HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-01, Page 10Hymn 259, Breathe on me, breath of God, was sung. The roll call was answered by a verse 'with Peace in it from the Bible. The • minutes of the last meeting were read. Mrs. Ross Gammie and Mrs. Bruce Raynard were asked to act as the nominating committee for the coming year. Our' next meeting will be December 7. We will serve lunch after the C.G.I.T. vesper service on December 12. The scripture lesson and meditation was given by Mrs. Frank Haw- thorne. Mrs. Ronald Forster gave the topic on Remembrance, prepar- ed by. Miss Sadie Johnston. The report from Glad 'Tidings was given by Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw. • Hymn 301 was sung and the Lord's Prayer, repeated in Unison._ closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ronald Forster and Mrs. Gordon Fisher. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5TH Services at 10 a.m. and 2:30 pin. Listen to tke Back to God Hour Message of Today 010K Sarnia, a:30 a.111. Radio dial MO CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 pm. Radio aid SiO 0 SON OF MAN: I loved thy' creation" hence I created thee Wherefore, do _thou love Me, that I may rzame thy, name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life. -Baha' u lila LUCKNOW UNITED 'CHURCH Rev. Deug Kaufman i Minister DECEMBER 5111 10 airno Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship i Nursery provided for pre-school driven Jr. Congregation for 45 - 8 year oldchildren THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMP • The Evening Auxiliary of the Ludtnow-Presbyterian Churckbeld their monthly meeting in the church on November 16. • The 'president, Mrs. Virden Mowbray, opened the meeting with a poem "A Blessed Thought..". ti I I 10 r r I Evening Auxiliary of prayer - Ladies taking part in a study group were Mrs. Maulden, Mrs. Bushell, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. ~Barr. Mrs. Maulden read the hymn "0 Valiant Hearts". Mrs. Glen Haldenby gave the courtesy remarks. The hymn ''"Lead kindly light" was sung and Mrs. John Barr dosed the meeting with prayer after which refreshments were served and a time of fellowship was. eafaYed- followed with prayer. Mrs. Don Ross presided for the, business and election of the officers: past president, Mrs. Bill Rintoul; president, Mrs. John de Boer; "1st vice president, Mrs. Don Ross; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Rintoul; Assistant' secretary. Mrs. patients. Then the U.C.W. ladies Victor Emerson; treasurer, Mrs. visited with the patients. ' Wallace Milligan; convener of Glad Tidings, Mrs. Walter Elliott; associate members,/ Mrs. Elroy LaidlaW; friendship and service, Chalmers WAI.S. Mrs,. Bill Purdon; literature and library, Mrs. Don Ross; supply, Mrs. Wesley Tiffin; assistant WH1TECHURCH NEWS supply, Mrs. Robert Mowbray; C.O.C.. Mrs. Hugh Simpson, Mrs. Chalmers . W.M.S. held their Archie Purdion; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. November meeting on Wednesday, • John de Boer; ' pianists, Mrs. November 17 at the home of Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. Don Ross; Gordon Rintoul. Mrs. Bill Rintoul,l nominating committee, Mrs. Bill presided for the worship service Rintoul, Mrs. Bill Pardon and Mrs. opening with a poem on Peace. , Wesley Tiffin; auditors, Mrs. Bill Come Holy Spirit was sung with t Purdon, Mrs_ Angus Falconer; Mrs. Andrew Gaunt pianist ; flower committee, Mrs. Dawson den on 1st Peter 2: 11-25 followed Mrs. Bill Pardon gave a reading. Craig, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. " Remembrance. Mrs. Don Ross Victor Emerson,/Mrs. John Gaunt. by the hymn "Tis the blessed hour read the scripture, Psalm 46. The The meeting dosed with the . Pamphlets on "Alive" were given out and some left at the diurch for those interested. The film strip. Christmas, take it personally, followed by a discus- Siell on the give and take of Christmas. Mrs.. Don Bushell and Mrs. Frank Maulde,n had the study, Urban Rural Mission of the Christian Conference of Asia. The hymn "'Prayer is the souls sincere desire" was swig. Mrs. !Don Bushell led in prayer. Nfiss Winnifred Percy had the medita-' Kinlough W.M.S. KINLOUGH NEWS Mrs. Donald Reid was hostess for the Kinlough Women's Mis- sionary Society meeting. The purpose was repeated and the hymn "The church's one founda- tion" was sung. 12 ladies were welcomed by the president, Mrs. William MacPherson and all an, swered the roll call with a verse on remembrance, and a gift for the Scott Mission. During the business period a protector rug for the church entrance and a cupboard built in the church was diicussed. The missionary report; St. Andrew's Jerusalem, was read by the president. Following was the election of . officers: president, Mrs. Tom MacDonald; 1st vice president... Mrs. Jack Barr; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Don Reid; secretary, Mrs. Glen. Haldenby; assistant secret- ary. Mrs. Ruth Vrgson; treasurer, Mrs. Don Robe n; assistant, Mrs. Don Bushell; pianist. Mrs, William MacPherson. DUNGANNON NEWS The Dungannon ladies met in the activity room of Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in Lucknow on Tuesday, November 16 at. 2 p.m. Tenie Logtenberg opened the meeting with everyone repeating the Lord's Prayer. Bessie McNee read, "Thoughts About, the Lord's Prayer". A short' business period followed. The new, slate of officers for 1977 was read and the president explained the function of ,the new committees. Our December Meet- -ing is to be in the form of a Christmas Variety night on Dec- ember Sth at 8 p.m. sharp. 'Lunch will be served. Everyone is welcome. The U.C.W. has been k invited to a concert on December 12 ', and a carol sing on December 24th at the Christian Fellowship Church. Helen Dawson ,read, "an Open Letter to God", and our meeting dosed with prayer. Carol' Reed played many well. known hymns and the ladies sang to entertain the Dungannon UCW Entertain At Pinecrest Manor meditation Was given by Mrs, Victor Emerson. Mrs, Bull Rin' tout gave a reading, Lest We Remember, telling the life history of John McCrae„ 'the writer of In Flanilers Fields, which was read by Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. In a . reply to Hander's Fields it told of the memorial in Guelph by his Peace. Psalm 77 w g- as sun Pot Luck Supper The topic Remembrance was given by Mrs. Bill Rintoul, who Trull' C.W. held their annual pol luck pper in the Church basement, Tuesday night, Novem- ber 23,,with 44 ladies sitting down to a delicious hot, meal. The roll call was answered with each one telling what they brought for supper. • Mrs. ,BielAndrew opened the devotions with a verse from John and then all joined in singing' "What a friend we have in Jesus". Mrs. Donald Alton read the scripture from , St. Matthew, and Mrs. • Bill Andrew gave the meditation "Secret Pals". A sing song followed with Mrs. Ken Alton leading it. The president, Mrs. Chester Hackett called attention to some of the important functions of the U.C.W. Rev. Cook'conducted the 'instal- lation of officers for the coming year. 'Mrs. Doug Raynard explain- ed the changes in the names of some of the different committees 'and groups. All the different committees read reports for last Year- Four of the ladies presented a skit " 'Evelina Proposes to Propose" which was really humorous. Following this the. Sunshine Pal gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Ken Alton gave the Trinity Tattler, and the pleasant evening came to a ckne. Baba P k 0 Two Holy Baha'is around the two holy days this wee the covenant and the 'Abdu'l-Baha. On IS Baha'is celebrate the of 'Abdiel-Baha as tl Covena followerS. November day when 'Abdu'l-B away. 'Abdul:Balla, the e Baha'u'llah, prophet fi Baha'i faith' was appo father as the authorize of his writings and il whom'all Bahals we instruction and guidam New York City on I* a h 1912 that 'Abdu'l-B to the .Baha'is his app the centre of.the Covl father and this day is k Day of the covenant. 'Abdiel-Baha was be the same hour on the .! the Bab, the prophet-la Baha'i faith, declared as the forerunner of d one of all ages. marked' by exile, trib suffering which he sha father until he, his fad ed in 1892. 'Abdul-Hal a prisoner until 1908 result of the young Tud he was released from ment. Establishing hi in Haifa, Israel, he eml after on his three-year Egypt, Europe and Nor during which ,time he Montreal at the home of and Mae Maxwell, no shrine. He returned tol the eve of the First inevitability he I ed to large audiences locations, including th, of the Messiah and Si Montreal. On November 28, 19 Baha ascended to the n His physical remains 1 Holy Land in the Shrine on Mount Carmel in FL You'll n( feel bet in your 1 Fitness. is lirosr heart you lime r - ' • DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN ' FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Doe lair., Studer* Paster ' ' Phone SZO-7731 SERVICES SiBIDAY, DES 5TH 10:110 aim. Sunday Scbaol THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF wamow SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY„ HEMMER 5 ST. PAUVS. TUPLET 9:00 ST, JOHN'S, BERME 10-.X1 ST. PE TER'S, LUCKNOW: 12:00 NOON 11 stan.. "Morning Worship" EVERYONE liCELCOME KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH n ' Paster Gilbert Van Sligtenherst 10 a.m. Sunday School U a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Pifidweek Prayer Service Wednesday 4 8 p.m. C.A. (Young People) Friday at 8:00 Mizpah Benediction. It was decided to entertain in December at Pinecrest Nursing Home but it was learned that there was no opening as it was all filled up. The hostess served lunch. been made. , Trinity. UCW home where a beautiful garden has, The roll was an call swered by 10 givm— g a Bible verse With the word