HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-01-27, Page 36PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1988. Belgrave Atoms recently won the championship at a Houseleague tournament in Harriston. Members of the team are: [back row, left to right] Aaron Coultes, Doug Wilson, Brandon Coultes, Mark Olson; [front row] Jim Piluke, Brent Robinson, Mark Golley, Correy Moran and in the centre at back, coach Harry Wilson. Missing when the picture was taken was Andrew Potter. Belgrave Compiled by Mrs. Helen Stonehouse. Phone 887-9487 Belgrave Wl hears UCW officers installed highlights of last The Belg rave Women’s Insti­ tute held its meeting January 19 in the Women’s Institute Hall with a good attendance. The motto for this curator meeting was “The Old Order changes, yielding place to new.’’ Mrs. Glenn Coultes gave an interesting account of the history of the Glenn Coultes farm. The curator, Mrs. Ross Taylor, gave a review of the highlights of the Morris and East Wawanosh Town- Former residents Mr. Vincent Makas and Alicia of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Mabel Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moy, Craig and Sara of Mississauga spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Sarah Anderson. Mrs. Leonard Robinson return­ ed home last Wednesday following surgery in the Westminster Cam­ pus. year snip happenings in 1987. Business discussion included the decision to cater to two Blyth Summer Festival suppers. It also was decided that Mrs. Garner Nicholson should make inquiries regarding new card tables for the Hall. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Stanley Black and Mrs. Alice Scott. The next meeting will be held in the Hall on February 16 at 12:30 in the form of a pot luck dinner. visit Mr. Bert Johnston is a patient in the Alexandraand Marine General Hospital, Goderich. Miss Michelle Arruda of Fergus spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs. Dorothy Logan. Mr. Leslie Vincent has been a patient in the University Hospital, London and is now convalescing at the home of his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taff of 5 Wadsworth London, Ontario. A service of Installation was held Sunday morning, January 24 in Knox United Church, Belgrave, to install the members of the U.C. W. to their newly designated offices. Those installed were: Past Presi­ dent, Mrs. Harold Vincent; Presi­ dent, Mrs. Ross Higgins; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Jack Taylor; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. James Hun­ ter; Treasurer, Mrs. Leslie Shaw; Stewardship and Finance Leader, Mrs. Florence McArter; Secre­ tary-Treasurer and Communica­ tion, Mrs. James Hunter; Assis­ tant Secretary, Mrs. Ross Ander­ son; Church in Society, Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mrs. Melville Mathers; World Outreach, Mrs. William Coultes; Christian Devel­ opment, Mrs. John McIntosh, Mrs. Gordon Bosman and Mrs. George Michie; In Church Servi­ ces, Mrs. Laura Johnston, Mrs. James Lamont and Mrs. Mike Cottrill; Social Committee, Mrs. Florence McArter, Mrs. Lloyd Michie, Mrs. Lome Campbell, Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Leslie Vincent; Leadership Devel­ opment, Mrs. Dorothy Logan; Auditors, Mrs. Lloyd Michie and Mrs. Ron Cook; Nominating Com­ mittee, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mrs. Bert Johnston, Mrs. Norman Cook and Mrs. Dorothy Logan; Pianist, Mrs. George Johnston; Archives, Mrs. Olive Bolt. Rev. John G. Roberts conducted the service. Aseach person’s name was called she took her place in one of the central front pews. All remained standing as they declar­ ed their willingness to serve. The other U.C.W. members stood to affirm their support and then the entire congregation rose to acclaim its support for the officers. The minister chose as the basis for his remarks Matthew 9: 16-17 which relates the lesson of the new material sewn on an old coat and the pouring of the new wine into old 11 tables at euchre Eleven tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the W.l. Hall, Belgrave, January 20. Winners were high lady, Mrs. Edgar Wightman; low lady, Mrs. Viola Adams; novelty lady, Mrs. RossTaylor; high man, George Michie; low man, Mrs. Mabel Wheeler, (playing as a man); novelty man, Lewis Stonehouse. There will be euchre again Wednesday, January 27starting at 8 p.m. ship, reaching out and risk. The choir sang as their anthem, “Lead Me in Thy Way’’, with organ accompaniment by Mrs. George Procter. skins. Specified rules for washing and eating were to be taken indifferently. Fellowship with all persons was essential. Jesus’ policy was always one of fellow- East Wawanosh Public School News EDITORS -CRYSTAL BLACK AND DARLENE BLACK Grade Two: Grade Two had fun on the ICON computers which are at our school. They are learning Roman Numerals in Math. Luke, Wayne and Jamie have their birthdays this month. - Laura Monroe Grade Three: The Grade three’s in Mr. Fisher’s room have just finished a hanging mural of Winter Birds. This isthe topic on which this class has been using their research skills. They plan to print their finished write-ups on the ICON computers complete with sketches of the birds they’ve chosen. The Grade 3’s are also looking forward to the upcoming Snow Unit they will share with Mrs. Hessel’s Grade 2’s. - Mr. Fisher Grade Three-Four: This week the grade 3-4 class is thin king of some Yea’s and Boo’s. Yea’s arc good things that happened during the Christmas holidays. Boo’s arc bad things that happened during the Christmas holidays. - Kim Leishman, Erica Culbert and Kirk Krieger. Yea! Wewentupin the airplane, up, up, up in the air on Monday with my Grandma and Grandpa. -Chris Piluke Yea! My favourite presents were my television, my skis and my Advance to Boardwalk game. - Kirk Krieger. Yea! 1 got a microscope for Christmas and you can look at different things. - Karrin Marks. Yea! The most special thing Igot for Christmas was Cricket and a tableorgan. My Cricket runson batteries and it came with three tapv„. D '"na Campbell. Yea1 I pot to play with my cousins. - Erica Culbert. Yea! The best thing I got for C’. ■ i ,vas mv computer and T.V. - Melissa Snowden Yea! It was a fun ride to Sarnia. The fun thing about my holiday was swimming in the pool. - Manuel Hussey. Boo! The worst thing about my holiday was when I made a snowman and my brother kicked it over. -Laura Sinclair. Boo! The bad thing was we didn’t have enough snow to go sledding. -Kim Leishman. Yea! The most special thing about my holidays was that 1 got a giant cube that 1 can play 30 games on. - Tabitha Pattison. Grade Seven-Eight: We have just completed history activities and have started friendship pro­ jects. Three of our students Ian Morton, Matthew Hussey, and Tara Newell are taking part in a science enrichment program at F.E. Madill S.S. - Lana Thompson. Student Council: This past week our .students have been working on the ICON computers that the Huron County Board of Education has supplied. The volleyball teams arc coming along very well lately since the tournament is scheduled for Janu­ ary 23. Our student council has ordered new school uniforms for our teams. We are also welcoming Mrs. Shillinglaw as our new secretary as Mrs. Robinson is away for medical reasons for a couple of months. - Darlene Black and Matthew Hus­ sey. Grade Six-Seven: The grade 6-7 class have been starting their speeches. The class has started selling spices to raise money for their trip to Toronto. The grades 4-8 had a cosom hockey tourna­ ment last week. The team number 5 won the tournament. The team's players are YasscrKahn (Captain), Brandon Coultes, Doug Wilson, Ben Hallman, Mark Robinson, Michelle King, Jennifer Cook, MikeGolley and LanaThompson. - Cheryl Campbell and Mike Golley. VALUABLE COUPON We Care About You! SHOP AND SAVE ON THESE FOOD VALUES COOKING ONIONS 2 LB. BAG COTTONELLE 4 ROLL Toilet Tissue 1.69 CHEFMASTER 1 LB. TUB Soft Margarine .49 CHASE & SANBORN 369 G. Ground Coffee 1.99 LARGE GREEN PEPPERS lb .69 QUAKER 1 KG. Quick Oats .99 TETLEY 72's Tea Bags 2.39 HOSTESS 200 G. 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