HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-21, Page 6ti e; Thursday, June 21. 1928. II THE SIGNAL, - ,GODERICH, ONT. • The Weekly Farm Bulletin All passes; aunt sleete Enduring stays 10 us. Daring the Inst two weeks , fwd leaders in different braneles of Can- adian agriculture have been remove) prompt. marl.. tbig its n remedy. If by death -4S 11. Hutton. superintend- the beet of +'gigs is held for long in it ent of agriculture and animal industry warn "gate it drop, In quality. ''Tlie for the ('atutdian Petit's., and C. W. large numis•r of se•.'„nds which reach Baxter. former lbwiutuu fruit cum- mark t during thelt a ]ria e. weather tia re llatssioaer and president of Niagara melees:* slue a u„te from the dlcisluu, "but Ince a dept, sing effect upon the market -as a whole... Trade May Develop. An export trade in dceiseal ioultry amity develop In large proport0 ns. if the present opportunity is followed up. says John Itrotvll. who Is promili l t in L.nhry trade (Steles in Montreal. Ex- ports of dressed fowl to Great Brltalu' hate run as hi;;h as 24:(M0 pounds in a.me recent N,eks, and shipments will lie double that before the month is out. Sterag,• stork -Sere being drawn upon tae -Iia these orders and if the demand frow herder holds ftp II eat pritee are likely to move ftp. Incidentally. the first shipment ool t'anadkau lite cattle to go overseas ti over n year is now on its way. lunoi soda grower- 1'.-oteratitto, sad :after t'auadion bnt.m is now alone it pound well to ,$otify as to numbers. 1VIth warmer weather a higher percentage of total receipts fails tinnier the grading "•seebnds." The poultry division of the Dpni t ion line stock branch urges Packers, Ltd. Mr. 'Hutton was an Ontario awn, graduate of (►.A.t'., who went West over twenty years ug„ and was for a long tiuw• sula•rintendeut of the Ibe ou experiment station af La- avwle, Alta. In 1919 be awls up the alsn•e wci'tioue,l work with the ('.1..Ii.. mud on the company's farm at Strath- more built up one of the test Holstein herd In Canada. For four years he was presid.lit of the Westent t'auadu Live Stock Union. Mr. Baxter was for surae years bet -tory )..$tag *wanted fruit comtuts- douer an hem:tato iu 11w-ST,rut br:nada. Six years ago lie left the tiovernmeut service to become min- a r of the ill-fated Niagara Lamin - its demise Mahle manager el ease of, sterlit'r per long hundred alstte late, the nwers..or ' c"mpaintt•s, At the ' A;,ril torics mitis the British market. tinr._f Lia den he was hen.tw r y InaIla try president of the Ilorti.uT-ticnT-foUnai: .t Sim,.r• county farmer, wririny mei TttnloFt_popaur green vr -atable r end a member of its legislative. tariff The t•ttuit,litan (',untrynhtn 1Till, l celery. can iw set out now. Except for fusI transportationcommitttes, pr•si• entut, tells of a quick pile•e of work.' taw commercial man, it is advisable to dent_i•f the Southern Outerw Fruit 1 young farmer taught a feral badly I tae pleats, and these should be secured iwttxvlia[ely. Limas lite sihhrr sell and Vegetable rh[l-{ie'r: ;a•salatitm. utteited With quack grass from a reliable Roscoe Nbe-e Tlfe and direst.r 'of several frult-geowers stilt Iw was behind With his work at I than string beans. and there must he will iw guarantee!. For a orgtmizettoaee. potato planting time. Neighbors lent variety plenty of humus to retain the wuis- A Change at O.A.C. I him it hand with the manure. and four continuous supply. stet out a few plants tore. L'ole limae give larger yields Sortie changes which may or may not � men with two spreaders ran out over f a ,Lift in policy are ,.i htc hwtls iu our day The next day e rota at the Outano . gne to Molt a platform rge The Vaal -toile flight of the monoplane Southern ('russ arrest. the Pacific Ocean from Callum'. Cul., to Australia was completed June 10th when the plane and its crew of four ar- 1 rival at Sydney. The arrival of the two Aus- tralians and two Americans, Captain Charles Kingsford -Smith, Charles 'Situ, Harry W. Lyon THE FLIGHT OF THE SO.TNERN ('Kos•'+ anal Jamas Warner, was marked by wild en• thusiasw on the tsirt of thousands of {enema who had watched and hoped as the huge tri - metered craft fought its way through storms for hours along the 7,800 -mile path over the sea. The flight !relit California to Sydney was II accomplished to lees than ten days. Captglu Charles Kingsford-Smitlt and C. T. Ulm an - 'emitted that they plan to continue their air journey and make the circuit of the globe. The alan'e layout shows the sturdy threw - engine' Fokker plane with (lefts Capt. Kings- furl-Su11th, commander of the fright; Charles T. O. Ulna Lieutenant II. W. Lyons, and (right) James Wanner: the thumb. ain.L..if it is a litilt _w ft. 11 O1 NAT I 11 Gardening Hints lone a Il)NAL_M'EAL'17i. BAD HE4Dt4 MORE PREVALENT. nue eau co-..... it satiety tow Hand Vlbratlot for all f thea- plants should be warns.! Has "savaged by Three Heaton poi Yreseribed 0 well drains) well wateree! and very tars In Three ]ears. and Hot 011s. rich. Au old chip pile, where some Canada's national wealth increased Baldness is more prevalent among well -rotted euauure tote been dug in. by $3.000,000,000 in four years. ac- middle-aged men than ever, says and which is furrTy Seuchc.l with cording to the Dominion Bureau of Mme. Iona Periford, who specialises 'twilight, is the ideal location. Plant Statistics. In 1921. the estimated on adding to the scanty hair on men's six seeds to a ail.. three feet apart, aggregate of the tangible wealth of heads. and thin to four plaints. 'Shia also is I theDominion was $22.195,000,000; "The head should be treated as a I the proper time to Plaut lin a hearts, I bt i 925 the total had increased garden," avers Mate. Periford, "the whist should give a fair crop if sown' to $25.673,174,000, or $2,770 per hair being the foliage of the human head of population. The computation body. is exclusive et undeveloped natural ' "The averace middle-aged basins' 's head shocks me. The belief every week or two. up to the middle of than the bush varieties, and usually July, with the bull going in about the 't° l,t'at with the amateur. They need Bush last-mentioned time for fall siurug,•limas should be planted in hills resources. man Ontario ranked as the richest pro- that a bald head in an office lea sign wealth with 27.0090 chest ate of Quebec, ♦ bald od had is meresinetut ts is ly thenrfesulton. of he sigindeunt „ R vten feet of climbing space. with estimated aggregate wealth of poor circulation and nervous shock ecu g t ulwrnl 1 fl la enough for al college. Dr. J. B. Reynolds, for the'. tub of seed pdatees over a three -fur- $6,228,284,000 was second; while Worry or illness may have stopcult f d Istat tight years preakleut of the lout- row tractor plow. As the { machine I Celery eau three -fur - be grown On tine •ri,It. ,.ightaen inches each way. Water well Saskatchewan. wish .a total of $3,- the circulation." lege. has with poling reslgnatiean re- moved along hhe on the platform be- { G ' the I t70,314,' 000 came third Alberta was Mme. Periford does not claim to 1►e sighed. aid Dr. Gis,rge Christie, at side the tub and saton ted the spuds In hose. Soul do not sprinkle and I fourth with egg ball but urntestd, f h ex{a•rimeutul 1 1111 furrow. By night be hadof For the June Bride C drained soil, provided it is not ha in dry weather with the nozzle offcerate wealth eat=-' able to do anything with a head Y u theem Well drained muck, move. keep the water off the leaves. Egg l mated at $2,086,688.000, British Co- bare as a billiardu present director u the the middle r is richest soil in humus we Lacs.'' plaits should be set out now, too, and lumbia fifth with $1,983.420.000that by means of hand vibration and .learn and In ext. returns at Purdue rhe six acres planted. h 1 H lin Manitoba sixth with $1,838,819.000. hot oils she can conquer bald heads ('uiccrsity, •...$suet rrtunns to lar tions of manure an needed , ti loam Nova Scotia more than three or fear full-sizeedi eggs See our SNOW-WHITE KID and BLACK Patent Pumps The new models combine to an unusual degree the merits of comfort and smart appearance. Also a full line of Travelling Goods W. HERN Shoe Merchant Phone 43w fill,$. rirll give. the hest results. cavy app e' - to lay- their full quota. which is not seventh with $789.651,- which are not altogether "too tar [wits with uitnte of scads dur{ttg tla•to the Plaut, they muff be set In rich 000. New Brunswick eighth with gots f growth.1V k is $00. New 000 Prince Edward island years director of extension at•• well before remot ng r. w aleuudaht moisture. Set them two was in tenth peroltivu with The tarso to take over the'vatant ptrsitton. ATI 1 Stevenson. for several n(]GVt$t I' Dr. Lion. C PAINS early stages a Water p au hWealthy. flats. add, ninth with $136,916.000. .,,,il, but hot I.so heavy, and have whit., the New Zealanders w t 1- Yukon New Zealander, whose per gist with a stsriel commission to run they are he•ing transplanted. Plant• $iWhile000. capita wealth amounts to $3,371.70, While Ontario led in . absolute is the wealthiest average citizen in the- these shifts and t rte tr Through the Use from t wealth, the western provinces came the world. The Swiss is next with ' an experience' extension man as early and keep it during 1 first in per capita wealth. Saskatch- $2,998.20, the American third with preatdent of lit$+ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills With tauet*wan held first rank with a per cal) $2.941.90, and the Rumanian fourth form of activity tlme'will tell. The for most a rneumat'• sufferer can uickly, which la the only way to pro- sorts the oftener the bloom is re- Ita wealth of $3,544. British Colum- with $2,808.90, according to a world ,T« th oug hope hi rubbing something on the q ;_bra was second with $3,539. Alberta economic chart tor 1927 compiled by Although there has been plenty of swollen, aching joints is n little relief, 'lireeery a tender crap, water when fay to l moved, the more r it there toll] lir start I third with $3,469 and Manitoba Redmond & en., investment bankers �rsiu +luring the past few weeks, the and all the while the trouble.Itis De I bleach Ithe n lcelery e ' the simplest place beards ! devel,ltlug seed pods, allowed will be no I fourth with $2,909. Ontario was a of New York. apriug in Western Ontario was g` n coming more firmly rooted. itis new I eleee up against the plants on both more flowers. With those sorts, such ; close fifth with $2,901, Quebec sixth At the tither end of tie scale are etnlly dry. lu Eastern Ontario the re- known that rheumatism Is rooted in aides of the row, and hill these up a as alyssum, pule:, petunias, and with $2.485• New Brunaw ck seventh Soviet Russia with $211.60 per rap- verst. has beet the carte, and farmers' the blood, and that as the trouble goeswith $1,696, Prince Edward wand its,, $395.80, and Bulgaria on the blood becomes still further thin', little with earth to keep them in place. others that, d.• not produce flowers with hth with Prince , and Nova Scotia its,,Greece $403.10. The chart, which arias ill let• ,half of the winter in that can be easily picked, it is allyls- nineth with $1,471. lyses the economic status of 49 eoun- able to shear R the fading bloom. The total agricultural wealth in tries under 60 heaitngs, reveals that 1926 was -$7,132.942.000-, represent-, the poet of living in Austria. and that Ontario Makes Rapid Strides as Peps- las 20.61 per cent. of the whole. : Rada le sastly first as mother of monopolies with a revenue of $140, lar Sumntee Playgroundheq A STRANGE HOI►lE. 368,000 last year from that souses, A ready :ti -ser to the question -Where shall we go for our holidays?" Tame Mice Are Living In an Old PRISONS THAT PAY. 1s found today am°ilg the many at - well dermis tractive and pleasurable resorts that t the dun (►t(tt f hag been aplroinuel Provincial xoolo DUE TO THIN BLOOD if pxta+ible, have wail moist roto w titch . (,,'t apart in the raw. Yrs Republic of Colombia e'; External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Dated April i, 1928. Mature October 1, 1961. These Ramie a ill constipate direct obligation of the Republic of Colombia, secured by its full faith and credit. NORMAN LEWIS Corner Hamilton and Newgate Sts. n 4 76 Plane P. 0. Box 70th. (iodet is h. down sleep and seine farasites. ,Whe• t tion of Relief Comes of mean a widening six to eight Inches apart, in rows Krrp Flewere one to three feet wide. Cultivate To kee r the flower garden blooming ee at the sea -on. and lookingits best, all dying flowers Lo order to keep the plants growing , must be kept removed. are praying for a let-up. in Dundee, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell, for - ittstantr, Heading has not .mash_.AWe than commenced on many low-lying (eery st I and watery. To get rid of rheumatism.' t sal, fairly dry storage. therefore. you mutt go to the root of .'. IKsW the tnnuble in the bitted. That Is why Tender t'eg�b -farms. and fur the whole area it is es i Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved about the time to put in This' is Ornate(' that not more than [wu-1hTrda so beneficial when taken for this from that grow of vegetables, or botanists p of the acreage planned for oats and Irl.•. They 'make nee-, rich blas) may consider some of them fruits, Carley has yet gone in. The rest will which expels the poisonous acid and , known as the tender sorts. Chief largely go into buckwheat. A letter the rheumatism disappears. ' among these will be the !splash types. from Doming county conveys the infer- 'There are thousands of former rhea. Marrows and summer eepuatrtt may be mutton that from late April to the end math• sufferers In Confute, now well planted any time up to July 1st. The of the first week to June there were find strong, wit, thank Dr. Williams' same holds true for watermelon, cit- have made Ontario's highlands and only two days without at least a Pink Pills that they are now flet. run, and muskmelon. The summer fake districts the metra of painsvacation- or this sprinkle of rain. The one bright spot from the aches and "quash and marrows es well as en - for farmers lir the erste '+the--dreealwitrouble. One of these la Mrs. .titin t>ers. which mule in well 5 tAie Pr %in,•0 is the fact that if feed is. W. F. Tait. McKellar, Out., who says: time, should be picked when about S'beiWE�t le -Wier there Is el ay1•ti a strung demand fur their cows and at good Klee". Often such conditional throw numbers of tattle on the mar m one of the willing ones to tell bali-grown. the flesh being more ten - you of the great benefits I received def then that at any other time. This from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink rule'deeldedly does not hold good for Pills After lying in bell for seven the melons, however, which must be ket at "pick-up" prices; this year if weeks suffering untold agony with in - ripe before any but the very small boy they are forced to sell they will at I flammatory rheumatism, relief finally ,will dare to tackle them., To deter - least get a fair return. earn through the use of Pula m.dicina_m whether they are ripe or not. Wirewerins. I could not move in bed only as they simply press the end of the fruit with ----_-- t portw from Elgin county mu o 4-11fttid sod I muld.ouly sleep when serious damage from wireworms. opiates were given me. The medical Corn and potatoes are partk'ulirly treatneut I was taking seemed of no suse-eptibte to attack. and hi oto• Mee avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. a whole twelve -acre field of corn was Williams' Pink Pills, and soon i began .wiped out. Sections in which a high to get relief. After taking six or eight proportion of the total_ form land lies boxes the rhetlmetism was banished in meadow and {acture, such as North and i had never felt better in ,toy life. Wellington, have -'these-jwttiferoel''1t 15 *were! rote' ranee this happened crop destroyers always with them. I and i have had no return of the troll. Tine effective control is to break up : It!,' since. I may add that ar recom- Ute braeeling places and institute a mended the pills to two of my friends short rotation, largely of crepe which who were suffering with rlteunuttism usually escape serious injury. A plan I and the pills were equally effective in reteuiwenelel by specialists is to plow � Melt mew" early, summerfullow, and sow to fall Try Dr. Williams' fink Utile for . wheat. or. as seeseud choke, fall plow' 8nneteln, rhetimatiam. ne'ttrnigin, Outl- and sow to oats or barley in the' aerofoil "r nervou-ucss. Take them as spring -dor either ease seeding to I a ton ie if you are not in the lest phy- clover. After removing the clover slot' condition snd cniti(•nte n resist - crop the following year, plow sad Ain' ante that will keep you well end wheat again, seeding again to clover. i strong. You can get these pills By the time the second clover crop Is through any medicine dealer or by off the worms should he well whipped. mail at Ilk• a box from The Dr. Wll• Peas, flax, and buckwheat are not ans. lime' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ott. ceptible to attack, and may be worked I - 1n to vary the above 'sheuae of i'INF. AND SE.% opera I ions. The difllealty is., of .anew that the .t Well %deb:et' Holiday Tonle fres► very conditions which cense farmers the Maritime* to lay Isnd .1.'wrt lit metelew and Pas- Sls•ud this years vacation by the tote-'nek of labor and la,wcr-vymlke mother'' Let the scent of the pine difficult the atrprlicatioh of the remedy.' and the racy rang of the volt sea air Several farmers in the/ Arthur neigh -help to till the days with joyous iorbessl have bought tractors and use health. them ' xtenaively in n program of (mean plunges t•ve•ry dry--golfing- pawna••r breaking and cultivation. unit''ring--asusting --I re mating. Neerm•- Past the Peak. thing to do every minute. l'ietou Egg production is pest the peak bodge In Nuts tle•otIa I+ a well re,-' 1n to:anrio for this ut'tisrtn. Over a mended resort hotel. Plenty- of oth"r we, - k sg'e nine of the secente[en IllathK uccomnn.Qatiii, to -sense farm homes centres reporting staled that the top--Inecl,enslce woodland res,rts• or bail been passed, and six others that 'delightful ha tens on the rsmshore. 14 -had been reached. Receipts are Any Canadian Notional agent will elednitely on the doe's grade. gladly give you information about the Down grads." was written with no holiday possibilities of our alnritinn•+. Imeatier of iatnning, but it applies as Write or ask for illustrated' literature. 1! TEA 868 Dark-skinned natives glowing sunlight of mauntaln tops great ships ploughing through tropic seas these things all tome to mind when a cup of "SALADA" Is steaming before you. Such Savour such fragrance. Try "SALADA". lets from all across the continent. Irma_ the blue waters of Huron to the rock -spattered streams of the Ottawa 1'ialley, picturesque lakes and titling racers vie with each other se popular resorts. Fog the ardent fisherman the Es- wartha lake's, the Thirty Thousand Islands of (;ee,rgian Bay. the Beeatte• taw -au, l'ickereland French River districts and inland lakes of Algon- (lulu l'ark offer the best of bass, mas- ktnonge and trout fishing. 'For some a holiday is not complete without a canoe trip. For these, Ti- magami. the Rideau Lakes and the tapper streams and lakes of Algonquin l'ark offer a thousand delightful canoe trips with ot.oi-air camping end cook- -lag thrown lee for extra measure_- s For general milid:lye such resorts at Muskoka laake'. Lake of Bays. Gear. glen Bay, Kewartha Lakes, and lakes' ('ouelaiching and Simcoe are recome mettde•st. Any Canatilan National Railways; agent will gladly give you literature, and full' inform:oi e' en all of On- � tsriu's summer re -arts and a<aist. 0u. In planning your holiday. 2t Iapilsoo-Hlcks Hankers After a New Tarte mice a Jon Zoo are ' It is not Y in the fairy uiOtT,. A new field has been discovered made of cake, With chocolate tiles. ler the millionaire, who wants to get toffee doors, and mint -drop window, ltd of so of his money. He can -but just an old brown lost. ]lie It to d01r a prison. Nor was it brought by fairies. The Mr William Joynson-Hicks. the keeper coming upon that loaf, very 6rlUah Homo Secretary, b�billjust stale, In his store, cut a small hole linen pointing out the posit in the crust at the bottom of the loaf, 'loophole, museums. sports grounds and handed It over to the mice. Ire all good things he has declared. They did the rest for themselves. but he hankers after "a new Borstal It is now converted into a very pre- m place of an old prison." Unfor- ' entable dwelling which they prefer tunately, he lives in days when there to their sleeping box. there Is' a growing demand for na- They have made a back and a Lionel economy, and apparently the front entrance, but in their enthue Chancellor of the Exchequer says team they went a -little too far and ,"No." So Sir Wiliam issues his ate away the whole of the "door." ' appeal. Still, the "walls" and the "roof"! "Is there no rich man who will stand, and should you suddenly ap- give me 5100.000 and immortalize proach the cage they will all skip his name for ever?" he asks. "A "indoors." Borstal takes bad raw material and converts it Into good, • honest hu - Doing Away With Strict Oars. inanity." Several German cities have done You will find the reason for this appeal If you look at the report of away with street cars and are using the Prison Commissioners, Just pub busses instead. Wiesbaden 1s the tat- • "tithed. It shows that the numbers est city in Germany to hei franchiser to use . now in Borstal institutions is so large street cars no more. The that it Is Increasingly difllcult to 1929. • the local line expires March re- maintain the personal touch which 31, and the city faN1cL have re- counts for so much in the training r.,a,.d to renew the ;ya►gcLlw. given. During 1926, 2,461 lads under twenty-one, were .tent to prison, while only 561 ser.' committed to detention in a Borstal institution. Of those sent to prison, about ane -half had not been previously convicted. What sort of chance is there for those lads? While the Borstal "nld boy" usually makes good, the lad who is sent to prison once tends 1.0 slip back in lawless ways after he is released. In a very short time the prospect of a prison sentence has no deterrent effect at all_ layingin a home that is edible. Bontril In Place of Old Prison. On Kitchener's Favourite Charger , SPARR'S Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -arriving daily - See our windows and satisfy yourself QUALITY GROCERIES -PRICES RIGHT-- Silverwood's ice Cream Brick'. ilixie Cups. B.11 Bons anti Bulk Spare's Grocery "The Store of Satisfaction" Hamilton St. Goderich Phone 146 The British Navy. The British navy has a personnel et 100,986. Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes Quantity of Good Hardwood in various lengths I can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone l7hj Gexlerich i I. illllgllllli •'KIDNAPPED" aboard the old Els Elder -Dempster liner Mount Royal when the ship was com- mandeered by ilia Majesty's forces as a horse transport, during the Boer War, a boy of ten spent two glorious years on the high seas. The boy is now Frank Daly, District Passenger Agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Van- couver, B.C., and his adventure was recalled by old photographs recently unearthed in England. Memories of Kitchener and of the Boer War are retailed by the discovery of the photographs. The snap -shot on the eenterahows Mr. Daly at the age of ten years on the back of Kltehener's favourite charger. This was taken on board the B.S. "Mount Royal" of the Elder. Dempster Line at Cape Town, gouth Africa, during the 11oe, War, when the vowel was requisitioned by the Government for the transport of horses. The oval on the left shows the boy on the bridge of the ship. Captain James A. Murry, cap- tain of the ship, is seen holding the horse's head. He was later Com- modore-('aptain of the "Empress of Britain' , and other steamships of the Canadian Pacific fleet, after the Elder Dempster Line was taken over by them. lie was killed in the great Halifax explosion during the Great War. The Boer War involved exritin` adventures for the ten year old boy. He was on board as guest of the captain at the time the war broke out, and the vessel was im- pressed into Government service as a horse transport. They sailed for Cape Town with a load of horses, expecting to return to Liverpool and the regular run 59 between the British Isles and Canadian ports, after discharging their cargo. The boat was ordered off elsewhere, however, and not until a year and a half had elapsed did the lad return to his home, by that time a seasoned mariner. On one occasion during the time they were on war service, the men went on strike, and the "Mount Royal" put into Barbados, where the whole crew were placed under arrest, and a black one temporarily substituted. The change was worse than before, however, and the remainder of that voyage to New Orleans was made at a pace of not over six miles per hour. Mr. Daly has been with the Canadian Pacific Railway twenty- two years, over twenty years of which he has spent in Vancouver. FOR TIRED SLEEPLESS NERVES Di'.Chascs Nerve Food THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and The Tetttsato Globe 36.50 Tha Sig fid and The Tweet. Daily Star 6.50 The Signal and The Leading Advertiser . 6.50 The Signal and The London Free Props 6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Empire 6.50 The Signal and The Femora' Sun 3.25 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star . 3.0(1 The, Signal and Saturday Night 1.50 The Signal and Saturday Evening Poet 4.75 The Signal and The New Outlook .. ' 3.9(1 The Signal and Canadian Homes and Gardens 4 63 The Signal and The Catholic Record - 3.75 The Signal sad Meleaa's Magazine 3.75 The Signal and Montreal Wit- ness renewal 3.55 new 3 M The Signal a a d World Wide renewal 4.25 new 3 85 The Signal and Youth's Companion 3 73 The Signal and The Toronto Star Weakly 8.78 The Signal and Red sad Gun 3.15 The Signal sad The Caaadiaa Countryman 2 e5 Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Re Had on Application i The June' w idov ih -dei 'Mt lu, 01 ty-fun „tie t ,luugl Khict AI held Mrs. seven were 1ea111, Da ship, dal, : •111,4 a t'slw .mitts Th daunt of II gartl Ilugl iize .JaIt / a t I Ia't r th holm Pelt plot. 1y 1 Sou Mar tt:` Ones tea• Ile{ 11' . .-Ler hal oat ,riot gat the 7 ('oh We of A. by esti --ark thi wi t. to L y y