The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-22, Page 12wr ART ANDREW CILEAIWATELEILONDA oNtrAdtko EDUCATIKTMIL • MITEHOREFEES 11 wish the Ontario iraD Anthotkam would give me the opportunitn` s to write an awe in entlkusiastic support of some of the .work they ,are doing- At the gtreSenit time there art three reasons why Il do not feet at aTh to write' such an article ft fte ".4 . . • :zi'; *4. MERRY CURISTIPIAS twata'szormiiTritaivaira,ttlieskilles-,with holt okIcgmetiung -s„...diiireett testteLa effyett. !fiance& tmumry, &eery- elhr yttlInam1;;tsliwaililitaitato KEMP'S GENERAL STORE Garres,,RERNCEamielV11311111T ir .1111 'Tis the seasart for joy, thoughtfulness ‘; than-1s yous,.. SO we're faking time to ..sov th'at, and wish you a very Hoppy:,,,,tfoirom, C & M TRANSPORT GERRIE GLENN INC. GERRIEANDIEINKX: ANGELA., ANIMA, ANDREW, AMY "WC VASE VIMEL11111. TIME ILUCKKOW 5ENTINIEL* LIMO". ("1"1" Views On Ontario Education and - ate: 011E' Outing the Igttas and to ws im tft 'Auergaraties11971 the EtagvelanictrcomPtetetFE 1;a1 craza6)Wet . errtgbaNimf- the importance off effective teaching Of world history. I92)3 i t111tE6g(1),...•:.. Ehttiot tie rairsuusae of ls hive taken tlie , .0 attitude toward the ,lBtertsh ttilingttall problem For a time daring the 19tiOt there was a Void opportunity, for the 0. 0.orto triosss of the Reath langtmaw iat tile et tI, ai t ie is Cite reason ,ffortltis- wasthat seemedtutte gteater awareness that has &wring nations and these the Trench and the in part.* the ne trench • as the late Daniell Fthreatiirrnall 'decidittil to d sometbilis about simglest and most effective action they wadi have taken wouldi ' have been to have all the al me gartem schools in rt;••.e3,,,B have coauettstitira- Inamih as a gut off their course of study- Each ram' ••-• advanced they to tame cermensa- rieia4ii as part athltiZ COLUTle Qif St114.. There is no question in my taint thar sigh• a grogram impel* handle& would have had Vie students'mom the way to being bilingual bit the tine they Mme secondary students. En spite of the act that learMng a new :tannage is ”. MHO& for many stag Rrgrmft, aeartre aueto sgeark dos taltiplageS should mit he considered an outstmchttgmei il.wtkveattent_ Bluing spent QUer, thirty years in a French majority community II have had many CC • 0/111 t WI hear vounsters speak thready in eilher French or EttgrniEr. Ott mote than one accasibm Blume heard a former • giTted Ergrish school] t-yeleffer vatic( I crid scone Ntatunieer work in a retarded school rentark that while • „ she =MI speak to the retarded 1 =dents In ;gist one tangUage they .! ws afire to regly to tier lit two jantuaggs- _ Th action taken by the UntarK Fewtrionari was nt. Pittilit many ,u=e0ii-frary • Frenth scliocrIS. ad (iVer etillribt. This Wharf- program has such an air of segaratenn about It that i canmit hag- but miss the goat off*heing benefit to real) Canadian biringuar- isnr.. II would tietps the gresent SitInerOtn, fT alt our secondary -schools liecarne known as "Canad- ian Secondary Schoors—.. Re We effort of the eehall GaVermnent concerning bilingual- ism, II have read on Clifferellt occasiims where the writer.- have exgressed the opinion that the FecteraL Government has attempted dit far too amok in too short a thne. The time has sureLY cone for •'tax payers tri become informed as to, how much money has been spent promoting biling- ualism during the fast ten years and then go aliteut seeing what can heAute •to curbs this unnecessary extravagance, During the last =Hier of years the et • "o, Fshicatiormt Authorit- ies have been =believably back- ward4tr publicly exgressing their indignation, as to the langttage and violence that hue been presented to a long suffering discriminating movie going public the motion picture indhStry. now .oresers , .:ar I is els I.: