HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-28, Page 1-I -v... %lot. e. ,..s,., .4116/44-s." • rya June Weddings WEDDING STATIONERY in correct form can be' had from THE SIGNAI, at rt'atlo[lable prices. Call and see samples Zbr Elt;IITI'-F'IItS'r YEAR NO. 26. PRESENTATION TO WARDEN HAYES BY COUNTY COUNCIL Interesting Feature of Annual Picnic of County Fathers Held on Wednesday hayfield, June 27. -'rhe county coun- cil of Huron and friends held their an- nual picnic at Jowett's Grove here today. The day was -ideal, in spite of the fact that Tuesday was very wet and weather prospects were not bright. The majority of the members of the cuuety council, with their wives and Wends. were Present, to the number of about 2e4). anti all 'seemed to hare a good time cool enjoy the day, and a1- -though there have beets larger picnics this one was outstanding in the hearti- ness with which all entered into the prote...lines of the day. A particularly interesting feature of the day was the preaeutatiou of a beau- tiful Westmiueter chime clock to War- den Hayes, who od Monday last had taken to himself a partner in the per- asn�y�f( Mrs, -t$taffurd, of Napier street, Goderlch. The following address was read by Reeve H. C. Cox of Go.lerich township, while Reeve Thus. Inglis of Hewitt made the presentation. The address was to t'uliuws: JOHN J. HAYES, k)tl(l., Warden, Huron. Dear Warren --Your fellow -mem - ben of Huron county counetl think this the proper ta.easiou awl the most opportune titw•--our annual picnic - to tender you our congratulations• and wish you much happiness and pros- perity ►u the new sphere of lite upon which you have w r.•v'rntly entered. it is now several mouths nitre". on a similar occasion to this, very strong hints were brown out that in order for a county t•.,uucilhtr to be expected to do the best service possible he should. if not then fully qualified. imitate the example set by your pre- deeessstr iu aloe. and take unto him- self a former to share his responsi- bilities and help him carry on the duties expected. 'We are pleased that you have pro- filed by that advice and example and have in every sense complied with the .ieei0cations Insisted wen. and we, may hope.H e. without making tiny insinu- ations. din•ct or indirect, that your work as our Warden has not been well RINK TOURNAMENT AT BOWLING GREENS Purity Flour Trophy Goes to White- side Rink of Goderieb The Gotl•rlch bowling club held Or annual rink tournament at the l'ktou street greens on Wednesday. The tournament was a great success, one hundred bowlers participating in the events. 'There were ten local sinks and fifteen outside rinks, from Sea - forth, leyth, Brussels, Exeter, Henault, Wingham, Walkerton, Lucknow and Ripley. The weather was ideal and with the greens in excellent condition some good bowling was witueteted. Two local rinks played off in the finals for the Purity Flour trophy. The rink composed of it. G. Reynolds, R. Bisset, T. Glazier and A. Whiteside (skip) won the trophy and first prizes id begs nr ot Parity upholstered flour. They hairs and defeated the rink composed of Joe. Bowman, (leo. MaeVicar, W. Symonds and J. R. Wheeler (edtlp)• by the score of 14 to 12. The latter rink was awarded the second prizes of reed fern stands. In the association event a Hensall rink c+imposed of A. Clark, G. Case, F. Siemens and hr. McTaggart (skip I won the first prizes, which were wick- er ferneries. The second prizes were woo by Fred Cralgie, Jas. Mac - Vicar, Jos. Itrophey and Albert Tay- lor, (skip) of Guderich. The score of the final game wns 9-8. A Brussels rink skipped by Mr. Bowman won the prizes In the conso- lation event, the runners up being en Exeter rink dripped by "Sandy" Bow- den. First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 glt;ll'l'1'-F'lttiT YEAR No. 20. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY* )128, 19 el, *MIN The News of the Town lisetes-Oke A quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. M. ('. Parr at Victoria 'strcet' United church parsytrage Qa Friday' evening last, when idella May Oke, set•ouil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rkh- ard Oke, and Mr. Thomas John lior• ;deet u of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Leeburn, were united in the ' ton, a su Horton, Loads of holy matrimony. The young couple will reside in Guderich town- ship. TO OCR BRABEKS Owing to the mese*. ,•,t preraure t: advertising on our colun.ua this week. we are reluctantly compelled to omit many nes''s items lutestied for tia- issue. If you do not see wane it.•:1, that you expected, please look for is in next week's issue. Hit by Car Roy Atkinson, youngest sou of Dr. A. N. and Mrs. Atkinson, of tuwu, met Cameron street tteruoon, when he was with an on Wednesday a PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Jas. 8. Hume and children, of Montclair, N.J., are holidayiug in town. Dr. Mary Tutu, of Toronto, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - .1. E. Tom. Mr.. Wm. Aitchison, of Wingham, L visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. elutehe-- - Mr. and Mrs. I.' H. Graham, of Ash - wont, Alberta. spent a week visiting relatives here. . Miss Florence Mooney is home from c;uellth, where she has been taking a course at the O.A.C. Miss Genevieve `(Farr, of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Speer. Mr. Charles Nairn; of Detroit. is i t thehome o t his 11 br trots. visiting a t t K Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn. Miss Jean MaeEwan 1,1 home for the and faithfully performed in the pant. holidays from Oriilia, where she That we may took forward to gyms' teaches in the Collegiate Institute. better work for the rest of the year un the prindpe• Is id dow•tt that two heads or minds are better than one. We regret very much that we cannot be with you nt the teretuony of "hang- ing the crane" in y'•ur new home. but we join in the wish that your home life Will prove all you expect and hope for, mad to glae you ante tangible evi- dence of our good wlshem for you and Mrs. Hayes we' ask you to hang this clock on the wall"in your stew hoar, so that every time you look upon its bright face, or hear its beautiful chimes marking the passing of time, you may is' reminded of the genuine feelings of good -will which prompted the gift. and that have characterized our nw•ts•Iatione in the past. In conclusion may we express again a homely wish in a homely way, not as a Milton or a )fonts night way it. but none the lege sincerely: A mon. a woman, and love. Make of any house a home. May you two Have the homiest home That ever was, Ansi as happy a life As ever a man and woman- lived. neon he H Signed on behalf of t Coun- ty Council -'H. C. ('ox, Thos. inettle The Warden. though taken complete- ly by surprise, made a very fitting re- ply, expreeming his appreciation of the kind word's and splendid gift. The customary confetti was showered on the liepipyeenple, and brief congratu- latory addresses were made by Ex - Wardens B. W. F. Reamers. W. R. Elliott. N. W. Trewartha, ex-M.P.P., and Reeve. J. W. Beattie and Hugh Hill. 'ExsWardeh A. E. Irwin of Bay- field led in singing "For ile's a Jolly Good Fellow" find "The Maple Leaf." A closely contested baseline match was (ruled off between sides chosen by Dep. Reeve llnbiard find 'Ex -Warden Klopp. the sides being: Hubbard. Hill. Adam'. Stalker, 'Seattle. Keys, (Par- rish. Porterfield and Goetz; Klopp, Cox. iiackett. Hayes. Langford. Bee - ker. M. Elliott, C. A. Robertson and Trewartha. The score was 10.0 In favor of Hubbard's side, hut the play- ing was better than the genre. Mr. J. 11. Rey tinkle waft the empire. and he also acted. as shorter for the race events. The horseshoe-pitehing comte.ta seemed very popular, and several matches were carried out. The re- porter did not get all of these, hot three recorded are: J. J. Hayes and W. likeielliott. 21: Hugh Hill and J. W. ihngford, 16. John Ftngland and 'F. D. Stalker, 21; J. W. Beattie and M. Elliott, 11. G. Hubbard and H. C. Cog, 21; B. A. - Adams and John ,Fingland, 11. T. Inglis and F. D. Stalker, 21; G. !Hubbard and H. C. Cox, 19. Robt. M(Tlonald aid H. A. Rec., 21; Thom. lnttl$a and John it'amish, 10. Races resttltea as follows: Pea nut race -4 Mies Anderson, 2 MTM Hackett. iegg a nd spoon ranee -Mira Adams Thread -the needle face - 1 (leo Ilohbard and partner, 2 N. Elliott and partner. Throwing the bean batt, (women) - 1 Mrs. Turner, 2 Mrs. Miller. Throwing the bean bags (mete) -1 knocked from his bicycle by a cur I drives by Mr. J. Hall. Roy sustained a broken arm and some bad bruises. The accident occurred in front of Mr. Hull's residerte. Mr. 'Hail was back- ing hissear out of the yard when it struck the young lad, who was riding on the sidewalk. Mr. and Mrs. A. Keane, of Camp lento', N.it.. apt•nt the week -end with friends in Gotlerich and Kingsbridge. Mr. and Mt*. 1). J. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Relit. Little, of Windsor, intend Spending the week -end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broomfield,- of Ik•troll, and Mr. W. G. Brothers, of btathroy, were visitors In town at the week -end. Mrs. N. B. Smith, of Hollywood, ( Ilfotnia; -arrived in -levee -oft Ti day and is .visiting at the home of Mayor and Mrs. IL J. A. MacEwan. Mr. R. S. Hetherington left last week for North itay. where he will join a survey party working In New Ontario under the Lands and Forests Depart- ment of the Government. Miss Thompson. returned. missionary from China, and Mrs. R. T. Phillips, of Guderich, addressed a meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society at Dun- gannon the past week. Miss Janetta S. Donaldson. superin- tendent of Alexandra hospital, will leave on Saturday for Winnipeg, where she will attend the convention of the Canadian Nurses' Association. Mies Myra MneNevin underwent an operation for appendicitis at Alexan- dra hospital this week. Her many friend, will .he pleased to know that she Is doing an well as might be ex pe`ted. Mra. E. M. Harvey,. of the staff of Grace hospital. Detroit, and her sister, Mrtt. A. W. Cruttenden. of Mt. Cle- mens. Mich., and little daughter Dom - thy metered over and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Weston, Bennett street. Mayor Ma, -Ewan and Mrs. Mac - Ewan. Mrs. Felw•. Straughan, Mr. V. J. 1LarFwan and Misses Edna and Jean \ffitFw•an, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. AfecEwan and children and Miss arms Stott (of Wtat(tuamt attendee the annual Gold- thorpe family rernnien, held Satnrday last at Inutdurn Park. Hamilton. Rev. J. F. Reyeraft. M .Brantford, who preached at Paisley on Sunday, motored to that piece on Saturday anti tome by any of Goderlch. iie was ac- Conlpenied by Mrs. Reyt•raft, who re- mained here for Sunday and met a number of her friends. While here she was the guest of Mrs. J. F. Hutch. Installs Frigidaire Equipment Mr. George Stewart, florist, is Leap- ing abreast with the times, having n i ceutly installed a F rigidaire equ{ment at his modern greenhouse plant on Brute street. This new electric re- frigeration device is one of the latest Band Program on Sunday Evening The Golerich baud will render a Ise - gram on the Square next Sunday eves ing, commencing at 8.30 o'clock. An interesting feature at this service will be the presence of the choir boy's of St. George's church, who will sing sev- eral hymns and patriotic songs wish baud atrompaniment. Doing Sort ey Work .A 61111711er or Kul ,e.■.ta lmpto,,rit the Ih,ttlluiun Government were iu town the port week doing survey work. The party included Ct A. H. Ixawreuce. w'. ('. Heap. 8. Ii. Sutherland. M. (1. Heap, of Winnipeg; T. II. Waugh. ..f Saskatoon, anti R. Miles. of Sarnia. They started ut Sarnia and are w,.rk. Ing north along the Blue Water High- way. Pestoince Hours Next Monday Next Monday, July 2nd, being a intb- lie holiday, the general delivery wick- ets at the local postings* will i.e open freezing machines and to tusta led ft,r two hours only on that Sas, front in the refrigerator, taking the 8 to 10. a.m. The public is ashi.1 toought to be there with the goods. g Hadden scored the first run for the place of ice. Mr. Stewart has had note the hours, as on former public were o the locals inn the second on a wild pitch by the equipment in operation for about holidayse wickets sen from two weeks and stores that lie is well 1 Meadow. and Guderich gut two addle to 12 o'clock hi the naming 01 floral runs in the third, Nuiru mud oitistietb with it. � course the office will be oi,en to box- will4Hatilhealar. holders all day. ` te An ►ntest took plate in l A Fine Gift tit. Martin's ehetoch, London. on Mur- The many friends of Rev. J. F. Cau- dal morning last at 8 o'clock. when tie. B.A., rector of St. Luke's church, Nellie $tsfferd, of ()odrrlCh, w Buffalo. N.Y., will be pleased to kern nutted In marriageto Mr. John J. that his congregation presented Mm Heyer. Reeve of the township of Ste- with a new car on the third nnniver- Own anti Warden of the county of sary of his imdnction Huron. Hey. Father Mt'Kaou officiat- parish. Mr. Carrie ii ed. Atter a visit to Sarnia lir, atol erich boy, a nom of NI of town, and tike God ddel. I,.tys every- second, but Morrison McKay robbed Annie Llulleid (1) the county council picnic 1C on w 1 r` ; where is making I him of a sure hit by a beautiful run- Nona MacLeod (1) home on Napier street, Gotlerieh. lu Dr. Messina Resigns feat immediately afterwards on a lha' Patrick Page (2) extending congratulations ou this hap- t Dr. Messina has resigned his losl- High School Entrance Examination* The high school eutrut'e examine - ens were held this week at the, Col- .t,;late Institute and were presided ' ler by Principal Hume, Miss 0. Ham- 'L:,tn and Miss It. Graham. There were Iii candidates. The papers were 'aid to be of a very satisfactory char - ., ter and a good percentage of those it riling sbou4l be .successful. The re- acts will be published nut later than .I,ay 19th. BASEBALL Gosletich 3 -Crediton 2 Pitching high-class ball, George Goldthorpe made his premier appear- ance on the mound this year at Crede len tart Friday evening, when. backed .:p >T) :emote airtight support, lie held :he aggressive Crediton nine to the short cud of a 3-2 score. "Goldie," al- though appearing wild at times, was !here in the piucbes and several times ;•itched hltuself on/ of a bole which might otherwise have pruned dims - (roue. Ile also struck out nine of the iopposing batsmen, as compared with six who v.ere similarly eliminated ,by "hutch" Meadows, the (`reditun ntuuutistuen, who, by the way, is on the way to becoming a real little pitcher. lie la uuly sixteen years old and with a few more years of experieuce he • CHURCH NOTES Mrs. Hayes came up to Bayfield for tr ne dal', and they are bow making their ,rector of the a former God- s. F:. W. Carrie Aremotlora a 1 'r .Awards at Collegiate Institute Folhnt•ing la the list of prii11iittl.nns W1W1.1111-04and W1.1,•sawards at Goderi.It Collegiate Inti* tt': PROMOTit'NB FRC* FORMS 1.11 AND LC TO 'FORM II. A. -Thos. passing In the full nine subjects. taught :- 1. Honors :- Esther ltcllaeitt 81.1 Jean Price 79.1 Alex. MutVirar 76.8 Stanley Taylor 73.3 11. 'Honor.: - Nancle Clarke 72.6 Edna Knight 72 Lillian Leggett 70.3 Norval Anderson, 00.6 Margaret McLean 08.6 Christine Itobt'r1eee-es Ate James McMebee 67.2 III. Honors:- Henrietta Quaid 64.1 Mete, Shearduwn •4 t;ladys Taylor .,...T. 61.7. 11. -Those passing in all the eight subjects taken:- Sylvia Salkeld 79.5 Jessie McCann 77.4 Murray Hetherington 67.6John I'ute 64.4 C'.--Tlrttse passing in all the seven subjects taken Harold Taylor 70.3 Mary Girviu 67.9 L. -Those failing iu the number of subjects indicated by figures in brack- ets and the conditions for promotion being stated iu the individual reports Archer crossing Inc plate in this sent the .pupils:- frame. Creditou's runs cause lu the' Madeline Acheeon (1) 67.3 'first and fourth, Goldthorpe proving t Hilliard Trembly (2) ' 06.3 himself invincible fur the remainder 1 .;nae White (2) 65.5 of the game. 4; voltam Meilen (2) 64.3 The work of the'Blacksox outfield in William Barrow (1) 68.2 this game was remarkably good Kelso Johnston (1) 62 and bad it not been for their tine work .I,.hp Howard (2) 02 in the last Inning's the game might Pearl Sandy (I) 61.6 have envied in a different way. In this 4;reta M. Steels (1) 01.3 frame, B. Fahner, the first man, up, ,le •.ie MacKay 1 I) 01.1.8trent a mean "Texas Leaguer' --eves, 144.44Ileutler*un (11-....,•,60.4 69.9 37.4 67 55.4 drive by II. Falmer which would have' Samuel Binet (3) (r5 Oalers v. Risdons Baseball Gagne Expected to Draw Big Crowd from Western Ontario Arrangements have practicnlly been completed for Goderkh's big Dominion Day telebratiota, and with g,tott wea- ther a very large crowd may be ex- pected in town on Monday. The day's program will commence with the parade. wheel will form at Victoria Perk at 9 a.m., and will be followed by children's games on the Square. The afternoon program will be at Agricultural Park, commencing at 1 u'clait. The l►ig fee uT wilt -be the international baseball match. Osiers v. Riotous. anti there will also be a series of athletic sports, and the tug- of-war for the Huron Old Boys' cup Admission to the Park- will be 50e. children 26c. In the evening there will he a carni- val tin the Square. The line-up for the baseball game will be as follows: Itlsdons-A. I.adWo. 21; F. Zebrow, rf ; it. Wengler, 3b; 0. Fink. rf; J. alullhnl ss; A. Dugray. catcher; D. Ioeflter, le; T. McKay, If; E. Miller, Walsh. Edwards. pitchers; Assemn. Mitty. \tile,, utility men; La Bond. manager. Osler: --pulse Dye, rf; S. Gold, 2b; T. Burk, If; G. Waller. 311; "Irish" Flgleson, as; -"Buck" Hughes. lb; Jes!te Spring. cf; "Teedle" Walker, c: Crier. p; McCay, Fields. ilpayors, Hoge, utility men; "Hap" Watson. coach and comedian. (Babe Dye is the well-known hockey player. and la al.., a baseball star.) The baseball game is nitrating the attention of floss all over th,s part of the'Province and there will be many visitors in town front Westein Ontario cities and t''ens. Harbor Activities The Canadian Goverieneut steamer Grenville was in port on Tue-•flay with supplies for the lighthouse. The steamer Iteevoyde eieeherged 100.000 bushels of wheat at the God- erich elevator last Friday. \ fiats speed yatcht named "Riff" was In the harbor on R'ednestiay morning. PROMOTIONS FROM FORM ii. TO yacht was a new one anti was es - F01111 111.11 route from Adanac, Mich.. to Pointe A. -Those passingthe full ten suer .Aft Hari! in the Georgian Bay district jetty taught :- 1 The hntltJng hoarrt• and refreshment booth in the west end of the freight' sheds on the south pier were opened this week. The lathing ten.'h is to first -elates condition and there is ex- cellent accommodation for swimmers. The slides will he placed in the lake this week. plug catch. Tanney duplicated this \l.rgaret Sanderson (2) py event, The Signal siva takes the Gott on the staff of the Coderich Qat- gone for all extra Luse hit if Glen had' E. -Those whose (No/notion is de - opportunity of welcoming Warden legiate Institute Hayes as a resident of Guderich. as classical master oi Collegiate and Vo,:.' onnl Se tool 1n The line-up.: Blser-Holmes Belleville, at a colotilerable Increase t'retliton-Feist cf, Grieve c, B. Fah - ;rept a position no grrbised it. Gibbons then ground- p,eudeut on their eucteM tit the epart- Ae new S500•000cd out for the last phis of the game. mental exauoitiatious:- Ithea llaet•hler Norman l.ta•khart Etiltlt 1'ritid:e Harry Cook A quiet but pretty wedding was in salary. Dr. Mossiva's services will solemnized Friday afternoon last at . lie greatly.. miteett,J�he had a thor- the the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ',ugh mastery of the classics. The and Mrs. Robert Holmes, l'almerston board is advertising for a successor. Ikrulevard, Toronto (formerly of Clin- ton). liu-ton). when their daughter, Mary Jo- Masons at St. George's .epiine, was married to Rev. Gordon Upwards of one hundred members W. Kaiser of Cadillac. Sask. The care- of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A.F. & A.M., mony was conducted by Rev, Roy ,and visiting brethren from Lu.•know. Rickard of Albert College. Beilbrllie, l'Itnton and Carlow lodges paraded in in the presence of about forty guests, • n body to St. George's church last Sun - in Knox church the eters-lees next Sabbath will be In charge of the min - later. 11 a.m., communion will he dis- pensed. 7 p.m., mtahjtrt, "The World Without a Church." Preparatory ser- vice at 8 o'clock Friday evening. Sale bath school and Bible cisme; at 10 o'clock. the wedding music being played by the bride's sister. Mrs. 0. F. McKelvey. The bride wore a charming ensemble' suit of blege corded silk, with hat and shoes to,,lnatc•h, and carried a bouquet; o r , Tinker. Freivoring-i]►e--rV`` ceptfon, Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser left for a abort trip after which they will muter to their home in the West. Hoy -Johnston A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Victoria street United church par - !image on Wednesday.. Jupe 27. at. 8_ ,.clock p.m., when Rev, II. C. Parr united in marriage Elizabeth Ruth Johnston. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Johnstore Johnston.Britannia road. and Mr. Robert Aleeander Hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hoy of Port Albert. The bride was prettily attired in blue gter gette with list' le match and wore a corsage lou quet Of roses The couple were attended by Miss Iviolin ploy, sister of the groom, who wore dainty y gown of peach georgette with hat to match and hada cornage bwgnet of roses, and Mr. Fred Dickson, loth of Port Albert. After the ceremony the bridal party went to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding sup - tier was served. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy will reside at Oshawa. Gordon Young, 2.1. W. Langford. Warden's race -1 C. A. Robertson. 2 A. E. Erwin. 100 yds'. race 1 M. Elliott, 2 Geo. linihare. Several other events were on the program, hit were loft over for want of throe The basebal, horseshoe and bean bag events proved the moat at- tractive fsatatrvea, hut all the sports were thoroughly enjoyed and every -- body thought Jo'w-ett'a (trove the ideal spot for such occasion.. ,...: Sti^etrt'llt`I/fraaaaaoft s * • .• ner Ib, 11. Fainter 2b, Gibbous 31., H. Schenk If, K. Feltner rt, Weurth es; Meadows p. Guderich-D. Nairn. 2b, W. Carrick lb, H. Muruey 310, C. Archer ogee:. Hadden If, G. Goldthorpe p, M. Sand- erson c, 11. McKay cf, G. Toney rf, Score by inninge: Crediton 1001000-2 Guderich 0 1 2 0'0 0 0-3 Summary --Struck out by Gold - day evening. Worshipful Brother thorpe 9, by Meadows 6. Bases Rev. J. N. H. Mills. rector of the balls, off Goldthorpe 4, off Meadows a. church. preached a foreful and in- Two -base hit -Murrey. Errors, (Sud• 1lorulhy Liuklater spiring sermi,n, and rapprop rinte musk` erich 3, Credlton 3. It. -'Those taking nine subject. but was tendered by the choir under the - failing in the number of palters Youth and age battled to u draw on tient-toed In figures !n brackets:- I. Honore: - James Sutherland \\'liliuw Sutherland Reginald Fisher 79 (':orlon McMehet .........._73 II. Honors:- Evelyn onors:Evelyn Long L)4tIi ('raw ford ... 72.3 Helen Cotter 67.6 67.2 14.1 92.7 72.8 te5, , hilr-ef Mr. C. A. H. Wilkinson. - Gtkktich 1-Credilml 1 Accident at the Harbor Wednesday esteem) when the feed;• Jt'an Kenneth Hunter (l) Howard Young (1) Mr. George W. McConnell. of Wind- ton nine, who for the most Fart are ho 7(1.4 65.9 62.8 60.6 58.4 31 16.3 sor, met with a painful accident at the veterans of many hard-fought shrug- Flureuce McKenzie (1) Cadwell Sand h Gravel Company's ekes, and the heal uggregat on, young \1 a and eager, fought for stn inninge-to „I lar on Wednesday afternoon, when the, have Ow game end 1n a one -nil de. John Krreeshaw (CI- l steam. shovel apparatus which he was Both sides might Babe scored oftener, George Posher (2) -- Widl it other- atlng it when the accident happened gam. all through and the lions share and he received painful injuries to the of the credit for the icicatar good show - face and shoulders. Dr. A. C. Hunter ing must go to their moundsmau. Glen was summoned and had the injured Tuuuec. „Though a little wild In the man removed to Alexandra hospital., first frame Glen soon settled down and ' Mr. McConnell moved to Goalerieh for the- rt'natlalm�t-fWe frames_ truck. from Windsor about two months ago out sevt'n and did tot issue a single ' find had been employed with the Ceti- bane on balls. ar ler also • ch Mots, tr, t he Crediton hurler, c l Company, uhf well.and & Gm a Com i1e , pitched a goal game. Ile Is the first southpaw the locals Wive had to con- tend with In two years, and at times he had them swinging' wildly on his tnntnliziiig hooka. The lieldfitg feature of the game Came In the ninth innings, when, with men on ,'tv+ptd and find. Curt Sheatr- down. the los-al first sticker, grubbed GdbM,na sizzling line drive, which had all the earmarks of a sure hit, and doubled the runner off third. If this hall had goon through two runs would have beet sc.tri i and the old hall game would have been ail shot. lint. RS we have veld is•(ore, fortune ruled it _utherwlae. ' 12 Archer nowt; the twain' only tally 31 in the sixth after having reached first 10 on Motz's error and Rohl to accord __ on the overthrow. He stv,red on D)ut- quette's rhe Texas lengilt•r over short- stops head. Cn•diloti surreal their nut In the fifth frame. int front then on could not get a runner acne.. the plate. In this tame innings Hoiden In left field for the Itlaeksox made a 'entitl- ed throw to the plate. totting off a run which would have won the game. The game was called at the end of the tenth, as both teams agreed that it was getting too dark to field the ball properly. and it prohahty "intim have meant a ragged ending to n well• played game.• The line-up: ` Lorene Grass (2) CretMton-Falst cf, Grieve e. 11. Fah- I Wilson McCreath net 2h, H. Shenk If, E. Feltner lb. .K. I Lillian Patterson (3) lllhbons 8h, Meadows ss. K. Feltner rf, Norman Bowler to `illie Saunders 121 plant at the northwest side of the har-dNatal M, lk raid operating amts off the tracks. Mr. but fortune warned to a ►rule Tdbb (4) McConnell was in the machine open- wise-ninl so it Was. It was a good Stevens-Worsell An attractive June wedding took place at the home of tke bride's moth- er, Mrs. J. H. Worsell, Victoria street, on Wednesday at high noon, when itev. C. T. Clarke united4n marriage Miss Reta Maude Worsen, only daughter of Mrs. Worsen and the late Mr. J. II. Worrell, to Mr. Vernon Stan- ley Stevens, B.A., of Toronto, son of Mrs. Alice Stevens and the late Mr. Stevens. of Owen Sound. The draw- ing -room and dining -room were pret- tily decorated with flowers. The bride was charming In a sleeveless gown of white taffeta and net with gloves and shoes to match and veil of net caught np with a bandeau of orange bloawoms, and carried a bouquet of Butterfly rows, lily -of -the -valley and fern. She entered the drawing-r.om to the strains of the welding march played by Miss C. McClinton, and the cere- mony was performed in the presence of immediative relatives and a few friends. Later a dainty buffet lun- cheon was aeret-ed and the happy couple left on the 2:20 ('.N.11 train for an ex- tended trip in the United States. The bride's travelling costume was n mint blue georgette dregs with beige broad- cloth coat with mink trimming and het and *hoes to match. The groom's gift to the bride was R white gold bracelet set with diamonds. and to the planfnt a white gold barpin with pearl setting. Ott their retnrn Mr. anti Mrs. Stevens will visit the bride's mother before going to Toronto, where they wIll make their home. Garden party and concert at Vic- toria Street church July 2nd. Yon are invited. is installing equipment at the harbor for the removal of gravel from the mouth of the Maitland 'River for ship- ment hipment to Detroit and other points. Bylaw ('arrles The grandstand bybiw woe carried by vote of the electors on Friday last, 308 votes being cast In favor and 161 against, a majority for the bylaw of 147. The vote by polling divisions was ns follows: For No.1 53 40 No. 8 4'S Niiv 4 44 No.5 39 No. 6 110 No. 7 28 Against 20 27 20 96• 304 161 The coulee met on Tttesduy night and awarded the contract for the new grandstand to the Hod/sr/eh Mnnuifnc- taring Co.. at,5(m►. The stand is I.. be 192 feet long, with seating cepa• city of 1400. Material will be eon - trete and wood, with patent asbestos fireproof roofing. The work is to be completed by August 1st. . BRIEFS Dr. Atkinson will be out of tows from July 1 to 22 inclusive. 2t The Victoria home and School Club will hold a gale of homemade baking In Mr. C. U. Robertson's grocery Wore on Setnrday afternoon, June 30th, com- mencing at 8 o'clock. There was a rush for the opening of the male at C. A. Tihmber & Son's Jewellery store on fintiwtlay morning. Mrs. ('. B. Burkholder got the adver- tised 15 -jewel watch; die had been on hand for the opening since an early hour in the morning. The sale has been proceeding all week with sur - ream. Rome Rttraeth•e offers are trade for next Saturday night; sec ad. on paps 4. • 55.3 51 1 Fherett Harris (4) 49.4 C. -Those taking eight subjects but failing in the number indicated Marjorie Hetherington (2) 07' Ih.rothy Walters (3) Mildred Scott (2) Vesta Tabb (4) .fiti7 wk Gf.t► Keith Muriso(2) rt (3) 513.1 Is fu The promotion of the following dependent on their successful Jack iiihissing of the Depurtmt•ntal examinations:- Vesta Tal!, Annie Tubb Keith efuriwn Everett Ilarris IVillk• l'nitridge is promoted to 2nd year Cownaereial with a percentage of 04.7. _ .. Plt(►MOTiONS FROM FORM I. A (1St YEAR CGMIIEKCIAL) TO 2nd YEAR COMMERCIAL A. -Those taking the full ten sub- jects :- I. Honors: - Herbert Graham Elsie Smith Lulu Jewell Margaret Debit. ii. Honors: - Irene Marsh JLargmerite McDonald Eolith Lumhy Ill. Della Money Marney Florence Kingswell r 63.7 Those taking ten Subjects but fall- ing In the number of subjects boil- oared :- Jean Holmes (2) 86.6 Nellye Ilannleter (2). 111.2 Lionel Clark (1) 61 B.-T1to14e taking nine subjects: - Gertrude Lustby R6.1 Elaine Grass 7'16 iorne Clark (1) 66.1 64.7 (11.4 6t Ambrose Colborne (2) 60.4 Frank Aplin taking only eight sub - petty Is promoted with 50.(1%. Dorothy Steep and Marie Ryan of Form 111.11 are fully promoted to 2nd year Commercial. Victoria Street Church Jubilee The spt'iliiL..ternitr'a to commemo- rate the jubilee of i'letoria street United church will ,'.'amen.',- on Sun- day ne.t. fly' -1A• if: tirnhna: -of ilantilton, a farmer pastor of the church. will preneh at 11 a m. and 7 p.rn. In the afternoon. nt 3 o'clock, there will ise au open s.l'sion of the Sunda;- whose. to he Rdd ret.mwl by Mr. Johtt Elliott., of iondon. 'There will be speci.l utnsic at all services. Oa onday. at W oMo'clock. a garden party will cbegheld of the church Ivan. at which a program will be given by the Lontionlan mixed quartette. The epeeist services will he continued the following Sunday. The people of Victoria street have been preparing for this anniversary occas - Inti for conte months Intl large gather- ings are expected at nil the services. OBITUARY MAGNS'i( C. SWANSON A well-known Goaleri•h citizen, Mn: Magnus ('.^Swenson. deported this life on Saturday last, after a long illness. Deceased. who wns in his !eventy•sev- enth yenr. woe porn in Godertch and bad Jived here all his life. He was engaged mea, and finalgagillnessfor, as'itIiany thye Gorstterieh Pinnttlnnlh)sag Mills. ile is sum 'red by his wife and two mans, Charles, of Wingham, end 141.4 ML,rrts. of Detroit : also by to -o broth - 79.5 era and a sister. William Swanson. of ,i, 77.1 _'Hamilton; .Frie J 1►. Seson. nt 7ft.t1 ITamlta,p.. R.('.ng, and Mrs.'Dawe�Tns 7174171ftteoioslok nf. npolmafdclVey RoncrfeniTnenrcetnll, y Rlo'r.fertreefnunfr te. rt*ol Mei Maitland cwena'fery, serve ter being conducted by Rev. R. C. Mclermtd. 63.8 Members of Court Goderleh. Nb. *2, ('.O.1"., of w•Itich deecese.l was a mem- ber. ntteptied in a lo,ty anal conchal their burial service at ,ht• q'a1e, Tyr iallta•ntors were M t'- T-. .\ D. Mc- Lean. B. .1. Santis. ,Fns. It. \h lnney, Nelsnn .Armwtr,nr. Allan,M.'hnuald end D. Sproil. Those In ntttndabt'e from a distance, leselde, the tun Wass and their families, were Mr. end Mrs. E. C. Rnsoll and Mho Nellie Robson. of Walker' lie: Mr. Wm. •4wnn+vm. of Hamilton: Mr. J. S. Morris. of Wen- pun. Wiseoncin, and Miss Ella il4•k, of Toronto. W. Mots p Gnderieh-D. Nairn 2b, W. Carrick rf, H. Mt(rrtey of. C. Archer as, G. Du- quette ala M. ganderenn c. C. Shear - down 1h. G. Hadden If, G. Tanney p. Score by innings: Crediton: ,...00001 00000-1 Guderich 00000 1 0000-1 Umpire: E. L. Dean, Goderkh. Pari. green and arsenate of lead at best price*. Campbell's Drug Store. (tleckatone' s delkian' homemade lee cream, 50 cents a quart. Order now. ench will receive $25.00. the value of the whole rship. RegInnbl Fisher end Gordon Mclde- hen are entitled to honorable meatiest in the Middle 4. hoatl ('atherine C. Sale Is the winner of the 1st scholar" AUAM,t()N MEMORIAL SCH(1LAR' ship. value $12'100, with 75 (lath- SHIPS erine F. iT. ern ford. of the 2nd srbnl in the Lower School the brothers, anhip. value $15.01. with 7(i5% James C. Sutherland and William A. W. Franklin Rayner Is omit,omit,nt Sutherland, tied for the scholarship honorable mention. with the very high psrcentgge of 91.6. The wand year enmmer•lsi report By decision of the Collegiate board will be published next week. 11 a' E Lfl 1