HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-5, Page 5• • Tee Thurud4) THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT• Melba "ParIS" end "New York" is making a big [tit on the Canadian market SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Loi Me Face Powder.... 75c Loy' Me Perfume 40e $1.15 BOTH FOR 75c Campbell's Drug Store PHONE 90 - GODERICH Just received a shipmt>•nt -of -- ALL-WOOL WEATERS Men's heavy Varsity stitch all - wool Sweater Coats, with shawl collar. fancy block -trim front, in scarlet and black, royal and white and white and scarlet. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Price $4.50 to $5.00 Men's plain camel shade medium weight V- neck Coat Sweaters. Made from best quality wool yarn with two buttoned - down pockets. All sizes. Special Price ' $1.85 and $2.4 M. Robins Phone 384 THE 10 strew the need of the present, and to wake contribution if the coming days. The speaker glorified the (rhureh and its ordluanees, and dwelt upon the wish of Christ that lila dis- ciples should keep the sacraments He instituted. Sething In this world, he amid, la DR. W. H. GRAHAM IN HIS FORMER PULPIT AT VICTORIA STREET Mr. John Elliott, of London, Speaks of the Early Days of the Church • The opening servlee4, held on Sun- day fast, not the jubilee celebraflon Of Victoria street Pulled church were utteuderl by large congregations and were most interesting and impressire.� The 1,reo-ler'of the day was Dr. W. E. I 1raham of Hamipon, w•h.e was paatorl .of the eburcIl from 191tt1 to 11107. At the morning semis* the Seritaure lesson was from the MIs chaps er of GODERICH coittiaukss IF YOU WANT TO FINDTHE WISE INVESTORS, LOOK FOR WELL STOCKED COAL CI1415 IN S 1-_ ' wet even- ' - - i 'turnout, owingt0 the Teri lust. However, those present had a 'very eujo able evening. Miss ;Marlon pieber, of Torohto, 111. vlsltlutt her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A; Disler. Mr. Ilelos IDlsher, of.the Owen Sound Ilse beauty and sptjoutty hf the ser• w►ba.., duets, quarts•{les, cut. 1.r vices. Monologues and Scoti?h uumlree+i.'' \ Thr alayur'sad coat' d :„tended the Nest 8misy'a beeekes evening service Ina body ,end osmates' The sell/lees in- Victoria atr,eet weals at the front of the audttorinm. :' rhureh next Sunday w'lll be a,contluua• Mr. John ElffIldra Add►,N • lion 4 the enigma n, arranges% for Au ailed serKow 4:.L ^ • , :Ll'h ttck4:4 .Uu• golden JOh11ee vele l,leaUoll. ]Ira wits held at S o'clock. 'CI ere was fe - NIcKluti,y of 'forma° lfortnerty Mies [rrlltl,e holiof ldtte Rey'al Bank, watt ally[ -Fern Robb and lir. Millet (Straihroy) visited frieuda In London vial mu*tc: a seloctlot, by, path Lulu tjuurtette,1 duet by Y.''•. rr:iti$)0II 4I Mr. ltreckow•, and a NU!. by YIN George , liuchanau.'' The addre-, was given' by Mr. John Elliott, H•A'0d`n. former tueu er of l..e�Yh Pleasure Elliott is ,sways heard with in (;oderich, Bust parti.l.Jarly so Ther, he Indulges in mwlnlr•.I 0* of the old days. The church 1- celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the emotion of the preselt building. Mr. Elliott mew truck twenty -fire yeast's earlier and sohl of the time, of which lie had beard itis mother taNk, when t24 '.erleh w'u• . , (1. Mt. t:IJ.Lo' T, who has leen a member of the 0111.181 hoard of the Omni' for 43 year. re e•ording steward 32 years, Sund..' echoed 1n11•eriuieudent for a great nl'4II years. at the present time cleric of the aeseion won wit! t effort, and the most valu- able results are attained when one's 'He Is es,nssw•Mtwd to the effort. expressed in closing 1tr. Graham exp 101. sure eonrkllon that none other than the Church could fit a person for I the attainment of the hilliest ideals of i world life, aid it 4.01/141 du- for the VIv' 'et MIA STREET UNiTI:[► (`lll'itl`II Fifty ye:ijs °f age ' liebrews. and the text was from J:edist+t _4:7 --And theme +iota•''s1811 Lr• for n menIOrial auto 11* c•hlhlren of 1.r,trt tear torr." . au bis opening re-.. narks lir. Urihem spoke of the teras • Ills iw*torsitr, heir ns the "half - 44 ay work"-jI►st ahotit _ twenty.: • on Sunday, • The W. M. A. of •Erskllue clrumh were entertnlncd by the W. M. F. of the 1.ueknow• Ptesbyterist's church 'today'. A eauue Of 'w,ft-I111I1 ill the fatted Church, League seeries was ployed hero 1141s .( Wednesday 1 evening by the girls' (sling of 'Nile and Dungannon. The' ...ore was 3047 in favor of 1)un- gauno41. Kiingle-•enrage•-Tile Marriage wag suleou+isc,1 at 4 n parsonage of the 10nngalIon United ehun•h, fit 10.30 y.tlt. on alomlay. of Laura Isabelle. Duty 41:incfller hf Mr. mild Mrs. John 1t. Savage. of Dungannon. to 1q•r.t Franklin Stingle, youngest won of Mr. and NI re. !atingle. of Carleton. Nova for of. Iter. J. .,.United, un•h.A.. pas' Cole's Book Store tar of Dungannon United, chun•h, oAl-III ,•,„tell. - The young maple aceto, un- attended. The bride. who was gisen In l marriage by her father. wore a lerom• Ina ensemble ..eetume of navy pin stripe I tig11a1 worsted. with 'elite little hat of moire ribbo ll. with geld trial- President U. M. IT , minss. She worn san.l silk (rlocea and 1'...ldeut Women'sMllasiupnry' tkrclety 1141.1., end n red fox fur and carried a shower hengn0t of -Sunset roses and \Vllllame' the eringellst l will c.omittet valley Mies. After the .eenemony the fellowship meeting at 10 a.m. and will bridal tarty ,niotored to 4,,derleh. preach at 11 11.tu. The , herd.- school 4 1.oree a weddlug Inneheen wa4 served "1I! Biles aii b(N•n w'ssMn in the niter et -the barite to roe bride's aunt. Niro, noon. with the address by Itev.. J. E.'-iton811 McNecin. Trafalgar street. Ford. and the 11414+iea1 program by Mr. only lemmata t.relr.ttces being pte+cmt. 1 \lac 4ib,4•w tenor Nolot*L of Stratford. The 11011.e orals nttractivelc (10001ated I Ml,. Mary Aitchison. e.ontralta, of . with a profusion of white tinwera and Lucknow, and the two Wilson child-! ferns. Later Mr. and firs. Stingle mit of (1.9b'rk•hs in the evening. at 7. left for their new home In Toronto. • p.nn.. Rev. Sidney 1Mvlsoi o 1Vin2 11' Moot Repeats -14,43. veiog are .the J. ll. YILi.IAN. . 44 its l4''neh. The- choir will furnish re+Udts-•of the promotion exnnl:natIons a memtwr .1.T the e-bun•h 941441. Islip• x(...'1411 music alt Pot 11 services, assisted r in the junior room of the public t'4- lea«. -r *row then until uuw._by Mr. Oilmen of $tratfor.I. .•10911 11'.5.5. Nn. S. 'Ashfteldl: ~•che•rinleu''. t.{ of Sunday to lu"'1 for).-- Jr. 111. to 14r. III. Omni 72:,, pass :.4.. term•:.141 of two year. and the SHEPPA$DTON 12 i1- (,artnan Daisies 505. .1,1:114o1four rears, treweir•r and 11110 Yonne 104. David Xililna 473.sten .a ter f tope *tewerd for 21 years. At the 11'hy:ad 4L3..ilmn Nlclue 401. T1,nru pre-cut time en elder -and 11etub.r hf ilI)-?PI'.RP1'oX. July • 4. \early •t. n Eedy 45=. the, .e•4i•a and also se•-retary of teas-ja'.1 the (soak. -trout around here at -Sr, II. to Jr. 111. (Aid 1125. lutes lee btnnl : 4ended tIe 1k IUIIIlon 1'►ar •ehtbratiofi .1751 Verna .\nders(m 490 (lion.1, • Irl Goderlel. Reth 1':,rk 479 (hon., . Myrtle relit- !emit, 844.1 ill+. pert Bogie nal son 9 . t. l,�el, 4s J(m:ilie Mlilllnu 413.Melon i -_- _-_ Towler 3*4,- 4Villie 14eeal 11:#3. Melvitlo i t i art . ' a farce amara# R!t terse _ +++°- -7. trT, rrt ('c910rMt+. tier: a1. +l _ 4t the home 0f his p4renl4. Mr. and l'11N rt :12i1, Lucille fr.:: 3L'7. luck Mir. 1C lbtgie., lark Iree.l. tot 411 _- _ -- H,. wad lir•--je.t. ott-mud ntlnr re-it�T," I€etnl L"tA tft41j1e.i+ and de Itthte•, the boys 1io{ . 1. .e+ Detroit. .troit. lire .gend1l ing a 'rrel,.nven 2041.p. onnldn Janes 1W:. China'vesing A large import shipmen of English China just in, ane, note on display for you to make your selec- tion, in Moorcroft, r__ •1- port, Wedgwood o M1t •w, Doulton aro Ironstone Come i• k !o grout' We �! u: plen'•d L. 1 ;; W y' o u the >. - patte.'Oa han- it a . with. the -tory of th,• reward oto 1--w1,� wiry iAr. 1►ic#tt am#-iTisa nem ti.,le Venlig 1R(1. Darold FMni•rytn 171. ,fired f'.r re.111115 e larttes! mita (ar :. of Shep(utrdtnn. i Iterthn ,Tuner 1413. .r °f leers from lit• mory th,• r. Mi - Wil11Nm (tome awl slaughter ( 1. (total Tan. purse 1351-T11111 a Mi•• turd being the l.rtvil cl of takinit up 31,11 .r_ ..1 Toronto, tnotornd t (' op Inst. 104: Atkin steed 91. Albert Rivett •t1 11.1 •14r•1(eu..,, tug 1• r toe purls •(' a Sunda. and ra11(rl on her three Iwo- � R,4. INIr long 4 O1I11 :i"4`(Ty im11dle, --- Them'Onlpl'arlten. nt Sr. Printer (tot11 150)=-=Dotrdh' (hie 41f the most Ins le+Rive ilia+ter )I r. Thos. Venury Is 114143' fiu714110 Robb 179. Irvine i•:rdy. 17... Billie Coe tk,U- iii. hl• flue adder-• was the •tory wood this wank. -:%311.10,74:414, nr 110. il'niker 1($. Fern.• 1 of :: group ,•1' l,,ys'r"" 14"u� Mr. awl Mr.. f. M. Ttea'nn guy ann .limn s4ll.r111:1.1.1:1 cn.torcon'tOR: Let 'from tlr'hl svgs trci11g to see wh41 (01111 make 1 4 afs and M. end Mrs. M1 rtimor 1- Sunday rritrstun 13-'4.....hthharl Park 14* Madeline Caesar eis t,..._-., ite1011 14 IC' of Eitelielle-. spent pr.. -remold Ross. llarvey Culbert. 1 gie 41f fiheppardton. Vera Iticett. Viola Ni;;;;: . - - qtr. trnttitrr-t:-ate tri(#0--amt'four-- _ Ni11I1IW'r nu eon, itti; avertrae-ahead-'t 111. of Flint. 3.114-',.. are e•1•iting. at the :, -8nce 30. . hear of )pias \t try Burrow*. I M. M. TW1LNIX. Tenelser. ''.. D(' NCANNON _ S led from CiOnialton In_Three Mil - Vacation Footwear for Golf. Tenni, Bowling, Sqf t -sills, etc. Vacation Travelling Goods Hat Boxes, Club Bags, Suit -Cases, Boston Bags, Auto'bil-Casesr__T� .. etc. _. .4 yOtr ARE INVITED TO ,z1401' ll' Al': • W. Hern!s Shoe Store Phosn• 1:5w T'oderi -h wh'il tie other orgeniaatlon fr,ri1 .1 do. The I-$ °', Rev. U. C. Parr, 111:L.' a ed #n the -«.'Acis•. asked 1: an) were present who were meash•r• of tTir"i•unurt'u.'t;•m w;.ew:;110-chtus41-,11tr 1111117. Sone half -dors -ft Mauls went 11 4, in ri.'sIK'I'-' to the n4IIeat. . The t venint.Servkl 1►r. Uttlham'+ iTi�tii� to ttr�'v+t'ttlt= • 's •k ens "jittinit Lr. the Worlds Firsts. 1 1r "r:l• rakers itsd the 1.at.or texts, from alt four l+o*04*. told how Peter, (nllcltt'TII}t 34 -ms afar off. eat down with the •errant, and nfi•.er, and "w -A r,ne4 hlnn.rlf at the fire. The trouble with Peter said the preacher. was that he d• I not know how to reel?! the power f clreum.f lnrrs. bl* `way from nemiev ard 0411/1.4 �d be;lr- nrrfetl"• se•1 F ing :only remarks that derided or re- ' CFA„ {4:1: GIME. who Wit. r4l1et', •w11h th fro_ 1P*.4• Trusiee from FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION TRY SPARR'S GROCERY -FOE- Quality Groceries and Fresh Vegetables Silver'vood's Ice Cream. ilrick I'n • t tip . 11„t, 1:eoo- lion Herm of Forest Ilialk e ms • sat faT+a 1 1 I'r .tear+ rr-e -:sent 44,4' s►ru•k,e.a_11j-4_nuell of '111si r1(•t•t.utr ui•f win 1.T.ra tre-e'..t,. :other. ilrs: Itob:. Tretenven. 'in hair .T 41f-o11riTT? atiT7tr(' rr` Spare's Grocery ill. and \Ir.. Jog tI'de'al. of Elora ;led lennty f natnrr'tx•1JI 1141.1 n 14•:1- ,; tiny 44'•ry 11111,11 1.. ltJ' liking. e t.. and friends ',ere. Arlietlier 1411 take Stora 10111 owe I •••1'lly�tc•re;of alt -i. ,44' Nit.. and Nies. L� t 1\'i,;,;ihs, of Tn• rri« r+? ani_* Mii'4.Il Ills hnti.l:i sat rr•ut or nlnkr n.r ..( thea ..•mm..,' , Ilamilton St: GoderK6 . he former's potents air. , "m -ar-Thi• rwoothmr- -mttrh-r-r nrr? 1\r +ai - air ?red� in the hater elf 111 '1'i 111'N---- Ja. • newels}•. mills :lune rt�flf�'ttttt7Rrthm. " nit. vafktrea lit Tnrtlttt9.. rr l Wt. ... m of al+ w,rlh c•nwtrr d. e. woriyine ., Phone 146 :11.1MI r. Thos \1'i.eifo 1:ealth-b1111ding for yon.' T1red nerve- \l ill itr. \\'ill Prglel and fanr- r. 4 -o' laanIi:•rtou are vi•itiu;t friends rel.I . day+of patddlhlg linden NI til' -.l.•- ..�-at►,l,yri-4�)ect 8 i}ae t!>; a:uitt .t 1.sp1.rle_ and tiding tr:p*. and .,. Mi\' '1'rrlr ivrn •riles +i/tuAlter tae. • t . 1,111. �1 Imre t. y. Trel.aveu. 44...,d t.l tPreF.e -,.,.te in tl:e care of :441 esi.•r:en.rd [nide, are t the e home or big featnma of_. y nor )olid.,'v IN r•- . 14. 'ern Desai a take•. yen to hie 7nrtit•ttlor' tlshhte - Rn'' iir. n^i Mr•t-4hiss•--hlliotl-returns nn.Ys -a-v ry M, hikes and {9o•hige+, o you t he thrill of-prOTnfid I al n•lnter at (inhie • Valley. voyageur. r - :°ne I:i-t Friday :fi,'r s1K'ndIh ing the.. at bring t y i Vona di:lu Nation/4 hail )1'-. Etta 1 Case, of 'tile': Taranto "++f - e chnn'1' ten. hiul ,teff. is elms,. 7nr,-th}• holidays.' w':Iy' (44:(4114- for fall information and January.' Jt 44e home'nf her parent.. IJr, andi Ti i t f" .milt hl* .1.• -.•ti in Ifs 4 1 4.1:0•• llt.'rnler4 418 holidaying: n nl1 IW . ile will to gln,l to na.14 you In every 1 • /'��+� Ml r'.wlrtl \1r, 311,! lire. C,. M: MicKenzie owl Asa. - r;reader a/.d ,..einletr :TRW °4114 IF you want good interest on your investment, heed this teller's words. Deposit $ binful of Hest Folks . in _, your cellar and _yeti 11_ receive com- pound heat next winter. buy ni�w and you buy on a low market and get dividends in dollars and heat. When you put money to work for. you this way you get a high rate of Interest and hold all the security. tpo. CALL THE % `W1 lir*, 1'11 - (Katt aou•'y from his nuns„z with the church H�.•t••r Malcolm.base rrtlsrur.{ homy n!'••r •4 tun toeeks' vi•if ",vith friend- • THE FISH ARE BITING -_ at 'r,•n•t,tn. 41.1O114,111 awl 1b+troll :rack +4 + assess . MIr. gut0l.Mir-. Urn. Itrndfonh of „0.1,Lp .im.nig the Thirty Tleou.•►nd Pere. Our boy's w " ' rrirh, 111,11 Mr. and \Ir•. J. .%. Cameron P Rust for linker. .•( the zigzag Il f 'I' asses m4 • Perfect 1,180441, of Georgian Ray s •F- ' t nt , hl a ern. n ..root... (' If van love the oat ofd."1rs. ('11)03 land,. , •L• ' w.w• : e u r'1. 1I to lWa w etc I. 4.4 •. line. sail b! t +'c' i 1' 1 wet children, of (hl tl tI If f 1p i the reeky �fi1h r Ir-. ,ia lop n the n i n tr r.r, , . - --� that I.,• hall kept his eye on else :dl1.uuldesl i.hihds f U1.nrgl°n ling will • One tree. Wet, :!.e peak.* asked the 3)rt*. •19in*.la54,1 her9r Nirent.; Mr. and 4 tussis your dw+pweat deair0s for the Mors toil girls t.. remember t►t.: }ext• ,rrf}ytt'hnlidny. g1. Mi and ill M °Nab and children, J f the lineat•fi.hing grounds 1n' --- "In all thy ways aekuowl)M 1 e• *fail dtrr•t shy ata Ilio'. r. . ..f 'I'ornnto, ere vlathlg at the home TIUa islnnd•rloth•rl summering plan arra ages and - - T)w. s•r"1 a was •�a+tulttct0 I. Rivers. the Nieto: n*slsting him. The Garr 1►n Monday ere. was he'd on tbo church taut,. A\l Mr*. t;00, McUlryre is on the sick 'Jho �•nmher, canoeist nod nugler, let right. bountiful supper , sened by the li.t thl- week: We 110130 TOY n aprr+ly ! It is only five Moire by train from r('.01-Pry.Tort/1110.('ntln404', boarding houses MiesM}„rgsset Pentland. of Clinton.I, and WA are now open. is .I*'ndiug the 11'04'417a at the hone 11111.0481041 1)tem t1tre nn41 romp:hoe Furniture or F'unerwl Director of her parent.. Mr. and .Mr.. A. 11. Dealer (isedinling rates) and steamer ser- . Pentland. vivo o will be gladly given to you by Hamilton Street, Goderlh 1 Mt. amt, --Mrs.- Nichol, of ittratfnrlI,4 ntly' t'nundiuu Nlttiooal fitr amnys � Phone Store 335. Residence 355w red Mses X .N1 bow!' of Listowel, *pent inforn 141 n a= t., tni(hhh et esort'' NI •n' - ilk the hone of Mr. and Mrs.: agent. X11. 14•'ly. - P. tis .•f Alive L. • For Good Clean Coal J. . MUSTARD COMPANY one 98 - Goderich Millinery Smartly Trimmed Hats Friday and Saturday $3.75 and $4.50 In a wide range of styles with flowers, ribbons, pins. in handed and appliqued effects. Many variations of brims, in colors black, blue, green, sand, red and navy. Miss MacVicar 'P KINGSTON STREE1 s • RJty. lit. r. PARS. Pr!!sent paiehlr lit i'iclorla this' rhumb - .- 'Ore year* ago --end said the pleasant meiiierrie•s of that time would always remain with him. • i►r. Graham spike of the merinos .af the men who made psessilde the elec- tion et the ehlhreli and -of- ir1►at-_ lsreauy. fe one 0 ► 1ll .1atutda. ere_hdackirl►rt', greet Ilgtht; tante--after ri+it4ng--klw lumber, )rr . tug menkinonge and lake trout are Rert Wiggins. at 'Folernor,uy. t'a:'t'• ready to test the wife and skill of tiny Party Mr..tle4. Ito Ln s, of . know, Niger ti.hermnn. o.w, spent n I •:rrdets parte few days tit the home of his brother,, The 1ab1nda and their connecting -esus-ih(.* are a rerltnhte .pstrndlse to' t .. N'1. 11:14,' on lased it nye :i ix.ortnen1 Of Carriages. Stroller', )'nines, 11:10 - carts. etc.. in different colors. .%I+o Doti (,trriltgr.e !tinkly(•ir. Reeking Horses. 1f in need of anything hi this line taco 11. 11 Call. Our prices are (• 3VILl.LiM 5WA4rFII' I.1►, who ells n mender of the official Moard for 33 years. retorlfng steward ,23 years. choir lender In the nisi ehuleh and for o nnmher of years In the new i chnrrh. The chum', loot this veined member In tie year 1921 oNli ME. UFA'. 1Astor whet, therchurfh w'as who wax Pa hunt ehnreh has meant to people in the past w,1.1 of what It will menu In the future. Memorials were ne,•0asary to bring to the front the echiecements of the past, 1 R. WHEELER tikes) Je.us, he heenme 111 et ease. and , nfrnld Chet he would be identified with the Mn.ter for whom hitt n few 'mere lefore 11. held 'worn 1e would die. I Peter bad to choose: he mute either field to the Influence of three effete, 111 and deny Jeans. or mast get array tram these enemies and neater to his ee ln! : hat elrenmetnneea were ton strung for him and he Lad not eonrage' to break Away. The tragedy hes been a entitled and re-enacted time' w'thont number In the lives of men. Away from the preserve of .1.•ss a and HIs power 111011 fall. Where the erect of Jesus test. nen ere led to the repent• once that restores and aav0.. The mo.1,111 portion of 01.0 ,.rrrlrpa was given by the 1'nity Male Quar- tette of Sarnia, cOnlp0.44l of Mesons. lllnstings. Mfilrl4'. ilendersnn and amMom-m mere with Mrs. Henderson an r - lin niat. Their songs added grimly to helm' wilhelm' service In the Pres-''yterhn11 ,•hnrrh reit utmdey, owing to he MGiw4(114 service In the Lneknnw rtc•*hyterinn rhumb nit Sunday after- toothI The Misers )1,-1.....n. of tt,ucknnv, nre vl+stmt their brother, Mr. , This.. Mete/it. Mr. Feely hap pfr(•hns4,I a neo bread trnek. The lett,gitnnnn girl. allayed 0 game of soft -ball In (i,drrieh *es Tuesday ('venin¢. T110 'wore nes 11.2 in fn1or ..f Thinifllnnmr.-__ t Rev. Mr. li.ngln•, of Detroit. o forts- ,. 1.r .4nal1ii1, minister- of 1Anigannon. Is visiting friends In the village. Mr. and Mr.,.Ale*.Mo4vbray • and children, of ltlnevlle, are .pc,,'ling n shoe' few .rs In this 0,0114%Owing t.. the unfavorable weather' Met Frlslar evening 1110 glyden party limiter hone Ma- whlrh was to be held on the United jar's ore s ra , a number of rhureh lawn we* held In the iehureh. M•k•rti.m*. .\ 4'11 a concert was .In es( ellent supper wits seined In the thin In the , 1411 auditorium. the basement. after which n rood program program' being all"Ord by the sem- was given In the nndnorinnl by the doni This Weed nr1Mtte. of London. „{nersProvidediMale ?Pam Rtratfordt)etrender Thenttendnn' was •n xc_leinr - en excellent raw, ennafatin(p of I not more than half the customary max. (:. N' 11.5(►N. Id Bodeti l'reslsient 1,,414+ *141 sinrhg tit 110 i ,end There are still Many Bargains to be had at our Big Shoe Sale, but if you haveh,t been in to secure your share of bargains, you'd - better hurry It may soon be too late. SHARMAN'S "Retiring from Business" Sale EAST SIDE SQUARE GODERICH ....APIS V. 14--s.