HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-01, Page 7Threal nto Upton anon Catharines Colborne iwel iipeg ,ary ionton couver erich osst f In a democracy, people get the government they deserve. if you don't vote, you don't count. • Publish0 in the public interest by The 270 High School. Teachers in Himon:County ZION Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie, Carol and Jim and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie spent , Sunday at the home of their sister, Jean, Mrs, • Ivan Papernick of Goderich. The rest of , the four Ritchie sisters , and their husbands were there also. Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland attended, the funeral of a yelative, Charles Hodgins of VVingham, on Thursday of last week. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Swan and family had her • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmerton of Kin- cardine on Sunday. On Saturday of last week the Swans attended the Ernmerton Beach bonspiel held at Ripley. °MIN SANTA CLAD PARADE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 FULL DETAILS IN NEXT WEEK'S LUCKNOW SENTINEL FREE SKATING SATURDAY ATERNOQN, DECEMBER 4 • 2-4 p.m- CORISTMAS $TORE HOURS OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. ON Friday, December 3, 10, '17 and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Decemb.er 20, 21, 22, 23 Friday, December 24—Closed at 6 p.m. Monday, Decetraber 27 Closed All Day - Boxing Day HER 1, 1976 k by friends, lovely gifts I nity shower, who helped al thanks 'to and Mrs. the gifts are I by Ray and °' ga (Lucknow) ink everyone flowers to )spitalized in nks 'also to ur home and ial thanks to sma, Ed and fenny Veld- . appreciated gotten. Sylvia -Mews and family Mr. and Mrs. Arthiir Phillips of Fonth ill visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden and . Keith. ' Friends .in this area were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of the late Charles Hodgins of. Wingham .and ,fornierly of concession 10. We extend sym, pathy to his wife (the former Jean Anderson) and to his 'daughters and , their families and• other relatives. On Sunday morning at the Anglican Service Mandy Lynn, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Wayne Rhody was baptized. ' Relatives were entertained 'at the Rhody home following the service. The Christmas meeting of the Holyrood Women's • Institute will begin with a smorgasbord dinner at 12.30 p.m. at the hOme of Mrs. friends and John Scott•on Thursday, December flowers and 2nd. a patient in The Anglican Church Women ondon. will hold • their Christmas meeting 'red Vassella on Thursday afternoon, December 9th at the; home of Mrs. Bert. Nicholson. • Mr. and Mrs: Alex Percy were , guests at the 50th , wedding anniversary of Mr.. and Mrs. William Stanley at Lucknow on Saturday. Open House was held at the Anglican Parish hall in the afternoon and a dinner was served later in the Presbyterian Sunday School room by the church ladies. Friends froni here extend congratu- lations. Bill grew up and attended school here, and Viola is a sister of Mrs. Alex Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaw and Wendy spent the weekend at Huntsville. We are pleased to report that P. A. Murray was able to return home from the Wingfiam and District Rospital, where he has been a patient. Mrs. Campbell Brown returned home to Strathroy after spending a •while with her brother Hugh Lane. . and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lane, who are patients in the Wingham and Dittrict Hospit- al. Mr. and , 'Mrs. Don 'Bertrand, Marc and kebecca of Simcoe spent a few days with Miss Winnifred Percy. Bill and,' Brian-, Percy and • Bruce Orr. Theyreturned home on Sunday. ' • ;,-„,..„$• SUFFERED INJURIES We are sorry to report that Fred Guest was taken .to the liVingharn and District Hospital with injuries, suffered in' a fall at his, home.here. We wish him a. speedy.,,recoverY. Mrs. Don McEmeatt, Mrs. Don • y would like friends and their 50th uch a happy KINLOUGH 'Gillespie, Mrs. Jack Barr and. Mrs. John Barr visited with Mr. and Mrs , Morley Bushell during . the week. The many friends of Roy Schneller (formerly of here) will be pleased to know he returned. to his home at Wingham on Sunday from St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener where he underwent surgery. We all wish you improve0 health Roy. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy were her Sister Mrs. Mary Trafford of Hanover and Mr. and —Mrs. Roy McGregor and SuSan of Scarborough, , The Anglican services next Sunday will be at Ripley, Bervie and Lucknow. Whitechurch' Mr. and Mrs.Wallace Conn were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley and Jaton of Wingham. Mrs. Jean McInnes of Witigham, formerly of Whitechurch, on Satur- day attended , .the 50th wedding anniversary dinner at Lucknow Presbyterian Church and Open House at the Anglican Church Parish Hall for Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley. This community extends • sym- pathy to the family in the passing of their mother Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, who was well known here when the Huron Co-op Health Insurance was, available. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGuire of Wingham visited on the weekend' with his father. Bruce McGuire of .Thornbury, and his brother Walter McGuire and Mrs. McGuire , of Collingwood and with her parents. Mr. Bramhill of Palmerston and her mother Mrs. Bramhill in Palmerston Hospital. , Mrs. Reg Peacock, Ruth and Nancy of Thornton were weekend visitors with Mrs. Ella.Johnston of Wingham and 'on Sunday Mr., and Mrs. Jack Johnston, David and Donna 'of St. Pauls visited with her. The December meeting of Whitechurch W.I. will be held December, 8 with 12 o'clock noon pot' luck dinner held in White- church hall. Hostesses, Mrs. Frank Ross and Mrs. Johnston Conn. Roll call, bring a stamp unsigned Christmas card. Variety program, Mrs. George Fisher, Miss Merle Wilson. Speakers, Mr. and -Mrs. James Stanley of Listowel,. returned missionaries from Africa. who will show slides , Anyone is, welcome to come at one o'clock to hear the speakets and enjoy the program.. ,An exchange of gifts ryitii",secret sisters. , BRUCE COUNTY FARM REPORT PLOWMEN'S ANNUAL MEETING The Bruce County Plowmen!s Association held'its annual meeting in . Paisley on Monday, • November. •22.. President Doug Simpson expressed, his thanks to all the people' who contributed their time and effort to Wards our. Coaching Day, County and International Matches. Election's were held and the new president is Bill MacKay from Paisley. Duncan Campbell of Kinloss is 'first vice president and George Anstett of Cargill is 2nd vice. Bruce Parker and Roland Anstett were re-elected as Provin- cial, DirectOr, and Secretary-Treas, urer respectively. Memberships are available to anyone in ,the County interested in the promotion of plowing competi- tion in Bruce County andTOntario.. Send your name and address along ' with one dollar to Roland Anstett, R. R. 1 Cargill. The next meeting of the Association for members and prospectiye members will be Thursday, January 13 .a 1.30 p.m. M the Ministry of Agriculture and • Food Boardroom at Walkerton.. QUEEN'S GUINEAS Have you ever had a cold chill 'run up and down your spine from excitement or elation? I recently had such a feeling as a result of something that happened .to' some- one else from Bruce County. I was PAGE SEVEN taking part in the Queen's Guineas Competition on Friday, November 19th at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. The judge was stalking around, poking and examining 6 Hereford 'steers that he had picked as thebest from Ontario's 4-H beef' clubs. • After a 'few minutes of thorough examination, man hand ling `and a good look-see, he went .• up to ,Competitor #65 and gave that steer good slap; signifying it was the winner. The announcer rang out "The winner of the Hereford Class, 'Christine Patchell, R. R. 3 Tara, Bruce County". Wow! Talk about chills! I thought they would never stop and I was never as proud to be from Bruce County as I was that day. • Christine Patchell wasn't the only competitor from Bruce County who won something. There were 21 other '4-H Beef Club members from this County who gave it their best and still managed to come away with a lot of pride and dignity. All but 3 or 4 of Bruce County's finest made it to the first prize group. Each and every 4-H 'members did their 'best to make their presence felt. Honourable, Mention should go to Pauline Weber, , Mildmay; Patti Goetz, • Mildmay; and Christine Patchell, Tara, who made up the Champion- ship group of 3 Hereford calves. Congratulations to all. RANDY WILLICK, Extension Assistant. HANKS Guides Hold. Fly Up Ceremony The Holyrood Girl Guides and Holyrood Brownies had a 'fly-up' on Wednesday evening. The Girl Guides who were enrolled were Pam Springer and Carol Buc,hmeier. • Mrs. Leo Murray and Mrs. .Delbert Hedley were enrolled as leaders. Girls who flew up from Brownies were Tammy Datson and Marlene Murray, both of Holyrood. Mothers of the girls were invited and lunch and coffee were served. • • .r WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1976 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIACKNOW, ONTARIO