HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-7-5, Page 1• ,. • • , A Business Is judged by the Stationery it uses. The kind that means Dignitye-5.uccess -- Good Taste -the kind cuti..xid Out by The Signal's Job biptartment. dvertising A141.- ;n rrierchan- is the key la success in V the peopleaf •caocIeritzit eta* The SIGNAL Ipaivioasee4 EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 27. GODERICH, ON BIG CROWDS GATHER FOR DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION UWE Program of the Day Ca.rria 9st ft, Great Feature • CONFIRItIkqON SERVICE AT ST. t. IORGES CHURCH .1.rehblahop Inane: Preaches a Doininiot, Day Sermon the mooing SerVleC in St. George's 10,1as of Lendon Was present- Ws 146 to Ineniulp* qui and inspifiriaer It remember. giord tory of lie POutinlots; the iloidtion ado bold! in the .BrIthalt Empire, arst 'the great' opportunities that Ire open Cadadlaito, bald, were atilf-reffilltt and h and he doubted whetiplik-ua Canada's sixty-first birthday as a federated Dominion was celebrated in la town all day long, and a genial July looked down upon homy throngs meneed with the parade sheet 9-50 a.m. Forming at Victoria Peek; else The Ne . , Maitland Golf Club Notes - The final game for the Lloyd cuP was played ou Saturddy, Mr. Jas. Don- x ubbsou being the winner and Mr. C. F. ,f rout 'a tra f Th mf a Chapman the runner-up. •Lady members of the Seafortli Golf ea. "srb Club are here today playing a ,statch toy with the ladies of the Maitland Clnp• nii4 the.al. , At the Herber seer* fbr It 111-7"u, of Detroit, was In port on Ford 1" y. The yacht wets en routel :ft,, -,ss _The am pAocel apparatus which ,..,..„,eeed eatoe ag the tor; „_a at the Cadwell , immesTinac. Sand tparti c vinyl plant at the, has tarn refiflaces1"ta tbe tracks., A %, C.N.R. wrecking sustle'rt W.18 II1) f-zoillgt a; Stratr on 'fuesdeiy dabs thy %Nark I It hare•heen placed In the 11.' -, day men are at work The season for bags} eah Jell. lat. but uu Iargi.ge of tide this4h the Maitland.. ift% cr bete Uwe been repetrtod. act 4, top .trumcton ipirk 01:ift.at huen awarded by ya vitiate, of" uothopalv. OBITUARY Afr. Samuel Vickers passed away at oopereti.sieree",sitis home on East street' on Tuesday,. ral Deeart- lane 26th. artier an Illness i.f two roeui,bez Deceased wag In his fifty- .11,4enureoh: sixth year. He was born in Angland and veer gut tv.Canada .Seveoteen ovre is years adh. resided at Ileugniller for flee pearl( before altering, to trod - °rich. beceseed was a member of tilt. George's rhumb end` of the Cigna/Ilan order of Forester* lie is Survived by his wife Bed two sole, Afithur and SI. George'a Church on tery'. Rev. 3. it, 11. Mitts oemducted 414 Reps keg arid aellbettrers were • T. -fellow war veterans of the gileceelied. proeemsion. headed by years containing the town council, made its way up Hamilton street and a n.und the I Square. Conepleuous In the line of; decorated care and bicycles. flonts,1 calithumplaum and other features were the Reboot turnouts. With the Vic- toria eehoril eeetion there marched boys, wearing "plug" hats and looking is dignified 14 possible. peon-4411ns the Mayor and town council. the Gov- erner -General, Premier King. Mr. R. n. Bennett (lender of the Opprimition at Ottawa). l'rentler Ferguson. Sir. C. A. Robertson, HIPP., and Mr. Goo. Spotton, M.P. Central school bad a pretty tfaet, but the most attraetive feature ..f its turnout was the way in which the dif ferent classes were distingaildwal 10) different colon" of eoeteme, the effect being very beautiful. One group of bop+ carried 1.0Wa and arrows yes girls from both schools carried mar: guerites. while the boys tool small flags. Both a -elites!. presented a Abe appenrance. the first prise going with general aeclaim to Central erbooL Peter's school. which hail a espalier turnout, tetik third tulle. Prizes for the Parade The prise* for the farious of the parade were awarded be fee' Iowa: entra ion Calitluvagetw*.;1 glad drum hand faffeell‘dtWICeeltotin. "antral'', Ard, neer .?Iffere.4thi. ole reepoim OlOrlo October the annual ,con, Hato* Coehty Association cd Trusteeg and Ratepayers was• disensestfruet. " flamer years the meeting -has And' in June and it. was deemed a risable to hold it after the rura,1 school IP fairs in order to have atie winnerssia rren ehange the date and the eunveithie; balm u this. year will be held at Clinton the ST. PETER'S SCHOOL BOYS • AND GIRLS ENJOY OUTING Pirate Held ail • Harbor Park Tbe annual picnic for the ehtid,ren of St. Peter's manse!. 'under the-arsk Need of Use CarblelIc Woolen's Lea- gue. Was held at Harbor l'ark yester- day. It was a fine summer day anti there wags A large uttendanee. A se of nova provided mach sport,.rtia Girls (Veen years and under-NorMa..;.., Plant. IMIne Men,. julia slop/Ant... Girls ten years and auder-WZr • Stapleton, Ramona Whitely, Mild • ti Ci•stellt. Boys' wheelbarrow rime --Eerl 1.1 111..0,,nel eT.1394eo SanizAitme: ereiTem Pare aid J :four year* ctf age end wag born ti., . isaina.44.. irk (n A/oriel' township. Elbe resided In i a 7,40i0,1; i. .tbp haettitttook place. bop. gig 11 E.Iftlre•Si (A' dr .1001 Thia profept active! was slit heard the Meet Later ilia yew into the wan. .entathe gathering Hu: bronibt ,MI 1 al Association rewrite. erring meal • 4114 tion of the i A Hon in the wasIs at 'tsta time then the Ideate of tziairlion MA people of mitten *dila sits awls - poseurs of (Britt& mew There were pier greet-futulamontdi loyalties of au: First, foyelty tO Cileaff *Cowl. Walt 'Qs thissav: tans Raton 11 be e Wank. kb. in the Jerson or Mao, Atilt rhy, widow of the late Cam* y,' passed away at Ingerso4 proffer. June 2Sth. Decanied WAS ,autumn on a do* to be set t 7cUtive of the Association.. 'A pretty w ding took'pleee at Alt fielots' church, 8trathroy, on We' dab, Jane 27th, at 9 O'clock, Georg* tt, horame tile tel. of eZ of God.•rien. Rey. the gr ay fa • off Satur linotbt nnited tn. Gi nemttited Ralph Ilenderson, Gladys Clrassick, Deeorated automobiles -Miss Mary Parsons. W. G. MacEwan. Children's Sports The chiltiren'e games were held on the Square after the parade and, as usual. were keenly and numerously conteeted. The pRze-winners were GIRLS' RACES 40 -yard nave. under 0 years -,Evelyn Price, Jane Elliott, Pauline Johnston, Evelyn Doak. 50 -yard raee. under f1 years --,Elaine TremblY,,Ilelen Robertson, Marguerite Morgan, Betty Fry. 00 -yard nee. under 10 years--Ra- rootut Whitely, Jean Lumby, Roberta 75 -yard race. under 12 years -Mar- garet Elliott Peggy Parton's, Gladys 100 -yard race, under 15 yea rs---Iletty Harland, Mary Gaels, Marjorie bumby. }lopping race, tinder yenrs--Ro- berta Johnston, Esther Lee. Olive ' Methane race. ender 14 years -Edith Lunitty. Madeline Proctor, Iiiiirjorie Nose and toe race. under 13 years - Mary Baechler, Madeline Proctor, Thistle Immliy. Bicycle race, under 14 years -Cath- arine Margaret Elliott, *ire* a* lews: Granville Erani,s, Albert Shore. Frederick Arthur Gown', ,Frank Edgar Werra. Mts. Mar. Wet Jean Evens. Miss Thelma Gert- rude Mans. Mrs. Edith Maretta F:vanti. Mrs. •Florence Henrietta Bridle, Mrs. Eileen Vietoria Carey-. lies. Agnes/ Jean Chapman. Mrs. Verna Isobel Kneeshaw. Mrs. Elizabeth Gould Mre. Margaret Martin, Miss constance Louise Stewart, Mimi Vera Elliott. (11% seconds); Lorne Cooke, Clinton; "Bud." Sttirdy. Running brood jump-elltul" Sturdy OS ft. 1 in.). Lorrie Cooke, Charles, Running high jump -Taylor, Wing - 2211 yards dash -Morrison MacKay (22% seconds) ; Kingsley Harris, God- erich township.. Standing broad lussw-s•M_Flahiff, Paris (9 ft. 4 ins.), "Bud" Sturdy, Kingeley Hardie. 'Pole tvault-Robt. Stoddart (10 ft.). "Bud" Sturdy. Charles laiaftel. Running hop. step and Jump -T. Lorne Cooke. Half -mile race -Morrison MacKay (2 miantes 20 seconds), Kingsley Ilar- Osiers Defeat libations The internfititmni baseball gnme at- tracted a huge crowd. The grandstand was packed. a circle of parked care surrounded the field. and hundreds Id, 'people eat or stood on the gran. The' teems were the rivale of Centennial Week last year, the Osiers of Toronto and the Ristions of Detroit. The Os - Mrs repeated their win of last year, hatt by a 'street 'more, and any d011bt Its til which was the gummier teem was completely removed. The Rheims. were blanked. only three times getting a man safely on tint base. The Osten! got two nine in the fourth inningm and font. in the eighth, the anal score being 0-0. The tenni, were: Waller 31), Eagleson is. finishes lb, Walker/I'. Lister c. Spring p. Wengier 31r. NIlles cf. Militia! Pa. Campbell c, Mt -Kay If. Sicily 11,, Miller "Hap" Watson, of Pigskin Peters fame. accompanied the 01114.111 and gore the crowd many a latigh with Wm funny anticir. The Tug -of -War The tug-of-war %/111 the concluding event of the afternoon program. Only two teams entered, one from Goderteh and the other from Aohfield. The con- test was for the large silver enp do- nated laot year by the Huron Oki Heys' Aatmeintion of Toronto. Which Was won during Centennial Week by the tam from Afthfield. The teems this yeer were et much the nerne per - hosing Geo, Deneom, Elmer RheArdown, PA. Willie, Wilfrid Smith, Thom. Gen - ley. Chem. Premise and Herold Knitting, while Agthfield wee repeal/enter! by nos Sullivan. Peter rarenh, Jas. Mennett. John MeDonald, Jelin Quaid, (Continued cm pore A) Boss. RACES 40 -yard rare, under 6 years --Jack liumphrey, Geo. Persons, Charles 59 -3 -aril race, under 8 years -Mur- ray Bloomfield. Hubert Reid, Hobert 'Humphrey, Raymond Murray and Jack Seguin (tie). 60 -yard rnee, under 10 years --Don- ald Wiggins, Carl Bloomfield, WnIter 75-yarii race, under 12 years -John Prelim,. Andres' Smith, Bert Campbell. 100-3ard reef.. under 13 years -,Enr1 Mero. Alien •Reed, John Proust.. Sock race. tinder 15 years -Wilson MeGiiire. Glen Lodge, Clifford Sturdy. Men) rind Wm. Litraby, Norman War- ,nrick anti Bert Campbell, Con. Staple- ton and Edwin Dean. Rabbit race. under 10 yenraLtellen Rabbit 'nee, under 13 yenrs -Carl IStodflart, ClitTord Sturdy, John Bicycle race, 12 yenrs rind under - Franklin Horton, FAG Mem Hervey Bicycle nice, 16 years and under - "Bud" Sturdy Winn the Cep The afternoon program was enrried mit at Agrieultural Perk, commenving with s series of athletic eontente "Bud" Sturdy, of town, won the eham- plonithip cup awarded to the contest- ant 14coring the greatest number of point,. Sturdy had ten poIntA to his credit, Morrionn MneKay being Close on his heels with nine point,. The firm prize% were medals anti opened prises were Eversharp peewit& The winners in the melon, events wore as followe: 100 yarde• dash -Merriam Meekly a of lilies of the valley ".7'lie hridettlaid was Miss Kathleen Crathers, niece of the bride. Mr. Joint Redmond, se - !thew of the groom. acted as best man. After the ceremony a wedding break- fast was served at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Young left by motor for Toronto. where they took ge boa o Lawrence to Montrea bride travelled in a navy bluo esseMble bride. :is bridestaaid. looked very with hat to match. and wore a Pre t in yellow reette dress, and brown fox fur. On their return they pietere hat of moi 1r to mateh. She will reside on Maple Grove F'arm. Coe carried a bottoms, f roses tied with borne township. lelloic streamers. Mr. John MAnne. man. Miss Vera find Mks Pear were flower girl pink georgette ea Nemec niol Wan held at bride nnd turn they *Ma. ,sweet peas and poonien. The bride wall becomingly at- tired in it gown of white taffeta with a white tulle veil trimmed with orange hIneeeme. She carried a shower bon - Aloe of Sweetheart rows and baby's breath. She entered the church on the firm of her fatber to the strains of Seethed/1 of Brantford. Miss Lillian Fortieth Wedding Anniversary The fortieth anniveroary of the--wel- Ilrant ford. wa. Is, Starke,. of Tororr ding of two esteemed citizens of God- They eore froeks gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peas. The recep:i J. It. (Ingham. Baydeld road, on Sat- home or tile hri.l.. unlay evening, June 23n1. Mr. ite, Mrs. Grnham spent the day at their former home in Aoheelti and on re- turnitti.• In the evening found a com- pany of friends and relatives. 1:111111111‘r - Ing between thirty And forty. 81- sernbled In their home. which had been prettily deenrated with spring flowere. It wait eomplete surprise to them. hnt mulct pleasant one. After a so- cial hour dinner was served, followed by a number of mpeeches. Mr. T. M. Johnston of Clinton, brother of Mrs. tWalgain, proposied A toilet to the bride ON groom of forty seers, to vehleh Mr. Graham replied in fitting terms*. Speeches were given also by Messre. Fred Elliott find Jameit Johnston. of Goderich township, and Nelson Gra- ham. Ashfield, all extending con- gratulations and gond. wishee to Mr. awl Mee. Graham. Tho.oe prefient from • lf.rt by train for G. Is trait. on their 'Ado Ttrnnt or -A Molise tat it was n great 'kis. abler wlien the ittiNier, church masa in a body t Cambria read Inv Thur the evening with her. vial time WAR enjoyed n entre rendered, the previdi•nt,'M close of whin t was read hy Mrs ,wItti a silk nab Deer Mrs. ()hie nat of town. besidefi thoee already men- and sheers of t tinned. were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dun- creels wish to e can end eon. of Ferndale. Mich ; Mem. end esteem on th Walker. of Detroit; Dr. J. M. Gra- your reeent mar ham, of Harper hospital, Detroit; conerAtulate you Mr,. Meiflimy. Seaforth. Mr. and yon long 111-4, en Mrs. Graham were the recipients of a Tour pro•enee nt complete white and gold dinner Pet gathering% 110A trim the family. 1.• our enjoytnen4 Mr. John 11. Prnham, of Aothfield, have, been help' were not there. to• wnship. were • married Jim. 2041. ot the home of the bride. They H convenient to 1 lived at Sheppardion until five years we wish to @stet.. ago, when they moved to town. leaving to Mr. Older' to • n flne home now oceupied Iv their 1,1011 111-17nr -elm, and Perey. Their family censisto of two 1111r altn 1610 lleiP eine. Perry. of Ashneld. and M. J. M. Mind better the Graltnna. of Detroit. Anti one daughter, and God'e 11,111 • Mis,4 nett), At home. Another eon, have plinlMot • A host of frientle in town and corm- life As a slight t try wleh Mr. end Mrs. Grnhem many appreciation of more happy Annivertfariee member of the .1 with this little izif srEetnt, OPTICAL OFFER electrie passed; al Tebbutt seratilt of applications for :services aim were appllention of Alfred eet. The contract for Painting the standpipe 10 Fred Seabrook at $140. ided that hereafter the e town for wetter for street and perks shall be $100 per xed some e A` of oil line come into vogue mission. has been making an &I- nce each year on the street sprink- charge. Now the charge Is de- tely reilitted to the figure stilled. A letter frets the.Hydro-eleetric Commigsion of Ontario euggested that the commisegion should place burg- lary insurnnee on the collector's °Mee. This matter was tali] over until rates for such Insurance are ascertained. It was decided to have Age Hydro store papered and painted. the Atr- ia etreet home on to !spend smelt on - short pm- ollowIng address T. Phillipa. while M. Ryan'. ef •, F.. Roach, 2b; L. Reed, nted Mrs. ()bier on behalf of the : ,,,,, lio; Charlotte Morris. If; Mary Me - We, your brothern Aggremir' 71,,,,...,,,""' Kiloton. et: oraes Jewell, 2b; Vera eery township end later. m dent of Goilerieb. being for numy years a member of llie tnwn enamel'. RP eoun• pith-fr. depute reeve. and reeve. Ila wns member of the North .itreet itnIted rhumb. He murvived by one son. George. a danghter. Mrs'. II. T,. Salkeld. and n stetwinnehfer. Mrs. Wm. Driver. all of floilerteh townehip. Two -sisters, Moo scurvive_l_ngra• Adams. nf and •Mr00. M. Wager - epaped him eight yenrs. took pinee from his residenee on Mon - Rev. C. F. Clarke eanducted the per - TT. L. Solkelti. jos. Stilkeld. Wm. Man! DrIver. Art"! Leith - y of WI sin Legislature of tha commiseioned to inveetigate the powdbilities of pub- lic ownership of hydro -electric power development. They lind made the trip by motor bus and had made a loop of Western Ontario, Igniting Windsor, Chatham, Lontlan. liandllon. Toronto, Niagara Falb., Barrie. ttrillla. Owen tunnel and other vents. before arriving at GoderIch • The vieltorer spent three ra Goelerteh find were met at Hotel Snnse Ewan. members of thp town council and water and light commission and the lore! newspaper editors. After dinner there were A number of their pleasure in the opportunity of the lat- The town (stencil attended In 11-1764 ter responding with expreeslons aps"- erteirtiost nntl many friends from Goderlt Ado And from more distant point' were present by fray the tont tribute of reipect. SOFTBALL At Vi, feria Park on Tuesday even- ing a game of ooft-ball was playmi be- tween the girls' teams of Tritnignammi anti Victoria street church. The Peone W0'4 11-2 fin favor of the Dungannon Interesting Motor Trip .W.m. Johnston. Mnry 1.'011'0W and 111.• Thelyn need linve returned home after ten •Inys• trip hy motor ear to rein and his family. They report n very Interesting trip. They went by wny or Ntnirnco. Buffalo. N.1'., Ilfghwey rlatlaware. and reached their dentinatIon. the seetour They •look three flay+ tm the return trip. coming wny oTilaTtlinare end Washington. where they sweet -a day taking in the eichts. eget Mao visiting idg in the( poset--of-the_t_rolltitr -GADMIC-11111.(01.‘Nll 01.11 MAN anniversary 44 Mr. William. camehell• Adolph Kannehere, Of The atnte 11411 - srpectAcles with best fiat Ppherical lenses for only 54.on. All other styleo with twenty-eight yearn' experience. The very heat In epticel work and at Thurialay. Eriday. July 19. 20. 04.4 • and .wielt for bases, nnd Rev. J. A. Walker. of Pun- ppineas together. itannon, on balls rind etrikes. clang on Sabbath t nwinthly social Boys' Hoff -ball League d we treat they (irace United elgurg•h. Porter's Hill, on and inspiring to Wednesday evenitie there Wall an inter- esting port -Igen gone betWeen the boys you when yen trust you will find of Once church and North arose ' n attendant* end Vnited church. The Peons was 19-10; hearty invitntion In fnvor of the t;ederii7ii team. and join will, its The cli other to tinder- lb; W. Hick, e ;11-.1174 T.-2ii7 P. Mow ruing us, n1110 to Cele,. ef ; J. Johnston, se. I Intercourse to- North street -J. Sheardnwn. rf.." E. no higher aim in Priam. fig; L. Weetbrooke, lf; S. I n of our love and McMonlis. p; S110,111-110wn. 31, ; O. Mrs. Older, 11 NI1111111P11011. 2b; E. Weethrooke, e; W.. we present poi Barlow, lit; R. Levie, cf. precIntIon of the goo• wartla them and of *lint they had learned of Ontarie'm great develnpment in the production and rose of hydro- electric' power. W1Pe011.4111. maid. bad nothing like It. There the power II es -areer4=11101-111110.61116(le anti were iit ;frivolo' hand?, and tio• I,egislature had in view the brill -Slag of these private plante into eystem under paddle ownership. Hetes for electric, pewer nes' light Inc were much higher In Wisconsin than here. they said. Some surprIate itair expressed at the difference in rates nt vilfferent points In this l'rovinee. retch as Tor- -maw and tioderieli. but as WIsiennaln ling no outstinifini Sniffer, of power ----- such at Niagnea Falls the matter of Ineopiellty In rale* M not lik44y -to be inf great n problem in that Slitte. The 'visitors left here for Sarnia on their ret0131 trip to Witiconsin. The /chairmen of the committee; Senator who on.. horn July Int. 1%34. and bas nen. lived ie Gialerieli fer eiglity-I inf. y01114. i Slate WateryieWer Enalnerrt Arthlir netive, received eninherless conteratula- j E. *Wee, 4,hatiffenr. They were agenm- tIons on the neettelon. i panted by mi.. c A. Pifreell. of the CM - 011 the lawu fit 10.100A00.1rarli. the onnmer 11011W of Mr. atot Mr*. O. R. 1141001r of Wholo.r. the welding molt . eller em Saturday afterteseg laat..at and trnot yon mitY find it neeful. iveltoray God may bles• life'm journey end{ and then may We "'live the vietel'ieroa•n of amnranth thAt never fades otray. (Signed on he - Mrs. Oilier made. fitting reply. stay- ing how much she always enjoyed the elasis and thanking the members for their beavilful gift. lameh waft nerved and the mooting closed hy all Joining hands ond *inning "Blest tie the Tie that Binds." Dr. Atkinson will be out of town from July 1 to 22 Inclamice. 2t Mr. C. IL ltnore WAR rnrprised find sdoneed to find furlong the ImildnV erowd in town hip sergeant in the 1st Battalion in Emmet., Mr. Wniter Neville, of St. Thome., Ont., who ar- rived in town on Sunday 011 his wey to Whitton And was (10111(1110t1 W1117 Goderich thot he remained over until Tuesday morning. Mr Rsneo hAd not semi him Once September. 1018. in wife and children. Gross. son of Mr. nn/1 Mre. llenre 3. ltroul of Montreal. The ceremony wee performed by 110V. It Ashhy, Winitenr. assisted 1.7 Rev. S. N. II. WWI', wee pinyed by Mr. R wok - Mr. ennmore Fleming. brother of the bride. attended the groom. A recep- tion wee held rafter the eeremcnc end later in the afternoon Mr and Mr.. Gross left for a motor trip to Mote 1,..ke They will remble at Toronto. Ties Woman's Hoepltal Ancillary will hold a bridge party And denee Thalerleb's Veteran Municipal Expert dance at night.