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The Citizen, 1988-03-30, Page 17
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1988. PAGE 17. 1987's good weather saved county road budget Exceptional weather last year led to both increased and decreas ed road costs but overall the Huron County road budget showed a surplus for the year, County Engineer Dennis Merrall told county council at its March meet ing. Mild winter weather saved money on snow removal costs but the excellent fall weather let the road department take on projects not originally scheduled which cost more in the short run but will save in the long run. Mr. Merrall said. “Last year was one year when we couldn’t lose for winning.” he told council in his annual report which he accompanied by a slide presen tation. Extra tree cutting and trimming and extra gravelling of shoulders was among the additional work accomplished because of the good spring and fall weather. Good weather and savings on construc tion allowed the department to lengthen from four kilometers to 5.5 kilometers the portion of County Road 18 in Goderich township that was reconstructed. Even though the winter control (snow removal) budget had been reduced $39,000 from 1986 it still came in another $56,100 under budget, Mr. Merrall said. More extensive work was need- ed on the Patterson Bridge at Auburn than had been planned when the bridge reconstruction was undertaken last year which meant the project was $36,600 over budget. Preliminary engineering work was done for the construction of the new Ball’s Bridge south of Auburn which will begin this spring. Mr. Merrall described the site of the bridge as “exceptionally pretty” and said everyone using the new bridge will enjoy the setting. Once Ball’s bridge is completed some thingwill have to be done about the Cunningham Bridge at Ethel which has deteriorated, he said. Walton Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall Phone 887-6677 Duff's hosts pancake breakfast Duff’s United Church congrega tion enjoyed a pancake breakfast on Palm Sunday prior to the morning service with Rev. Bonnie Lamble officiating. Dorothy Shol- dice and Graeme Craig lay reader, took part in the worship. In the announcements the Jun ior Choir are to meet this week for their practice with the Senior Choir Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Several ladies of the U.C.W. will attend the Easter Thankoffering services at Northside United Church on Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon at the Presby terian Church in Seaforth. Next Sunday service at Duff’s will be at 11:30 a.m. Daylight Savings Time. Bluevale Easter Breakfast at 9 a.m. and worship at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 10, Walton U.C.W. Thankoffering at 7:30 p.m. with Rev. Neil Lackey of London Conference’s Rural Life Committee speaking. Special music from Melville Presbyterian Church in Brussels. About people Mr. and Mrs. Bill Machan and Mrs. Laura Machan of Sarnia visited with Annie Reid a week ago Saturday. Mrs. George (Jean) Taylor has arrived home after spending sever al months with her family in Brownsville, Texas. Miss RuthieThamer visited with relatives in this area for a few days this past week. In last week’s issue in the Institute meeting report, the date for the celebration to commemor ate the 50 years for the present location of the hall should of read August 19 not July 19. Watch for future announcements. Kay Stevenson, Dana and Judd of Whitby visited with Bev Steven son, Ron and Chris during the March school break week. AprilisCancerMonth-Justa reminder to give generously when the canvasser comes to your door next month. Business & Professional Directory HUNT AND PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS HOME RENOVATIONS AND GENERALBUILDING CONTRACTORS H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. BRUSSELS AND AREA 887-6408 B&G ELECTRIC Plumbingand Heating Brussels, Ont. N0G1H0 BILL AITCHISON 887-6747 3I McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Phil’s Refrigeration and 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES Appliance Services Dependable service to all makesand models of major domestic appliances Wingham 887-9062 Hugh's VCR Service BRUSSELS 887-6991 Repairs to all brands VCRs, TVs & Stereos VCR Cleaning & Adjustment $10.00 AGENTS Graeme Craig 887-9381 Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Donald Taylor 482-9976 Banter & MacEwan Insurance Brokers Ltd. 524-8376 John Wise Insurance Brokers Ltd. 482-3401 Fred Lawrence Electric Ltd. Home, Farm, Commercial Wiring Auburn, Ont. DON DUNBAR 526-7505 PAUL COOK 357-1537 For all of your RABBIT NEEDS Feed & Equipment BROWN’S RABBITRY & DEPOT Shipping every QEC_O"7C,1 other Saturday L. f U I Open 9 a.m. - 12 noon GENERAL J. Richard Elliott [519]523-9725 LIFE R. John Elliott [519)523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES LTD. Established 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1H0 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE Freezer Today with quality meats and frozen foods from our retail store. Specializing in smoked pork chops for the B.B.Q. We'll provide custom slaughter ing of your livestock each Tues day. Callforanappointment BACHERT MEATS of walton 887-9328 SEPTIC TANK PUMPING M & E SANITARY SERVICE CALLANYTIME GARYEVANS 887-6583 OR 887-6700 BRUSSELS PARm power ©*© a total, reliable fuel service WAYNE JEROME • SALES & SERVICE BELGRAVE CO-OP AUBURNCO-OP 357-2711 or523-4454 526-7262 PREGNANT? one/ need help . . 519-357-1066 WINGHAM 1-800-328-5683 TOLL FREE BLAKE Septic Tank Service Fast Efficient24 Hour Service CALL RAY 887-6800 i'lW5b CANADIAN CRANE RENTALS LTD. •15, 25, 40 and 50 ton hydraulic, radio dispatched mobile cranes each up to 180 feet. •1'/j yd. backhoe •bulldozer service •16 years experience RR2,Winaham 357-3721 Piano pTuningtw^nl $55.00 2or more in 10 mile radius $50ea. We Buy# Sell Restore & Rejinisb Elmira Piano'4l]ampt“nSt q. 669-2280oDOp N3B1X8 DCPP Sales-ServiceDEllU installation FREEESTIMATES •Barn Cleaners ’Stabling •BunkFeeders Ives Construction Donald G. Ives R.R.#2,Blyth Brussels 887-9024 DON’T BLOW IT Usean SIMPLY...THE BEST SILO UNLOADERS •No blower •No doors to change •Less siloclimbing •Clean chute IF CLARKHILL FEEDERS Ltd. R.R. #5, Goderich 524-4367 PhilipCIark Thompson's Meat Market Brussels •Fresh Meat •Freezer Orders •Custom Butchering byappointment Call B russels 887-6294 I Howard Bernard Fuel Agent-Petro- Canada Brussels Heating Oils Automatic Delivery Farm Fuels Motor Oils & Greases 887-6377 .