HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-28, Page 7. —
County and District
Eldon ]1eIhurey, a 'liluevale boy,' ter Betty, of Los Angeles, Calif., ar-
who has baeu sales manager of the I rived last week on a rlrlt to the Due
Loudon- division of $ula'rt•st Petro -1 toed brother, A. it. Curr, cud sister,
taunt Corporation, hat been appointed , Mrs. lt. !dater%
manager of the 'Toronto dh•lslou for Ni principal of
tltt IiasstlLe n uuttnopinted
the same company. ,
Peter Cameron, the fine River school, at a salary of $1700.
bleekSWlth, suffered a serious accident I Local Orangemen and 'Prue Blues
receutly. lie war working with the held their annual church parade on
plane In his shop when his left hand Sunday evening to Queen atreet l'uited
war caught and four fingers were church, where they were athlr'esatfl by
crushed. Be was taken to Kineardiue Rev. A. E. $Mau. At the Orange
hospital, where the fingers were awpu• Hall. after the stunt f+wrclee, George
tided at the first Juiut. Spitttaut. M.1'., gave an address:.
The annual district meeting Of the Archbishop Williams conducted con-
Woweu's Institutes of North Huron irmatiun service in phi: parish oflthe
was held at Gerrie. RaChurchga,rts were Church of England on Sunday•
received from the various branches, Rural lean Iktwkisis presented four
iuclud(ng Furdw•ich, Walton, Moles- for contirellsitlon: Mr. and Mrs. Earl
worth, Brussel'', Ethel, w'lughaw, Magee, Mrs. J. J. Mason and Mrs. Bell
Rluevale and llorrle. Next year's (formerly Mus Eva DeLuug of Port
meeting will be held lir Fordwicb.
A pretty wedding took place at the WL'NGIIA1l
manse, Luudewboru', on Saturday',
June 16th, when Laura Marjorie, ebb- --
eat slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. John Agnew. a former resident of
Beacom, became the bride of Joseph E. W inglww, died recently at Loudon, in
Lyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry his sixty-first year.
Lyon. The ceremony sus performed The students of the \Wiughaw Burl-
by Rev. James Abery. The young cess College held a banquet Tuesday
couple left on a motor trip to Dresden, evening of last week, working the close
Detroit and other points. They will of a year's work in the school anti
make their home on the 13th conies• serving also as a farewell to the prin-
elou of Mullett. I cipal, J. E. McCarthy, who is leaving
after a connection of two years with
E1IITER the school.
_ — _ ! - The death of W. I). Pringle occurred
Mrs. Howe and Miss I. M. Jeckell June lath at his home here. learan
have returned to their home 1n Exeter wee sixty-s•venyears
of age.
here for
Declares War
"Fruit-a-tives"—the Enemy
of Dyspepsia
ST. URSULE, QUE. -"For ten
years I could not digest food.
Now I eat like a new man.
Fruit-a-tivtse relieved me com-
pletely." Jos. Martin.
Our way of living lays most
of us open to recurrent attacks
of dyspepsia and kindred ail-
ments. To remedy this, the
regular use of Fruit-s-tives is
highly recommended.
The gentle, natural stimula-
tion of the bowels and digestive
system by the fruit juice ex-
tracts and tonics in Fruit -a -rives
soon heals bothersome and pain-
ful digestion. Try it. Sold by all
druggists -25c and 50c per boz.
.COI;Rt i!1N E
, ,•uuell • of Cull»,rue Met lie the
lotiuship hall Juue lith, at 1.30 p.m.,
ns a court of res isloe. After the
',ening Of the oath lie following at'-
I•eulr were disputed ef: Mrs. it. Hic•-
,.fe, lir have nettle of owner and ad-
,Irrsa 'rorrectenl-gral.tsal. airs.. Jamie
,tilt, to hove assessment luwerarl-not u). sudh by on thy guard,
grained. It. C. Hay•. for Carey es- Tru 1. 1* nod foes ad,
tate curr'ted by atseasor'before lin- And host"itsine are pressing hard
ishiug roll. John Truticki, assessed ost" of si tram the skin.
for ttnliditrjts r•wovrd--asse,.luteul
lowered to Hutt e"tent. John Tata,
usseessed fur laud sold. to Verne Me(- I Neer think the victory Won,
Cale- sv,rnvtiuu made. L. I.. Knox, • Nor lay thine armor down;
assawse,l lou high- uu :hinge wade. i Thine ar,luuus work will net be done
Thursday, June SS. 1908. -7
I Sunday . .
Af teinbon Prices at McEweii's
.., Special
Guderich, Out•
\\'nt. Thaw, to hat',• sou jointly awes. Till thou obtain thy crown.
sed- granted. Percy i-tewart. wrom.-
ly awsessal for dog; c;,o. Ferguson',
dug having died, both were taken oil FRAI•LR
the role it God. give usuf Thy spirit that we
- - On motion of Councillors Goldthorpe way' be led to the understanding and
Montreal to sail with a party of llsi• i and -Young, the Lannon property was enioywcnt of all that Thou hast re-
d to Mr. Nicholson. re -
it -ailed. \We would yield ourselves to
versify students fora trip through tine' 1I ucl r. the buns
r t s r who has been tartan and the Reeve roc ar r o -w .
Mrs. Juhu Ga.- - •,.k, i toentrap our souls In Jesus'
In declining health for suave time. fell !tagular sorting �ftleuuortcil srufltre� I'omc' tie pro) .\wen.
Il wewlers resent. Th.•
-George Ilawth.
assessr •
T i s cu mess of the Thee that wee may be strengthened to
d 1 ed it1 I ti;;ht against the foes that are watch -
B I l 1 Isles and the Continent.
in 1 home Tuesday evening, break- at the conclusion u
ser vl.lou. with n I
g Let bliss S. lib LESSON FOR JULY' 81h. 19.8
►r. William A►,rrhart Is having an minute* of )lay meeting adopted Lesson Tupie Vtul and Stephen. lessor Barer'
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
Phone 46 South Side of Square
(howls delivered promptly to all parts of the toss without charge
it. 1
tfi fitted up in the Queen's hotel Lead. The Reeve reported t., a Lrstwn Passage -Acta ?..,1, 8.3,' the hrarL uud they' gnashed on Barker
t1 1 ro
u to 92• , with their tun t.
block and will avwwen(e the pnu,.e t ._.. by Colborne u regard to .prat• .19,'.U.
of Ile I a fled meeting re the teutgunlul of Golden Test -Rev. 2.10 face: "Passion raged against passion,
won of Mr.I waited 1111.1'1011i- I
d nu disagreement � hearts were
his profession in Seaforth. + .0 rn
and Mrs. Chas. Aberhurt. uls•uiug of Moron tract. Whitt the number of the dise•Ipks', and passim against reason. Their
Mr. 4en'y Stewart ' enwas greatly Increased it i g Idistracted, torn with rage. Jubilee services commemorating the
fiftieth anniversary of the present oil re payment fur roadway culvert. arose between the Grecians and the' greatly exasperated. They snarled
•were held to Fgw^nd• On motion of Cuuu...-ed i Thaw and Hebrews. It was to the latter that I like beasts of prey. 'lie ye angry and
Donut e,.... -ed t., v`tafw, y,,,j „1,, sry,t tl,ls auger was all sins'
vine United church on tut �. ht• Curr or the widows had lR.sr
Peter 'Wyse. 13. D.. one of the out.tu„1- per cent. of cost of sundaes advert• trusted. awl the cowp:aiut was that' Their hour of defeat was Stephen's
atter atterdiug 'several soothe in labs the tanner• y and glove 3tt met, of the united t'hureb. gave put in at main gate eutnuites in 1:r_,. u+ their w+uuogeweut of
affairs low• hour of victory. They slotted his to
Willa and Ilrltlsh Columbia. some years. .\ daughter, Kathleen,
aide athlt res to large audlentes. if sptlrfaetory to road superintendent. I ,i.ul Istrtiutity to those tit their . tenth, ac•tu:tliy c+otuwitthug murder, as
r survives. on motion of Couucillora Goldthorpe I,i,tiuuulity had been slwwu. This be -II was against the 1{uwau lute fur the
Miss Unity Creech Ins Igen el Straiten Family Reunion and 'feting. iiirites wanting tile fur
pointed to the pwbiic *teed staff to Charles A. Rint,ul, an old resident a fag brought to the untie of the twclre Sanhedrin to put ancone' t.. doff, ,.
Miss Futon, who has resigned.' of this locality, passed away on Sat- \\Ingham Advance -Tines: Mr•. Iter- gine entrance?, to highways must :.hey- culled the leoltIe tugethrr uuJ' I'aualt Farrar sacs: "We can judge
risinned Mon Friday, lc•w'e.{ thein how their work was the how these moat (save is li the rine
dans-pdsaning is stat rite to Exeter onlay at the home of his son. :\def bort ('nmplp•t Is leaving halve an order from road su{p• culvert
are' for Itcs•heeter, N.Y., where she will cut us to necessity and size of culvert preaohitig of tile lisprla•1, and that it which turned 11 .deuai �+whwlrict Luno
and several Valuable aulwahc have re-1I»tesixty-sixthr. in Fast \\s`w'ot srvlrhy,asln slwn,l a weak with her sisters. Mr.. required.
left Ito tiitw to devote to the athere." a mob of murkererK." '"They east lien
arutly succumbed.
\Williams will conduct his wife, Otte son and four daughters: Itubbfna said Miss gtltlwrii'e Straih•n• lis fl. NtC'i'ulii requested '4:7.11.1,1a i'trrlug ..f dully talions. They there- uta of the cih', sad stoucd hew; uud
Airman $set* . uiurd by
firutrtiuu srrt•Irae it. TrYrftt Me-' Mrs. H. A. Ituas, 1►etnr►t; Mn. MsT�.' R.N. These three sister., J on 1,1rur•etWag roods ibis cess tattler foto directed them to select "seven Ihc• wlunecaes held down their clothe.
eau far. ('renlitou : Mrs. F -'re { the inch iwproveuh•ut plan. Meso of Loses( relrurt, frill of the Holy at a yumng man's feet. whose moue
w trial stunt on Sunday nest. two others, Mrs. 'Whitely of Detroit Ghon
ritrye•talrfll•. and Mrs. Fred )$elan'i and Mrs. Chesney of Scitforth. also
\Wiugham. \piss Janet l'Itestie)• of (evelaud. will On motion of Councillors. Yang :tool p,lutt unit tvihis buaki nt'We way
lre-ie w rs+as Sattof JA th1c, stun lone
ef ithfull
Ll-'K�UW Ilio a -tarp• the re guest was granted. I 1 I I servant
g +of Jesus
to take up
__ The rngageuu•nl is announced of Ieare 13uRnlu on Juur BOW, on a 1':n the work hr Is• done "leder the road rouuuendution pleased the pr, de, uud the work.
m Diameter of the Luck- Miss Wens �blrie Ma„Donald, dough• :dols Coast. tour. The trip includes ..'he ritaut Lent's mien I -ion. Ihwy wade their choice. The first to curry it further, and alar cRr the tour
It. S. Wits: .dugs. Grand CAD- tyres ee11th. tit lila .we read that hi -
at st to r. i(7 Treasurer reported l'.1'.S. debt` tgre be chosen wits eteeheu, who -.was chnr-
n,rw- branch of the Bank of Cuwuien•ie torr of )i r. and t Ju David rtnMch4' hst ai' ('hi ed its.."it wcui full of faith and zeal for Persecuting, the church led
is taking three months holidays. Ilei of WIllgham. toJ h E tartaMteLl p I Fou. Ii,s Angeles, ties Fnunc{:,•o, \'h' stalrmrut. which awc•uat nuc .xWel-I
i toria, Wnucouver. L.ake 15 nth a incl lt•,1 'tor can• of ludi;a•aI allents. In orf fro Holy o flute, ;Liu frau pais tlm0 to "wake boyo
Is larihliug a cottage at linter "peach, .sat of Mrs al 1 Seouthahaprtun, I From this tine, whet. harutunc-seas of tlw church. entering into every
where he and lila family will spend the min J. 1t. McLeod of \\'lmunisg, rrhtrnlug to Buffalo via the 1i„s utaln for mental cases.
I deemed to prosper. "The wordofhouse
toy uwuand t,'oneucom-
nu•r. .\. E. Mfllsar. from tLe Mil- $hit. The marriage Is to of►e place
Great Lukes. The Indies purr thf tthe ,est epithet of Councillors GuldtLcxlx prison." Such zeal
fully to, the cause of the l,us p• in
1 1n
tun lureutu, is actiug mnuager in Mr. this mouth.
Wham's absene.
,au 1e
trice.. of Wamsouvrr, S
late ars e.
and grain 114Icer o s11 \muugst tag tfuysla•r who
Straiten o and \Wilson. the road is•riut,•udent l Godgrew," wt.: worth a nobler caul.' and et(
� ` N late rldl. a Alexander and Mrs. it n t
Mrs. NilUstroft and
1 glt r Bea Golerlch, and while in \';uunnscer :int tensncfllor Youuy utero• aplaanted. hei•atue dlatiplrs at fhb tier fu Jeru- allied Foul wader
?e.entl visited - 1• will visit with three br tl o•rs. making to interview Mr. l'hishulm re the re-
e 'I :aletii was a great multitude of the The Rey. putrid Brown. I).1►., 111 hos
n delightfully ant f:,tuily re--mount-icttnatrftfens* to le reldacw,i by irte•tw Arevrdirsgly-it was --to be -ex- • eo►umrntnry nays uu the se.rtewrut
with leis -know and Lp tight friends )1 r. and Mrs. John MIe en n..\Iden wire; price out to exceed `��• a cud. peeled that opposition wuutd arise. that "the witnesses laid down their
Mrs. W111iw roti is •daughter of 11*e turd. tint.. youngest announce the rugageweut mstun• The road payment ruuchers were I Thr great work that was being done by clothes at a young man's feet. whose
Jelc Mr. and Mn. Mune.. MacKenxle of thele' daughter, Winifred snood hr R Stephen. outside name est
f Lochalsh. and thio is her first visit ` Isabel. to Ernest E. flail of Toronto,' f Councillors luau and Gold,'
♦ t which he had Ixeu, designated. t n it. s ,-elm pct thrilling sat of 1
er'TP ami - trsassurer,. ase t of the care of the s Sattl :" Stich Is our lila-
o 'notionopoor u • e i n- i
to her early haute sine she left here eon of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. !.lull Of VIM- --
siruusc•dthr urguureutatheapirlt steer- tntdu.hng to his rea,{ers one to whom
forty rteceu years ago. tutu, the marriage tv take place in I �►011� 1.SM LakesVirgin FW th�ThP
'� - - ae 's report on the Jna talo foreign Jewe resident fu Jerusa-
Gu}de ahristinulty'-whether as unfolded in
Alli" chain was reeelved. oil motion of dew. When they could not meet his the New Testament or as unfolded
('uuncillure Young and Wilson, the wisdom and spirit they resorted to in the world, and wrought into the re -
court of revision on the same to be false methods of overcoming him. As iiglous thtnking and phraseology of
The clerk was instructed to herr the, held second Tuesday ha July at I pm.. in the case if the trial of Jesus, men rt,rlstenda,m-owes mese. perhaps.
, were brought who nt'eitsrt him of than to all the other ep,stles tugrthcr.
necessary bylaw prelsare'sl, printed and blasphemy and treason against his Aets 22:19,20.
July. •
Zl'Rli('H Mrs. S. E. Andrews, widow of the
hiezeh Ad. asted away
The large hank harm. stnlw shed and sudeftsaieuly rtkiaher nbornerewsuln Thursday,
hogpelt of Walter It. Miller. 14th eon- June 14th, in her eighty-first year.
cession of Hay, were totally destroyed Site had been about the previous day
quite unexpected.
by are on Saturday evening. 16th lost. and her death was 1
The cause of the fire Is unknown. AR she was born in the township of Thee.
the live stock was saved ext•ept Seven- erlmlth, her maiden name being Eliza -
teen lags• A large quantity of grata beth Johns. She Is survived by one
and feed was destroyed. The lass 1s sou, Rufus Andrews, -of Akron, Ohio. calm as trout and sw+ill•muut
pertly covered by insurance. The T.u• and two daughters Mrs. Gbbblup. of l rimon an hardlytanbe bettered,---
itered -
rich and Dashwood fire engines were Clinton, and Mrs. ,Roland Robinson, of The Park, withe its pine
on the melte, but could du -nothing ex- Los Angeles. California. 'Her husband w-ts,ds. hills, glts gloriousltg lakes
c•ep prevent tie fire from spreading died to 1890. ricers. rockys a rentable moire for th
to ueari.y buildings. The death occurred In Clluton hos-
The annual public sei'otd picnic was pital un Tuesday, June IOth, of Wil- who like a "he-man" holiday. Every
held at Grand Rend Wednesday of last Fred l'• Farquhar. sou of John Fanta• mile of Its three thousand square miles
bar of the (;ravel road- after a brief Is interesting and beautiful.
week. Ask any(Isnadian National Rail-
Tlx• death of Mrs. Jrctih 1\'olds ra- . 11►nesa. Deceased .. , was thirty-eight wows agent for loon Algonquin and
curred on June 10th at her home here, years of age. Ills wife died in Ise- whys aped literaturefull fo ,\Lata d
Jl W I I ns cv ober ltr-Xi ani three children sot,: illustrated
Algonquin $'ark, in the highlands
of 4)lttario, Is the 'ideal spot for a
roving hot 11111Y. 13uure•'2,(N10 feet above
sea level, its cool pine -scented air and
fresh. invigorating breeze" bring new
life and health to nerve -worn people.
You arty paddle or hike almost any-
where throughout the park without •
guide. The fishing -speckled trout.
after a lung illness. rs. o t o w. Park.
In1sixty-ninth year and had lived tit's, c
in this aaction all her life. Her hits- \\awh•,r-1\9111s United church, form -
bind survives. - I erly Wesley Methodist church. was de- •
Beat Ga'seltoafisa_ pwYh■»roiJ_srfr stro7M br fire early Thursday morn -
eery butanes,' at Harrisburg and he tag last. Only the walls are left of l
and Mrs. Ga.eho will remove to that the fine red brick building which stood
pace. nett? the centre of the town. Just he -
Paul Messner. from the 1'e+try. River hind the postof&e. The cause of the
y fir
arm wa
town ship, fIormerent of
Ian d layunknown.
about 2.30 o'clock al but the sblaze
friends here. had already made ui•h headway that
Charles Hartleth. of Goderteh, was '!he efforts of the fire brigude were of
a welcome visitor In the village one little a Rf•t. exeept toll reventnelthghe
slay last week. sprboring buildings. The church, prob-
BW'PH ably the fittest in town, was erected
In 1901 and had. a seating capacity of
The death of Mitts Jean Rainton oc- over 500. The building and contents
s•urred June 17th at the home of her were valued at about $60.000, with
brother, A. B. Balnton. after an 111- 025.000 insurance carried. Rev. J. E.
11055 of some months. iMrtaaed was Hogg is the present pastor.
Morn sixty-one years ago in the town- -
ship of Turntaerry and liven) for some SEAFORTH
years at Bingham. coming to Blyth In
lied. Latterly she haul spent a few At Detroit. on June 10th, Miss Mat -
years at Detroit. returning to Itivth guerlte Dougherty. daughter of Mr.
• last fall. She Is eurvived by three and hire. Patrick lieugherty. of Kin -
brothers: Harry Ballston, Great Falls. kora. seas united In marriage to Louis
Montana. A. 'It. and Frank Brinton. J. Flannery, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
'Myth, and four elsters: Mrs. Mul,0nd, J. Flannery. of Sea forth. The sere -
Saginaw. Mich.; Mrs. McKenzie, Galt; twiny was performed at Visitation
Mrs: Leach. Detroit, and Mrs. Tait, church. After a honeymoon trip to
•Landes. Toronto, Muskoka and St'sforth, the
At St. Andr('w'a manse, on We,lnes- happy couple will take up their real -
slay, June 20, the marriage of 'Awlls, dente in Detr it
slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. James 'Wil- Au old resident of Seaforth has
eon, East Wawan(r5h, to William (Low. pissed away, in the person of Mrs.
of Wtrodstiu•k, was isolemnizeil by iter. William Duggan. w•hosee death o(cur-
(lerrrge Weir. Miss Wilwotn aces this red 011 June 1:Ih at the age of eizty-
irnletant In Dr. Milne's (Seng sire the}: threes years.
threShe three 1101111 1 four des' her
past year.
Morris district Orange Lodge will ters.
hold its Annual' picnic on the rive? sin Sntiirday. Juno 16th, at the tar-
tlets et Auburn on the aftertmon of nonage. Seaforth, Rev. W. P. Lane per -
'Monthly. Jtilr 2nd. formed the marriage ceremony uniting
On Thursday evening. June 14th. the Miss Violet Irene Irick. daughter of
formal induction of Rev. Gar. 'Weir, the late Glllrert and Mrs. Dick, Tuck -4
ILA., into the pttttoral charge of St. ersmiih. to Albert Clifford hlr,s,nte, of
Andrew's United church. Myth. took Woodstock. stun of Mr. and Mr,. Thos.
paie,J a special session of the teres- Broome. of M,Kfllnp. The happy cou-
brter'y of 'Huron, 1k -stiles the clergy- , tole will reside of Woodstock.
men present, there was a large attend- Dr. II. 11. Boas and daughter, Miss
MOM' of the mender. and adherents of I'eroi r t left
list wweek on a trip to
the (siegregatirn" i ('nal ,\Is•rlinrt left last week for
Dr. r. II'. lt. and Mrt. Carr and (laugh-
TEA -,
In remote and distant parts of the world, fine
teas ars grown - wherever theyrow these teas
are procured for "SALADA" blends. The best the
world produces Is sold under the "SALADA" lab 1.
Millions know the satisfaction "SALADA" gives.
The following bills were paid:
Standard Bank, Dungannon. Mei
Standard Bank. Auburn. $'3.:N►, both
for tax collections; C.P.R.. for rent of
scales, $5.
g adjtsttlsed to July
Township Clerk.
Sethi in your news items 111111 send
then early in the week, please. It
will help us serve you better. heard t hese' i ugs ar••us•
nation and re;igluu. The high priest These Irerses are take.' from a neer+
gave Stephen a chance to answer his In which Pout.uwhen a weenier in
accusers. and his whole defence was an ,ltuusr. was given n ehnuoe, as Stephen
historical argument. hie reviewed the had been years before. to explain the.,
things whereof tie was a(cussl. He
told of Ills zeal in persecuting the fol.
!ewers of Christ. of his conversion, his
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
We guarantee our Hydro lamps
for 1500 hours use.
West tide of Square Godench
history of the Jewish nation, showing
what a knowledge lie ',ad of the Scrip-
_ whit -h they all professed to be-
lieve. Ile pointed out how the baptism_and his call to preach to the
'diets whom God laid appointed Gentiles. When he told of his inter -
teach them had been persecuted and slew with his herd the mob ncte,l very
slain. Then he finished by telling much of he himself had done. as one
them that they had betrayed and aur- t,( the enraged lnubw1r111, when ltte-
I coming had
bered the Just due whose
cam n I phew was stoned. But his %%ark was
been prophesied of old. -When tlieT I
not vet 'finished and his Itounn citi-
1 ill they were cut fol nip sated h lar that tlity.
['Me !teeth long who liveth well;
.\Il outer life is short and t•,fin.
I III' Iitetls longest i1Prestn tett
of living' ,tn ost for hen ver Iy g+utl
Minded by /MOW, it. Imminent longer of falling to ,• doe erete.sse's, .11111 'otepselled to r.itizng around -nil it
ce pac,
N+ mgren. leftet o right. Mho to ltintteerrvt too vet stilt on foot
itil effortMariano, tlippo '
each North tIhto after tih,• delis
ass blown tkrwn off North Fast fond• are believed to lie In 114•+I5'rntp strait*. It I5 pointed out hr eep•rts
flat the ten miles or sos they travel daily may 1M more than Inst while they fore 'sleeping. due to the normal
drift of the pack. Moore Is the artist's conception of the dangers ss,nfroathng them.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Godertcb
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all
hours, day or night.
PHONES: Moire 121)
1 I•'Rl(
Res '1
Gl►). i!
It is my purp(rc, lit ahuty louts,
among the W11111tllr is-iltle• of .\freest.
the touch of medicine can huge nn in•
tlue•tlee hs ripening the heart. In. luutk•
lug down superstition. and in giving u
i wider range for the entrauae of the
Wont and the gonia'$ of h.igl+t. Think
of these millions of fists. in the far
unlp•sts of progress. for front citilt-
7,41tfon, surrounded only I'• snp•r.titlolt.
whose nerves are as keenly sensitive to
pain as are your own, wile have nr,
tntriwlesige of any ta.weer or u nk_etplwr-
uuity of relief; anti who. when pain!
. touches them with its iron grasp. roust '
tteeth+ lie helpless and fitntggle in its
fearful agony until the ptln has spent
Itself, or is forever stilled in the touch
of dentin When n ntt•dlenl man t -bass
With hl+ fine oisttce amongst these
people. he sews to none as a worker
of mirnclee. Ile opens up a new
realm. he I.reaks down desert of super-
stition. its he is often the first herald
of the /'toss in the plass.. of pioneer
mission work throughout the world. -
F. I'. Lynch. M.D.
She: is It dangerous to drive with
uta hand?
Ile: You feet. More than ane fel-
1 O
el•Ian hns stn into a church doing It.
A.,• • 1.
ii'tr praise .f
hrstingrr, seeth-
ing etualit.rs.
Dr. J".. Aug. Simla. of St. s iot-
(!u„ . arites:--
"1hn. fm.invnily used Minar'is
l..nim•n' and al., prrarrit,e it. Ler
r,y hn'"•nia always with the and
gas' N fV r'^nlu. and f enn.ider
it the h, -•t 'I -round 1.iniii""''.
(' A. X,rt. M. t,. ales rt•rnmmrnds
Snarls in the following word.: —
"I have usr'l Min,rd• liniment
myself as well as prraeribr'd it is
my premie• when • liniment was
re.,uirnt, and have never falbd
in Err( the drairod of fart". ft
1L e otter y a
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