HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-5, Page 2--- -w • 6: :,. 1S• THE SIGNAL,, - Catholic candidate for the Prestdeucl'i of the United Mates, and in some StS311.ii aurtrtera this fact Is supto' ed to 1* \ fetal to his chances, but If the people v BLly11h)11 1t}ttS Of the Republic stand by the spirit of s CANADA News �, their national Constitution a man's pP1Pef11 u ,f Camillo anon y religion ,should be no handicap. Can- tt ,,lhed every Thursday morning. sell has had two Himont Catholic Prime ,,scrtptiou price $2.00 per year Ministers. one a Conservative. Sir thetas in advance. '"John Thomason. the other a Liberal. THE SIGNAL PRINTLNG CO., LTD., Sir Wllf.. t Leerier, and it is not to Telephooe 36 : : Goderteh. " the discredit of the Protestants of this W. 13. Robertson, Editor and Manager I Ilnniniun that, on the wlole, they gave their loyal support to these 'm•nI, of .another church than their own. Thoth candidates for the Presidency are strong men. Hoover has 'behind him the prestige of the great Republican pertc : while Smith, as a .tiea'ker at Thursday, July 5, Itea1 .1 1y weather. • • • The Ferguson Government refuses to topple. • • • itousteh put it. has the habit of %o'- Huron rvwnty never hooked lovelier; tory. It looks like the greatest Presl- than It does this summer. • • • As sotue„ne says, it is not the heat 1 one Ails. but the "humility" in the air. dentist race since 1915. How Our Neighbors Do it [Toronto Telegram) Canadians Laking on from the out- side at the cercus performances in the political conventions across the line may be Inclined to feel the putlings,of superiority- and tw—laws thanks that they are not as other people. Acrnss'the invisible boundary there • • • if the family vote counts for any- thiug. Smith and Robinson should have the edge on Hoover and Curtis. • • • Ws very visible difference in the way Ikominiu❑ Ita1 101"s1 off well. The, of doing things. The marching of dele- gations with their banners about the convention ball. perfervid and pro- tracted ,demonstrations In favor of ob- scure candidates. and the heat that may he engendered in any delegation in oyy,,interial serail elver possession of its l:altner. are all foreign to the more wooer sons of the north. But there is a method to the appar- ent madness of the c. 1 Veition chaos. Every apotheosis of clamor In which some unknown statesman Is raised to prominence In the eye of the eonven- tion serves to satisfy the mitring for reeognitioa of different districts in n far-flung nation. For the Big Man to 1* nominated flrat would be to deny the little %i1nwA Atte mnsr swing in behind MM. their moment of ephemeral glory. :after all, the process serves to bring out the eaadhk,tes that the country deserves. If we. ns Canadians. ever little superior about our own emcees of this year's celebration should be an encouragement to put on something equally good, or better, in succeeding years. • • • (congratulations to the people of Victoria street United ,church, who are celebrating the completion of half -a century in their present church home and nre starting out strong on another half -century. • • • France has a scheme for the build- ing of a great frontier wall. front tide North Sea to the Mediterranean, to protect her from her enemies. 'For the Weeis RIMS of the futon•. however, a wall would not be of much evil, unless -a - dome were built over it as a protection r from assault kg an.' 'Civilization has a^' low, wow_ methods. WP mac ask nnrselves ohe_ titer our ways achieve any htgla•s,--- _and forts at! •till considered ne•es-� moult r BRIT.i" S PRIMATE TO BE HONORED RI THE PEOPLE • lt of er, and Premier Stanley o anent public menhaveArchbishop 1 a.if York. do l inItte'all rto raise' a fund byapuisi c ssubser {(ion -_- . � L low prominent t appreciation of his for a tribute to aloe[ Iter. Sandell T. Dwvidvaon. Atxhhistago of e'(iateNoury, to express ai L Persona! (•harecter and his services to the (lutreh and :he nation. it is proposed to make the presentation to the Archbishop on the occasion of his golden weddin_. late ne his afar in with thethe express plreisig stipulation t. A hat he use it to secure greater enol and comfort for himself 1 beth at heir rel, remaining a to mark the neral) will probably be place.' In the courtyard of the .trclrhisho o - _ intell- association of this wonderful are an therewith. Is m0 h liverse oe An..hhishoppinioou •p 10 %‘1, fl'a'dta!1 r. uccee l bury Ias hint. expressed he nloVespicture ton of retiring shortly, --nhuaaihc British Primate (Mint) with Lambeth Palace. his official o•sldence t progressed telly -tff nary. • • • 1 Victoria Home and School Club RED HOT JULY DAYS A trade treaty between Cana nuc I The Canada extends to Newfoundland the held hI t June _let, with tars. Palmer 1n the British preferential tariff. while New - chair. It has keen dee•idel that this foundlond gives Canada reciprx•al con- year the (club will not hold a garden 1 of rata (waters. The Canadian .o • I Ing funds These funds are used 1. . regular ..... _ly meeting of the Newfoundland has gone into effect. Victoria Home and Se•bol (club was the whorl on the evening of If Government party hut u -P other methods also is subsidizing a steamsLip sere ce carry on the welfare and relief work to Newfoundland. Canadians would pf the Cluh. to protide for the hohhy like welcome t • -island colony" in- fair and furnish extra supplies for n the ConfPthe 1 but i[ tins is not the for the school families and In - et pi,�sibl,. the u t best [king L the 1' tat let. iemds In Hfipirar batt on . i e to we 1 1 1 The ('Iib Ie•idel 1" Loki a t fr HARD ON THE BABY July --the month of ted -hot days and east cwtremely hand on li rboca, dysentery, coli i711attim earn• ntf 11„ little Iiv4- every sir must be const:,ntl prevent these tri on suddenly r. medicine is of ul relations in tipsiness of the PPP() g haul tiring the be t re ce hent: nights; is ones. 1Nn r- nd cholera in- nds of precious r. The mother her guard to or If they come hem. No other ski to mothers as 14 jtuby's late om [ben dose given'to t?liod WI WS. o...•. boort. as spoke to the rin' . .ladling upon its, vent sunlIPr (.0[141 c1 work and J)1'%ilege>. Ile was most an - evolved able d.,es comp nn L lirlK the tron- elfin 6, do away to some ex- reclative of the work lit Victoria y with banish P I it The Tnbkt.v art+. 1 Your Education Isn't Ended Because School Is Closed ! MAKE \tlt'It PLANS NOW FOR A REAL. lit'SINEN1 TRAINING '1'IIIS FALL. is • If you have two or More years High School work why not consider a Secretiiiial Course at the SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. PHONE 198 made for a year, with specified rates' for r.1atywent/tn ti -taIntents. If it Is all paid off.1ittty in sic months instead of a }ear. there will Is' a rebate on the discount, title company being allowed, howeveyfhree mouths' Interest as a u.. -in any cane." '1tlpara[11 \'here a wage-earsel by two ottletift Character as Secu ity ••w a se•urit• will your company rmad'" Mr. Reid was asked. vier mainly." was the reply. rtlrr's ante is en•You don't find the millk of human r wagreartwn ot.kindliest+ iu the vroom of so iety -Quc- od repo at on, will be suflk•kgNhew l hruubte-Tekgnaph. arantee for the money to Ile ad- vanced. Our Investigators, will ,decide as to the reputation of the persons involved." Mr. Reid Intimated that his r•om- pany- would make loans on Tenons forms of collateral secnrlty, but was not prepared to go Into that phase at present. it w'as empowered. he Arid. to operate in a similar manner to that of the finance s-,orpora1lons who lend money on aunonohiles. Straitar Organizations Asked what similar organlatati.o� s there are. Mr. Reid stated that there was one 10 Montreal witheb has isen In operation for plant a year aid tae believes it Is doing -well. bat enubi not say much about it. There is the Mor- ris flan Co. In New. York. which hos :evernl offices in that city and many branches throeyhnnt the United States The Detroit Industrial (tank lvrtld11•1s A Aniline im!lness. - Mr. held said 11. - - Ickes of the American cvnupanies i was not entirely alt altruistic one, but a busirteta proposition calculated to work out fur the twneft of all coa- t -ernes!. He reiterated. as reported In The Star yesterday. that the (central :Rimose ('orpiratlon will haveand that In money tor its purpose 'well-known Toronto men were the capitalists. There was nothing of a stock -selling nature about It. he said. 44 ARTHUR REID HEADS I cent. on loans from $200 to $500. and be beiterel the rate of-ttwwetnt-- h [ban charged was seven Petr cent. and the iservi.e charge higher than that pro-' lose) by the (central Finance (corpora- tion 11 NEW FINANCE SCHEME two Percent. on all loans hag er charge seven per cent. on loans &ver t6"A ls.rrower of t1t3OO, for instance, twill ryekve in setae! cash *'77..,0 at are titoe the loan is negotiated. The deduction. ••isist..of six pet cent. dis- count. amonnting t., $1 t. and the ser- vice charge at one and one-half per cent.. amounting to $4.50. The loan' 1s that. Our charter permit us. t n Former Goderitis Man to manage a Toronto Enterprise ' The announcement In the TorneU& papers the least week of a new finance corporation is of particular interest to (:nlerleh people, as the head of the new enterprise in a former re+ident of Goderich, Mr. Arthur 1'. Reid, who was 011 the staff of the 1.•c•al branch of the Bank of commerce for some dears and •left early in the war to go overseas. Latterly he haft n manager of the Balmy Reach I'C@ l"of k of l '��-Ifikrt : awrnat is e;odrrieh rl. formerly Miss Bea- it" t w111 Pre' trice I'ridhanl. c'ara't' many friends In (;odcrich wish him gust lock in Ili new and Interesting under:., king. The Toronto Star of Naturd^.y tent with the annnal rash to purchase Club. The meeting closet with the ,dealers or by mall %, he meticirle sebool books and suppllea at the begin- singing of the National Anthem. from The Dr. Williaea'•etts a lax+ the following with reference to the Hr.s•kville (int "divine ('o..1 new eorporatiotlL, -W111 It bring yon into competition , wj11_Le hanks?" he was exited. "No. not at all. On the other band it will he In co-operation with the hanks. 1t will 1* an enterItflse. toxo. which will encourage thrift." Mr. Reid admitted that the scheme , The forerunner of colds and grippe. Heat and inhale Min- ard's and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive. y4 Ming of the school term. Shortly be- fore the end of the acl ool term in June each pupil -reretr tat a milt -ort tam late plies he will require at the re-op...ming Of school in September. During the vacation this dict can los el„ecked over by the parents. and If any new tsoks or other articles are called for the pur- chasing can be done during the holiday period. This will relieve the strain upon all concerned. and the melteme might well lie adopted generally. • • • Government candidates won-G—nll three of the I'rovit,clnl Lye -elections be1d last week. In SoitthIttrnee fact. Conservath-e, defeated McCollum. Progressive. by a majority of about 1500. In haat Hamilton Morrison, Onnsertative, won over a Liberal and an independent Cnnseevative. in North Renfrew Dunlop, Conservative. de- feated Martin. Liberal. The vote to all the contests was light, in East Anrntltnn being only about one-third of that east. In the last general elec- From the Quiet. Humry Ilcrarding — -- A. 1'. Reid severe(' his coniectlon �!•tase-so-she 4:ry ttessdeutv(trt et--• HURONCOUNTY$(. _with the Canadian Rank of ('ommetsre 1 last night and is ;rRank lug with c+r N'eallh and Paehhm FAIR DA�L1� I ganizntion work at general manager Whether you enjoy a restful holiday I of the (central F`,oenre Corporation. at n quiet boarding horse or all the Reid, 10th—Farna. i This 14 an end•rpr,se which was r• - gayety and sport of a fashionable lith-41oderlch to oh cerate incorporates: by sloecisl set of hotel. Muskoka Lakes will surpass : 14th—Colh,lrne township. 1 1'arliameat of the Dominion of ('nn• your fondest expectations of ai ideal ' 18thAshfle l towpabip. pain for the por les: of eupofilying bank- ' 18th—St. Helena ing credit fai•Ilfths to salaried nk- snMnsknkg platy. 15th—Wroxeter. Ioy,ere wage sailers. professional Muskoka bakes are noted the con- • $Orb-Niyt11. P Brent ul. al one of the Protest, met 31st—tEi+rwlcit towntl�tp and business men Indwmeta. the sys- benntl[ul, healthful and happy simmer '22nd—Ethel. le tem to he known n ci'o,tral banktt?g' playgrounds in the whale of Canada. elan 1Nelighthtl summer hotels provide facilities for every type of spirt. Swimming, hosting, tramping. tennis. diad telt-1ltfg malate a pleasarew that make a holiday spent in afutskoka never to he forgotten. Muskoka is the vacation land for those who have only a brief holiday. it is only a few hours' train journey from Toronto. ('anadlan National pnivtdes such excellent servkee that ran may enjoy Its delights and return lit work with fresh energy and cojoy' went—all within the space of a few days. Any Canadian National Rallways agent will gladly give yon full in- tlon to the Legislature. The nnlyl formation 1lnelnding hotel rates) and change in the standing of parties 14 literature on the various resorts of from the result in South Brine. which Muskoka Lakes. was formerly held 1.y the •Progressives. Many j.iiwrels in the urban divisionsL evidently stayed away from the polls, and towns which gave McCalinm a ma- jority In the previous election tits tithe line) lip in the ('nnse'n•ative eoimmn. • • • Smith and Ibstver it 1s The Demo eratic convention lit, llonatnn. Telles gave the New York rocernnr the l'resl- dentlnl nomination on the drat halo[. and followed this lip by naming Sen• ator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas ns candidate for Vico-President Robin- aon'e nomination. like That of Cur- tis by the Repnhlbatts. Ia .iesignel to strengthen the ticket among the farriers. who will find Mrther enconr- sgement to snnnnrt the Democratic nominees in tl:e platform of Ile Ianais'. which offers relief from the nnfivnr-' able emolitlnn- tinder which nrrlenl-' tore hs the United States is anfferlfig. fin the liquor question the conventhm adopt...! n policy which t'as seeeoten b,• th.. 'drys." hot Governor Smith's personal views nn the quedion are not !rich ss to satisfy a strong body in the Southern Democracy find a revolt 1a three toned However. what Smith Imes In this direetlln may be more titan rnede np In others, and Ithis remeaitiino he he seen how large a pe 11 play In the contest which now menew. Amide ie the first Roman •• 24th—ftelgrava •Mr. held has I.en connected with " 28th—t'sdarne •townshipt a Catlel.111ln thin of Commerce since " 27th—Crediton. 4. having hod ' wide banking ex- " h--4:r_nn4 Bend. p,.u,•e'In Motor'. Alberta and Ore- s � e - lTnsiiwood. Before ns•mlinte the tannage. 2nd ---Zurich. metof one of tl- Toronto branches " 3rd—persalt. ' of .of Rank he laid the ep{sic•meet 4th—Clinton town. of an officer at the head off..* for ' 7th --Clinton rural. awn yes. ite ecpsets that the Cen- tral Flt.1co ps o,r,r•atlon will tee open First Alderman: "11•W was the Lan- for bual•ss in Toronto at about the qua last night?" Second Name: "Very quiet. They had neither soup our after-dinner speakers." Suggestive A series of revival sen'iees was be- ing conducted in a remote Texas town. and placards,announcing the ser- 1i(es were displayed in conepb•notis plates. (lure day the following notice a pp sea rel : miciclle nquguat. when he explains that bwnt•ill ie made t" nen and women °food character ;n 8111011 RIR ranging fin gat to tka()tM1, for one year or le repissble nn n monthly or weekly ayrnent n. all (Recountrates andi^a•.s'' t risen latel by act of Parliament loan most be for a worthy par n11 the extent thereof will Io• eRai 1 by the earn- ing ps.wer of the wen "114.11. Its iocatlon and Absolute krrg�ialati•n y Certainty. Frank Gowdey, tenor sol- Khat will Is,rr,*s 112414' to Pal 0141. al11 sing -Tell Mother 1'11 Re (4n the nec.oasumption?" he was There.'" 814.0.1. •Nix per cent..,rotmt and n ser - A horse named Prickly bleat won 1'bH charge.•! hP •piled. "This ser- e Hare the other day. Wonder how %ice charge, w•ltictcovera cost of In - It escatti l being scratehet.- Teter- vestlgatl. tI. will one per cent. on boyo' Kxnnl1ner. loans lip to $2111. c,, and one-half ler Coat of -,- OF FOUR LINES OFPIE-W CORS Irresistible feminine appeal has been added to maseu- line power in The President, The Commander, The Dictator and The Erskine. Beauty—Here are delightful new colors from which to choose --with just a dash of antique cunning in the finish of interior door panels and exterior body belt. Smartest of upholstery fabrics in harmonizing shades. Charm—Here are alluring new features to increase your pride of possession—handsome winged headlamps —fiat radiator cap with the same wing motif—slender, graceful radiator design—jaunty "polo cap" visor. Comfort—Seats of new design—full cushioned, form fitting lounges—adjustable steering wheel—ball-hear- ing spring shackles give unapproached riding ease- --super-brakes which stop the car smoothly, gently in half the standard distance. These are the cars women have been hoping for— spirited, beautiful, safe, comfortable. Luxury and good taste at (hie -Profit prices. New President Eight -62225 —109 horsepower -80 miles per hour The President FJght . $2225 to 93280 The Commander ... 1960 to 2115 The Dictator 15.50 to 1755 The Erskine 109S to 1325 All prices J. o. b. W alker:411e Government taxes extra 1.rEtt- w 1 0OWT ,Memo LET gm .4 .D A e.nco chats syr <1 W - ay est arc navv y w J wa Goko' ,... To: Made in Canada Tatty e W Fvrse - Bu'r, T S%Nr dpff/NEsi MAK0 BRI r St( 'rw 1 cts.T Ass^V FILMS FOR USS' OUR S[N:. HW4OUZ! Here is a trent that can't be beat! Benefit and plea- sure in generous measure! Peppermint VIavr :... F. H. WOOD & SON St. Andrew's Street Shoteroorn— GpStreet PHONE 540 (t*+fielr!t;:-'-rr �,�' �✓WDER ICH t^,f ry r'SY eit�;5'ITM1'A..ewuw.. Y.irs AN IRONIC RRITiSH Kt:HINDER "iornethltg dollars cannot boo."