HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-5, Page 360 •. The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. First-class work at -reasonable tivelatising Call The Signal when you want•, • job of printing well done. a , Telephone 35' t. MOE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JULY x,1928 I:IGIITY•FIRST YEAR N TRAVEL XPERIENCED travellers use Travel- lers' Cheques. They are as good as cash anywhere, and far safer. Before going away, buy Travellers' Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada and avoid worry while travellilig. The loyal Bank of Canada ... . v rat 01 Awards of Certif icates, Diplomas and ! PROMOTION LIST 0? VICTORIA SCHOOL Medals in G.C.I. Commercial Department. The following is the report of the! Velma Brownlee Cottlimerctal Departments final year Marguerite Robinso of the two-year course of the G. C. I.! Ernest Crowe . .. for the year 1927-1928, and it shows Madeline Jeffry• n the best general results so far at- I Mabel Brownlee... tained. Helen Drennan,.. The second year of the course re. � Ebbitt Ross quires pro'ciency in the following '• Claire Tweedie subjects: 'ling, Writing, Practi- i Donna Bell l English English Literature, Com- ; Olive McGregor..... Follew•Ing is the list of promotionstions tit Victoria school. Names are in or- der of merit. • RM 2 0 Fruw Jr. 1V. to Sr. 1V. -Grace Ma - 83 eon, Ray IAwreuce, Phyllis de 1'eudry, •40 Philip Carter, loris Klttou, Kennethemi 7S Juck, Fred R, Betty Jennir, Mena 79 Harrison, Marjorie Proust., Irene Pel - 77 tun, Herbert Pa liner, Alfred Bloom - 76 field, Vena Edward. Max (broiler, 15 Burke McLeod, Ida White, Edna Ma - 76 son, Eric Jenner, Wilda Rutledge,ldge, 76 Verna Itartbntr, Marjorie Lusby-. Wal• 75 ter hunt, .tudrey Smith, Millie McKay, 75 Marlon Currie, 'Donald Juhustou, Lex - .75 ! ma McGregor, Willie Barker, Billie 75 i Meteor. Underwood Typing Speed Awards ROOM 3 position and Business Correspond- j Audrey Nivins tes for speed of 30 sleet I Sr. 111. to Jr. IV. -Jean Ruberteon, per minute. ; Vera Macleod, Mary ,Sturdy, Mar- • 30 i garet Macaulay. Harland Tremblay, 31 Edith Sturdy, John Carrick, Frances 3J Sanders. John Ilucklus. Betty Thomas, 32 Jr. 111. to Sr. IIT. --+Keith ('uta, Joan 32 l.ee, Norman Mac.luuald, Leslie Na ft el, 32 Isa 'Nivins, Lucy Harrison, Charles Love, Georgina Ryan, Wilson Knight, Angus Mackeuzle, Maisie Thompson. Charles Worsen, Mabel Johnston, Al- bert Shore, James Durnhu, Gladys Frltzley, Thelma Fry. ence, Coin. Law, Com. , Arithmetic, 1 Helen Page Rapid Calculatip, Book-keeping- ; Olive Young Theory and Practice and Business Forms, Stenography and Typing. A. --Cert ifies The speed required by the Educe- words tion Department for a diploma in Helen Page... Stenography is 70 words per minute, Mary A. McKay in Typing 40 net words per minute. Edna McVittie. • The pass standing required by our Delight Mutch....... school fora diploma in Book-keeping, Ruby Wambold Stenography and Typing is 15'ic, Alive Young I. Honors is 85%, , I. Honors 80%. Marguerite Robinson. • ,..........33 In Typing the speed of 30 net words Arthur Johnston : • • ..3y per minute gives pus standing 757c Velma $ 34.8 and each 1% above that indicates Helen Drintta . practically one word per minute ad- B _Bron2e Medals for speed of 40 ad- ditional speed. net wordse The following is the standing of 1 Helen Page . 40 the students, arranged in rank of 1 Ruby Wambold' 1 43 average percentage in the subjects Delight Moteti! . ..44.6 taken, who are entitled to a Diploma, Reggae:Ai Typing Speed Awards giving the percentages obtained in A-Ccr fiches or 25 net words: the there groups,-Bkkp., Stenog, IGladys Brow 25 3 and Typing. 255 .,...27.8 Goderich Branch 1019 - F: Woollcombe, Manager CARLOADS CARLOADS SHINGLES ROOFING ;e EVERY GRADE, KIND AND SHADE WOOD OR SLATE SLAB Call us if you are in need of anything in this line. Goderich Planing Mills o2 S • d s I Dolores Laithwaite..93 % 15% Ruby Wambold 89.3 93 S3' Helen Drennan .89.3 95 87 Kalmer Dawson76 85 75 Marguerite Robison82.6 91 37 Mary A. McKay83.6 75 94 Aileen Stowe 89 96 99 Marian Murney76.6 76 84 Olive McGregor. , 84 92 75 Lenore Craig. 76 - 75 73 Lucille MacDonald..75 83 84 Kenneth Macaulay..83.3 76 80 Olive Young 75 84 St! Donna Bell... 79 80 S1 Mary Parsons Arthur Johnston • - I Marian Vurney Dolores Laithwaite Kalmer Dewsoa 1 Helen Page b I Aileen Stowe - 'Ruby Wambold Mary A. McKay Delight Match Helen Drennan B. -Card Case for 35 net words : Velma Brownlee..... Arthur Johnston Ruby Wambold 1 Delight Mutch Dolores Laithwaite Edna McVittie Lillian Patterson IDonna Bell Note -75% is Pass; 80% HOLors I Mary A. McKay... and 85% is I. Honors. Helen Drennan.... The following are entitled to z cer- I Olive Young 41.4 tificate granting the standing stated, C. Silver Medal for,,45 net words : below in at least two groups: I Olive Young . .... 45 Bk-kp. Stenog. TVP'g , Marguerite Robinson 47.5 Velma Brownlee..70 79 88 Delight Mutcb 50:8 Edna McVittie. .0 92 :fig The Collegiate Hoard cordially Frank Rctberton..0 `* Ir',y . draws the alMmtit •ef our claims* 110 IttSIM 4 Sr. 1ii. to Jr. IV. -Harold Turner, Lilian Ryan and Clarence Bridle equal, .lice Roston, Bruce Orr, Gus Worthy, 1ouglas Johnston. Gladys Morgan. Winuifred Murray, Gertrude Wheeler, Helen Black, Edun Brindley. Jr. 111. to Sr. 111. -Margaret Me- Mehen, Robert McLean, Jean Thump- ' da Rlllott, Wiley 29S win, Kenneth Cwtt . 1 30 Riley, Barbara Thomson, Robert C. 3051 Wilson, Glen 'Anise. Nelson Carrick, SPORTS (Untended fur lam week) Laws Bowling Tournament Forty-two pla'era participated In a tournament of Irish triples at the lo- cal bowling greens last Friday even- ing. The prize -winners were: 1st. Wm. Symonds, Hold. Bisset and Geo. MacVitur ; 2nd, 11. T. Edwants, Joe. Brophey and Geo. Bowra. tu The-tournaent on Monday evening was called off at the end of the first game 011 101.011111 of rain and no prises were given out. 31 Ionald Wiggins, Verdun Randall, 31 5 ii Ia Lusby. Robert 11. Wilson. n. 111, 32 sent through Illness -I dward Wieland, 32.1 Bobble Williams, Gordon McManus. 32.2 R4JOM 5 32,3 Sr. 11. to Jr. I11. --Noreen Sproul and L ween Wilson equal, Betty NTilt- 35.1 tett ;* 1 Roberta Johnston equal, 'John 35.1 MacLean, j.ottle Elliott. Ronald Pen - 35.1 uington. Esther bee, Emma Fisher, 35.7 Helen Thomas, Mary Evelyn lac- 38 Leeu, Madge Turner, Jack Black, 36 Madeline Wakes, Ruby Clark, I'earl 36.3 Roup, Jltuwy Bell, Kenneth Aitken. 36.5 Jr. II. to Sr. 11. -Carl Bloomfield, 38.6 Jeau Luwhy', Hobert MacManua, Robert Swiger, „Ian Haggett, Jean Flick, Helen 8uet1, Walter Stewart, Gordon Brindley. Jr. B. to Jr. A. -Clarence Miller, Eric Johnston, Thelma Bell, Ernest MacLeod, Eddie ,Jenner, Angus Gra- ham, Margaret Maelvs, Lola Golders, Mabel Bead f, t•�., , .�timetofte MAC. .M111/a •-e••-- �t0''e'r� tYrat'toFte ][orris 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO • The Presbyterian League The Presbyterian churches of the district halve organized girls' suit -ball tennis uud keen interest la being taken. The team representing the Westmiu- ster Guild of Kuox church, Goderitii, hove played two games, but although so far they have been unsuccessful they bare bright hopes for the games yet to be played. 'lite Guild players are to play in Seaforth this Friday evening. The schedule for the locals is as follows: July 6•--4oderkh at Exeter. •, 13-4:rter at Goderich. " 20-Goderich at Clinton. " 27 -(Tinton at Goderich. Aug. 3--4;oalerieh at Ilensall. " 10-11ensall at Goderich. Aileen Stowe 39.6 ( V 40.1 I Mooldis :soleal + who rsquire office help to this fine list I Helen Page 0 74 7b of graduates, several of whom also Delight Mutch68 60 98 hold junior matriculation standing In addition to the Certificates and and one honor matriculation, asking Diplomas awarded on the regular' you to give them kindly considera- ! school work ,there were awards tion. J. P. HUME, ' granted by the Office Specialty Fil- Princial. ing Co., The Underwood and Reining - to Typewriter Companies, u fol- lows : Office Specialty Filing ' Dolores Laithwaite. MaryA. McKay 93 1 Lan[.rP Crary 91 (BUCHANAN'S) Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies Phone 47 P. O. Drawer 160 Certificates 97 1 Aileen Stowe 90 I Delight Mutch e9 I Lucille MacDonald 87 Frank Roberton 87 Kalmer Dawson - se Margaret Evans 8` !Kenneth Macaulay 84 Eunice Long 43 The Pavilion GODERICH L PROMOTION LIST OF ST. PETER'S SCHOOL Following lea report of the June pro- motions at St. Peter's sehool : Orad& V111. -Madeline Geromette. Raymond Dean. Alma O'Brien. Mayone Pace. Margaret Merit. (;reds Vit. -Connie Stapleton. Cyril Price, Leslie Riley. Marin trnin, Robinson. Clara Webb, Noreen Graf.' IIihertloo McKenzie. Marguerite Morgan. Doris Plante. T.11Iian Kennedy. Mary ! Arthur Elliott. (:race McDonald and 11011P10114.11, equal. Shirley Bell, Ray- mond Murray and Elaine Tremblay equal.eal. Maxine Wilson. Mac McKay. Jack Snell. Murray Daer, Jack �t'il- lhiuis. Benson Steep. Anna McGuire. The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Girls' Soft -ball The girls' teams of Nile United church and Victoria street United church played au exciting game of soft -ball at Victoria Park on Friday evenu.g. The score was 15-14 In fav- or of the Victoria street team. The tine -up was as follows: 'Nile---.tnne McT)onahl, Thelma Jones. Mabel Wands, Dorothy Jones, Jean (sen, Oral Finnigan, Rthel Tabb, Evelyn -Morton, Jeswie McCann. V ictorla streets -'Lena Craddock c, 1a. Mulch p. Mrs. J. ltewart lb; G. Jewell 2ti. C. Jewell 3b, V. McLeod. G. Mason cf. M. Sandy lf, C. Morris rf. Mr Watson of Nile was umpire•at home plate and Mr. Jack Stewart on bases. On Wednesday evening Victoria street United church girls' team went to Nile to play a scheduled game. The game was brought to a finish at the sixth innings because of a disputed play. The teams were composed pf: Nile --Anne . McDonald. 'Thelma Jones. Mabel Wahle, Dorothy Jones. Jean Glen, Oral Finnigan. -Ethel Tabb, ifeelyn Horton, Jessie McCann. Victoria street -Leena Craddock, Delight Match. Mrs. Stewart, Grace Jewstri1, Cenetta Jewell. Vera Mcleod, LIPS INSURANCE (Sun Life Cs•). ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AUTO.. ETC, INSURANCE Houses and Leta In Gederieh and VI - Malty, end Farms for Sale Some Big Bargains the next few days for quick buyers. 'Fine 1% -story house and lot. west side, near lake front. Must be sold quick to close an estate, regardless of real value. Residential property ; brick house; full modern equlpgbat ; fine large lot; choice 1.a ation $1200 (l o o d house ; elect tic -lighted water; good lot ; triable; easy terms for payment 3600 Good hove near Poato®oe; mod- ern equipped $800 $r.11. to lili7l Marion MacKay. The umpires were: George Raechler Jack Kershaw, 311in MacAdam. 111113 of Goderich on balls and strikes and Thompson. Katherine Murray, Ida Mr. Watson of Nile on bases. ' Morgan. Ih'bble MacDonald, :Uma Col- l!Idloekworth. Joseph dough, Durniu.'Antraln ltluutWMIit. Jack Bar- ton, Ruth D ennsu, ('lay -ton Weston (crniditionaly ). Jr. IL to fir. II. -Mildred Marwick, Carl Anderson., Jack Cult, Dorothy Tronas, Worthy Ityan, Forbes Miller, Muth User. Albert (fatale,. George Ileudersou, I'li)lls Martin, Billy Car- te,. fila..) t$.l, lei, Har 11 Wills-. ROOM 7 To Junior Second --Susanne Bowden tars Doris Baker equal, Florence Raechler. Claire Itncrhier. Grade VI -Mildred Costello. Teresa itneehler. ,rnsper Antcmlo, R',mnna Whitely. (;rude V.- Mary Stapleton. Edwie Dena. Vera whttty. Robert apnln. Jo - "14, lilarke. Phylli. %ashler. Willie Burke. Josephine Kennedy, Joseph (►'Brien. spews. /41/.-Maaise OlslrmoaL Pat. rick Murdock. Francis Micro. Billie Hockey. Lee Smith. Grade tip.-111rhnPl Costello, Char- ence Geromette, Gerild O'itrlIa, Verna Plante, Margaret Webb. 6rnde 11. --Patricia Rnech , Ray- mond Costello. Georze Erne. P r1 Grnf. Elaine Marie Elaine Jane Ltillle Ilorarth, Ru*. Qon MPro. MArxtl'('Afe Smith' Turner. , Mlehael mhlev, \burly. Pa [Mein Wh,tty, 11Vhitty. The Famous Tour "Across Canada A sulking fetrtnr '..\crwtt Canada a which leaves North 1.00 p.m. on Jody 23 t of Dean 'Laird, is II, touri-ts are coming Britain to take par The spacial all -a1.• train which will carr the Dominion is Da apart- of the fan;-' i i111itei.' There are coot rroot] t the trtieel Laird. tete director. piloted semen slmll:,r the way- smooth 1 Ings for the tour n timidity heavy and 11 nre expected to go 1, Itinerary inellydes +*1 portant eitles and to the beauty spots lu tains. ilanff and I.t Mw camps and Irvin sail nems -Kootena ship trip from Von and return and ani the (great IAtes nail day both delightful There is not a memo one days wasted thrmighoot the tib hearty welcome RverytMag la 1 and return In Ow Ask W. Fait► Bolutie , Toren* sow. _xi De Open 4 Nights Every Week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday of Contrasts - Beek" of this yenr's (tack Tour," omnto'station r the auspices ct that many er from Great the journey-. million -dollar e party across nal in all re - "Traits -Consols' difficulties to as Sinclair has already pa, has made hand. Book - already exeep- vious records board. The at all the lm - en route and Rocky Mond- L(nrise, bnnga- al centres. A ke, a steam- er to Victoria cruise down sty toaholl- educatJonal. In the twenty- everywbere lines a most the visitors. from Toronto f 080.00, adlag Pacific todr ilterattrre 2t ItOOM 8 Sr. 1. to Jr. II. -Mare Howard. Ruth Robertson. lan Gray. Ross Pen- nington. Betty I"ry. Margaret Taylor. Ann#e Waimea. SUly Jobuston. Norili Juek. 'toy- Turner, Gertrude White, Myrtle 'Townsend. Inane Bowman,. Wilfrid Glousher, Herbert Spring, Darold Young. Rexford 1)'ui:worth, Charlie Wilson. Margaret Jnnies. ROOM 9 Kindergitrten Primary- to Primary: ('fuss A -Catherine Barton, Freida Barbour. E trtean Johnston, El es Snell, B0111.'.lolison, Billie Swlger. Plass it-- Mary Mclean, Fvt43n WI -1 - son. Edna leve. 111ire1 Royce. ileien Mills. Kathleen Nixdorf. Jewett i'arr, Wilfrid Beattie. Itaymond Mac.tdnm. B111ie fiuckworth. Cbtss t'-Ilnz('1 }toss. Elva 1Vorthy. Helen Shea Powti. Helen ,%Ilim lafiabl t ]tooth. 11.1rry \V rash, ikmald Itoss.I Enid Mnelham id. 1.e1, c'arriek. 3lu�- SnP 1':itf111i. 11,,'tiiy I'lthindo, Evelyn Mutt y. ilurold Moll ring. Evetyn I►o:ake. Jean Proctor. From Kindergarten to Kindergarten d'rimnry-dletty Nne¢I,'. Tommy- Bai- lie. Nell Thompson. Harold Sproule. ltaniel 'zignre. May ('lose .kreaways As n result of this decision In the 31r31ichnel rasp. the town (1 t,ie l is � considering the dosing of all gratings and are;iw'nya on the id rept s. Although this sial I mean n considerable incon- venience to merchants and ethers who WW1 these areaways for the pineing tit eon! and other supplies In their cellars. the council is eonelderahly perturbed at the prrs%Ieet,t►f paying large dam - 530s whenever an ambient occurs and somebody la Injured. A conference between the buiness Coen and the (rmncil. before definite action Is taken. Is suggested. Result of Boys' Softball (:arms The first ts,ys game in the local district of the Presbytery of iluron Soft -ball League took Owe at Victoria Park last Thursday evening, between Inion and North street. Tine North street bays proved too strong for the Union lays and won by the score of 1.5 The line -op:• North street---('. Shennlnwn lb, E. Pridbam sr, Moore ef, C. Archer p. 11. Beaker If. G..Mathiesnn 21', I. West- bris,ke 3b. J. 8heardowa rf, E. West- briake c. Union-Herrlson e, A. Feller p, Po- enek 14. it. Orr 2b. Falconer 3b, iI. Fuller se, ti..Orr 1f, .1. Yulll rf, E. Por- ter cf. Score by innings: Union 050000000- 5 North street3 0 4 0 0 2 3 3 x= 15 Umpires -Ge.,. Greenslade on balls and strikes; W. Barlow on losses. lin Monday evening at Victoria Pare Nrnrth 'freer defeated Victoria street by 13 to 8 in a keenly contested game. The line-up: North street -E. SVestbrmke e, F.. I'ridham'lb, ('. Archer p. ti. Mntkie- son 2b. L. Westbroke ss, B. McManus 31,. .1. Shcair,uwn cf. M. Raker If, E. Pheardown rf. Victoria street --B. Sanderson p. 11 14n11de1!s,in e. 1I. Siniderson If. G. Car- rel) lb, A. Johnston 21,. M. Reycrnft 3b, ('runwton ss. D. Worthy rf. E. Gard- ner ef. Umpire. T. 11. fender on twills and strikes; T. Pritchar,i on bases. J. W. Craigie Rall Estate ad Issarasce • INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869. 111-1111 ()Hire, Waterloo, Ontario. D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Goderich, Ontario. FARMS Choke of several 1110-ucre farms; all-neijewry buildings, etc; good terms fur payment ;•1500 Very choice farm; 100 acres; ex- eelleut quality of land; all ne- cessary buildings; close to Au- burn $5500 100 acres ; goad buildings ; 26 acres of timber; convenient to school, market and It. IL station; price,-" including growing crop of hay and grain 34500 Immediate possession given. Office days-Maod$5I, Wednesdays. Saturdays, or any day by special request. For ail particulars see or write J. W. AB1wTBONG F. am 1111. Geo. Williams Dealer In DOMLNION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND eORr'O- RATION BONDS Fre, Accident, Automobile, and Office, next to Bank of Commerce i'hone 53 G,derich Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada offers many attractive forms of policies. Consult us regarding these. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 1 (WPM( 511,000 SHARE:3 Elkstone-Kirkland Gold Mine at 30c a share. Several good houses for sale. INSURANCE Car, Life and Fir* W. J. Powell Phone 29 1'. O. Box 438 Stocks Bonds Grain Market quotations supplied for any listed stock. Orders promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg Grain Exchanges. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bask 1114. GODERICH, ONT. noses: 430 ad 445 a/INGHAM auYONTt Private wire connections with all leading stock and grain Prchankes.