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A Business Is Judged
by the Stationery it uses. The kind
that means Dignity -Success -- Good
Taste -the kind turned out by The
Signers lob Department.
EIGHTY -4'1104T YEAR NO. 28.
• "/Tf(rr
High School Entrance
Examination Results
Madeline Naftel and Douglas Middleton Win
the Robert Park Medals.
Total marks obtainable. T50. Marks
necessary to pass. 430, with at least 40
per cent. In each aubjeet. Fine -elks
honors require 602 marks and are
marked (A), seecond-ciass honors need
526 and are marked (131. Exeter cen-
tres are (E) and Goderich centres
The highest totals in etch subject
are te follows;
Iteadiug-A. Burke, 43 (G); -LP:
Skioner, 44 (E).
Spelling -le Middleton. 49 (0):
Elda Gingerlele 60 (E)•
Writing -I. Carrick, 42 ((.); A.
fAtone, 49 (E)•
Literature --D. Middleton, 98 (G) ;
34. Complin, 91 (E).
Composite:roe-I. Carrick and C.
Moore, 73 (G); el. Taman, 85 (E).
Geography -E. Farrier, 03 (0):
Rich. Bedard and Erwin Gingerich.
96 (E.
Arithmetic -R. Seeds., Jun. Cumin
V. )4artin. M. Nene?. 100 (0.; 31
ve. re, Cann, If. Coward, M. Dick. Erwi
;Lngerieb. 100 (E ).
Higtory-M. Nutlet. 94 G 1 ; 31
Re' •ro.iir,Wi (E).
Gra unnar-efacKiniey Homage. Ott
G) ; Hach. Bedard and Robt. Houston
vee, 98 (E).
Tota)-Iladellne 926 (0):
• teeeet Marjorie Carotene. 64S 4310-
rOe7 The highest total of marks at each
centre is; Goderich-MadellIne Naftel
636. Exeter- -Marjorie rumple, 64R.
e tee ; Henball-Mabel Workman 614 Ray -
es ere; e .Reeda 575. lielgrave-
' er Velma Wheeler 578. Crediton-llelen
Ptnkbeiner 5$2. Daoliwood-Florence
Pella* 57R. 'Dungannon - Bemire
Blake 502. Kintall-Vielan Courtney
• 5110. St. Helens --Isobel Miller 617.
Varna -Jean Campbell 497. Winchel.
f -1forgaret Intros 3e4. - Zurich-
fekeelpiele Gingerieb 607.
slit re
fledard. R. (A); Ducharme. G. (B) ;
Farvitell, (B); Fleleaharier, A..; Mc-
Kinnon, 11. (Bo ; Sehwalm. N. (II);
Schwalm, V. 1.1) ; Stade, H.; Willert,
1. (A); Yungblut, E. (B).
No. 1-Crawfurd, E.; Lednere Mere.
No. 3-MseGregor, A.; Simpson.
4 -MacDonald, Carbertne. -
No. 5--Andertion, C.; Gardner, Cecil.
No. 6 -Culbert, Conl,
No. 7--43ilmore, leranees; Gilmore,
No. 9-Antiereen, Thos. (R): Make.
Berniee (A); Blake, Winnifred (3);
Curran. John (lit ; Curran, Jameo;
Hackett. Mare IR).
X. 10 -Lane. Winnifred,
Nn. 13--Crariston. N. S.; Phillip., F.
le; Melamine, Rena A. (Re
No. 15 -Grant, Jean (A); MacKen•
tie. Mary.
No. 17-Rrown, lcm.; Johnston,
n Marion. *„. •
• No. 1-Errineten, Roy; Ellington.
No, 2 -Good, M. I.; Jewell, E.; BOP
er4,4.4 (
an. Eva.
N.,. 3 -Houston, Mary; Rebertion,
No. 7.--Ilerton, Ells; Ilnater. Jean
.No. 7--Dursi, Norman.
No. 04--Al1in. R. J.; 1111111an, 31. E.
(II); 311e:bele C. E.; Mitchell, M. R.
No. 9 -Quaid, Erte (13).
' No. 1 -Moore, Bernie..
No. 2 -Holmes, Marion.
No. 3-1In1ier. E. (-13 31alr, J. ;
Ogrbaldeettne13. 411 ; Potter, Norms;
Trevvertha. Kenneth (13) ; Trewartha.
Norma (A).
No. 5--Surite, Allots.
No. 6 -Mr -Allister. Oke, 31.
Porter. M. (13) ; Sowerby, Florence,
No. 9 -.Ey, Rictrard; Mink. Jek
(8); Teoellarold (B).
Jar imago,
Whiners et Medals
' The Robert Park memorial medals
denoted by Mg. Piek's son, Victor
• f eve Ikantiates, sere *son Me year by
e‘e -‘ Martine Nobel. Rohl medal. sod
•. Douglas Middleton, silver medal.
Victor Lanristons gorese lneitrest,
• .•
, t(*.
,-, ' • . ekete„,.e,,-• seeeser -ger • e 'heels
ORM., Otql
40. At
a Int for a re -reeding of their
anewer papers as specked in the Regu-
Tbe certificates of successful canal -
dates will be sent to the teseber or
the secretory of the reboot board.
Campbell, 11. (B): Castle, R. (8);
Cnrwen, ; Iflegeman, A.
Horne), D. (13); Huston, IL (A);
James. W. (A); Linnington, C. (A):
Mackinnon, M. (B) ; Moore, C. (13):
'Middleton, It. (A); Osteldeston, A.;
Parsons, Janie, (B) • Parsons, eIebn
(8) ; Ross, Gen.; filienrdown, J.; Seep -
bard, M. (A); Milano. 31. (13);
Laithweite, Clayton.
VICTORIA scno(m.-
Atkinson, Dora ; ROL elle (A),
Bloomfield, 11. (Alc Bridle, H. (A)
Carrick, 1. (A); Cornfield, E. (A)
Doer, M. (A); Drennan. R.: Elliott,
E.; Jenner, 11. (B); Johnston, H.
Johnston. J.; Lawrenee, P.; Lumby,
•. Mat -Done Id, J.; Mackay, 1.;
McCreath. 13.; Mclfeben, J. (A);
Norte, 3f. (A) ; Naftel. 3. (131;
Pridtile. J. (13); Proctor. W.; Riley,
D. ( ; Robertson. V. (133; Sondem.
A. (B); Thomem, F.; Walters, R.
(13); Weiland. A. (I1) M.
(II); WIlmon, W.; Women, IL; Atkin-
son, A.; Drennan, R.; Johnston, 1.;
Verney, R.; Allen, Frank.
Genf. L. (A): Jeffrey. E.; Mem. E
(B); O'Brien, E. (Al : Page, Thom.
(A) ; Tobin, D. (A) ; Webb, A. (A) ;
Webb. W. (ID.
Burke, Wm.; Conn. L. M, (A).:
Chambers. W. J. (1); Collingwood.
A.; Coniplin, Marjorie (A); Creech, R.
‘13); Deering. M. (A); Money. 31.13.
CA) ; F3lierington. T. (A); Fratrer, R.;
greocileton. L. (II) , Heywood. H.:
Hockey. K. Kerolnke. 11.(To :
Keotle. Vera (Al; McDonald, L.;
•McInnio, N.; hellhole. G. (111; Piton.
M. J. (A) ; Pomfret, L. (Al: Mine
M.; Eitabhury, 11. (A) ; Stewart. F.
(A): etone. A. (A); Taman, 31. (A).
Brock. G.; Deters, 1. (B) ; Drum-
mond, H.; Hemphill, 11.; ttistgloR..A.
(A): Haworth, I.•, Ilenorton. R. (A);
Andiron, H.; Little, E.; MacKay. M.
(8) ; McDonald. F. (A); Parstoore,
Rkinner. E.; Rpencer, M.; Work -
OMB, M. (A),
Meekay, Ila;ESeed.. nertlee (A).
leohner. •, p hrter. ff.; Flisktleiner,
R. (.4); f4llow, K. (11).
Guenther, Rayter, Beta OW
Desjardine, 1 (13>; Greene, S.;
Green., M.; Pellet*, F. (A) ; Patter
son, h.; Raveile. V.
Anderson. R. • Pentland, W.; Reed,
Allan; Young. Amy.
Rosin, M.; mahoneY. ; Rn, 11-
*/"1•44f44r11,f EINGSBRIIDOE
Ooortestp, V. (A) ; Belton, O. (.4);
0 • /felon, C. (II); Martin, V. (A).
erseele 4-
t •
Boma. TA; Coward. M. (8) ;Det
...44 •
. (B) ;
erkh, Elda (A).
No. 8 -Wolper. ejorman.
No, 10-Dlek, Dick, Margaret
( B ) ; McEwen, Floolopilik 1.
No. 31 -Smith, Gordon.
No. 12-tturmeigter, Greta (A);
Druar, A. (R) eHerner. G. (11).
No. 14 -Johnston. Ethel (D) ; Wil-
. Pestre---
No. 13-Itader. Martha.
' peeteetteesolle.,,,efleVe'ea.
• - .
li J .
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. 'tee !V.,. • - e
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,., 4 At?, , o r • •
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merclian-
dising. As a medium for reaching
the people of Goderich and district
The SIGNJ4I. is unsurpassed.
The News ot the' Town Jubilee of Victoria Street
°mimes ('ekhrstIng Today
Today is the 12th of July and mem-
bers of the local Orange Order are
faking part in the South !fermi celebra•
tion at Hensel!. A tel..bretion moo
being field at Lucknow for tbe lodges
of the North Huron district.
Mr. Majors Sueoesteful Pupils
The following peens of Mr. D. Ma-
jor. of Goderich, were buorevatul in
their Toronto Conservator) of Music
examinations: Introductory piano --
Helen Bisset and Ruth Curwen, both
with honors; elementary plano-Fran-
ees Thornton. Mr. Major has not, yet
received full results of the examina-
tions of his pupils.
Vrealey Walker's Audis's' Sale
Mr. Wesley Welker teed a successful
auction sale of goods from his furni-
ture store oo tbe lawn of hi. reel-
derree, Waterloo street, on Saturtilie
nfternonn. The weenier wee 1110111 for
the guile and a large number of people
were present from the town and coun-
try. Mr. Walker inform. The Sternal
that he will hold another auto in the
near future.
The manor of Main street United
reach, Mitchell, was the -vetw of a
quiet wedding on Thursday, June 2eth.
when fter. A. Murray Stuart milted in
ma rear rot ee Hel ell. deet
daughter of Cep. and Mex. C. E.
Itobin.on, of Rt. Oeorgeer erescem,
GoderIele and Thomas Mules Fol.
ford, second fen of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas L. Fulton? of Cltntnn. The
bride was becomingly gowned in pendre
blue crepe eel) bat to match 'and
(-girded a bouquet of Ophella roses.
The bride was attended by Mes Evelyn
J. Fowler of Sanford. mt Earl M.
Fulford was groomsman. Mr. and
Mrs. Folioed will reside in Clinton. -
News -Record.
Notes from the Band •
Tbe Qoderigh bapd will make its
next public aperhogre on Sunday
evening. when it4rendtor 1 pro -
in ot tussle on sere IOW the
church seekese. ' -
Tim band Intendi ealagIng the com-
petition.. at the WcIto ExtdbitIon
this year and the OW diligently
cttng the < Oat < -tec the
t. lip „. -. ea., petition
bond gied . .
...ail 411114'. ' --.'' •
- . • .. _ '..."
*yid g.;.404rivt,
U. No. 1-Leporte, Antionette. •
No. 3-Some/liner, Irene.
No. 4 nerth---Armotreng. John (8) ;
Wextlake. Gladwin.
No: 5---Rrthinoon, Margaret: Robin-
arni. Grace (A); Smith. Vera (A).
(Vetere -b. Erin (A ; GIngerich,
Anna (A); Hey. Jean.
No. 10-Cemphen, Jean.
No. 14-4Farquhar. D. (B); Horton.
8. (A); Mr -Kenzie. W. J. (R).
No. R. -McCann. Clement ; Neeh,
No. 7-B-11. Edith (ID ; Lamport.
No. 14-110wery. Doria; Hicks, Don-
ald (B)•
No- 1--Etherington. Alma (8);
Horton. Bernice (It); Miller, Iellan.
No. 1.; (lettings, R. (:8);
John's. 11.; Reek. A. (R).
No. 3--4lardner, Bert (II); Gilfillen,
No. 10-MeQueen, Jean.
No. 12 -Morley. Ruth.
No. 2 -Finnigan. Corn.
17. No. 3-Yoging, Myrtle.
No. 3- Cranston. Florence ( A 1 :
Foran, John (A).
No. 4-31113er, Isobel Thom,
Mary H. OM
No. 6.-C'ornp4ell. 31.: Gewer, T.;
McDowell, E. (A); Walsh, Ben (8).
No. 7--Cunnington, Margaret (13).
No. 12---13roomee. Velma (A ) ; Ram -
age. Mack (A); Rt. Marie, Veronica ;
St. Moires Jneeph.
No. 13-711a1r, Florence.
No. 14 -Farrier, Carman (A).
No. 13-ehamney, Verne Craig.
No. Pi -Taylor, Phyllis.
It, No. 17-13rydge.. Jeer) McBee,
Margaret (B1; Scoble, Mildred;
Wheeler, Velma (A).
No. 17-Rpmnl. Edith.
No. 7-11olton, Maude; (leek. Gram
(A) ; (lappet, Janet (R); Horton.
Clayton. •
High-gratte heavy -weight gold4lled
spectacles' with best eat spherical
)enoes for only $4.00. All other styles
of frames one knome at lowest pike
Eyes examined by 0111' well-known and
painstaking specialist. Mr. Rushton,
vrith twenty-eight yearsexpatiates.
eighteen years coming to Godertch.
The very beat to optical work and at
reasonable prices. Two days only -
Thornier. Priday, July 19, 25
Toronto a fund ire 'being created and
any contributions will be gladly re-
ceived by Mr. Wilkinson, or they may
be left at either of the local news-
paper offices.
Lake Level La Higher
Tao water level at this port is some-
what higher this year. The Canadian
Ilydrographic ServIce. Department of
Mitrine-and Fiellerie., Ottawa, has In
automatic gauge at tbe harbor for
measuring the water lerel of Lake
Huron. Monthly reporter are made
and the report for June gives the fol-
iating Interesting data on the level of
Lake Huron as compiled from the re-
corda: The water it .10 foot higher
than May. 1928; .64 foot higher tban
une, l�wetr nos the-•
litgh *kV of June. 18e6; 1.67 feet
higher than the low atage of June,
1926; .02 foot higher than the arerage
Nage of June for the last ten years;
1.30 feetaver than the average gage
of June for the text sixty-eight years.
During the last ten years the June •
level haw a'renaged .1R foot higher than
the May level and .00 foot lower than
the July level. During the last sixty-
eight year,. the June level ',as aver-
aged .23 foot higher titan the Mar •
level end .12 foot lower than the
July /evel. The mean sea level of
Like Hum at this port for June. '
192R, Is given at 580.06 feet.
Ne. iiellmegk
Joseph Cerltoe regelir hopped oft
from Boston, Mank;os ?humility 'tight
in the "Leaping Lege* and arrived In
Govierich Saturday Vert about
Joe would have made better time bail
he not been rompolSesi stiit at Stria;
ford for Nee Hs a
ir a ageompanker
by his wife and iMetol co weeks
la town visiting parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Kelly. '
Baseball Ga -re la FlidaP
A Debeduled Banums Comity. ireeeloall
League -mune betkilen Heneall and
Goderich will be plefed at Agrevitural
pork on Friday sOeofing of Oils week,
easinieseing at I o'clee. This
prearker to bo sip& a.. -a. both
teams are anxious lb -sin The 1.eoil
of Gotieritt *Dula Support the home
term by being pelage It tel. game In
good numbers. Ashialsoion 26 cents.
The Torok* Coeserratery ef Ate&
announces reroute o hatnitettions as
follow*, all the eaves mentioned
being pupils of St, ee.eigite Convent,
Goderieb: Junior Salm my --first-visas
honour, Aileen 111 atellIt•r; primary
theory-tireteolalis Imeets, Mare Par -
10111, Marie Reechhee primary /eine-
honors. Elleeh 0:6den; eleraentary
pareonz,kMary leveller; introduc-
tory plano--lasuor1. Ln•itle Graf. Ted
er. beret Plante,
Alma O'Brien. Merle Skielde
Hospital Day tbe
Tbe wourin's An•pital Auxiliary
held a successful fi party -and dance
at, ta st h Del aPyaevcil 1 137 t
nernoen Wird there
edoesday Bridge
e of ladies. Nine.
and the torte*
Miter May Par•
!teem's; connote -
wawa fair att
teen tables were
winners were:
mons; 2nd, Miss
tion, Mrs. Thee. warts. There was a
lark attendttoen-set the lam* in the
evening. The , Jervilion orehesire
Played for the deklr.g and during the
evening Mr. Bert gait, of Galt, wbo
holidaying in to rang two delightful
solos, Kiss Gee* non playing the
wane te.
In the
lag Goa. Sy
I • i
the Green
1114 Friday event
.1.E. C. Hobert
liewiton and
Balls and /Brae* •
The tioderleh illacksox played a Hu-
ron Comity 1aeet.l League game et
Clinton on Monday and won with the
s.ore of 3-1. Presley pitched a fine
i genie for Goderich.
Successful Student} of Mimi Jackson
The tollimiog pupas of Miss brunt
Jackson, A.T.C.11., of town, were ma*
ekroful in their Toronto Conservatory
of Aussie examination ; Primary
Plano --Margaret Ferguson (page),
Dorothy Craig itpails Eiementury
triano--Annie St raughan (honorso,
Ruth Straugege (parse). These mipile
are all rerts of Auburn.
ee illue*Witer elf flub Notes -
The first genie in group No. 1 of the
Perth. Huron and itruee Golf League
took place at the Blue Water Gel( and
Country Club course on Wednesday
afternoon. The, Contest was between
Listowel and Moe Water and the rise-
n hy 18-5.
Mr. A. J. Maclitt made a ;relive re-
cord on the Blue Water ceurse on
Wednesday, when lie made No. 1 hole
In one stroke. a distance of 133 yards.
- -
Charted With tilteoling ('ars
Evoc..ti rmilicbtlit. of Auburn. twen-
ty years of age. was retarget before
eingistrate Reid .m Mondry web the
theft of leo nutornobilve. The car.
safden ladong to Harold NeWcotulfe, of
Gorterhe. and Stuart Plunkett, et Au-
burn. Roth (erg were found on bark
roads In the tegontry. Neer...rube-5 car
We$ if.atiewhat damaged. but the other
tgarweit in pretty good rendition When
genet Youngblut Ione btm it bunk 1
of autnnsobile treys. 11.- was remanded
to July 161h and fa to jall in the mean-
United Church Continued
Addresses by Mrs. McKinley, Rev./J. E. Ford and
Rev. S. Davison on Sunday
The oervit•es at Vtetoria street troubled souls. Pressing towarei the • :'-'"
Vaned chuseh on Sunday last were a i mark, e e stimuli4 look for opportunities
to help and cheer other travellers On
tee services.
In the morning tbe pulpit was °mu' irgouirlitteetr That veveh.rkisntow
I.;441evaustgh;enge°tiletnit: wjuetre-diepret'eseleflbtraatti711.''":1171:alvey. faittful day by day, not only
. 1 when the sun is shining but also wham
t he shadows fall. Others are beating
The Christian calling obliges
congregation in
Pled by Mee McKinley, known to the;
read.) to extend the iirraind aofwafeYnow-
milt of, and the
Williams, evangelist. Mre. MeKinley e• I let i
former years as Mise:i t. ii.619( av anon, ,...
iitieopoknei 0Witil .? tohtd-ittle-eref Yost renenititatilpiwaswe. elila,,ir.edditt he insintu,ti tabeeiranieetheinindubdyet:has
teatime • Her address was based On I R4silrlifsuf: 'tf',rrioernnoitniti,i)grt.ht4eh,.rell'Impu.lilleimpyiettotwte.kIllr:cbee,a"vb:
.he words of Philippians 3:13-14-;
i•This out' thing I do: forgetting those
George leitlawaite in memory of the
bine. which tire behind, and reselling nta11,4111edh.cates.ko..,;,gtegni;ef(n;ilrei:eivtoielra,4,sndiadloii:u.iiitei.der:irig3stnawManfry..
Sears in Victoria street church erg
gra refill ty remembered.
Address by Rev. J. F.. Ford
At the open session of the Monday
school. Itev. .1. E. Ford, who was pas-
tor of the church from 1913 to 1917,
gave a fl' -1 Interesting migiress. Ile
spoke te the eteldren (thole the went
-*Watch." urging them to watch their
Wa)s, wale!' their Actions. to 'Putt%
their Thonithts. to watch theirseoever-
'anon. and to entre their liefIrtit• :34.4
then arctic to the older scholar* on the
book of Numbers. This theme wag
forth unto those things which are be-
fere, I press ton•ard the mark for the I
tueze ot the high calling of Ood in :
'bast Jesus.- It was a good thing to '
tie able to do one thing and to do It
welt, twid the speaker. awl Paul's;
words gave some help in kuowIng how '
to attain this ability. Ity -forgetting" 1
-forgetting self, forgetting ditfieultiee!
and fears, fergettieg 0410'41 4)111 short.
comings and the fault* of others. One
of the greatest electric/es te ;greenest ,
In the Chrietion lite was the tiwelimat i
upon sliehte. fancied or real, received
teen other peofeteing Christian., ,
These moot log put ;behind. so that the
-emend and heart might reach forwa
o the better Things, The was to helpful and much tittlioyCht. The mebool
Councillor Lee's Obsess
Councillor C. c. bee W:14, taken sud-
denly ill last week and was removed
to Alexandra ho.spital. where an opera-
tion was performed Thursday evening.
He has slnee been making fnirly satis-
factory progremo, In spits of the hot
weather of the weekend, wheel was
very trying. but it will he some weeks
before he will he shout again. His 333.
cems at this time is pirticuberly unfor-
tunate, settee is the tinny PmAerill at hi.
ma hotel, and In additioa to this. and his
I. hardware business be has been de-
voting a good deal of tinie to his muni-
cipal dutt ft le 'Doped Ms recovery
will be y• nov.2 t befon. lone he
A. T. Edwards
, T. Warner and Jn.
A Wester egsweerherich 'bowlers took
part in a tournament of Botch doubles
at Lucknow on Wedaesday. Fred
Hunt and Robt. Johnston won first
prize in the first event and 11
Newton and E. Cowan won the firs
prize in tbe coneolation
Two tournaments were held at 't
!neat greens on Wednesalav. in th
afternoon the prise -winner* were R. a
Hemet+. and T. Taylor onstew
et -ening R. Johnston and J. MneVicar
won the prize*.
Fourteen beaten. from town took
port in the annual tournament of
Scotch double. nt Seaforth Weines-
flay, but none of them figured among
the prize-winner.
Anninser Reheat Neu -Week
The endericer Stunmer School, con
ducted under t'e auspices tie,* the
Claret Church. enmmenee its
eighth nnnnal gee -ion on Monday next
continuing throughout the week. The
first tethering of the school will be at
ttench at Menesetung Park on
Mengtny evening. to ere the stodents
an appertmety of neeensIng ttequisinted
wit), on,. another The efasees &triter
the neck will /*held at Victoria efret
4,110'11. and meal. for the students
w1:1 • served fit North street church..
to 11...ftton to the ftttaly thistles of the
A pretty weld gdook place at the
%%Ingham United church parsonage on
wednesda3e An
ne 27th, at 3 o'cloek
when Annie Elizabeth. only daughter
t of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Campbell, Wee
marrk.4 10 31r. Arldri4 Benson Strau-
b! elan. Son of Mr. and Mr.. J. Straughah
e of anderieb. Slaney Morison
. conducted the ceremony The I • 1
lay. there will be each .wenIng. at ft
-iits•fi.-1111 open mettle. tn he att-
dre••ca hy an ootsdanding ',Tooker.
Ttrt. P. fee the song Peolde
f iw'rt of e London
onferenee. and the retrIstror. tn..
fort (lark, of town, reports that
here are alread) a gond number of
•gistrotinnot ond every prostpeet of a
r,.ottendanedy e. The senof mis-
ter. nn importnnt pert of the wnrk
f the school, and fiareral men whn
are been engaged In mission wnrk fn
vartoit4 Mk wilt -etouttirt-
clamps,- -
The Church Army 'Crusaders
Goderieh has had a visit the post r
week from a band of Church Army s
Crtmadere lay megaton workers in t
connection with the Churt•h of Eng- te
land. The Church Army has been in sa
existence in England for between „
forty and fifty years, with bend- „
quarter. ot London, and has over one
thousand uniformed workers engaged
in trivial and evartgetistrn work in Eug-
land anti etwowhere. At the invitation
of the (-buret, In Canada the work in
now toeing extended to this country.
and sixteen member.; of the Army are
41)(1411ra* the venter part of till. ycnr
In the Norm. of Huron. Eight of
these workers are In floderieh. rap-
t/tins Motley. Ifnmphrey, Fenn
liamilton rind Oldroyd. Sheer. Mere-
dith. Brooks and Maelstrom. Their
mietion, ns one of them Mates it. ist to
witheis to the Aeglican people *het a
la3mon can do,
Law week tee ("nerarlers heel npen•
sir MIMI-ma at nommilter. Raltford and
other point, In the neighborhood. Tht.
week they ere rondocting . 'service
eneb evening, at R o'clock. in St. Gent -
gee (terve, and the effernoons are
theerfed to pamehial 'tatting.
At the sreh-ens the parish will have
a 'hilt from Captain Casey, the or-
ganising Becrefary nt this work in Can-
ada, who will take part In Sunday's
Retrieve at At. George's.
+Last sandal evening after the regu-
lar chnrch *eerie@ an ropenitly servIce
wan held hy the .ender, at tbe
homeland in the Renate, a large en/t-
emente being prevent. A similar nes,
vtre will be hold nett Sunday evening.
and Ala will conclude the mionfon to
Goderich. The erns/Were will tears,
Monday morning for three weeks' of
*matt wort in the nits.* of Toronto.
Maitland Gel( Club
The lad*, of the Renforth Golf
Club visited the Maitland Clnh nn
Thaerine last and all enjoyed si plen•
tnnt nfternnen. The tally wax no
eire Smith fr MIRA Wilier mor.. 1
MI.. Plea" t o Mrs Dennhison .1
3tre. MeRengle0 linundero..1
Are liege 1 Mr.. Mitehell...0
Aro. eteMwerhy. 31r..
Mew Combo 0 Dr. M. Tone...1
Mots Porter 1 Mrs. Chapman..0
MI.* Wilton n Misty Ratinderst..1
Mr.. (Dela 1 Mee Brown ....0
Mrs. Berme n Mee. Ro3*rtson.1
Mitt reirtlaw1 Wee. r0111thltret .0
Mee -Pius '4 Mrw Martin -4,4
Mr*. !borrows -1e Sem Wertele..1/4
Mr. Fraser, the flub "pro." blot
week !woke the entree word, making
the nine boles In 31. The beet keel -
on* wont was 32. On Monday Mr.
Prosser madfeetn. 1 mad No. 9 hole* in
two etrokei aseh.
Reversi members of the Maitland
Cleh Place** at the alma! opening of
the lloyflobf Golf rinh, on Igedneadey.
T)r. Weider Rohl a314 W. T. R. Patter-
son Red for the Bret prise, the Baylield
• . .,; . „. i4'0:1!,,itt:,
, . .•,...-i-....... ri. -Ars
.11-Ati: gosii•3ati'
l'ill..**lillPt• 4i*
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., tfefIV ..
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one thing well Weil ,to coneentrati.- ng arIeltgeted with two speetal musical,
forgetting many other things pertapo numbers by the Wilson chileren of
it. [Ilene:elven not hairnet% but trending town and Nese Mary Aitchleon of
all the strength of mind and Rola to- Luckw
no. Tie. two little ehildren
wards, tte end to be achleval. Con-I:mar "Bonding." IllustrotIng with
%fanny looking forward wortigl demi- melon., 311.. Ate -fibber with her
pate the fears of the pees:let. Light sweet contralto voice •ang a solo filled
wilt always totem glarkneso. If there with ranny messages,.
are difficulties end cenflicte. they art. Evening Semite
for our own good and for the glory ofi The pree•lier for the e‘ening was
God, to stow forth to the world that Rer. Sidney • Dirvifion. of Winehant,
the Christian lifemeans something. t who addreosed bimoelf particulate to "4,
if Paul had not end to endure cOnfilet young people on "Making Jere Sue- .
from within, and from without. MP The Scripture rend was .,;•?•,..44I
epistles would not carry the strength
and sweetnees that they do to timi
from 2 Tim. 2:1-15 and the text was
the 1 7ith verse of rho (halter. Sinceene,
the preacher wIld. depends upon eon-
formity to certain requirements the
lint of which is purpose. There must
be definiteness of aim. and he wbe
Vistorla OIL 12--Portee's Hill 3 would aneteed must be venire to pay
rebore) /soya' num in the the price. Another reqtdremient
to be noted by yoke people ts.
no web BOOR
day ovenine. Vietoria street defea
Porter's' Hill by 12-3. lVhnt seems like luck is t a
Dungannon .
emerge preparatory work. to grasp
22--Vietoria St5
lioorinoon Or,* were the winners of I opportunity when It .prettents
a geft-hall rnme pinyea 441 Dungannon Perseverance is another necessary
Wednesday evening with the Vieteria element : spasnomile effort never
carries one far. Then, purity of life
:,04 (-haracter, while apparently not
necessary in nmkIng a :here
petered,. 3. In,lIe-
3» making a life. impurity
impairs life, dist',,.,, rind fripples the
street ehttrelt team. The *yore was 22-
4,epeeteeee.ireeseeleeeeee.e .ermionnoten- -M. Areleregn, lb; I).
georgette with hat Ana hose te le,-,,t,771/o-n-ecte-O•e-ftereley,- •
and maidenhair fern. Mts. Eva Svonn; 21'
Iter feeler., were el„e neteee ree,„r 1.• Reed. 3h; E. rase. rf: E. Mach.
: E. Culbert, if; M. neon, ef• the last requirement noted by the
Goderich-J, voonnon. if: preacher- piety in its broader mean-
ifee• wentlog malre-georgette rilef‘P
With rfiff17.' and white hat. an* brides- (.,,,,,,,,tta 3,,u.,,,n. :lb: eiergenot grimly. Ing of glevotitneso f1/111 religion. Our
maid 31 r St e fiver t ' 2b; Leon Craddoek e • Irene l'olinston real benefaetors tire not three vrho
'rf ; Mr.. J. Stewart. lb; . ()plight
Mutg•It. p ; Vera MeLeoll. ss : Nellye
[Winkler, cf.
ne supported the
Froom. After the ceremony a recep-
tion wir.4 held at the home of the
3raugalau_ltiLr.olit in_Gralerich.
In tbe Magistrates Court
lifetime continues brisk In the Po- St. Helena IR -Victoria St. 1
Ihe Mari•trate'. Court. the automobile ot. Alimony evening '.off -ball game,
trek- being respon.ligle for many of betneen the girls' team* ef St. Helen,
the meek louring the pest week And Victorin *trete. •Cnited church, wns
them herr 1,..ett hplf.ti.it„zen etetee,, played tot Vittoria Park. The tat
g rosiaess driving, and the nue of $10 Tilden.. team was vielorions by a swore
and has been Imposed In each of 1114.
vise. Other charges for Mitch fines The llne-np:
discover or develop the physteal re -
sooner of our country. tart 3110Fe win
deepen the finality of our 11vitil.r. Plet.Y,
crowning the other element* of gm,
= 4.-•
04 •
deelleve Ae oll"-itof""'"Y eete,:etee teethe meths,. lune le, a rellu
ea4 jey•-•
have been collectea were driving with- St% li^leng-1. P: 1.
preper marker,. 'girl:Inc without e: IT !Miler. 11. Thom, F. Mequillin.
proper light,, driving without proper Megoillin. L. Nfre.k.fingfin. 1. Monne
tiering elf,' trill net* without 1).
lirenge. --Eor-luteing-414ptor
ri $)fl0 wrb
nodt • •Steat : .
rene Jebtoton. rf;
Rnmly. 23); reneger Jeweril
(sods., awl two young men of liar 3ferollre1
floW11.1111)071 11 eltnliar ellnrge itl pain 31.; Charlotte Merest. ef: Vet:, MeLeoti,
A1910 and f.o.b. .4 ; Tenn Crndglock. e; Delight Mol, -h.
. of nton. was sn•orn0.
Earl 1') (*rich (II
In today 94 efilIntY trams 4/Meer. He The nropireg were: Rev. It G. trh)t- In connection with the celebrat;on of
thnt is to enme.
There tVO4 greetal nuisie again in the
44)14)11,1Z Mrs- neMine, alms.) singing
bad given mo nomet pieastire In the
merning. sang and lir, aihgen.
of St. John's Crated church. Strtford,
sang most itereptaidy two este., -Tenn
me tir prny." anrt "The Wy. the 'Truth.
the Life." Ile stn'» a4•441.44fulk1 by
Nfr. Ilert Cutt. The cholr of the
ietreh, under the ilirth-tin of 31r. 11.
Ilarker, rendered nn anthem. !te.
W. J. lirninee. of Woifoo. MI% present
and asvisted the pa.' for in the Jrrie...
1991 1101* the roads with a motorcYcle, two. a Rt. ilelef", en hnillthe jubilee of Victoria street United
particulttr ting to e
ienforce ftrejk(f., Eft. Prfirr. of tnwn, nn hewer - v
the 1114chnuy Traffic Aet on .lintyentree. the 5410a -her liTeerical
Victoria 8t. 25-NUe 18
.Notea trout Hie -Harbor-
Thr VA44C34, avvoeil 13-y
C.d. Grogory, of the Belle float �I,,3
Engine Company. Detroit, n•a. in the
harbor on Wednesulay afternoon for
reeffivit'torn 31 otircere,rs'T
v.irinilli roinfisre yaellt wag en
Mr. Innies Vanee. 01 I'Vodstock.
who hag the controct for the concrete
reeen.triretinn work on rige .rnoth pine
commeneed operatio. en Tomodey. At
the pr' -...ere tItne about seven men nre
employed teering fir) 33144 Ohl wooden
pier. Three hnreireti feet isr to be reeg.n-
otrnetegl tn cement and the werh 14 be-
ing commenced from the Ige91( end.
The weamer Kennet ix dm) fret!)
Fort William with ft eargo of 7.n03)
bnahse. of wheat (or the Gerieeirt
The earliest) Rand 4 (intro! (•.,tn-
pany hare removed the 'meln dredge
from the hertor to the mouth of the
Winona River and it In reported that
wnrk of removing gravel trill he
commeneed shortly.
The steamer Brentwood lot due from
Fort WIlllom fhb. (Thurody) even -
nit with 130.000 tmelvela of wheat for
the Western (ande. Flour Mills ele-
vator and 50,003) boatels for the nod -
Prick elevator.
flee awmausseesmeat sa page $
The Vimorlo street TWIN church
girls soft -hall learn tournetel to Nile
_ winning the game by n score of 2112.
1113louge the e
snre wag 19 14r20 (*nt'.
blers'it Mil not lag( at any time ntol
the aotlerieh girl, hod to tight bard to
In the victory. The locals hove been
defeated twiee rind Tnesday's
' hits glven them grenter onorrtge and
07ithe'dli*rn for th., Ittl tIN41 to he pinyed
the erten,.
The poAtinh. tolneed were:
Vile Ili.'' Sfonetifthl, p; Thelma
Jorego. If: Ninbel WeeHl", 331: Dorothy
rf; :Tenn Glen. 23); ()rt FInnel
min. rthm T/14). us; Evelyn llor-
tn. c: Sfpronn, lb.
noderich-Vieta fenrrlek. lf; Cene-
ta .lewc11. Afnranret Randy. 23):
fpifff l'risthfork. c; Irene Johnater. rt;
Stestnrt. th; Delight Mnfeh. p:
Vern ifef.end, as; Nellye linninter,
.13 the end of the third inning/ Ante
31,•KIntom wa• reseed in left need and
rlinriotte ".11Orria In Hatt33.14.
Rec.11, G. Whitfield, of St. Delon..
sea. the umpire at home plate end
Ref- 3 3 Walker, nf Duntrenno. was
the hese umpire.
New Granobliand Ceasing 011
Work on the now gramedond at Ag-
rIeultural Pork le making good Pro-
greso. The concrete foirndetion le fe
and tiro framewroMt Is beginning to
rink A dozen men are ensmitett es
the job.
ha5 been written: A,P*OPIre!!.,t0,3
Hnif a century ha,» passed et 'e
corner atone of our pre•erit
bending wee Inigi and many pages of
gtortenor Iv henry hare- beenew pit tlet
Canada's notlor:d In
thee time. Two Ivry epeehs
eitt In the his,ory of the Chris-
tian obsteb., „r jhaolh,n gine.. the
days of rorirc,krato.n : gee wirs !he
union of the bran. 14,4 441 31.3 !1.9133)l) in
1884, and Om tt :Meter tlirl/In
of the itegogefo. Pr.eleterian turd
("oneregett;gtial 1lorrch.4 lour cengre.
Ration ha. mar. bed in the vangimrd
of hn, 3e -o, ‘eteent., nod. otter
being erected If • 9 piece of worehip
for 11 Methodkr Flpigeopal coy/green-
ttnr, the Imibling wax taken over by
the Metergebe Church of Canad. It
lo now One of the links of the l'nIted
Mirth of ronada.
The building woo erected doting the
.ommer ond fall of 18713. and on Inly
lo. 194731, the enrner *tone ernlaid by
Rev. A))+ -rt Carman. fen. then Berne()
of the 31. E. Church in finada. On
November 24 the hnsement was opened
for 'orrice and on December 22 the
bungling Was deticateti.
The architect of the cherish was W.
II. Slattery of Chatbani; Ont. Tbr
enntractor was J. 13. Crane and the
cont ract price wlth ex t nts was $15.379.-
21. The tots1 cost with lostde fnrn-
tablets was 111.237.50.
The old church whit+ flood ne the
site Wes sold for 125 and It slat $S
(Oostiened en page 1)
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