HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-5, Page 8..-+ s li r at.^7irry� , "` seem,
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Your Personal Mention
id Mrs, Std. Hoey, of Toronto, - 1Ir. 1teg. Smti1► was up from Toe
e holiday visitors In town, onto for the lioliday.
Wei Jessie Foster was borne from ' air•. Eva Butes, of Toronto. It vied
Turuutu for the Midday. \Ale, Ing friends in town.
M . rm. Ju lie Long, of London, iFThe alis Mae tituddrrt. of Eases, 1e the
guest of Mies T. Sorting. guest of her slater., Met. W. J. Baker.
Wes Rose Strang is home from Mr. Diauley Clarke lett this week
Kint;+r'ille for the mutation. for WIud-ur, where he will eyelid the
Mrs. Fte.terk•k Warn. of Windier, is' euwwer vacattou.
visiting with Mrs. Rea. Allen. Mr. 11. Preston Strang, of Torouto,
Rev. A. C. Tittle. ant Wheatley,.Ont„ ! stent the hutidue Ito town.
Js visiting hlg slaters In town. Mr. uud Mrs. J..1. Camerou, of Tor -
Mises M. E. Hogan, of Detroit, is the onto, were among the hulklay visitors
guest of Mrs.-Uexureler Lawsuit. I ht mem.
Miss J,, repine• Brennan, of Wind -1 Mr. and `Mrs. W. J. Crut•knell, of
sor, is holidaying at her home here. Toronto, were among tbe holiday
Misses Thelma and 11'111° Huey, of t'isltors.
Toruto,-ore visiting frlcade in town. I Mrs. It. It. l'aleit. of Cleveland, Obfo.
Miss Chitins e...Vicur'Is hone from! is spending a few weeks with her par-
her ..•heal ant Wt•llaud for the Manley,. eats. Mr. lied Mrs. Andrew Porter.
Miss Kathleen Sullivan, of Chleago, i Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MueVieur and
is visiting her sister. Mrs. R. J. Phelan. ! Mise Young. of Toronto, tire teem') ing
Miss alerie Shields is visiting her their aunnuer7 home at Lighthouse
brother, air. Frank Shades. at Detroit.; Point.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Fraser Newell and Dr. 11. t'.dl..rne and Mrs. C..11..rue,
bala, of Toronto, visited 1n town this , of Wiui:11am visited the Ikcte.r's um -
Other, MN. J. 11. Colbert*, at the be-
Misses Lydia and Ella fleet, of Tor- ghutiag of this week. -
onto, spwent the weekend with Mrs. )1. Miss loris • lions', of Guelph, and
C. Swanson: Mr. Norman Miller, of Hamilton, were
Mr. Henry yttcldemr, of Sarnia_ /Meat+ over the week -end at the real- I
spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. J.deuce of 3}r>;. Atexaui ' '
E. Mntrh. i . )1r. J. V.eSmith has returned from •
Miss Helen Straiton was home from; a week'* %laic ant New Hamburg and
Stratford. over the week -end sod holt Guelph. lire. Hilton minder uca.w
- .�-paularle r tot" peleroreturn - -
ND Mitre Kathjeen Straiton, who has Mand Mr.. Roy Feeter-and two'
been remelting in price county. le chibireu, of Toronto. are vistt)ug Mr -
her 'rotation at -hher bumesan_;
-.Mend }bsrer_s petrents, Mr .
anti ?fern. Adam,
East street.•
•la+strs; 3i I'xlLtill: linttr
Mr. Hogs MOO'. of'Teronto. visited. Sir. and Mrs. J. E. Beek and two
over the week -end with hos friend. Mr. children.. of Port Perry, emelt the
Chna. Archer:• aryl+'it.t with the r.mer ln(rents,
Mlsa ( dive Goldthorpe spent the boll- , Mr. turd Mrs, C. E. Berk.
day .weekomd witlt lier ,.t -.ter, Mrs. W.! fpr. and Mrs. H. L. Hickey mud
G. MneFwon, ehlbiren .. it
hate returned tenvet'.
,Mr. tu;d Mrs. Ernest Page. of Wind- Colo.. after epe'udiut; several weeks
For. were among the liomiuiuu Gay, with Mr. and Mrs. itobt• Clark.
cisiton the town. E. -Colborne } Itet. M. C. Parr was at Sarnia on
Mrs. 4:. and daughter Natuniay officiating nt the wedding
!leen. of Pontine. Mich.. are the gIle,te les ....nein. Miss Mtiry Colborne. to
or Mrs'. J. H. Colborne. . Harry .1. Iateru.. of I'urttsan;3firh, -
Mr. - owl Mrs. t:ee.. Dunlop and afr, and. We. George Tweedie
dahter- or ane. of were hot!- sons (:.•.,rte and Reginald motored up
day visitors in town the nt week. I trent -Tomato: fee the ttoliduy with
Mos i...Thorne and M. C. Knight, I Mrs. TweYlle's brother. Mr. Fred Tone.
of Lok Angeles. ('al.. are visiting at Miss Mary Gorden :eft en Monday
Usti ironle of Mrx T. Salkeld. .at is trip to the Pacific ('nest and to
Me Cast;lus afe('erneek, of ,Santa various points in the Western Pro -
Fe. Flynt the weekend at the hobos. et'* w'here.Ie-whir-spenme
d eaten, time
Mr. and Mee. Ben. Alien. vfttiflnR relrltll'PR
Rev. N. Reality. Mrs, Bamboo FOR air. and Mr'. Geo. Mair. of Windsor.
and daughter. of Hamilton. are hole aee.aup:jnled I t- Mrs. Vin(ent Manning.
(laying at Blue. Water (teach, of London. Ertl.. arrived bed week and
Rev. F.1('. and Mrs. F.;Iiott were at are a.tfn ..•et►piiag (later -the -weir cot-
Torontn last week attending the Bap- face'.
t1,*t Wurid's ('^ngres5. Miss.Lmelin liwheriflgm
ton. (s.rner-
(Continued from page 1)
Michael O'Neil and Herbert Alton.
R. C. Pusteketbnalte meltable-el
Goderich team and Reeve -flex.
Hackett the Ashtteld scrt'n.- lir. ltobt,
king. president et the Huron Ohl Hays'
Asgetehtttun of Toronto, °snouted as
Juane. 4*
Asb,th•l,p hail the tontage In the
first pull. but tome wits called' beton.
the pull wee ttunpleted. Ir WWI then
agreed. in order to avoid a lung and
exhuuattng ('Outset. that there should
he one more peri( and the•teflm which
had Nue nth -m Inge at the end of two
wtunte't should Ise deelaret the whi-
rlers. At •least the G..lerieh men
thought this was the agreement, but
unfortunately it wa• nest announced
.end an Writ: not generally understood..Lt the end of the two minutes the rib -
ion was on (:o.!r oh's side of the
mono , anute
d the t:oderlch team yip
1 b clip. This Asialehi men ohjeettel
and wanted the original errttl mwent.
hest tau ant .4 three [Mlle carried out.
There -was et ;pod deal of dtsputing:
'but- finally good nature prevailed and
it 'was utnI,-1114 agreed that there
thaul.b he aao,1 t or a t'ntest some time
t� t n.'..or• this sutunaer.,r at ih fell fits ats4-4u
the meantime .1-'.rneld should retain
the flap.
The} ;lir 'g I
A strut earl icer on the Square had
been adverti-.-i fur the evening. but
the nrran_-e1,cIIt for the erent were
not . uq.lett•d..oi l although there mea
a great trowel on the aware and the
jazz band was fttwtloning only a coo
partitively small number seemed to
have the carnival spirit. One great
drnwhnek watt the prtesenee of, motor
ears on the Square. These bid been
kept off during the eerly part of the
day. but the barriers were down in
the afternoon and were not replaced.
it, is mold quite n number of people
were ready to dim their teatimes and
make carnival. but they were not pre-
pared to take chames of being run
down by automobiles. So the pro -
meetings laget•tl. afid at an early hour
she rrowd-eloperaed. Next year more
attention should be given to the even-
ing program. Many, were heard dur-
ueing the evening elpresming regret that
n hand cnnt'ert MAR not given. as has
'-hien neral- mr- Dominion . Der in
Mrs. H• Pearson and ion Harm-. of vial teacher at ILheatlry, was borne Mgt
Winders. aro ct.ltlng lb, former.' week for it l.rlef visit and left to take
mother. Mrs. Alexander Lawson. 1 the summer (spurge at the Cnirersity
Misr Grate Strang lemrte. today for of Toronto.
T..matn to read examination papers atI Rev. R. F. Hardy. Mrs. Hardy and
the Department ^f Education. }-owe! ehfdren and Miss Etbe! Rnrton, '
Mies Helen Hawking. of Itosrrra of Marton, iihlo..who are holidaying at
`City. atich., is holidaying with her "ran"' Ile". salted nn trtenrts fir-lewn-
grandmother. Mrs. Ellen Burrow"; this week.
lir. and Mrs. $taller and son Ger- Mr. Wm. lane..who was at Detroit
don. of Toronto. are vtsltinz-- ar-therfer seine-menthe...Is new a•.•npying his
hone of air: -and Mrs. Tho.. Sandy, summer borne at the Terrace. and with
Mr, and firs- Frank Clark and Mlsoi him are airs. Chas. Lone and child-
ren. of Detroit.
- MIA. A. W. awe stn. INii t1'y sic
Mrs. C. C. Cotnht motored up from
Mr.. J. T). Nt.•wart and Miss Mary 1 Tanners last week and spent taeyeral
Cntl.t., of Detroit. are slating so the( days at (he home of Mr. and Mra.
home of Mr. Jas. Stewart, Victoria 1 L. K. Comba. Nelson street.
street. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tebhntt and
Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. ilnwlee anal Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rivers were at
-children, 2f Toronto, spent the holiday, TI innver on Friday lnmt attending the
with MiterOflitan'i Stewart, VTctnrta-+' 'Lomedaailen ererci$t. at the
street. I Memeen! larspitnl. Niles Edna Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bamford And own!was one of the graduates'.
ehiblren. of North Bny, are visiting at! ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Patterson. :mann-
the home of Mr. and Mr.. R. R. • panted by their son and daughter,,
Sallow.. Jack end Lillian. hare returned from
Mr,. IAmOId T. Murray, of Hayfield, Brantford. where they attended the
came up this Week to see her tnother.i, wedding -of their daughter Marion..__
Mrs. Ttlrnle. who is. ill in Alexandra; Mr. and Mrs. Arden il. Aitken and
two mons, of London. spent the week•
Mr. end Mrs. R. H. ttthweyer and! end. ar the, b...,ie of the format's
dnntrhter. of Nelles Corners. are visit.' Pols. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Aitken.
Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. I Master Arden Douglas remaining for
Humber.yy, ' a week.
Mrs. W. L. Rome aur*- daughter I Mrs. E. A. litllian and her son. Mr.
Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Leith, of Tor- I Thee. Mlilian, and children. of Detroit.
onto. 'Pent Dominion Day with Mrs. are spending the week in town. Mr.
-Ririe l;reen. - - -' evil. Mrs. W. G. Milian came up with
1 them. but return ;
he¢imttig of the week:
sere. Geo. Buckman and daughter
Jean. of Rrookviiie. arrival on Mon-
' tiny and will visit here for a few
i woeks. 'They were seem/muted by
t-tho fotiner'e brother. Mr.- Jaurance
Nichol eh. who rohiriiar to Wroc
After A brief stay in town.
Dr. R. 44. Jewitt, Mrs. Jewitt and
Jewel Jewitt. of Loarnington, are the
Retests M Dr. Jewitt's parents. Rev:
and airs. Goo. Jewitt. hayfield mad.
and him sister,• Mrs. M. C. Parr, of the
Victoria street parsonage,
Mrs. F,. 1V. Carrie left ow --Tuesday
for Montreal: where she was to join
the Cuthbert party for a trip M Eo -
rope. The roar n -IH int•lude Amerind
.it-thhe_north (0 Italy nt the month and
*111 occnpr ono or three month..
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alderson. rpt De-
troit. were In town for the week -end,
visiting the Hitter's father, Mr: Thos.
fags.. On their retnrn they were ae-
eompentell iey the Miners Helen and
Floret's. Pare. who will upend a month
with choir mist*?.
lir. had- Mrs. W. R. Wotnhmr. of
Detroit. Mieh., end Mr. and Mot. R. B.
Cornwall. of Rt. Letitia. 7(.. were' in
town yesterday on n motor trip. Mrs.
V ,e
�rn1 c( t n
r 1. d l hos
O A to t ofthe late
Wm. Mi4 rare. of ('rave, Ashaeld
tnwnshlp. Her mother. Mrs. Me(rory.
144e. with lupe at Detroit. and nithon*h
eighty-three years of age Is Old quite
Mr. and Mrs, W. r. PrIlbam and
lir. and Mrs. Ernest Prtdham and son
motored to Toronto for the holiday and
retnrned Monday night, serum tinted
by Ml'm Jennie Shnrinati. of Bnlmnrnl.
:Thin.. who will spend Poste time visit-
ing her relatives here. Her .doter.
Tisa Aline Sharman, tame dawn with
hPr from the Weet and left on a trip
to Great Britain line the Cnntinent.
"here she will make a ail month.'
The bathing bruise end refroshment
•-meth en the .,.nib pier at the bother
,re now open. Rreellent bathing
,,,nth and facilities.
Registrar coots was taken Preloads.
I. ..n S indsy. the manic of blood-
r.•I•oning from the ohARng of hie hent
- n his heel. P'ortnnately the Otto*
s. oheek,M In tinge. and We ('Oati
., 111 likely he anennd again in a few
M. (lark, of Toronto, spent the week -
este nt the bottle of Mr. antrlIM IS.
While repairs are tiling_
made to the high tcnAion line,
Hydro power will he off in
Goderich on Sunday morning
next from 4.3() to N o'clock.
Water & Light Com. .
Republic of Colombia
6;, External Sinking Fend Gold
Dated April 1, 1928. Mature
October 1, 1961.
These Ronda will constitute direct
obligation of the Republic til'
Colombia, moire! ! by its full faith
and credit.
Corner Hamilton aha Newgate Sta.
Phwme 476
P. O. Bolt 765. ofiesisrich.
Toronto was well represented in the
Dominion TMy crowd. but some farms
were missing. ,its -rt M.-1 rcatb retorted
that .1. A. McLaren -lied Marx when
be found he would he unable to come
for the day.
• •. • • • •
It was a great day, bet with some
attention to 'the weak spot's in tbe Pr° -
gram next )ear's celebration may be
a few points better.
The hand did good s•'rti.-c morning
and Afternoon. diandutast er W1BtIa
son's boys are lir good fettle again
Oda year.
• • a p •
There is flothing Yk a tog -of -war to
stir the blood; hat the contest between
Ashfield and C.'derich ended with
goal feeling all around.
• • • • •
The ►PM n were
31442.75. The baseball game was a
attraction. proving once more
that the peop
thing "cla"
Chairman Reynold. of the ball cam-
mittee le already neentiating with a
team In New York State Mat he thinks
may he able to take the meson* of
the Osiers. It is net an tiles matter
ant rind a team that esu do this, as.
n the ORlevs in
action . can realise. It is pot•
a mane may be arranged for'some tate
In August.
The lomat hraneh of the Canadian
Legion hnd a Rent repra.enting 11.
military foram of the different ]arts
-idea oat, -welly
thought nut and was well worthy the
fire( prize whleh Wes awarded it.
D. L. and W. Scranton
Pocohontas and Alberta
Shingles and Cement.
Second-hand Lumber,
remit set ('riling !Aber, lath.
Wain rott;nngg 2 t 6 af� r, an,
Studding. sheeting,
Window RiIM and about 3O,0
we McClure
42 Dungannon
Init.-ketone'. deliebue homemade Ice
cream. .a) cents a quart. Order now.
11"'i t' Tburs,la7. July' 2Utb. for a
garden tarty to lie held on Mr. Geo.
Laithwalte's lean, Huron road. The
prut•e'ed& will be in aid of the hospital.
Mr. H. T. Dfiwardr, secretary of the
llosticultural, Society, yesterday
planted the plot :t the foot of Mont-
real street wills geraniums, and other
The Prince ei Wales' Peonies. in the
soldiers' plot In the Square are in
bloom. Two of the plants have pink
blooms and the third Is red. For the
Srat year of blooming the ,lowers are
exceptionally Sae.
Stuart," a favorite metnher of
Sheriff Reynolds' hpusehold, mitt death
on Tuesday, being run over by an auto-.
middle. He was three years old on the
day of hit death. Being a dug of high
degree and amiable parte, "Stuart" 11.
since'relc mourned.
An eutertainmeat under the auspices
of the young people of'Victoria street
United chum% will be held in the
(Menet auditorium next Monday ("tree-
ing, July 9th. The program will be
given by the -Favorite Four' of
London. Admission 35 eents.
P$11411'1•I 1'q BK RI:;•i;EME1f.
Thruuglt 1,300 Lakes tuul Virgin For-
est Without a Guide .
Algonquin bitek, In tile lligltenda
of Ontario. 1s the ideal spot for i
roving holiday. Surae 2,1)00 feet move
sea level, ire tool piue-eteuted air and
fresh, iuvIguratiug breezes bring new
life and ballet to uerve-worn people.
You may paddle or hike almost auy-
where throughout the lark without a
guide. The lsbhtg-apseckled trout,
'minion trout and small -mouthed black
Iutss--eau hardly be bettered.
The Park, with its glorious pine
woods, rocky hills, gleaming lakes and
rivers, Is a' Veritable nes*-u fur those
who tile a "ht' -luau" holiday. Every
nolle of its three thonsand overt Mlles
b interesting and beautiful.
Ask any Canadian National Rail-
ways agent for full luforwatiuu end
illustrated literature on Algouquin
M.tJOR.-lu Goderkh, on Sunday,
July 1st, to Mr. and Mr's. 1). D. Ma-
jor, a daughter.
MONT(:(talEite.-At -t.lexuudra -Mar-
ine and Genera -I Ilorphal, ti derkb.
ou Suudtly, Juue .4th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Baroid it. Montgomery, a sou.
Historic Area Ras .7...o ciations at. St.
Taal and ('awes.
The Pieta of Philippi. wortehknee/
M. Paul and wit, re.'atter the assassi-
nation of Jultue •terser, the.: Roman
republican forte- test- their battle
With. the 1ntperi.,'.isb, is the latest
bit of G: ecce in •t• eielsat(- b- plannixt-
to rout marches ed mats 1. and to
shbetptee, ricul;a.r•• 1,silt h.
Philippi -is "ice' (Tru 11lr numerous
plains near the noouths of rivers on
the northern she•r m of the Aegean
Sea, where enrolee, Turk -hilt agricul-
ture permitted ri. :r soli to become
water-logged and 'meshy.
Mace Greece its ^rred several mil-
lion extra Inhabitants ne a rsalt of
the forced trek of Greeks trout Turk-
ish territory, the National Geographic
Society says. plan,hove bean formu-
lated to salvage these. marshy &reel
of Macedonla by drz,na.;e.-. The valley
of the Bards, noun Stlonika. Was the
area first attaek•.1 by the . ngineera.
The Plein of lade t+pt--lit.•--ufty - Urs
to the oast of S ,nfta kt the vall••y
of tow i.LL1etijier. ;4pgists; .T- n rail.,
south is -the ire: -lour_ with he port
of Kavala.
Over the plain on a rocky hill. are
the ruins of the City of •Philippi,
named for Pbtlip'11. of Mbredon. It
was to cenverb to Philippi, at. -or hie
visit and tmprtson.nent Cher., that
:;t. Paul wrote his Epistle to the (leder I
Philippians. •
In conoeetfoe with the project for
draining the Plain' of Philippi, the ACTION KALE
Greek Government also will drain the
territory alightly to the west In the �j\ItEsI:pts k IJ AUCTION SALE coy
Struma river valley. CI►ae to the sea , Hu NSI: AND E U CLt'NGE L,E co -
this valley L occupied by Lake TURF
Abinos, the small remnant -ot a--oneet--
great lake- Atom it are marshy ,
regions, Farther up the sane? the
`15-ptlat - eltureb, 301; -54h --Morning
-"A Rey,"l Testm^ny" F.reoint-
"le it always enfeeble to ober Gods"
Rerylee• to Knox ehureh next Sit=
hath will be eondnetal by the mini'ter.
Snhjecte of evensong: 11 n. m.. "The
ferret of Mg Presence;' T p.m.. "(Mr
Chetstlnn Tnherltaae." Solamth
e-hool and Bibi. c►n•ses at 1n o'elnek.
The W,N.5. of North street T'nited
church met on Tnosdny nfterneon.
The pregrem had been srrnnzed by
V. A. Hoboes. who oeeiipled the
c115!r daring the Bret part of the meet-
ing and condnetod a 8111. reading In
whtetr several member,* Resisted. Pray -1
ET was offered by Mrs. Malcolm McKay
omit ti.e 'Mealtime leaner, "Jesrrs in
r the Motet of Common L.Ife," was read
by 71Ies Hnrgtret Rohsrtson. The 1n•t
cheerer of the *truly book was re-
stewed.e, Holmes olmes read- s
Rndi ills i arl-
Interesting paper on the hospitals of
1'nitesl Church mission Roldt. The
hnslnr"r port of the meeting, wag e n-
.lnoti,1 ter the preeelont, - Mr*. W. 3.
Amine... It west rireislev1-1a held the
Anviat-September meetine ^n the last
Morulay of Angled. The trrn.nrer re-
ported that she• hill tt.rwnrl'.1 5207 to
the treasorer of the Presbyterial
immix -
CAREY -At ingere tl, ou Thursday,
June ;Seth,Mary Joue 6uwerby,
lir � Charles ,
widow of the Ie tit S
her 05th year.
LAIT1lw-tiTE-In Guderkh, on Sat-'
Orteiy. June 3uth. James C. Leith-
walt-e, lir his Stith year.
iLI wish to express their sitcere .
thanks to friends and 'mightier* for wAX"PED. - (Yll.l.}'(TION$ OF
the many Mediae -am shop•° during the n Pa -loge stamps'• Apply 1)e)X 41.
{Uness of Mr. Swaneon and hi their SIGN -1L a masa. _.-
time of bereavement. They also ac-
kuuw,edge-with appreciation the bean 11D IV,IXTEI/.-TWO iN PAM -
Asa decal tributes. ILY% One preferred who can stay
At her own home at night., Apply at
\Aft1Ha FOR SALtE, - MRS.
• JOHN WEDR, Cambria road. 1t
cos $AI.E.-.�Ailh)t'T 40 ACRE OF
J' lulled hay, alfalfa and tttuotby,
Mending in the 'Mid. Apply CHAS.
ltei'HM :. concession 0. Colborne.
Pitons. 1813 Carlow. it
COlt SALE. - l 148D lDL X:1'111(a
wit/Mies was/tine lir orpiment! con-
dition. A real bargain. Apply to
HON M. THE SIGNAL, Goderich.
• tNl1 In the Seta, GORDON
YOUR(;, R. R. No. 5, Goderkh. Tele-
phone Coriow 1510. 2t
B 1811 of Victoria and Napier
streets. eight and seven rooms and
furnaces; also eight -room house. on
Newgate street, of the I). A. McLaren
estate: Apply A. J. G(►I:IYI'IIORPE.
R. R. No. 4. Goderich. 4t
as brick house. Good location on
North street. Modern conveniences.
ApplytoG. G. NE11'TON. the Square,
SALE. -In fir•tciaes eoodlUoa.
Apple .to DONALD.) �4P - PF+O
a1 BYIM W,
Notice is hereby green that a bylaw
was pealed by the Council of the
County of Huron . oti the 8th day of .
Julie, 1928, pgol•Witg `fur the Issue of
debentures to the amount of 8100,000.-
00 for the purpose of providing for
highway expenditure and paying the
County's share of the i'ruvludal High -
Way expenditure within the (ouoty in
1927 and that such bylaw was regtrter-
ed lir tote registry uttlee of the County
of Huron on the 3rd day of July, 1028.
Any motion to (mesh or set wide the
same, or any part thereof, must be
tirade within three months after the ,
tint publication of Mix notice, and
t'aunot be [nide thereafter.
Dated the 5th day of July, 19222. 3t
i�Notite is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for store accounts in-
curred by my son, ttussel All(1 , nor
for any uude'rtaliugs or (entracte
made by him, our for any of his
3t MRS. 1tiOltAltb ALLiN.
Box 457. Goderich.
TY FOR SALE. -At corner of Bri-
tannia road and William street. Ten
ruowa besides bathroom. closets, etc.
Good furnace. All conveniences. For
terms end further particulars apply to
DONALD Mat -KAY. P. O. Box 457.
session given. Apply 19 ALEX
grocery or office. Immediate pw-r SIGNAL (OFFICE- iI
SAU'NDERS, Goderich.- '
For ladles. over 30, to sell the
:u teat sensation in foundation gar-
ments, also cermet- - supporting:4m -
ESTRAY--TWO-YI:Alt-01,D STEER mental and lingerie. Part or full time.
on the farm of the unetertegnt d, 1 Gond profits from the beginning. App1S
Huron mad, Goderich township. l HON: 50. SIGNAL OFFICE.
11W -Der w1R Mame stains same and pay
exle•nae.. CHAS. •Plttll'$F;. R. R. 1. �ANTFSD,-IiTEAI►Y Rt Kill AN 11
leo- 3t board with private family h
entire basin is lutensiveiy cultivated. wit: bold a elle of furniture from his
eonatitutang some of the beat agricut--`mak on- - the 1111111 f his residence.
tural land In Greece. When the Pall- corner Waterloo fume au n
ippl and Struma projects are eomplet- ate%ue, oa -
ed Like Ahinote and its marshes wi11 SAlTRIDi Y. jaw 7tbr
have disappeared. eomtneaeine at 1.30 o'clock: '
One ohne-pdeee chesterfield suite,
World Wttl Support Mehl hellions. Snyder s Maui -built, fully guaranteed
A world .population of eight tate (new r : I three-pleee parlor suite,
lions can be realised if all the land solid mahogany frame; 1 solid ma -
areas capable of yielding food are pat boon,- settee; 1 walnut high boy; 3
into agriculture, grazing, or whatever solid oitk hall mirrors (sew); 1 three-
woes they are best suited for. So Prof. else Wing -room set. fumed oak, in
H. 1. Shantz or the -L'nrrerslty
Illinois told meMbers of the National
Academy of Sciences recently.
The world Postalne about 26 mil -
j young married woman. Apply GOD-
ERiC:H 1.1\- .3t
Superintendent for Huron County ,
Children's Aid Society. in place of lir.
(:. fig, Elliott. resigned. Applkationa
to welting. stating qualifications and
salary expected, will be received by
the undersigned up to July 19th. 1925,
duties to begin as soon as psosaiMe.
Full particulars as to duties expected,
ete., kill be given by the Clerk on
Clerk, Ihuron.
Dated at Goderich, the 2.'th day of
June, 1928.
Notiee !/hereby 61v
ro that tCtunlnco
Percy Shicide, of the township of Ash-
ikdd, fa the county ant Huron, tanner,
will apply to the Parliament of Can-
ada. at the next session thereof, for a
bill of divorce - from his wife, Irene
Haze -1 Shields, of the e'en of Gal-
erk'h, in the county of Huron, on the
ground of adultery and desertion.
[ratted at the town of Goderkeh. In the
county of Huron, this 28th day of
3day. A.D. 11125. -
Barristers, Etc..
Hamilton street. Goderich, Oat.,
3t Solicitors for the Applicant.
Telephone No. 119.
'Islet attended to anywhere and evetjp
effort made to give 4tldactlaa,
Partners' sale notes discounted.
The Auctioneer.
will ('ondurt and arraege'Dny sale as
the latest methods to get tbe best re-
sults. See ltim or drop a card and be
will give it Immediate attention.
Farm sales a specially. Eldon it.,
Goderich. -
Mquipped with electro-mtagn.Cie
bathe. Slectronle electric treatments
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
nervous diseases. Indy in attendance.
One. boors 2 to 6, and 7 to 9 p.m..
excepting Monday and Thursday at
ternoons and evenings, and by ape
potntment. -
Residence and ofce--(;orner st
South street and Britannia road.
AUCTION RALE lit}' 175AcrilaSOF
DATA!YJ1 $WI- Fpp - -L,41 --
sal •, til )eanser(n•w. ; 90 veranda (:hairs
11; melees fniehe• 4a11 wow); 2 iron
reds, 4' and 4' 6" (new) ; 1 t-ery mat
site iron used (alightly used); 1 walnut
lion square miles of grazing land, ,, 4' 8"; 1 Ivory bed, wood, 6"
about 12 it it lUon square miles of tarn) : 1 soll.l walnut table, real ab -
land climatically capable of produr (kine (octagon topt ; 1 walnut parlor
Ing warm weatherccapa, and 11.1 table, round top. pedestal latae; 1 solid
Million aquas• miles appable of pro, mahogany parlor table. round top
loving cowl "writer crops, pedestal hare; 1 veranda rug. 4%i9;
If two acres are requiredlpt~a>r 1 "rim" rote. 7114": 1 setanda
inhabitant or a population d oris} of .ec9; 1 alk tattier etble, square top;
320 per squat, mile, the agricnlWril large nulhogany'rcker, A teal beauty;
Land would support a world pAufer 1 gems chair, In good condition
Hoo of about eight billion ' "p.a
(slightly used t ; 1 hire aphobeered
teatime chair; 1 Inrg.e upholstered
chair in tapestry; 1 verentla shade,
Mat slyke; 1 l:no:eume(sdlght-
y u- t rill (7 i41 ecsio loon}; 92-19:
1 buffet, new, In fumed oak ; 1 kitchen
cupboard, walnut ; 1 walnut side table;
1 Mlsalon eloek, ti -day; 1 eight-day
clock, oak Dolph; 1 large hell clock.
grandfather's style; reverie mirrors of
various, slareLl white enamel dreaming
table. 1 white ennm(rittelaer:"1-"hitt
ley, tubo was la the lumbering enamel hod 4' 8" (all new); 1 -eon -
town d Hawk ry on the Ottawa golenm rug (alightly used): -1 eon-
riverninety-s••t PAN ago and has goleem rug (slightly damaged); rem-
livel pants of linoleum and oil cloth; 1 six -
ow -octave piano -cased organ; 1 radiola,
3A. Mewled; 1 large reed metier.
• Steer Age .7(s. Snails! funtcd finish; 2-plece wicker set, up -
That prep, a man in North holstered in blue velour: 2 iron cots
Africa d«I..-robot l,ie'Ay on snails for (new), 6 rot mitttres'rs (new): 1
food is paned huge morl.da of -troller (new) ; 1 stroller (alightly
snail shells ex sled by members of need) ; 1 boy'," auto (new) ; boys'
a recent t•xped n. Ono shelf mound wagmnt inew ) ; go-t'srts; wood bed
.g and 8 f.•et high. and sprtne* (used bat good Re new) ;
1 Brussel' rue. net(new) ; 1 Drupelet;
rug, 71,ex9 (new) ; a quantity of small
noon thew); about 2 dos. rag mats
Ninety -teem Years Old.
"11 you ',old live long .end die
bapp y take t-i•'nty of outdoor ex
eRo, but don't overdo 1t. heel. ream•
tat hours and retire ,tarp at night;
eat plain food and not toe much of it
-Gad Derek worry...
Tela is the recipe for the enjoy
mental good health and long life, of-
fered sy Mr. Fent Harble, one of the
oldest residents .1 the Ottawa Val -
Or.asional bonen of animal* and
human skeh-,aa were Lound amass
the snail ah -s and kitehen ashes of
the• dump-pils The exravetOra t►1.O (newt ; quantity of cushions, suitable
lun.arth.d tont nrrnw puinb and fihr .vernndae (newh; a gnantlty of
iat mate (new); a few real hlgh-
elan cushions (new I ; oeveral piotrtt of
(hint (a11 new) ; seeternl paim centile
hnlderi; 1 pair bra,". Pantile atimOte, old
}:n lleh • 8 Ir alis. siders !n
a eves M
teem -brume finish; 1 wnlnnt smoker;
1 finned oak amoker; a quantity of
ratan- ha,tet'; several trays in various
flnimhrs; a large ttnanttty-ot pictures
Of every site; 4 kitchen tables, 5 and
0 feet In length ; several extenatot
tribles. fumed oak and wnlnnt; 4 wit -
Cagle. 10 trunks (all new) ; 1 table
Tamp. 1 bridge lamp. 1 junior lamp;
several other lamp,* of cartons styles;
s few new pedestal'; 4 inrdintere
stands (news ; 1 ottke !eek. standing
style; 4 high chnirg (sew) ; ehtidren's
rocker (new ) ; doll ted•. doll eridlet
(new) ; A number of Molls (npw) : m
number of odds roekera (newt; 1lea-
ther emelt. Mission style; several rein
of dining room chairs in fumed finish
and walnut, teather-npholstcred
(new) : Reweral pairs wool blankets.
A IarRe premirtIon of this furniture
IR new, and atl is In good condition
and as good sa new. Rome mirth -lea
not listed here will he on exhibition
on the lawn and will to offered for
Pitts Rale Is wlthrntt rosette.
Proprietor. AaOlk-neer.
acrapern and hemmer atones thrown
away by Sloe- Age men thousands 01
yearn Mfr.
Th. most -,moon of the bone Me-
piements fend M Shell apounds wen
small bone ',eta with doe dslicata
points, belles.d to have been used ss
picks and torts to remove anal)* ltR
their shell&,
A Well idvised Hondas Tonle fee,
the Maritime•,
Spend this year's to.ati-n by the
ttenshore. Let the Hent of the iine
and the racy tang of the snit men air
help to fill the days with joyenta
(let'an Mumma. every .lay ealangs--
motoring -'boating -tromping. Steno
thine to do ever, minute. i'ietml
iodge in Nova Rmtte is a well recoil'.
mended rennet hotel. J'IPnty of other
a,rommodetlnn. too echny farm homes
- Inespwenaive woodland rosette - or
delightful havens on the seashore.
Any (tanadian Nationat agent will
Eisele give you information aloof the
hoilday pnmlhltities of Anr Maritimes.
Write or ask tier illustrated literature.
IfItage With Rite.
Oast of lit. lueereat method. of
fishing Is the practiced by Jansen W.
Jump,ta mlh, alae eportaman.
R'hon he •sea fiRt ,nR at Cataltea
Leland. roiliest*, he takes kis kite
with Mm. tying tleh balt that
Skims. the 'ter in I,1.• -like manner
r suapondarrom tb• kite by a long
line. When..otdftah rise and seism
lit• another no reels 1',.11 in.
Snturda7..hly f. T'no•.erved Arte -
(ton sale Alen AX,r,anie Mrnt-
tnre. prnperr of osier Walker, at
or of Waterloo
nue. iloderieh.
1. .taction role
nd 'meet eloder,
on. k
ate of trainable
the village Of
his regeket•., e
street And LIgtn
Wednearlat Jot/
of 175 sem► of hal
property of td. J
Friday. lnly 20
residential trtrpert
• Nit. EI)... DALTON
will melt by public auetlon et X111611-
Ing1Fbridge, on '
.-f WEII\E'DAY. JULY 11th,
pmmeneing at 1.80 &clot#, sharp: 175
acnes of hay; some partsof it tweet
rioter which_ may be kept for hay or
seed, , -----
furnishing apprneed joint notes.
81)..T. DALTON. T. (;i'NDRY & SON,
Proprietor. Anotloneers.
Pursuant to an order of His Honor
Edward Norman Lents, Itargn)re,
dated the 22nd day of May, A.D. 1926,
the following property will he pat up
for sale at the premises In the village
ref RRpSehiort-Paidaystinle-20t1, 1925,
EY 2 pont:: -
The praperty_rd11be put up 1n two
'Parrel No. 1 -Lot 271, 1111 Terrace.
Darrel No. 2 -Lots Nos. 272, 273.
274. 275. 276 and 277. 1111 Terrace.
On parcel No. 1 there is a small
frame house. amall stable and. a few
trait tree -a. This would make a eery
desirable summer home, as It over-
looks the river.
TI+3RMA--Twenty per cent. crib at
the time of the sale ant ilte *Mee
within 80 days. when a deed WM be
given for the property.
3t Solielters for the County of Huron.
ITAT3i.}: RESi1l8NCE.
Weare instructed by the adman-
lstratirr of the estate of the, late Nor-
man McDonald• to sell be patine auc-
tion at the premises, Quebec street,
GeateffeS, 7Nt -
commenting at 2 o'elnek :
Lot 111. In the town of Goderich,
on which there is it mmmodloua frnme
two-story dot fling, 2500 and 1sx2.:;
oleo a mined frame stable. suitable for
garage. There is n splendid garden,
several fruit frees, berry hushes, pfc.
The location 1s one of the hest in God-
erich And wmttd make an ideal shim-
mer home. Ahtut three minutest'
walk from Hotel Sword end a short
listsnee from the harbor.
Title property meat be maid to close
the Moate.
71FRNR -Ten per cent. of pntrehase
prim. to be paid at time of sale, bal-
ance in thirty Mime
For further partienlara aleph to
Solicitors for Adminlmtrator,
or to
A nctiuneet e.
Accountant. 102 Ontario streets
Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330J.
DR. F. J. R. FORSTErespitalR,
late House 8urgeun New York Opa-
tJalmic and Aural il, astsirtaat
at Moorefield Eye Hospital sat
Golden Slgoare Throat Hospital, LOW -
don, Eng.
53 Waterloo St, S., Stratford. Tot.
'phone 2137.
At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the
evening of third Monday of each
month till the following day, Tvasday,
at 1 p.m.
Barrister and Solicitor
10 Sing street east, Toronto 1
Telephones Elgin 8416-8417.
Barrister, Etc.
Office -Hamilton street. Goderlck
Phone 27,
Successor to J. I. Killoran.
Phone 97.
Office -The Square.. Goderich.
Maps & Tape
BARIUM/la, Ere.
Hamilton St., Godericn
stTRA1RCD CO. -Farm and i M
Wed town property trimmed.
Ofc.r.-Jet. Connolly, Pres., Goes
erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice-Presa.,
Beechwood P. G. ; D. F. McGregor,
Stec. Treas., Seafortit P. 0.
Directors -A. Rroadfoot, R. R.
No. 11, leaforth ; John G. Grieve. Na
4, Walton ; William Rtnn, R. R. No.
2, Seaforth; John Rennewles, Brod-
hagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 1.
$eeforth ; Robert Ferris, Harioek ;
Murray (Moos, Brut -Bold; Janne
Brans, Beeehwood; James Connolly,
Ood rfeh.
Agent. --J. W. Y,o, GtMerfel:
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, (limns.;
John Murray, Reafortb; M. R9nMLy,
*eatorth. Polley holders man make ail
permeate and art their cards receipt,
ad at R. J. Morrlab'a Clothing Store.
Cllatoa ; R. H. Ontt'a Grocery, Ela,.
Moos street, Roderick, 6e J. H. Maes
gamest Stere SayIu4t