HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-22, Page 10 A LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH . Rev. L. Van. Staalduinen Pastor FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 10:00 p.M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas . Service 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th 10:00 a.m. and 2:30,p.m. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 New Year's Eve Service 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 Ne;1‘ Year's Service 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Listen, to the Back to God Hour Message of Today MK Sarnia, 8:30 a.in. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m. • Radio dial 560 dr 41P. Air IP 4P dir I. 4P 4P alOP 411IP Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn. Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 , 'SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26thi 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 401. I 41.' Alr I .411P 41IP - KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL. CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst 10 a.m. Sunday. School 11 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday 'at 8 p.m. C.A. (Young People) , Friday • at 8:00 p.m.' "I know Cancer can be beaten" Mrs. Florence Bendall Burlington, Ont. Cancer can be beaten. Your 'dollars are needed now to continue the, battle. Give hope a boost. When a • volunteer calls, be generous. CANADIAN 'CANCER SOCIETY RE: STORE HOURS NO I Discount •Dave's Will BeOp • en AU Day MONDAY, DEC. 27 • THURSDAY, DEC. 23 - CLOSED AT 2 P.M. • FRIDAY, DEC. 24 - CLOSED ALL 'DAY • CHRISTMAS DAY - CLOSED ALL DAY • NEW YEAR'S EVE - CLOSED AT 2 P.M. • NEW YEAR'S DAY - CLOSED ALL DAY 15 BRANCHES TO SERVE 'YOU AN4HERSTBURG 736-2151 OWEN SOUND 376-'3181 EXETER • 235-1422 RIDGETOWN 674-5465 GODERICH 524-8321 SOUTHAMPTON' 797-3245 GRAND BEND 238-2374 THEDFORD 296-4991 HARROW /38.2221 WEST LORNE 768-1520 KINCARDINE 396.3403 WINDSOR EAST 727 ,6001 KINGSVILtIE 733-2341 WINDSOR ' WEST 734-1221 KITCHENER 744.6371 HOLWAYS • • • THIPWCKNOW SENTINEL,-LUCKNOV4 ONTARIO CANDLELIGHT SERVICE 10:00-)p.m. on Christmas Eve LUCKNIPW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBER 22, 1976 COME TO THE BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS EVE • PASS tri • Joy to the World Let us lift our voices in hymns . . . let us rejoice at Christmas.'. LUCKNOVV CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) - Doug Zehr, Student Pastor Phone 529-7751 SERVICES • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "Morning Worship" EVERYONE WELCOME ,,,,,, .0P IP IP O SON OF MAN: If thou lovest Me, turn away from° thy- self; and if thou seekest My pleasure, regard not thine own, that thou mayest die in Me and I may eter nally live in thee.. - Baheu'llah alIPP ....... 4111. Ie `THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF LUCKNOW SERVICES FOR, CHRISTMASTIDE CHRISTMAS EVE The Holy Eucharist St. Peter's, Lucknow - 11:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY The Holy Eucharist and the Blessing of Children St. Peter's, Lucknow • 11:00 a.m. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 St. Paul's, Ripley- 9:00 a.m. St. John's, Bervie - 10:30 a.m. The Ascension,' Kinlough 12 noon St. Peter's, Lucknow - 8:00 petit, a piano solo "Christmas Medley". Mrs, Eldon Bradley gave a reading "My Happiest Christmas" written by the late Mrs: Harold Johnston. Mrs.- Jack Treleaven presided over the business portion of the meeting. Annual reports of committees, conveners and units were given and a few words from the outgoing president were direct- ed to the ladies. A life membership was presented to Mrs. Treleaven by Mrs, Vernon Hunter in appreciation. • Pastor Doug Kaufman installed the new slate of officers elected foi 1977-78 as follows: past president, ' Mrs. Jack Treleaven; president, Mrs. Glenn Walden; 1st vice,, Mrs.. Roy HaVens; 2nd vice, Mrs. Leonard Ritchie; treasurer,' Mrs. Alex Andrew; recording secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Cameron; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Allan • Johnson; finance chairman, Mrs. Jack Treleaven; citizenship 'and 'social action, Mrs. &bed Camp- bell; community friendship and visitation, Mrs. Bert Alton; Christ- ian and missionary education, Mrs. Robert Irwin; literature and communications, Mrs. Cliff Craw- ford; membership, Mrs. George Newbold; program, Mrs. Eldon Bradley; stewardship and recruit- ing, Miss Elizabeth Ritchie; supply and welfare, Mrs. George Joynt; nominations, Mrs. Raynard Ackert; archivist, Mrs. Gordon Johnstone; manse, Mrs. Roy Havens; flowers, Mrs. Leonard Ritchie; special occasions, Mrs. Eldon Henderson, Mrs. Grace Campbell; bereave- ment contact, Mrs. Vernon Hunter. Mrs. Warren Wylds Is W.M.S. President 4/Irs. Henry MacKenzie was hostess for. the Ashfield Women's Missionary Society annual Christ- mas pot luck dinner. After a delicious dinner, Mrs. Richard West 'opened the meeting with a hymn, , followed by the W.M.S. purpose being repeated in unison. Service was taken from the Christmas service in Glad Tidings. Mrs. West was the leader. A' hymn was sung. Mrs. Donald Simpson was 1st reader, Mrs. Allan MacDonald was 2nd reader, Mrs. Gordon Robb was 3rd reader, followed 'by another hymn. Mrs. Jim MacKenzie was 4th reader with a hymn following. Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave 'the meditation pertaining to christmas and what GA has given us; Gift of hope was first, 'being birth, life, death and resurrection; Gift of peace was second, peace to the world, good news of the Prince of Peace; Gift of love was third, Jesus was God's gift of love to us; Gift of joy was fourth,, the Angels announ- ced, Lo I bring good news of great joy;' Gift of his son Jesus Christ was ' fifth, by sending his only son to be our. Saviour with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Mrs.' Jim MacKenzie had a reading on the story of Christmas and Mrs. Lloyd Collins gave a reading, How Yule Customs Orig- inated. Offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Richard' West. Roll call was answered with the exchange of Christmas gifts by 16 ladieS and '1 visitor. Mrs Warren Wylds conducted the business. A thank, you' was received for the gifts presented to the cancer cupboard. Also a' thank. you was received from Mrs. Jack , MacKenzie and Mrs. Doug Mart- yn. Mrs. Nugent ' installed the W.M.S. officers for 1977 as follows: past president. Mrs- Jim West; president, Mrs. Warren Wylds; 1st vice, Mrs. Stuart MacLennan; 2nd vice, Mrs. Henry, MacKenzie; 3rd vice, Mrs. Richard West;, secretary, Mrs. Donald Sinipson; pianist, Mrs. Jim West, treasurer, Mrs. Bill Ross; press reporter, Mrs.. Lloyd Collins; literature and library, Mrs. Doug Martyn; supply and bale, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie, Mrs.- Jim MacKenzie; friendship and ser- vice, Mrs. Ewan MacLean; life membership, Mrs. Russel :.• Swan;. Home Helpers, Mrs. Gordon Robb, Mrs. ,Lloyd Collins; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Warren Wylds; historian, Mri. LloSid Collins. All reports are to be in by. the January meeting. Mrs. Jim MacKenzie favoured: with, accordian solos Joy to the World and Silent Night. A hymn was sung. and Mrs, Richard West gave the. closing prayer., ' • Find. a mate paRnaparrion Tn, Car,achan moverne^, • • Fitness. In your heart you know right. • PRESENT LSE MEMOSERSIMr Glen Walden Is. 110"1. President The annual meeting of 'Lucknow United Church Women was held in the Church fellowship room on Thursday evening, December 9 at 8.00 p.m. The president, Mrs. Jack Treleaven, welcomed the 40 ladies present. The Community Friendship and Visitation committee was in charge of the program, with Christmas as their theme. Mrs. Bert Alton, convener, led with familiar carols and read Bethlehem and the • Hill Country of Judea". The scripture, read by Mrs. Albert Morningstar was followed with prayer by Mrs. Earl Wightman. Two poems, "Friendship" and "The Friend Who Just Stands By" were read• by Mrs. Eldon Henderson and Mrs. Alton conducted a short Christmas quiz. Mary Lynn Cayley added a musical touch to the program with LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug. Kaufman Minister DECEMBER 26th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 year old cLildren