HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-12, Page 7, - ,. ! P- a - ­ I 1. ;XA .PWWFW- J,1�11 r la..&.. "•F , R . „+iii• -tai.,. !4-r -.. :.vp (► v w n, ,:, �10r'wfwF . w lwmw '- -r... - ` ,� . _..-,�..,.eMKp y9Am I Aft 'f f : ,s`l, '.. A• _ J�'!"ri" 7 .N 9V o^� ' ° '' - . , ♦ n l '�.,..A + � - u,.s,ea a mE6raama&RIRsAlmonowlf.wprmwwer,,.i 4tz.rsitt°"5P�rsdA'`w t°J x , u. . �.,rW a,,,, , _ I t""'� j�" as e o'..a�+•.'"u M, Y.? .. • ..��14lw °'+i• lin,. Idln•.°,��iF. G:'r�lw,.i'`"t Fe'' §li'tr1t"i.r'P,:.r.'.an - �e N..iJ.,, ,�d�;w,4w.,. e[.:•n'n .sae. -, L;ag,'s`,,.I•'R"aN 4-a_ ►sl �t �r • to „ u, Thursday. Jul) 1^ lfl T - - THE SIGNAL, — GO ERICH, ONT. i �� , _ - r. - - - - - -- - - ----- --� I ' t" County and District women ,jAppr1oaching LONDON'S NEW AIRPORT ti Middle LHe U08T PF:Ith'MTrLT - 1•%It ht'I'LV ('llfford to. Trull. of $eaforth, whol maker, later becoming a successful -- - STATION IN WORLD i s leen stdlool principal at Pickering building .contractor. For many years , Find "Fruit-a-tltYef» _t -- _ the lust two years, has been engaged! he was liquor license Insliector under Great Benefit W � 'r' lu tbvtrol Tow.•r \ i Ihir i as principal of the continuation 606001 the Provincial Government. For a i :r r• a I+`u4- 'thirty Minns -fie. latest At Wroxeter. quarter of a century lie had lived re- , a, t,� Scientific lnstramwaW Melees Fred Fowler has resigned his pest- tired, enjoying excellent health. Mir. I'alsles ro i eat Ifas..nd • vire :Night [Ake Day. tion as teacher of Kiuburu school aft*r ) wu p m n n a t tell and 4 -half years of *ervll•e. Miss elpo suit always took an active part litThe ..f NellAddt, who Is already in {asses• new London air station at a teat•h toe. h•rrd. thut 1 tu:t)' leach Ida Medd has leen ellgeged to succeed municipal Affairs. l'ulltically hr Nes I a Liberal and au ardent udmlrer of -..,F...._�.a,. 'Xt el �, IN ,.,n_ ­­ - -. .`Ii ' Groceries 111" � Tea and Coffee (,vtuydeu, whic4 Is costing the Alr The pr,rfous thGt,tes Them dull! !m• , A him, Sir Wlltktd Laurier. lie was n life- Descendants of the late William and Ministry ['267,000, is claim.d to be Iwrt ; \1111 wlut; toy w+red*. flus, the)' -may Jong Presbyterian. lit•ebles his widow Braden Henry Braden held n reunion at F. -rd- In Saint, tog, or snow. At the summit I In many rraDc'cta the most p. rR•cUy rrncti wk•tt u" July :bode overly Iwo hirudresl air. Paisley Is survived try five dough- d hi 1 8,, g .h1 COME AND LOOK THE PRICES OVER equipped airplane statfot, in the The hIAbIvu depths n( Many t he"I't. regent, wall decided make lerii, airs. R. J. Duusmore, St. Thomas. bring p 0111.; airs. him Boc%rna\\'ashingtw+ UI,• rrunlun uu anuuul affair, end uexl Hydro Electric world. Intricate mechanism has icon ln- (F till me N'Ith Th fuhtes<, lard, (sour"house. (►hlo; all• Paul Bowen, )pus's will be held xt Trrsanter. Mrs, %Villlam Buck. fr,•u►neph, Mich. prla" a reearrd im"!1•e i stalled in the control tower ,which Cutil my very heart opraow ' ;. The death ut William ItrlJ uerurn"1 , Oakland. Cul., and alts,& Isabel l'sigley, r r ir;�€, # 4-v✓x dominates the airdrome and Is the In kl nilh+g thought and glowing word. Tti)' fuer w tell, Thy penile to show. tit his home ,,u the 4th volnes41011 of ,4-f Illghktnd lurk, MM•h.: also three MRS. O. GODIN. braln of the airway. It's occupants, l -F. It. Il+n'errtal. Stanley oil Sunday, July lit, the result song, o. L. Paisley', t'llnton: David, of an attack of Mr. Reid,' Paquetville, N.B.-"I am Riving this who will control by wlr.•Ips% tyle %�L of lweumouia. Mfourreal, uud .Stewart, of ,Toronto. who) inns In Ills eighty-fifth )ear, leaves The funeral wean held on Tupwlay testimonial, hoping rt will benefit every phone air expn•ss,•a fiylat hundreds PRAi"M five dein fere and our sou. gj' attTnloon, woman suffering as 1 did at the change of miles distant, are the trathe oGt- (► i,urd God, Who, thr.,u h Thy Son g The loath llur,u buJ•+' euwD ola•ted m of fife. I was obliged to go to bed, had terrible dizziness and felt extremely Ter, wireless ol;wmtor, auJ lot- O- Jesus Christ. dldst reveal Tfiy-elf as 4k9 tap; I at Grand 13rud July 2nd. with forty. iii I, ticra• , EKETER ' ►-« " weak- 'Fruit-a-tives' were really a God- logical expert. Ther•• are todrtwms In the tower and the st"d will be I our Hither, we thank Thee for, the � who have lNll counted fife bstyd ill attrwlane6 and Iter. J. M..I lteud, dlrirUrr. I I send to me. Now I am in perfect health." available day and night. t1xn and wwuru their lives dear nutxo them. -elves. lint Coiling, of Grand as James Lettson has dislNosed „f Ills The Includes group games, -Mrs. Onesine Godin. Above the tower is the mast of a have boa,. f..rtti G, N'1111r8g Thy lace to program jewellery• business to Fred It,rliethge, . t1 • t4- r omv ` ,hletics t ,&tum This stage of life takes heavy toll of wireless Installation, enabling those i till uuuuklud. Grant its who remail at aqua a s. as u o . a • n study end bird lure. tale ..f NellAddt, who Is already in {asses• Special Prices at McEwen's I -..,F...._�.a,. 'Xt el �, IN ,.,n_ ­­ - -. .`Ii ' Groceries 111" � Tea and Coffee and bowels are in fiat -class condition. they are, and guide them to Croydon. le'� John \\'rllliagtun -Reid, of .Stanley %"IfIv� Tobacco It,; Dry Goods Ta i4-, 11 "Fruit-a-tives", in a natural, gentle way, In Saint, tog, or snow. At the summit I Dinnerware and Chinaware township. died suddenly on Wednes- , erupt bean 'r•,••sl� 1 8,, g .h1 COME AND LOOK THE PRICES OVER keeps the whole system toned up to trying experience. Made of the most Is an indicator which q" AFI J J F K ip.,. i t McEWEN � 1"', Hydro Electric slay.-lona-2LL _ Phone 46 South Side of Square withstand this from intensified fresh prla" a reearrd im"!1•e i t oodsdelivered promptly to all parts of the tuwu tt,thout charge Ile wait afty-one years of age and w•as' aqua a s. as u o . a • n study end bird lure. tale ..f NellAddt, who Is already in {asses• woman's health unless stomacb, kidneys on duty to tell airmen in Giulit where I lions' a quH•ken d trust• of duty to I slon. air. lawsan is remaining In R and bowels are in fiat -class condition. they are, and guide them to Croydon. tlk se In the 114-141%. For Vhrltt's sake. John \\'rllliagtun -Reid, of .Stanley too n. "Fruit-a-tives", in a natural, gentle way, In Saint, tog, or snow. At the summit I Amen, -The Mlssi ,nary Monthly. bests, and Rel thew quickly out of township. died suddenly on Wednes- , erupt bean 'r•,••sl� the vFlki a council liar, decided to DcLtw keeps the whole system toned up to trying experience. Made of the most Is an indicator which ! Jerusalem; for they, will not W"Ive iitr testirony cuncerulug are.• All Hydro Electric slay.-lona-2LL _ -ulrtxli--t.+ taw ea{apas•s+r a -room withstand this from intensified fresh prla" a reearrd im"!1•e i H. LEM%��-M��- - 'laird, they know that 1 lepsis- Ile wait afty-one years of age and w•as' provide 420JI410 for ,p new four the juices of ripe, fruit health tonics. ISc tuations of the wind. I 1ieMO° gtipie-�latJ's Fatly Jlio- I I said: best fu Ther Synagogue tIN• r The Peoples Power isora fn the lut•allty In N'hlttn he died. Flich .Srh/sd building. TIIP pro{resl- and -building R Switches In the tower will bring fused and y when the Idyl' i * Coals by Electricity Ile is survived by hls, w-Ifve formerly ti.nl dr build t new public school l Ant and SOc a box at all druggists. into 601106 at night a llghllnc system, "hat IIrllThrd on Thep. And Leamen rawaae- --bets !:1!-�; ll: bhxrd Th lilts rt) N e dtcn N'as _.tier!. ,_ SLP4414-11 MIA 'iAlii& Galbraith. ia* (laving been reeerntly rejected by the -thvf by aorked * including Good -lights of 750.uuu can- die -power. ' of 25. � > -- tau wit+ +tuu41lug hyo And •euuse"Lilg Wash by Electricity "f . was held July ^ th � m� r ratPpnyerr �rttt-now vote tile mgmey for a High FA`hool. The -- -- - which wfH-makrthrr-tand- Ing area almost as light as day, end a (,elder Beni--moria--T:3W-- unto Itis death, amt kept the ralmeat Iron by El.xtrieily homestead. 71h conle_.xlon of Morris. cuts will Ir,. taken un Jule LStrd- - lawn a resident of this lceallty the red Neon beacon, the rays of which For these flay+.Soul was Idiud. end!Sold d,d Tut mfr drink. The tucntai' them that slew And HT 1 Their were seventy$ce prerrnt, In-' chNliug members -of the family from alis+ Jean farcy, daughter of air. and airs. L fan P, left last week for! R e4- 1/tt of hit life. fsrmin to I R Tu Itrrry' lrrlur to lila reuNrt'al to • penetrate tog, should be risible to airmen 30 or t0 m11es di fent• Iwltlues ir, for I the unto nw: 'IM rt. for i will send thee augluSit w,.u1d tin sec keen flat be lint.. far hence unto the Gentiles.— it was am T\►W how alsut twelve )sera ago. Ile };clow io d,rno•d tpok- w„111.1 not uoU`o tilepaiiRbofAuanger.I lu ulsdlTww to hht alaatpr'y command Burford. Belmont, Itralaphal. Toronto TrIrM, Tera, whsle she will teach the the tower a After was I J then. \\'r find xfld nearer stat+. The { galtiertmt. rhfldren of Imperial oil oundoyees, Is survived h)- hill wife. two eons and Ing -hall one can buy u• keels for I amt. at his hands, had stain that hr lett Jerusalem t l at represented four gpnersthrna ! The position earrleg with It a salary line daughter: NelAnn. of Turulwrry: ][4-a Geo. places as distant as t:opt•nhagan. izet•. lie him still at Tarsus When the church his sight and Irern by hlw IwPttrw.l, he i the large ingath• hearing John 1\'orl'men, Ki sero lin+ pugaRp l p{ or al,nut tF2.(Mw►, wUh All v= Mnse% W { fa Robert, of London, and Moscow, C onstantlnople ul Northery i felt the nivel of "e hen he' Jeniotalvnt. g of Percy Wiggins of London to assl%t him' And a maid to keep haus { e Cur her. F,N.trr, of Orrrrlr. Africa. ering at Antioch. scut ItnrualsaA to lie wast. tlnat he was strengthen- lied went In his harness business, which he pnr- The Exeter Horticultural Kooviety is Tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. wed- The enlarged ascending and alight- I ed. Then was +ani certain days with learn the truth thereof. seeing what Threcen w the of God. — esus' chaped from Alex. McKenzie last year. i {eating on wpirkly dlsplay% of Gowen Uerbie wag the scene of A pretty Ing Kround 1s to provide g Pass, n ee the disciples. whk•11 were at llamas- had been wnrnght grace Saul. The Mr. M/iCerlsle. who hid slorp ttetin' In fhe windows of the budne%- snNlon, din oil Saturday. ]ace. itWh, when R and cargo -planes with u taking -off se ter went n” Taint%,.r•lin R T Ile and they were Mvumtng' ascioing Mr. Workman. fw•1% that tin Meavy Rome beautiful colleetiong have been ter. their daughter. Ella, became the bride of Huh ,Fawcett McKay. Rev. J. g and landing space of near[) a mile to I an direction. The two new air Y Diane Accuus. year the (t Antten h uud tore whole ho" hl an ant 4-'i e. It was )m4- t1N•c taught much PMM cannot continue the work, soil' I shrews thus Belgrave I'nited church. of- hangars 35 way than llostolid. way than willies had anticilwtef This then thsl a definite, name was attached r --�-mow purl"" leaving shortly to live at} 1k,obte, of left can accommodate of the new fellow+hip would Ire as refreshing They were called A Auburn. I I v- r REAFORTH fictsted. Mr. and airs, M ot•Ks y on largest passenger planes to his soul as the meat they gave bile to thr•ep• diw•Ipk•s. *-Whatever of The heath of Harriet E. Dent, widow a trip to Quebec• and the FA,ctern The present-day airdrome Is only In nl after, Chritians. the orlgln threp lug to his hungry J We ruler our Hydro INs T limps of James Rutherinnd, occurred on Sun- \t the Fgmoudville Cnite,t Church Crovl►xes. The will reside at \Vbtel- J a haphazard huddle of old war -time hIN thnw ds{'+' fast. Afterwards he, the term, Its !m{rrtt is of more Toll- bin for 1x00 hour use. day last at her home at Hensall. In, mangle ,in aatordac [Morning, June) Ing. W. 1r,. Ulness of months. Mary luta, and has outgrown its accommo- dation. The new station Iles entered the synagogue•% and lrreac•hed -ended tit and doubtless iI was fis- 1 n'ndwf to P=ptr%s that .Doul flee Chita• HYDRO STORE her ninetc-third year. Deceased hod for :tA"h. Georgina ItargareI. second After an sir Phelan. wife of Edward Fitz- some hundreds of reds to the northeast of ! Christ. that lie Is the .Soil of God. A tion Mlth Which the prearberx of it west lawn x resident of Hesaall orpr Surviving ,HnlRhtrr of Min and airs. W. O. .lane I Irtriek. died here July 5th in Ger six- the present airdrome. A walk through large bNNly tit Jews w'us rwi,IvM al thia� and the disciples of It were perpetually side ��� thirty years are one loon. 1;e.rrge J. Sutherland, postmaster of IteMhps, of .Svaf„rah. was unitwt tv marriage t., Willisnr Wetwer, of Die- ty-eighth year. Ikcealle,l was born 1a. !tit Immense and imposing stone and g h .Saul nit n and tut vat tints In IWIm ppPaklnR- of. and dwelling upon. as a oeuly' xvuwed hi. xllrginme h. thnf filen ell, and one daughter, Mins Hnttlp y .of trait. formerly of Exeter. Tipp sere 1\'pat \I'ntcanosh, where she spun[ alwrnt twenty )eats of her ear married Ilfe, >T concrete buildings shows that It has bean designed with an eye to the fu- i their ■ll -In -all-( heist. In thlg view Naaarertr who was crgclficvl. claiming of. it -whether owing to lea origin to .Sutherland. of the setup place. mon) was d D Rev. W. D. lin y had since resided In WlnRhauL ture. Its waiting -rooms, Its hotel, fo Fir the Win of liar Jews. Tile Jews, R Jew or Gentile, Greek or Roman. The annual meeting "f Routh Fiurun M etionald. Mr. and Mrs. WebApr and Re_.Ide% her blttsband, she leaves three Its coeloms omeees have been built for were etuszrd at such a t"rnmer In the frteat{ ,or foo—who can wonder that C.•oserratires was held .loan 2141, at fbenorall, and was eddrw%pd Lc Hon. Afterwards left on a honeymoon tri P to i.lndssy and (►%latlwe Thpv will dauRbterie also two br►tlncrx and foot Cincinnati. O.: a time when the air will contain tar more than It does mind And attitude of Maul. They ale Mit to be trace Riven ri them, it beautiful, Tame wore and more atmxel, even to too t�eautlful, too too D J. R. Wheeler Tloran Monteith. Treasurer,'; re -lite of I1Mrolt. sisters: Jt/%Pllh I' John, Morris township; Mfrs. h. J. passenger airplanes tote); when crossing the chancel by appropriate, confusion of thought, as Saul reasoned clear• to ik ever allowed to die'-rCrl• rd FsllI% and Mrs. Howard FAIIIA. of Peter- ��, Miss Bertha ('Ilegney haoo returned McAney, TolMo: M'rs. Itl•herl Blake, airplane will be a common expere- out of the .S,•rllrtures "that this is tk'al Commentary. ihtnenl Ulredae nod 1wro'. Col. H. B. Combe. of Clinton, from St. Petersburg. Florida. where Clinton t Meg. Jas. Kelly end Mire. lease. very l`hrist."' The Hrt'. David Brown .•p Em�l� was elected president ; Mrs. Wm. Con• sbe spent the winter with her aunt, Peter Heley, lath of Morris. Burial Liven the new hangars contain an to his commentary rays 'after mane WOiuD littIM014i8 All calla promptly attended to silt. of Hengall, toil vlee t; Pe 'n Mrs. Luther Robbin., of R,N•he%tet, was made In Rel Augustine cemetery. rye I aerial DroDlecJ• Ihelr doors are this- day-o"u.) doubt refers to the lengthened Mr. William Boyd, advertising men - day or night John Fianna. of Vollorne, 2nd vice \.Y after service In Sacred Neer[ church teat much higher than L Period Saul slient in Arabia. Ile re- ager of the Curtis Publications at PHON'RS resident; n. N. W. Trewsrtha, P K Mrs, J. C. Orel has returned from g bete• s ae for far any pat turned to Damascus. and Ills matured Atlantic City, on retarning from an at835 Residence 8Ww Clinton. 3rd vice-president. Robert C. A tri to the Coast. P ew so They have Seager airplane. Tbq hays been de- ability to plead 11hrist would, with IlIsI plght-months' visit of inspection of Hamilton Street, Goderich Higgins. HPnasll, secretary; GM. Keith M. McLean, of The E_- signed In readiness for giant liners Master's pregen,w, he attended with miswlon stations in Serf” and India Petty, He"asall, treasurer. po%Itor, t+ sUendlvR the annual con• SWIIAL CEN IME 1%, so] which which la years to come will carry man powerful results. Falling to convince. i had this to gay: "I believe that every - - ventlon of the Canadian Weekly News- WOODS W women ewtfUy through the sky iie only exasperated them. ■nd soon dollar IttnPst d iv fnefolsu MIRldf lg has � _-_ CLINTON „•,;z5 tapers' Association at Edmonton. Gladys he � use eos>w'laa W !~rope. found that he must cut short his stay I prrNlucerl greater returns than any dol - Miss Jean Guys and Miss Deep in the heart of the rugged l�eb haagar V Soo feet long and In the city. far Invested in ahs human enterprtse. Councillor Cooper lug Oven notice McPhee have resigned their positions :North Country, hidden by pine -topped i ISO feet dew. and L divided into two The full extent of his danger ap- There Is no incompetence In the carry- arrythe of his Intention to more for a vote of on the Reaforth public scbool board. fell and broke her hip bilis and thick virgin forests, lies a lakes known bays of 160 feet. They can accom- � pears only from his own account of it Mn After, In recounting to the G;prin- Ing on of the mission work, or in the Brophey Bros. tileratepayers on the question of the Mrs. Aherhart chain of sparklingblue modab together thirty-five of the R g m:111ogenrpnt of its fonds: unit there to establlrhin of a board of education. R while visiting a neighbor recently. o as Lake of Bay%. Almost unknown to' largest pesseager airplanes in nue to- thlans the perils he had come through In competitionr.F�DrNiG not %c/ much wnhe rnmbining the 1+1616 school and Col• .'� the outside world until a few yeah day. Behind [Less hangar are the Ute ('lutist's sake. "in Damascus the 4-odanywhere i the work as Is to he round anywhere in F�'D I►IKFi('COItB Ir•¢iate Institute boards. .- - � WL'gGli<►.M ego, these lakes have Demme the avm- most up-to-date workshops and trim- ROyenlor under Aretas. tote king. kept i huslnp•%.^ �-- --- -I FSH. . AND ISM(lF.►1 HEit,Y Nr and Mra Arthur Van Miltrno, -- mer playground of vacatloonists and pnlr sheds in existence. the city of IlunlaM•uR with a garrison. Amnloul.rece service at all Nn!rtnee. (int.. announce the engage- The marriage t.sok phare At Toronto June 31Wh, of ,tourists. The Dake of Bass district is large I TixMare V et/11 anesther pofwt of la- teres[ fb this air 'IesirinR h► apprehend rue. And thn{Ugh a window lit a bagket wa+ i let dote WAS VERY DELICATE hours, day eight. went of their daughter, Helen Grate. an :totoniAy aftprn,Non. ' proph*Ue port- PFIO\ F:ti torr 1:41 Hes Y17 'o to Ili. Harvey Jr. Potter. B.A.. of Verne Marie, youngest daughter of enough to enjoy secluelon sada boll, I ='lore Is aecommodaLion. and to spares, by the wall• and escaper! his handy." t;tuloFRICII Brooklyn, X.T..-son of Mr. nod Mm Mr. and Mrs rt F. Maelmnald. Wills- day of backwoods life. If that is dtr for small private flying we hints. Dr. Brown also remarks: -It fs cltr 0. W. Potter -"f-ro"nfna. Oro.. the Mr- ham. ate John F.wnrt Meis•nd- son of sired. if plPasure, gayety and juyoval The man of tLe future, returning lightfltl to olserhe that there were New Health Came Through Using 1 11 th Mr. 1 it Mel.tv,,Ivouthampton. The companionship i% your holiday goal, from a trip to the continent to his 'dist-lilles' tlo•re, nunre•rous enough and flit! la e p are t n s mon _ . • . The death of Grip of the oldest end happy rnnple will rwshlF-in- \nett 111vM are large Inznrlou+ hotels- I own maeDlne, will and to the new a•oura►;e.ats enough to steel, at their Dr. WllhBmx' Pink PlllB --- mast respected citizens tof ('llntt►n. In Toronto. ultra -modern -where golf, tennis,. Oro -don a ane air garage fitted up own risk, the great pn•nehrr'g t s a{oe Mrs t itslar Mtoter. la,urde+, 1.8.. the person of Willhlm J.Pafdey, trot} On %atnrday. Jonp 3Mh. More F... Dowling, swimming may occupy Your ''I with everything necessary and com- from the hands, hath of his blood• Says that twice In her lifetime she has PIaMY Rnnday morning. Mr. rw-iey daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. G,s.rge T. time -where music and dancing took* )lets, with expert technical assistance. thirsty enemies and of the military reason to he thankful for what Dr. I was In Ids eiRhfy-eighm year. i11s1.111tob•rts,.11• of WIxgham. wag united in .a perfect end. to a perfect (Jay. - WtfaI. Impression of U,odon's great force by which hw" 1*1*FIeMI." It Williams' ,Pink x'111+ diet for her. She death was the result of t fall he cur' marriage to Vit -tor A, Wilson. of West• Any Canadian National Railway air port will the traveller receive' Is reasonable to oruppuee that their ssys._..1 was a very delicate girl RM}, ,tanned on Friday. whit htiolraF-W; . Riot. F. FAn•hman a leintinR. t will gladly give you illustra StwUl see round him 350 acres .ltlliftber was not a little incre*Mcl,_a! Ing tato wurnaultcod, when 1 fir. -rt i 'end caused serious Internal in0irlea. and Mr-, wv nt left on A motor trip literature and full Information on the or level ground. To -da) this land Is well as their faith strengthened. by his found benefit from Dr. Williams* Plok Iii,. Palslpy was born at Smlth•s Falls, through the New Fnghind State. And -Lake of Bays. Ask him for a list of uneven. The old airdrome will be 1sLon From IAuwast•us he made Wit T'tlt%. I wag n sufferer with cramps Oat., later moving to Wrovpfer. Ont., flip Adironda,-k Monntainq, hotels and cottages from which to pulled dows by Kay and this gtgan- way to Jerusalem. The special ubjert and lining every month And wa- hanlly but had lived in Clinton anti vicinity After an tllnety of serpral weeks, make your selection. tic space will be levelled. of tills big first visit to Jer"+alem after able to wave around at n11. One day the gresn'r Marr -of his life. Apra George T•1nterw'n,nl passed AwAr •Tilly His machine will alight beside a hit conversion wag -a% lie himself ion concrete platform. He will step trthrthe Galatia" coat. 1 :1141-tu see when I waA very .+ick a friend came r, I young man Ur. Aslsley wag n wagon- Aid In his gpypnty-shied year. ate had I g D to Ape m4-. and she said to my mother, SCHOOL REPORTS out-nI as to -day In a rhalky field, Peter -lie being the leading apostle. 'Why not, try Dr. Williams' 'Pink I'll!+. I which to Wet weather V slippery and Saul WIPIMI to confer with him coal 1 know fere') w•111 do her a world of! in dry weather Rends up clouds of cernlnR the things of MK Kingek►m. geN,d.' The result wag my mother got i' &--417. K'AAANY1t3H AND ASH- dust as the propelien tur i - on a The dfisciples to iffi lPolPas knew him Aix iom Snd '1 began thefUBiF, And 4► �� av FIELD platform as dry and convenient as best a% the chief liPrse•ntor of the ear. 1 +aro found leeurat from them. Ity i 1'i - r tea 11 tali We carry a good stock of Electrical Applia Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on application Frank McArthur 1.1. FA'T R ICIA Nl Telephone 82 West Street „%�s a nor rt of L.$.8. NO. 1T, Will Wawa• at of a 4-a way a or,. He will Ilegf (hrlgfians. \n dpubt they had the tinN• i had taken them all 1 felt s nosh and Ashfield. , take only a few steps to the swing heoro of bis baptism. Mit his long so- an altogether different girl And n4-, Jule "suflaatlons:- I doors of the new station, pass I journ to Arabia . bad._tattuued it& to I �,S GR through a vestibule, and find himself ss from their Minolta; and news of longer guRerevl from it ago. unit paint, Jr. IV. -Annie Sproul 78 per cent., � Pa '"The•n a few )pars ago 1 was at- ('arl Finnigan 81, Lenon Stothers A0. i in the mala booking -ball, with watt- his return to Damascus and his eacape i tacked with Influvurtu, and w'ut +ick f..4- Clifford Culbert 511, StanleyMcGratten I tng-roams leading from It, a post of- therefrom had not reached them until Not Just Breads six week-. AKnln 1 started taking Ur. eAk Gee, telephone boxes, a bookstall, a he appeared among them. They were, Willin®ri fink fills, unit again they I • TIRE cafe and hotel. far Jr. ill. -Margaret Elliott 81 r therefore, unwilling to rrn•Ive film as F rfal d, ,*,* m I ThP new control tower Is the lair brought me RnnMl hpnith. i xm the stn 4-N. " �_' *i ""m m} �:w"' eotot. Em1Iy McGratten 00. Rowel -MC• our of tlletnselvea m..ther of a famlly And do till my own Intyre 5p, Arnold Ober 57. eat thing of Its kind. It fa a roomy Ilrlp of their number, TFA17a1Me, phi► work, so you gin• i have to keep In good INDEED, NO j Sr. II. -Willie Sproul 65 per teat., 130 feet square glass box lifted above Is described as "a Rood men, and full the airport. From its roof rise• a of the floly Ghost And of faith." R'1re hcep n mid dNow u{s,n fleece pills to Harry olNyln 511. keep net• woo Now i xlw'n)s r,rommehd , Jr. 11.-Jlmmle Leiscbman 8T per, mil directional wireless aerial. The him the right lural of tellowshlp sad CLEVELAND'S BREAD w se mesaiuAsSwst,9 iYdfee Orr. 1tlllinm 1'irrk 1'111+ to xu_e of my iff Trl l i sal x f F;'3•f, *4-1 f t' Tf cent., Harvey Sproul 84. ground door rooms contain accoesmo- brought him Into the prrsPnte of Peter �1„ , +jF. , t,. , & 1 I dation for pilots and ofhrials, while and James. He related Raafg M frh•ndt who may Is glrkly." is.a tempting complement i .�� I'ftx i ?' t, 't" i ''yrs Daily work' ' on the asst floor are the weather If )„n nip suffering from Any con- t0 an meal• -delicious in a qw . 4; e; eaA1 V�ux , Y Jr, 1V. -Annie Sproul 7ti Tier Test., i with such belief in It that they. foo. I dltlon due to ixror, watery blood. or , y r 0 V g Lenore Stothers AS, Clifford Culbert offices and tinlrnoms for the omcera retPlcrd him and Iut,FP him wyjrnttn dirt I*ff'r 4 0 � r\ pa on duty in the tower above. weak nerres. begin taking Dr. Wil- itself and lendinggest t0 kd.s1Nt4r Ii%'11,ns p r't�;, „,.-,.,W.:,�,a=..rW 1f4. Stanley McOnttev 4r,, Carl Flnnl• - wtth them. For fifteen days lie ItodRM llama fink lilts..DOW. Aad note bow 0 -- __ -- __--__ .__ -- Round--#beset-Io--this clam turret " i"#. TAaf.-'f�. V --and l -_ Pin - k- - 4Y ;E =9f_, 1x4-it3£13u r ° R1=4k i * I your strength and hraitfi wire fa�pro�P lld�_"' N" Jr. Art.-Rnssel McIntyre 77 Per, will be the a sat scfpntiar platru- that flmv hP directed Ills dhpoarxPe y Your family will demand trot.. Margaret Elliott 71. Emily Me- menta for the safety o[ airplanes. chiefly to the Greek-.r{leaking Jew"it, I Mou .c l Ret these pill% through any This tower U the brain and the eye dealer In t►wvlietne, n4- at' !x11 ,rnts.a twice as much of Our C w h 1 c h (+rw►ftvt 7i. Arnold hirer 90. - �lmedf being oho of tM•m. _They-ltirw- froini Thr Dr. 1VIIIIemA' Medicine MORE 4r. Ii.-Wilife Spront 98 per mt.. of the new It to tWtiratn be=- firer, ••went xlN,nt to %lay Illm."and.he Bread as any other. En- duse It will direct airplanes on their Co., Brockville. (Hit. Ilorry Garvin 04. f+hen, not br•aii-oo, of their action, but ' ora theta to do "n, t Jr. 1L -Jimmie iPI%fimnn 7(l way to England, give them direction - -- - mile- 4 s t r e t c per gran.,. rP.Pi1'PQ rxPrP%% dlretoltml as it is the nioa healthful when they stray In bad weather. and I.oat ft*I11 Civilization in Three Mil- � scent.. liner) Sproul Tb. I from Je%ng, left Jern%nlPm for hl+tN/y' If(NI Aires of Forest a n d r e - \umber on roll, 21; avernge attend- I tp11 them what to expect as they frond home Tarsus. Pxnl in Ida do- I and nourishing foot! the age.Better Alice. IR. roach the coapt of England. fence• an rt•M.tr.led In ch.'12:17-21, f4--! in the heart of the Timagaml felP%t R -.MTs o e o v e r 61 ` o F. MaeiVFl1. Teacher. It Is t11e eye because In this tower late- fbp reriw,n for hls sadden do,- reten•e, miles awn) from civilization, can take. non - S 1 d .r will be a map containing the position flip vacationlst who belle% the c4- oil. L �eM••ss' e .,� p,rrtner to these words: ".\tiff It came fresh air of tint-of-d,Nrrg. Ant! the rux- - of every airplane at that moment In more than or- R,) 2 oODF:RiCH fa {at AN, that whpu T inns r••nM ft Iteetxty . I s. The following are lire re%alta of the the air. One man will kppp thltf thapi tter4 rt natnre.wlll and a brit- C ii CLEYEL[1ND Slower, more cirrected all (Is) long, moving hie to ,leen%nt.. fever while ( nro:proved in tiny very much to Irl% liking. e� u dinar cords— Jnra (en,mnanit eznmluafhng S. f11P temple. 1 wen+ In n lrnnrn; nnMl even tread �`^ 2- H t t nfiGlp: >�Pianea as tjrc)' report m'w_ DoH- �r-}lint .rrytrw vitt" taw-, •Mfake 1\'hethPr you take along your oda (Tow. tellI or make u%p of 'the a^rrin toodA- hahave greater Sr. iV.- Jean Whitely RR per rent _ - - - - -- wear. And i ►Inn of the e=ntry ► tourist wol cos,, In i'h,eu. I I 1 West Ft. iT ii�� Jr, 11'.-iMlen Whitely t+7lxrt•Pnt. ! fhI% north conntrp dc/e% wonder- In SUI' r, IZ T W I S T 1 i f e —give Sr. iIL---Albs Chambers 711 per JwaUh•bull Of for y'nu. etre,{ nervesrelo_- - _ --____--- wear . cent.. James TtmnR 7r,. lla•rtram ! an,i give you paddlingllb beast tan. gseater Hotmp% i2, 1.110. I .Slimly 71, 011ve; + I An.l Rltr ytnt a hpnith) mot tan. Cord construe- And rices are - s°""R J"''" Tom" A' .�; a care hof and 11 riell trip-• nndpe Jr. IIL-Glndys MfdAMe; Kenneth fhe earn of An ec{g►ipncrd Rrride, are x„- 000,: our holiday. nil tion —cords ' no higher. 1 Chamhpre. oylfl"'#,, : ; b1R G aflnrrtr T r"t� ijk 44-. Ii.- Hensen Whitely OR poor crnf.. i+taker! you to hip rynrflrnlar fishing NI =1111111111AUA% .mato""r&::xetsl � Mnrb, MinnnhtRs :i(k F:IRIn G'hnniber y, Rronntlg. Away on hlkv% And the 04-% y � *�z .Aip *I (in,. Ronse.n Pronse r , . } ! L'Z,� r � etre” I that bring to yen tlg' Ihrlll of the old r. r k � I Jr. lI.- Ile%slp fount. Earl F'nller. � 1 pts TEAiGtP ,; 7 vnyAk mi F. p 0'41*Ask say fAnadiAn NatMtrel Rt111• I' R. MILLER I'l;"d """" '" tt'Illinm TnwnAhMd. i wayA aRPnt fur ftQl InfnrmafMn and 't'Ac9uu"u1s 1"1V . :,••=e.Ariw9r',:^- ;�:1L` Jr. i.-Relda Ittvriy, Cn,ham I t3[S� literature on holidaying In Tlma{ptml. • a \\ Ititel}. r;Pntpnt MlttnnlnR rlAynN nM1 _ Nowhere eke but In a "SALADA" package can Ire will he glad to Ata! -t you to e•Pn Phone 259 - A . �, �r� AOt Ginn. trimer--ThnmAA + (•IlAtnhPr%• you obtain such high quality tea for so low a, w•J. _ Iqa MArgnret McMillpn. prke and be sub that such quality will continue. Good r.,nd- romke travel essay, but Jr. Primer --•Phyllis Ginn. iMNs T they I,AA'e not.hnfnrtnnntely• had the You titin tet your tin u noon as you want it here rhem1wr%. ChArler Manningoa Try One a el If It does not p you, Your w 11' refund same plTpct ulNm nun.IMlstl flnandtrR• p'OCer y'Olfi yOYF f1t1110neys I {' •t•rlNero' Fvlmine•r Singer Sewing Machines SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS F'r,rdenn,ngtr:tt,ntrivt•n tin your 01A It Iltalte at any little. Voll art` nn.loor no obligation h, filly. MISS S. NOBLES 4nnth w -1. -f �.Insrr I b.lerwh W. GLEN COOK, General Agent .A 11 IV i sig r` ic�kl (i IN :( 1 I i F „ , � 1 "� 4-a «Ji s I�i.X 01.jl " �t.�0 .. i t4- :41s t,vo_Wg4 N w.+:a1. w..w•:ww,�.r, i ti a�ck( t��r :9 l� s9 I, R, ojl�� I le� �($ #tP4 it. " h i:! :�k i . , 'i . - .I lA t1 4-. a p� F:TFFFD, R iiITT•.t,\. lonelier. j�,{N+ , ;;s .. �.,.. .,..... • en ;.., -m.:',:.. :.a xin. n. 5avmn . rz ., p,. .w-r..•,®y.,s.,3..,..-,..w. � Vt „.. ,,.. w... ^. tt�� �ga�.y'n•I .� r,1. e,, • ^ a G ,..' a x^..,,: , . a , . ,.?Y>d.J A.is i F -0 Nr 1..r, ,. w5. ;... • 49 r. m r..,, 6. vp4x•t� r, ,r N:wi+.,v •.,r r o . rs...;..,.y ... , ...,... v: ,w «.x . ;.. • m�'". .. ... . m. _.,.s' -, .... ���,.y _ •'TR"'A• i .4-4 i 'i;p ,v . .. ax +i - • 4, _,0 v ,,., ., ., 4 • i W'M:.., •�" 'M.*.: K r,., 1 �8' S 1 a... a, q��� :", {4-r I, ,y9 iry�e i A.ti. , . � A "" , .S �t�{I.`• ip 5y,y f, ` y,.% ... t yai _ R.: '. , , 9ry �1y�A In ; , ' a 4�� _ ' i .. w.::,4-', ' `:� N l ®kr 'I"4- ' .'i'F '6. Y " is ` i� M. r `'�'. W t. �4'''�ini �:.1 T r,9 ,p . !Nt' kF� is a4- 5k, x .. t �%' �• J t . , 11 'Aff.ara+t '.. . Y t y t�.... A-4-. W.11,. %'"xM W, tr,+e ... 't�YV MYA� 4..- �. W ....� ". - �( I• r �, ... yL fir -Wii _ J .