HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-21, Page 4hospital on Monday to hare his ton ills moeli. Dr.reMety regor and Mrs. McGregor. of 1RlnuM. were visitors with Mr. and held, at Sit. Peter's s•hnr'h. 4;calerk'h. i Mrs. ties. �ttn:rrt:---- hi"I Sunday. Societies from Wing- ' Rer. B. t'raw:-of Lucknow. oceupied ham. St. .1,Ignstine. Aoierlt-h and the pulpit In the United church on Kingsbridge talrtlt•lpated. I tttmdny. iter. H. (.. 1Whltfie4l took Mr. Alex. McKinnon. of \'Ingham. Is, air. ('raw''s serviePlt visiting his sister. Sirs. Jerry O'Con- Mr. and Mrs. ,Sohn T1n•rnin and son nor. Norman and nnughter Mary. of Nor- Mrs. C. Moss and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mrheton,visitetl their mother, Mrs. ow And family, of Woodstnek, aftentI ' )Ilrnin, sr., over the week-r'nd.. The is Stinday .with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ayre Ili/ to attend the Durnln-Elliot Dalton. *ere Durnin-Elliot Reunion. -The an- nual Durnin--Elliot reunion. held on Saturday. June 111th. proved. as in pre- ceding years. a total success. The date cellist not have been better chosen. it was an Ideal day for Such an event. The well chosen site wan the beauti- ful park overlooking the Gowlerich hot. The The nstlal meetings and greet- ings took plan'. Dinner was served at 12.30 to about two hutwlred by the younger element. After dinner Nobe young folks indulged in a game of soft -hall, 'Helen MacDonald. Imo -know, and Lena Durntn. St. iHelens. being chosen enfeeble. Ilehen's team hent by nbont ten nuns. Some of the men played berw•ahoes and flute +twIttna, teeters and mnvpne were In great de- mon(' by the children. The lake proved a great attraction. Abort ten helots were In the harbor. two of these he- ing large groin lasts. The fisher. men along the tkw•k were undoubtedly , molested by both young and old. At i ' ti chs k supper wan served. After Sul. pe•r Mr. Wm. Rutherford was (•ailed on for nu address. \lis remarks took somewhat the Zine of Mosinee% emi ern - Ing the next picnic. It was derided to hold the next picnic on the fourth Saturday in June, i92n. at Iktyliehk The folkowlag utdevrs were a1.poM1e4 to look after the plans for the coming pienle: President, Mr. Wm. Rinker - ford ; ather-ford: secretary -treasurer. Mrs. Sam ihlrnan: program committee. Mrs. Will Elliot. SIr..V,. lnlrniu, \Ir. Tont (tack. WPll, \L-•. Joe Moore 1111(1 Nr. Jim Inman:social ,s.nnnitte•. Mr. Itobt. It. Ihtrnin, Sir. Toot Weloster, Sir. Hole, Dentin, Mr. I'Mlrlee Ihtrnin and Mr. La r1 IhlnuIn. After supper, soft -hell wits ngaln started, the same cnptaIns' cbis,sing up find Ilehetee team again winning the victory. About 7.30 the people began to gather lip their be- honginge and 'after the usual good= fires they Ad Tau for their resperti e homes. An enjoynhle time wan spent by all present and we hopes for oven a larger turnout next year. Relatives from New hamburg. Morriston, Silt- ehell, Itp,', Iocen. port Albert. Wnl• ton. (Tinton. R'Inghsm. Lucknow, St. Helens, Dungannon, Ashfield and Good - erica were present. Tinsley, June 21, i9tS. THE ALL OUTDOORS 15 CALLING To enjoy the outdoor life as you should you must be com- fortably dressed for it. -JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS - HATCHWAY (no -button) UNDERWEAR, INTER- WOVEN HOSIERY, FORSYTH SHIRTS, ENG- LISH GOLF HOSE, BATHING SUITS, HICKOK INITIAL BELTS, GOLF KNICKERS, OUTING PANTS, COAT SWEATERS, ETC. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "The Store With The Stocir" Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 MODEL THEATRE WEEK OF Jl NE 25 TO :in Monday and Tuea.day BLANCHE SWEET with WARREN RANTER .AND M %R1 McALLISTER in flaming drama of the hew West Slid its old lutsAldif. .1 ronuror' . f the Iiklalioma oil gnahers. "SINGED" }'ox /'onledy "SELE("17SD" WedneMlay and Thiiradal• AILEEN PRINGLF:. LEW (Y)Dl AND OWEN MOORE in a sparkling far•Ical comedy some-. A thousand laughs garnished with: plenty- of thrills will be served you lu •-1't:.% FOR THREE" itegal Comedy "LOVE 'EM .AND FEED 'EM" BENMILLER IIIEN'MII,IiE1t.I'..' Ben - Sunday mat%he unt1le� Sunday s.lool slit i 1111 God - fat'. June Cath, at P.01Uliilt rid chuprh. 'Mrs. An,lroa, of God - :.•h, will alert'. on the -.Weil of miss PORTER'S HILL PtkilI6t:It's IIIL.. Jn t' Cat The ullg le''plt•'s •4.1•v ice lc.'1 u1 Grave Lurch, Wirier's 11111,, on iiwday hast It as a dee ilit•d srur•ess. Mlsw Delight Modell, of 4 ndorl••h, gave tt splendid address to a II tit ii rch. The service was taken throe lout by various wem- Ia•rs of the Poon: People's Sta•lety.. The annual 1'k'i1 of the Sabbath school and YOuug People's Society of Ilriite church aill Pt' held Friday ufteruoana at Bayfield. GODERICH TOSHIP STRAWBEhtity FF:'iTIVA strawberry festival under t piles of Iltiou United church. erlch township, will be held on schtad groundsoppwosite the church 7'l:urstlay evening. Jute J•th. Su► sill be served from U to c oacx•k, to la• followed by a program of orches Ira selections. vocal solos. duets, trios -}-and nuaf 's orchestra sail r„mttnny. of Goderich. Admission: Adults ,-A cents; chihlretr+ cents. Major's 6 -piece Orchestra D. D. \la jor. Leader) is open for eigagemeilts for Garden Parties, Lawn Socials, Entertainments, etc. - I'opnlar and Classical -For hellos los a1.1• -' PALMER, C. CARTER, Telephone T05. - 'Pflephone 35. tioierich - Ontario Fritts) and Saturday THEODORE VAN ELTZ supported by n wonderfully selected all-star cast. .\ slashing tnelo/tram,: of the roaring rails and heroic Mar- ines. Teeming with action and thrills is "THE GREAT MAIL ROHitE1*V " Maguire Comedy "MICKEY'S iN SCHOOL" Statham. Saturday at :t p.m. "THE RIG PARA1)E"-July 4, 5, 6 THE GODEIF}EH Ow MI fta A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED " SAYS FRAMKUN *UV HEAT FOLKS -SAVE ON COAL S11Y NOW -SAVE OM PRICE THRIFT -not miseriiness-is the true economy. The careful housewife and the greatest corpora- tion both believe in ecomocial buying. in getting the Most service for the least money. They are both bargain bunters. NOW is the bargain -time on coal. if you lay in your winter's supply at once, you get the best coal. fresh and clean from the mines, for considerably less than you'll get it a few weeks later nn. You'll need the coal anyway. Why not get it off your mind andenjoy the savings, as well ? CALI. THE Saittelite For Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 - Goderich AND MADISON N AV/LENOw X -soo-sOP" .44 `,*+1 1 Millinery An Attractive Showing of Summer Hats Transparent feats with large brit and smartly trimmed. Crochets, straws, flower and ribbon trimmed. New Ribbon Hats - in white. Matron Hats in smart styles. LEEBURN_ L}1}yll'11N. June 20.-T1ae people of the Ltrhurn 1'nitrd. church have been busy the 1Oaet week papering and' painting the church building and t hey are 'artists! to be oble to announce that the re -opening will take place next Suuduy with a special service con-. RI ducted by Rev, C. F. ('tarke. of North street. God -Rich. at 11 a.m. In the n•ning. at 7.30. the anretl cantata The Galilean" will Is, given by a union clir. On Slonaav **vetoing a sacred concert will be given. consisting of solos, duets. quartettes and read- ings. Program begins at A p.m. Ad- mission SIGNAL, ,- GODERICH, ONT. _ _ visited ,t tlr. and Mrs. Earl \', - nt:111 on s NI l'lloth. , 11'al leu. -The L..11'.e of \Ir. no, ,\. 11'sldeu. 1- i-! \C,tta- n ,eli. It event+haat .Ivue t:;,u. whentheir .i., Elva \hat•. tt - u, Iced In w:,: \Ir. Sidney .\ 'tI 'Iln- chey. ,. Il and Mrs. Jehu \l dello- rhey. . Fast t\'nw;tno.h. Thr ! rfeliI ,c t, oot .date• .,r, the loll, lice. W. It .tilt of UQntnr olli'i itiug. '1'I Lrlpe nil g..ve(t iu peOch georgcti . er silk Iwo •o '•ed t'reee. w lt.l tlalu':IS 'arrant•''• coronet of bruit, wren! 11. and carried n Is•uqut't of sweet - heat; roses :r41 •ntaldeuh:t►r fern. Tho weld ug iii rd waw played by Mr - Will Mcl Lowell Little Fern NI. IretwclI. cousin o'' the bride, was the Rower girl tool was ('Iii chortningly attired In pale blue ,•111f.\t, voile with rosebud t trtnnuiugs. Iluriiig the signing of the -register Misses Edith and .lean Mc - lamed *nig "Yon .ire .111 the World to Me." Afterwards the wedding re- nnet Was served in the dining -room to about Apvvolts-dive guests. The happy couple left on a trill to Stratford. Tall - don and other points and on their re- turn will reside on the gram's farm at Auburn. AUBURN "A1'Ri'RN. June 19. -Sir. and Mrs. Ket'j_of Fort Frances. are making a Teti 7lttys' vl,IT Wfl11 hen later, Mew - noble. They motored over. Whdle. smaking n neighborly visit to \Irs. 11. \nngbint on Saturday even- ing Mrs. John Thompson fell and frot.wrwl a thigh.bone. Mr. Eugene F. halon. is presiding at the lower -ch.wd ecaminations at 144.8. forth chi+ week. horn was rerhere eive'l by re'ntives -of the death of Miss Margaret \Wilson. danghter of Nr% J. Wilson and the late Jtw•pl: Wilson ..f Big Fork. itainy ver. Mr. Riley. of i.ondesnorei. is raleilg the Presbyterian church balding this . week and work will he started an soon an possible no the work. J Y()I• ARE CORDIALLY iN- VITEI) TO INSPECT OUR STOCK Miss MacVicar KINGSTON STREET Saturday and Monday Specials • Men's Fine Broadcloth Shirts, with collars to match or attached. Sizes 14 to 161/2. Special $1.39 Men's Work Sox, in plain black or brown. Special 19c Men's Odd Coats, made of waterproof cloth, in grey or brown. Suitable for inside or outside work. Sizes 38 to 46. Special $2.25 to $2.75 while thy last. Boys' Blouses, in fancy checks or stripes. Sizes 5 to 13 years. Special 59c M. Robins Phone 384 Tiff ••e)M• ■ )elf ••f)TF • $ 2 AND UPWARD MADISON oETROI- UFURAI>\Ilf f AMfUn • figs DOLLAR DINNER~ SHEPPARDTON' ASHFIELD .1S11:11F.1.T. Jule 1C. --Rev. (1. Ritchie preached In the morning in viae .Ashfield 1'reshyterlan church.and in the etening Nr. Perrie. son of Rev. Dr. t'errle of W1nghaltb-ercuphet the $itiPPARDTi)N. June _n. -All the' pulpit. farmers were glad to see the rain The regular meeting of the W. M. S. came. to help the late grain. was held at the Ionise of Mrs. Sohn Mr. Frank Hawkins Is wearing a MneKay, Kintail. There was a splen - broad smile because a little girl has did program. a good attendace. rind I come to stay itt hie house. n dainty lunch was -served by the' Mr. Ikeve Gnen has purchase,' a hostess. Sitteerest symlunhy In extended to i Mr. and Sirs. Kenneth MacLennan in the hose of their infant daughter. Kenina. •Who died soddenly last Sat- nrdoy with an attnek of pneumonia. Miss Beckett. R.N.• lins returned home from ilagan's. Mr. Ambrose Rogan, who was so seriously sick, is improving nicely Sirs. hoes. of Kintall, has gone for to ,visit to Windsor and Detroit. 11r. and Mrs. Philip MacGregor, of ('l icngo. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rod. MneGregor. Mr. Nell Ma,Dnnald is building a handsome cottage at Lakeriew Park picnic grounds. Klntail. We hope other• will follow this example. KlNN:SItR111j:E. June 19. -Mr. and The crops are looking !splendid since Mrs J. I'. Sullivan end family, of , the refreeloing ntln. Albion-1►nt., and )Irs. Jas. Morrison :aid family, of Markdale. spent Sunday ST. HELENS nolo the parental ...w.r or Mr. and' new car. Mr. William Burrows, wife and j ehildren are here from the West to. visit his sister, Miss Mary Burrows, 1I and otter friends nod relatives. There will be no service at fiber*! partiton church next Sunday. on ne- taunt of the special services in Lee - bun: church morning: and night. A number from nrouud here went to Dungannon on Tuesday to hear 'Miss Irene Thongw,n's address on her work In China. There was a large audience to hear her and the address was mach enjoyed by all. EINGSBRIDOE Mrs. P. M. Sullivan. $7' ll};Lt;NS. Jour Is -Ht r: \1Tlson Sir.- -Jerry Dalton. of ileteoit. •Is-alroorhf, Mrs. R. J. Woods and y-isitleg his brother. Mr. Louts Dalton. I Woods motored to --Fergus on Satur- Mr. Theodore and Slleses Margaret I day. returning on Monday. and Iielena Foley. of Detroit, motored Mr. S. Gibson went to 11'Inghtm home on Saturday. Mr. Jerry t)'('onnOr • in busily en- t•nged Moving and raising his turn. The normal Holy Name rally was ,NILE 'NILE, June 20.-A large crowd gathered in the Nile United church on Bunchy emeltitlg to hear the sacred cantata "The (:ahitean." This cantata will he given again In the I.eeburn United church on Sunday evening nes t. - Sihss Oral Finnigan and Miss Mabel Woods motored to Stratford on Sat- urday. returning on Sunday, Scenm- panied by Miss Pelma Flnnlgan. of the Stratford Norma: Schaal, who will spend her vnention at her home here. We are sorry to report that airs. James Tahb Is on the sick list. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Albert Thein and daughter Petty Jean, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Thein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moilhalrmid. Mr. and Mrs, Geo: Hoarsely. Sir. and Mrs. Wm. 'Frisch, of Pontiac. Sllch.. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, of ooderb•11, rolled on friends here on Snnibly. Mr. James Snell Is visiting relatives and friends at Winghem this week. Some of the farmer. -In this vicinity ar• busy at present bottling gravel for the road, WESTFIELD WESTE! V1,11. June 19. --Messrs. Edward and Emmerson Rodger were Stratford vislors on Sunday. MIAs Stnrdr, of 1Wintham, is visit- ing her sister. Sirs. Lents leak. Mrs. Wnl. Walsh, of Toulon, spent , few days with her brotherin-inw-. Mt Albert \Withal. Mise lk,rothy 'Baylor, of lk•lmore. spent Sunday with her grandfather, Mr. T. II. Taylor. Sir. and Mrs. J. E. }sill.. Mies Nary and Mr. Jason Ellis were ('Mosley visitors on Snnday. Muss Grace Redmond, of Stratford Normal St-hanl, in home. Mr. and Mrs Wesley elta'e'khouse. of Rrnref ekI. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me ga►well. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. of Michigan. SELLING OUT! L. Unthought of Undreamed of Nevertheless True C.A.HUMBER&SON JEWELRY STORE After 40Years of Successful Business Close Their Doors For Good and Forever The Entire Stock Goes on Sale Saturday Morning 9 O'Clock Sharp Big Opening Features Don't Miss Them ! Never Before - Never Again Such a Complete Sacrifice •