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that means Dignity --Success -- Good
Taste --the kind turned out by The
Signal's Job Department.
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merchan-
dising. As a medium for reaching
the people of Goderich and district
The SIGNAL is unsurpassed.
Twenty-three Appeals from Court
of Revision Decided by
County Judge
Judge Lewis this week Lauded out
his judgment, in the Blyth assessment
appeals. L. E. Ihlncey was counsel fur
the nppelluata and it. Vanetoue for the
village corporation. The judgjueut is
as Wltecrsl ---
I halve given this matter cwnsider`
--toric attention and every_ aaportuaity
to counsel fur the apkglh►nts. and the
+-bttukitsellty to key 'the
From the evidence It appears that
the munch of the municipality, wish-
ing to assist their village by raisins
the assessment and lowering the nate,
asked the assessor of 1tr.I to meet
them turd dkuss the situation. Ile re-
fused. The council appointed a new
essreoirr for 11/25, and to January,
1925, a meeting of the council was
called by thb clerk of the municipality,
at which all of the taruncil end the new
asstsa.'r attended. All oke difereut
assessments sere gone over and in a
number of cases pedcil marks of .the
changes proposed were made un the
assessment roll of 1tt7 which they
had before thew. The new assessor,
under uukh, Wales that he did tent take
the amounts so settled upon as abso-
lute. but used his own judgment,
stating he had lived hi the village for
• great ninny- years and knew all the
properties ansa their values and that
be did not dlaeuse the values of any
properties or make the Inquiries sug-
gested by the statute or 1 raonelly In-
spiret the properties unless when he
Went around with the final uutlt•e of
assessment, and then in very few
cases. over sixty taxpayers appealed
to the Court of Iteviaiun. The (bort
of Revision. which consls'ed or five
members of the council, which had tent
In a .,4111 to revise the tax list with
the new assessor. decided these sixty
cases. Tsenty•thr.e of the appellants
to the Court of Revision appealed to
the County Judge and oil June '.911th
court was held in the town IN[I1, Blyth.
by the County Judge and evidence was
taken. Further adjournment was held
July Otb for the same purparse and at
the same place and. rt still further
court was held July 'Silt fetor to
July Pub. connse! for the muulctp[lity
employed an expert to look over the
properties ..f the twenty-three appel-
lants. This coming to the knowledge
of the counsel for the appellants, he
-tatkd the expert eauiiloyed by the mu-
uniipality as his witness, stating that
they would be satisfied with what he
had decided was the value; and tb
' witness, Thug. licl.eau, who was a man
of knowledge and had been assessor of
the weight oring town of \\'lugham fer
many years and bud had greet experi-
ence. gave his evidence and produeed
a list of tine twenty•three properties
with what he thought was the props'
valve of same.
t.M(Mr these circumstances and after
1 listening to tae examination and
;truss -examination ty counsel of the
kl expertcaltI.ean, as to his knowl-
his 7Meede of arriving at the
and that he had spent consider -
time over game, 1 have cume to
the conclusion (list. with some few
chaugell suggested to me by the evi-
dence written and verbal, i will Ile do -
lag Justice in the matters to dispute
between tl{} parties by upholding the
appeal* an waking their assessments
for the year Menti as follows:
G. M. Cbam'bers has an assessment
of $'tote on a mitnt lit between the
town hall and Gidley's more. I would
cut the assessment urs IWs property
-- dews to POO.
Mr. Wm. Johnston has to business
tax of $$00 on hie hotel property. 1
1rNl this tax should be reduced to *200.
James Lock's., $533. .
Stanley Sibthorpe, $:,-A.
.Nathan Johnston, $550.
Nathan Johnston. $450.
}:arl Magee, $275.
• Wm. Jobnutoh, $3500, plus $200 buil-
ales tee,
Mary J. etutma;.1. _ .-_.
E. l'. Lanndy, $900.
C. K. Taylor, $1:iO0.
Mrs. C. J. Culclongh, $625.
Albert Taylor, 8050.
W. I). McLenrr, $473.
W. D. McLean, $323.
J. II. R. Elliott, *2450. phis $325
basket's tax.
J. 11. It. Elliott, 01920.
S. A. Ihggrlestone. *24.50. polus fit. -to
business tax.
J. We'ymimth, $1713.
.1.•C. Ileffron, $200.
Lorne $ertmegeour, $1000.
Henry 'Hoover, $1250.
Mn. Robert Craig. $3:4).
Mnrgnret Tierney. *07.5.
David Cowan, $750.
Vomits Kelly, $202.5.
Thnmaa Kelly, $075.
II. M. Chambers, $3400.
G. M. ehnmheri, $1000.
Ellen Thompson, $:.50.
In using the schedule of values made
by the expert witneea, McLean, ng a
guide along with the rest of the evi-
dence and my Inspection of the prop.
Pedes. 1 have endeavored to ascertain
the rent wnl ie. In hla evidence, the
$ s aa, r says he put the aesesamen( at
a great reduction of the real vain,
which, of comes, Is contrary to
ate to te.
'The saaerrsor for 1924. while making
his affidavit verifying the roll *or 1112a,
did not before starting on his aseesR-
Would have Taker' Frith»',, Harte but
for the Rain
The past week has Leen a rather
unlucky nue for the Illacksox. On
Friday last they went to Exeter to
play the scheduled game in the Ilurou
County league, and out for the rain
whleh came at a moat inopportune time
they would no doubt have come home
the winners of the game and the undis-
puted leaders 1u the League. The
score was 2.1 in favor of Goderich and
there was nue out . 111 Exeter's lifth
time at hat when 5 pelting rain put an
end to the game. If the innings had
been finished the game would have
been . counted. Fritzley pitched this
galwe fur fled•skh. -t
The postponed game was played at
Exeter ou Monday, and thls happened
to be one of biome days known to all
bawled' teams when the jinx is at
'min-_ liaii -Effn Lixts 1a lviiltid -Mf
took eleven rune 111 the tint three le-
ttings and the final score was I1.3.
Fritzley started for Goderich and was
succeeded by Tunney, and Marney fin-
ished the game.
On Wednesday the bolls played the
fast Stratford team, of the Intereounty
League, iu the home grounds. and al-
though the vtRitors won it was a good
game and will help keep the Itluekenx
la trim for succeeding gators. ni the
Stratford i_.-4loderkh 3
The faun that passel up the Strut-
ford-4kalerieh laiseball game on Wed-
nesday night missed one of the test
gates of the season. Thrrugli
juries and players away the Guderich
team could not field their reviler nine.
(waving to call on "Ernie" 1'riitliam ti
help them nut. Strut fort started
strong with three nine in the'flr-t, but
Goderich came tight back with two on
four clean hits. The home tenni had
a chance to snore again In the third.
when Barclay made a nhe running
catch uu Iladdouk drive which looked
goal for two Magee. Two men were on
at the time. Turney pitched n rood
game and with a little better mimed,
wro:td have won. The return gnme
will he placed In $tratforl on Satur-
The box scare:
i' twwlt. rf
Pugh. as
All 11 11 F.
5 1 2 0
8 0 0 0
Litrelle, an 4 1 1 1
Ttarein v, 1f 4 1 2 0
Knetchel, Ib 4 7i
Feryrnann. of .2 1 1 -0
Brown. ^_f. 4 1 0 0
McKenzie, c 4 1 0 1
Marks. p A 0 2 0
Gee. p 1 - 0 0 0
The News of the Town
Politie4an and Hertietuan
Earl Howe. M.l'.. is said'to he the
youngest member of the House of Cum
mans and the only member- of the
Huutee who ie driving race horses this
year. Ile will to ss•a in action at
(Joderieh rate meet August lith.
Public Meeting Friday Night
In connection with the proposed cele-
bration of the one hundredth miniver -
eery of the opening of the 1lurou road,
a public meeting will be held in the
town hall on Friday evening of thla
week, at 8 o'clock, to organize a local
committee to act in t'.•11j1111et lull wilt[
the committees freal-soh
ties along the road. All are
Invited to attend and take pats it elm
motet lug.
Citi* Holiday Ni -‘t months; Maple Leaf Chapter Rona''. t4%
.1 t.ttniettiot( of $2.1 to the fund for
the expenses of the Goderich baud
trip to the'Purouto Eshlbitiou has been
received from the duple Leaf Chapter,
I.0.D.E. This duuetion is greatly ap-
preciated by the band boys. Any fur-
ther contributions w111 be gkadly re-
teiiea by Bandmaster Wilkiison, or
they may be tett at either of the local
newspaper offices. The band is dili-
gently practising the test piece for the
competition, which takes place- this
year ou Thursday, August 11101.
tI.1 ,r \laci:wuu ha, i -.noel a pro -1
elaunalwh calling ulnas .i..iu•us to oh -,
serve Monday next, .tugrlst 0th, as
civic holiday.
Real Estate Changes
J. \1'. Armstrong Las b aught J. Ii•
Juhnslou's residence properly on Brl•
tannin rood.
Three houses belonging to the estate
of the late D. A. M,•1.aten •Lore !weal
sold. Ben Goldthorpe is the purchatter
of the biose at the corner of Victoria
and Napier streets; lrevid McMillan
has bought the place 011 Napier street,'
ti Armco .. Cooke- M-4,ne a aifvbaser
of the Newgate Street property.
Garden Party at M. Auguatlse
An (vent of meal week w•ht• h will oto
--- Nelle and Schoen flub
'Ilse \•u•toria Mane as..l School Club
held a successful pion,•• :t Herber
Park on Wednesday afternoon. The
weather was Ideal for the event and,
there was a large attendants, about
one huudred 'children aut. ditty adults
being present. Games acre indulged
in by old and young and all . pre -tent '
had an enjoyable afterh.sat's °mtiue..
This was tine first plenty the Club has
held and It will likely les -me au an-
nual event.
The Garden Party at Lailhwaile a
The garden Harty held Thursday
el ening last at the home of Mr. and I
Mrs. George I.althwalte. Iluron reed,'
under the auspices of the Godlricla
Township Hospital Auxiliary, was Ia
most sucesaful event. A snbetanta(l
supper was aer.ed oat the spu•;uga}
lawn. and beton• the formal pro. am
co1naue(iISMl there 51114 nu' 1.I ortuhit) to
examine the various objects of tnteredt-
w•hich make the Lnitliwuite home so
-delightful a place to visit, Dr,_
Whitely acted as chairman for the pro-
gram, which iuctn,hsl nol»•r. by-
Harv-ey Me4;ec. the Auburn .. mnlinu,
a recitation by Mi-'- Elsie Winter.
an instrumental duet by Mr. and
Mrs. Maitland Driver, solo. by Mr.
Norman, and an address by Reeve
Cox. Tonere was a large otten(l-
anee. the rveelpte being *1411 The
proceeds Ire to be deed In p r. -I i.ing
Ilnolcum for the lower hall ..f the
The ladles of the Hospital Auxiliary
wish to thank Mr. Litith•w-atte for the
use of his groounds, and all others wise
helped to'mike tine tr'eas'on a sacceaa
34 -0 10 2
Monier. -lb ........4 1 2 0
Wood, 1M' 4 2 1 1
Harbor Notes
The steamer Valcartier arrived front
Fort William on Wednesday tight with
cargo of 203,000 Intshels of wbent
for the Western Calindll Flour Mills
The steamer Vivo arrived. ltRht. from
Windsor on Tuesday night and on
Wednesday took on n c,r rgo of about
,(4514 canes of ennnrrt goods T
canned goods will le taken to Fort
William by haat and then shipped to
points in the Western PrdrInees. As
reported in The Signal last week. the
canned souls were brought here by
k from the Dominion Oaaners' Inc -
Carrick. ef 2
Duquette, Ab 2
Haddon. K 4
Donnelly. rt 4
Pheerdown, 1b 3
Prldbam, ss $
Tuney, p
O 2 0
O 1 0
n 0 41
O 0 0
0 1 0
O 0 1
floc re by innings:
Strntfonl ..3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0---41 10 2
Goderich ...2 0 0 0 (1 4) 0 1-:t 9 3
Fmpines--Penn nt plate. Turner on
bases. •
Town Treasury Benefits to Extetat of
*104.33 --
A meeting of the laomltl n dray
celebration eon mitt 4' was held at the
town ball on Tuesday evening to pass
accounts and close isp other mutters
1n ennnection with the celebration held
July 2nd. The treasurer reported a
surpl ue of $16e.33 after paving all ne-
ennnts and returning the money nd-
vetned from the town trearniry to
finance the celebration. It was da
Weil in hand thls sanding over to the
tow-n. yy
The flnlikeial statement Is as fol-
.tdvan.s front town * 230 (10
Gotte recc11119 1442 77,
I'oard•esion, 20 (41
41101 73
Prizes for parade $ 100 00
children's games - 20 15
)1441111Isfind cops tT:1 40
lista . 1(1 (al
Secretory 2:0 110
1111seb1111, efr _ *10 34
A,J erttalrag 191 33
Rnln Ins,lrnlwp 119 00
Advance from togf;;} 0--2
$1700 42
Surplus . ..,. l(4t;T3
41701 75
ment or nt env time take any .lith of
in reference to the ensu. 1 find that
the evidence of tiny of the witnesses
who attended for such pnrpse should
to paid by the eorp.rntlon And thal.
the expert witness. McLean, shoot(' he
allowed $2,1 for his three dsys• work
and expenses In making np sold mew-
dalei allow the mum of 340 pR all
the other wltneaaa
Givenat ncxerleh the!
lM4h Aay of
inly, A.P. 1923.
Judge, Baron.
ht atttart• a -large r rove.' w ill
garden tl:trty all the church ,rounds at
i u
. t. Augustine.t is -Ail -hi h Wednes-
day evening. Augnal nth[. After sup -1
per a six-Irlece orchestra will be on
Lund for dala•iug au.l there w111 be
other amusements for young and old. :
An Enjoyabte Outtng
About fifteen meatier.. of the boys'
.•lu►Ir of tit. George's church held an eu-
ioyable pntlttg on '111esday at Itogie's
iseteh, which is located on the tales
-`.ore about six miles north of God-
erieb. The eboirtaaster,'Mr. C. A. R.
Wilkinson -was in charge of the buys.
Through the ktndnees of a' number of
eltlzene of town the picnickers were
taken to and from the grounds in car-.
Mr. Wilkinson takes a keen interest in
the junior members of his choir and
-this ells only one of a number of tdml-
lar outings held during the year.
diem Collegiate Inotltute Teachers
The Collegiate Institute is•.1t-d has
engagced Mtss B. M. Shcldey, R.A.,
(Queen's', a.. teacher of (lassies. Mins
Shepley Itis had nine years- experi-
ence In teaching, the last two years
teaching classics in Fergus High
School. and hits leen highly recom-
mended to the board. She has this
year obtained elasskal sueelallet
standing at the Ontario College of Edu-
cotiuu. Her Lome Is at Amherstburg.
The commercial departractit of the
Collegiate Inetltute will be in charge
of Miss Barter. B.A., ,,f Toronto. !Ilse
Barber Is a graduate of the University
of Toronto, has commercial specialist
standing, and lea hprot teaching 4om-
aerrLl Wort for two years at Fort
('itrk Holiday Rare Meet •
Monday next t nteP melt day tr
(;o,lerich. The two Ihous11ii1.ldlitr
stake races are attracting wtdeispreud
attention In Westeru Ontario and a
great crowd w ill no doubt 'Le iu terga
' Tb s e iif €st bones. In 'Ile- rrovLue I
perform. Entries for the 2.rII class
race promise an additional awaiting,
event, and horsemen are looking for -
Camping lir Is al Harbor Park • FOR CELEBRATION
attrart Melly Visitors
The tourist camping grounds uu the
lake buck at the rear of the Park
(louse hair leen visited by a great
many tourists this summer. Soule
nights us twiny as twelve or fifteen
tents are set up 0u the grounds. Mr.
Jus. 11. Johnston le W charge of the re-
fresl[meut booth In the Kest end of the
Park (louse adjoining the tourist
grounds and there Is every convenience
for visitors. During the past aeeek-
siute Thursday. July 211th, -the follow-
ing cu5giers visited the grounds. and
the list it interesting its showing the
wide range from which the tourists
tome to sojourn for a while:
Whew ..
W. A. ltevell, Toronto.
11..1. Sutlerlaud, Loudon,
Mrs. 11. Sutlerkund, London.
W. H. Parnell, Newbury.
U. in. ttitrualt Newbury.
W. C. Parnell, Newbury.
Mrs: C. W..U'Brleu, Wyandotte.
Mich. •
Mrs. F. Itayster, Wyandotte, Mich.
Elmer Haul Cook, Detroit.
G. l.awlertua, 1'urt Clintons OLIO.
Arian l►Ier. Curlke, Ohio. '
Anna M. Pier. (;agave, Ohio.
Mrs. F. lawbertus, Port Clinton,
1 sans although 11►mg 1 IP rout K'1
11. \\'alters, Curtke, Ohto.
Mr. anti Mrs. N. Fry. Wingbam.
Mr. . and Mrs.' Earl Smith, Pott'
llurun. -.
Mr. anti Mrs.
' W. F. Miller, fort
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McBride, Lon-
_ -
7aeTt 3Togrfdge, 1ngnt; Ont.
John Mc\air. Brussels.
Mors. J. McNair, Brussels.
Betty Weisman, Galt.
Martin McNair, 1T...s ...
- Wtltrtvl Gnoldeue, Preston..
I.flliuu Grnystone. l'reatun.
F. J. Lewin Toledo.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred :lmee. Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold lent, Sarnia.
Peter Krebiehl, ('law'sea, - Mich
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Krebtehl, Royal
Oak, Mich.
C. M. Porter. Samir.
C. F. Weloti. Detroit.
Earl MGu•htan. Brunsels.
J. ,lollyer. London.
J. t'. Sweet, Sarnia.
1'. ltoulston, Stratford.
'\t'. Routston. Ripley.
-E. t;: Granger: 1tarnta.
Mrs. E. S. (.ranger. Sarnia.
E. Solomon. Stretford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellne n, Re an
Mr. and Mrs. R. iI. 7lofottktn, Strat-
F.. Scholtrhntier, Stratford.
li. Brinker. Toledo.
G. W. Borden us, Toledo.
D. Brinker. Toledo.
•Mrs.` 11. grittier. 'folede,
Dr. and Mrs. II. A. Hamilton, High-
lind Park.
Mr. andt. ft: O. Merritt. DaytoS.
s. Fall" Windsor.
Mr. and Mee. WI am . JIamltton.
A. 11. 11014-14110,14n. Men ford.
W. ii. Itnrteh. Saginaw, Mich.
--Lnwretice W. ytntll6, Saginaw.
\V. E. Wileon. Window.
H. Sp*y. tmtalotu.
J. 1•:. Markley, T1'troit BMs
E. Barkley. iketrolt.
Barkley. TMtretl: -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorne, London.
Victor Thorne, London.
Leonard Thorne. London.
Bruee Thorne. London.
Ttlll Shaw. Tesndon.
Mr. and Mrs. if. Oabnrn, nuelpb.
Mro, More Mn.'T►onnld. Toronto.
Marie Mnellonnld. Toronto.
itntty Mnelkrn1114l. Toronto.
Mrs. E. Colwell. Toronto:
•}Yank Sinunnns. ltny ('Ity, Mich.
R. S. itrow'ne. ('hlcego.
!puny Miller. Kitchener.
Jos. N. Andersen. i'TillatTiViln..
Finlay Amite-4eoh, 1'lIladelphIs.
Donald Amlere:on. J'llilndetphln.
Ellie Andersosn. Phlladclp hin.
Clitren.,e Edge. l'h11ode1phin.
-Roy -Smith. Sternen.
Howard Ketch. Sarna.
C. 1. Teachnnte. iietmit.
tiny Cordonnitr, 1stytoh.
Mr. Nn.l Mrs. James. -1k'tr ler
ward to a great afteruoou'e, spurt.
The first nate will be called at•2
onitteL 14Iiarje.
A Inr a gang of men is working /'n
the big new grandstand, which w111 be
sufficiently oemplelcd to afford seating
nmomm,ota i 1 1 b l I '11
hot be on.
Municipalities from Goderich to
Stratford to Co►nmemorate
Opening of Huron Road
On Thursd:ry lust a weetitrg was
held at Seiifortli to consider plans for
:he pi.ga..e5t ce•:el.ration of the eom-
plellon of the travel road from Strat-
ford to Go,lerk-li and the centennial ..._..._.
the bulldlug'o( the tient r,ri.l through
the Uttrll Iraet uejiressutalir5:p from_
Stratford, Mitchell, Seaforh. Clinton
nu.l Goderich Kew present, those fritts_.
this town being Mayor Macinvar.
••' tier,J!et'uty itlnv, Cr,[t$Ip,
Councillor balite, Town -t'letk' Kne ,-
Messrs. G. 1,. Parsons am! S. 11. Croft.
It Is proposed •tit have the eelebrn-
nnn un I.nll..r 1hiy. •Septemior ard,
eommenciug In. the warning 11t Strat-
ford, and pr.N•eeding threugl )lilele:l,
Se11tortli and Clinton to 1hilertch,
where the final proceedings of the Clay
are to take place At tench prow some
part of the pr+ trntn will be carried
out, and slew it Is proposed to have
suitable rt•MnI.nite1 nt verbal.. I«oits
on the route where cairns are 10 he
built as memorials .'t historicatoms
or p'rem1ages of p ' •me in the
riy -history-of- rite t+rtetr-At--tW h-.--
place the tow!' band %vitt 'lint out and
nett (Iw pored!. Ili -it,:-w.'stward pro___
groes, seo that by the time G.alerit•lt is
reached there should be a distlnt1
musical flavor to the eelebratiem.
Hon -tt-- 1+ _Henry.--Minf+ter,sf_-
ighways. ham Incepted the invitation
to take part-a-41w---promediumeef .the-
-any. and Iniu11ih,ut are toeltlt* issued --
also to Premiers King :and 1,o -omen.
Hou: 11. II. Bennett. Col. Otter. lion.
.lanes Mal.ulil. tion. \e. 1►. Euler. the
menders of Parliament • ltd Legisla-
ture for the counties of. Huron and
(trove, the Wardens of tlu' two .eoun-
tirs nod n[cmlers of the municipal
Another mteeting will he held at
Seaford( next Thes.lry ravening to
carry ton the work ..f preparation.
The Sharman Shoe Store ('losing
With the retirement from business
of Mr. \\'nn. Sharman, and the clotting
of the Sharman' Ante store, the adver-
tisement of .the business disappears
•thts week from the eolmmns of The
Slgt[alr where it hos had n 'deep for a
great many years. There cannot be
ninny teeeglle now living in Coderieh
• w•ho,an retuemter when there was not
l as -slice business at the coruer of East
1 street 91141 tl'e &quare. Mr. 14hnrman
lnforma us that it 51-' 1n 11491 that be
Lawn Bowling Notes
.1 rink tourinanent was held at the
loon 1 greens on Monday evetring.- The
prize -winners were: lest. J. Newcombe,
0. faun. E. Cowan 111a1 J. grophey :
2n.1. E. 0. Robertson, R. Bisset. 4'.
Back and 1`. Hint.
Twelve player participated in the
tourrnn a afternome.
The prize -winners were W. C. Pridlinm
I bought out Mr. Downing. and lung be-
fore tient the business had been there.
ler different nauwe Mr.. Sharman
has had a long and honorable bnslnees
cheer, and has well earned Il[e leisure
which se trust he will enjoy for many
!inflations to Muskoka llonpilal
The treneurer of the Muskoka Ilospi-
ial for Consumptives desIl•s gratefully
to acknowledge the following eontrihu-
. Gone rereeived In (loerltl by the field
secretary of tie National ,Sanitarium
A1Yoelatbn_ W L. Forrest 410: Gud-
eetch' Organ Co, *3; Drs. ,Whitely k
Martin. 35; i. M. Mabee, D.D.S.. $2; C.
Wurte:e. $2; Signal 'I'rhnting 1'.... $2
H. C. Dunlop. 82; Mrs. Peter \p•Ewan,
$2: i...1. it:aker. $2; A. Cgrtitiei 1. $2;
--Mitte •1*. R. torr tear: f$-: -*r,
31:D. M. ta'Itrien. 31; I'. F. Carey, 31;
! J. D.Mi•M:nnia, $1: 1.. I.. Knox. $1:
J. it. Wheeler. SI: J. J. •Melewen. $1:
J. 1','. 'Armstrong. $1:-T7Wiirretter. 31
M. itnhins. it :.1. 4'. (?not. *1 to teiry
iii -:o A. REiD, '
and Geo. Mumhy. Secretary-Trensnrer. Toronto.
Twelve local howlers took part rn it I ,
tournament el Ptootch doubles at -
WIngham nn Wednesday. J. R. Wheeler
and Ii. McNee won first prize in the
tory at Exeter and c'or'e' in the muni- Bret event. •
riled freight shed. It is stated tiaL__ A. number of itowTeT5 from town e1.
the steamer will return again for an- pert to take part In tournaments At
other cargo for the Maritime Provinces. S.'4forth end Btrntfond nn Thursday
Dredging operations In the east end and Frieny evenings of thus week.
of the harbor will be commencer)
shortly. Igen are et work "'tripping" Crops in Huron County
the old steamer Scotia. Ir. a normal year It is rather un -
The .inekson ('•snstna•tlon Company. usual to find fnrusers rutting alfalfa
who 1151P the ennfraet for the neon- hn, when' and barley to nhe loality
struction wok on the north pier. hare opt the same tiny. This year the heavy
n nnmler M men en hand preperhert rnlentt farm trtteirteteit with plans, and
things for the mein work, which will instend of having an intermis.•lon be-
t* rot tinder way Mon. Iwren having and 11arre(et both opern•
A.nnmher M cement blocks for the tions ore IN•Ing carried on at the same
eonnuetlon work on the south Ilaaea- ' '
were made the past week. The men Tlie lay crop in general Is goof and
of ti.• nquality. The plaid per acre
PitMado Wins the Cup
1 The final flight far .444 bind. Wider
, lbt it pive* of tier Lafrrk'll Tt.i
Club was se'liedt0ed for Inst week ends
Won 31ert1Nruf, t off Ih. Idt4 44-151,Te hTm'e7
itt the spet•hitel time. and conecgquenlly-
there is hu chtinge in the stnn.ling of
conrp4'tltors. After being refenweel at
Montreal the pigeons were held up by
unfivor•i'blc wee titer.
-The wiener of the coIIIpetition this
sason is W. I'Itt,kario. who will 110141
the inrge silver cop fur a year. and
J,w-ill have. lou Ills permanent possession
1 n miniature cup. The %tending Is as
fellows; 3V. I'itblado, (h41 paints: 1'.I
Jelmston. 495; Jas: Mee -Vicar, 14(5I
✓ at
are now nt work preparing for the re-
mnvni if the life-enring equipment
house. The front part of file httlld-
at present testa on. the pier Ind
.the Loading must le moved Leek be-
fore the reconstruction Work on this
part of the pier ern proceed.
•Prrp•trntions tire being made for the
s. McKny, 135: E. Tstw•s..15; N. Mc-
ny, 10.
The flret flight for young pigeons
will be held from Stratford ou A11g1141
5.111 not 1r high. Nevins( of the lath 4.
etnrt in the spring. However, no One
Ie .•..nlelaiuhlg ass.nt the yield, but 0
is difficult to "make tiny while the Mtn
A1411441" If tlie inn toile to Rhine and
we get rain Institut'. There hue been
etersidernldi' hay spoiled and it large
laying if lutes front the lnresl water! perteiiu:iso hadry irmmagedTty tTte neon•
works plain to the ('P.R. property. Minot wet weather. These growing
where two new fire hydrnnte wilt be alfalfa nlwnye bore mere than one
Instated. one at the station nisi the chance. it can't rain all the time and
other at the rennn11'nnse. Tlie C.P.R. possibly the weather w•111 1* more
p'ru'.mnb'e when the aroma cutting of
elWlffe--"water prnmtse, TO -Tee heave.
Is ready.
The groin crops are till looking well.
Fields of fall wheat whlel,looked lit-
tle letter than half n crop lest spring
are anises to give goof nrernge re-
-turns. ('omptring it with other eonn-
flee. the fall wheat In Huron rinks
well. The doting grain* are poteltriy
n little further narrowed than thea
'ore in most yearn. in predicting yields
It w.4114 le Rafe to Pity that many bar-
ley thins should not( as high ns fifty
hnshelte per tire* and olds sixty-five to
',twenty I.nehela per acre. Consoler-
-the Isetvy, rains. most re the grain
is standing well. in the central And
northern ponrt% M the ennnty there Is
some dome". done. tints here min
feted most and with the Ptreecsive
moisture there is danger of rnst.
The bran growers In 'faith Huron
were worrier) by the wet weather.
While the henna were showing a yet -
lowish tinge a few weeks ngn they are
hooking tetter now and the wore( wen
ire over. ('orn and root crop. are
making repll growth•
in going over huron county at the
prevent time it looks 11ke n good year
to he farming and there Is every
promise of full barns and gratlnrl»".
Is having the work done.
The Williams pek! Shtrtohn- ens*:
lIr. and Mir-. I;. 3l. Williams and ram-
ie ,,e hoard cleared Weilnewlny at
midnight for Srlrnin. Here n un.nrler,
of gne-ts will he taken on honr.l and I
the yneht w -i'1 then snll four points nn'
the rimer Lukes.
North a*rae4'i-$t. Hek'ns 4
One of the beat genies of sent -hall
played at Victoria Park thio swam
weset en Tueo.h,y evening, when Pt.
-Deters Loyd loam, wl000rs - of-
rinn(t distrlet, lost to the local North
irtret United (-hurth team. winners of
the south section of the Prrst.ytery.
The metre was fl to 4, and the game
from start M finish was lnterbatlng
and well played.
The Iine•np was am follows:
Pt. Helen -,R. Mel hennn r/, Tod
Ah, Colbert ss, Webb if. R. Lail. ef,
Mcfjttlllln e, 3. Laviw 21, 41. M Ther -
Mn p, Woods 1h. '
North smart --R. Pridham Its, f!.
Sheerdown 1h. B. McMan'i' 211, W.
Barrow p, L. Weetlmwoke lf. M. Tinker
rf, G. Anrhlen 3b• J. Sheanl.rwn ef, E.
WPatbrnnke e.
Neese by Innings:
St. Helena 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-4
North street 1 0 1 0002 2 x-(1
The umpirea were Mr W. T. stiller
of Pt. Helene et plate and Mr. Fred.
Seabrook of Goderfch on Lases,
r •t ^»ssr», s4o e
arPD.aa ' - d "'tl a
, ',, •y N .
Then Is splendid egilpment at the
hathing bench for 'wimmert The
bathing house and refreshment booth
nor the eolith pier are open day and
In the Magiatrnte s TnwhI
iteddens IITIving was the charge in
four cases before Magistrate Reid the
fast week. These were all from oho
southern part of rite county. Fn tl-.c
the flne of $10 And emits was
itnlsewvh but in the fourththe letmlty
wens *25 nerd costs, the driver in this
case giving a particularly glaring ex-
ample if hack of control of hie mr.
- 1 omi'} -Trb1ml Ofllia'T-T'rt:T hots
hneigbr in a number of (Arcs, lint rind
11011 Ill the feet that he ts known to be
patrolling the comity roads Is on In
Anenci f..r Knife driving and will tend
to lessen the number of Iufrnetlons of
the ht.1w'.
J. . !Iyer.. of illy township. was.
found guilty In two mints on Mon
day late. For keeping lIgio r for vee
he ens sentenced to two n10111115n10111115 in
40111. hat all appeal has Leen entered.
For lav lig liquor mot netptired under
his pernitt tee pent a fine crf 3100 and
tents. •
-EY blettewag 1t(mrr-al' Trashw-nn t on
charges ngninst Wollner Mcdkmgnll of
molesting foxes and disposing of fur -
beating nnimnls without it neenae, the
thnreeg being laid trader the name and
Fishcrles Act. :%e the avid^nee showed
that the nllege,l 4Rencee took plate In
the ...linty of TmmOton. the chimes
were dismissed. On n eharge of As -
%milt, however, M-Teotignll wag fined$10 and costs and in default of par-
ment Is serving fifteen days In Jell.
For peddling withont a license in
Rutt.rt toe„ship. itnrry nrlae wee%
fined $:en amI .owls
A young m.o. out Inns nt night And
running short of ens nmsPd the keeper
of a gn•a.11ne pomp of fa
rfleld and re-
questedn sntpWhen hen the keeper
refused to get up and i.comm.4late
him. he broke the lock of the pump and
took *come' 'All to get home with. For
this bese
. was assessed $2.5 and costs.
- t:oderich needs a Ilnard`of 'trade.
Tine absence of sut•h an orgauizatloin
gin actit•c operation, has been felt oa
cantly u(tarlprle, and Ilet'er more acute-
ly than this year, when industrial pro -
postilions of great imlaortlulce to the
future welfare sad p. 4 el•ity of the
town have required energetic handling.
'(.'nnada bus entered upon' a, period •
of groat Industrial. development this _
1' real' if ()Wart.) p lief •ibtdr'ty 1t-
1rr+toreesil s-(tHk(ly aeluug-Ushe owe. and...._-.
many towns to (he I'rovinie are ob-
taining new industries and are, 111 a►n-
rosowINe, •g owitsi,' in- sire -wealth and
imiartnnve. (4N1'rk-h. on the other
It_atuntling •hint_ find indeed. 11
report be corr'e'ct, is in aomr danger of
gTnR t or its leading:: imeluatrie_t nue- .
.eeuse _:of. a tssatiafa.'tory eoudttlesaa-
liere-contnilI14n $ which might, we be-
11eve, le remedied wlhout A great deal
of difficulty If the problem were reso-
lutely gMaped.
(ether matters require 1)w attention
which ear be meet rntdily ellen by a
Intend of Trude seting indelmhden1ly
..f. bolt Irl Arse. (u-0rya•rntlon •r1'1 . 1111'
-town council. For Instance, l-,.a,tll.1n,.
111.111-Ttf,nc1itn-t' !Awnt .•- In se-
curing oflk•lal recogntti.t- of ...quo?
hlel' w•ay 4a'Itent Ion whip,' eternF7rt1-sato
iwek nrl.l 41.44.4 norbii legl-
timate odnlmr of • ittutesitese disc
trier to Improve! . _hwav oa i. • es
There lire tn.rn.y • .• ir. ! ;,h n
It'nrd .d Trade..
`tiivl vnliie1Ti• nuc .ice. The
'gtll'stion of r.•. • .• I .;i,)-
erich Tl.oard „groin: some
new nrgnni.nr:si is p'..,,• La.
been ,llvens.e.! gnte'ly omen' the Jolli-
ness men 4! T•wra some one• and
the nems i- 01001 Ili lr'nvtng Vat ins
me,tlnte action 4.04 he taken. Tlnre
IP no tittle to be hat 1l (ae•icrr••h Ir is
take ir' t.;, emous the pro:-4•e.1TP
. thirst, Oatn Sound.
it A. itoee..1nnnn, tout.
\(r. ltnrrn..\nnnn. that.
Miss ,\. \I,•Koean, Amain. Ont.
!Ilse M. Me'Keen. Annan, Ont.
llllukstonee hone -tondo lee cream
makes n ,lelklotts dessert. Price :dl
eras- u gn:lrt. Order now.
A Goderich citizen let an
ldentlfl.•nti.n cant coca contain -
a cbauffeuryn It ease on San
•urdny. July 21st. In last week'le-
hoQue of The Sieved -July 20th
he placed n poet adrertinement
find wither it short time after
the paper was lamed the article
was recovered. A reader of The
Signal noticed the advertisement
and immediately informed this
office that he had found the lost
if yon hove lost tiny thing nr
wish to but or sell nny-tlting. use
the *4104rt1alna eotnrnnw of The
Signal for qulek result.. The
Signal IR read In the mnjority of
the homes of (.n lerlch an,
tenter of (inter{,.
Korai. lbntrr,al and' Cnnritorte. the
Three leader.. %II Represented
in Ga erirh
+ore -r ommeint Pts 'lovas * w .Wino Pa-
. -.
of the n0set5 of Canadian Mt tike at
May 31st. Combilli4 g the A...eta of
the two hark.. ('ommere and stand-
ard. which ore It 111410/.104 of merging.
-Ire Itat I. ns 11"11.,0 villi the three
bnutke represented by brain hes in G.ad-
erieh nt the top: - • •
itoyel 4924.770,9n2
loon t rent 41044.132,357
4tonsntenm•-atnndert/ . 1137,394.2/4►
Vern Perth 259.442.421
Dominion •1' 1.50,610,01e1
NntlontGe 1 te[.7.10.fki1
imperial 14 7.013.414
Toronto 142.52t+.ik32
1'rovlrltia le 54.(102.4MB
Weyhtfrn , . s 0171.000
A cin ns m*egnettl.M nn.ler the :ane,
ogee a ILP Maple 1,esf Chapter will
hP held et the iMvt►bn on Weds
August 15th,