HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-8-2, Page 7bxi
County and District
'w Robert Shaw, who has leen In bud.. "lilting relatives In Clinton. They
Was at Bluevale for twenty-five years, are travelling by muter and ore *e-
l' hall sold his store to 11. J. -Falconer, communed by their daughter and eon,
Kincardine tount•%l has taken n+'tlou Miss Luella and Harold, and by an-
te have Its municipal elect ism* a msntli
Dasher-uumluatloua the last atomise
In November and polling the first Mous
day In De -ember.
The Hydro system in the talloge of
Fi man is being rebuilt. The large
taxed the system• and it was Ileetaiaary Russell ('aldw•1n. son t?f Mr..e*A
to provide for more tower. Glee. John Cala-411i of the L.nnlohi
Peter alselrath, an old r•stdent of road north, as riding's buruteulsti
number of electric
Ieste1c stove+) tI u.,• over -
other daughter slid son-in-law. Mr. and
Mr.. urn Schwan?.
Clinton 1'rcab),terluna have exteppteled
a call to Rev. F. C. Currie of 1.1w y.
the townahtp of McKillop, died sit his
tonne on July 24th at the age of eighty -
threes years. Ile Is survived by his
wife. ode erne snit One daughter.
ate+. John McAllister, of Mensal, and
her s eter-In-iaw. Mrs. Peter Moir, ofd
I've«.ate township, left last week ode
trip to Winnipeg trend Alberta,,rihete
Ilie, WI:I spend a .retitle of months
vl-itiug rotative* and friends.
Thr death of Samuel ,lutes ('amp
1«•1l occurred at iia' wine.:trod crntte•- aeS, their ,hanehtrr. Mildred Glands.
t uJnly Nth In his fifty
lions one last we k -when the anis
not three' him over its los oh leis foot
was /eight In the harness and he was
dragged for some distance, the horse's
kiu.i foot striking him on the bead
.e'veral times. He narrowly escaped
being killed, eel it rsmireii several
stitches to close the woun.ls, are re-
c 'vel.
A pretty summer welding t.s.k place
Saturday a(tern...M. July 21st. at the
Mous* 1,f Mr. and airs. TlNoniws liar-.
Mr. Hewett al Oe6aws "•
(Farnmers• Safi) .
There fa n Certain lack „r esigeucy lu
all Mr. Brunet es' fluent speedier. At
Oshawa, oi..Satnrttay L,.;,•tor captaple.
its the shadow of a great rutted Slits*
foc•tory employing louetitd-. if nut
NOT WORK t h..tltaa of .er, ln• ilted tits while arrllduiguilng tuU"he t ii•tff laterto thta
the General Motors ssais.r,Uiou eau.I.
_ __ - Ili iia lir•sent mugutuade hi tlalurw-u by
Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Grainland, Saak.-"I am glad that
I heard of that good Lydia E. I'ink-
eham's medicine and
1 will not be with-
out it again. I was
so sick that I could
not work at all and
could not sew on
the machine. My
aunt told me of
Lydia P.. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
I am telling all of
my friends how
good it is and I will
answer all letters I get from wom.•n,"
-1Mtta. MARY SCILULTIlS, Grainland,
l:,drrieli, flint.
reit..., of the I'uuu;i:ut preferences-
and„tariff adjustrueut''. which enable „ Him that Good the emit' of
United States Inquiet t.. mnuufu.tufe Aind ii.tarrd n. In. III. Moot'.
prolitably 1, Oshawa f•,r exlort'tu,EIt To royal honor. raised our head. y
rope nett the i,ther >...:tlxeuts. Coup A11d ill jai. lir pite,t• to (:od:
Went lug, ..0 the "the o .., the To 111111 let rtery I•a.gne be brat a
assertiues that thane: • th • palet. Inc 5o,o u-cost-k,eart 1y hoc:
years the exodus to the 1 ,'ted adore, hit gr•ttaetul Ii sipors 1«li,I iii earth. 4 F
bad exceeded the Intuit rattuii 1111., And nobler ,• t,, utN.it
Catiada fjuw all source'. tic wade 1h.• --Isaac SCatr
Inaccurate statement !oat the people
had left because. they could not tint PRA% jotI: in ('fiiada. What. at neat. he We ruse Theis, it God. for the til.••,-
uught to halve said, Ii !luta she pe.,phI'
had left because they c..u1d loud bettor Ings that are.,ours 111 ('heist Jr-u-
jo(w In the United S err-, during :, Thou hast conal ,i dr,i its to go into
period of extraordlntsry lethtlon awl lilt the tt„rid and Ketch the Loth I,
stake oa obwlimit to 'Thy will sio that
high wars. 'there users- jot,, t.. lot we 111111.sh.lre In the i•etcusiun of Thy
end. in and aloof I .,uu,l, n terms.- t•eiiew ow„ news's -'ski'
• which might have einehaed the whole king•tow, to
ex,shtr, with great Itt•,,eiit to ell the A111ru.
people from Increased p.. h,ctiu:', lead G. °Ih t!1!
Ids. n - fey' on 1«Tremor the bride of John \\'tliiam i
-raved year. after • bhi" li eein. ile- Itatwtt, of Toronto. The ceremony seas "Ilk. ' Mr.lBeiuvtt got mien roi..insiders-. S. 14. LESSON 111K .511 1. . If
erased had Uval all his ,err 111 Grey t i Ifun he wvul.( have leen impelled to . L,.saet Topic -The Council at Jent-
tosnebfp. ,Hr was not mtrrlel, le.rform.rl • by Its*.. ii. M,Tuviah..\ft.r ! that the fanners .•ld hot ,row-. sa1Pm.
, real -e• te4 to ws-Issa ...hies. Mr and stay I :•I; -}j ..
Sloss Ira tile.' after teas Ling for - tr 1 ns O(,J(+au 11nsa duty+, t' , .•r ,::ore t• !este with tie 1nt4uyer" itsee T T If i ..r -_f -
four prong In Puwell's Naomi, Turn- alert )neon will resist,. i, Toronto. terofMr. and Mrs. Adam A. Ha?... „f States Itramse of this ulla_r rewards!, Golden Te t-Jolttt R:36.
,eke a Iwaiah Ilan, of Exeter North, pws.e,l
s r.. Ther 1,4: could nut The tau f.,r.4•,gu lir,+.i.a,nrte•. on
to11 t r , 1
telt s•, f alt t
I Peter o their e1 ' nee.. e
berry township, has enacted Sra[t►eth, and ! r f at n-..h.er. f th
pndltluu on the St. (•ted II; theehe«d away in the it s.10xeter h year Jul.y ^-was v.nutaete sea of Sir- and Ji r-• \\., km, hair felled to say ticit thea• iieii,,re' their ri•turu to :5litto,Ii, ,uuun•oiust the
....tidy, -the "Mi 1 altols,l fey pen- in his wt-hst feete h year. IIP w ,_- I•iiLlir• _tL1'rllubUt>;Ir• ' •timtd, w'as rewards erre dui. to the (assts. Ilull , S Isristinit ihitinhi to ht sr the nq.•rt of
per of the f 15'ltn with an nddr.ss unT live In t'4 rtli be df 4snitn eolemuira•ct to ' }first I•rest itPri. t f:,rm 1's* tr" r -I. had a:•cotieii .h -h
dieted In Fe•tforth before i•oming to, ;\T res bat{ a,.•t r:.r.a with the, turlr deities. In -t. .d .d kiers+x+11-t.-
v1t e t
°. a M rrlu n .d handsome glias. Phar. Ii. fey Jiet Thomas I •.a, „f rr. sprites of j., iiI nod s••t i l e: owl that : of t + t
air. and alt+. John •loans. $xlttwrt-' Eyster over /N►rtt year', ago. IIP S- tnvst. ruses. they told :111 That God l.vd •leap
rlindirtl the Iltrtr'tfr rrnttl-"' "r++vi"r1 1'c l+l+ -'_t► f''' Lw"-tl°iishtnt. yh..nrs. ,.. . :\nteti.wx rlwa•l-r4exfvrll+ nut •+t line rcycuue: of '
- tern:'risia f I ,- suit.'..4114• a••U: airs Henry, Ke -ter. of 'i usel'ri4t'. who inti.ui veil i' t1y lc tier tetanal and railway fir 1 I. a,s,rrts.' tit r. nigh t1i,•ut in olr ilPiS'Tltir-nttm''crf
ePei•:,n cif thele Yes :Ina frith n gate ('hatl•w ito i bed tad lath,-:. a.t,' g''ffrl Iii n Ire 1 -•, utuch that teller It•- .ilUe left for faith Io Ihr Gentiles,
trine ,•f rr'►ntland friends. al r. tw1; Mr-ktrufL y F "air time the aS •-flee reap
IdNvc ono son. Beano.. 169v61. 1
and M ra 'Lark•
RW'TH • • ... fells . ' 4x4 a. ,e ..."' 8 1 e .
..f '4.114" r".."' r•-+•- sol 1.{a.• ,..-nflowor, i. itf find the•rr-trirti.,ta of report.. dyer hl this av, r.d .roittiuue for batt 10
of white c++u ou. with b,,,ll of --1.1 .I •• INtytueut ..f I•tl,sr, .\t that
padnt. ,.r .
ma4taIn.• La ?e 1111/ n hanfk.le ,.! tont ze tie would hate found it aNii.w t -t.. •.+to--alafuily-lit. Uithis hi. Itttt It I. wit in'
1 hr r. Mr.
•,! Wr,sPtrr. and two ,ae e 1011/14. i t 1"IOW h4411111;;•( l lir his Tiaranene tor" a Tent ttfitter ty., ! 1-tlteat. a++Lrulesu- i't•.tti-_ Thou•,
Jos Sti,k,a, of 5\'reseter. and Mrs.
isaa MIMI.• of Glenantan. They
Iter ou:c ornament w.e: au •1uN+tby-t - Ie the lot of tutu."
UM phi••,
' , I..N..l ail was present
Lace thirteen erandelilldren. Mesa II:tR+, of \\'Inu11P.. I visiting pin. ant heir'.»,m or her tu• is law- THE
Willing. Krunely, son of Mr. and her sister. Mn. P. Gardiner. hey. The In'It• ens cutter,•. by her laW Viva v flu• Teri tan.owuunilt_i tbou•th there
Mrs. J.ihn Kennetly, 4111 s,m(e1e.hw lit Miss Evelyn _tiu'on. unr-r-tt-' ,later,- Ills. Mary .5. hays. -t'h• wore - y aver• both 1." 'Ii and Gentile ti t ert•t
Hones tuwnablp. lien at the hone. of training In }• inlhaut h•.alatfil. Naw ., fns•k.,.f h' I, k iiiI gold In.•,•shut• Ia•r People Who Go Hungry WIt11 hi the I ui• 11. phi:0.3.,...f,"1 at•
els 1.srents In a ',isthmus runditlon. the fork. le alsitii,& her. parrots. Itr. and oter pink -:rlu snot carried I•it.k rose. Food on the Table lit" -Ido rr r;. tui. I,i''"'.e .t -awl .n. Ii,''it •'
result ofi • kick In the telae from a Mn.'. Win. Stimmii. - ' and •gytia• lin Th., grur,m-w9a vino p' senate. Jew. wh•, iii Iw,u ,•,Ir
bon*. Mr. Kennel). ass' working at •1•ol:t11w4n k (I is ser coil .1 It. Cult Ironed by 1•I', i.•- cion•,, . Itus-eht "1 ,t11ply .ut+•t tate -s%':;41.111:11.1.
\ctutit .vertel at t'!iii';h it ti u s .Its.. i Ilial
In and was driving the rake Isiah report ex,-e:hent t.r•.-1..1' f 1r the i.. Iluys. II.•. 1-'1.•..•1«.4• Dealt G. Aitye! 'nig+•dy Is ,uggeste,i by this.• a:nil t' they hn.1 .nitiii :..•,! •the t'hurl-flan re -ti -
tfa baying was r, t rai!S .and . 1 `
the nose ere this year, lloa-a- soy! ter. weed/ t+x music. Ttr . hur.4 an: ,reeds. - often h.nrd. INS :err loss n! _Inl(Ialli 1«• h,fcrro I frvNu their w'IUInX• resort rt should Ise broitt:hl under th.
ftr=rreract the Worms bitted. flax ! Ktito f: the beginning of IT/41114r I is.. to refer rh.^tn9»Pr in .ii-lmtr +a•--lrttrr-a#.-4Lw-Jim-.•f 54..'c -a. 1_hs_w.11
fractured. boa teeth' /Theo face -the, wind bey. don. sone ,Iaigli f to the h„n14• tree• find
,a,ae! with ,:rlA 1-,. IN she + scestes filed-ahhsr. at Jrn tet.ew.
i h t Ii d that sooner later •►rvr«I+ {t.e•,t as p _.err tYLs__ privately di+••u--e1 .Izy-11.r
rlhlr f"f" A - any "entre-Ia ., •
le I 1 h Oust tl rr serlun- f f nit' Si eu.lnu that arose t amines:. ... . o ,.-n-
Thee. slew•+ millean••rrcd to ,persu:t qx ry on their dui • . , • , .,
Thursday, Aagnst 2. 19215.--7
For Half a Century
the Standard.
Successf ul Treatment
• to -'te:
TOM' Of Ida mouth. and his Lace ted growing Is but not ,•ni.nit e i entell' unit.. n .nil slut rt Glebes. f r.• r as or
1 l reprise.ie+r 1 ' I net tit. !r•• et e, :'•dlrte•ti.ot tarrsdmr dy',te•psrfa, with 'what (oL'otxs-ts the n"•one lit the first ap«,ale. r.nsl Theses with uuL•h di-
fi v 1 t1 t w..ai I r e ►a/l,it
aloe.'ret Sun Scott. w9!! of 3„51511 .t. W. Bea„rm...f lllytl+ Litdlge. No. bride's parent. Ott,lafterwards Mr.:,n. violent ,earn es• a , .0 . it e u t ..
k • died , - Thursday Met to 't(1µ AF ,4 • Il.. has been ulgs,inte,l xi (:,Id,.frleft Pn a short motor a i;-••ymld,•ns". iaiss 'of ap l"rtite. whctl+er Is' 'nl cd rhos cher ti, angry wools. lint rather d.'Iiterat,: iu
k I rt Tl e re w'tI 11,•
1-_ . -from an attack at pneunnrnls , dare nisi failure.If )c u the t'hrlaini,a at .ttti.nit that It urea other there who w -a• tench tit,•r.•aeI
ng Rorfh' Httmn. -- __ •,; (lutnrer,- - - --- -
w 1s*,
Tuntl,erry tmrnehlt► After Imo -serer- iMetr$et l*Ieiity (,rend Master for They silt reable In St. •Cathar.r.,..t a man lir w..man, tea symptom yon
e du hunch .uf
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by
Iron by Electricity
%1'ie gnarattei...,1r Il. Ir-
West side of Square Goderich
went to visit her slaughter. Mrs. F.. painted' Brea. here eommt•nee.L-tile .
Tlr..mp..nn, West Waweo.sli, where m,rnnfeeture of blankets at their wool.. t1t1INGH,M
,she suffered a fall, trim which ,die +11d , les mllla,
nu nav,rer Rko a-Isserwitf-tw'O• NI•• fs,r.thr Banibv, tt.,5., has as*- alis Rdertte.n and Miss Joyt•t have
ImPPink pply ,'ir•ngtli Pt the telt- ready rust• to .tee telt in Antioch and not thought it exp.t,•ut or n,'-s•sar>
tern • hi are one son the htoi dangly -William 'Collegiate in. tltutr. battik d. resin take the take
c of gess
t.•rs• Thoma* R'. ..0 the huuMefead: Duncan Munro. rleret. years .,f age. How'nnl, resigned; and take eharg,e of fseblel organs of d;•',"ttou, acid enable in the new wi+-ion fields, of .t -ht strict to Impose Che rile. of seinen asci. i..0 nu
Mr.. William it',nhtll. of rutrua, find had Ills arm broken by felling from a a new else, haute necessary try thein tem to digcet t., r ntThtc the, food
adherence es rite and ceremony sus them. Peter reminded them, of lam
1 lug ydn ••r distress.) not rs+•utin; t, salVatiott its Tomes`-trhatorearnce the holy ('loot fedi ••o
- - i 1 •rip -14 .
frrint 1. sure to fellow. 11eessan• to observe still the p rinri oats Ts•+idi•s IT;uii anJ ITiruuoT.
The secret of a geoid aigoietlte-ell.• rite ..f the .leal.1, religion. It wits :a l'eteri Itnd 1,ad similar experience nwI
secret of keeping well -le -le -kw+p Ill' :rive ......1.444441.1+ -and amfai moi. uittfttl l.new of a crrtululy That G,•,I lutenflu.:
the quality erf thy. bhs,d. IBy eurk•hfug Itan•ilin>:: (scene it iicte'tt•lsel-tl+e'Te►tase-, rt;"w f.te Gentiles-set-a►.4t1 a+Jwa•
b1„s 11M. William'. ,d int' I:i/Wile• church. Taal had al- Ile had meet -inners u itt-erte,T and had
iMlrs of age. Sdrrivind• lewtlea her ('opted it position on the stag of Fort been engaged us teachers In Wit._tu:m and INentf►nv
I'i k iNlta su
Mrs F. TLotnp-on. Thu. funeral took
piece r.. iv torhnnt cemetery on ?Sun-
day afternoon
(urge Buchanan lista gone to Colo-
rado to /mend the rummer amroHa:--
In shire he was playing.
ten en war tout 1 I
Mrs. Earl Dexter. In opening a fruit W1u •ham this lost one of its oldest I, Prof of Oils Is given la Mr- \1'Illlnm I J erawelem Jena insisted it was. -Paul all them which beard the word. -Aced
M} Kelly. • KI tau rn t who +:ft's:- I«.rame greatly concerned that x11 fur- they of ter rin•unNa-i..t1 which be
sealer. had the vein of a wrist cut ass residents by the death of Tle'uri$ ( H. Kr y• ng. ,
the remelt of the glass .hreuking, anti Bolt, which occurred on Saturday, at "I ,-unnot reowutend Dr. \\i',I:onns' tier progress of the living and life- leve,' were asloibniesl. 1«.•uusr 11w1
the 'services of • doctor were requires! - the age of ninety years. Mr. Bolt w -ea Pink Plus iris+ highly. I hn.id«feti' giving spirit wile being ,ircdlk•ed to. eu the Gentiles nese nate leutresioatThe
Trench the flow of blood• born tit England. Ilei bothered with iudigeHu In a cl+rot,t,' the dead letter. Wren a Titus, young. Litt of the Hd,: Geost, for they beard
lived In 1lnruberry for sixty -floe years form for *Immo ten
yrntior: }:c, rythit ; and manly. and free, not fore, with thein speak with tongues. and immune,
before retiring to Winghum. His wife I -.I would Pat would turn sour. I felt the lore cif Christ burning like n fire G,st" (ch. 101• From tela he argot,'
predeceased tins, and surviving are one as though there Wag a Uig hell in rn' un the altar of his soul. to lye held fit ' that It world be provoking. Gust if
ton and three daughters. stmmH•h sill the time. (felt fired and. erne•s length by some unregedernt• they nitetnptlyl to 14111ose rites upon
weak and would often turn dizzy. ' I I'hnria'ey'--
sTann eFarrar. , those• whom made life (Sod had nritty
At the home of Mr. and 'Mr*. John l 1 aeeepred as .Itis. Ile smiles' burden
Anderson, on Saturday last, their only des'tshIr1 and tried many nseltulne'). it When there a o wired likely to be no
i e•ndin g many, many dollar. but to end to the dispute they nerved to send Adm. ti„tea,„„ste„, n yoke twat the two,
no avail. One day I Meer/ a lady • a ,deputation and submit the ui,mtter to sot dis.•iples. .letcs. In the Iwiat Is weal
praising Dr. Willie ale' Pink pills itnd' the church at'.h•nisiUPm. and esgwv•ialty ns Id Ihetr uw-is time, lord f,imnt err
1 decide} to try them- I not more to those apostles. whin had eowtaltiled:.moaksl laws and •ustuws oppre+sive.
I1 for .om I found re• with the M:nter. 11151 We kl14IW now that Christ •.)Pans
er•aa.r1 attendance. '
Master Ronald Sinclair. of Miami. -
Florlda. Is n-Istting his grandparents. Mines t'atherine G. Hamilton has
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sinclair. been entrees.' to teach In the ltit-err.
Milton iaowe has exchanged els dale aciesol.
bl•e•k in town for the form of Chew Miss alargnret'J. Taylor, a former, denghter, Gertrude Irene, was united
Lowry • rerslde» t of foreknow. and sister of in manage to Archie T. McKinney. son
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. thigh and D. 1'. Taylor of Town, diel of the late Mr. and Mrs. McKinney of
M. •ltulth .teen (' toIsi. f (nit on Jnly lnit 111th sit the home of her sits'.. Illiterate. The ceremony wan per -
Petrie sol after -
tnsllt genu t t
Nth, their daughter, Gladys Mari.Mrs- M. Shoelsottc('m. \%'innit«eu. Alun ye,y
meed l' Kev. Dr. has• •et II% :Ilia thew free from the Me
els the hap coupe Mfr on Q 1t ` Grad surfer takiuC--tlte.y111.'. for n 1'Aul.analltlt•naltaa took with term
- slot- •in•rueu sed e ! oust ,wt:e.l u+ e L y s
w•a. united In marring. to (:eorgw Iheeatwl Iwai leen ht fsa'r health for we PS r 4`41111114. of months th. trdhisle tt•d I Thee.a ea aero }
Norman Falwtrds of London. . Ont., some time. The renWin+ were brought tar trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. rid, and now I son eat all kind- was a shinier example of the powa,r ..f erfnl reasoning Peter made pMiu th,
soon of Mr. and Mredon G. Fats te. iCioardine far' interment. William McKellar diet} here July , __
wards .t Brussels. (In their return MIS'? Th,w. Wittiest) is wleending a 25th. aged .seventy-three yeah. He of foot,. and have nAitid my old-tInIP the Hn1y Spirit Ti..nye rt every
ilr intim +i,•'
Ihealth and strength.'' they jourueyel they took every fl,sor- ki11gdoul !f oem.e.
from a motor yelp to Queloe . air. and few week, at Wlunlp,rg, 'letting her Ilrrdl at Thetford until alont two I Send for These Health Bwk4 ' n•nity to tell of the conversion of t:eti-
Mn. Edwards win make thele hone in 'lister. Gyres. firer. and other relit- ' year', ago. alien he dime to live with Two nsrhrl tanks. ltulbliug 1'p the tiles lisle roused gr•it,int•rest and q'IIKI.t) MISSIONS
Ia,olon. tires.. ' els only doughtrr, airs. }'red ('aver.
_ Mrs L. 3ohnstnn and Mine Tenn The remains were taken to Theclfonll Blaen" Hn,-What
to Ent frte by ami II.i jut' 1Ic'nJ nl n1'mithrvlwerFirik.4lve,l Some fisc nm, U1ere corn.' a letter
ieFof-u skateon. are visiting Ile. for burial. •
J. R. Wheeler
}'uberal Director and
ill calla promptly ettrnded to
day or night
Store 835 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Oodertch
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all
hours, day or sight.
PHONES:- Store 1211 Rt,.. 217
The call extended by the Lutheran
crugregatkm Mere to Ret'. C. Turtle
Beim. of Sullit•an township, has been
accepted and it Is expected that the In-
duction will hike place In about a
The contrail far the ermetrni'ticwu of
the Blink Creek drain has been
awarded bythe Hay township cmtneil
Ti' Inas! 1 ens., of iitt 1•11.-
$2Ii,1Nai. . -
Emanuel IBM -hart, who leeemflned
in London hospital nit a result of a re-
cent a('I-isient in -with+ hie rig
struck by en automobile. Is makilli
+hew prove•% towards-rerwrrf.
Several relatives from Znrieh at-
tended the funeral list week at South
Rend, ind.. of A. J. Itnnbe. who died
in hip sixty-seventh year. .
ter Est." will e• Pent i reaching ,g ,' e' teem t'nkni. Japan. telling of a thine
wnnama Medicine ' t' -es,. ilns•kvillsttL tt n tuwtdtxlda semi friendly manner er t im sit w 1tii,l serves nit a lovely Ti111.'
and Mrs. D. Geddes. Opt. If you meuNun this pin err. by ter chun•h. They shred why they (;ser. Douglas, who is preparing for Emulating tee (alymplc 'peirit, Jul_-R•tptamr tyrrk ltlM -hart creme amt_ gi v.' a ei+•es*,ftem nit-saf---lrnteexi f a, eitujjP sever.
the lPreshyterian ministry. Is esrohet- ev(di.utlr lieu the Idea ih:tt I2 Is the all dealers tavneulk'ine lir vo t he sent the spend of 'the Gospel among the flair hd•slnnnrles there ore et ted-
arsat Whites -bun -1i and peewee enter in run the thing o m.:. is - Lang- he off in iti' t paid 011re'ript of priers Cretftr• Sgnhl the strict %ell lit the en441.4/4/1144•11441.4/4/1144•11411w' t their nehloath.. For
Ing aero
she In the absence of Rev.
J. Pnitbents.-+Brantford Expositor. 3(l emir- I"•r l,,,i. Pharisees nasonel their bele( that all a menthe heron*, they looked forroom
who fa taking n two months' mat.. hi w-deh to hold the weekly children's
Mountain Resort Acquires New Charms
' Mr. and Mrs. Fred. H. Thompson, of
-Holyrood. announce the engagement of
their Duly d'usgliter. (:nue Mary. to
WiIIiam W. Alton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Alton of Lucknow
Nage to .take pin.e the mishit.
Felling dow-nstnlre from the flat on
fH1111411 street In which be lives,
Richard Webster suffered w't'islte tit=
Birks. and ago nnrnttscions for a time.
Rev. William Aberhart. of Calgary.
Alberta. Is visiting his brothers, Louis
and Charles Aberhart. of town. He
took the services In First Presbyterian
church uti Swtslnc.
lir. and Mrs. fearless J. \t'nllis. of W. H. Little has 1!een, engaged as
Clinton. atirmmnee the eug.egsnn,•nt of irriucttal of the public school at Nor -
their elder daughter. triennials Flit nor
Warns' KA./ to itnlpll Waldo Ih,it"kIII
of (`angary, Alberta. sun Of Mr. an.i
e•k.. the to take ',heist. In
Ttte marriage took plate ora a\'rdnes-
slay. July 25th. of al try alargnwrltc.
yvumgest daughter of the Int,' \Gilliam
Rutledge and orf airs. Itntiedge. ('lin-
fnta. to (leo, RPi11. son of MIr, and Mt..
c1 -ret. Reil! of Myth. The eer•m'ntf •
- Iwnrfot'mr,l al W'e•ley lelr•onnite try
Iti.v..\..1. II„Imr'. Mn, and Mrs. Iteill
will rentals In Clinton.
ails. Fin Carter has heft to nitend
n summer w-h.ial sit Knowlton. Que..
:end it II nl•o t-I'It severs,I of the emst'
int cite. INdoeu returning. •
Mr. and 'qr.. William Eagleson. ;Pt
tler.;Prm. South' ii;ukurn. Knee Leen
wnoa. .
alendnr, August Rt!t, win he Sea -
front's .1i-li• hrdlihty."
11,1 1
green IIon of Ft rat l+re.hytortrn ,
church, II wens +lecided to ions* odr-'
can,lldtt•+ lefore es tendlitg a, 4111.
Fart' -one rttrelidrttes Ince applied,
W. al, Stewart hu. pen iiasc.l the
Ri.td it Wilson l,..-'; of ah.r••+ •m
akin street from the S'hhhotnl Es- '
tile. tetkvUHe. He is moving Ili. tend . •
1,twthi Into The tnrelsrof-the t w.. s:or•• •"
and will rent the tither.
1111. snungentent le nmmeu'ce.l of
Filet Wattles.. eble't daughter ,t( airs.
Tatrhhnll and Gestates George T. Tnrii-
11n11. Neif„rebs 1•0.lnns.. !WI; `,111 Iltlli+, tit
_of 'hornet,. the marriage tr.fake 31tarr`$.°°e
quietly- the middle
I,n Saturday. July 21%1. the mini*
"Orange Pekoe" Is only the name given to a size
of leaf Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes
are sold The most economical and yet the finest
flavoured Is "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Sealed In
metal pure fresh delicious 43c per +}-lb.
I. --Slone in its world to the Banff
Spring, lintel. 2 -Nn In,rrl.,t ,t,•w of
the new ewimmina pool built to the
Acknowledged by the most dis-
criminatingall the finest resort
hotel on te American continent
the Banff Springs Hotel, opened
by the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company on May lb, inaugurates
a new era for visitors to the Rocky
Mountains. This internationally
famous center has been in process
of rebuilding duringthe past two
winter seasons annow stands
complete, magnificent as t0 cons-
truction and furnishings and
beyond compare as to beauty of
The Banff Springs Hotel Is so
constructed as to blend, in the
beauty of its architecture, with the
snow capped peaks of the mountain
range Built of native Stone
quarried from the bass of Mount
Rundle and trimmed with Tyndal
stone from Manitoba the building
itself, complies with all the tenets
of dignity and good tante.
The Banff Springs provides
accommodation for 110oguests,tnd
contains 600 bedrooms with baths
in addition to a large number of
suites of marked beauty and com-
fort. The layout of the public
rooms and lounges has been care
fully thought out, and these rooms
are especially appealing in point of
design and richness of furnishings
The main lounges are things of
beauty la themselves and .the
view, down the valley of the Bow
Riser, it alone worth a trip to
The building of this great hotel
or rather the rebuilding, has been
going. forward for several years,
but the construction work his
not interfered with the comfort of
the summer guests. The work hall
been earried on during the winter
months. Enormous wooden shells
were erected and heated through-
out with steam, and the work done
with the //AMP PA•P a, if at the
height of summer. It i, interest-
ing to note in this ronnrttion that
this system of ren,trurt,nn in-
volved a monthly roneumption of
coal of more Dean 700 tons.
meetings. The neighbors, hail 104.1
most frt•tclly. lent fear of the ItiddhYst
priest was stroiugrr than offer+ of
money or per-siiuil friend+hip. and It ,
scentedrt• th..nnit nn place .•.inld Is•
tent 11,411 ;1N/e;nrd "The \\'onnnu
t\'111, lttr• 1,'1.I'- It..NIL•' MIs'' suis it
widow slut toss+( children nod ate
-rkail..nili a lit ing by imitating u•winz
every day It her tiny hott.' -•ant
it 1,1' Ate hoard of the need, she. In-
thio niisi}r!nnrfc. ti 11444/i14.1. Nelle
1.4.4111. tad she it'd the chfldrelt Ila 4/
w'elconn•,I I11t• t.gt•Mvs xrid 'lie tela-.
a, wnnuiy that itdt•r•st end- attend
'thee terve trrrtir tori eftw .r
We carry a gseod stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
Estimate'+ given on application
Frank McArthur
l-:I,Ecitti 'iAN
Telephone 82 West Street
11 When Christmas • some. .he i t'gte,l
trmiI ti:euu to use her little I. •• and n•:niu
a i:urulutaliu sir, titntkt•d the sit•=-ion,ric.•
f.uTo-,imtn s,yiog they she heel l:itle
+,-ittta'-sir nein,. to help hi cher Ii word..
t tt if .ite hll. by ht'l 144141..2
rano n wtta a •1•.y- :end n IL%itoD•
• o t ter i••u-
s -
Ilar. i' :, .fur Cu fur off tent it
• til.' 1:14., ;1 mil;inu. .t,';t•- t.. hall.
..,• tri :,n e•,:,r,-.' tram
Ruh the s•:alp with MInard'a
four tiu.te a wreck. it removes
Dandruff, %tirttil:ace the eca!p
and makes the hair soft and
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toront.,
Globe 56.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The l.ondon
Advertiser 6.50
The Signal and The London •
tree Press -GAL _
The Signal and Ma 'Taranto -
Mail and Empire
6.50 ►
The Signal and The Farmers'
Sun 3 25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.0.
The Signal and Saturday
Night 5.30
The Signal and Saturday
Evening Post 4 75
the Signal and The New
Outlook 3.9"
The Sigasl and Canadian
Homes and Garden. 4 1,,S
The Signal and The Catholic
Reteord - .. 3.75
The Signal and McLean'.
Magazine 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness .. renewal . 3.85
new 3.611
The Signal s a d Wo►N
Wide . ....•..... renewal 4.23
new 3 65
The Signal sled 5'buth's
Companion -3 75
The Signal and The. Tufonto
Star Weekly • .6 75
The Signal sod Rad and
Gun 3.15
The Signal and The casadian
Countrymen 2 55
eri,'!Cf to rerss rti
.•.s+",roa e,t/irali4ri•r
pP.r r +,
Special Prices at McEwen's
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
_ J. J. McEWEN
Phone 46 South Side of Square
I io. via delivered promptly to all parts „t Ow toe ii a ath,.t rtu.rge
For Half a Century
the Standard.
Successf ul Treatment
• to -'te:
TOM' Of Ida mouth. and his Lace ted growing Is but not ,•ni.nit e i entell' unit.. n .nil slut rt Glebes. f r.• r as or
1 l reprise.ie+r 1 ' I net tit. !r•• et e, :'•dlrte•ti.ot tarrsdmr dy',te•psrfa, with 'what (oL'otxs-ts the n"•one lit the first ap«,ale. r.nsl Theses with uuL•h di-
fi v 1 t1 t w..ai I r e ►a/l,it
aloe.'ret Sun Scott. w9!! of 3„51511 .t. W. Bea„rm...f lllytl+ Litdlge. No. bride's parent. Ott,lafterwards Mr.:,n. violent ,earn es• a , .0 . it e u t ..
k • died , - Thursday Met to 't(1µ AF ,4 • Il.. has been ulgs,inte,l xi (:,Id,.frleft Pn a short motor a i;-••ymld,•ns". iaiss 'of ap l"rtite. whctl+er Is' 'nl cd rhos cher ti, angry wools. lint rather d.'Iiterat,: iu
k I rt Tl e re w'tI 11,•
1-_ . -from an attack at pneunnrnls , dare nisi failure.If )c u the t'hrlaini,a at .ttti.nit that It urea other there who w -a• tench tit,•r.•aeI
ng Rorfh' Httmn. -- __ •,; (lutnrer,- - - --- -
w 1s*,
Tuntl,erry tmrnehlt► After Imo -serer- iMetr$et l*Ieiity (,rend Master for They silt reable In St. •Cathar.r.,..t a man lir w..man, tea symptom yon
e du hunch .uf
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by
Iron by Electricity
%1'ie gnarattei...,1r Il. Ir-
West side of Square Goderich
went to visit her slaughter. Mrs. F.. painted' Brea. here eommt•nee.L-tile .
Tlr..mp..nn, West Waweo.sli, where m,rnnfeeture of blankets at their wool.. t1t1INGH,M
,she suffered a fall, trim which ,die +11d , les mllla,
nu nav,rer Rko a-Isserwitf-tw'O• NI•• fs,r.thr Banibv, tt.,5., has as*- alis Rdertte.n and Miss Joyt•t have
ImPPink pply ,'ir•ngtli Pt the telt- ready rust• to .tee telt in Antioch and not thought it exp.t,•ut or n,'-s•sar>
tern • hi are one son the htoi dangly -William 'Collegiate in. tltutr. battik d. resin take the take
c of gess
t.•rs• Thoma* R'. ..0 the huuMefead: Duncan Munro. rleret. years .,f age. How'nnl, resigned; and take eharg,e of fseblel organs of d;•',"ttou, acid enable in the new wi+-ion fields, of .t -ht strict to Impose Che rile. of seinen asci. i..0 nu
Mr.. William it',nhtll. of rutrua, find had Ills arm broken by felling from a a new else, haute necessary try thein tem to digcet t., r ntThtc the, food
adherence es rite and ceremony sus them. Peter reminded them, of lam
1 lug ydn ••r distress.) not rs+•utin; t, salVatiott its Tomes`-trhatorearnce the holy ('loot fedi ••o
- - i 1 •rip -14 .
frrint 1. sure to fellow. 11eessan• to observe still the p rinri oats Ts•+idi•s IT;uii anJ ITiruuoT.
The secret of a geoid aigoietlte-ell.• rite ..f the .leal.1, religion. It wits :a l'eteri Itnd 1,ad similar experience nwI
secret of keeping well -le -le -kw+p Ill' :rive ......1.444441.1+ -and amfai moi. uittfttl l.new of a crrtululy That G,•,I lutenflu.:
the quality erf thy. bhs,d. IBy eurk•hfug Itan•ilin>:: (scene it iicte'tt•lsel-tl+e'Te►tase-, rt;"w f.te Gentiles-set-a►.4t1 a+Jwa•
b1„s 11M. William'. ,d int' I:i/Wile• church. Taal had al- Ile had meet -inners u itt-erte,T and had
iMlrs of age. Sdrrivind• lewtlea her ('opted it position on the stag of Fort been engaged us teachers In Wit._tu:m and INentf►nv
I'i k iNlta su
Mrs F. TLotnp-on. Thu. funeral took
piece r.. iv torhnnt cemetery on ?Sun-
day afternoon
(urge Buchanan lista gone to Colo-
rado to /mend the rummer amroHa:--
In shire he was playing.
ten en war tout 1 I
Mrs. Earl Dexter. In opening a fruit W1u •ham this lost one of its oldest I, Prof of Oils Is given la Mr- \1'Illlnm I J erawelem Jena insisted it was. -Paul all them which beard the word. -Aced
M} Kelly. • KI tau rn t who +:ft's:- I«.rame greatly concerned that x11 fur- they of ter rin•unNa-i..t1 which be
sealer. had the vein of a wrist cut ass residents by the death of Tle'uri$ ( H. Kr y• ng. ,
the remelt of the glass .hreuking, anti Bolt, which occurred on Saturday, at "I ,-unnot reowutend Dr. \\i',I:onns' tier progress of the living and life- leve,' were asloibniesl. 1«.•uusr 11w1
the 'services of • doctor were requires! - the age of ninety years. Mr. Bolt w -ea Pink Plus iris+ highly. I hn.id«feti' giving spirit wile being ,ircdlk•ed to. eu the Gentiles nese nate leutresioatThe
Trench the flow of blood• born tit England. Ilei bothered with iudigeHu In a cl+rot,t,' the dead letter. Wren a Titus, young. Litt of the Hd,: Geost, for they beard
lived In 1lnruberry for sixty -floe years form for *Immo ten
yrntior: }:c, rythit ; and manly. and free, not fore, with thein speak with tongues. and immune,
before retiring to Winghum. His wife I -.I would Pat would turn sour. I felt the lore cif Christ burning like n fire G,st" (ch. 101• From tela he argot,'
predeceased tins, and surviving are one as though there Wag a Uig hell in rn' un the altar of his soul. to lye held fit ' that It world be provoking. Gust if
ton and three daughters. stmmH•h sill the time. (felt fired and. erne•s length by some unregedernt• they nitetnptlyl to 14111ose rites upon
weak and would often turn dizzy. ' I I'hnria'ey'--
sTann eFarrar. , those• whom made life (Sod had nritty
At the home of Mr. and 'Mr*. John l 1 aeeepred as .Itis. Ile smiles' burden
Anderson, on Saturday last, their only des'tshIr1 and tried many nseltulne'). it When there a o wired likely to be no
i e•ndin g many, many dollar. but to end to the dispute they nerved to send Adm. ti„tea,„„ste„, n yoke twat the two,
no avail. One day I Meer/ a lady • a ,deputation and submit the ui,mtter to sot dis.•iples. .letcs. In the Iwiat Is weal
praising Dr. Willie ale' Pink pills itnd' the church at'.h•nisiUPm. and esgwv•ialty ns Id Ihetr uw-is time, lord f,imnt err
1 decide} to try them- I not more to those apostles. whin had eowtaltiled:.moaksl laws and •ustuws oppre+sive.
I1 for .om I found re• with the M:nter. 11151 We kl14IW now that Christ •.)Pans
er•aa.r1 attendance. '
Master Ronald Sinclair. of Miami. -
Florlda. Is n-Istting his grandparents. Mines t'atherine G. Hamilton has
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sinclair. been entrees.' to teach In the ltit-err.
Milton iaowe has exchanged els dale aciesol.
bl•e•k in town for the form of Chew Miss alargnret'J. Taylor, a former, denghter, Gertrude Irene, was united
Lowry • rerslde» t of foreknow. and sister of in manage to Archie T. McKinney. son
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. thigh and D. 1'. Taylor of Town, diel of the late Mr. and Mrs. McKinney of
M. •ltulth .teen (' toIsi. f (nit on Jnly lnit 111th sit the home of her sits'.. Illiterate. The ceremony wan per -
Petrie sol after -
tnsllt genu t t
Nth, their daughter, Gladys Mari.Mrs- M. Shoelsottc('m. \%'innit«eu. Alun ye,y
meed l' Kev. Dr. has• •et II% :Ilia thew free from the Me
els the hap coupe Mfr on Q 1t ` Grad surfer takiuC--tlte.y111.'. for n 1'Aul.analltlt•naltaa took with term
- slot- •in•rueu sed e ! oust ,wt:e.l u+ e L y s
w•a. united In marring. to (:eorgw Iheeatwl Iwai leen ht fsa'r health for we PS r 4`41111114. of months th. trdhisle tt•d I Thee.a ea aero }
Norman Falwtrds of London. . Ont., some time. The renWin+ were brought tar trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. rid, and now I son eat all kind- was a shinier example of the powa,r ..f erfnl reasoning Peter made pMiu th,
soon of Mr. and Mredon G. Fats te. iCioardine far' interment. William McKellar diet} here July , __
wards .t Brussels. (In their return MIS'? Th,w. Wittiest) is wleending a 25th. aged .seventy-three yeah. He of foot,. and have nAitid my old-tInIP the Hn1y Spirit Ti..nye rt every
ilr intim +i,•'
Ihealth and strength.'' they jourueyel they took every fl,sor- ki11gdoul !f oem.e.
from a motor yelp to Queloe . air. and few week, at Wlunlp,rg, 'letting her Ilrrdl at Thetford until alont two I Send for These Health Bwk4 ' n•nity to tell of the conversion of t:eti-
Mn. Edwards win make thele hone in 'lister. Gyres. firer. and other relit- ' year', ago. alien he dime to live with Two nsrhrl tanks. ltulbliug 1'p the tiles lisle roused gr•it,int•rest and q'IIKI.t) MISSIONS
Ia,olon. tires.. ' els only doughtrr, airs. }'red ('aver.
_ Mrs L. 3ohnstnn and Mine Tenn The remains were taken to Theclfonll Blaen" Hn,-What
to Ent frte by ami II.i jut' 1Ic'nJ nl n1'mithrvlwerFirik.4lve,l Some fisc nm, U1ere corn.' a letter
ieFof-u skateon. are visiting Ile. for burial. •
J. R. Wheeler
}'uberal Director and
ill calla promptly ettrnded to
day or night
Store 835 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Oodertch
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all
hours, day or sight.
PHONES:- Store 1211 Rt,.. 217
The call extended by the Lutheran
crugregatkm Mere to Ret'. C. Turtle
Beim. of Sullit•an township, has been
accepted and it Is expected that the In-
duction will hike place In about a
The contrail far the ermetrni'ticwu of
the Blink Creek drain has been
awarded bythe Hay township cmtneil
Ti' Inas! 1 ens., of iitt 1•11.-
$2Ii,1Nai. . -
Emanuel IBM -hart, who leeemflned
in London hospital nit a result of a re-
cent a('I-isient in -with+ hie rig
struck by en automobile. Is makilli
+hew prove•% towards-rerwrrf.
Several relatives from Znrieh at-
tended the funeral list week at South
Rend, ind.. of A. J. Itnnbe. who died
in hip sixty-seventh year. .
ter Est." will e• Pent i reaching ,g ,' e' teem t'nkni. Japan. telling of a thine
wnnama Medicine ' t' -es,. ilns•kvillsttL tt n tuwtdtxlda semi friendly manner er t im sit w 1tii,l serves nit a lovely Ti111.'
and Mrs. D. Geddes. Opt. If you meuNun this pin err. by ter chun•h. They shred why they (;ser. Douglas, who is preparing for Emulating tee (alymplc 'peirit, Jul_-R•tptamr tyrrk ltlM -hart creme amt_ gi v.' a ei+•es*,ftem nit-saf---lrnteexi f a, eitujjP sever.
the lPreshyterian ministry. Is esrohet- ev(di.utlr lieu the Idea ih:tt I2 Is the all dealers tavneulk'ine lir vo t he sent the spend of 'the Gospel among the flair hd•slnnnrles there ore et ted-
arsat Whites -bun -1i and peewee enter in run the thing o m.:. is - Lang- he off in iti' t paid 011re'ript of priers Cretftr• Sgnhl the strict %ell lit the en441.4/4/1144•11441.4/4/1144•11411w' t their nehloath.. For
Ing aero
she In the absence of Rev.
J. Pnitbents.-+Brantford Expositor. 3(l emir- I"•r l,,,i. Pharisees nasonel their bele( that all a menthe heron*, they looked forroom
who fa taking n two months' mat.. hi w-deh to hold the weekly children's
Mountain Resort Acquires New Charms
' Mr. and Mrs. Fred. H. Thompeon, of
-Holyrood. announce the engagement of
their Duly d'usgliter. (:nue Mary. to
W+IIIam W. Alton, son of Mr. anti Mrs.
11tuu._ _.of_Ltle
Nage to .take pin.e the mishit.
Felling dow-nstnlre from the flat on
fH1111411 street In which be lives,
Richard Webster suffered w't'islte tit=
Birks. and ago nnrnttscions for a time.
Rev. William Aberhart. of ('angary.
Alberta. Is vtstting his brothers, Lento
and ('harps Alerhart. of risen. lie
t.w'k the wry -Ives In } iret Presbyterian
church uti Swtslnc.
lir. and Mrs. fearless J. \t'nllis. of W. iL. Little has 1!een, rimmed as
Clinton. atirmmnee the eug.egsnn,•nt of irriucttal of the public school at Nor -
their elder daughter. triennials Flit nor
Warns' KA./ to itnlpll Waldo Ih,it"kIII
of (`angary, Alberta. sun Of Mr. an.i
e•k.. the to take ',heist. In
Ttte marriage took plate ora a\'rdnes-
slay. July 25th. of al try alargnwrltc.
yvumgest daughter of the Int,' \Gilliam
Rutledge and orf airs. Itntiedge. ('lin-
fnta. to (leo, RPi11. son of MIr, and Mt..
c1 -ret. Reil! of Myth. The eer•m'ntf •
- Iwnrfot'mr,l al W'e•ley lelr•onnite try
Iti.v..\..1. II„Imr'. Mn, and Mrs. Iteill
will rentals In Clinton.
ails. Fin Carter has heft to nitend
n summer w-h.ial sit Knowlton. Que..
:end it II nl•o t-I'It severs,I of the emst'
int cite. INdoeu returning. •
Mr. and 'qr.. William Eagleson. ;Pt
tler.;Prm. South' ii;ukurn. Knee Leen
wnoa. .
alendnr, August Rt!t, win he Sea -
front's .1i-li• hrdlihty."
11,1 1
green IIon of Ft rat l+re.hytortrn ,
church, II wens +lecided to ions* odr-'
can,lldtt•+ lefore es tendlitg a, 4111.
Fart' -one rttrelidrttes Ince applied,
W. al, Stewart hu. pen iiasc.l the
Ri.td it Wilson l,..-'; of ah.r••+ •m
akin street from the S'hhhotnl Es- '
tile. tetkvUHe. He is moving Ili. tend . •
1,twthi Into The tnrelsrof-the t w.. s:or•• •"
and will rent the tither.
1111. snungentent le nmmeu'ce.l of
Filet Wattles.. eble't daughter ,t( airs.
Tatrhhnll and Gestates George T. Tnrii-
11n11. Neif„rebs 1•0.lnns.. !WI; `,111 Iltlli+, tit
_of 'hornet,. the marriage tr.fake 31tarr`$.°°e
quietly- the middle
I,n Saturday. July 21%1. the mini*
"Orange Pekoe" Is only the name given to a size
of leaf Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes
are sold The most economical and yet the finest
flavoured Is "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Sealed In
metal pure fresh delicious 43c per +}-lb.
I. --Slone in its world to the Banff
Spring, lintel. 2 -Nn In,rrl.,t ,t,•w of
the new ewimmina pool built to the
Acknowledged by the most dis-
criminatingall the finest resort
hotel on te American continent
the Banff Springs Hotel, opened
by the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company on May lb, inaugurates
a new era for visitors to the Rocky
Mountains. This internationally
famous center has been in process
of rebuilding duringthe past two
winter seasons annow stands
complete, magnificent as t0 cons-
truction and furnishings and
beyond compare as to beauty of
The Banff Springs Hotel Is so
constructed as to blend, in the
beauty of its architecture, with the
snow capped peaks of the mountain
range Built of native Stone
quarried from the bass of Mount
Rundle and trimmed with Tyndal
stone from Manitoba the building
itself, complies with all the tenets
of dignity and good tante.
The Banff Springs provides
accommodation for 110oguests,tnd
contains 600 bedrooms with baths
in addition to a large number of
suites of marked beauty and com-
fort. The layout of the public
rooms and lounges has been care
fully thought out, and these rooms
are especially appealing in point of
design and richness of furnishings
The main lounges are things of
beauty la themselves and .the
view, down the valley of the Bow
Riser, it alone worth a trip to
The building of this great hotel
or rather the rebuilding, has been
going. forward for several years,
but the construction work his
not interfered with the comfort of
the summer guests. The work hall
been earried on during the winter
months. Enormous wooden shells
were erected and heated through-
out with steam, and the work done
with the //AMP PA•P a, if at the
height of summer. It i, interest-
ing to note in this ronnrttion that
this system of ren,trurt,nn in-
volved a monthly roneumption of
coal of more Dean 700 tons.
meetings. The neighbors, hail 104.1
most frt•tclly. lent fear of the ItiddhYst
priest was stroiugrr than offer+ of
money or per-siiuil friend+hip. and It ,
scentedrt• th..nnit nn place .•.inld Is•
tent 11,411 ;1N/e;nrd "The \\'onnnu
t\'111, lttr• 1,'1.I'- It..NIL•' MIs'' suis it
widow slut toss+( children nod ate
-rkail..nili a lit ing by imitating u•winz
every day It her tiny hott.' -•ant
it 1,1' Ate hoard of the need, she. In-
thio niisi}r!nnrfc. ti 11444/i14.1. Nelle
1.4.4111. tad she it'd the chfldrelt Ila 4/
w'elconn•,I I11t• t.gt•Mvs xrid 'lie tela-.
a, wnnuiy that itdt•r•st end- attend
'thee terve trrrtir tori eftw .r
We carry a gseod stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
Estimate'+ given on application
Frank McArthur
l-:I,Ecitti 'iAN
Telephone 82 West Street
11 When Christmas • some. .he i t'gte,l
trmiI ti:euu to use her little I. •• and n•:niu
a i:urulutaliu sir, titntkt•d the sit•=-ion,ric.•
f.uTo-,imtn s,yiog they she heel l:itle
+,-ittta'-sir nein,. to help hi cher Ii word..
t tt if .ite hll. by ht'l 144141..2
rano n wtta a •1•.y- :end n IL%itoD•
• o t ter i••u-
s -
Ilar. i' :, .fur Cu fur off tent it
• til.' 1:14., ;1 mil;inu. .t,';t•- t.. hall.
..,• tri :,n e•,:,r,-.' tram
Ruh the s•:alp with MInard'a
four tiu.te a wreck. it removes
Dandruff, %tirttil:ace the eca!p
and makes the hair soft and
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toront.,
Globe 56.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The l.ondon
Advertiser 6.50
The Signal and The London •
tree Press -GAL _
The Signal and Ma 'Taranto -
Mail and Empire
6.50 ►
The Signal and The Farmers'
Sun 3 25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.0.
The Signal and Saturday
Night 5.30
The Signal and Saturday
Evening Post 4 75
the Signal and The New
Outlook 3.9"
The Sigasl and Canadian
Homes and Garden. 4 1,,S
The Signal and The Catholic
Reteord - .. 3.75
The Signal and McLean'.
Magazine 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness .. renewal . 3.85
new 3.611
The Signal s a d Wo►N
Wide . ....•..... renewal 4.23
new 3 65
The Signal sled 5'buth's
Companion -3 75
The Signal and The. Tufonto
Star Weekly • .6 75
The Signal sod Rad and
Gun 3.15
The Signal and The casadian
Countrymen 2 55
eri,'!Cf to rerss rti
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