HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-03-09, Page 19From the Minister's Study THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1988. PAGE 19. Would your 'judgement file' be good or bad BY JAMES H. CARNE, PASTOR THE MISSIONARY CHURCH, AUBURN It’s time again for my monthly report to the District Superinten­ dent: not a bad record for February; attendances are up significantly, giving for world missions shows a healthy increase, and there is a good balance in the treasury. It requires good statistics to Obituaries Life-long Grey resident dies WILLIAM E. BISHOP William E. Bishop, a life-long resident of Grey Township passed away in Listowel Memorial Hospi­ tal on Thursday, Feb. 18, 1988 in his 84th year. He was born in Grey Township, Nov. 9, 1904, son of the late Abraham Bishop and the former Margaret Patterson. He was pede- ceasedby his wife, Verna Hazel (Johnston) Bishop. He is survived by two sons, Jack, Clarence and his wife Rose Marie, ofRR 1, Ethel; five daughters, Mrs. Clarence (Eva) Flood of Walton; Mrs. William (Helen) Potter of Frankford; Winnifred of Listowel; Mrs. Ron (Agnes) Diehl of Monkton; Mrs. Ross (Ethel) Food of Mitchell; granddaughter Mary of Waterloo; 14 grandchild­ ren and 16 great-grandchildren. He is survived by two sisters- compile a good report. I remember the days before written statistical reports were requested and mini­ sters were called upon to simply give an oral report at the District Quarterly Meeting as to the condition of their charges. Some ministers had a great flair for painting a glowing picture of a rather ordinary situation. In the stark honesty of youth I remember prefacing one of my earliest oral in-law, Mrs. Laura Souch and Mrs. Anna Johnston of Wingham. He was predeceased by one brother and one sister. Visitation was held at Peebles Funeral Home, 141 John St. Atwood. The funeral and commital service was held on Feb. 20 at 2 p.m. Rev. Vic Jamieson of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels officiated. Pallbearers were David Diehl, Robert Flood, Calvin Flood, Rod­ ney Hinz, Randy McCracken and Gary Ceaser, Flowerbearers were Darlene Bishop, Rhonda McCracken, Pat­ tie Hinz and Janet Ceaser. Spring interment will be in Brussels Cemetery. Donations to Melville Presbyter­ ian Church, Brussels, or charity of one’s choice were accepted as expressions of sympathy. reports with the statement, ‘ * I have yet to learn how to make a good report out of poor statistics.” That’s one thing about a written statistical report; there’s no room for generalities. 1 rather like making monthly reports; they enable one to face realistically the progress, or lack of it, in the pursuit of stated goals. I have always been impressed by the seriousness of that old hymn by Charles Wesley: “ Achargetokeep I have, a God to glorify, a never-dying soul to save and fit it for the sky.” One of the final World Day of Prayer held at Mennonite Fellowship Arvilla Leis, Elmira, member of the Women’s Interchurch Council of Canada, was the speaker for the Brussels World Day of Prayer service held at the Brussels Mennonite Fellowship last Friday morning. The theme for this year’s service was ‘‘Open Doors.” The liturgy waswrittenby women of Brazil. World Day of Prayer was established in the 1920’s to unite women around the world in prayer for common causes and concerns. Itwas established by the Women’s Interchurch Council which contin­ ues to be active internationally, working on issues and concerns affecting women, but also on a broader scale with such issues as peace and justice. Mrs. Leis used four biblical examples to illustrate open doors: Ruth and Naomi, Lydia, the woman caught in adultery and the Golden stanzas pleads: ‘‘...and, oh, Thy servant, Lord, prepare a strict account to give.” The Bible assures us that we will give a strict account. The Book of Ecclesiastes states that ‘‘God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whe­ ther it is good or whether it is evil. ’ ’ Jesus insists in Matthew 12:36 that ‘‘every idleword that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement.” The narrow focus of that verse has always made me a little nervous. Perhaps it is not a bad fault to be somewhat nervous about being Rule. She challenged those pre­ sent to look for open doors and to see unlikely or difficult situations as an opportunity, an open door to change. Following the service there was a fellowship hour. All six area churches were represented for the annual joint event. Blyth Christian Reformed Church HIGHWAY 4, BLYTH Guest Speaker, Brian Lise, from Springdale Sunday School 11:00 a.m. The Church of the‘‘Back to God Hour” and ‘‘Faith 20” Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX, Sunday Faith20 5:00a.m. weekdays, GlobalT.V. ALL VISITORS WELCOME called to account in the Day of Judgment. 1 have just read an account of Elizabeth Fry, that great English reformer who tackled the overwhelming task of correcting the abuses of the prison system of the 18th century. She was the mother of 11 children and a respected elder in the Quaker Church, with all of the duties that pertain thereto. Not only did she transform the infamous Newgate prison in England, but travelled to many European countries in the interests of prison reform. She inaugurated many societies for the correction of many other abuses of her day, as well. Yet, almost to the day of her death, she felt that she had failed to do her duty. I suppose that such an attitude reflects a rather parnoid attitude towards the matter of Judgement, but if I had a preference, I would rather err on that side than to simply drift carelessly into the presence of God. It could be a sobering question: what have you put into your ‘‘Judgment File” to-day, good or bad? [ Business Directory TuhrFANlH’ELTjr WINDOWS & DOORS HOMERENOVATIONS AND GENERALBUILDING CONTRACTORS H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. BRUSSELS AND AREA 887-6408 J.D. CARTER TRUCKING •Custom Loading —• Excavating 1 'I *Tree Service y • Bulldozing •• "Firewood •Snowblowing LONDESBORO [519] 523-9405 ONTARIO NOM 2H0 B&G T ELECTRIC I Plumbingand Heating 1 Brussels, Ont. 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