HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-8-2, Page 311111x- ,flaft • The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. rn)a SIGNAL PRINTING CO, LiMITED, Publishers. Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 GODERICH, ONTARIO, '1'HU1{SUA\'• AUGUST 2, 1522 A New Horizon ANEW horizon opens out before the man with money. With $1,000 saved you can look to the future with confidence -start one of these easy savings plans now: - $1,000 in 4 years- costs $940.16 in weekly payments of /4.52. $1,000 in 3 years costs $956.28 in weekly payments of $6.13. $1,000 in 2 years- costs $970.32 in weekly payments of $9.33. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch :11.'9 F. Woollcombe, Manager ■TNF NUM F l- 1 N t Mla ■ F a_b■ $2 AND UPWARD MADISON ini 110/ ii .k4,1 . A�iD LENOX IDETRO1T ESTAURAM FAMOUS FOADOLLAR DINNERS CAREER OF GRATTAN BARS A VERITABLE ROMANCE OF THE TURF His Owner, Who Bought Him for Less than $75, Said to Have Refused $100,000 for Him (Toronto Tele:anm•, Grattan Barr. 1'uua,I111rUr,,1. lacer. winner of three consar•urice 025.0110 hatnese Derbies, and ter whi. It it i t re- ported $1051.1551 has be,m offered--nue! refused-was purchased by hi,, owner. Fred Thrower. Kerwood, ()Warn., in Middlesex county, farne.r, for $75 a little dyer three yours ago. A,, .0 mat- ter of fact, the horse 1.11•1 14 ,s than %i5, i'III..T 11:.tlt Nit reiustuun, Victor Flo, . _. ,'.nun the picture. Mr. F'Iw„iu for yrur- has been racing user 11 tlrund Circuit. lug laurel,• its a eouge•eJ.t: ap,1 et'tlrlgtrtne driver. •1',• lilt wits en- trusted the training :: id handling hl his eugngemeuts of 4 r:,t,at liar,', and the first thine he did 'r s .ei ahem the FORMER CLINTON GIRL BUSY AT EDMONTON Miss Louise Holnie> Has splendid IN PICTURESQUE AND Itusiues..thilitier Mir' Luui: a llolaia•,, formerly of 4'liuton..for 1a.n,e yeah has occupied a SIGHTS AND SCENES STORIED SCOTLAND tusk of correcting tie noise's :skit 1l . res{N.uslble pusitlofa in avauur'tlnn with - breaking INN,rIy al too .rant. It t.ok the• 1lxhibltiuu tsiN•iutlou at Ell WW1- , Mrs. Carrie Writes of Her Visit time. and ulsrve all it took a tliun.ngh toll, .tlla•rt.l. Mi's Holmes Is a Amiga to the Burns Country and expert to reulasly tkl.note. but lu .1 ter of Mr. and air,. Robert Holmes few weeks the .itunda re:n.mari ae• Edinburgh of '(}rrouto, formerly of I'lUltou, her g t 011; 1lshed this object. And then tt,e father having been editor of -EN. (.14.11 - ton Nes- k:ra and member of I'arlin- tueut for Test Huron. The following reference is from '..lie Edmonton• Itulle- You might think the ncon Of the first target aimed at was the $2.i,1551 pacing Derby, at Wit .lsor. e.anne,•ti- • Ire history now al, it Grattan liars Following are farther notes from, Mrs. E. W. Carrie en (ger European tour: tin: ,ADumfries. Jtly. lith. met and Bleat i the fleetest horse! Exhibition Association is, When• 1'ity \rriled ut Dumf ries after a lovely of the continent in Ili New Enos"! ltal ('ouo1ry Meet, or 11 tunul,er of delve duan favid Gbt14guw•thr11I fine stakes Almost ias slii;tch• following likely Dimities of thut sort; lint one of 1•,1lire.quecountry. WO 41,1 ao, know hit' victory he was sit pIN,1 ti Tule,lo' the must frwpta•u11y heard singlIis tl,rrv• wery w, wally sh.ep and .atlle 011 10. l0 �ontea ill ur..,tiirr %^5.IN111 r I rat this or uhf ill the .,rld ng ae tilts' ou the wan parse. 'toe • it "I avant t.. save MI-•, dotcu. The buildings ante Of like a k'la.11 + and around the ..grwui. s veryur. utter . t - u1.)stly oleate or "hut tour a for u bunch of caber acre im luded inHolmes." • stent very pr.eq.e i ne-hmi til•g• V. Etre raie. - __ ____�_.�..�-_ _ In the fir• tIlett-..f t..1s r u`r (:rnttnn- Bars, front an uirti,,i H+•tclug scNal tK „ like nn "rt.". snarl from -a IN,w, and cant iuforuuitlou seker or ;erector for ..r' era! quotation. from hi, poems on it ike a flush I.. grab tit rlsit.ir or arn,r-.glen hulQ.•r g.Nf away Tile rank is butIlse guinea's stam1.' But -the ttetorr wx++t►+w«n yet.. tamed-}+nr-kE}Nsiw+::it. i.„.... bar. tell right sutleris t..uue.. .► Pn•ti, -at 4 - UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO rrHE University Course in Medical Science consists of sir years' resi- dent work. Two years are devoted to Arts and Science and four years to pure Medicine. Not more than fifty students antler- mitted to enroll for the first year. The Medical School has the bNl-- equipped plant of its size on the continent. Lon- don's Hospital and clini- cal facilities are excellent. The School of Medicine ha• made its reputation through the quality and high training of its graduates. For additional infor- mation, write: - L P. RNeville, Registrar, London, Ontario Pav Open! August 6th- "(CIVIC HOLIDAY I " 8th - Wednesday (BALL GAME SPECIAL) 9th - Thursday (REGULAR NIGHT) " 11th - Saturday PAV NOT OPEN TUESDAY OR FRIDAY 411, (:rattan hors was then :1 yearliii. rake 1 r,14411µ•.. !1.ur,"•AFF•...,...•w........._.........-....._.at which few but a di• .•r11h1g tor"*'lir�Ir. Tltntwo41h1 have cast a ,ttsantt glance da wplte this Suttik4ons beg -t ring• beelngu u , r, umau a- lew tiii m S- * t ft to size n , 1 onadihu .. , first burs. �. gar n t.ln of tit.• F c Dumfries, July 1•d tae allot h t of being lug brown thio Jl� XelLLlal MO e sten at 3 Iii �e Jr • "Puf 1 k"t 1't ie �C i 1 1 t er 1111 t dr, Ili" important nu , . +hill. t other i N 1 o ,tit r 'o . r 1 1 .•r 1 + N 1 / f Rut Fred Thrower tax • reputation u n There were g' NI 1 well aN u variety , 11. yrs_ 0. F. CAREY & SON Li-nited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Vii., -onto Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFE INSURANCE (Sun tie CO. ACCIDENT, SICKNESS. Al•TO, ETC., iNSI'R.'.N('E Houses and Lots In Godertch and Vi- cinity. and Farms for Sale $1'00. tt j; l buy a 2 ",tors Wick Ileum 4414,1 ..try e: ivy. Destdeartal Iota ti . t 11399 will buy a line 1 s .tot's Rouse; r _-,o411 :�yN•uruuce;_j rtl '•_tun :.tied _ n harness prospect. When rte uott..»1 too, driven h..' r,>t,l..11cnhlt►ng ate hibltlou-As+u•tutlan for the ns( s i (I1.41Nl furnitnn•); convenient t„ lake the cult ton lslrture field ural l4rinud,,,urag/r,us relnumeu. Ti?' htte'rowd •tern years which gas dedicated to Mini,. One fried and wharf. that he was sired by Grattan iteral „{ Aagerkwnr took (rnnfort in this fat -t. Miss . boluses came to EdtMNrhrn I of tl.e 1..V1.11. t phots we ever sow. It $1'110 will buy n g....t House and lot, from itrdly itarN; he examiu, J him with and When hrpnan Burs relinquished from Toronto In the sonar year that is beside the brig of I4nauie Dotal. Britannia road. 21'2111 cash yet%tuavrt • interest. Having npproce,i his mel! I ,e lend to the witll�f,41ocd Iii..hlu11'1 the Irate manager, \Ir. Willlutu 'lark. On Monday fie tc1'nf to the Trox 1il:ulce saute n. rent. • 1r'tcm Lend, trend forehead, in' .•(tt a teritable tornado of gpplo°se arrlerd. They hurl worked toeetherl Andra, ititrt of the any by trn1.. part $7tp will buv 1'..-st:•ry ii tI.*. atwlll trlllg rat eye:. and clean .4r,alg 4inrtw_ engdMl trv.rn ' gtai.t' and rnllslde: on n 'rnrot t, new, alIM•r on which HI s by tallyho. and port I, boat. Ale 1 . ud ncurl ,.. the u.lverii.itt., tighltnl irtp. Webs down by 14111 circulation uit clrrnlattoand various other - 1.•moud, a beautiful ink,. „Itrruulatc• meats. and of which Mr. Stark as by verdant hills.. he saw ninny n b11sli, of ,taanager. Before, shut she"hut ,ind hetu •(tap nt.n1,l 11011N4.1,11011N4.1,*tad taught business ....liege In her 1111- i tluUche,1 and .r,mfortn444' I. ••kttr- sow the town of Clinton,inton, Ontario.. - l:ll.•tt's Isle, madememorable by Sit During the years of her work with Walter Sv.tt. Then on to Edinburgh ate i?zhitrithat---Xste t:.tIt s _ Miss on Sunday. A groat esw t.' with 145 i t4'*' W111714117141 t riflMint t on n high rock. - stable and- lot. ;mall:down tet t Ment ; the young fanner made his off•.r, and ..1511eres the eninick horse pow?" es ly admitted that he had Peon!. butthey roundly criticised lila behatio;- at -the staeting--goint. for ho -was whatuo nthly pelguleut plain for balance. $510 will buy twat I'of tage: 'lots. the future ehomplon to Id, home. the pan. Iles shot his bolt in the tiret Smolt dew!' 'payment : monthly pay - 1111.111, for Whin. $:7119 will buy n very choice 1'_ -story Few who saw the eolt in his hew I • It may have looked, that way..for Ilonse. A re.41 home: full modern, quarter:4 realized that this was a yen- ,illgillan.1 Scot ball et two -length lead. arpdp{41 .t : hot water beans!: rine lot table 14111 I 114. 41 11111401011- 111 lite Mirk. while atwitter rival bad Illepla.e.1 4:ritt• 11 lid L'•' rage; exeellrnt :,41:11.1 01 ; 4:11M. the -hoer, of ft Koliittoor, that in three close observers noticed what the nti- 11„tmes has devoted her stole kne renown and comparatrve richest ti. his' that Vi.• Fiequing hail n tieht hold on ', twItm,h are al llllll loot) a 11.4 taisloc•o, yeers' time he was destined to brew. lorley '44 the crowd failed to otwer‘e, . • owner and to spread the fame 'of the -the lines and that tarter he 1445.1 oused...,,,kurill'ill.M_i_te:__441erwhie),„1.:„.lriLP ."1,,,thliele.ithni,g11_7;,totim'rei .. A n..onti.erfti tiny in the old ensile at the feur comere of,the Ivorld. . trlovellitle quite se fast. even though the very hub urouod which the wheel time for little else, an.1 Pe hag tiecom sm..4.essfally figifia.1 II large aratY, nail ; noi Modern equipped; hot Water 01'110411a II statelnnilired horse owner to lock hi. horse the lemlers wenail FOT 1 114. next ttew yeare the .144..t.ory doing !heir hest. :The first half was; of netivity turns at the Fair gromole. ce.rs and 9ittudy•two •nien $1...1%41.441 it I rimi,,,. of Orattan Bane was punctuated 11 reeled oft in 1.02, perlirips ti little tonre. Talon the death 44 Manager Willitett_t . thnt I, bad; been bot,u ,g,:nm.A for fivel__ brni,,, 7. tftw_f,,,;_nna 1...4tr,,c,,,,,. vie._ Stark an& the appointment of Mr. torte ,f reel : '.,10111944, ,to 1.11110 ft'. little of note. lie was broken Ity his twit Grattan !tarn was miller strong $'all ..11.1, 4■s2-tueuf alll I.hy a goal owner and after his speed hod •lieen restraint. and It was evident to his perey Abliot as manager. •Niiss_iiointes home: 14011, 110111 10 Vi.lnrla si•ltoid,' te4e4 be was, entered in paling crents gupporters that lie had a good deal In has continued to act :14 seeretary. •• cm. eff their %niter supply. WI. .1:0% _::nest- tern.. for-*uIn1L lw,kttl.w,- - at harnenn meetings in ,thile Pnivinee. reserve. the crOvVit jewels and 1io• gold crown. FStt'nts Sarllia, WOOolstoek. 1.A.lition. 1.11r1511t1 / , Whirlwind Speed 141'.. Is r.lie 1.4""nrS nr IIN' 4.4444.' noWlfivver used. -rant weaptons-of V14.1 -r., for Nnrtllern Alberta. sew -entry of the our uw,knl eye....The .nstle Is use. i were vielted in tuni. lint the young \And he hail. for at the turn into till. eheet. and swim. Breeders' Assislatiow - )lane .hulce Tann, with all hullds horse accomplished 'little out of the or- home st retch Driver 'Fleming let him Edmonton Pools y':thaw, and se,rMgri' I as.n larrn k, now'11 Mt w.. saw• a' t''ttl•4 ug: sono• tind41•nrl: illmoet any siZ! tdinary at nny ef these gaitigringW. otit" Anil Grattan -Rant esyme mt --- Monthly fu'ry that• l k..t raTTlec iuo+degnatc t0 rra�ltrrr..f flu. #.Inuwlatt 7�,,,,• , i . ,t e.f ltilN.- {wi,.1e4 t,r tILotr ian,)•of„ ..iF".N•:Irlou 11.{„o..f ,erre tmritr rri.t • At the, e,14nt tlnu• she Is soaaht t'' lu 1 1'1isa terns. plf'' bag .es - mm�•hinte down. L:allant ' IIID I/tlnPr. r1. 'n^n7c' ehurcd to the track. 11.' .,rc„r.,l that i everyone at alae. find araelonsly re LNrkIng fellow+ they were. straight and Ask nla11t them.' lnet half -mile in the amazing tithe of s1Nondv to every ,'all. She ling a start er# I. and every •Jut"h wndicr". -s saeconds which tea's its utan story of from two to ton assistants. os Ow 1v,. vtsit.ri IlolcnN»I. tllhrl with of the dcnamio speed to which lie tea ..resin of the yens demands• fsnutiful laiutiltg, and tapestries. sold I t f \li•- Utsr daps --Mondays. WedaesdalL Saturdays, or any 'day by epeeist request. For all ttarticulare see or write J. W. ARMSTRONG rfrrw'n weals call a ,Neo "rT,.. er'' Ild e . ___,.�-__ 1[ oq hare any doubt n N n ,,.... to here IlixzG. an" .Intl. (Yltila Err t ►av Ila ;dare S -Why, It takes half•n•.lozen. men M Horsemen nssia-rn great credit to Vi.- iodme14' gnalifkat ong, ask sue t5oarit There mus at brass plate and an Ill• -Men hits around _before for Fleming for the part he has .•f direelorl, Thertlun O'er the +. it 1'ri and stews, away,`' sAl.l these critics. "And riven 1 ray - aer(Aoph,g.?rnit.n. tier.. this Ftili 1 rite t i41 -�l t r fc th•, ueet when he does get going he appears .to (a f its Fleming lie dt• PREPARIN pl. tnry slur start fu the clams tint ('rr•tnn Tiara is the !Nva MOTOR CARS Ill 1929... streets of Edinburgh arc {N1t•t'.I will, G FOR ]�Oi - sefiam. .. or � 1 e world. The sulk. That horse'18 never amount to c ee Inters 111 the world, which, white taking brick 'and stone. The {erpnlo.thnl of anything."in cansid.rnblc t,•r"ritorT, mac be the D.y.rlmenf of Hightaay% Eire., ('wn. 1 1h,• city Is 700.000.•Fred Thrower said little to may to _ record -of *iarkrn -------T--- • • 2 - rhe ln• artmet,t TO CURB OPERATIONS n ig i,-1--cd),,---tort porch `e' 5'/0•'"11► "'n OF UNRELIABLE DEALERS tommote livens.•• plates for . _• . For- -- w4'..,. mite. these erith•ltms. hut his opinion of the truth 111 '.tea ..f ht, sec. rat tract for . house's quality underwent no ohnn>Le. 1•:'0>;:s for one mile. Toro nto act _1• I •'he'll find himself one of tjtese days.", 1•rN1 t r he told bis intimote friends. "and then watch him step." Last August Grattan Bars -came to the 't'atrndinn Nat lentil Exhibition after he had registered minor ck•toriell atother harness gatherings. Tie fatter: In a race at the Exhibition grounds, Hnrry Fteldr handling the tying. and won by a comfortable margin. Ills manner- of going attracted attention, although once again his bad bcltar at the start was plainly rlotkesMii. However. following his victory, a horseman sought out Mr. Thrower and offered 117.600 for the dark brown colt. That is n lot of money for a horse. whether he wears a racing saddle or light harness. and the Her/rood farm- er's friends urged him to close with the offer, "Take it, Fred;' - -thele._ Ole ted. "You'll never get n lid like that again." "Not far Sok" Mr__Throlver. wlto is hy,.no-meant in the millionaire class, refused to listen to 011s (*.mese]. '•It's 11 101 of money. 1 know,' ho sold. -but !!17.:.151 won't tiny a hair of 4119 tail. Gruttau Imes• Isn't for sale." 11114 friends eh. their 1, eagle. You'll regret turning the offer down," they w•urru I hits 11r Thnrwer merely Rates In Hobbles Grattan liars -wears no hoot,: he Ile - n -full 16 handy 1 ttch, and thin.' lot's The eotitrn.t for nett year+ I, ttl a tafmf'-thy .�tltnir "it lain front , t'*t wits hassled 1141111) 1.y 111,14. 1iNrrg,• to hind pastern'. • Brown In color. Henry to (•ttidlan ('ulort)t4'. L(111tic, ovist dark points. he {rnggPRWg fi /141',1%,“ _„{ Hamilton. +11 7:2 cents ie r 14r(., Cr r al&eat _bend from which shigt oral Steil Ware,: bid. This 1• prominent eyes. HI* forehead i, slight nrlucti' a in cost free' 11,1' fll t hid m 1, .n ethleal bledIlesn prietice•:, re,Prt!ring 'in ,i greater 44ndidewe Iwh tl'tt hnyer :111 1 ahead 1114 compared artier err- 'wen-av in t1-.'--potegt144n-o 4ivesti r from the act Ivitiv.. of rho.• truth td,,..4. w1..r pros 111ooi tk-- 1...1.1:. ' Int OW offering of securities of .ion Lt fnl•talne and in minty cases very lit le I' or no value at ail. Ties,. in.It%idnal• r, try n'ry ierssitile in their nti'th.d of ,., operation. Oita Ll the n:.,• ,r 111gh- ,, pressure inelhn"s. and ince robbed 1.y ,rirtii1 .-. reds-' i,l of- millions of dollars during the past 1 few years. The 114dler Iluslne,s 1111 ren ns hate IN•en lnstrnmetittil 111 vary ing t.111 ruarkell degree the o{erntlen• N of these •donbtfnl tulirl'tt tI9, :rat1 bit w'ndtng fluty of than to Jolt. while !Witty others have been' !trier& 1'%t e•!ese. yes their others and ,'Pate n4•rittiia,s in tht•.,ii,tricts where the Better 1111-111. he !1i1rv•:tIIs ha y4' been n,-tl . Pd .tg aunonaced In the. pre.. T �?t,,' 'rl stale ago I,y the Atl'rtlecJ:e!^r,al, 1. bma,t, proelnlrinina intellige111r. contract, in whii•II the ent•mu14 n who have kneeled hint say he has the, was 714 cents. fr..iu the sante lira Irl a ' to Ise. H•te= ofatae- 4gyir-must'ffiA Os IItufr,.�a� .gar gloom ..r fir_.. man. hot lie will t4'mnln In t'amidst to tuft.. on his great qualities to fntnre generations of 411s type', for he is des• .�.ni:- The 1tr27 markers c!ort-v.:(. "Pre -bow. tt"t-Pea Pwttivv_. rnnM. that l.'«=•'►' -i' t'•` -w -... p U t $at,1P.► ,ntfared with ail those of,all champions, equine or hn• I he (,.,aur „.1„,„„.•or t.r s1 yt.nts markers is light grey larkgr.•uud.wii black n11m.m11.. As has baht .the cu tont for the last three years, the won Ih,e'1 f„r the sfnd. . •1hlttrho' i. s1N•ilrrl .N.t on the lune iter 1..for.• him r4'tfrrmeut .•macs he line. along with the t!¢urt'-s'•19r2tc" Th x•111 add nonny' auoth, r rich pare f irltrntiti1ittfen winds •r are of sow the m1l'•i•tlon he 11111 aleeedy maid' y what different •iyle a 11.1 MIT -1,e t'• Ilow1'0,n, wheth,•r he det4', or ant. Ir' tot...uit 1.. alter, ag hos 114141, foto n1rrn,'t .Ire, seemed for 1dmrPlf n 4111 I,,,00ible '.11111 {+revbng issues• in the ...nine \'nlhalln, And his re • - �tr '.noel'• RAILWAY VETERANS tlknhlc .11,114 that rids emtetry ea! FORM AS80CIATIO still t1t•••+lite horses tit to Nike their - place it any'r'mlany In tl:e world. S eretary•Tnrasurrr Harry 5.'1In10 CHOLERA INFANTUM Former Gak.. k )Taro •tu arc:ulizlHiun. ru IN• kunwu as t -1'et,ra1' .4ielocInrion of' the StrnYTi r •'-1 - -- i,{vi-i.11 of the 4'.N -.1t,. was forum mulled. , Cholera infaptntn fs rote of the fetal hist ',Week at Stratford. The follow{ .e .dens ii. 'e a -(NN 101 t chosen: President. t t From the ('.N F:. the h r 1 • r lr . I 1 .• were .h trouble* Illi r ' , o .ie,d. it f+ to 1111 ', oilnu•ut f childh n went. if le ItCn, where he rmb I ••ff ' that anises 011 "44.'nly, esler•Iullt 4 P 14nien : civ pre+ldeut, W. 11. Li' n half ntlldln'the r«et townies tinti 'f; losing the simmer rn,.utho. 1111(1 nal.' ret:: sere, n tr'ns.nrr, Ibtrt, :'4)l'. 14nends..Tho4 set tot14ot, a-av114 i,n,tnl,t • oi•t inn is ttlk,ti the 1111 le 0114' ih!ttl.•-: 'hnirnuui of mm�t LN•r'l ging, and 4hose w•h,, ind (•ell h•12'r1 Mr, I10Iy sea 110. 41'yontt aid.. Tea by', (Last corn snits' e. 11. jloos; ehair11m11 of 1 Thames for rnhrgtoa to sell tin .•all.,j,k'tg are 1111 ideal 111,11kbiie Ill ward- law ,•nnulittee. R. 1latvey, The It !letter Business Bureau F..Ld,lis44.14 to I'rohrt Inyewtors t9te lSWN•r Itn,lness .l1ur,•uu .tilos,' 1111'11 1. whi, h is wid,•spre:i,p thnnt¢h..n, Ito 1-ni11,1 St11,•.-wad which is t:ak'iue holt in t'rma.tu, hag Ifeelf 4-01111•1111 fat 11, raising the 14tot.hlnl of nl'r.fiandlaing. 1revent{ng • false advert i,ih¢ 1111111 nu Real Estate Agent P. O. Box 89. (loderleh One. ns Weft-otltr t the formation . f n l a•t:er 3 , i t•e', �.+. Inn• 111 in I1. Ir i , 1 1 n n 11•- ni.rnri. Vreatly 11 1 tri tt S i- n atite "pMtbrn M the 111' gnehm, with liOntliptarlers in M01,- '.5 trent. and I. 114.1t¢ en. ellen. ger) Ie. '"'f TI litter llr,•i,,e T11,r,•-n1' as 1, imw'-1.,mm..1..1,11 'ittaC'- t1,..w.-'...r, 11 11T'-Itff-ilit�'iTrRllril•*.-'�`hPp'1'PR1t1ntt i18--'r.rINFIt `i,F't.R hard to keep the fame of a go.41I h•,r.e. ,,,,w•els 1111,1 14wreten ti:,• stn,nneli and in the 4'.N.It, Assembly Helt,.Strntfo nu.i4'r a bushel. News that a lightohmthus prevent the drert!ed 14nmmer coin. on Angie.? Int. at 2 p.m. :tst Canadian -lord lacer wn14 ,m111111n: 1,1„1„1.,. They '„rn nn at,,„a me 14.44', pl. F. Holmes, tit,• Secretary :i . r, ' far -01T in the land d his billere reachedWen-firer of the How orsnnistiti t , ,s far+eft Xew England. where 4114' hair- uMlici' , Imes 1,.? -ntml to P,mrntn neither opiates not 1:insoles or other well -knew.. rnilwily- veteran, 1b• 1 rens targe 14.111 rnigng ns king. 'I'he' Itnrinful drily... They tntinot po14,1hIy .,born in !Merle •in 1.-,... Ills foil, rnpr•,entIlice of a New• IlamIwhirl'1 .Io harm- they glassy, io aoo.i. Tine Daniel Ilotue.. w+ts n ...minder Huron Investments Limited Stock Brokers Borrd Dealers Insurance Royal Bask Building, Goderich, 04). Pkonts 430 asd 445 44r1n, 11.E lTce nl tt tai[ iATti. (r7rf: -` 1.1MrPrtF- -_r,•,,,t > ,--. rd. senlatives of Ihr Toronto 1,nr.l Tril.le, Toronto Stork I:vchnngr. Senn•! rad ' :,rd ttt:,,-k }:xeliange. in1.-lrnent Rank a 1 ha',.e Mosta 1c,• www to I .ar�•n. Ih , Pry vas nn.l investment ,\s4•.-i:inion. Toronto et% Beal 1•:+tate Tloor.l. and other.. The for otlb•,•r• and mends res.,+f fir eteentt'4' Its • , ollihiiftic, :if the !letter- Itnanr, Iiit ^1 i4':41'are as f8i6,a-.: Chairman. f'. 1,. elicit nine of the 11.1 41. in 1'r•i11, t:. lhrrtun,. 4residdlt Toront„ Boa , f 1'471 he rooted 1.4 ('nmlaehi4'. W1i4p' hr Trude: • tire a chnirgiett. 1'. F. .1hbs wag entplotres ns ,g41n,:or, sod •he 1,i -evident Toronto tatv41•k Pet::bonze worked on 11„' line IN'lw(rq Strnlfor,4 .L. M. din. rte, rep. tnvestment Bard. attl l',imla,•I,i4' milli 1'47:4. HP w'II, ,.ry,' A14wttt*tir,u: .e,frt't.1r'.' lr4'nratrr, tt�ur�rt,,'no.rp[ -ttv-#'feria, where---h*-su• .1.• k K4nv'ni111, 1WN'm-7111i..4.; Ilio molded 11111 11 1%15, %hen ln' (run4' t., mond 144r14't West, ,T• mato. Lx„ .. t:iNlpMeltn" "fa'nilnr. In 1'4x2 he ane five romndtter J}i. •P. Tinker. ilnmbilm Appointed agent rat, Thetford. In 1'4'.7 a(orfaltlRt nn'I fnv4'stment ,�... , he was ngnhn moved. this time going Ihm; F. 3, 4'.41.mhg, 11sP'ealmPnt IF r to .\.•ton. where he was employed un- err: Assiorintlon : 11• T. Stanley, Iter: III 1927. when he %ns leet'sioned, Hls Merrhantt' Seetl.n. Toronto 11onrd fnmt:y were nit employer) by the (:.T.1t.. Ills father and brother William being with that company for forty•flye years. 111'. Born Charles has been with the 4:.T.R. on,l C.N.R. for twenty years. and his son Harry has been enli►Myal hy_the, railway' for ten gears. Tele• i W. Craigie eniA operating In the early' days w'a. • very diMenit compared with the pre• sent system with tt1 telephones and armnph„tS�, and Mr. TMlates relste•u how they nse,1 to signal all towing ttIth flees. grert*alai rt 1.5 11141 g1Nrinlly to 14t'e this model., a„• gid by puvli.lne dealers over fort) 8.4' U•nr.% 11P leo-met t ' wonder horse In fiction :ani to make fir by mall :it 27. cents a hoot ftmnn The tri.",, of telegraphs openttor in the (h an offer for him If he lived up to his Owner Refused $23,111111 Tim .% mer lea it I torsetult t 'itched ' Bars trowel nt *Merl and thew offore4- the Kerweoit Fanner s2coniii for the horsy.. Mr, Thrower refesell. The New Englander inereaved Ids offer to $25.000. "Ton told me to take 817.300 for hlm at Toronto." reminded Mr. Thrower. "and If 1 hod followed your adviee 1 wouldn't now he refusing an offer of 123.000. No. my whole heart and sold la wraPPed nip in the (vit. 1 hrotight him up: 1 think tho world (if end he len't for sale." The .%merl- .% New Defter Was mappeit out for the Canadian bre.' parer. And here the 1'11 1110111 Datlflaft Stook Pretinnge: J. C. Su, dent T. onto 14(9'1 Eltate flonr•l. Real Estate sad Insurance Geo. Williams ()eater in DOMLNION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIP.U, ANI) CORPO- RATION BONIM4 Fire• Ate -Ideal, Automobile. and General Insurance Agent ()dice, next to liank e Phone 5:1 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Olicrs nettle attractive fotni- District Agent Gold Mine at 30c a share. Several good houses for sale. INSURANCE Car, Las and Fire W. J. Powell Phone 292 P. 0. Box 498