The Signal, 1928-6-21, Page 21914,. • Til.E*SIGNAL, GOJIZICH, ONT. _ Fashion Fancies Stnid tthr.. ESTA-111. sliED 1048 (iOI)L1:11 11. • . l'ANAIY1 Idealiser of Canadian Weekly Nevis papera Aseeriation l'ul•11-tival every Thureday morning Subs. I.:tat ion prier a2 00 per year strict hi advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING 120., LTD. Telephone U Goderich, Ont. W. li. Robertson, Editor and NI ..iger ' Taffeta for the Street Cost lllll e Thursday. June 2 1. EDITG/tIAL NOTE.16 If the v•ders tomorr they weal stand for the graudelawl. we .41'111 all have to st:leli • • • Thew. are great daya for aolatien. Every week or two some noteworthy achievement is rt•corded. • • • Canada has one passienger automo- bile for every twelve people in tlw laint.i oi• The Province of Ontario lin. •i Ir for eery erght 1Pasapiel' the ,.;1.er Provinave are not ••• a.eIC 0411111 .14-1. Outdoon or indoote et. whatever your took. Let WRIGIEY'S refresh you your thirst, aid appetite and digestion. Helps keep teeth clean. After Et :ry Meal This Preston FORAFORD Garage size 8ft. 6in. x 16 ft. Odwir typos amid eau so eist gormand FIRE -PROOF, ready -cut, com- pact, Preston Garages are perfect in design and a source of real satiefaction. They resiet thieves... last. are handsome in appearance ... low in cost Wrate for free garage foUirr Eastern Products 'red PRESTON, ONT. Toronto Montreal 8w:enamor to lima' Shales & Siding Co. WI • • • No Stewnumdati.tiott for t I 'llesley Enterprise) Lien. E. t'. Drury. foritierl:t Premier Jieleee. e'hool inspectors, 41.,4ern- , ,.f Ontario. Itda beet, ele..ied preetrtrne- went otti,.ti, is smi,enchcrt.inev.; of- colliegwotnt 'Fermin:11e. Limited; vedon Made for their oil age hy ,hhh11 low :initiation. Farmers and publishers .01 1. 11:1Ve lie 011 11ge of jpefugs. If they b. be • I.iiiIl "'• , don wake ample provision for their ifeorzian Ray pert. Iw II Sli Whell their earning. a _ cro_ are diver- . • - We- Earhart. a Roston siwita girl in ter--etwehtie pea- 41.a4L._11.1 1,111; A Bit at Orkney History 1 M 41 eirliecter tinardian 14.4 woman to fly across the Atlantic terhaps tl.e wat time ee shrill hear It iei icit etteetimi a hether the. of her wiicti man iint.,1 "Iv4 klist:OY• :Mt! SheliOloi. Which- PrilWi• • Gooige 15 to visit shortly, are la front of her mime. • • • a aid legally part of the Britieh Ent- . tare. etriaiemay Gal were not Reaat• The .10.1adeep:itch. from 1.11 1.iit Noraegian. stilt( n tomato,- statieg that the House ef 4."‘„„„'„' th.11 e..e111 la 1 1y Svati.linavlan in origin 11444- Julpptcka .the fall providing for a ,,fol...etitienetal. km Scotland took them fiscal date for Easter -the Suntho itt 1tst: ity-Tittwn for the paYlneet itY I III' Kate of Denmark of his daughter nfter the etwond Saturday of April Nlan,:arermr dowry II. Jana.* III. The • does t•ot mean quit" so mneh 4141 Iri nionev was twver paid. so Sentiund ansear. -The bluing*ls to be hronght -k,.1,t te, into effeet only when there is general pleilipmentiaries useembled at Breda nereemere e -mom - FIRST WOMAN TO CONQUER .I.TIANTIC OCEAN Whilst the whole 14 world 44 .1 41 eagerly for nee-. Mi., For!,art. ito-ton st•tnet; aid: Wilmer Stotts_ pilot. anal Isatt Slorthat. mechanic. winged their say over tile broa,i .t. tI 1111, 4 Weairitroillr-eW1.1.111111- 111 ligl 01 1141 111141..1 t fely near 1.1auell,y, Wnles. Flying the triamit ai it la dr. 'snowplow "Prietht-Ittp." these three intreriil fliers covered the :1300-111 Ile hop In 20 !tette:. anti -la asinute-s. Title is the first tittw Mowry that ,1 1101.11 flying acrose the .itiaritic- Ellie *loot. Layout 1.1110Arte1j, leftt rlgitt: Earhart. Wilmer Slides ami !mu Gordon. Bottom. 11, ft. ie a pIa•ture, of the plane leering 1he-tv,i'er at Harbor elk route to Newboindland. while the riglit is another photegrepit of Boston.- • 1,,i !t 1.,:..IY." wit.. air...riding to iilieervem resetnblearl'ol. Lindbergh. th to (1 u.* the matter, awl ,locidt-d not DIII___1011 EVER • • only -Iii-if-cnw. rigiff OrTratemptinal had DRAMA OF THE .ANTA114 Tit'. not lateeel. but that it etiulti not leg- . A 'Belgian editcationlet. tlisagreellig ally lw takt;tt away. The orightel with statements mole in advertke- sum. plus interest for feur and teltalf STOP TO THINK? Freese/a man Sacrificed Himself 1 hat Others Might Live. HURON COUNTY swum For 111119e women who like the ex- treme. anal can vrear it weil, we show This hittividoeti from* neweeva tat - I. feta. Tito material Ilea( ir.1 % artily ' mention. for it feature* a Itriglit ibaire on a itievy him. background. and is of n particularly criep yet pliable tatTeel. _ The frock has sin apron front edged tilt!: 11 pleated niffle, which ties Itnii litri:e bow. resembling a bustle in the batik. The collar. of white organdie, comes to .1 deep Whit 111 haek. end it. too. i- tetzed with'e pleated ruffle, this time of organdie. It clortes in a V in ftttni and it tinieheil with a knotted tie. The editors Beatitudes Illesised are the Nlereltants who ad e vex: j.' i.e.-mese they believe la it and 1 their business; . for their prosperiO shell in, refl.* tnany fold. •i le.e.e.e.I tire the Country Correepend ; etas who semi in their well wrwen in ic. every Week- : for faint• et tlii frieway neightsirhoodi shall ,. ahem.; in the land. Filewesi .., the Woman who sends in w at' ..,itten sw;ent of 41 party o44.1r .s1 ding: for st.t. •••• i'l •e• the ,fet101. Ile function and the name- of ter guests correctly reported. IR...assail are those who do not eX- 14.1 the editor to know everytlibig but who cafi up and tell him whenever an intereeling event iieettn4 to them; for they shall he ata newsy toper in their tom 11. Itleesed nre they who get their tops lit early : for they Moil] occupy a warm ' phwe in the fslitor's heart. . ltle-wea are all those who co-operate with the editor in his effort4 In behnlf 1 of the community; for their town , shall he known far anI •I wide as a good place In which to live. FAIR DATES -1928 ; *apt. loth -Varna. • 11111 4:Merit-II b•aesitip. •• Itilt- toweellip. • 17th-Ashflela township. • leth---St. Helene " 'lath Wroxeter. • 2I141 ,11..vviek "22114--Fthel • 2111rh-1.1,borae 1..wnship. " 47th--Credlti.h. ments of l'ilitt;s1 States universitiee cioattries. might well he tnore thanEveryone remembers the heroic i .. , det.lare. that it • la generally re- :16 country would es1re to pay for the • H. F. Pullen. editor Of The Pribie saerinc made by Oates, Capt. Scott's! • i:ilatida. but :ally a few years 4 111Ce .40 _ companion. Another drama. some- : - • eiignizeil in Europe that a university 1.re.it a legal litithority as Ism! Salve- Rupert t It.C.1 NeWg, saYe: : eaucatien diminishes' a man chancee- sen expresiwil 1111 opinion that tbey re- THAT owhat similar, has just been described ,tw •Of the greatest eivie as• ' ' s , for making money. This is probably ,,,. ,,,i,.,1 „,.n.ly 80mm..de,.med pkAre eels today Is a beautiful city, anti by the survivorof a French Whalen that was wrecked off Kerguelen bi-! .. trUP in relation to the average uniter- e It Uncle Britain. everv citizen *an aid in making it land in tho Antarcti,. sits student eterywhere. unless the university falls to imprese ale fact that. Flowers and trees and well - Jacques Is.gallouder and two min- i set out from the disabled , , A Good Stroke of Buttlnews kept buildings and ;contrite with neatpaniona • 1 . ly mown twits' whaler in a small dory to find food.' oare the greatest affirm.- that there are things in life more (Toronto Star 1 1 lions it city ea 11 have. Their tiny crait was wrecked in a . worth while than money. A few years ago a great ;mine was' The firat thing In every city 14 for blizzard. but tbey were able to scram- 1 ,..., • • At made In certain 'limners shout the ' the people to lw of the right kind. ble ashore, and set out in the bus- e -a ----Nominatione were held on filaturdajt tetion of Sir Henry Thornton ntid They mtnat bally.' to their oPPortuni'Lard over an unexplored mountala the' keen ' i for three Provincial byean deetios in i tninadian National Railways in at- ties, courteous to etrangers, aud and a glacier to find a whalinV 1 'airing the Scribe bona iti Paris. The for the common went as Well 11,1 for station. ' h tli " :Lath -Grand Ititt t. lst-Dashwood. 2n41 -Zurich. 4th --Clinton town. 5th -Clinton rural. which polling will take ',Nee June 27th. In South 'truce. WI forecast. there are two candid:Meg: M. A. tie- piirehatee deseribed as a reckless their own itulitidua at piece of extravagente, but little has 1 Given smeh people, the city will ne- heen said along tlist Hee or late. cesnity he mode beautiful. People Although half frozen. t • rem men struggled on, until Legallondee I collapsed. His companion" carried Callum. Progressive. and Folder Moe: tittaWal Journal (lull. ('on.) recalls who are fully tiIIp o 1 helr isititortflnl-him for senle tinie, until Legalloudell: fart. Con.erviitiveIn North Renfrewthe outcry that was made a few years 1 ties will he aihe to the value of beau- said, suddenly, "I am better now and ,S ' ago snit AIV*,: 4, ty in the building uf the centmunity. ean walk. You go ahead. 111 choose . , : Infom ration which comes from But no city ever pearled out ler my own Path." Edward A. 1tunlop, Coneervatike, I' .• • • Impreted-by Petal Martin. !Ahern!. East, path, to to tho affect. that the Scribe t perfeetly ideal conditione. There are At arwt his companions refused but Hamilton has three candidates: We. it,otd. is filch figured famously In our alwnys numbers; of people who are not Lettalloudee persistssi, raying he . ri not knew • shorter cut. They left him and he struggled on as long DA they were In sight. He then lay down, giving up his life so that his com- panions, unhampered. might reach a station. which they did several days later. liam Morrison. Oonservative; John node -Not. Independent etstewrentire. and Currie Gardner. Liberal. • • • Ibm. that liarliatnentary debates. a few years limns( n y egois turning out to be a tirst-elaes• directly concern thetneelvea. -These 'nevem:ern ter the Canadian National: have to he educated to the idea that Railways. The ttiil,Iing. •standing 014I 110 person 11111 9114,114•11 141 himeelf. It •'tri,ttI tornerof eine of Paris' Is In community %waves that bee the The 4;11119.S Wrishington corre.pentl- busiest street.. has been leased under ent sloe the recent Katems City con- a contraet thot brings the Canadian vontion was -the mnst ?dodgy collee-: National aiv Iter rent. on its inveet- i ment 11111111:1114 for it bong term of tion thet ever s48ge41-41 mitt unaLciat- yrnr.: the Notional gef4 free offices vention." When Pre.ident COO1 111re'P i„ the building: and the strneture name wae. mentioned there Wee enle email be .4,1 al tiny time for ti‘111. the brief and perfunctory applause; "a amount that Wag paid for it.- . t this like reference to Theodore Roosevelt s g . it while h.• si A. pre-Ident w•oild have' Investment has turned ont too well. IT SPREADS RAPIDLY IF (MEC% , and it is but another inttative in whholt A PROPER START AND CAN RE (Telt t et i 1. in.1.•iii,.1)111 tn. %% ill' 101 the , it good stroke of' 11119111eAS Wil9 eriti- K•I'31"r 11101031W BY A 1,ITrIA: dologn:e. cheering. shont ing and ' adzed and 1eath4ramn pd by' th,we who J I 'I 01C-10114 II-N(11)1:1i M.:F:3MS T. , parading amend t114' 111111 1..1r 11111f 1111 knew nothing of the 9,rnin41 rensons , PROPLE W110 IIAVF:'BEEN SLAVES justtiliell the transaetion. To THEIR WoRK Itlata OLE FREED hour." get If the politit ian, Itre not! that TI 1114 )i(; ii Tr' E DEVE1A)PM1INT SO VheiterOWO perimpe they ore getting! in.' THEIR AUTISTIC AND ALTRI'- : KNOW THE .101- OF BRIGHT I STII ' TENleaNCIHS AiN13 TILE 1 WATERS AND HAPPPI" LANDS l'ITIll•YAKI• ITS. it'olay riot 11)2S11 , hope of everyone. Ity unite.' effort. 1 mai doing hie part and doing it well, city may he made so attractive that the right kind 14 people will wish to lite there and thone who are not na- turally ktwn on artistic alev'elopment will be drawn into the moventent through the enthusiasm of others. CIVIC PRIDE 1:4 INIFECTIOUS. mitre sense. • • • Dexplte much talk td the contrary, Canada is getting mote British settlers The Indians coming upon a eletin of Before the Fight than any other eountry In the worldgleeming. sthiinnwring lakes alsmt Wife a1 [lend of .tair 14 that you. ninety miles east of Toronto named 3,,,,,,? In 1927. according taa figure,. Isameal In London, England, British subject. itilii,t.timbq ;LK.; -01tright waters Heavy voice from dark --Who WIII leaving the United Kingdom to bike It Is IILIIIiy y.nr. s1111.e the 1111111111,1 1114 permenent re-idenee outside Eli- gave the name "Kaeartlia" to these - rope nunatered-trittrol. them. one-, bee: Yet to•lay vaaxitionlatts litial it third, or 52,910. rant,. to British North the mums. of 1111!•11 holiday.; In the many reiii4,rt4 114•111 tem.i ohmic the America. Anstralla received 40.9111. shores. Nes Zealand 7.'441, British Smith At -1 If you are an ardent fisherman, OW !len 7.572, India anal Veylimn 4.4741.• your Rne in rho inrior ijIkea rot lut.- ether 1 irt- of the Itriti-1. lamre fl,.' and maskinonge; in the smaller lakes 1137. The United States revehel 25.- speeklisl trout prot"ble g.111111 PPOrt. ton expectin'? At tiny of the many good summer 002, and 1 few thonstande 514.111 to "thee Itittelii there la every facility for canoe- ' foreign emitarles. 1 Mg. motor•hoetingbathing. tennis, • • • 1 golf anal ali 1111P other oaf -of -door ' Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis ceereittions. Illustrated folders with full Infor arsa the neptiblIenn ennalialat..4 for anti Yliee-Prreithett. respeet , 11,1111i hirt,e1 11/11:‘11nrof "Kawsti:Yt rthit Talk, -1, ively, ef the Vnited States. There W ., a •.11311 Nitro,„2:, given liw)a1 n.3.,1 10,,,,,i1aY only 1111e ballot for emelt nomination teirtia 14 a KIITOrfilt, !tartly of Indian .descent:lid is it member of the United iite senate As he voted for tio• MeNor)-litingen farm relief hill. which President 1'...11•Itre vetoe•I, itt 19 relied Open tO kAPIt the agrieill t Ilrel I inter- est" of the Westen: stet, in lion for the perty. To nti outsider this looks like an nattompilim that the United fltatea farmer M 4111 a•leeedingly MililitiS creatures. The election ef tairtis will not he the slightest guaranty of future for the MoNary-Ilangen *diens. allereggl Or ef any other plan for emellorstion NC agriteilteral 4'ourt/11one The 4,0n- vetttion which nominated Hoover and Climbs reftwowi to hare anything to do with the farm relief prognaal. lind op. 1 a lats..faetion the 'farmer la to be given is to bare ono of his cli a re- gime plisted 1n the Viearrerrident's ,bair, whom be will hardly he hoard .f Otis - TEE RHYMING OPTIMIST By Aline MIchaell Prophet), IA*4 thight 1 I ollloi 11tr1 !deep. 1411,1 1 ma minified joy, that once I k IIPW Itt eflretrief. holing of 101ig ago, .11111 %Welled Meal pas", 1 II gay reView. Perhaps the ilorktieso of the night 14 tsattrast made them still ne.tw fair, For all those memories of deHght M.rew lovelier a% t hey nos eced timers.. Who knows? Knell gladness of t.witi) May nith time's Hight fresh 114,1101 gain, Atol in some midnight fer 'Beguile derk hours or buleI3 Il Fire Station In Every street? Alderman H E Davis, the eighty - ail -year-old fire expert of Gravesend. has planned a tire station in minia- ture that can be "built" round any electric light standard and be oper- ated by a policeman, says Tit -Bits. Seores of lives and thousands of dollars might be saved by this device, for it is often in the short period before tit* arrival of a Ore brigade that most of the damage Is done. The boxen could be fitted at inter- vals along the street or installed neer blg bulldines nr mansion, and could contain a tire alarm, it standpost 08 - ed to a lrydrant with hose, a branch pipe, and two spare 1. r't,:t h9 of hose,* jumping sheet, a Ilfe-lin•. and a fell- ing axe The complete Want would cost about $500. • . -- Denmark now recolv SWedegl by subtuarici c•bia. THE MOST VETOSTANI' NEM BICAPYTING STATION IN THE WORt ID -Hunger ford, In tht• Pittsburgh Post Gegen., reasure Vaults. Great Lakef! ofthe 'There and bach in half the time! Just sport -a quick, easy spin to work, another back home - Sundays and holidays in the open spaces -when you've • C.C.M. Let's you get home to a hot dinner at noon if -you like: l:pgthens your evenings by -arrying you home sooner. Afe're ready to offer you special easy payment terms -only $10 00 down and $1.00 or $2.00 a week (•lepending on the price). Why deny yourself longer? We carry a big stock of Red Bird and Cleveland Bicycles F. R. MILLER Com. Victoria St. and Elgin Ave. 1-1:0 GS ocat grain elevators, led dericb and at Goother favor- edts of are orts, truly the treasure vault Great lialtes. 14.unr dteds of :onsalof dollars worth of grain is stored in isttile131 eacb. year, later to be dributed to practically all the countries of the 'These geat elevatots,writhcapa- earth. cities rangin.g, fm one Malon to ro lave million bushels, have lot two decades enjoyed an alsnost un- broken record of prosperity. This record is not without in- t it... terest to investors. Vlith the pro- " auction of 'Western grain keeping *Iiii.p. • Vr53 pace with the world dero.ansi, a steadils-incteasingvohune of grain ..... w ' • ... elevator bttrasit:e.sS IS assuled for . •.- 4,1 i. c. • r1) co ' ft years to Midland Securities LIMITED BONDS FOR INVESTMENT Royal Bank Building Telephone- Metcalf 1184 London, Canada as