HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-12, Page 3• 444 The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. rue SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. n a er'liie r - ional Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928 Parents can give their children no more Valuable Legacy than an all-round education. Education has not fitted a boy or girl to meet the world unless it includes a training in Business Methods. The sur- roundings in which your child will live and the teachers under whose influence he or she will be next year are of utmost importance. Choose the School with Care We cordially invite you to examine the courses and meet, personally, the teachers of the SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO B F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. Principal PHONE 198 J BYLAWS PASSED AND CONTRACT AWARDED FOR NEW SIDEWALKS Town Council Places Price of $7500 on Vacant Maitland Road Factory LIFE -BUOY ._ OUTING SHOES LIFE -BUOY OUTING SHOES have proved to be the most reliable, best -wearing summer footwear on the market, for baseball, tennis, bowling and all other pastimes that are enjoyed by men, women and chil- dren. They are here in the latest styles at the most reasonable prices. Golf Shoes are now in stock in the new patterns. GEO. MacVICAR North Side of Square Goderich, Ont. The town council had a leugt'by new Ilion uu Friday night, a good deal of time being consumed iu discussing the construction of the new grandstand at Agricultural Park. The original plans bad been altered by moving the stand nearer to the race truck. and to give those sitting on the stand a letter line of vision 1t was decided to have the veered six hula's. some of. the councillors thought it might witTi advantage be lowered still more. and thought a mistake had been made to uinrtng it forwu s nnia vision was to leave t referred to the Ce11.1.aer. and larks committee. A request from M. W. Howell for the removal or trlwtuiu;; of trees in front of his properties on St. Vincent and St. Patrick's $tteets was referred jointly to the parks sod p ublie .works committees. An application from 11. t'. Dunlop fur permission to eree•t another sign at his store on the Square was sent to the public works couo .u... To Rent Park Nouse Jas. 11. Johnston wale application for the renting of t' ,• Park Ilouae, In- cluding retreshmet.: Isoth, for two gars at $30 a month. Referral to the ceturtery and parks c„wtuittee. Tlie county's requisition. for 192h rates was referred td the nuance com- mittee. The levy . i•: Fur general county purposes; g77,69.4M,: for county highway purpose', $,37 •l.:+i: total. $11: 3;03.;,11. I urcost pN 1 A commuuICattot. (tutu J. J. plug is (;uderlrh, 0 very pretty town on Intkr Barth with refereu.e ro Ids bualttew t uruu This town has always been a tux wits MANY WINDSORITES MAKE THEIR SUMMER HOME IN GODERICH Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Whittaker v.111 oc- cupy the cottage for the remainder of the season. Further along the road are the com- fortable cottages of Dr. and Mrs. W. Revell. who arrived the eud of last week. Mitts Nora Revell is also with her parents. having goue up earlier in the season with her sister, Mrs. H. L. smith, and two children. Dr. Smith A Chatty Column on the Some- ,.awe up last weekend and stent It what Large Border Cities with his family. The Stuart Heurys Colony in This Town are also up iu Goderich at their sum- mer cottage, which is only, a stone's throw from Mrs. Henry's parents' uud sister's cottages. The Victor Clemens motored up Sat- urday and are tit.'y comfortably set- tled. having partially opened the cot- tage earlier in the season. later this mouth. Miss Maidie Beers, Mrs. Cle- men's sister. w111 1N• their soca, a* will the Misses Clemen. Mr. Clemen usu- ally drives up for the week -ends, the charms of the destination being quite worth the frequent long drives. Mr. and Mrs. George Mair are now The Cities lag: During the past week there has been a great exodus of Border people taking their departure for summer homes and betels to spend a weekend. a week or two, or i mouth or two. One of the . ,alar apnitk for these sojourners Ju11. 4th issue of rhe Border (Windsor, Star had the follow. mittee. A Ditisisn on SWrwaUt Construction The .Public 'works: .'oniniattee re - hut a • • favor to reser _ t o.nlarites, but each year more and more are at- 1ractetl.-1£hr-*lear, exhilarating air, rett Mlllug countryside. the living in their summer. home. Mr. Mair'* sister, Mrs. Vincent Maiming of London. Englund, accompanied them. and Mr. Malr's daughter. Mrs. Harold n t children will be arriving ter-etien•ti t Ele:ll'I'\ Cllt••1' vl:.tit Nil 0. F. CAREY & SON Li rnited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFE INSURANCE (Sun Life Co.), ACCIDENT, SICKNESS. AUTO. ETC., INSURANCE t as it was sed Hsieh Manufa/1114111:4. for the rwn- tower tins fortes by six iuehes, struction of thrud at Agr1eul• All the members were present eX(*Pt tura) Park habepared by the i'Onnctltor bee. Manor kp,tcEwan ez -a-r ti ect. prurlhthe roof is to {+reseed the regret felt by all the teem- be on and the treit ab• te..that bete at Mr I ec a ainhum arNI serluua. the *1x1441 can Aucrr*t hints* and the hope for ids speed) re- the balance of the work to be cow covert'. 1t was decided to send a Wets pleted by Septewleq 1st neat. Tend sage from the council to Mr. Lir. ere for the sou*tra, ti••h of consul side - Tax Colleetioos Good walks hied been re -telt -ed. as follows: Tax Collector E1wartitt of vexes tut thee collection of $o4.st and June, of this amount :141,351.ST be- ing arrears of 1925.28'27. Finance Chairman limning% ob. -served that this Nosh "1•retty g.Nml" statement. The sexton of Maitland cemetery' reported four interments in June. _ wlts, as Applications for bulWlug_I,e follows, were submitted and referred to the tire committee: Lee Hain, re- abinglfng part of laundry buildlag• East street; P. J. (' t,s'f. r rooms part of kitchen, 1. g e Mist Lily Whitely, re -rotting barn or e. 8 hare:Mhos- - self, all c Ile from Squa aruu get alq't any the self, and the delights of Lake iluron wahine in their appeal. re, one may always ser someone the louder driving around the re, and of course everyone drives nd the Square to du the shopping, the mail, and such other things as it's occupy a good devil of tine 81 summer resort. The Square, by was, is a unique feature of God - F. Bell & Bro., )..aler4r•h twwwslil)' erich, as it forms the huh from which lune, per sq. ft.: I .. J. unls., Au- the other streets row after the fashion luso, 1Shi T. col.. Toronto, 1s•: of spokes of u 'wheel Aver} Shipp t•. Mint Toronto, 2:1c:! Last weekend, much interest was Moser, Planing;is4. I H ).td.. 14c; J. J. I centred at the Fleming home. the mar- Mlttw, l:N•; Rttieus Hill. 141•. I doge of Miss Jean Fleming and Mr. r,-,. m,lOws: a* the petition Philip Gross on Saturday being the were e t sit eve Thal.the poorth for , outstanding sucd.il event of the sum - of cement *id's street .tu the north brie i mer. But ltldgewotnl Park throughout r St. David's tteee•t fextu i ed and the season will be the scene of many road to Albert Maned byline examined aril gatherings of Border folk. The dlfler- 1 ed anti pt' signed a bylaw• pre netnIeris of the family and their If ant t pared anti to eeel: that ILClementsis on friends pay frequent visits during the street to to exec[ a sign le Kit sop summer, and the Ridgewood l'ark in front of his implement shop opt course is ulnas dotted with sum - residents y and that the tsatd submittt.l by him mer residents from the Border. A Templeton, re accepted ; that 11'. E. Kelly t0(' re- Mr. Kenneth Fleming's business duties suras q leased from b,aot given the town in have token biro/ to Galertcb for t pairs to verandah, t connection It Ra d Isis few weeks, • Hsawn and Iota in Goderich and VNTic elaity, and Fast. for Sale Harvey Barnes are also domiciled fur the summer at their summer cottage. Mrs. Everitt Ambery and her children Some Big -Rirgain- the 'Oil MT: - days for quick buyers. Fine 11 -story house mud lot, west and tier,th+ter. Mrs. Conk -run totter:4m. j ride near lake front. Must be gold and tier children urrived the end of quick to close an estate, regardless Of the week to spend some time. lira. real value. Andencm will- remain till the cwt of 11tesidential property; brick house: the month, and Mrs. Awbery will re- full modern equipped; tine large mato Illi the end of August. lot; choice location $12110 Dr. and Mrs. H. 1'. \Ltr11u are G e o d house; electric•lightcd : leaving the end of the week for tliclr'' outer: good lot; stable; cosy. summer home to s)Chd.the season. Mr.: terms for payment 11890 sad Mrs. Frank Martin and++ sumo Good Lou*.' near rsostomce; -mod- daughter Betty expert to spend etsveral . weekends with Mr. Marlin's parents ern eepulppxd during the season. FARMS Mrs. Frederick Warren is enjoying C'lwice of several 100 -acre farms; a visit with Miss Olive Allen, who is all necessary buildings, etc' well known nut only to those who good terms for payment 44500 i but -tot- . ` lch _ mend the summer in Coder leery choice farm; 100 acres; ex- , many others, having ►oen a frequent { ,.edetic quality of land; all ne- visitor at the home of Mrs. Warren' cesssury buildings; cions to Au - and at the home of Mrs. Warren's par- bu u._. coca. \I r. uud \i n. E. F. I•uDure, be- 5 fore her marrit ge Mr. and Mr's, l{tltn 160 aetes ; good buildings; 26 acres neth Robinsou are now Goderich rest- I or thither; convenient to school, dents. --They moved from the Border a I market and it. it. !nation; price. month ago, and are now -quite settled -- --including growing crop of haym 500 in their new home. This year, -Mr. -;-and grain and Mrs. Robert Hueter are spending { : Tmmcdia:e Irossesaton given. their holidays in Goderich. and they are registered at Ilotel Sunset. Whh this tett-taetive- group of sum- mer residents. nue cannot lack fir companionship, should one be inclined to homesickness. And with w, many energetic members In this group, there le always something of interest afoot; whether it lea game of gulf, tennis, a bathln yarty a. ittueh arty. a picnic, p Ltiv aIle Pa1''ilt- fon or some other pan'. or a pile afternoon spent on the verandah talk- ing or sewing• in any event, for many Borderltes the summcr.will pass most pleasantly and all too quickly for those who have chosen Goderich for the holl(hi}'s. k tn- s es by urs an ah, Wellington street :I with the gasoline tank an Mrs Flemhng ID Albert Bocce, re siding -dwelling street with pump on St. Andrew's street. Mr. I small daughter hate lotr•u spends asphalt shingles, Itegent : } ; Kell• y hosing disposed of the premi+es:fume time at this delightful sewn Wallis, barn, South street: Nelson theft the eemet•t sidewalks h! con - The opening of lir. and Mrs. -G. -Om Armstrong, shingling 11ug kitchen, Angle- slru('ted by convect. s}wrr Liuc 'summer_ sea street ; E. R. Wigle. re -rooting CARLOADS CARLOADS SHINGLES kt ROOFING EVERY GRADE, KIND AND SHADE WOOD OR SLATE SLAB ., . Cail us if you are in need of anything in this line. Goderich Planing Milli -_it , (BUCHANAN'S) Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies Phone 47 P. O. Drawer 160 store building, Square; Lowe- last wee Councillor $sibs mored to amend Elizabeth ba- I tis, report by striking out the recom- gnn, reshingllug part of dwelling. Ei• I mendation for the conatntctton of sids'- gln avenue; J. liritzlec, rehire to walks by contract and substituting a con - re -roofing dwelling. street : R. W. Ryan. reeomnmendati)oo that gtthpeyy he con - re roofing de-roo4R• Alyc rt street : J. struoIe4. W• it , . labor. -1' amend - L ongmlrn re -roofing t of dwelling. jj petition of tt eTiFslet' asset as de + !r Bullae lass. ort e 1 Thing supported bJ ._ nerve )trust awe part of for the A t i r m.rcisp while 7Rptrr! pie OnEl Reece * ralgle and Councillors street. from Elgin avenue to Light- nibs* Sproul and u , I:n 11 voted contra. house street, and one for the Oiling of The motion to adopt the report was cab Ligkthuuse street. from Wellington to sled on the frame vote reversed, except, Cotanlrg, were re eive.i nod granted. that the Mayor recorded his vote In Shooting Range Not Wanted favor wf the r.•port. A protest was received from rate- (Other Committee Reports - payers of the southwest part of the The finance committee passed on a town against the granting of any large number of accounts and reported rights to the Militia Department. or that from taxes received In •June de - anyone else. for a shorting range ad- Nand mans of tt34,75O had been retired, jiu.•iit to tote town. This was referred.-4e-.ln.ling 137:0 of O.W.S.R. notes. to the special committee. The cemetery and *parks commlttge A letter from Dr. Messina. calling reported that h tlmend tenders had for the been re - attention on rrri to what he 81 nssest an of water pipe and plumbing In the error n his incomeetInatoo committee. I ark llontis': 1'. R I'hnder, $3110; Fred was sent to Hie finance comm►tree. • A request from Jns. A. Strachan for hunt, $.4oto.75. and the eommittee re- p perm -Ireton to remove a_ tree on Iris cot-. nnimide1 that Sir. Pinder'. tender father's plot at Maitland cemetery was be ncceptetl. act order to !trot c for ino.rocenx•uts to the Park Komi. The Pavilion •GODERICH prnp:e,y. the ,ommIttee recommended to be • .cad nn the property be ittereaaetl from $31100 to $4M). repayable POO each year with Inters*t at 51, per cent. The refresh- ment Math at the Park 1lottse war rented to James Johnston for July 2nd i ,, * absence la tiding chairman of k meant the welcome arrival of Mra. Ittle and her children, Gordon, Betty, 'alter and Donald. This home is al- ways the scene of a great deal of the ocial activity of the colony awl hroughout the Bummer Mrs. Little is Uy hostels to several of TWher r tote. or i ,._ IIi spend a nod W of r nds during the nest two months here. Lt. -Col. and Mrs. F. H. Laing have been domiciled at their attractive sum- mer cottage, -Cherry Gate," for some !me. Mrs. Nigel Bruce•and young son ave been spending some time with the ormer'* parents, and last week -end nd over the holiday. Mr. Bruce, Mr. nil Mrs. Paul Roberts and Mr. ant! Ir.. Humphrey Gilbert of Toronto were guests with Mrs. Roberta and Mrs Gilbert's Io+trefnts. Later Ie -the ummer they expect to spend a lithe longer. holiday here. Mrs. Burleigh Bailantyne and small aughters. Patricia and Doose, are en- oylug a six weeks' sojourn at a cot - age overlooking the lake. kir. Bal - time f4 -them f»r the seek -end. nd Mrs. Itallantyne has had Miss Kathleen Innis of Hamilton visiting ber for the poet ten days.M s. John k nner arrived M Ivry to her aster. The Rallantynes will return to Windsor the end of the month, when al ><` d far• e for au • xpre eelult crunchancif Jtrty forthn fnrtM'r 410.•\i r.' Of Minion as to what should be done o ton to Lock after the tourist kit! nlmnt tote, grandstand. and the- oJlan chew The committer rec•ntnmendal that Mr. P. J. Mac41w-an 1N' perinittcel to construct n cement enrbing around the vast stole of hitt plot to Mnitlaml ((11104017. Tip water, light Dori hnrlor vent ntij a ee reMilitigt4t4 Mat -the- rest tlt I)tor engineer of the Tonlnton Department-pl•6 ni:lnurtgrt'ihr n Htiigtmn nonfr f t) --P au!+alrMrob stonr l-I-tdhiec ifTitdlc Worka iP rP.ptte'1e4 to repair .eattne the wiry to the loathing leach. tic 's amass to the town freight stet! The horbor r•nntnolttee 44 1 anthnrized floor and roof and to remnvt, the old to have this done, ,'Dicot from the abed: thnt'o s11=n 1e itelattrs to the w•oll of the Smith's ere, ted ar the barter skins notice \rt Store bonding. 'text Ow town hall, rin hibitImmfnc :1 new d tiffs onr,1 fa Mtrig nr'r•s's!nry- t1, public works 0•01n - HIM :l new dicing hon rdth.I tnl'ler was anthnrize*1 to grant •IIIc ier; ; on the 1nore g•M'n t side cofe alto I fse111tIPe T e'ls"avy for the work. tier: that clip CotYrttment IiP AskPA t^ A motion wet- passed lostrorthig the ,•n tt:c ttPw drw•k+.chi "".,mat !fill ,ho'F- u>ader ttac' Iiia Tt,(•nmmllt.r Ar elsat■P ..t reported *Inform ,i htllit'ai'0 i..tgage.-- t'o'tal Rhiphsd»ting /hunts • repported : ''.4 11 114r 1(• Inver. e1- Ism:!❑ of the f ' The twitter of eommnnlent',t t titer c,•mmlttt•t•. urge.) ghat_solite role lle the God 'ri•b ft n*4 ',tot i* n1olserl n* to (1.' kan.1 of rooth'.s the D••min(Orl fin tl \iI:lt4nry ,,t1 tinitrrinl'to 1■• omni within the Ors' Lt.1.. for n prlr n the \i*nil (44 r.nd 1111!!?' enol h,s eo14tmittee was n+.e l f building an ie ?„mend that tbP Imes• r,: brine inn 1r .tttmettdntlrat. bnibling and sl f Ing and tot be nthatffel, • t, unnlls•r. , { 1. 1nws- were pasts' • eI nt a price 4' +and rash: and that •"' " to vr•'I'le .nsate}--t.u-mt t.111'. 11 r. Sinttery iii 'tmtsnr also tar aMtf ' l nTf-vonrly 1titPn'st _.,M1_ 44W.y It tied of thio price." Mads: one to raise at t.:AMt by is. rt 41 Those report, .core all adopted. wa le ole Pnrk Hwne property, and tc'• tjinttraet far New Pldewalks 1 to nntti orlie Ibis-,ronetr'ncrti.tr of ec film s1,1, r nosh tri..Ilw ptrsc t t e los e'tt acid's street. from 4•nmhrlo rna,l I 1'oatnetllor (:„u'd, that the lnsce`•,t !suitor for atolety alk mn. tot, t t n to Albert street : march aids. ,.f Jln('l e. nerepfal. Count -111o, \InnnlnRs moved In street. from Waterloo t•' WellInaton north silt' of .'rthnr a fr.1m nmenolmPnt. seconded by d onnc111or Sproul. that the tender of the (:O,lerlch Planing Mill. In a,s•pted, Councillor Monologs printed rat that there was • n ,llRernnoe of only rVtie-gnWaterloo to WellIngton: west able si Andrew's street. from Hamilton t-„pNein: sonth slth' idghthnnse street. from Waterloo to Wellingtost: north nrter of a 004* NPlsnn street. from Maitland to cent in the tenders, and the PinningVIetorla : north aide T'ietnn tit rept. M111- comfainy were 101'0 txvgdc. The cute on clic amendment wn+: SPS-\innrrinRs• SPM'tl. ('migiefrom Waterloo to Routh: east side ('nmhria Mad. from Rest. to Rt. day 1►evid's: south tilde nen M nen/Innis ad. Turner. 1141110. Gatlin McLean Tie from McDonald to hayfield roved: Mat amendment hP1nR leaf, the mMlm, fin . Waterton street. Britannia to Col- awsrd the mntrart to v. Bell A ito.) IinrnP. -44 one rener*ed. Th'etr sidewalks are all to-Ittt_Are Connctllor Bailie, Who In (bnnrlllnr feet in width. alreadypassed. Psentloned was Ised. •Ites`ve Turner prots•sed that the new stele, at 1Catertoi, =nest M• painted Al a mutter Of ee•otromy, surd was asked to Setnn tiidiftliTe`.Ttho ...4 I4( 1.44114t1.44114t HURON COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATES -1028 sopa ltlth-!'arra. • 11th-GolerIch township. •• 14t14th-Colbornetownship. •, 17th-Aal+a.•ld townaltlp. •• IMth-St. Helens. ` <•`?, • 19th -Wroxeter. 20th-Tllylh. 2110-4l.tw'k•k township. •• 22nd -Ethel •• 24t1-ltelgrace. 17.7:72_r- lfh---I ,borne township.- t _ '• 27th -Crediton. 1 soh -':road 7Wnd. Oct. 1st- Ica sh wood. '•2n -11 -Zurich. , •• 3n1•- llenaall. •' 4th --Clinton town. ,. .^.1443 -(Union rnrat - . D doss •Ilondaia, Wednesdays,ij Saturdays, or any dbJ -i request - For all particulars see or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent R. On O. tiW. Oo4 tc4tt O Geo. Williams Dealer in DOMLNION, PROVLV('IAL. MI'NI('IPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire, Accident, Automobile, and General Insurance Agent Office, next to Bank of ('onuoerce Phone 53 aioolerich .DP A good reducing exerv1 .W much recommended, is moving the head from elle to ride when asked to have some more.-Ninrmrn Falls (;nzctte. Open 4 Nights Every Week Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, and Saturday 4ill 4)44)4MTTW W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Sun Life -t A._ss_u_rance Co a offers many attractive forms of policies. Consult us regarding these. r , H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 • '.e IM 14114 carried on the Mme t INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869 Iit'ad (iffier, Waterloo, (hilar D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Goderich, Ontario. I OFFER 50,000 SHARE> Elkstone-Kirkland Gold Mine at 311: a share. "t„ Several good houses for salt'. INSURANCE Car, L,fe and Fire W. J. Powell 4'. (1. Stocks Bonds Grain Market quotations supplied for any listed stock. Orders promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg Grain Exchanges.' • Huron Investments Llmtted Royal Bank Bldg. GODERICH, ONT. Knees: 430 and 44S WINGHAM OEAPOSTM Private wins connections with all leading stock int grain exchanges