HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-02-24, Page 15THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1988. PAGE 15.
Auburn Auburn Wl sees film on Ontario
Compiled by Mrs. Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589
Silver Tops Seniors
hold dinner meeting
The Silver Tops held their pot
luck dinner at the Community Hall
on Tuesday, February 17 at noon
with Ruth Jardin, Mrs. E. Rodgers
and Kay Lapp in charge.
There was a short business
meeting held and there were no
minutes read due to Mrs. Tom
Haggitt’s absence. Several letters
werereadand discussed. It was
decided the group not assist in
“Hullett Days” but would try to
attend. A thank you letter was read
from the Happy Gang Seniors of
Londesboro. Several former mem
ber’s names have been forwarded
to the “Voice” to be inscribed in
the book of remembrance.
Tom Haggitt, Tom Jardin and
Elliott Lapp were thanked for the
shuffleboard court which was
marked out. Aspecialthankyou
was extended to Mr. Casey Verwey
Lent observed at Knox church
Rev. Dave Snihur conducted the
morning service at Knox United
Church and organist was Lori
Call to Worship was read
alternately followed by hymn,
“Holy, Holy, Holy”. Rev. Snihur
gave the prayer of approach. The
prayer of confession was read in
unison. Rev. Snihur lit the first
Lenten candle “Jesus came to the
World to be the Light”. Announce
ments were given. Children’s song
was “Surprise, God is a Surprise”
and the children’s time was “Lent
Auburn WMS studies Guyana
The February meeting of the
Presbyterian Women’s Mission
ary Society was held at the home of
Mrs. Lillian Letherland. The presi
dent Martha Daer presided and
gave the Call to Worship. She
welcomed all to the meeting.
The devotional period was in
charge of Lillian Letherland. The
scripture portion was taken from
St. Matthew 22, verses 37 to the
end which was read alternately.
The meditation was on “The Road
of the Loving Heart’ ’ and followed
by prayer. Martha Daer had charge
of the Study Period entitled “God’s
mission in Guyana.” The March
meeting will be held at the home of
You’re never too young to appreciate a good meal of pancakes as Kirk
Stewart found out at the pancake supper sponsored by Trinity
Anglican Church in Blyth Memorial Hall Tuesday. A large crowd
turned out for the annual event.
for welding the hall step stool. The
March meeting wili be held on
March 16atnoonintheformof a
pot luck dinner. Betsy Verwey,
Isabelle Moore and Martha Daer
will be in charge.
Mr. Elliott Lapp showed a film
on Ontario and the rest of the
afternoon was spent playing eu
chre and shuffleboard.
People around Auburn
Recent visitors with Ellen John
ston were Mr. Reid and Tom
Shepherd of Sarnia, Mrs. Law-
re nee Nesbit of Port Perry, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wall of Wingham and
Mrs. Sharon Thompson of Clinton.
Sympathy is extended to rela
tives and friends of the late Archie
Robinson of Clinton (formerly of
and a Cross”. ‘‘Tell me the old
Story” was sung.
Rev. Snihur read the scriptures
followed by prayer chorus, “God Is
Good”. Miss Janice Webster gave
a piano solo. Rev. Snihur’s sermon
was entitled “Behold the Lamb.”
The offering was received by
Teadde Bakker and Peter Verbeek
and dedicated. “The Old Rugged
Cross” was sung. The minister
pronounced the Benediction fol
lowed by the Benediction re
sponse, “Jesus Keep me near the
Mrs. Frances Clark, March 8 at
1:30 p.m.
Euchre results
The weekly euchre party was
held at the Auburn Community
Hall on Tuesday evening, Febru
ary 16.
The winners were: high lady,
Anne Giousher; low lady, Lily
Letherland; high man, Murray
Rollinson; low man, Warner An
drews; men’s most lone hands,
Ernest Durnin; ladies’ most lone
hands, Carol Daer; novelty, Doro
thy Grange.
The monthly meeting of the
Auburn Women’s Institute was
held at the Community Hall on
Tuesday, February 16 with 11
members and two visitors present.
The first vice president Erma
Cartwright chaired the meeting
which opened with Ode, Mary
Stewart Collect and O Canada.
Mrs. Tom Jardin introduced Elliott
Lapp who showed a film on Ontario
and some of the interesting places
such as Algonquin, Thunder Bay,
Stratford Festival Theatre, Nia
gara and Ottawa, etc. Mrs.
Cartwright thanked him for show
ing the film that Mrs. Bud
Chamney had obtained for meet
Auburn district) who passed away
in his 88th year.
A Christian Concert with Rick
Piche will be held at Londesboro
United Church on Saturday, Feb
ruary 27 at 7 p.m. Cost $1.00.
Environmental risks aren’t
only Acid Rain or Industrial
Toxic Wastes. Each one of us in
his or her own way has a daily
impact on the quality of the
It may be cigarette smoking.
Or the washday detergent. The
cleaners and polishes in the
kitchen cupboards or the paints
and solvents in the basement.
Environment Environnement
Canada Canada
The minutes, treasurer’s report
and correspondence were read by
the secretary Mrs. Robert Peck. It
was decided to purchase a new
clock for the hall kitchen. Mrs.
Jardin read two poems entitled
“We are going to show you” and
“Memory Garden” in memory of
the late Laura Phillips. Mrs. Jardin
had a lovely display of Valentines,
some dating back as far as 1925. It
wasstatedthatthe Spring Rally
was to be held in Auburn in May.
Mrs. Jardin read a reading entitled
“A Valentine saved the Day”.
There was a discussion (re)
keeping the Institute going for
another year. The members are
hoping new members would come
and join. Contest given by Mrs.
Jardin, passing cards around and
whoever held the Queen got the
prize. Mrs. Martha Daer was the
prize winner.
Roll call was answered by:
“Name something you know about
your sister province Prince Edward
Island.” Collection was received.
The meeting closed with Queen
Each family home,
regardless of how safe and cozy
it appears, contains chemicals
which should be carefully
Make sure you’re doing
your best to control household
hazardous wastes:
• Become aware of the
chemicals you use and dispose
of every day.
and Grace and the tables were
decorated for Valentine’s Day.
Delicious cakes were served by
hostesses Mrs. Tom Jardin and
Tina Empey. Lucky chair was won
by Mrs. Moore and Valentine
contestby Mildred Lawlor and a
social time enjoyed.
Auburn people
win at
poker rally
Auburn area snowmobilers took
home half the prizes in the St.
Helen’s Poker Rally, finally held
aftertwopostponements due to
Don Lamb of Goderich took first
place but Frank Slater of Auburn
was second. Shawn Colling of
Ripley was third and Mellisa
Hanna and Vicki Hanna both of
Auburn took fourth and fifth place.
There were 29L hands of poker
played and 177 door prizes were
given out.
• Educate your children as to the
hazardous products in your
home and store those products
• Buy only those products which
can be used and disposed of
• Buy pesticides and other
household chemicals only in
quantities that you can
actually use.
• Help to organize special refuse
collections for hazardous
• Discourage overuse of plastics
and styrofoam.
• Encourage the use of re-usable
Do your part to make sure
the world is safer for yourself.
That way we’ll all benefit.