HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-03-30, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1988. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75for 20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. CAREER TRAINING MAKE MORE MONEY! LEARN Income Tax Preparation or Basic bookkeeping. Free brochure no obligation, U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy., Winni­ peg, R3T 2B6. (204) 284-1806. Franchises available. 13-lp TURN THAT TIME ON YOUR hands into Cash for you. Get to meet new people and make new friends through Auctioneering. Next class April 2-9th. Register now. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 145, lnnerkip, Ont. NOJ 1M0 (519) 469-3936; (519)537-2115. 13-lp EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES NEW COMPANY - AMBITIOUS PEOPLE NEEDED FULL/PART time to market breakthrough products for hair loss, acne, unwanted hair, etc. No experience necessary. Excellent pay-outs. l-(403)-259-2132. ' 13-lp BE YOUR OWN BOSS. EARN money as a full/part-time dealer of beautiful Eelskin goods (wallets, handbags, briefcases). No invest­ ment, no sales experience requir­ ed. Start immediately. For kit, mail name, address, $15 cheque/m.o. (deductible from order) to Charis­ ma, Dept. DC21, #205 - 259 Midpark Way S.E., Calgary, Alta. T2X1M2. 13-lp OVERSEAS POSITIONS. HUN- dreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All occupa­ tions. Free details. Overseas Em­ ployment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 13-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CASH IN - CASH OUT. COKE, Pepsi, Libby’s, Heinz - world famous drinks you will refill in your new, unique, cold pop/juice ven­ dors with separate price settings. Minimum investment of $11,980 secured as we supply freight, equipment installed in locations, product fills, supplies, etc. Own your cash business, your choice, part or full-time. Call/write (24 hours)forbrochure. SolarBusi- nessCentres, lOOEastDrive, Suite 200, Bramalea, Ont. L6T 1B3. Mr. Halbotl-(416,761-5705. 13-lp THE CAMBRIDGE DIET - A business of your own! Unlimited scope for personal and financial growth while helping others. Developed at Cambridge Univer­ sity, England, and used by millions world-wide. The Cambridge Diet is backed by 15 years of clinical research. We are committed to leadership in weight control and nutrition. Contact Director of Sales, Cambridge Nutrition Cana­ da Ltd., Head Office, (604) 240- 4299 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 1H3 or call toll free 1-800-663-6650. 13-lp NOTICE NOTICE TO HOMEOWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS The Township of Morris is now accepting applications for loans under the Ontario Home Renewal Program, for loans to a maximum of $7,500 for eligible home repairs. For more information regarding eligibility and procedure, contact the Municipal Office 887-6137. Nancy Michie Clerk-Treasurer R.R. 4, BRUSSELS, Ontario . TENDERS WANTED A' HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY B05 88-05 Replacement of Mansard Roof­ ing, Windows, Storm Doors, Etc., Clinton 0H-1, Ontario [Seniors building at 135 James Street] Tenderswill be received for the above until 2:30p.m. local time, Friday, April 8, 1988 by the Ministry of Housing South­ western Regional Housing Pro­ grams Office, 380 Wellington Street, Suite 1100, London, Ontario. N6A 5B5 [519-679- 7110]. Details and specifica­ tions may be obtained quoting reference number as above. Tenders may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5 [519-524-2637]. Tender Opening to be in London Office. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. GRAVELTENDERS HULLETTTOWNSHIP 1988 Tenders wanted for the supplying, crushing and de­ livering of approx. 22,000 cu. yds. of 5/8” granular “A” gravel for roads in Hullett Township, and must be capable of 1,200 cu. yds. or more per day. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. 10,000 cu. yds. to be com­ pleted by June 1,1988and the remainder by Oct. 15, 1988. The tenders must be in the hands of the Road Superintendent by 4 p.m. Tuesday, April5,1988.They must be accompanied with a certified cheque for 10% of theenclosed bid and must be approved by MTC. Tender forms available at Road Superintendent office, Londesboro. James Johnston Road Superintendent Londesboro, Ont. N0M 2H0 523-4404. WE CAN HELP YOU MAKE PAPER MONEY with a classified ad. Call The Citizen at 523-4792 or 887-9114 before 4 p.m. Mondays. NOTICE TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIPOF EAST WAWAN0SH GRAVELTENDERS Sealed Tenders properly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, Tues., April 5, 1988. 1. Crush and Stockpile 5,000 Cu. Yds. of 5/8” Granular “A” Gravel in the West­ field Pit. 2. Crush, load and haul 15,000 cu. yds. of 5/8” Granular “A” Gravel to Township Roads. Items #1 and #2 may be considered as separate ten­ ders and it is permissible for a contractor to bid on either one or both. Tenders to be submitted on Township Formsobtained at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to the approval of MTC. Ralph W. Campbell, Road Superintendent, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Belgrave, Ont. NOG 1E0. TOWNSHIPOF WEST WAWANOSH SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked, will be received by either of the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1988 for the crushing and hauling of approximately 25,000 cubic yards of 3/4” granular material on Township roads, and approximately 500 cubicyardsinstockpile. Ap­ proximately 10,000 cubic yards will be required on roads by June 15th, the remainder when road construction is complete [September]. Tenders must be submitted on Township forms, available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by certified cheque for $2,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George Humphrey, Road Superintendent. Joan Armstrong, Clerk. R.R. 2, Lucknow. NOG 2H0 CARD OF THANKS McKAY. I would like to thank everyone for their expression of sympathy, cards, floral tributes and donations in the passing away of my grandmother, Mrs. Edna Cobb. Thank You - Danny McKay 13-lp HIGGINS. I would like to thank neighbours and friends for the lovely flowers and help at home while I was a patient in the Wingham Hospital. It was greatly appreciated. Thanks, Diane Higgins. t 13-1 PIERCE. Our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness shown during our recent time of bereavement. Special thanks to those who offered to help or cared for Jennifer and Brendan. We really appreciate your thoughtful­ ness.-Terry and Debbie. 13-1 CARD OF THANKS PIERCE. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy during the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather, James Pierce. Special thanks to the Tasker Funeral Home, Rev. Ramirez and Blyth Legion for their memorial service and the Ladies Auxiliary for lunch and to those who acted as pallbearers, also to the Pirates Baseball Team and Bandits Broomball team for their acts of kindness. We also wish to thank Dr. Inculet and staff of Victoria Hospital and Dr. Hay and staff of Clinton Public Hospital for their special care, your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Bernice and Paul 13-1 OLDFIELD. In would like to thank my family and friends for the cards, visits, flowers and visits while I was in Wingham Hospital and since returning home. Also special thanks to Dr. Omole and Dr. Hanlon. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Darlene Oldfield. 13-1 KRAUTER. How wonderful to get home to Brussels. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all my kind neighbours and friends who have helped me in so many ways along the road to recovery, after my sudden illness and surgery. Your kindness and generosity has over­ whelmed me. May God bless all of you.-Marguerite Krauter. 13-lp WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK everyone who participated in and attended the ‘ ‘Silhouettes in Fash­ ion” production, held on March 24 at Blyth Public School. A special thanks to the Websters from Webster’s Clothing & Footwear and to Gayle King for her organization of the event. Your support will take us far on our trip to Ottawa at the end of June. - The Grade 8 Students of Blyth P.S. 13-lp IN MEM0RIAM GARNISS. In loving memory of Thomas Garniss who passed away April 5, 1987. April comes with sad regrets It brings back a day we will never forget, The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thoughtthe end was near. And only those who have lost can tell, The pain of parting without farewell. The tears we shed we can wipe away, But the ache in our hearts will always stay. No one knows the grief we bear. When the family meets and he’s not there. - Always remembered and sadly missed by Muriel Garniss and family. 13-lp HASTINGS, David. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away 14 years ago, March 28, 1974. You meant so very much to us, But nothing we can say Can tell the sadness in our hearts As we think of you each day. You always tried to do your best, Your heart was true and tender, You lived your life for those you loved And those you loved remember. - Sadly missed and always remem­ bered by his wife Vera, Dianne, Brian and family, Dave, Karen and family. 13-1 IN MEM0RIAM STEPHENSON. In loving memory of Robert, who died two years ago April 7, 1986. Even though you are not with us, We are never far apart, Because of the love you gave us, You are always in our hearts. - Bonnie and Courtney. 13-1 CURRIE. In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and bro­ ther, Donald Stewart Currie, who passed away April 3, 1975. Sadly missed along life’s way, Quietly remembered everyday. No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts you’re always there. - Always remembered by sons Barry, John and Douglas, sister Betty and their families. 13-lp ENGAGEMENTS WHITEHEAD-COWIE Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cowie of Brussels are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Corinna to Brian W1 :head of Burks Falls, Ont. on March 9,1988. Wedding to take place in the near future. 13-1 AT YOUR SERVICE QUEEN’SBUSH RURAL MINI­ STRY. We can help 519-392-6090. 13-tfn COMING EVENTS MAUNDY THURSDAY PASS- over Meal, Brussels United Church, Thursday, March31,8 p.m. Reservations: Sarah Steph­ enson 887-9088 by March 28. 12-2 HURON PROVINCIAL LIBERAL Association Annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 6, 1988 at Blyth Community Centre. Reception6p.m., dinner 7 p.m. Attorney General Ian Scott is the guest speaker. Election of officers, selection of delegates to Ontario Liberal Party convention to be held. Tickets at $15 each available from municipal chairpersons. 12-2 KNOX UNITED SUNDAY School, Auburn, annual Pancake Supper, Wednesday, April 6 at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00 p.m. Adults $5.00, Elementary School $2.50, Pre-School Free and Family Rate $16.00. Tickets available from Sunday School Members or call Maureen, 526-7769...Everyone Welcome! 13-1 EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE AT Brussels Mennonite Fellowship April 3, 7:30 a.m. Light breakfast tofollow. Everyone welcome. 13-1 ‘‘CHRIST IN THE PASSOVER” Sunday, April 3, 1988, 7:00 p.m. Featuring Marty Verk of Jews for Jesus, Brussels Mennonite Fel­ lowship. No admission charge. Everyone welcome. 13-1 IT’S COMING! THE SPRING Rummage Sale of the Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital will be held Thursday, April 14, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. and Friday, April 15,10a.m. -1 p.m. in the Wingham Armouries. • 13-2 EUCHRE-MONDAY, APRIL 4, Brussels Library at 8 o’clock. Sponsored by Oddfellows and Rebek-has. Everyone welcome. Prizes and lunch. Admission $1.50 13-lp THE PARENT SUPPORT GROUP for Learning Disabled Children will meet April 14 at 8 p.m. in the Huron Cunty Board of Education building in Clinton. 13-2