HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-28, Page 5Melba "Paris" and "New York 11 is making a big hit nit the (voila loop market SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Loy' Me Face Powder75c Loy' Me Perfume 40c BOTH FOR 75c Campbell's Drug Store $1.15 PHONE 90 GODERICH THE GODERICH Ot Mtn EARLY TO ORDCR L_ EARLY TO BUY HELPS YOU SiYE mosey WHEN WINTER COMES MOH THE BATHING HOUSE and Refreshment Booth on the South Pier at the Har- bor, Goderich, Are Now Open Excellent Bathing Beach and facilities THE SIGNAL. ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AtM t'STINI:, June 27. -Mr. and Mrs. ;Spencer, of . Brooklyn, On- tario, visited Miss Rebecca ThotuiuOn lust week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Shanahan. of Clin- ton. stent the weekrud at Mr. JOat'Ph Boyle*, Messrs. Junes and Wallace Wilson tied Miss Jean Wilson visited London unit Noumandule friends last week. Mr. David McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister and Mr. William Wilson attended Mrs. Itichardson'a funeral at Woodstock last Sunday. A number of pupils from the school here ore writing examinations In God -1 Ol'I'(tRTI NITY is knocking et your cellar door. Now is the time to get your coal in. There is no need to paw storage on your nett winters. coal when you have space in your' cellar that's going to waste. ('all the Heat Folk.- and they will hustle to your home And pack away your winter comfort. lou save worry, hurry and dollar.. CALL THE WW1 For Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 - Goderitrb ARGUMENT No. 4 ---Selection If there is an impression that larger assortments to select from can he offered tirnn we offer, we wish to emphatically correct it. We ran procure and make up into desired designs any flower that can iw purchased elsewhere. Our flowers are grown by nur- series of ration -wide prominence, who cultivate all flowers in sea- son. We design and make up the piece in our workrooms here in (ioderirh anti save you express and worry about deliver'. We are ansious to serve your needs in flowers and plants. GODOH, ON T. ('larei.re, and Mr. and Mrs. Geddes, of l'uw'as,.u., are visiting relatives lien. and at 'telgvave. A number from hen attended the barn -raising of Mr. Joe Mcluui , of 'Fteswater, on Thursday last. The W.M.S. of- the United char, met. on 'Wednesday last at the 11..,u,• .of^ Mrs. menden. la July they art• invited to meet at Mrs. W. A. Par tier's. Mrs. Elwyn Moore and daughter c'- turued to Toronto . Saturday after, visiting with Mr. am: Sirs. T. II. Mvs•re fur the mist two 'vegekL erieh this week. While helping to cut wood with a circular saw at Geo. Wallace's last week, Win. Kelly had the misfortune to halve four of his fingers cut off. W H ITECH URCH W1I1Tk7(HIURCH, June 25. -Mrs. W. J. McClenaghan, of Welland, is visiting her brother, Mr. Ed. Gaunt. Miss May \\-Ightwau hgd her tonsils out last week. The Women's Institute held a very successful garden party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt on Thursday last. Mr. Robb. Mowbray has commence. the cement work of a house for Sir TW w NSW 26. 1:28•- 5 NILE NILE. June 37.---(1n-the evening of July 4th the Girls' Guild of Nile ..ill have a refreshment booth on grounds north of the church. this i., ing the date of 11w soft -ball gun., which will be play -•l between Helens and 'Nile. A successful sale was held. dLspoai:;c of the late )Ire. Annie grahams e.. tate and household turn it tire, on Thur, day last. Mr. Nelson Pierson, of \ fieldpurchased the property at believe will be moving to it shot Miss Nellie Willey, curse -Ind:: , in the Goderich hospital. unil.r.., 't an operation for appendicitis tite•t, Friday lost. Her many frteuds wish her a speedy recovery. 1 Mr. Edgar lthepperd, of Ilius 1, ,: . spent Sunday with his mother. Mt- I. Johnston Conn. rhepperd. Mr. Aldan Pardon and Mr. Jerry Casemore went to Leamiugtou on Sundry. GEO. STEWART Florist Telephone 105 - Goderich Mr. Fred Newman and his bride. of ilamilton, are spending part of their honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. \:iy tor. Sirs. Will Corin has been laid up pith a bail attack of "flu." Mr. and Mrs. Delve Pardon and son Vacation Footwear for Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Soft -Ball, etc. Vacation Travelling Goods Hat Boxes, Club Bags, Suit -Cases, Boston Bags, Auto'bile Cases, Trunks, eft. YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP AT - W. Hero's Shoe Store Phone 43sv (;,.,h -ricli CARLOW C.Sltl,OWW. June 27.- Sir \WiII Watson arrived home lay after a two week+ floe'. neat as fur as lo'- \1^it.•' I \I They were a.s-omp:n • . by Mlatiot Wot+on. )Ir. The entrance pupils ' schools are writing tioi.s at Goe:erl'Ii thi- .S number front 1;.:.• offs • 1 .. county o.o,i nncl .pk ui, at I:l) • •'o \V'I•dnes.lar. Mr. and Mrs i1. M, rr:= an -t `:amity -sent Sunday with li.,.i.. I' c•‘,•• at I',•rt .511.11. Farewell to Patter.- t ; • . c1 eu- hoz w:i. held in Ibe •h, ci -' icwi' • �mitia's llilt I rch met • .-cocci- to It• ,. 1:. .\ 1'oitlter' Nt.- I...Idler woof to •• -li them in their new fl.'LI ,.f labor in \Ii.I,Ileser comity. Mr. Gordon Young ,,rc:idN.l and rill: i on sr\cnst of the; -ne•u,lser.i to speak. and all stroke of \Tr..rat ergs stmt- ais a -t•re-velar. A idea slug femme of the ev,-t,it;L was the presentation to Mr. snit Mrs. Ponl- ter_ if q purse of money. fr-:u the con - 1 r.gatioi. and a pen and pencil and hook -ends front Mr. l'on:n•r's maceic class. Mr. John Young ter,--enteel the purse and Mr. Fordyce 'lark the gift from 11w claw. Mr. Poalter feelingly replied. thanking the congregation for all their kindnesses t' him during the two years be had teen with them. )its. l'oulter also made a Suitable re- sponse. Lunch n -a" ..erred ),,-fore the gathering dispersed Mr. and Mrs. l'oulter leave this seek for their new charge at Cairngorm, In the I'rrahy- tery of Middl'••cx. Mr. I'oulter t.e. s'lwd J•(+ Lt0.'we11 sermon in • Smith's 11111 cit h on Sunday. taking for his tract theewords from Acts 2:471 ----And the Lord added to nae rehnrch daily such as ahenld be saved." The hew p,sh.r. Tier. 11. B. Cumming. will be inducted 1n Smith's '11111 church an Friday evening and will conduct ser- vice on Sunday. Another feature of Thursday evening's proceedings was the presentation by the trustees of the Smith's Hill church of $305, this ;--trills share -of-the proceeds of the sale of the gold Zion church buildings and equipment. ALE We are holding a sale three hundred days in the year. Our prices are much lower than most others for goods of equal quality. Watch our windows for merchandise you need at your prices. 5' y • Better Values Cannot Be Obtained in Top n. E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELER East Side Square Phone 136 Goderich i Hold the dot.•. August an, for George's church annual garden party. the St. --I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ISmart Warm Weather Frocks MEM MOM s C OEM MOM WNW iMNIM MOM IMINM BE For Misses and Women For Misses and Women fuji Dresses. Simple straight We invite you to view this We have received a new line of double weight line styles featuring short and long sleeves. All sizes. comprehensive collection of gay summer Frocks. Dresses that cannot be duplicated offered at greatly reduced prices Misses' Dresses of printed silk. Long sleeves. Sizes 16 to 20. Reg- '6 95 ular price $12.50. Clearing at.. • We have just received a new ship- ment of ladies' Dresses. These Dresses are made of figured crepe and have long sleeves. Sizes 36 to 44. Sell- $7.95 ing at ✓✓ Silk Bloomers Silk Bloomers and Bobettes in a nice range of dainty summer shades. Elastic at waist and knee. Regular $1 X00 $1.50 value for i Special in Children's Coats Children's Coats, sizes 2 to 14 years, greatly reduced prices. Clear- $3 ing at from 3 at up Ladies' Hats Ladies' summer Hats of silk and straw combinations in the season's new- est styles. Different shades. Clearing at reduced prices. Bathing Suits We have a wide range of Bathing Suits for men, women and children. Suits that fit lightly and comfortably. Every size and shade. MEN'S STRAW HATS You will want one for the week -end. We are showing a smart assortment of Men's Straw Hats of unusual fineness, cool, light and comfortable. Plain or fancy bands. Moderate prices. Men's and Young Men's Summer Suits We have a splendid stock of men's and young men's summer Suits. Men will appreciate the value of these Suits and will note at a glance the superiority of the fabrics and the smartness of the styles, as well as the excellent tailoring. NOTE -This store will be open on Wednesday afternoon, July 4th, on count of the holiday on Monday, July 2nd. ac - A. CORNFIELD ,,,\ -77/' Carriages We have on hand a nitre assortment of Carriages. Stroller's, ['tans(. Go- carts. etc., in different colors. Also =-Jolt Carriages. Kiekly ('ars, Rocking Horses. If in need of anything in this line git.. us a call Our prices are right. J. R. WHEELER 1PurnFuneral iture Dealer Director Hamilton Street, Goderi, h Phones: Store 335. Residence 355w ST. HELENS FEE $'P. i[Ei.ENM, June 25. --Miss W. I. I Rutherford, of Timmins, is home with her parents. )Ir. sod Mrs. J. B. Mutli- erford. for her vacation. � Miss Bessie Wylie, of Gorrie, n.i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Wei, I trier over the week -end. Our leachers. Mr. W. ('uteri and I Miss Vera 'Todd. am engaged for an other year. Mrs. J. Miller, pr., spent a few days Jp'Luckuoa, the guest of her son, -Mr, Elliott Miller. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE W. C. SNA'LEL Haberdasher and Dry ('leaner Steam I,'utdry in (',otuiectlt.n West Street Telephone 339 China A large import shipment of English China just in, and now on display for you to stake your velet - tion, in Moorerott, Coal - port, Wedgwood, Royal Doulton and Mascot's ironstone China. Come in and look around. M'e shall be pleased to it,,n Von (Tse It li;it It ru- Cole's Book Store Millinery Smartly Trimmed Hats Friday and Saturday $3.75 and $4.50 In a wide range of styles with flowers, ribbons, pins, in banded and appliqued effects. Many variations of brims, in colors black, blue, green, sand, red and navy. Miss MacVicar KINGSTON STREET Benmiller Sunday School meets escry sunilay at 9.45 u'el,.ek Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend Miss Flora Andrews presided at the} ='I entrance examinations here. I I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman, of . I Ilamilton, who are spending their l honeymoon the guests of Mr. and Mrs. = 1 -Ben Naylor, called on St. Helens; friends on Monday. i Mrs. Alex. McLennan. of Chicago. Is I =1 a visitor with her mother, Mrs. (lark. _ t Messrs. John Durnin, Lorne and = Stisa Annie Durnin and Mlse Si. C. ' Rutherford took a trip to London on' Saturday. The July meeting of the St. Helens Women's Institute will be held on Thursday. July 501, at 2.30 -.'clock, at ....- . the home of Mrs. Wallace Miller. (toll C . all : Recipes for sandwich tilling. Subject: "flow to Make Common- _ place Llfe More interesting." in ▪ ,-large of Mrs. 1). Phillips. hostesses, Mrs. F. Todd and Mrs. John Stiller. C Jr. Women's Institute Neeting.-The L'=, mouser meeting of the St. Helena Wo - 1111.11'i Instiluhe was held in the com- munity hall' on June 20th, the presi- dent. Mrs. Jolu, Miller, Jr., presiding. •The 1:11114.I II was opened . by singing UMW "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVfFED TO SHOP" Ladies' at d Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont.ild>� IIHNaIl111M111 tH11111111111IIIunIINIIIM11111nI11111111M11IpIn11111111111111111110u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11 i --The (hie." with Mrs. i). 1'hlllipa at rhe piano. Sitss Emily J. Guest. M.A., of Toronto, gave an address that wits loth interesting anti Instructive. A :oro. '..Smite Lamle," by Mrs. Harold r.. \V'hitfleld, and a piano instrumental ty Slide Dorothy M0l0111ii1 were nitwit enjoyed. Mrs. Phillips, district press J,ut. of G,slerleh, Rare a report of the cutwentl''n at Windsor. Sevv'rol tutu infinity songs were enjoyed by o11. An Itnpreaaive Sen•ire.-( in Sands. morning. .Ione 24. aro impressive ser - ens tondntte,t In I'alvIn tha►rh. c iacrnnient of the Lord's Supper dlspenred. and the pastor. Rev II. Whitfield. preached an appropriate a,..• searching •:'rmon on The Stepan Ing of the Lord's Sapper," emphasising the tore and reverence with which It should he ehserveet. The service will also, be I-emend.en,l for the he:1101Ni ordinance of baptism that weft let. formed. The children baptised were t.avina Toler Webster and Mary Chris- tell a Humphrey. ( LIGHT, COOL, SUMMER FOOTWEAR at "Next -to -Nothing" Prices you wane t� (Lally then Every pair of White Canvas ' Shoes must be sold, and our exceedingly low prices will make want ( "_'y them 100 pairs ladies' leather -soled white Canvas Slippers in Pumps, Straps and San- dal Styles. Kingsbury's "Sno-Wite" Brand (;o,o.l t".- and heed: Regular 53.25 to $4.00 Sale Price, $1.49 Sizes are Good NOW, but be on hand early, as these are sure to go fast, and you will be the loser if you do not GET IN ON THIS 50 pairs LADIES' WHITE CANVAS Oxford and Strap Slippers with leather soles and cover- ed heels A good mixed lot in a van- ety of heels and toes Regular $3.00 to $3.50 Sale Price, 79c • White Canvas Boots and Oxfords FOR MEN A few pairs only Sale Price, $1.00 Fleet -Foot Running Shoes Brown Canvas Shoes with leather soles EVERN'TI IING in the store at REDUCED PRICES GIRLS' and MISSES' WHITE CANVAS Strap Slippers Leather soles Sizes 8 to 10 1-2, 95c Sizes 11 to 2, $1.35 SHARMAN'S "RETIRING FROM BUSINESS" SALE GODERICH F' i