HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-01, Page 21How does it feel to be out on the street? Find out. Take a walk. • Uallic a biriT.Tadmi. • TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW I respectfully reqaeit your support in the elecdon for council ea December 6. I have served 8 years as councillor and if re-elected will, in the future, as Is the past, Work for the betterment of Lacinow and its citizens: SINCERELY MURVIN SOLOMON TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW I solicit year support at the eleidon for council on Monday. December 6. I have served previously audwoull appreciate your support Maio- "Last ea the ballet, first is your Mind" RUSSELL 'BUSTER " WHITBY To The Electors Of The Village of Lucknow ' Having aides bitterest lathe future of our Sawa and having Raked expedeace Arno local dubs sad activities, am *skin the Electors of Lacissw to please napped me for emacil MI December 6. SINCERELy Barry A. NicDonagh For Transportation Phone 528.3821 TO THE. ELECTORS OF THE 'VILLAGE OF .LUCKNOW. I have decided to stand agaia fur the office of csandi in blelkirW• • I have cemplebitd three yeoman the board and respectfully ask for year Vote ea December 6th. If elected I will Matinee, as it the past, to give the business, of the vane my Mama consideration at all thaea. / GORDON MAIZE lop ing the swamp along rainage estions might are in iuld be o keep What preser- ment?; hobby, ner be 11 time SINCERELY, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW • I reapectfully request your support at the dee*. an Minday, Decsaidrer 6th for Latham eCsanciL I as basin:Mad la arunielpal affahs aad orsiald appreciate the eppOrinaity of serving encoaacil far the next two year tern. S1NCERLEY AB MURRAY .i0 iNE ELECTORS. OF '"THE:VILLA6E OF OCKHOW I respectfidly request year supprat at the election Meadriy, December 6th for Larimew Village caumil. My prat emporiums he. bees: 7 yard Slicing Tedmician Bell Canada 4% years halePendeat Diatributar I *add appreciate the appal/NEW 4 serve as camcil for the mat two year lens. SINCERELY TOM ANDREW PAQE TWENTY-0NE WEDNESDAY, DECErea I, 076 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • 1, 1976 KINGSBRIDGE Congratulations to Kenneth Wil- mer Moran, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fattish, R. R. 3, Goderich and to Wanda Lynn ',Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan of Sakford who . were married by the Reverend Father Ed • Dentinger, C-R., in St. Joseph's Catholic Church at Kingsbridge on Friday evening, November 26th at 6 p.m. The bride's attendants were: the flower girl, Miss Heather Bogie; maid of honour, Joanie Shoemaker; bridesmaids, Debbie Hannah, aunt of the bride and 'Linda Vance. The best man was the groom's brother, Stev,enn. Moran and the ushers were Jim Collinson, uncle of the groom" and Danny Duncan, brother of the bride. Miss Mary Anne Frayne was the organist and soloist. Following their marriage, approximately 170 guests were served a ham dinner at the Sakford Valley Hall. An open reception with music supplied by **Shannon" was enjoyed by their many relatives and friends. Guests wire present from Detroit, London, Harriston, Brampton, Toronto and the immediate area. The groom is employed by the Bell Telephone Company .at Stratford. The happy couple will make their home in Seaforth. A bridal shower for Miss Mildred Vega was held in the Kingsbridge Parish Hall on Thursday evening, November 25. Mrs. Betty VanOsch chaired the following program: • a sing song led by Mary Qare at the piano; a contest, with the answers the names of different brand names of soaps was conducted by Janet Card; Lisa Frayne danced accom- panied by. Mary Clare at the piano. In the address fo the bride read by Mrs. Delores VanOsch the bride was welcomed to Kingsbridge from her home in Ecuador. The bride was helped in opening her gifts by Misses Anita Hogan, sister of the I groom and Anne VanDiepenbeek, ) friend of both the 'bride and the groom. Lunch was served by the ladies in charge and a social hour , followed. — Wilfred Austin was transferred by ambulance from the Alexandra Marine •and G-eneral Hospital, Goderich to the University Hos-pit- ; al London-on Wednesdiyc Novem- ber 24. Visitors at the University iHospital during the past week with Mr. Austin were his 'wife Marian. his father. Frank Austin. Mr. and Mrs. John. Austin, Eldon Austin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney and Carl. Mrs. Fred Vassella, who was hospitalized in the University Hospital for some time, is now at her home. here. Carla Revington. David and 1Vickie Z3rIuk of the Stratford and Goderich Pro Life Groups were 1 among 200 persons who lobbied at, Ottawa. on Thursday. November 18. The three were invited by Federal M.P.: Bob McKinley to lunch in the Parliament Buildings. After lunch they were able' to see the member for this riding in action during question time. Discussion after- wards with Mr. McKinley was held in his office during which time he expressed that he supported the Pao Life stand' and that he had voted' against an earlier motion to widen the Abortion Law. The second planning workshop was held at the Brookside School on Monday evening. November 22 at 8 p.m. Mr. Finlay , MacDonald chaired this meeting which was on "Agriculture". He expressed his delight that so much interest wa.s shown. The majority of those present agreed that Ashfield Town- ship should be maintained for Agriculture. The next meeting will be at Brookside School on Monday. December b beginning at 8 p.m. The subject will be """Urban Development" and Allan Gibson will be the chairman. This is an important meeting so please be there. Congratulations to Tommy Gil- more, son of Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Gilmore and a grade student at St. Joseph's. School, Kingsbridge who won first prize at the Kitchener Batonfest for boys ages 7 to 10. The batonfest was held on Sunday, November 21 at Bingamon Kitchener, and Tommy was pres- ented with the trophy. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ryan and son Matthew of Timmins visited on the weekend of November 20 .and 21 with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare and Mary Luanne. Students-at high schools in this area have completed examinationi. Students at both high school and separate schools enjoyed Friday, November 26, a Professional Dev- elopment Day. These Develop- ment Days help to widen the teachers' knowledge, so that the children can be taught with greater efficiency. • Students at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge are now publishing a "Newsletter". It is called "Kings- bridge Ken". The word "Ken" is a Scottish word meaning "To be in the know". We want the community to be in the know about our school. News of happenings to do with the school will be published and this will include tournaments, meetings and 'holidays. On Monday, December 6th Separate School Supporters of the Township of Ashfield will go to the polls to select a Roman Catholic representative for the Huron Coun- ty Board of Education. Mr. Eugene Frayne,. a prominent fanner in Kingsbridge is seeking this posi- tion. There Will only be two polling places in Ashfield. Electors in the Western Division of Ashfield will vote at the Kingsbridge Parish Hall and the electors in, the Eastern Division will vote at the Ashfield Townthip Hall, between the hours of •11.00 arm-: and 8 p.m. We ask that you make an effort to get out to vote. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Parker of Arva attended the wedding reception at ' Sakford Valley • Hall on Friday, November 26 for Mr., and Mrs., Kenny Moran and spent the weekend at the former Billy Lannan homestead, visiting with their many friends and relatives in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare and Mary Luanne attended the wed- ding of Janice Spencer to Clank Rocchi in St. Peter and• Paul Roman Catholic Church in Hamilton on the Mountain, on Saturday, November 27 at 3 p.m. and the dinner and reception which were held at the Croation Hall,. Hamilton. Nelson Pearson of • Ashfield Township was admitted to the W'mgham and District Hospital on Saturday, November 27. His many friends wish him a speedy recov- ery. House League Volleyball: sen- iors results: Toronto A 2, Saskatch- ewan 2; Totonto,B 2, Montreal 2; junior results: Toronto 2, Montreal 0; Saskatchewan 1, Edmonton 2. Toronto have won the junior championship by beating Mont- real. However, the games have not been completed. 'St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge senior boys and girls shall be playing Brookside, in 'an Exhibition Volleyball game on . Monday, December 6th at Brook- side. On Wednesday, November 24 Grades Kindergarten to Grade 4 had a celebration ' lighting the Advent Wreath. The' teachers and Father Dentinger participated. Also present was the Huron-Perth System's Religion •Consultant for the school, Miss 'Mary Kennedy. Several ladies from this area attended a baby shower for little Tammy Lynn Legris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Legris. The shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arie VanDiepan, grind- parents of little Tarnm3r• Lynn. Sincere sympathy is, extended to • the relatives and friends of the late torne lvers who passed away on Sunday, November 28th at the Wingham - and District Hospital. He was 85 years old. His body rested at the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow , Where fimend services will be held on Wednes- day, December 1st. at 2 p.m., with burial in the Dungannon Cemetery.