HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-12, Page 4k.
pf •-• •
warn, tveallicr apparel. We
from our large 'dock Of
"The Store With the Stock"
Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 9
Monday and TueednY
John Gilbert
day with Mrs. lteytou, of Clinton.
Miss Anni.• H. Henry, R.N., was 1
culled to Toronto tat Saturday for au
emergency entad lu the General h.rgdtul
Mr. A. 1.. ..lot terland, of IfiWlotn,
Mau.. and Mr. and Mrs. Via -rise Switaer
and .!eau. of $t. .fare.. %hilted with 1
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1lettty on Sat-
Mrs. Ed. Browning and baby Lilian,
of Kitt. trdine, spent the week -end with
her (athi•r. Mr. Geo. Cottle.
Mrs. Macgregor is visiting with re-
latives at le.ehal.h and Paramount
tIli. week.
Mr-. W. J. Mtl'lenagbau and on
Igo leayr for NVellaud this week after
vtditing for some time with her sister.
.II-. Sarah Garbutt.
The !people of Brick United church
held a very sucoessftd lawn wxdttl on
Friday hist of the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ilers.at Irwin. The grounds and'
platform were splendidly lighted by
the Delco lighting system• installed
for the evening by Mr. Melville Cul-
bert of Dungannon, whleh helped
greatly to make the evening and the
program more enjoyable. The gate
receipts amounted to 3170.
NILE. juts li.-We are ple,p'eti to
mr. Miss Nellie WiLes attlt BOW after
bete recent operation iu the Goderich
Mr. and Mr.. Herb. Peutland anti
1'111111041 neitored to St. Thomas .011
; sister. Mrs. 0,11 Sloan.•for a few days.
in a &WHY of titan's fear and elintan'o_ squire., epent the week.
loyahi. A tale of adventure in tropic , tool with friends here.
isles and Alaskan wilds ! Nitre; Alice Sheppard underwent an
' operatiou-iti the Washout hospital on
. AUBURN, July 111 - Mr. anti Mrs.
GoDERIC11 Ti-m-*NSIIIP. July 11.- Amalie Jackson. of t;isierich. were
Haying operations have begun in this attest, at the home ,,f mt. and mill.
heavier than at first expeeted. Mr. and Mrs. Clarvitte Wahlon. of
The W.M.S. of Union United church Myth. *pent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. -Harwood and , Mr and Mrs. Arettleeillissare 0,4i -
ren motored to Atwood tit} SHIA'S an.4 )ilrit a't the home of Mr. and Mrs. Molt.
spent the day visiting taititives there. mien.
Mho; Helen Bell. of Windsor. is
home of her father. Mr. Jas. Bell. to Toronto on Monday.
The play. "Yitumie Yonson's alias Elisabeth Cowell. or- Pickford.
(ilintrx9.1:wbyPtrehegelyitZinglin.4412:ek.'.11:0,11.1iieefiltr. tAhrethguures. of her aunt. Mrs.
the date to he f11111,.11tiee,1 later. Mr. W. J. Thontiesto motored to
1411 imcknow on Sunday.
The horniest. is a cousin of
Mr-. Wilson.
The W.31.8. net the'bente orMrs.
dent. Mitten. Clark. presidia. There
was a large attitudinise abet lbe.nieet•
hook, **The Christ . !he Indian Road."
wore reit.' in turns Iiy the inembere• A
duet. -In the Gar; c I." wee rendered
by Mrs. Gordon Mce ee and Mrs. C. A.
Robertson and wa- Amen appreciated.
At the conclusion the meeting a
inty lunch was atc-'ed by the 'imam'
:did her daugtiter Join.
111111 Mrs. McKenzie. of F.gnsond-
i Mr. visited Mr. au.I Hrs. Paul Maedel
on rtldaY. and on Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Maedel had ;is guests Mr. and
Mrs. Holahauer, of Niagara. antj Mr.
and Mrs. Potter, of Holtnesville.
On Saturday lam 11 4011 anti heir
:one to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Bean. CongratuNtions.
Nilso Mary Robert -on, teieter. of
Niptitara Fella, is with her Mater, Mrs.
Ed. Fisher, for the ‘aelltion•
Miss Christine Rebertson. who is a
pupil of Mr. D. Ili j..r. was sueeessful
in her music examinations a •
"Bow to Make Commonplace Life
More Interesting,•' was given t.y Int.
Phillips, and several snatches of is try
were read by dtRereut members, Mrs.
Whittleld and Mrs. Stuart sang
"Juaoitn." It was divided to hold the
annual picnic nt Guderich on the :IIIb
dud to incite lhe,mendk'rs of the t000l
Ing chap to jolt. with the Iii -time in
the outing.
1►1'\'hANN4)N, July 11. -Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. McKenzie and Master Mal-
colm spent Stanley at Clinton.
Mr. Thus. Stuiley has returned hour
after spending it few days with friend+
at ltltk•vule and \Vingham.
Mr. Robs. McMath, of Detroit, is
visiting his sister, Miss Jennie Mc -
Miss Elate Lawlor. of Auburn, is the
guest of her diner. Mrs. Calvlu M•'-
Mr. Chas. Tamblyn. of Loudon,
clsite.l he hme Mr. and Mrs.
It. J. t'natatwfonttlastoSuofnday.
Mr. turd Mrs. Fred Ross and Muster
Pe. 1,1111.111.0 V00411.4
ESTA Ill Fe AL ft
re•mOus. emu
'rite mins and warm weather of the
past WO weeks have brought the (Toilet
on..wIth a rush. [laying 11/1A 4.0111 -
'Hewed. and wheat is beginning to
turn. Conditions are favorable for
root crop.. and fruit. with lite exeete
lion of apples, promises a past yield.
Ihmehi spew the ‘%eek -end itt 1.m...1- Entrance Results Are Out
Ilklgter AIIIIII Reed Vi.titell %% ith Th.. (;04eFidi ,..,•11..,d, Heal'. love the,o
pupil. who . were v:Intlitlektes Inn ing
' daughter Mary. of London. are Malting Park memorial medals are Madeline
Kenzie. ' totid Mark of GUI wins ti.e cold nealal.
Mrs. Gordon. of Toronto. la floating ona ji,,,poriaA atiddietott. of centred
1 lwr nieeP. NIrti. (Itr.i Case. school, to whew the silver medal Is
Ills fiarents. Dr. ond Mrs. Came. Ile Northern 1.igItt• In July
• Nlessrs. 111. Ileltae. W. .Niternethy. C. ' "northern light,'" alth veld weather.
lividly anti S. Seott. I anti there w1111 II1111.11 A' 011,1er Ih..11 ft
Mr. and Mr.. .1. WIllkom. ef St. brilliant display of the phene 'tenon
Nitir•,.. (..rIller residents ..r iningannon. was 'wen on Sitturdity night. after a
PARAMOUNT Mr. ond Mr& Joe Curter and Master called on friend- to•re .,I1 al141 Very warm day. I•rofe.soe Kingston.
, Reggie. of Port Elgin. are liotid:*ing
MacGregor is visiting her daughter, Mr. and Nino. James Carter.
Mrs. Jac), *Henderson, and will oleo Mr. aud Mrs. L/oyd Ferguson at -
visit friends at Ripley and Lochalab. tended the C.P.R. pknic at 1..11Y4t0t4
, Mrs. Grant Maeliermlii. who visited Saturday.
one day last week. ,
Miss Georgia Keehn. • f Detroit, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Yunz
Mut. this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Finch. of De
UAW, are visiting friends in the village
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill and Nlaste
Billie spent the week-et..I at Hamilton
NI Harr Cowell anti son Arthur
Menday of this week. of the University of Western onion...
The sad news roe' lied here of the states that the lights Are **sa inted
death of Mrs. Mark Jones on Saturday with sun ' spots. witielt are at tlwir
The deceased mesiniinn this vear. and that stuck di -
%ilk her loothond.tesided in this corn- plays will be."( common oceurrenve I
timothy IA ,. y11:11•A tie... The ttyntletItY tlar.tig the rentalt,inz month., it.t, this;
Mrs A M Rice motored -to Leodon of the conomulity I- extended to the yenr. Saturday night's -.how* was a,
liereayed husband, , • perttcularly beautiful one. and wilt ,
Ashaelil isos ond Duneatition. result• heavens. anti at times was brilliantly
Mr. Percy Finigiin. rood and brIdee _
W.M.S. at II fli4111.1. in Mr. Geo. Ilftrrli FOR SAL' E AT
elnirell entertained the ladies -of the--,
James Jackson, on Teesdity7----- ,M__ A_ PLE LEAF INN
Death et Robert Reid. -An old res1-
411.111 Or 1111. 01.11111111taitY. in the perm:*
ACRURN. July 10.-Mlas Helen iICE CREAM AND JERSEY .,/
of Robert Relit mowed away at his,
home pm the lith coneession of mitifield
Relater. of Seatorth, Is the guest ot ber on Tneeloy evening. liereased watt 1 DAIRY PRODUCTS .. '
Wednesday and Thursday WESTFIELD i
Jackie Coogan
V1 itll 1.2f, 11.111.411. 1 iertrutle Innutteod' 1% Es rt i ELK July 10. -Miss Ruth
and Paul Burst . Vincent. of London. 14 spending two
in a vivid story of romance on the high. w"ek". vselinon wills her parents, Mr.
wet.. .1 picture full of maritime thrills and Mr- J.11111 V illt*III.
Y 'II et a A nionher of young people attended
friends In ltetroit, has returned to her
Mr. Jno. Jamieson, who was very
' ill. is able to Ise out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Maeguillin spent
Sunday with friends near Itunganuon.
I. spending his inAhlays with We cousins,
Roland and 1.1oyd Ilendereon.
and LitemottionnI action. g
the Juitior Fanner,* picnic at Bay- A wee girlie has eome to live with
shipPaid of laughs and gaspe.
"Ineld on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rayner", and of Nekton', Mich.. are vis,itingL Mrs
&BUTTONS" Mr. Edward Rodger is in Toronto • has reeelred a royal welcome. Cowell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
taking a special teacher's course. Miss Ellen MacDonald. who RAI Marti?*
Path(' Comedy -"JIFF:BEE JEEBEEti"
Congratulationo are extended te visiting her Meter. Niro. Eldon Mender- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hanna. of Tor
be 1 ittiOs brother Mr
Quality Groceries aad
Fresh Vegetables
Silverwood's Ice Cream
Bricks, Dixie Cups, Bon Bons
and Bulk
ts Grocery
"The Store of Sat isf act ion ' '
Philos .146
Friday and Saturday
William Fox
prosents an all-stAr east and A great story
in this modern pleturization of the media
of present -clay luxury
"Soft Living"
Fos Come•ly-"A LoW KICKER"
Matinees-Tucsday, Tittirislay and Sat-
urday at 3 p.m.
Smartly Trimmed Hats
Friday and Saturday
$3.75 and $4.50
In a wide range of styles
with flowers, ribbons, pins,
in banded and appliqued
effects. Many variations of
brims, in colors black,
blue, green, sand, red and
Miss MacVicar
Paint Requirements
We handle S. W. P.
We handle on'y Pure Linseed
Oil, Turpentine and other
paint ingretl lents
Davit h• misled by cheaper dope
Carrie's Hardware
Phones 501 and 363 Goderich
20% Discount
off any Tennis
Racket in our
Our large stock of Tennis
Rackets will be offered at
20 discount.
These are all new 1928
mock. A wonderful op-
portunity to get a good
racket cheep.
We can 'apply you with all
other Sporting (Jooda,
1 Ina Golf Balls, Golf Clubs,
Soft Balla, Tennis Bella, etc.
Cole's Book Store
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeVittle -on the son. hos-returned her home in onto visited t a . •
birth of a balpy girl on July 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn am!
children. of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Tam- !
Idyll. of Lontleelporo', visited on Satur-
day at the home of Mr. and Mro.1
Mr. ond Mr.. W111 Crozier and fam-
Frank Campbell.
ily, of Crewe, visited Mrs. Crozier's
permits. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell,
on Sunday.
11r. and Mrs A. Stein were vests
of Wingliem friends on Sunday.
Friday. when Paramount fandliett held
their animal pienk at 1'oint Clark.
ft -hall. fontliall anti varions rates
were held. followed by, a autuptuous
ASIIFIEW. July 9. -Mr. and Mrs.
borne MacLennan and family. of ,
Windeor. visited with friends in Ash-
field ower the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin anti Mr.
and Mr.. Albin Griffin. of Detroit,
spew wia.k visiting with friends' ,
around Kintall.
Mr. Malrolut Mtn -Lennon and Mr. J.'
'Ma, Donn 1.1 motored frau Buffalo
fee the vieek-end. 1
Mi.. Thelma Minim% re left this
week fer Detroit.
Miss Flora Affilrew. of Lucknow.1
visited -with Mr. and- Mr*, Beckett
1...k ill the stroalperry pant.
ST. AUGUSTINE. July 10. -Mr. and
Nirs. .1. W. Boyle ond family visited
!toward Thompson and Robert Me -
%Ulster what trod tie 1r tomtits reutovtal
In Winglettn !wields' loot week, are
Bar 1 Lawson. tide Week. eithir-elght searsrof-ege• The funeral -costaistiog of -
CU ARkiffkk antiflother in
Master Byron Reid. et Toront0. is; takes place Thnnulay afternoon from
boUdayIng at the neat. eflite men, • the home of his nephew, Mr. William
11r. Geo. Sturdy. , Reid. to Dungannon -eemetentI. Rev.
On Monday peening of this week a . C. H. McDonald will eondurtiffie tan -
(social eventng was held on tire lawn of eral /terrines.
BLYTII `4vr'xil Mr. and Mrs. E. Rilithby under the
ing was °Pent By alETE/1411116" Terre at Oki Point Farm the past
week led to a.runtor thst some Detroit
people had purchased the proPerty and
were about to eetabIlah a Ng amuse.
went restort there. The Signal Win-
Mmirl.71. July 111.---.•orUMID Garrett.
who ,liers been principal et Rrozeter
continuation school tbe lard ex years.
has been engaged as principal of Blyth
continuation school. succeeding Mien
Worse!! (Mrs. Stevenel. who resigned
to be married.
Death of George Spafford.-The
death occurred at Oshawa on Thurs-
day. July 511. of George spafford, wbo
waS working in that city as a telegraph
operator when be was taken ill with-
appendieltis. Ile was.taken to the
liespital. where an operation was per-
fornied, hut without soccess. Deceased
his Ispyhooll In Myth. Mg father, the
late Charles Spafford, being C.P.R.
statitm ngent here. Repack* hi* mother
he leaves severd sisters ortd brothers:
Mr.. Richard Sartre/int. rube: Mrs. R.
Taylor. London: Miss Hattie Spafford.
Toronto: Misses Mary and Mabel.
Woodstock: Austin. of Guelph; Wil-
- An were home for the funeral, which
took place from the family residence
here on Sunday. tlw service being con-
ducted by Rev. W. 11. Hawking.
The remake% of the late Mrs. KINGSBRIDGE
much improved.
Fitzpatrick._ °LIS Jugliete_,_ were inter -
rid in tile It.17.1. cene•tery tilt Sat•
entity btat.
Mr. A. -1t. -3Ohneton is having his'
big the work.
Mr. nod NIrs. Win. Wilson spent the
friend. at present.
Mr,. If. Stn‘tli alid two cliihtKn. of
Toronto. tire the street,. rs. !haven
Mrs. D. McGill. of Myth, le the roeat
of her brother, Mr. W. T. Riddell.
Mrs. H. Bogie aad sou returned
dome last week. Slie wee accompanied formed that the report is quite la-
ity her sister, Miss Kempton. correet. Mr. 0 E. Fleining. who tome
leave this week for their holidays. having ft surveyed. tuft -wttimitt any
• Mr. and Mrs. Rice end Master Garth 1
Gme ago acquived the property. was
Which they will spend at Montreal.
As a result of the small cyclone change of owne;? or other immedi-
ate plans in pr iect.
-which swept throngh hem on Monday
KINGS11111110GE. 10.. -Mr.
McDonald. of Part:hill. anti MIAA Annie
Doren. orj.::ee,tratt. ...pent the week -end
with mat • a here.
Mr"' .1 trcontior returned home
Alittinlay after it delightful visit
his daughters Detroit.
Mr. James Griffin. of rIthogo. Is
holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. George Drennan. of Detroit, re.
' turned on Suminy after a week's Tarn-
' lion at his home here.
--Special next wear:
l'rovincial Highway, one mile from
„404.0.0.0404.004640.6,0.0...........0604,44.60Ctericti Sten 33n. Rosilleses Myr
We have en land a sire semertmenst
ef Carriages. *roller& Pram. On
earls. eta.. In different eflors. Also/
Carrinies. Kiddy Cars.
Heroes. U need a
Ur give us a sal. Oar
last many trees were uprooted. .
.11". T. W. ("""iwill ill sPeudi" iii" 11111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Silin
holiday% in Toronto. During this time
unite wtth the INA* ,ongrega thin for•,-.•
guest of Mr. and Mrs- John Houston.
----,- ------ _ . !Wise and Bert Martin motored up to
WAITECIll'itt'll. july 9. -Mr. null otIver trite -.TR Annshry. ; 4
4,1 shi,3 atteffit..d the s„itzer Miss Loretta :111.rs returned home
4.44*u (.1,,okyk. are fiolltia111411:1ng I
friend. Miss. Irene Woods.
Mrs. A. Stuart ahd Miss Anna. of
Toronto. are gne•tts th, old home.
-A number of rshi friends and neigh-
bor* attended the ftireral of Mrs. Ed.
Fitzpatrick of Wingham. The gym -
lathy of their friends In this com-
munity is extended to Mr. Fitzpatrick
and ;Infighters.
Messrs. Wilson and Alvin Woods
left on Friday for the camp at Wasaga
Mr. Arthur Wheathan. of Galt. I
visited over the weer:end at Mr. R. J.
nre the tote -t, of their nephew. Mr.
Wallace Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Webb and Miss
Gladys have rettirned from a very
NMI!, minion tind plenty at St. Nlorys "" " "r' "3. " Pr " ."( Wen•int trip lip
elf', friends nt
Mr Len 41'1 °twilit,' of Detroit mo
Nliss Dime Patton. of Toronto, Is " • • trip to Detreit ,
on Frith') last. Nils. Vera 'road
41I ill ft. Mrs John. Mortify tort d up t ope •Pril .
,N1r. FON, !richer of *4 a No Mrs. Ilarr Latimitt nnd daughter •
Kolbe's. on.? $11,..0401f111 'fel% ilig 1",".• of Detro;t. are visiting of Miss
t ion : Gaunt (hon.'. Fits wail.' An tntrlrr`IlFttg hlt1+ rrrMe {VIM plityr.t1'
dell. 1;4'0. MOSS. 1111111 MoOret Edna st Eintail on Tat-at:iv night. lettween
Waddell (hon.) ninl John Garten. L'"'h'11`41 nod Einashridae. The 'core
Iterker nod_ Verna. of Nlitcheli. and i" t 1111r her nem. Mrs. Tim
Mrs. Mcitac. of Simi-ord.'. spent clan- s
• I NI and Mrs Jos. Sutherland. In the -hall bet l'ridti
Mr. -ftitil Ruslineld and Mrs. "I'' .2 I" 1 in of KletNiiritige.
,,,' son Richard and Mistiest Norah /M-
oines. and Mrtritnret. Baxter. of Caledon.
spent to fell' I lay". lest oeek with Mr.
und Mrs. John Falconer. 4' ARTA oW. July 11.- Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs John Kennedy spent last week , A. C. Clark had m, ltundn ilsitors id,
with her dam/liter. Mr!,. Lend), Of three brother. otel their wire*: Mr.
Mr. And Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan and , Air. And 110, Will clnrk. of Ilickem.
Mildred and Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Mc• 1 mut Mr. and Mrs Robert clan. ,,on
Clenaghan and Eileen -spent last 'Neve! mid dnitahter, Wallaess and Vero. ot
day with their uncle. Mr. John Baker, ilwitiro. olsti Mr MIL of Woodstock.
of Clinton, end Mr. mot Mrs. W. Wooten anti ttvo
Mr. and Mrs'. Wm Barbour left on children of Carlow.
mooday to els& Mr.. Norrlith. of Walk.' Mee. Genres (Von anti faniily hod for
mann. 'loiter* nn thintioy Mr and Mre Me -
Miss Merle Gaunt ylaitert hislt week , rormiek and "ain 31111110S. of Detroit.
With 114as Agnes Coultes of Twit anti Mimi Minting. of Virginia.
woman's. . Mr. end Mrs. Rodgers. of Toronto.
Mrs. Fox and Mrs Henry spent Toms are visiting vsith Mr. And Meg. Allen
111110 Itoro:Ity 11141,,
A• Mil:er motored
week. Mrs. Moodj
nweting her mans
fhe ”Soo. -
eft Friday for• e
ober points,
ore, of Fergus. are
Mrs. John
Thom and Mrs. W.
to Port Elgin on
,* day with friends,.
Ay, of Eons. were,
watt formerly Wes
end she enjoyed ;
frlends on her
.n.leed. No. 12. enjoyed dellohtftd
i ”M1141,` Creek." on Mr Jortit's
farm, where 11IPV indulged In flahing. 1
Thom accomponied Mr. and Mrs. 'R.
of Speen,. seek.. 1111 1 motor
trip down lsy Mount. reflect and other
Vie Harris Mission Rand held their
.%tter the meeting they engaged In
'contra. etc.. and a lovely plenit supper
tres. on the poet.
The women'. Imtitnte met at Mro.
, W. A. Miller* on Thttritilay. with a
had cheer of the meeting. The gap**.
July Sale of New Summer Dresses
During the month of July we are offering special values
in our lines of smart warm weather Frocks
E141 for misses a
Printed Silk Dresses
in a range of attractive long sleeve styles,
featuring the latest trends of the mode.
Sizes 16, 18 and 20. Specially $5.95
priced at
. satins
of 'summery georgette, dainty and de-
lightful, featuring the season's latest
frills, collars and cape effects in white,
pink, maize, mauve, rose, dawn, etc. At
special prices.
Double Weight Fuji Dresses
Simple straight line styles featur,ing sh-Ort and long sleeves. All sizes.
es are offered at prices that will appeal to you.
These Dress -
New Ladies' Felt Hats
We have received a new shipment
of ladies' felt Hats in various shapes
and shades.
Bathing Suits
We have a wide range of Bathing
Suits for men, women and children.
Suits that fit lightly and comfortably.
Every size and shade.
- Our line of men's Straw Hats offered at remarkably low prices. 'These Hats are
the season's newest shapes and are of unusual fineness, cool, light and nr
comfortable. Priced from vac up
Week -end Special
Factory Cotton, unbleached, yard wide, even weave. Regular price 25c 18c
per yard. Special at per yard
Ladies' and Man's Wear Wad SW of Squire Moss 415 Gmlerick, Ont.