The Signal, 1928-8-9, Page 72.'14T •
County and District
isa Cockwill, of Crediton, died!
July 261h at the age of seveuty-eight
J. Mossup, of Loutlou, next week
takes over Beatty Brom.' general totor.
busittees at Varna, which he recently
Mrs. Hugh Addy, en old ceeltitatt of
tarey township, died Anguet 1St at
the home of her rem George Addy,
Ethel. Deceased was in her seveuty-
uintb year.
Norman McDonald, vibe hes been
priucipal of the Ripley public eelreel
the itast two )ours, lois take', g post
lieu oil the Toronto teitehing start and
will be auteeetled at Ripley by Eimer
Thompson, tem of Mr. and Mre. r.
Ti.. uipeou of Huron township.
Mr. and Alre. Adnei Stewart, or
Riverview Farm, Stanley, tsiallounee
the engagement of their thi rd,thougle
ter, 1:11zebetit Lillian, to Prune's Ed-
gar leo mond, ln of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas 1013 mond of Fergus. the
marriage to take plies) thie mouth.
The ice storehouse 4.f T. %Y. l'arluier
& •Son at Hetesall war Intnied dee!,
Tueaday at of last "wei.t. k. The lee was
not muttiatuagtCase &
Iregations tbe site of Wesley -
Willis chars% reseently aletitro)o4 by.
The Weetneu'a Institute luta taken
111 Imind the project of renovating tlw
stage of the Jowl' hell. The toen
council has ret•ently had a new jitter
laid And a-uew ceiling put in.
Mrs. Falls, uf Clikwam, la visiting
her mother, Mrs. Hubert Gedlialn, for
ilfew wywkie. -
The latektiew imellug club will hold
Ili,' :imolai tournament A,ngust le.
Mr. Jaok 4 Oster' 1 atilt big Metier
11.4ris of tittawa, visited friend.' In
toe,' work. Their father. lies.
Mr. Isterliont. is no* statiotaisl itt
i'arleton Piave.
klmolay last wag Lueknew's cede
Frietid to Woinen
by Rev. W. 1). McDonald. !Me, and
MCC Shields will mettle at leerolt.
Mr. and. Mr*. C. H. Holland. le.:
nounce the entgageutept, of their
youngest daughter, .Gleilys J. to Mr.
Rost, Satvauge, eldest son of Mr. and,.
3Irs. F. S. leivatige of Seaton'', the
Marritige to take place tIt wi.iiILe M
The• death of Mre. Arthur heeler.
of Wingltam. meurred July 24th at
Eldorado. .1111.. where she wag vi-dting '
141.44ter. She hail Men in poor looltit
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Lynn, Mass- U.S.A
and Cobourg, Ont., Canada.
01* 'of telle oldest residn
pawed uuay July Mk pawn.
Thomas Martyu died in her ninety -I
third year. Several ueeks ago ale- I
ceased fell and broke her hip, and'
tbe accident hast tmed ter datli • lie-
fore.their removal to tiveter tuviity•,
eight yeurs ago tleteneal utid her ,
but/band were residents of Stephen
towniihie. 11r. Martyu died thirteewl
years ago. and for dattgliter.• and PRAYER
two- wets survite. Grant, Lord, that the appeals that
8.1rite ttit"1"-e 8Y"'"1 "f ehoth are eonstantly falling 1111011 the ears
stores -have reined • the p.ieturd of t.'bristians everywhere meet
Itlock and ure evening 11 hrenell ill! a -quick response to that the. n(e!)
Exeter. world !Italy lie brought 14. knoW and
. Tlie Exeter board of elite:Albin le acknowledge t•itriet us Lord of all
,41I1 -strugglieg with the problem of and gine to him the homage due to
Providing Ineresteed aceonintodation His holy name. Amen.
for puldis and now twoisees to build,
a two-ruem addition to the present S. S. LESSON loldB AUG. 191h. 1928
school building. Leuven Thpie--Paul Carries the
Sons lost tIV4, g4,041 itelilf•r) eleighs for some Hew. She Is eurvived by Mr. and Airs. W. D. :sanders and (jags,' into Europe.
tietierkb, Ont.
%% hose sotia
ls re lighted
With wisdom from on high,
'an e wto men beitightnl
The lamp of life deny?
$.1 trait lon: 1 salvatimi:
The joyful sound preclaim
Till Melt reueeest nation
1 Isla learnt Mee:dales name.
-Reginald Helier.
that were loured in n shed clueee to her husband. 03 33 how she uns mar to Myth ahem .ix years aeo, beam- the lattell's two shrters• tht• Misses Leased Fasaage--Arts
the, Icy house. Heil four year', ago. 114g a partner %till Leslie Hilburn in Knipe of Detroit, left last seek ,416 11 Golden Test -Aria 16:9;
rueelay morning of hist eeek It* - The INTniaiain Chantal/qua hail ft the tiottr trip to Matai.toba._,_ uliere they 1 When the deputation returmsto to
was diosiv,•reit plot 11.e Ia.,. it, the tk.neit 0? about ittonhot inittki,111 1111 of Itt nt& le.elle: He. 'was. will visit frlenda. .antlecil from Jerttgatenr,--line iretiteit
village of 1)111.311 had hem, broken guarantors were secured to ensure Its a member of the yillage couneil. for The Exeter Hortieultaral Seciely , ten ClitirVil sent along uith them chos-
durtog the night and enelt and ar- return 1.14 . The program givenl_three years and was leader of the. hotel a dower show In th0. town. en men to deliver the senteme on the
Thursday, Auguet.
Special Prices at McEwen9S
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
Phone 46 South Side of Square
1. .d deli%ered promptly to all parts ..f the tee n e !theta duvet.
In the eleventh verse the u riter -
(Ake eA•fers to himself as being %% hit
and leartuthas. It ie probable
Ilant -111-; 1611f1S1 them abord• thie-tlate.
mid was Paul*, is.ustaut attendant af-
ter 1 in 1114 jetinieyings. They 110
414.1114( 1.0111d Jehs I tit) a Phil-
ippi' for they were sootiensl
to ticks te elle value of about $17411 ethls year was a liery tine one. • choir of Queen street rithril...chirrh. boil on August 24th and e5th.
, t
am 'iv, s eat . +alarmed wetter whiele MO_ lieen 44eut
etolen. Marks matte by tires, evi• Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone and MIMI Ills site died In - -- •-- . , down 141 111001 for judgmen1.--Tbeir
dently on a hinge ear. %ere prartieal- Margaret h -ft Mgt week on a trq) tovim ed lir three daughters tool "be -ob.
. the thetalles that hail Iliinie3L 1,41 God _Lia.„ 4,0,1 „LAI.. ,44.4441111.444 Witryolver.
opinion was that those from 11114 111. sitely Nina's:limit 'the knualt world in
by the only e bit left by the e.idwrs. the Pacific Coast. • His' by his seemet wife.. Tforno.r13 MANY MOTHERS
II. Delltritige. a eroulillent Holt. John S. Newlin. Minieter of Mise Nellie. Metre*. of Guelph. should not. be (needed illigrtit ritee ti.,.. %tem they Preens( iiiiives of
retddent of l'shortie township, 'lied Agrleulture. has accepted an Invitee The BlYth W.C.T.C. has elected of-. ,,,,
1Iuckstep; president. Mrs. E. itender . Baby's OWn Tablets Are Fine fort citY , .... have prea4•114..1 the „i.e.., a ,,y so, Az oe. .1.1,o,o,„ 1, e.ere
illf -the IA44141444 44'4' 1144"444---trzarrHy-sfinple-settelostires titneit•-of .
ile 4.ervesil 4111 the torwuship coutwil fin., BRUSSELS
, mond; 2,1,1 vbw-pre.ident. Mr.. W. 11. Nervous, Sleepless Children. 1-3"nt
do.- They could" not agrts. upon the stones. in a grove. hear wati,tr,' tor
1st vbs.-president. Mrs. James Iticii
a number of years find was Reeve for . -- whit the convenience 'of their-. rreillieill
8: .I. Anita. of Torento, a for-, MeElrey; seeretary, Iti•A Lime Tay- Frain Canada 1 1..• fame ef Baby's wisdom of taking JAW Mark .1.. ,in.. ‘,10.1,1114,, diatii4
their religious
bta tore and three. daughters: Mre flier pastor of the Itru444•14 Meitithi1P1 Mr: corresieniding secretary. Mrs. .1 lull Taidets is spreniling .wer the, them on this second journey ,4,,, I 1 I
several ;terms. He 14 survived by . nee.
M 'triad: and eliiireli, it cenducting the Perrit'eP In Jas. Moody: press en-retury. Mr.. it. world. Mothers reeentmend them to' left them net long aftbr they started servi,v,
' •
% II WIWI.. mothers and whereverb they in the first. Thus it Was they parted,.4.10, moth 1.1,01. isaiii 11114 111,
RECOMMENDTHEW anti eereutonieg. Smut. titise later on pni)er the vit,taity cdie,a and
July 261 it. at the age of seventy•seven n.lik to Open the WIngliam fall fair flyers- as fellows for the valuing yeitr: l'uul sahl to Itornahast us 140 tow 11S. 1111 t 'PA 116.111a 1.1 y altere
years. Praetically his whole life was on 4 letober 10th. llon. presidents. Mrs. Eider. Mr,
Went on the farm on which he
again and visit our brethren in every neve not enough Jets ish families to
Hydro Electric
.The People's Power
Cook lity-Eloctricity
Wads by Electricity
leetyby Electricity
Mrs. Jo-eph the eluirch here tinting t se man . .
Jame. . )Ir•
Early leoutlay 'miming of last month of August. Carr; pianist. alre. W. 1.yon:•assist. are tried notil-Ing bist Wordg. praime
week the 1 sislenee of Matthew Car- I Miss Mary MeNnir held nedmitel bier ant pianist. Mrs. needy. are heard for these pie:I.:int tasting
bert. Mullett- township. unis bunted 11* 11 on the pol4114. -44.110441 staff and • Wile tablet" that lbrollIPIIY r'elteee
to the ground, with ahnost everything, is suceeeded 1 31bis Mem 114.1 Mc-
SEAFORTH the minor ailment. of )44ung elillilren.
It contained. The origin ef the tire , Tkeigall.
ttttt patty Paul took Silas as his
companion. They had know Os far as i::11141.1.:::Ini'a'htsiteri'r"la'rrirti.1:.„1"iita
Trona when mew dio
irectn Waa•Kiveil there they forind 4mne twomen nirea0.
ill their journey. Paul hail a 1-1..11 411? 114.11`41 for the sersi44.. it
In the night. In this dreirm he •••iw was mere than likely. there were to,.
iin "rdil"lrY Mll'ed°"1"11 ..""!'" men others present, the ws ng Jebeifew hi
uho eariu.stly besought Paul to visit
numbei. in that .113. 14.a -i
his cuutrtry tete 10 ihein 14e the_ saanen Wuwattiti_a_llele_ III
uw"use. r""1111Y l'e bu'l- To this 14114111teingregation the Unit
"Itatity'a Own Tiblea1,09ts re ue of the
imber of children were • best remedies for chIldrett's ailment%
unknown. One of the boys was' While it n° , Reaforth lost. an old and Yell
hale ever used." say, Mrs. Arthur
. .
girl Yeas nervous and conid not sleep.
I Trreil The Tablets' end taw was re--, heard Ow wiirk Plink Ilt141
,t4,Iie 111 Christian sertnott.was preemie,' 00 the
tiered at once. She 111.4alai troubled, other places. no more needy than his continent of Europe and Die first con
with constipation and •nothing eountry. eNo he pleadedneo
:'ven 11 0
r vert wo-a 11141 11 ill141 4111 I MI 114.14
-seemed-ter help here-- 4.--levul-useut the. and _help us.'. Dr, LightfoJit
ot iggrqS r 1114 ,„„„
Tatn•t• but a short 1IMP before her that at this,Pme Christ would 4310101.iy i•Anieete the women sat a Lyillati.pros
hostas were regular. All motliere Paul in a piece uew work. which „.“. a „alive „f ri,y of .1.11111.
Monad keep Baby's Own Tablets in Was to. preach the gsnepel to a Roman lira. who there belonged to the
the house. for they are a valuable .olotly at Philippi. for hitherto the guild of dyers. l'he luxurious eatra-
, Getttiles. lw had preached ..444 ---,,were Thou". „f aif„ 41,44„.
7""41 (4'... Widen; are sola los• Greeks. The Romans were nlere 1411- demand for purplen ithe market of
awakened by the -light in Ints rootari-pleying et Ina bowling =re-- ottr4 „Hue. 4,tt Jati 81,„t._w
ablaze he arouse,' the rest ..f the, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wei. Me- a itt„ „lees,. at the age er ae,autl.
awl eliscoveriag that the house wail evening letiet week. 'leen MeQuarrie, 1 Lawreime N14410114. passed away. after Auburn. Ile. -My little
family. Neighbor*, restp,retteied quickly ! niarrie. run out from" parked car I,
elite years. Alf ii ..4)utli Mr: Melville
to the Risme, but little- esettlel be done. i and wait kitiwked down by a ylaltor , mate with his parents to Ilullett
Veer,. was some insairatice. --- -1 from ---Heetaillon... Fortunately, _ the_i_lownsit,or itis father Lawreti_MMe
A quiet weddIng,tistrk place at the brakes on the ear worked perfectly, vine. operethig a grist mill and saw -
in Exeter on Saturday even- anw
d the car as atoimed in a few mill at Londe:bor..* For the litet
Ing. Jilly 261h. when Bev. Walter
Jones united in marriege Misa -
othy Hoskins. eldest daughter of
lib.' Mrs. William Hoskin: of titre
feet. Tao little girl was rither bad -
forty years the late deceased fluid
- - • -- heel, a resideut of Seaforth. He leaves
1y le -nixed. •
-- .-a -widow illtd-eitiV ilitUglatrete Midas Niel -
ZURICH villi, also a brother and a "ester.
ford and g•rantelset jolludekh. (If; 11:141iludeabalumlea,.11rs' John )% ar-.- -ail druggists or will he . !nailed ou . ticularly hated by the Jews than other Item., mad Lithe found room ftrr her
Mrs lainvan McMartin of Henson. le Mr. and Mrs. John Scheittler :eked
roeelpt of price. 2.1 cents per box. by Gentiles. their armies were tVe "ale profitable trade ativeng the citizens ef
Vertion Wealey !leaden. thin% lion of family arriveil 'by Motor nit w Willioso Govenlock has returned to The Dr. Willignis Ifni 1.•ilie ('0..ominatIon of desolation." It was pheipm. ,e,, An, wit ii„iening the dr.
Mrs. Catherine- M. Iledden of Ilenetafrom 1101441111.' fro110144111 10 friends here, frienhere, It therefore ,avery extraordinary eall row girt conviction pierced her hert
' Iti is eighteen years mince Mr. and Mee. his home at Vaneouver after a visit Itroekville Ont.
She aceepted the faith and hat, r
techettler left Zurich and they are de, with his brothers. John and Robert . and Paul was ready at once to 11 114 -
%vier it. ""arsureilly , gathering ' that the :..izmetylerws•iiottlit ismit,irtea•sti tit lt, imiplie;
lighted with 1 he improvements made Govenlock. and Id' 'ester. Miss S. now use mind Works.
1 Govenlock. When we g0 to bed early. hoping , Ieird 4-11 called us for to Knoll the
in that Gate. fruit. for she used hospitality with -
Bruce Klapp hat returned from To- _...._thr 404.1.4tv itauwar and man,•.,. to vrake up fresher than usual, we gospel unto theu)."
i - liast week Mr. McEwing. ehalrman
"' generally seem to wako up drowsier . _Now that Le knew the mind_ *Ad -tuft pew -ION* --,14-3-44.--liavr-j44400-4-4444.
Pe)ite, where he was takingat summer,
The young couple intend
Irene. the siz-yeareeild daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. 'Motion aletaehtm• of
.Hullett. while visiting at the home et-
her grandparents. Mr. and Mr.. It. I.
Hoover. Grey townehip. fell eff the
swine a distance of nimila VIC. feet,
and broke ber left ann. The lise
pal Board. and -Frarele -Deemer. 'MP" I than after a late night. wilt "f field he 1 11`"Ight to 111"re ''r to Ile faithful to rite ford. -route into
course at the Cniverelte of Toronto. i
. ervieor ef telephone systems, held a 1 In fact, the Ion -ter and "deeper" trying to enter 111thynia but made my h„,/,,,,, and- abide them -
When Dennis O'Brien was return -
I meeting in Seaforth to hear the ap- ' we el _.
eep the more time it takes to preparation to enter Europe. 1 •To accede to) the nspiest was not
Inc home from Grand Bend some days
Deal of the MeKillop Telephone Syte recover the resultant "flightiness." I
In al_VOrtiance with• the pri1141.1 Pie..
doctor was called and solvIged going ago. his oar took fire and the blaze
to Strstford for an X-ray, anti at was extinguished with mime 411M...tiny. tem fur pertnereion to inert -Bee the Mental testa show that students eves- .
Stratferal the doctor advised consult- the cur being badly damaged. For- rates from 112 to 115 and the appeal aged a ten per cent. higher score at ,
Ing it bone sperialist at Toronto. as ninately the fire 41141 not reach the "f the Tuekerstuttli Tel"Pl"me Sys' night them immediately after eight I
the elbow cap was off. besides a small gag tank. , tem for an increase (nen 111.87 tu g15
pines,' With butteries. .1fter hearing repre-
- - - - hours' restful sleep.
bone was broken. Tide WM/ (Infle. An automobile C01111/10111 took In the morning when your mind 15 1
• ---wod-wfteivan- adiatzin 'trite to Tome, a few erre:lints ago at the Drysdale sentatives both for and against the
fsh it is best prepared for a brief
to the 'arm was plaevil la a, et -01 sod e"r: rtrillte "MI mut- firinfir-of- Me.kill"P aPPeill* the representativee_spurt. but it is too restless to con- i
veeter, the Parr line. Hay• were tannin:: from. of the lilt I 1Way Board expreseed the& eentrate. A.4 the day weari- ton'thir1
• nn. mind is helped to concentrate by fa- I
the specialist go treaters te
- - tlye lake on to the little Water Iligh-, wivem faw°rable to all itemise. but
A much respeettel reeitient of the we) Ind E EPP*. -of Varna. cattle "3"'d ih.nt Ill" matter "11 irl Ilare-tri-rtortte.poisolt» that accumulate in the
come betoh. a full meeting of the 'system. They aet as meatal exelt- I
41Iril 'landed. One of Mr. Smith's hoard. The Tuckersmitli appeal WO.' _ ants, and the best tine. for sustained !
London mad at Klimen. in the pergoss , along at the same time and the two
Robert B. McLean. pareed away July children suffered a bail cut in the adjourned untll feeptember. .. mental work is from- late alternates ,
of Mrs. Med.etn. widow of thi• late
2e11i in her toeventy-sixtli y.'The face. requiring several stitches..
Manta' Wag the !scene of a qniet well -
The Eatteintlyille United church until midnight or later.
ELT= --- _. ,-.,. , rang no July 28. when Frrowes MI. , Who reitteadaste lite eld day. wiken
41PiVill.trj vrae. a enughter Of lir. awl . o.l.g44444.4 4•
townehip. After her marriage she - Joynt. of Seftforth. wne 'relied , -444-44.1.-gfrl had tal telrilit -her Iltiln4- lwilwr '
Mni. William Kerr. pioneers a Iltly
and her, blighting! lived for some 'Airs The lily th I birticultural Koriety In- wedloek to Thomas E. shields, ef De. '41te went 111 witiringl--1* Pere 4 1114.1
It TTI14 wive performed
In 'Pnekereutith and Inter moved to,bolding a flowcr ahow In the „tr° • e
Air. and Mrs. 11,100 Hoover. of Al-.
sons .01.1 three daughters: .14imea II..
Ranee. Alberta. here hetet visiting at
of the 1. ,.('I road: Vrilliam J.. of !
Ilalleyhur3 : Mra. dcwie Fowler. of the I ' of the fernier). uncle. J. 11.
Exeier: Aire. Dirt Sprott?. of Ttwker- 110,oer.
leoelen rood. Stir% are nenr future.
Circle the Globe
es ion
„moth. mud mn.. jubik ibmaorson. of The death of Sidney G. Leslie. n.
' well-known reeldent le Illyth. ileeilr-
Witten. 04.- , red suddenly at his home on Sunday
A serious automobile arcitient
night. Jitly 291 h. Ile had not felt
curred on the Dike roail Olson three
Miles neslt Of J.:Neler .4n July aeth• men during the 11113 hut there Iseen1041
when Mrs. R. Hurst. of Stnitfeell. ee-* te be ea "Ilse fur ahlrin. Abode 11
o'clock Met night he pasted away al-
ceived injuries Po NeVere that there i'mest without ti moment's warning.
..: I Wa• doubt of he; recovery. Mre. R.
The de, eased nos bent In Wentworth
, I Dyke. also of Stratford. muttered a ,, '
atnty forty-one 34.iire ago nntl ell 1114'broken eollerbne. TI1P 14Idiee, with a .
number of other icople. were In it
sednn owned IIt141 driven by Timinge
rounder isf Ntritifortil They 11e04.441
their *ay to Grand Item" and In pee -
Plitt another car t he , Stra 1 fof.I
eriver toga eontrol of hi. ilir and it
rolled e'er 41 the road. Several of
the ms.upantsiof the oir were injured
ITIOre or lege. alre. Meet mote seri-
Ount.t.._fflte and Mrs. Dyke were taken
In the hospital nt Exeter.
I. 0. Sloan'''. baggage man at the
C.N.R. station. line retired on teaetioli
after forty•two years' service with the
pool Quail!. of treallorth.
Suet.eeds him In the position.
Tile two t'lintien eimgregatIons
tine United l'hnreh site e4rii•Illeritig n
• proposal to merge In ones congrega-
Two proissitIons ere irride•r
'prone!): one to enlarge the On -
I tit •tnpr 10 lllll 0,t1111.
(Wre derrIlteef11 1 loll., 'boa pup. io
OrPet e Omni' for
..14...eiimidned con
"•,,,,,.mseassaw„,„,„ twayeeellirelleoWalleallaall10001.
the hedri the
down-iovin nearcill
puMc buik/ings department
storm' and inestres yet;
away from ihe noise of
the eit
Yir2 11110 UMVAR0
u Welt the great .tpost le hail laid
.10u ti to guide his conduct.. 1,3911a.
however. would 'not be refused. ail
Paul .11.1 not think it right to perglgi
in hi* refusal. This ho4P-ii 4.4.111
14. he their lllll • SP long as Hwy r..
ntained rhilltild.
We guaranteeu
or Ilyelm m
f -r I 'al) 41111..
West aide of Square Goderigh
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
etore 335 Residence 353w
Hamilton ittreet, Goderich
Brophey Bros.
11-NEILII, Mammon
Ambulance service at 'all
hours, day or night.
F.X Store 1.')) Hes. 217
In 1114' ear 1%15' Eitel
mignitlim to Trinidad began. This.
the daWn .11' a -new ern . of
prosperity for that country. Soon new
spread oat .,ver
the island. In Ott* "miter of-atwenty•l
three_ _spore, itlie Elis? _Itellittuerptilit- •
ati1.1711 01140.814.;i1."1.41W121e5;4";'ilt ;fro*" aliKIP4.1111441'71" 1117:
'tilt thls pietiire had itg dark gide
and a very tierk side; -25.111110 phil-
Arell 4)11' 14114 poorly 4WD
ii•II4.41 And Ileglevieil ill the 44414111y for ,
every year of the twenty-three 144
wide!). there !hey toiled. Neither .044.
then et Istith; Omelet nor the geverti
drew 11 er ligittert the
{meth,' utii and spirit hal
1Y10.11 lining' about their liees. •
4+1141 or ir,ost parent. 33 1,
_Lama_ illthin tbe 11•11 ls
tom hail an East liolititt. heard as 1.'1
In foir lere Ole 1111..o‘ltre Or the
thlPilet. Tile,' 119.1 sosperiel.4.44
ulth tr. mid sorrows tool tie
4diaraoti••• TAM or 44f
114111.1.41. Illiirlis ihe 114041
„r hot oor fathers orled to 11. oven.
.0.1 lie:4171f 11(1.(virre.1 lhem. -Terre
1111. 41 rv.'
Tee eir.a,nistitii:ia ef• arrit
,dt 111- ,1'..41;1.1„i 411 41w1•11, I 1....4146.,; 1.0..1+1
I :triarelt. ill- liberal
- greattie...• a heart. liis
in 14'.. Ow John Nlerlan 11
111.111.-Tederrer_riitateit. Ili,. and r
1'.•.114 ti 4,1., 0 r
ett4r14114•1---------1 r
, 4.1,1 ore 1 In
I -in a..
51 I '
We carry a good stoelt of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
Est hinge:- 'given on application
Frank McArtinn
Telephone 82 West Street
Our experts search through thousands of tea
samples to find just the right teas to go In
"SALADA" blends. Ordinary teas will not do
exceptionally fine teas only, are used. In this way
"SALADA" maintains Its unrivalled position.
- alenational 1 /104o.
1.10. Fairchild cabin mimonlanc..4 ity of New 14,4.5" with her swinge folded Hi 4,,,,I. Meta, SLY,, prior to Iwicg
loaded nn • trane-athintk. liner. 4. John tx. Mears and (Apt. 44. R. Cnilyer, hi• 004, .1,14 the ding ITS11.4441 .0'.,
accompanied (hem 4n ihis record dash around the •nrld. A. The Empress 11,,..1.1 which cittleil Warr. and
( ohs. r newt the raid& allh their Plana .The (My of Sew York" d. ahoorShe e id hi Meats In 1 111,,,,14e mod., his first world record!.
TWICe now, John Henry Mears
has circled the world In record
time. On each occaidon the Can-
adian Pacific liner "Empreett of
Russia': has enabled him to beat
all former recorde. Twenty-three
days before his plena "The City of
New York" landed at ('urtlas field,
L.L. Menne and las pilot, 11. 1).
Collyer, flew 74nt eilles out to sea
and landed aboard the ship that
conveyed him to Prance Arriv-
ed In Mimpo. he flew from cher-
boar" to Yokohama and boarded
the "Empress of Russia" at Rohe.
where the white finer waited
ready to dash across the Pacific
to Vancouver. From Vancouver
to New York was covered by
Mears' ntonoplane. whten he car-
ried with him on. hoard. • In his
Bret article Mears prophesied sato-
cass for himself and his compan-
IIM hee/Illae "the canadltin Pacific
liner "Empress or Russia" brhught
me hick wh.ii 1 broke the record
In 1 9 11 and I look on It as it good
omen that she is to help me break
the record aeain."
Imeceeded In hrmiltIng the
tenant even hotter than expected,
the "Empress of Russia" bringing
him In a day ahead of schedule,
enabling hint to bop across the
cominpnt In -hie plane and arrive
at Battery Park, New York, 23
days, 15 hours, 21 minutes, and 3
seconds arti.r he hadleft on hIs
journey eateWard. He sent the
follovving. telegram -to Mn. H.11.
Beaumont: of this Canadlau Pacific
Steamships at :Montreal: -"4 '4lit-
)'Or and I want to ',sprees nor
deep appreciation for the aplendid
cooperation we have received on
Our trip across the Pacific on the
"Empress of Russia." r Getting
the atilt) In to Victoria Friday
evening ahead of schedule saved
us a day and we are &tidy grate-
Clubbing List
The Signal and fl. Toronto
4•Signal and The Tmonto
Daily Star 8.50,
ThediseSviegrtnal rand The London
The Signal atm The London
Free Preto 6.10
The Signal and The 'Toronto
Mail and Empire., 6.50
The Signal and The I:airmen' •
Sun -325
The Signal and The Family
.Heraid and Weekly Star 3.0'
The Signal and Saturday
I INieigShittnal and Saturday
Evening Post '4 75 '
Th. Outlook;Signal and The New
-The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardens 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic
Record . 3.75
The Signal and McLean'.
Magazine 3.75
The Signal and Montrria:I:Walit• 33.,
TheidSignal • n d rneeWnorld
We.wsi. 415
and Youth's
3 75
The aiee•I and The Toronto
Star Weekly 11.75
The !...gnal and Rod and
TI::"Sntan•I and The Comedian
Countryman 255
1 he Signal
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals Key Re Had on