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The Citizen, 1988-02-03, Page 19
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1988. PAGE 19. RAYMOND - PATTERSON On December 20,1987 in Brampton the wedding of Murray Raymond and Margaret Patterson was solemnized. The ceremony took place in the Peel Regional Police Association Complex with J.P. Jane Beedham-Casson officiating. The bride’s parents are Bert and Gladys Wood of Brampton and the groom is the son of Bob and Doreen Raymond of Brussels. On Saturday, February 13 an open reception will be held In the Brussels, Morris and Grey Auditorium. Everyone is welcome. The Minister's Study Judicial decision disturbing BY REV. DOUGLAS ZEHR, BRUSSELS MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP 1 will very honestly admit that I was not surprised by the ruling this past week of the Supreme Court of Canada in favour of free-standing abortion clinics. I was not surpris ed, but I was greatly disappointed. Nowplease, don’tgetme wrong, I am not against the freedom of women to make decisions regard ing their own bodies. In principle 1 cannot argue with the ruling of the SupremeCourt. Asas tepin the long overdue process of freeing women in society, it was very important, perhaps even neces sary. My disappointment, how ever, has to do with the realization of what has become of our society. The Supreme Court of Canada does not make realities, they simply recognize them. The reaili- ty is that annually more than 65,000 individuals across Canada ask for the services of doctors like Dr. Morgantaler. It is hard for me to fathom the abuse that will be managed under the terms that the Charter of Rights apparently guarantees. I confess that, I believe, at the core most abortions performed in Canada are simply completed as a matter of convenience and 1 am aghast at abortion being used as birth control. I am heartbroken to think of the immaturity of allowing the freedom of women to determine the things of their own bodies as simply an afterthought. Judge Bertha Wilson of the Supreme Court of Canada made her decision at least in part because she is a female. She makes it clear that I should have no opinion on the subjectbecauselam a male and therefore cannot understand the dynamics. Judge Wilson talks about women's rights, reproduc tive freedom and women’s dignity, but she makes no mention of any moral or ethical basis for her decision a ndthatisw he re Itake argument with her position. In a similar view, 1 do not argue with Dr. Morgentaler. The reasons for his position are clearly justifi able. Much of his position is derived from what he has observ ed. like the unsafe, backroom procedures that individuals have resorted to and the lack of options for the sexually irresponsible, as well as the victims of incest and sexual assault. I believe that the willful destruc tion of human fetal life constitutes a serious violation of moral princi ple and the respect for human life. Abortion for reasons of personal convenience, as a method of birth control, or as an escape from embarrassment, or the normal responsibilities of sexual life, is inconsistent with the purposes of life. The more people talk and act as if the unborn human fetus is no more than a mere piece of animal tissue or a ‘blob of jelly’ disposable for any reason without moral qualm, the more willing they may be to sacrifice human life in any of its forms for increasingly trivial rea sons. The growing acceptance of abortion todayisa symbol and a symptom of a deep, pervasive devaluation, of human life. As a Christian, I reject the claim that abortion is merely a question of the right of a woman to exercise control over her own body. For, whateverelse the human fetus is or is not, it surely is not merely a needless part of a woman’s body. At the very least, it is a unique human organism on the way to being a human person. The abortion issue goes to the core of life and the meaning of life itself. If there is any dignity and moral fibreinhumankind, it is a respect for life. Funny thing how we can free up millions of dollars in research for cures of dreaded diseases to try to extend life for a few more years and to refit wornoutbodiesand now our healthcare system will pay to terminate life just as it is beginn ing. Somehow the inconsistency of it is beyond my ability to under stand. I intend to serve notice to a couple of healthcare related socie ties who canvass for research dollars that they will no longer get my support. We may not techni cally know the ‘cause’ of some dreaded diseases, but we are fully aware of many of the ‘agents’ of those diseases, but for economic advantage, political power and personal selfish abandon we ig nore the realities. From now on my support will focus on those agencies and individuals who with a respect for life, give compassionate support services for those who must make a very difficult decision in these matters. I will support those who choose other alternatives to abor tion. I will continue to lobby for our health ministry to research and make available through our health care systems alternatives to abor tion. With the old prophet, we need to hear the message that we have set before us life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, sothat we and our children may live. [ Business Di rectory "^ntTnTp^lT WINDOWS & DOORS HOMERENOVATIONS AND GENERALBUILDING CONTRACTORS H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. BRUSSELS AND AREA 887-6408 J.D. 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