HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-22, Page 204 Very Important People ‘ tkv, uchr 04. Id& Of, 04 ill liktor z114 zoo • • • lip Op 00 4 • .4. • 4. • • 1-0 ye, go die 00 04it 04'• OP "Our "Our Warmest Christian Greetings" ELMER and JOHN er Umbach Discount Pharmacy PA.' Ivittny THE LIMKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1976 Lucknow W.I. The ladies of the Lucknow Women's Institute enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner at 12.30 p.m. in the Anglican Parish hall, catered to by the Anglican ladies on December I4th. Following the dinner, the presid- ent Mrs. A. J. Wilson read a Christmas poem to begin the meeting. It was decided that beginning in January. our meetings would be held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 12.30 p.m. The roll call was answered with a Christmas recipe. For the program. Mrs. George Kennedy presided and opened with the reading of a "Christmas Prayer". A report Of the area, 'convention which was held at Chesley was given by Mrs. Stuart MacGillivray. Mrs. Waltet Alton gave a reading "The Things of Christmas" and was followed by .a very enjoyable piano solo "Silver Bells" and "Star of the East", by Mrs. Stuart MacGillivray. • */e're wishing all our neighbors and friends the best that Christmas has to offer, and much more. Many thanks for your loyal, continued patrtnage. FRED McGEE AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. SALES BACKED BY SERVICE FRED McGEE AND STAFF The motto, "Getting ready for • Christmas" was presented in a comical skit by Mrs. Jim McNaugh- ton, Mrs. John Collinson, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. George Kennedy and Mrs. R, Leddy. It eoncluded 4 with the singing of Christmas carols: A contest• on christmas, carols was eonducted by ' Mrs. Harry Nixon, with Mrs, A. Wilson winning the prize. Mrs. Jim McNaughton presented every member with a rose corsage which she had made. The meeting concluded with finding out who our Sunshine Sister had been for the past year and presenting her with a gift. PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Climate Key to Time of Holy Birth CaCC an, aft The evidence that the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethle- hem took place in the dry season, that is; before the onset of winter, depends to some extent on what we know, about the climate of Palestine today, which, scholars believe, is not very different from what it' was during the time of Jesus. The annual mean tem- per a t ur e is a pleasant • • • 0 RIsTNIAS THE As the Christmas bells gladden your heart, we wish you a Happy Holiday. BEATTY'S BEAUTY SHOP 0 enough 62.8 degrees Fah- renheit, with a range from a. high of '112 degrees. to a lot, in winter of only .12 degrees. • While the lowland Plains; nearer the Mediterranean Sea, receive heavy 'rains from November to April, . winter in the hills can bring biting frost, bitter winds and even snow. - ' ' • a.zareth, the city of •' Jett's, was a town of . some note in southern Galilee, near .the western edge of the fertile plain of Esdra- elon. This area provides more . clues to the time of the journey for schOlars who look to the. still fertile and well-watered hills of Galilee and into the less favored • hill country of Judea, where , the cultivation of grains, olives and vines- tended to give way to the grazing of sheep, especially in the dry season. • So it can also be assurned that,,,„the holy journey was during the dry season .by looking to the Bible in which Saint Luke says that in the same country. were shepherds loOking over their flocks. People of all ages' and all walks Of life" dirimportant and essential • inbs.as Ktd Cmss volunteers, -a- YOU CAN HELP TOO. ow n IN THIS WORD. the-hopes and dreams of America and many . other Countries .are echoed. Almost every day we hear of demonstrations in protest agairitt wars. Perhaps, young man or young woman, you have partiCipated in some .of these: Per- hapt you • are sure that if, somehow, we can all learn to love one another. and understand each other; that 'a whole new, wonderful world will .be born. Peace and happiness will rule and people 'will be freed from the shackles of hate and fear. • But let us pause here . for a mo- ment You may have thought that peace is something which can exist only between people or 'between' na- tions. But there is another kind of peace, It is also the deepest and most meaningful, peace that one can ever. experience. Let "us see, dear /friend, why it is that 'you need this real peace we.are talking about, The Word Of God says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" irtom. 3:23). Sin it disobedience• to the rules God has given us in the Bible. No one .is capable of keeping these rules Therefore, you and I and the 'rest. of the world have been actually warring 'against God. "The carnal mind is enmity against God: fot it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Rom. 8:7), However, God icnoWs that we- can- not 'meet up . to. Hit standardt,• and He has provided means whereby we can be. at peace with Him. "There- fore being juttified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 5:1). -for God so .loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, .that 'whoso- ever believeth in Him should not. perish, but have , everlasting We" )John 3:161. If you continue in Your war against against God, however. He Will have no choice because of His just na- ture, but to commit'. you to eternal punishment. But here we see all the radiance and beauty of the love of God:*He offers to you His Son; Jesus Christ, who • has submitted Himself to bear the judgment that - was due • to. you. Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for you; my friend. and He hai risen again from among the dead. He is living' now, ind it is through His present life ,that you.' by confessing to God your sinful- " nest and aggtession .4igainst Him. and claiming the Lord Jesut Christ 'as your Substitute, may haVe eternal life "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep ,your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:71. Here is the peace ,that you need. Won't you ake tiod's offer of peace right now? •