned from a visit to mks- , rice. at Kingston and Gnnnnrwlne. Alt. rend Mr.. (;e4.. Rex. of Winds.•r. ' aro holiduying ret the home of Mr. and \frs.. Frank Riley. Regent street. Pr. and Mr. TTillynr.1 and lir. rind. Mrs. Wilfrid Hillard. .1 Wnt,•rlm. , spent the week -end with friends here. Mr. W. C. Stewart, of Ottumwa. roes, is visiting his father, Mr. Wm. ' Stewart. and other relatives in ttorn.' Mr.. W. .3. ihmer and 411174 .\1es.. of Toronto. are visiting ret the l,onie of Mr 4104! Mt+. W. Abel. Elgin OremMP. I Al r. )4ni Mrs. R. F. .Ulan rend .on Racmo.ul. of Detroit. are visiting Mr.. Allen'- m•nher. Mrs. .\leton.l`r Law v d1. Mr'. Ja.. C. Carrie and children are Lofltl.r ng nt 41 a home of her parents. Mr. and Mr.. .\. Romig. Paris. Mr. and Mrs. (l.car Lawrence. of Toronto. spent the week -end ret the home c' Aire. .3. Rnchnuan, Elgin nye•nnc. Mr. 'liry.tnl • .\r.'hcr an,I Mr. Mel- drum Cuff .returned on Tuesday after .S tild'rrs- a delightful - vne-tti..n at \In•koka. Mr. Ansi Mrs. Wm 1'.arnet and ,:an¢hu•r. \i:,ry and Nora. of Strnt- WE OFFER- Goderich Elevator & Transit Co., Ltd. Stock Price on application Huron Investments Limited Royal Rank Bldg. GODERICH, ONT. Phones : 430 and 44S Ing the past two week. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIlonnld. Lighthouse , street." Mr..811,1 Mr.: Lorne .litcht41nn nlNl danghter. Joon. of Elmwo.wl. and Mr". R. J. M110111 and Mlse. Nan Munch. of Leamington. ore visiting at the house of Mr. one Mr.. J. F. Mutcl1. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart and wan Leonard. of Kartnas City. Mo.. arrived on Tuesday to spend a .41-14 or two at Mr. Stewart's old home at Il.-nmillcr. They made the trip by nntomotd!e. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. Van Hotcn and children. Lillian and Leslie, motor-' eat rep trona ttetrrll Ate] .4a•bt the .eek *'tad ret the home of Mrs. Van )loten's parents, Mr; and Mrs. Alex. Henderson. Cumbria mad. Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Wise and Mr. and Mr.. Donald McLachlan. of To- ronto (formerly of Golcrielti. are Inking n trip be motor throng!, '1w' lar to the Lake Champlain district nrol tack by wont- of the United States. The following !limonites from To. rnntn Orr 414:171)11 ret the Hotel "Point ideal." l rake of Rays: Mr. and Mr.. F. Floiwly. Miss .\nun *,ray. MIs. Olive Moody. A}1sy .\t('(a Smith. Riess' (slice Marian! and Miss Doris 31, Khllay. Mrs. W. J. Pinkham and Mr. Bert Foley have returned to Detroit after •ncnding a week with their father, Mr. Rohl. Foley. Rfpglnn etre^t. Mrs. Pinkham was ncpompnnied by her son. Robby. who had spent a mmnt1; here with he• grninItothcr. Mr.. R. Stn-igroce, of 1k•fr,!t. and ,laughter. lir.. Garwood .\'•ton. of (;riuwby, ar'.'mpnnlel by Mrs. F'rn.er of 1.n.know and Mr. and \ire. Frnser Snelor+oce, 111.4) of ile- trott. rolled on Gewler$Ph friend* nv4r the week -end. Mrs. F. P. Chewning and Mies Myrtle Tlnish.; of Washington. 11.C.. Are rtruktner It)telr stinted violt to Goderleh and ore the gne.t. of Mr.. Chewning'[ 'brother. Mr. J. W. ✓ - GODERI(,'t , resettle,' and Mrs. Or*igie at their home at Lighthouse -Point. Mr. J. J. •Van Every of Chicago. Nether of Mrs. T. 11. Rothwell, 1•o1. borne street. is here on a few days reit to his old how town and is en- jte-Iug hiuluete immensely.' LLke everyone else,' he has a warm spot In his heart for the plat* of hair birttt. Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace an- nounce the cngagetnent of their daughter. Emma. to Rev. Robert Wal- lace Paton, M.A.. of Arden, Ont., eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Pa- ton of Fleeherton. the marriage' to take place the latter }tart of August. Mr. and Mrs. William Brindley. Mr. W. Johnston and Mr. J. D. WII•, sou motored to London on Sunda)" 1,1111 visited friends there. On the return trip they brought with them Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell. the for- mer having been In one of the London hoa}dtals for treatment for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Snmuel Cade return - el on Saturday from et most enJoS- aMle trip to prints in Western Can- ada. They were away about two months. spending some time in :\liar• to and then proceeding to Victoria. R. C. Mr. Cale informs The Signal that the crop. In the West are looking. fine. out-of-town _assts ser the Blue Rin! Teat Sh.•I•: Miss Beth' Walt. Mrs. Jae. Welt. Drew Walt. Mrs. l'tanJa14. Henri Itanjai.l, W. - carter. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1'. s'aelyle. Miss Car- ide. Mew BncMaunn. Toronto: mite Vera Davidson. Struf.'nl ; Miss Haines. Miss O'Brien. Mrs. and 3tons( Jones, Mrs. R. Beattie. Mrs. Ingram, London: Mrs. W. Martin. Mrs. C. M. Walker. Oakwood: Mrs. Mary Wood. Miss Jessie Weo.l. Mr.. .1. Thurlow. Detroit: Mr. anal \Ira. R. E. Sagle. Ann .3rtfor: Dr. Jas. not le. Kltehen- er: \Liss Hallows, Rayon. 4►hio. • Mrs. FfWherIngten. Keats .treat. 11.1.1 for guests on the holiday Mr. and Mr-. Hugh McIntosh and hobby Me - Kenzie of Lneknow. Dr. John Me- T.ean. Ali. Sarah McT.eat: and liars ('nthnrine of Chicago. \ir Nell flood-' hand of Detroit, Mr. 1h raid McLean :nn! Mk. Md.Pnn of Lothian. Mr. :111,1 Ales. John Miefnto-I, end the 4.., s. Robert and Frel...1 Paramnnnt. Mr .1a.. A. Thnmp*nn of Toronto. Tlv. W ft. Melntn.1i of Loudon and Mrs. • ('•trh•tou 11. Mann of North Carolina. \ire. Mann w111 remain a few week., visiting her sl -ter nod other friends 1.. c.,.r,..:..t, ,arJ►wrtie.�^n 'B N BOLT" 111 Received Ne - ' Writing g. abllahed be 1t801f(47T4R SERPENT& Promo Than Immemorial Sea Seeptrse Has Figured In Story gad Legend. Pliny the Roman naturalist (21- 71 A.D.) tells or eoormoua water and land serpents, some so large thea wbole armies were sent against tbsrn. The hardy Norse fisheries* saver thrilling stories of sea mobsters. Olans Magnus. a Swedish Isiaho� wrote of "a very targe serpent of length upward of lee Net and 20 het In diameter, with a row of baits two feet in length hoagies fres the neck. sharp scales of dark soler, and Drilllaat, fiamtng eyes. It attacks bests and snatches away the men by raft - tag Itself high out of the water, and devours them." Hans EEgsde, a Norwegtaa missiet♦ miry to Greenland, tells of encounter- ing, on July 6. 1734, "a vary terrible sea animal, which rnieed heal[ so blgh above the water that its head Hasa ed above our maintop. It had a Msmg, sharp snout, aid blew like a whale." The oaraab, with a body from 16 to 20 feet long, and almost as then as a ribbon. is believed by room* iso turallsts to be the creature whish gave rise to many remarkable yarn. told from ancient days until now, d "sea serpents." The silvery body, crossed with dusky stripes, the Fro- tewque head and face, with enlarged fins Upped with red, waving above like a hone's mane, might well give foundation. It is said. to almost any story. Still no one can definitely say that the sea serpent doem not exist WINE SKINS. eeleraftm Made Viweels for Holding Wine From Aminal Skins. The vessels chiefly used In the 1.3- 4 days for holding wine, were near - !ably the skins of animals. Thies skins were formed :nto crude bap and the seam, were cemented with p1teb or resli, Such were the Irina- sting in♦skins successfully employed by the wily Gibeonitee In tbelr negotiations with Joshua. These were succeeded by the earth- enware jars known as amphorae, the d ee and shape of which are obviously modelled on the primitive wineskin. The amphorae was glazed Inside and not outside, the glazing being a res- inous composition evidently *opted from that used for whisking. Its sec paclty was about three gallons, sad its aperture was at the thidk end or top, unlike the wineskin, which wag filled and emptied at the thin end or bottom. This simple but thoroughly ptactl- eal vessel for eontatnlhg wine remain- ed in use without change for many centuries in Egypt Greece, and Rome. It was stored by thrusting the small end into the cellar floor of dry sand. When the first Uer was completed it was covered up deeply with more dry sand, another tier of amphorae was placed above It, also smothered' In seed, and there It was left for years to mature at n even temperature. ' • To hast else a the million.. hummed,'warbled and sin theaes, 4x ncert * and hosungts and "perttrorated'r androputu on a roll to be ground out on mediantred pianos and organs, and yet recelee so compensation-not'even'a copy of his °i n braise child -owns the• experience of Dr. Thomas Dunn English, author of the truly immortal -lien Bolt." to ii43 Dr. -Eagllab, a praetIcln` phystbanlat Port Lee, N.J . promised two of Ms personal Mends. the edi- tors of the New York Mirror. ',poem of the sea as a contributi,.n. Little dad he dream that this pt em would go doers Into hfetory as use of the greatest sentimental ditties of the age. Whea he sat down to write the divine afates was nowh,•re in .I until be betian to delve into re nacos of PIs boyhood. Mechanioall7 he wrote Ae Ilse: Don't you remember sweet Altee. . pen Bolt? • Then followed a poem of five 'taw awe d eight lines each. Not until the liana line kr there any reference to the soak when suddenly the hero's oecu- patlon Is given us as "Bennett of the sal -sem gale." It was this lqt line that strengthened the bpllad and tulNfed the promise of a se* poem to the author's edhor-frlesds. Of It went and was duly published on sep- istmbar 1. 1843. The author thea eaeayed to set the po*erftr mean, but With no success, But tho tune welch earrfed "Dan Bolt" to envy tenter of the English - speaking woffi was as old German melody. It came through the efforts of Nelson Kneaas, a rowing taiatrel dnger. While appearing at a Pittsburg theatre Kneen was told by the management that 41 a new song could be produced be would be added as the east of tae nextplay asbeduled. He consulted a hangar -on lit the theatre, lr former British }our - mallet, A. M. Hunt Heat bad read "Dein Bolt" In an English neweoaper. gave K to Koreas from meory and ail- ed In from his Imagination when his memory tailed. Kneaas tberoupos adapted the German melody to the worda'aad subsequently the cowrie - ed song was introduced in the sew Play. 'The Battle .of Buena Vista.' The drama died, but the song sure 'Med. A musk publisher obtained the copyright and reaped a fortune. A lot of things that once were snap• posed to result In disgrace now result In 11 Mori` 4.0114n(t.-Arkan41n' Ca-. zettc. . rtlattA Xttkttar<titu/rs/wV'Yuflrtt'1r/1nrYttntlltrs CCffltXXXtAAXa/7tXiAttflulVb/lttflXrflunAXX=4stfytstl•fMefYtAXMC XXXXXX 911.1928 TIM SALE IS ON 1911-1928 Follow the Crowds to Robins' Anniversary Sale. ;" , Watch Our Windows for Special valves M. ROBINS moccocxxxxxx:coccoccoccootaccxxxxxoocxxx ► Everybody had adopted "Sweat Alice" as their pet. Th.' g>;ace a the Mese and the repetition of "Ben Bolt" made It highly effective. The ballad Welt ' voices a unlvereal Mane. It echoes the vain regrets of a mea who looks back upon a youth that Ig gone forever. So much *o that Dig Maurler In 1336 utilised this a DORM C$ISLLOLM: iu Godelticb township on Tuesday, August 7th, to Mr. and lire Leo p. (altaols, a dangh- ter (Mary Lone). DONAL1NSON.-At the hots* of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae. A. Strachan. Toronto strut, Goderich, on Thursrhty, August 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Dona/doom of 110 Melrose are.. Toruuto, a son JONES. -At Illghktne Park General Hospital, IIeghland Park, 311414., July 27. 11424:. to Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Joue. ince Dear* Pebudfootl, a danghter, Barba re Elaine. DIBD• OAREY.-In Goderi41,, on Saturday, August 416, Oswald 'k1:'ederitit Carey, aged 72 years• McKHNZIE.-In Asbdekl tangier. on Sunday. August 5th, Mary Mg- Kenaie, widow of the late Donald. McKeesie, In her 71st year. AUCTION SALES TU.:AILI:VI(i AUCTION SALE OF fiDURE.'H'(NjD FI'RNITt'ltE A:Ni1 FI'RNISHING& MR. GERALD (i.~NEWTON will sell by public auction at his residence. Nona street. Got.rlch, os OATURI►AY. A1'Ot'ST 174h. commencing at 1.30 "'clock, all the contents of the house, eond.ting In part of: 1 Maaw A Molt upright piano. 1 library table. 1 oak rocker, 1 oak bookcase, 1 12x 13.0 wilton rug, 1 walnut *weer. table, 1 wheker meter. 2 wicker chairs. 4 upholstered' chairs. 1 dining table and chairs, 1 sideboard. 1 hall rack, 1 ink bedroom art. 1 chetry he4ronm set. 1 walnut bedroom set, Mink*(., pillows, carpet., 2 kit- chen tables, di.he4, teoking utensils. 1 coal 41407.4'. 1 NMt.•ater. 1 0ll 41t"YP, Flr11Pt1 coQ.Id.. and11nnmerons other artlelen. Thi. 1n a 'mien.] id lot of fanri.hing• and will be mold w'1114.101 any reserve. as the premie*. ar,. rented. TERMS coin. TH,04 GrNIORY, GOIDERICH, T. GT-NORT & SON. Au.•tloneer.. a LIVE STOCK AND GENERA, 1 - AUCTIO.�iORR CLEARING AT'(Tit"' SATE OF Telepboae No. 120. 114)11.1E FURN! SHINt;i AND Saler atteadtd to anywhere sad .ee p F1FFI,JCTB. effort made to Sive aadstaetlea Farmers'. sale notes discounted. !AAT o• f FOUND" i OST.- ON TiS BQUARh �41 Monday evening, Atrsust (kb, a ,grey fur eat ed' a otlat. Suitable re - want Finder please leave s( SIG- NAL OFJ'10E. Ci)um),-D10'LIVDBY BOY'11 change bag cxwrtaining sum Of money. Owner may have same by paying for thle ad. and proving *sea. eridilp. Apply at TILE SIGNAL OPTICS. LOST. -ON THURSDAY, AUGUIT 2.0x1, a logging chain at Dealt". Meier please reteru to JOHN CHIS - HOLM. R. R. No. 3, Gederlcb. WANTED WreAN1®.-MAID 1( 38 0PThi pRAL housework. Apply to BOX 38, Goderich P. 0. tt TO KENT TO RI@7P. STORE SUITABLE 1041 grocery or olace, Immediate pore seuxurBS. (Potteries. ne. AWAY to ALO][. NOVCIL TOil'PORS VOTIGz-IS HEREBY GIVEN TO le all persons balm elating apinst the estate of carom* Schwan[, late of the town of Goderkh, 11 the county of Iluron, wbo Sled oa Or about the 23rd day of July, A.D. 192e, to send the same, duly proem. to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of August, as on and after that date the assets of the said estate i►111 be dlatribnted among the parties theretoentltlel, re- gard being given to only those from whom notice shall hare been received. DATED at Goderich this 31wt day of July. A.D. 1921 HAYS A HAYS, Godericb, Ontario. 4&k•Iton for the Executor of the shore este] , 3p: AUCTIONEERING aasopblsticated little song as the pi- votal tsvotal point In his famous "Trilby," tally fifty-two year,' after Its ant dppearance to America. Dr. hagfish was tared of relating that atter the snag was pirated a ship, a steamboat and a racehorse were named after It, adding: ''The seep was wrecked. the steamboat e: - "boded and the horse never won a race" -somewhat consistent with his own 111 luck In never receiving gay royalty. His sole compensation was in watching "Ben Bolt" gliding safe - is through the singing waters of sone- , Opole -Air Parliament ll'be oldest open-air Parliament in the world, known as the Isndsge- mdnde, which has beton held yearly every May since 1412 In the market place of Altderf, capital of the can - top of Ura, swttserlaud. was abolish- ed recently by a majority vote In favor of a secret ballot to bake plate fa' the town hall. Laws have bees enacted L.1 more than 600 years simply 1,v c;ain : • arms. Six other Taodsgen. ' :.1, : still eclat la the smaller Swiss c_nions. IN MEMORIAM SCOTT. -In loving memory of Miss Frances Scott, of Auburn, who passed away five years ago, ,&bust 6. 1921. The pearly gates were opened, A gentle vain said, Cotte, And with farewells unspoken ;a fine gently entered home. Some day we hope to meet again. Some day, we know not When. To clasp her hand In a better land Never to part again. -Sally mine) by (ibarlle Scott.t STALKER. -in loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Robert Stalk- er, who passed away seven years ego today, August 0, 1921. ; When evening shades are falling And we are sitting.aione, - In our hearts there cosies a longing --1 i? yon only could come home., • Friends may think we hive forgotten When ■t times they see not smile. Rut they tittle know the heartsehe Our smiles hide all the while. -Sadly massed by eons and da lighters. PIM SALE CIA)VI.1R HONEY FOR SALE. --TEN _rents per pound In your own con- tainers at :the Nurseries. STEWART iIROS., Ilenmiller. LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE! FOR SALE. -A NUMBER ONE SUM- MER RESORT, with the proftlest .•enery- around Godericli. Good Deas fishing. Good hone., with garage large entomb to hold fire or six can. Will hell at redua'ed' price. Come and invert property immedintely. S. HAL - STEAD. I'Iper's Ilam, Godes-kb. 2t FOR SALE. -SEVEN -ROOM WHITE brick hoose. Good location on North street. Modern conveniences. Apply to G. G. NEWTON. the Square. iiPRTGHT PIANO (BEILL) roll eo SALO.-la ant -class coadltioa. Apply to DONALD MaeKAY, P. 0. Box 467, Goderich. DESIRABLE RORIDENCE PROPER- er TY FOR SALE. -At terser of 1114 - Mania road gad William street. Tea tents besides batbreem, closets. ate. Gooi rerun. Ali e•svedseee. Per term. acid Airtime partieelaru apply t• DONALD 4acLAY, P. 0. Box Mf. 1 oad6rNh : K We here receive,! lusttut'tlou+ %bpm D. Mcl►ONALI►, Esq., to sell without say re.•rve at his I- dem*. Wellington street, (ioderlt•tf, .on BATt'R14AY, AI'GUST 11th, commencing at 1.30 sharp. all the con- tents of the house: Library ani Dieing-raaa4-One green wicker arm (hair; 1 white wick- er ars chair; 1 rocking chair; 1 taper - try arm chair; 2 rugs; 1 black walnut table; '1 wastepaper basket; 1 group statuary; 4 curtains and rings; 1 table, dining -room extension; 1 dinner wagon; 2 pain curtains; 1 chllter black walnut chair; 1 wicker tea stand; 1 pair baby scales; odd dishes and glasses; 1 red wool rug. Lower Halls. --One stool; 1 black walnut cupboard; 1 table; 1 chair; 1 hat rack; 1 child's tricycle; 1 express wagon; 1 doll's hoose; 1 reeking horse; 1 doll's carriage; 1 child's ham- mock stand; 1 Steinway upright piano: 1 piano stool; 1 music stand; 1 china cabinet ; 1 equare mahogany chair; 1 mahogany and brocade chair; 1 small arm chair; 1 ebony table: ornaments and china; 1 perrb arm chair. 3'eratada.^ .Three large grass mats; 2 low wicker green arm chairs; 1 large rocker; 1 white woven arm chair; 1 whlte woven table; 1 green table; ), square table; I wicker stool; 1 mat. seat; 1 low green chair; 1 white woven sofa ; 1 cushion; 1 veranda swing' *ouch; 1 bark basket for flowers. ! Frost Saimaa -One rug; 1 bed- stead, mattress awe springs; 1 toilet'. table, wltb drawers and mirror; 1 black walnut table; 2 chairs, cane gents; 1 rocker. white enamel; 1 bed- side table; 1 set of fire irons; 1 ma• bogany highboy ; curtain and drapes. Seegrtd Bedroom. -One large rug; 1 small rug; 1 Inlaid black walnut bred. 2 mattresses and perinea; 1 inlaid black walnut toilet table, dresser table; 1 Inlaid black walnut washing stand; 1 toilet get; 1 large arm chair witW► athlete Cover; 1 lounge with chid ever; '1 chair; 1 white enamel table; 1 brown table; 1 small chest of drawers. TWri Bedreew.-One white enamel iron bed; 2 mattresses and springs; 1 old chest of drawers, bluek walnut; 1 black wa)sut dressing titbits; 1 1arge M. T x 7'; 2 small 'rugs; 3 hand- RUBT. ROBERTSON, The Anl'tloweer, will conduct and arrange aureate eat the latest methods to set the best tu- mults. Bee his oy drop a card sad be will give it immediate attsatles,.' Farm sale* • specialty. moot We Ooderlcb. , DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER D1 A. N. ATKINSON OHIROPRA(7To$ AND MUS- LIMS THEBAPIlt'P GOD418LCH Bqulppsd wits elestamemestio bathe. lisetroalc electric treatimsmen asd ehlttopesetla Cbroale meanie and nervus. abeawe. Lady is ettendaaee. ode. boars 2 to 5. and 7 to • p.m.r excepting Meade, and Thursday aL t tiooas an er odes% asd by ap Road/sets aid odes---Oorner et South street and Britaaais road. CHARTEEED ACCOUNTANT FRANK P. GIBBS, °BARTERED Accountant 102 Ontario attest Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 111303. MEDICAL 3 e• F. J. R. FORSTER, r`ims EYE, KAR. NOSE, THROAT 9' i Late House Surgeon New York Opo- thalmlc and Aural Hospital, aasisa ae at Moorefield Eye HoWltal tad Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lea- den, Eng, fib Waterloo 8t. B., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, oa tie evening of third Monday a eaca month 1111 the following day, Teasdaj, at 1 p.m. 'LEGAL VB4rmi T M. LEE, E Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street *aft, Toronto t Tslspbones Ingle 8418.8617. DUD1L®Y E. 110LM418, made chain. crinoline chain; 1 pair Barrister, re t gr • curtains; 5 quilts. • one 27.Hamilton street. Godetlra )ne runner, wool tex; Phone ' 1 S 4dngle nttIeiss (upstairs) - One i'r R. DARR0Y. BARRISTER, I4TO. gammon. W J. I. Killoran.footstool ; 1 arm chair, tens back. Phone 31)7. . enameled desk; 4 enameled 1r; 1 hlaek walnut; 1 rug; 1 Licurtain; rtaln ; 1 Ofiee--The Square. Ooderiebb clothes basket, Polled clothes. Beek Bedreeen.-One Iron )e(1; 1 mattress; 1 (+beat of drawers; 1 mir- ror, black walnut frame; 1 washing stand: 1 cane rocking chair; 2 chain; 1 window seat cushion; 1 towel rack; cartalnsand drapes; small fly elven*; 1 black writing (typewriter) table; 1. chair. All contents of library. Kltehen.•-One kitchen clock ; 1 clock, black walnut; 1 arm chair; 2 kitchen chairs; 1 large kitchen tattle; 1 cherry wood table with drawer; 1 Quebec cook stove; 1 sine wall guard; 1 imn- Ing board; 1 refrigerator; 1 coal oil Move with oven. 2 kitchen chain; 1 coal scuttle; 1 clothes holler; 1 aluminum mmi11: 2 frons; 3 coal oil cans; 1 spkfer; 1 wash board; 1 (ab: 1 iron frying pan; 1 preserving kettle; jam Jars; 1 bread box; 1 bread mixer; silverware; plc- tnres, elms.; ornaments; large collec- tion of ornamental Jngs. MiseeNaneous.--Garden hone: sprink- ler; axe; lawn mower; sheen; water- ing can; hoe; rake; spade; wheel - borrow; child'.' playhouse. and nem- erenn other articles of melee. Practically MI the iurniture In wal- nut or mahogany that has been in the family for yeah end will Interest any- one fond of good $.res. There will be notblng reserved, as Mr. McDonald is leaving Goderieh. TERMS -Cade T. OT':IDR? A SON, AeCIIOUnra Maps & *laps BAaargraa41, Fhc. R.C. HA YS -R .0. HAYS se.. B.A. Hamilton St., GodeHcn DISURANCB, LOANS. BTC. •171 . Aa McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE T'm r` SURANCE CO. -Farm and tsoa? latcd town property insured. .'d" Metre-Jas. Connolly, Prete, Got. erkh P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vlee-Prts,e, 17( Reerhwood P. 0.• D. F. Me stege' See. -Tress., Seaforth P. 0. `e1. Directors -A. Broadtoot, R. 1 No. 3, Seaforth ; Jobs Q. Orin, No. 4, Walton; William Rhin, R. R. Na 2, Seafortb; Jobs Beagents•, Brod- bagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. Na B. 8eatortb ; Robert Ferrel, Harloek t Marry Gibson, Brwced ld ; Jane* Leann, Beeebweod; Jamie Coecoly, Goderieb. Agents --I. W. Yee, Oaderlea Alex. Leitch, 1 1 No. 1, °lintel Jobe Murray, Seeforth ; E. Madass, fleetertb, Polley-b04dere ea. as alt permeate gad got aloft cards recoil* ed at 1 J. Korrlah's Clothing ♦tent► Mho ; 1 iiL. Oft% a ore6.ry.Ms street. Sedertel, or Lnlf dinedSaliba.Z E. W a r:9