HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-28, Page 61
r T
6 •Thursirley, June 3g, 19943.
\[The Weekly Farm Bulletin
Growl"' during the post 'tett ttaya• lu
both Eastern and Western Ontario,
baa been remarkable, an prospects
are mutat improved over wbat they change In cheese storage, eowlwra-
were twe week ago. At the same Neely. In the twelve months ending
time it cannot be denied that every- April, Itr. s. • t'unada imported well
thin is two we'ke behind normal and, over 14.010.000 pounds of butter, near-
that�bny, generally sls•nklug, will eel twi
Ib.mttt'hry ta1,.In the lre'tho-argn(ater
abort. Westeru and ('entre! Ontarto 1 quantities in storage. and the new
re in better condition than is thea l'. S. dairy rcgulutious diverting much
,a1 rn chit of the Province, where milk and cream to butter -waking. the
very `wet Weather has. prevailed since ,itualt1n is tightening up for the man
early spring and many low-lying fields, I who sells butter fat.
and in some cases whole farms, have Not the Only Ones.
not yet been touched. The ;me bright 1 Canadians are not the only °nee '
sive for the Eastern Ontario fanner feeling the sgiwwxe of keeucr wile•
is a strung market for cowl and a. tithe. The latest issue of the Dairy 1
rising price for e'heest•. News Lettet coutaina several signitt- I
Spreading It Along. cant items "For a period tit' three i
In these days of labor shortage any year* Netherlands; butter exports in- I
method of racing or better employing; creased practi.ully forty per cent.
tiee commands attention. A -Huron; 11.wever. the export value adv:e11c,.1
county farmer, writing in Tile Can -'„lily twenty-three per cent. eine,. iUr24.
aline is trymau ,T•,roptol, asserts,._Awning rhat the ,rite of butter has ;
that much me dune by Sale, tion of i declined cuusideru�:y . ur ng ,
crops. For instance, he plans his fur- three years.'. 'The dairy Indus.;
ty aere
n tii-
re f grain se, 11un only, feu acres, try in Argentina has opted through
each of tall wheat, barley, mixed limpet drought. The I
grain, and amts. The wheat is out. aud planet no effort to Improve Mill fu-
sta,ked and sometimes hauled In be' j ther the quality of its; praluct and has
• for• the barley is ready; the barky hal alai".rated new classes of butter whie•b
at least vett and stcoke�l before the, eatee met with fitiv,nable a‘-eepla1ce in i
mixed grain nerds arteut'ou; and the! Fylglaud. the
principal market." i
me on still later. The hay I "Latvian export butter continues ti
ele7. show that this year there WRe
almost 3.70 00.000 pounds of butter on
hand agaiu•t a litticever 1,5t1O.O(MI the
year before: hut that there was little
ty ac a u nu uusatisfaetory period awing 10 1N.„.
tomes on to be eel ata time; fru acres industry hx-
tale oats to .
is haiitPeel In the same way; urn acres improve in quality. as is evident frau
of alfalfa ore u'tel out of the way by rhe f„ietwpig dant published hy the I
the time the mixed clover and timothy' Latvian State Butter Control." -
muet he eat. , -The tendency .twill be for production 1
Frust l Fes. , to increase t South Africa n. Unless
The first fruit and vegetable crop re- haul consumption increases at a tor -
port of the seaihon, issued this week,; re.a,nding rate. we ahx11 hare a grow- l7KENNELL'J UKF:.\�1 OF
states that blossom prospe•ts were ing surplus for eslort." 1 Sir Wilfred N ELl (I
never more promising for a generally' iu other word•, all ever the world upper left (, dor
good crop of fruit in all producing Pro-; butter-pr.slncing countries are worry- til,lor by his work in their behalf. D
fruit ha 1 ing over markets and are endeavoring the picture, upper right, exatuiuing one o
(Mtgwelitlen fu Household Science and
I}vr [stork Judging at Seaturth
The wxuud uuuuul live stock tint
household science judging competition
for llurou eouury was hld at Sea -
forth on Friday, June u 22nd. to There
competitions were ole
farmers and Juulor Women's Insti-
tutes of the county as well as any
young wan or young woman twenty-
six years of age or under. The entries
were not large, but the quality of the
work was excellent.
Tli• competition for household
science consisted of cle'eses lit mite-
11uu. house furnishing And clothing.
!lira Mettle M(Elrily, of Blyth,
was high girl in the competition 111'1
year. again carried off the honors
with a wore of 540 out of a possible
tela) points. She reoelred from the
hands of the donor. Mr. Thus. Ni.
Milian. M.I'.. a very beautiful sits
flower basket. The first six girls iu
order were as follows:
Melaka McElroy; ltlyth, 546 polute;
Bertha Iloggart, Myth, 544; Mr. De
%Pett Strong, 'Fordwich, 544; Mary
Wood. Blyth, 53'2!4 ; Margaret Eigle,
Kip{s•Pi. :i23es ; Eva Pi arleftr Walton,
The winners of the individual)
classes teeeived silver .eake plates.
while the seeond, third and fourth'
a la the c nesse retired .
curb prizes. Wiuuers of the indlt•i
Juni classes are as follows:
Nutrition-iliertha Hoggurt. Bly-t11.
1S7 volute; Melia McElroy. 111th.
180; Mrs. De Welt Strong. Ford w - Int.
1244: Mary Wood. Myth. 1}Ctle.
House t'urniehlug-Mrs. Ile \Vett
Strong. 'Forl;wich, PCI points; Eva
Scarlett. �Valtou, 171Pe ; Bertha Hog-
gart, Blyth, 176; Jean Me'Vittle. ltlyth,
1624. -
Clothing -Margaret EIgie. Kimmel,
1Salty points: Mary Wood. ltlyth. 1246;
Louise Matthews. Fordwich. 1243;
.Janet Atkeuhead. Brucetkld, 179.
The tompe•tltlon was under the
supa•rvlale'n of Miss Edith Zacitz. lilt.
No. '2. llderton. She was Resisted by
Maas Beggs. Miss Knee. and Mr*. A. E.
Apringstead. All of these Indies are
imembers of the Institute Branch,
l Toronto.
The live Mock judging competition
I hoeing ten classes of
tor Sufi tui--i„11:�r%- has+ endeared himself to the 11 1114ee of Lah-
r. Carl Eden ach, _nue of the donors at the mission, i+ seen in
f the many lratlerts who go to the hospital ship. .\t the lower
••e n Mutat:led by Slr Wilfred at St. Anthony lalauti.
vince*. A. the amount O(
little relation to -the amount of blos-' in ever- wry to improve their lositioo
tum, except that a small showing of by improving quality and increasing
blossom could not possibly produce a' consumption.
left HIV three of t}( :•111x11 charges of the 11rpnann.
Tlir tiny Eskimo on the lower right is one of the dew -goal. of Eskimo children widese physical welfare le
booked lifter by tl:e doctors id the hospital ship that travels through the islands in the frozen north.
' Bringing Them long.
1 of frit no attempt to esti-
mate yields will be made until after Now that the worm weather Is here.
the -June drop." Conditions Over all but tile ;very late chkke can go out
Eastern Provinces generally during ulfnitags. to advantage. 1 field of
the period of bloom were wet and cool,.alfa is a littlt e taller a field henthe
and the set of fruit may not measure star , 1
up tff expectations. Unless something makes good range for young
entirely unforeseen happens, however. t and if you have both handy the cum-
Ontario will harvest a heavier crop of bivatiou touted to beaten.
all tree fruits than it did last year,' - Pullets fill range In warm %eutber
about the same quantity of +trawler• 1 do Hot need elaborate shelter. A roof
ries. and somewhat less M ni+pberrtes. wide enough to protect the roosts
Plenty of ids. from beating rains Is all that Is ne-
Giteu u reasonable seubuu, conilrwed eesaary, unless there is danger from
potato eaters should be able to obtain I two or four -footed vermin. Last
their rations next fall and winter. The simmer the writer's pullets ran In a
atrly double'hut of last year age in Ontario tand estimated
t'he late and roosted on a fete* and obeneath rchard la tliy ekk
acreage at a ten per cent. rise. Itt I row of pines at night. They did well.
Quebec and the Marlttmes the are*!-- A eonstaut supply of water and feed I
planted is set at practically the same is of course netclsa r,v. An active
ul- I
let' will pick up a good part
living, but she cannot le expected to .
grow to egg -laying size unless she is
fed and watered. t versed to the jungle. The sncee1a of
Cherry Fruit Files. , banana culture. oout4Pd with the em -
At this particular season the cherry pl(yment of thousands of men and the
fruit fly gets in its pestiferous work. use of modern transportation and eme-
lt is responsible for those Tittle white{ munication facilities, have once again
worms you see wriggling in the ripe! made these lands neoweary in the
now is the time to smite it, according w he It of 111110(afmecivilization. pe
cherries a few weeks fromnowoand \ fleet of nine( ateamahigr't stye-
0 P f ial Fntomelogfat (*Meter.; tem of railroads, which, if laid in a
1 L
Iol• tuff a Century
the Standard.
Successful Treatment
as 19''7. The prairies report a deNn
increase and 'British Columbia an
equally definite decrease. disappointed b
B. C. onion -growers, y
last year's market conditions, have re-
duced have
tees u plantings. somewhaattario more grow-
_ars hate 1 t in
,the increase is not 4111 great as was ex-
pecte! earlier. Winds did consider-
able damage In the Leamington and
Erieau sectors.
Appreciation of good peed and its
value is growing. according to direct-
ors of the Canadian Seed Growers' As-
sociation. wbich held its annual meet-
ing at Quebec a few days ago.
demand for registered seed was such
this' year that the "twisty hi*.e inade-
quate in round nnmber+a
of registered seed .old during the
year was: Wheat, 714,000 bushels; oats, A Natural Mistake .
.57,1No; Carley, 17.Iao; alfalfa, Moto A R
pounds In addition, conslderable
quantities of seed of sweet clover, tur-
nips+. flax and peas also qualified and
sold uuder registered grade. Many
members of the Asseoctatteir -*he
dinerily sell mueet of their crop thnrugh
ray ut• f \nw York to
'Two appllcatlon.. at a ten-day ]Ater- lbw. wmald reac•b tum
St. Minnesota ; innumerable
arsenate of lead to 40 gallons of water tramway even., thou.ande of toe
will end the career of the fruit fly. As i motives and cars: radio stations that
they may also feed on the foliage of I rim the tsointrlee of the Caribbean -
other fruit trees, and will fly for rev -i alll,peuntri n deliveryte their
fruit from
ern! huiired feet, it Is advisable to
Spray other trees nearly as well as, the Tropics to the markets of the
cherries. '
rel. of one and one-half puund11 1 • t. Paul, t re
Fashion Fancies
little Irl. somewhat riven to
exaggeration. Said that she had seen a
STOP TO THINK 71 lion in the hack yard. Iter .mother
reprlved her and told her She must ask
Goal 10 forgive her for telling aitch a
resident of the story. 'Next morning -tier father aiked
Victor M. Cutter, p her if she had done what her mother
the ordinary commercial channels. re United Fruit Company, says: told her. "Yes. daddy:' she .rids "1
Serving only a part for registration
THAT it is a fact at the centennial talkwl in God about It, and He .x11.
and sale ns seed, tumid that they had 1 expxlsltlot 1t Philadelphia in 1!476, I 'That's all right, little girl. I thought
reserved far ivo little to take Sire of bananas wrapped in tinfoil were sold I it was a lion Myself when I first
the demand. IIS n rarity. Today battens are sold in looked at IL"'
At the Same Time- ,livery city, town. and hamlet in the I -
At the seine meeting Dr. Robert I-nilee States. The development of HOW DELICATE GIRLS
Magi!. secretary of the Winnipeg the leonine trade in one of the ro
Grain Exchange and well-known au-
thority on the grain and seed trade,
gave some interesting figures which he
interpreted as alarming indications of
the lowering of quality of Western
1 f '4•
Canadian Rrtln. out v
of 1927 Wheat Incl eeted at Winnipeg.
be said. only (Inc graded No. 1 hard,
only one ler tent. No. 1sNorthern,
and only 6 to 7 per cent. No. 2 North-
ern. 'He admitted that drip ieeiteon of
1927 had considerable to do with this
result. but held that a more impertent
cense ons cnrelessne.++ in selection „f
varieties aril quality of seed.
Tightening Up.
Dominion bureau of stall-tlrs flower
for holdings of butter. and else*. in
Qanada 1111 May 1: 1tr2 . and Mat 1.
consisted n 1
stot•k. Orel reasons were taken on
WHITEWASH ttPist7Alfr fire classes. It was possible for the_
Train on English Railway Marks lays to make a total score of 7fd,: The
following are some of the high totals:
Si'° That Neel Repair., Wm. A.•hihald, Seaford'. . (till
Travelling on the main tire. df the piing; Warren Zurbrlgg. Gerrie. 1100:
Great Western Railway is a myater' twin Johlk•afSe,f rth. (137; Rota:
bus train which neurea in no time-
table and never stops at stations to coh.
Dlyth, tt"A1; (ianlon Reynolds.
, pick up passengers. Seeforh. 149; Robt. Connell. l'almer-
1ts coaches contain not more OAS stop• 047.
a dozen people, and it pauses only , The high man and second high man
j now and then between stations. ' revered a silver cup and silver medal
The train is known to omc•lals as n•spseticely. Mr. W. G. Medd. M.1'.!'..'
the "Whitewash Special." its duty 11111 Mr. ('. Robert sen. Y.P.Y.. very
to to test the permanent waY, and kindly suppllett the funds for the par-'
I' de fr. m Pad- hies Yr Medd 1
If you are planning a trip
by aeroplane, automobile,
boat, bus, bicycle or railway
train - surely your object
is to have a good time.
The only logical end of a
perfect day is a good night's
sleep, and no time is a good
time if you've got to wander
around from pillar to post
trying to find a bedroom.
That happens too often.
Ensure a good night's sleep
by telephoning ahead for a
room. It is the only sure
way. The very fact of hav-
ing removed the doubt will
make you light-hearted -
more capable of enjoying
your trip.
for this runs are ma hale of tbeae trop .•
dington to such sleeves as Plymouth-- leas on hand to present them to the
and Newport, the engin•• drawing pas- "awl-. The following la the fist of
lthl•g stock of various kinds rho prize -winners of each of the,
fitted with different logb•e. elxstes:
Over each bogie stands an obeerv- lt.,rnrs-Fwlwln Jahns: Sraforth. 149
ere and when he feels 1 whitewahteatsh
paints;Gordon Reenolet1. Seaforth,
Jolt he releases a spot o[ whitewash j{24: \Niles Me•('artney. Sea forth.
1/f, t Elwood Stackbouae. SPAforfh.
Reef Cattle --Orval Me(;owen. Rlcth,
132 points; Elwood Stack! se. Items -
field. 131: Jas. lielntoah. Sen forth.
131: Wilson Me('artney. Seaforth. 14.1
on to the track. Various Colored
washes are used -red, green, white.
blue, and yellow -so that It Is know*
which bogie was most affected and
the spot that needs attention,
In the back of the train a meats'
makes a graph of all jolts.
On the return Journey stops era !/airy Cattle -Eldon Stoltz. Auburn.
made to examine the line where weak 127 points; Dave Melntosh, Senforth.'.
has been dropped, and technical ex- 12S: Rohl. Connell. Palmerston. 1`.S:'
take measurements and notes t)rval McGowan, Rlyth, 119.
Sheep -Dave McIntosh, Sea forth.'
14:1 pointe; Gordon Reynobls. Sea- j
forth. 141; Frank Reynolds'. Seaforth, 1
141; Harvey Johnston. Brnsael1, 1119.
Swine-.Robt. Archibald. Se•aforth.
1424 points; Robert Connell. Palmer -
piton, 140; Esbeln Wood, Blyth, 135:
Middleton, Clinton. 134'_iier
els -
for future repairs which will ensure
smoother running.
Dipping Into the Putin e.
Dipping into the future of Canada,
Dean R. W. Brock, of the faculty' of
applied science Un'versit,v of British
- "Columbia, beton' too Canadian Glob, $tewsrt eon, n - 1
foresaw a pottul•ttlof in the Dominion old Bolton, Dublin, 134.
tin the heart of the
publictbi �stnic department
stores' .nd theatrrs ver
st from the noise or
the CittA".-
i •
An important note this season le the
repeating of the treatment of the neck-
line •t the waist. 'Fur instance. if
there is a collar tying at the side, the
belt fellow* the line 11f the collar and
ties at the ride.
The !UMW thing (-e-urs on the feel.
in 111e illustration, which ((r111ists of a
blouse of black Crepe de Chine. and a
skirt of red, black and white plaid.
The blouse. which fa a tuck -in morsel.
has a scarf tie of the plaid material.
and is joined to the flared aklrt with
a wide belt.
f 200,000.u(o and a stupendous
Growth in Industry and trade never
oefore seen in the history of the
Dean Brock bleed his assumption county and Meters. 47. Y. Cnnekshenk
on analysis of exirting conditions In and i . A. Wiggins of Huron comity.
F.uropo, In elation to temperature, The ere stork Indeed WWI contributed
rainfall, coal, resources and elevation. be tate following: Robert Royce.
From these reties could be establish- Rrostdfeot Bras., Aex. Wright, George
ed the potential population and tin- McCartney, Melvin Crich. Roy Pepper.
ada'o could be estimated conserve- li'm. Irwin and James McIntosh.
Uvely as strove. This took no heed of
The (eo,mpetitlon was ander the (11 -
the vett northern empire. rectio►t of Agricultural Representative
The judges for the lice stock
judging competition were Messrs. W.
K. Riddell and .4. E. Donald of Bruer
county. Mr. A. D. Rnnlon of Middlesex
Ring Charles' Chair.
The chair used by Charles I. dur-
manees of business. From small
Famous Tour of Contrasts--
'anttaata- log his trial at Westminster Hall was
pinnings homily more than agenera-ARE ".lcrotis Canada and Bark" afterwards In the possession of Wil..
ttou ago, It has developed into a great MADE STRONG] \`r' /striking
alks agtafetttup �I °�m��k+ Tour.- known kn wnsnnmxcd cal terries; 1nCox. a aDlrmion ng,
industry which employs more filen
`tts,taal men, has under actual cultiva• Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep' which lex re's North Toronto station ham as ane of the founders In 18211
e cn T
ne crate
t I 1
School of
o tractunder the
plantations I r
to s1 1 23 in
Winnipeg.' to IIx ear us t UpTheir Vitality L/Mr p.m. on J I y
Il Milt
w•hft•h, large
together, are of Oren Laird, is the fact that many is about to be transferred to south
half again As 18rge ns the State of it should to home in mind that tourist* Are Coming fiver from (levet I, Kenatncton �ivaeum.
Rhode Island, and hag nearly every pale. bloodless girls noes) plenty of
ppn*e of human actt*lty from scrotum- nourishment. plenty- of sleep and r• Itritirin to take pert in the journey. '
tics t., lutrness-makTTn lisp eltte,l .AI. odor nut -of -,torr• exercise. Jtul a Tlje ei.'ehl aleetcel milIIo Otero" Ten -y' Mar) Marl eus�tlw(m n sritul
leek of appetite nn,1 tired. aching train "'Mel willcarry the Pti 3
is Trhe
I the Dominion 1. the equal in ell re- arship, Sod e•ri11 telling her mother
rhe germing of bananas in emitter- limbo tend if; hinder progress su To .set% of the femora "Tran* CSna(ta 1 alont the papers.
vial quantities presents numerous in- sine rhe weak. thio-bloode,l sna.•r„r. Llmlteol." There are no diflknitle'. 10 Thr subjast for an es ay had tarn:
inabl'ng problems In the North lir„- 1 Ape mese have neve i't blood. and
inable farming osxlsists 11f grouping 1 nothing masts 11 case of this kind Po Laird. 1ho h11rw treor'llwho has Sinclair 1
1y 1 end alter discounting en r1lrlg Ionbimindfngnlhe'
revenge s„ ,Is to keep dow•u overhead.' well as Dr. Iv e'hims' fink fills. '1"n,•w' tainted server similar trips. has rade 1 hefty. helping her mother 40 wash up,
'Chis lass edum L impossible In banana pills net only enrich end 11t1•rea-e eft'•, the writ' *mo11th leftripe. . look- xnd w( oa. \tory coded with the
forming. A plantation may toe renaly Mood snppl-, they hell, the appetite' hags for the tall are already cxcgo umlaxing statement; •'And then i pixy
I the w.•nrcbrother."•
be -
G. R. Paterson and Aasiiterlt Re-
presentative G. A. Yceagtte.
to herr^st. and a ehuldorm may lay' and nl1 ;11 estlon relieve thornily larva and all pier ons a game 11f .hem with my
oLe-frnit tint oa the ground. .\ year's bark end limbs, rhos bringing u'"t Are expiated to p" be the IonrI. The 4'he.s:" wieder' her neither. "But
labor is gone. Itut experience has health mid strength and transforming cloe4 r- 1 Itinerary Includes dope at all the im• yon can't play chess:"
shown that in the Triple.. wlndstorma nnnenli,• girls xnd wnnieu Into. cher'r i.{ortent ettie1 and towns en route and -I know, mother. i wanted to put
the ',panty ap+ot1 In the 1(1 ky 31;u1 11 dominos... but I couldn't spell it!"
lain.. {unit 111111 1nke ionise. tempi-,
tow r•nmp. Mild Nuinstrixl centres.. Ai
writ aeries K+$,tellily l oke. a itcam- 1
ship trip from Vote -mover to Victoria
"Now don't forget
to brio me Dr. Chase's
Norse Food. I ern feeling
se maa& betterI don't want
tie Wee a single dose."
Dr (hares of me hind
enol ex.essive rnfnstorms are usually fol. happy people.
mud therefore• plantation* •are The ,sluWilliams' of Dr. 111iams' fink
!•w,-Ittteral over 4(1110 ares* lu order l'ills in _The cline efoenacmle girls is
that nt all times fruit may 1e secured proved hy the case of Miss l.uey 1411led-
in order that .tenmahip1 play be tilled ,fart. Mar7g*rettllle, N.K.. who Nutt:
amt Northern markets needled. -'From the age of 12 to 15, 1 war In an
lemmas as are Invoirlably gathered absent/. rsrmditlnn. i we. eery thin
grt4'n, because there is tau such thing.' and *etyma, had no appetite and had
even In the Tropics, ns ripe. edible I no etesins to take part In fate doings of
Isirinnns being -taken from the strut.
If,n banana ripenn In the field. it de-
o-elopew mien fruit sugar that 1t
earl- bursts tot akin, and Ale. and
birds attack it, tui tont. the Jamaican
those of my age. My mother got tonle
titter tonic for me. hit they did no
eery little good. Then Dr. WIII'Ima'
!'Ink l'i la WPM. recommended and
almost , from the flag they eer'merl to
or 'Honduran who deairPR to ripen a j be jest w'ilxt wan Heeled *0 rettewP my
rtelu of bananas for his own use care strength. 1 got up in the morning
folly cute the green fruit and hangs 1 feeling 'hright and active, and ready
it np In 111* verandah are that It will for work or play. /tines.then 1i hate
nlwnya taken it couple of boxes of 1)r.
WIllinms' Pink Pill. In the spring as
a torte and have thus kept la fee (rot
of condition "
Every weak girl should promptly
follow the example of Miss 2t,sldart,
feeling sure that the p111. will renew
reached a hag degree health. Von can get the pills
rplopment. 'Rin civilization was fit from any medicine (heeler or by moil
atroyed by the Spenila, and for neer at fat cents a box from The i)r. Wil
thaw hundred yt'�re tbes* lands fee llama' Modiein0 ('n, BroekNlle, (rot.
ripen tinder exactly the ramp MINH-
tlmnn as tittle used, In a more northern
it is Interesting to note that when
tM. wintry was discovered civiliza-
tion along the 'Morel of the Milano*
the C,rtMMan had
h pegree of ointment de -
and return end another truine down'
the 4lrext Lakes Add variety to n holl-
liy loth delightful and edttcetiun1l.
There Is nota moment in the ?Monty -
one (11ya Iva .te11 sod everywhere
thrnnghrntt the Neese ere Ilse+ a most
hearty welcome ntcnit4 the visitors.
Ererythtng\ 111 Included from Toronto
ems return In the, rem of $330.00.
Auk W. Fulton. Canadian !'acific
Building, Toronto• for tour Iltersteire
now. 2t
An Indian %'t'rdk4
"Nome hu.Ines; men iry advertising
BO the indlen tried feather.." sagely
tr'marke a writer. "ile had heard
Chet the white man derived conotder-
ahle comfort from sleeping 'el feath-
ers. so he took one, laid I1 on a board
and glee nn It ell night. in the morn-
ing he remarked "White men soya
feather heap soft ; white man fool."
Tota aro sere to need scene
handy reamed for Sunburn.
11.06E1 Stings. Thorn Scratches,
Bore Places. Zam -Bak has bene
proved tots(' the beat. Take •
w th yea.
fen Ile. d Oman& as/ Seem
Dt K
He can ,�-�• _k
one -r.. 11k`an
down buys
a C. C. M.
That boy of yours doesn't need
to fret any longer for a bike.
We're selling genuine C.C.M.
Bicycles on very special terms -
just • small payment down plus
• few weekly payments of
approximately $1.00 or $1.00
(depending on the price).
This special offer is a wonderful
chance to give him Summers of
health and fun. Make • point
of dropping In any time this
week to look over the bicycles.
Bring the lad (and the girl
-» let's talk it over.
We carry a big stock of
Red Bird and Cleveland
Cor. Victoria and Elgin Ave.
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal _
Coke -
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
Quantity of Good Hardwood ha
various lengths
I ran supply your wants ID
any of the above fuel. Prompt-
romptservice and reasonable price..
Telephone 178j Goderich
Clubbing List
The &anal sad The Termite
obe .... _. _......._....._ 146.60
ThGle Signal ani Toa Toroab
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The Landon
Adse. 6.50
The Sieaavertil r ad The tendon
Free Press 6.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Mail and Empire 6.50
The Signal and The Fawners'
Sun 3 25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.0
The Signal ad Saturday
Night 6.50
The Signal and Saturday
Evening Post 4 75
The Signal and The New
Outlook 31.110
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardens .. 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic
Reeerd 3.75
The Signal and McLean's
Magasino 3.76
The Signal and Montreal Wit -
renewal 3.85
sew 3 511
The Signal a n d World
Wide renewal 4.25
sew 3.85
The Signal and Youth's
Companion 3 75
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly 6 76
The Signal and Rod and
Gun 3.85
The Signal and The Can
Cowwtryeaew 2 15
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals May Be Had en