HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-28, Page 2r ter.- -11•
& '(Zlurs.lay, June 21, 108.
'DUNGANNON, June 20.-
Mrs. Fklworthy, of ToronteNEFITED
week -end ut the hose
Mrs. Obas. Alton, ----A
• • I Mr. and N L din E
0 ford, alo•us'+ea r t IUfld i
`�i,a b)t5
Vegetable •
(MONDAY er duan`'
.tanager the birth of my second child, I
,,,.,c. •,,:u i''t,derteh is nut at
st:.l. .P• r-ftabcstua Mince bee.—"After
• • f was
alwa,y eelingtired,
nervous and weak
and had headaches,
backaches and ter-
rible pains every
month. I eutfered
two years before I
tried Lydia E.
'inkham's Vege-
table Compound.
I got four bottles
at first and it did
me a world of good.
I would not be
without it in the house now, and have
another six bottles in. I recommend it
to every woman I know." \las. T.
Batmen, Box 114. Asbestos Mines.
Thursday, June 2e, 192t+.
The cable annex+^ that Peking.
tic b: lleueeforth to he Peiping.
CANADA, LAND OF OPPOR- (tut whats the different??
• • •
' ('iii
', June hasn't been quite so warm and
The/ Minister of Railways, in a re• 1 smiling as she might have been; but'
tent spawn•h, filly detignaited l.'uuada•we are sorry to part with her never
''the land of opportunity." Ti. people • • •
with a desire for progreer anti a will;
to work the Dominion undoubtedly) 'The Prince of Wales was thirty
offers great a.ivaublgee, With its lu-1 fur years of age on Saturday. Hr 1,
vigoratlug climate ■nd Its great Olen getting -to an age when lie can canny
spaces it affords the finest laatiun1 enjoy life.
to Another objection o he profo'sed
and varied voffer a chubs of new calendar is that June. which is all MEAFORD BOARD OF TRADE
oerupatlune for artisans of many kinds) too abort now. will he cut down to +a
of.abllity. Its public schools, its lib. bare twenty-eight days. TO VISIT GODERICH
ratted and other facilities make ethics• • •—
Bon ecatiaUle for all who woal,l learn This Is Al. Smith's week In the Mill ('one by the Blue Water High -
possible fur the ambitious worker to great C. S. Every indication points way hi duly
rise to the cup of the ladder. providt•tiI to his nomination as the lk•m..•rttic The.
Menton! Mirror of brat week
tnndldate for President. snit if he get,' ha,l the following:
he tar lnabs nc ability, and deli the Smith vote, the "wet" )'ole, the The Board ..f Trade met Tuesday
genie. The etsof til of oppression 11w and, wnruind.and dtr•ided to lid'e a Motor
farmer cote, the Obi itcwth vote -and- trip d Vt'n the Tthtr` water Highway
the just Intent of ole law's of the land,the Democratic' rote he may Witt ;,: fur a• Godrrleh and then Goue by
permit every citizen to live, un -:through to the White Neaten Stratford. l�lttdauer, Guelph anti
molested. ole life he nee, dr+lyra, solre • • • IMen $..mud. The hand will go
long as ilk i .huts thea not interfere Teaching children to befriend fish is along. Tills is the first Lahr planned
with the right- of GIs urlgGlrors, b) the hoard of Triads. The date will
Canada affords, too. unexampled op the hitt Pt in educational ideas. the alar lr! taxed tat anortTr. tit' ' li liras work.
portuuity for public Perrier.. Whether' Jet -I laving beau hutrodm.d in the,
Gut It will ler +•tut•_ \\"adurdtkty lu
In the rural districts of the older Pro-
schools of the State of Washing; July. It is expected that wore' than
ton. On•investigotion. howel-er, it al► MI men from Menford and district' will
rimes. In the small town, In the pear, that the children are to protect make the trip. II'erlulpso Editor
make will let us know this aeric haw
the mile ftPli'only that they may grow' :wt this means]
forthose who value health. Its vast I t t
means a saving to the people.
reductions of the tariff before the
election will be tai substantia
• • cone will he able to nmtlize
(.•}•eruhsent Not Extrara
ANNUAL MEETING 'That the King Got•enime
Thont,ta M' Milan, M.P., Speaks
on the P,ib1ic Issues and De-
fends the Government
lima -mi. June _til.—Knuth Hunoe
IJtenals held :na euthnsiaall, meeting
here this aftenitaru at their +lava••• ;ably moderate.
session. Thomas \IeVfllan, Ltls•nal ••11'e Lure a u:urernnent of Which member for the. riding at nonan, de- we buatt• re reason to be ashamed." Whic"
exnatagaul a. has trent cls
he l
t is nut
wed. can
be cdearly. ,printed by au a umituNion
of the exp�en.''ttares el the I'ubli
\\'(irks Deportee -tit for c'•+ slug on the
buslue's of our country. In 191•( the
expenditures of the IN moment rain
$•27,i4N1,tem, whenwa I - t year, when
our trade ran to $2.:t. ,INN►,UW, the ex
p•udtttart. was $17.2:11, 00. No reason
able citizen conn charm that such e\
Iwuditure is other than matt reasou-
livered a charmterlstb•, (vigorous ad Mr. M". I° coo•lutkd. 'Its trade
it-sfh,g the Klug Guterm• f trdicit•s will lucreuas' industrial and ,'
meat amtt it= {*dicks• agrk•ulturai prosperity, and we must
1►r. J. W. Shutt, I`ll see-; tion,president I do all in our po0er to carry' it on in j `
of the Frdii,' Hiding Asws•� which
, per- I the beet interests of our t.ruutry as a
tided at the Meeting. at which other whole."
speakers, tore 'Phomas shiilbtgtun.,_ TABLETS 7'uckridi gh, pre -khan t the ex -Wardell
chit Riding APwriutlon; rx-Wnrdin B.
W. F. Beavers. Exeter. and Mrs,
1 Charles %wicker. I'nriiton, cine-presi.
dent of the Federal itidipg Associa-
tion. eh.• gave a report of the drat na-
e at
tional Libeivl wonu•u's convention
(ittuwa liat April.
Riding Exetutivea
The executive of the Federal Riding
Aswwiatiou wits mimed as follows:
Hwx,ntry 1,r sidenta, II. Smith of
Exeter. 11. Mnrdk• of Seaforth; presi-
dent. Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton: vice-
presidents, Owen Geiger of Hensall.
Mrs. ('bur:ea %wicker of Cr.ditou and
W. Golding of Settf"rth: treasurer.
Charles Fritz. Zurich: secretary. John indigestion, check diarrhoea, sweeten
A. h,„ xe, ltiveetirld.
the stomach and allay the irrigation
Tho executive of the Prorintinp i that u`r'mpauies the cutting of teeth.
Riding Association was named us fol- They quiet the nerves and promote
paws; Honorary presidents. John Es-! health-girittg sleep and repose. In
eery of t'sborue. Wm. Lamont ont of Zn- j fact they are as good as it d•s•tor hi
rich : president. Ti as slillinglaw, the home, and °tire a mother has used
Tuckersmitli vitae -president Charles: thew for her little ones she will use
Monteith of l'e,orne. Mrs. Isaac of! nothing else. Thousands of mothers
Stephen. William t'ol,it'll of ('-n-I bear testimony as to this. Ain.'ng
tralia ; secretary. J. M. Govenl.s•k. ex- I cheat is Mrs. llurst, (tine Falls. Multi.
U.P.P.. Sntfnrth:,treasurer. Charles.; alio wys:—"1 was told to try Baby',
Fritz. Zurich. I lion Tablets by a fris'ii who bad used
i i talitle'a the ' them for all her little titles Mail sail
Baby's awn Tablets meet all the
nerd that exists in every Inoue where
there are young childreu. They are a
laxative. but do not gripe. 'file) are
soothing, but do not contain one par-
ticle of opiate or other ingredient
that can -ta--n sax- way -sine the "n-- —.cwt
harm to the meet delicate child.
Baby s Own Tablets retttxe fever.
relieve colic, banish constipation and
crowded elt7• err in thus' mitre s{airsely, ('Iwirtuen of aunt c I
settled parts o,• the hewer 1'r.n-itltes,site could not duo without them. After
there are openings for leadership. for up luno big fish and be worth while ''l'he cowl_
to be .+„'.red includes . sxutr far both FederIi and Prodncht
catching• , the following towns to Gutlerich: purposes. are as follows: Clinton— using them for my baarertatnly think ,
inspiration. for helpfulness in the task
• • • t ecru Sound, Suuth:umpt,w, Port El- (:entree Mcl.e I an. Urs. F. Axon. agree with her and
of training far the future a cttlzen- W. •
T. Gootllson, M.P. for West ` gin, 7Ct,n-ardine, tslerkil, Moine- }:eater --0t. (:. Se•To 5 \ties i.. M. they an' the tiut•st medicine in t n•
ship that will make for the honor, the ward tonus; ('limtuu. Nt•aforth, _lit- Jerr'r.. Hemstah--T. 1\'uLh. Urs. T.' world fur Ilttlr Wtr�
lambton. was tenderest a cottaplitneut- ,•hill. Ntrufonl. New Hamburg. Kit- Berry. seafurth—\\'. ltevtttlr. lira.i ltahy's (1w•n'fa; is' are wld be all
well-being and the happinPea of the.medicine dealers or by mail at -' tents
aiy. dinotr last week by citizens of' chance. \\'utrrbso, Guelph. FPrgu+. W. Freeman. Guderieh township—J. country. Sarnia and iambton county In nrog. \Intim 1•ore.st. Ihtrlelm. Ti..' {.resent Sterling. Mrs. R.11. 81011n. Hay town- a box from The lar. dani-' Melt- In new and free a land It is in-sh1 o—F. Kxllofleish, )Ira. R. Stade. cine Co., ittrockcilii. lint.
reliable that there should be. ale°.
nitI .n of his good work during the, plan is to have Mluh at Ctalrricli and nutlet! township—W. Mason. Miss S.
--. portunity for the eelfieh anti the grasp- Mist session. lwrthitlarly his alle(es5- dinner at Kitchener.
fol .ft arts to conueMlon with that fiA lowwittee mmloertxteho willl he 1i11olanl an' Siurraym 'kKtll'p ttuthlll.iilStxnley horse. youare Someih iiiilex ton hing.
Ili •
1,tk'n- no buttons to push. no Loris to honk,
MONDAY, JULY 2nd, 1928
Program by Lucknow ('it inns' Itatid Softball—Wroxeter
La.lirq vs. W Ikterton !mikes. Special program by Waterloo
'Musical Society Band. Baseball - (IIoderich vs Lucknow.
ADMISSION—Adult• S0c • • Children 215•
('.11.1NI) MILITARY TAT'l'Ot), following hands taking
iii rt : Waterloo Musical Society hand, Bruce Regimental Band
of ('hesley, Walkerton Cit izens' Band and the Lucknow Citizens'
(land. with the greatest display of fireworks ever presented in
the counties of Huron and Bruce.
ADMISSION -Adult. 150e • - Child... 2114
Street Dance immediately following Tattoo
LIFE -BUOY OUTING SHOES have proved to be
the most reliable, best -wearing summer footwear on
the market, for baseball, tennis, bowling and all other
pastimes that are enjoyed by men, women and chil-
dren. They are here in the latest styles at the most
reasonable prices.
Golf Shoes are now in stock in the new patterns.
Goderich, Ont.
North Side of Square
tag to plunder the unsueiecting, for nd t l u town.+hip►—lt. Lamont. Ura. D.
the agitator to stir up unwholesome de Sarnia bridge bill. it was a non-poR-I adcanoe {warty- will he 'bent ahead to I/PAd Ntephen township—T. Colllna.'.
con star -yourself, no .Jutclt to slip,
•hPrine and M*. (:OtMlison maJ � t t \[ England. Ura. } • no spark t m gen
vires and emotions. for the criminal to
well be proud of the tribute. which
tura time his lawless career• were presented to him by men of rant -
for there are always those Who abuse .ta shades of politica.
freedom. mit If the heart of the ijpn • • •
pie remains true, if those who know
The tariff as a lorne of contention
tes,es at the ('anadtan Nat lual Ex -
lead those who will learn. if Canadiansh)i r. McMillan, at the outset of bis In your ear. Your inner rules are sun
continue to value integrity
more than oto have tt ere with as. if there s No doubt
will have the large
rggrst part.(e O.K., and thank the I.ortl tht•y stay
wealth and to place love of country tt, teiu one• if to an agitation to R° et theuvarl us paacer be hear the itand, ps'stition at 1tntawaPof�ningtparty that way; your spark plugs never alas
tablfwh onP; 1[ there Is a high tariff, 1 f the treat fn Iolltks all the flue, striving to place and fans, your motor never makes us
make the tiie-essary arrangements' n Kerr. Mrs. F.o miss. no gears to 'trip; u.,
the towns through which the ,tourists • .
will go. It should bring Meaford in -1 l'olng-
Tuckn,mite township -4i. ct%_ license -haying every year with plate
toto strew nit f t and near: no gas
closer tench with Western a It l► know . \ Murgan, Mrs. R. g ti
The band•, a'hleh is well known • lorue towMPhlp—. hills cllwbiu • i i each da}'• stealing the
Kidtl. Joy of life away; no nerd coir, Chug -
TWO Ontario lonau-- of Its ant TW. Me]Wlan's Address ging ill your rear, yelling a summons
above personal rewards. the Dominion me people want it lower; if It is a
of the le ent will wibell
pii of thel low tariff, surae people want it higher:
baser hereat and will be indeed t If it is neither high nor low, there will
land where All will find as equal right
to "life, liberty and the par• ill of be attempts to make it either nae er
the. tier IK Haden Guest, a mem-
hA ppinene."
The sixty-first annhcerary of Con-
•tideration find. Canada pttuefal, pros-
peroes and contented—at any rate. as
ireontentpcl a• mortals in an Imperfect
world should 1e.
now re Limed one o
Canada. I the King Government in a false tont- tura. Your frame is good for ninny
' tion. he said. and thereby win the a mile: your holy never etstuges style:
ART NEXT DOOR ! nest election. 'He twitted the ('on- your wants are few and easy met
! seryatives with failing to speak out on you've something on the auto yet.
- -- '--_ -- + TTrTr IirOreettomist trelirfa at the Win.
An wean voyage stems a long way nits R convention.
e o
her of the British House of Commons.', off sometimes, lint here just next door Ile rennultrd his efforts to expose
has just returned from a ten months' the Canadian Pacific Great Lakes; the "hollow cry" of the Opposition
inland lip service presents a two days' i that the King, Government intended to
tour of the Empire and announces inland ocean voyage across Huron's
himself a convinced, free trailer. Hehand over Rivera's waterpower on
blue waters through the lovely St. the Ottawa River. through the Geor-
gian Bay hill when exactly' the 011Po•
points to Australia as an example of \tan's River and away over the bream
the evil effects of protection. There, expanse of Lake Superior. A steam-
-PROF DEAN'S LETTER Leat express-trala_�t�lll _Toronto 1s
he says, facture These retmtced to rya boat a short trip to the proud white
renally Inereneing the cost of i1%1 I ship, tile moorings are let go and
When tile worker''.- to meet the fi away i.e start oil a delightful cruise
Prof. 'H. II. Ihnn, of the Ontario cost of living. demand increased wages that eases fagged brains and weary
Aerlcultar,i College. Lna n striking the employer oaks for a higher pro;h'diuser ruse fano wnllin¢a a week
letter in The Farmer's Advocate. Ile, tactile tariff, anti alien thin Is granted, dorm
site was the feet of the cane.
—Wit*rt to the question of tar-
iffs, Mr. Uellillan eclvot-ated as low a
tariff as 15,s-ike on fresh fruits and
vegetab'es. for early eoi:adltption herr
These Inuits aro among the healthiest
pert of diet, he said. and the triles
returns -show• that. despite the hi_h
g the summer months from tariff imposed by the Meighen '•sba-
dalms that those upon whom lies the up Ivrea the cost of living again and ('ort Me•Xk•ull and one from Owen
re+ sonsibilit of presenting the truth clow ' Gocrnuweu4 .,jour as large an
I y ttk' workers are no letter off than lie Sound Inial the same number of e:ast-
re•peting the condition' of agrivel- bore. , went sailings from -Fort William and
titre. both in Canada and in the United t Port Arthur. 'Few ocean yetwela have
Cotton and. Shoe. I more luxnriota necommodations than
States, have been"athose provided on the S.N. Keewatin
"The •glad-hand artistrtist''r'who alio nt." Is con-' I New York World;
tint:ally prts•Infmtng 'the Pound than- At the very moment when Senator and. S.N. APsiniboin, which ply -the
Mal condition .•f farmer/a' may he coin- i Foss. as keynote speaker at Kansas
I Great whit as ken. nor
r the
(►w 5.5.
S`[ain itobaand
pared to the silly ostrich who Is re -1 City. an. heralding the great p
puted to plunge its head in the sand/ pe•rity aldelt has come from seventhe Twin Cities.
when danger tbes'atena. Farmers,.years of Itepnrt
blitu rule, attempts Tickets, parlor car and boat refer-
s claw, work longer hours for less pay were toeing made in the {Northeastern' vroom. from any Canadian Pacific
than any other elate In the nation. States to have the cotton mills of this ticket agent.
They are producers of primary food seitlou chuae down for the w -bole of
product' which are essential to the Fourth of July week, and also for Biel
well-being of the people and ought to
be reworded accordingly."
Mr. Dean goes on to give lila views
as to what s;outs he expected In the
way of flnnn,41! returns from a farm.
week finitng if lrustuess cowmeantime. (THE RHYMING
did not Improve in the meantime.
Now the cotton industry has fared es -I
',retail,. well In the distribtttlot of iit
ppbllcitIi tariff fetors. fuser the
Fordm•y-Mul'iuih•r Act the average
Practically every claaa in the coma dunce on cotton goals were raked al,
By Aline Michael
teantty except farmers is protected. he proximately fifty per cent. The textile Answers
taco, lu LacL sem
practically allowed This whirling iiirld of aura °pins on
claims. labor rniRlig Indirect prcrtee-I to write their own aclethies into the. Ii answer to wane call,
Hon thrungh strlet immigration inwe. nx•nsure. Iver. In spite of all this prt-
amount of fruit andvegetables was
brought in :le before. through Canadian
people httd to pay over 1/3 cents per
box more on to matte''. and tip to wi
ter +4111. MI patches.
Barks .tuatralia Treaty
"There has hien a great deal said
oft the• bad eff.s•ts of the Australian
trade tretty'." Mr. McMillan t.ontin
ted. •'I wits itlelimt•ti to be lukowann
Inward that treats- until a few months
ago. i had been fltsaled by literature
from ;the National ifairymen's Ass-
t•kttlon. •tar i •dett•nu,hirtd to study the
basis of their argument. And i found'.
after studying their literature. that
they hadn't n leg to stand on. Mr.
Rolrh, the cautious Finnnte Minister,
was right when he told the as -sedation
to go before the advisory tariff hoard.
anti if their came was given a favor-
alrk• leering he would give it immedi-
ate consideration.
"I'm proud of the financial record. of
Some need brought forth the dusk. the King Government. despite what
''Ti is a ndsinkeu idea ryhbilbulunn, only two cul ton mills In Ism -
the dawn. lime It. It. (rennet:. Conservative lend -
•cnnogists have that farmers must ell, Mass., are said to be panting And sena that cin•le all.
mot be allowed to have to., mul•li motley hums') ill Ibis lime. and many of the
o - to spend—tint ttt('c ahold be lluaitetit-restate warierm are ahlftinR Into the: lit primaI titm•s dint longings lrreugit
lu their incomee, etc. The greatest , show industry-. where employment con- 7 heir answers In _ [pelt tralu.
pro..pettivrl m et for uuuuufnctnredtdition° em more stable. Tite-intt'rest-
A seellPt lime first stirred mAti`s
and staple grwkla in booth Canada and'Ing thing about all this is the fact that thought
the C. S. is the farmers' market. S%hy the sloe industry gets air tariff pros-
tpend thousands of dollars in dotetup ttrtiun. Nh1501 are on the free lint!
ing distant markets when there Is n ' -_
far better market right at home If the Making Themselves at House
farmers had the money to spend on I t Wia rton Fs-hol
needed farm and holm. lmtrrocPrrienfn? ,I-'riday night, .Iwo' 1s1, several Per-
Th1a would not only Imprdve the trade i turd start reattients notleed great
And wakedaked the sleeping brain.
Earth Amor answers, hour by hour,
}:ach need roan's spirit knows;
Stone sad heart longed for h mthly's
its answer is the rose!
of Piety town and oily. butt ' wtiu • flocks of birds. presumably y sw•aIlo
make life more pleasant on the farm rinling in the xis. They were cola
and thus tend to hold the young pet- dently out for a n,nventlnn, or possibly
pie OD oar farms. it is becoming a ft was the date set for the celebrated
ren serious matter to see the young ••►tirdie'n Ball." At ell events. it ale
blood from one fauns drained town- ,ennvl. they aeleeted the stately rest
er, may try to tell the people of Can-
ada on his Intent sfenking tour. in
the past six years the G!iveinment h+t•
Isn't, able to save the Canadian people
$.140.I1110.0tek Abate this they have
'arch ns. In deereaie•tl taxes, Ayer'
$is:o,O(Ni,(wwi In tariff seductions and
sale. tax. 'itatest tariff rednctons
neon it saving of $19.000.111110 to the"'
people. And they are not to the end
yet. Reduction of. the tariff doesn't
up:w t l,ustm'ss. as the statesmen of the
King Iloierntaent carry It on --it
wards In such large proportions. Tido • donee of Mr. .inmrs Symon as the
is tint n new situation by any-rtieaths, , a.rne of their n,tit•ities. Mr. Syntut .
Mit it le growing to alarming proper- ells In New York and Mrs. Semon was
lions." • ono spending the au -ening. When she
Mr. Dean claims that the farmer returned. she heard a tremindon'
and his family here the right to ex• hi ringP toll rind fluttering.
ing,earti thinking
tort the 'tie hums comforts and con aid. as ..sly n e•onlnn enn. lin looking
renlPn.r' 115 the people of the towns Into the drowing-morn, she found it
and cities halve, and. be says, "the, full of blahs. and everything eneetid i
statesmen of I'ansda and the h'. N. with ebony. two Inches of soot from the
who make these things possible on chimney
hail mplace. to `In wwith wrot will
beho has
will • the gn'ntist lenefs''tors
ever of Am Iwo great nations on the North knew what this morn'. The rearm hail
to herednorated. draperies mill
American continent." rleutetl, niandstered fuirnitaure all re
"Why be silent on these feathers?" 11oreited. anti the etrpets were altnost
NI I help. At the time of writing.
Mrs. Symon had almost succeeded in
tv+stoning her house to Its act•nstemnl ,
order, lent she n•lnlree its that. fond as
she is of bird... she hope. their next
festivity will not he so near home,
to his concluding query The letter Irl
Mita of many indications that the Altu-
atton of agriculture is the anblw•t of
ties and anxious thought. Nit more
echoes quotation eonld occupy the
OUCi j '
GOO1 - -
N kin*. MOWS
)i � �►1
hr'� lr � I''
—'Bystander, London.
a -
Call us if you arc in need of anything in this line.
Goderich Planing Mills
Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies
Phone 47 P. O. Drawer 160
\chduelt for Econon.,je
`r 0stributior
ALARGE sheltered harbor and unusual railway
facilities make the Port of Goderich on Lake
Huron one of the most desirable winter storage ports
For grain vessels.
Its harbor is the last to freeze up in fall and first
to open in spring. It is accessible for any vessels. It
is the most direct route from Lakes Michigan and
Superior. It is situated on both Canadian National
and Canadian Pacific Railways.
These advantages have made Goderich a pivotal
point for economic grain distribution and an ideal
location for the profitable operation of grain elevators.
Midland Securities
Royal Bank Building
Telephone Metcalf 1184
London, Canada