The Signal, 1928-6-21, Page 1June Weddings WEDDING STATIONERY In correct form oan be had from THE SIGNAL, at reasonable prices. Call and see samples Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchan- dising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The SIGNAL is unsurpassed. 1:I(;l1'I'v i'IIt S'1' YEAH. N(r. :5. DISTRICT MEETING OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mr's. R. T. Phillip., of Goderich, Re- elected President The annual district ua•e•tieg of the West Iluruu Women's Institute war held lu the Memorial 11111, Blyth, ou Tuesday. June 12th. Over 24t0 deter totem mere preent. The wonaiug rereriou opened at 10 o'clock, with the president, Mrs. It. T. Phillips °f Goderl••Ih, lu the chair. The aee•retarl'w report was read and si. pr.t- The eleven bramchw represent- ed • la gave a report of Its attinitlee dun.,g the year. There Is a member- ship cot ,:f:., au increase of 13 over last year, with au aggregate attenclauee of 4141, an hecease of 21:, over last year. There were 12.5 meetlugs during the year anti 110 imperil and adtlreates were sora. The trelrurer reported that money mimed during the year amounted to i2t.71. The question °f Fes': ration anti district fees was then dim -wooed at rouse length. 1t was 1ltally moved by Miss Salkeld, second- ed by Mrs. Paisley, and carried, that each branch pay the Federation fee of 15 vent* mud the district tax of 5 tants. Tlse gttpeatiou of the president's flailing each branch was dieuuseetl, and It was decided that she should' draft her owu prugrant and visit le assay branches .as possible during the year. As the distriet had been asked last year to coutribute to the judging cone petitiou and did not do ver. this was discussed at mane length. Ou motion of Mrs. Cruiekrhank and Mrs. Towns- end It was decided that the executive, if they saw It. should give aaristance to the awuwlt Of $10 should It be asked for at the time. Two new branches have been organ- ised, Se•afurth and Whitew•hurcti, and the secretary was instructed to Invite them to juin the West Huron branch. At this juncture adjournment was made for dinner, at which lir. Milne weke'omed the lustitute ladies to lilyth anti expresses! the desire that the wo- men put forth every effort fur the up - building building of home life. He emphasized the feet that the young mothers of our ,roantry sboutd be looked after and cared for so that thereafoul V 1 not be t so many orphaned children. The afternoon session, was opened with community ringing. Mrs. Cruick- shankve e e ga t6 Federation report, In which die staters that the Departmeut laeonsidering a division in the district. The electtun ofd en erok set, Mrs. Phillips, Goderich; tat vice-president, Mrs. Davidson, I)un- gannuu: 2nd vier -president, Mrs. Ged- des, Be•!grave; aer•retary•treastarer, Mne. Elliott, Winghnna; auditors, Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Moffat. Wangluuu: Federat ion r1.romentat ave. M re. C'ruirksttauk. Wingham. The question of which courention Rest Huron should attend was then talked °care but no definite decision was reached, awaiting the result of the Department's division of the dna• trict. liras Radford. of Walton, favored the tweeting with an Instntttental solo, after Mibi Mrs. Edwards, of Ko- moka. grave an addrere. She expressed her great pleasure at being present and congratulated the Women's Insti- tute of Blyth in having taken an active part in the construction of the beau- tiful hall and the memorial chart. In referring to the slogan fur the naming year. -Save the Mothers," Mrs. Ed- wards stressed the point that the young mothers in our own midst mean a great deal to our country. Thep speaker 1 r a so pre'a itellt+aeatect `a o til. p nizin R our own industries. "The best citizen today," she said, "supports our own aruntry." She advulated thtut the people coming to our country be en- courage(' and helped to Isetome gngd housekeepers. Mrs. Edwards spoke favontbly of the exhibit at London. She said there were many girls In the western division and the Department would send an instructor who would coach them on any line they wished, (coking, sewing or hot lunches. The speaker informed the meeting that a club had given her three sih•er cups to be given to the three counties get- ting the most prizes. There is also a prize to be given for the best home ex- hibit. A duet was then given by Mrs. Fingland an and n . R 1 MI's McCool. M -111e sett. -'Tlf matt a Grod r f Pri h. mai u r paper. prepared by Mrs. G. M. Elliott, of floderich, on "Patriotism and the Definition of ()lir Flag." Mrs. Rive. nt Auburn. then favored with a sole. A vote of thanks was tendered to the Itlyth Indies for the lovely dinner provided And also to those who ltd taken part in the program, which added .ear notch to the eueeetw of the meeting. Londesb,ro' extendedi an intritntion to hold the district annual there next year. It was decided tiant a fee of 25 cents be pall by the delegates for din• ner at this meeting. The meeting was clotted by the singing of 'Shod Sere the King." A1. CHURCH NOTES Services at North street United church next Sunday as follows: 10 a.m., Men's Cloth, Mlsaion Henri end class for I'belstian fellowship. "Gov- ernment Control nt Liquor" in the subject to 141 Introduced In the Men's Club by Mr. J. K. Tom. 11 a.m., flower eerviee. The Sunday school will unite with the congregation for thin service and Rev. R. A. Lundy, R.A., of Nile, will preach. Pnhitc worship at 7 p.m., to be conducted by the pastor, Rah. C. F. Clarke. OBITUARY MR'S. JOHN ALLIN After a brief ill:tees there passed away at Motu ou Wednesday, Juue 13th, Elisabeth Jewell, widow of the lute' John Allto, in her eighty-first Sear. The deceased was born In It47 in 1)etonehire, England, and came to Canada with her parents when two years of age. Site lived iu Colborne t•owiethip until one year ago, when she eau* to Gealerlt•h to reside. lu 110811 She was married 10 Johu Atha, who prsde'efaseel her about four years. She remained quite active and retained her faculties and her cheerful dtsposl- than to the end. She was a kind friend find was loved by all who knew her. She Is survived by her one daughter. Mrs. Ruth Moore of Goderich, also by three grandchildren and three great- grandehildren. One son died in In- fancy. She was nue of a family of nine children -and is aurvived by three of her -sister:: Mrs William Walters and Mrs. Richard Mills of Colborne urwnehlih and Mrs. R'illlam Allha, of (icslerl(h, and two brothers: William of Gtaterich and Thomas of Colborne township. She was an active member of the Methodist church at Bethel, having Joined that church in her nine- teenth year. The funereal servile was held at the home of her daughter. Mn*. It. Moore, Cambridge street, and was e•undncted by Rev. M. G. Parr. assisted by Rev. E. I'oulter td the Iteumttler United church. Interment was mad," in Colborne cemetery, the pallbearers lacing Mesar'. Wm. Allln, Joshua Allan, Thomas Jewell.' William Jewell, Peter Fisher and James Culbert. W. It. TREMBLAY, SR. Word bas been re•eei 'ed by Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Tremblay, Keays street, of the death at Shoal Lake, Manitubia, on June tab, of Mr. Tremblay I. father. Mr. W. H. Tremblay, er. Ih•••e'ttsed era bent at Goderich about eighty years ago, and lived at Sundt Ste. Marie, Mich., before moving to Shoal 14IkP in 11101. Ile is survived by his wife, two daughters: Mrs. Wm. Mc- Intosh, Sault ate. Marie. Mich., and Mrs. F. C. McDougall, Weyburn, Seek.. and three sons: W. 11.. of God- erich, Peter, last heard of at Cougar, Wash., and Charles. of Shoal Lake. "Little Harry," as his old associates in (loderlch best knew him, was the eldeet of a large family, of whorn•Bve brothers are still living: Robert. of Findlater, Sask.; Peter, of Sault Ste. c Maria Milo•s loin, Thos. and Chas., of Barrie, Simcoe county. Deceased wee of French denseut on his father's side ane Il llah on that of his - tiro late Peter Tremblay, will et111 be remembered by many aid Goderich residents. In re- Ilglnn he was a Presbyterian. HP was a member of the L1).L.. which Lodge, ssnnluctel the funeral service at the gruve.ide. The plot at 1110. cemetery and an envelope containing money were a tribute to the memory of •.Mr. Tremblay from orange brethren. The funeral. which was held on Si1triny, Jule 1Nh. and (soothe -fed by Rev. llenr-Janes. wits largely attended, those present including Shoal Lake Jlrunge Lsslge and members from Strathrlair and Ilamlota lodges. Si -tenths Included tokens from United Lathes' .tad, \V.1., citizens of Shoal Lake, (Orange lodge and from Goderich. "Little Harry" was t*'i red by all who knew him wherever !tented and will •af.( -coon be forgotten. Sympathy- to extended to the /sorrowing relatives. Soft -ball Games Postponed Owing to wet weather and ether (causes, no games hare yet been played In the Presbytery of Huron Soft -ball League. It is ureter:anent that the liret- ame will � take place at Victoria )'ark this (Thursday) evening, when the opposing tennis will bre Union and North street boys' teams. Harbor Notes . The steamer Fairmount, from Fort William, discharged 00,111) bushels of wheat it the Weetern Canada Flour Mills elevator and 30,000 bushels at the Goderich eleyatfrr on.Monday. The Renvoyie is expected with a cargo of 100,000 bushels of wheat for the I;oderith eleva tor. The Saskatchewan, after unloading her cargo of 123,O00 bushels of wheat and oats et the Goderich elevator last Thursday, tied upaloin Fide the 3 R stemmerVntffn Nottingham m the tie Weedt Rli side of the harbor and will remain here for a time. This boat Is one of the Canada' Steamship Line ateemere, The tug Forrest towed the dredge Meu'setung and scows to Kincnnitue the past week. Mr. Forrest lona the etitroct. for dredging at Kincardine and it is understood he will commence operations shortly. A number of people took advantage of the warm weather the past work and took a dip In the Take. Mr. Bert MelronaM intends opening his bath- ing house in the freight sheds within the next week er two. He reports that the water has been cold and very"few people have gone lu loathing so far this season, The northwest sidle (of the harbor has been the scene of much activity the past few weeks. Here a number of men are at work Installing machinery and equipment in preparation for the removal of gravel from the mouth of the Maitland Itiver. This week Mr. W. i. Format's spite -driver is at work in the river driving 'piles. A suction dredge arrived from Sarnia the pest week. The tug Morgan, en route from Kin- carline to Port Stanley, was in port on Wednesday. illackstone's delirious homemade ice cream, 50 cents a quart. Order now. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY• JUNE 21, 1928 The News of the Town South Hurn Liberals The aunual meeting of the 1(ilxr:tl• of South Huron was held at lieuttll yesterday. The chief speaker was Thomas McMillan, M.l'., wbo praised the mord of the King Government, justified the Australian treaty. toad dealt with other features of Federal politics. "Gardening Hints" This week's article on "Gardening !lints" is the last for the present sea- son. In the full, wheu it is time to think about planting tulips, hytt inihs and other bulbs, there will be out- or two articles. The editor trusts that these artkless, which were written, by a gardeulug expert, have proved help- ful to many readers. Public Library Board The public library board Wet at the library on Saturday afternoon, with the chairman, Mr. E. L. Dean, pre- siding. It was decided to cl se the reading room on the following public holidays during the summer mouths: lk.minion Day, civic holiday anti Lt - bur Day. Heretofore the library has been upeu on these days. The li- brarian, Miss Rose Aitken, wua granted two weeks' holidays. A new Webster's luternational dictionary has been purchased ano it ale, was de- cided to purchase a new t.tlas. A New Test for the Hamm Owners of homing pigec:•. in (;talc' rich are planning a new stunt for their birds. The scheduled Bight coon - Petitions. both last year and ithls, have all been from eastern points back to Goderich. IL is now planned to have a flight from Harbor Beach, Mich., directly across the lake front .Goderich. The birds w111 be altipp.l on the (morning train Friday, Jaw 29n1, and will go to Harbor Beach be way of Port Huron. It is intetdssl to have them released on Sunday morn- ing, July 1st. It will be a good test of the pigeons' homing instinct, as the birds sill reach Harbor Beach by a circuitous land Journey and. if they ur• to. take the ghortest way home, will come directly across the lake. Pageous Fly from Napanee The Goderich lion fig 4';ub held the s1xth pigeon Hight of the !season on Sunday. The }light was from Napa - nee, a distance of about 248 miles -from here. Fifty -tau birds were re- leased at 11 a.m. and the urn bird ar- rived home at 12.Oci o'clock. The first nine birds reportedhome were It- o ows -ollows 1'. Js.huston ....23526-92S 12.455 W. 1'itblado . , .. 433-745 322.07 1'. Johnston .... 421 .'E 12.10 W. 1'Itblado .... 26S--6Pa 12.24 P. Johnston .... 230-:bdS 12.34' W. ['ithlado .. 2514 -lost 12.40 5. McKay 0945-230 12.45 J. Mae•Wicar , , , , :..31-d29. 1.39 J. Mot -Vicar . , . , 272-4W17 1.3941 The next scbedule(i plight will take place from Brockville nn July 1st. To Address Women's Institute A special meeting of the Goderich. Women's Institute will be held in MacKay Hall on Thursday, Judie 2sthc at 3 p.m.. to hear Miss Emily Guea> Government sga+aker. - Wes Guest_ _was brought up on an Ontario farm, is an honor graduate of the University of , Toronto, with post -graduate credit ' from Columbia t'nirersity. New York. ' She was for a time head of the de- partment of English and history in Belleville Collegiate Institute and a f Mife n els' s t f as t etrwke R �t $ Rt Thence she was called t c service to -active e se during the Great War in hospital work, food conservation, and the or- ganization of institutes under the British Government throughout Eng- land, Scotland and Wales. She has given special attention to voc•atinnai' guidance for young people and is chairman of the Provincial committee on immigration of the Ontario Wo- men's Institutes. Her subject will 1* "Helping )toys and Girls to Find the Right Life Work." The public are cordially invited , e attend. Ahmeek chapter, The twuthly meeting of the Ahnieek Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held at the public library Mouday afteruouu. On account of the very Wet day the at• Onetime* was not so large as usual. Committees were appointed and ar- rangements made for a• bridge tea, *ate of fancy work, candy, etc., to b• held in the Pavilion ou Thursday after- uoon, August 2. Sarah Gibney at Strsthroy A !scent number of The Strtttno Age -Dispatch gives a lengthy ;wool': .4 a ploy, ••l.ightttiu'," given in that 104111 under the direction Of Mi-• Sarah Gibney. The presentation ea - given with great suetes,, before three large audieuers and was, Nays news7atper account, "one of the is -t alt -round comedies ever presented au $truthr,y." We understand that Miss Gibney Gibney Ss to produce u play in c;..!- erieb the coming fall under the ani.i (es of it 1•s -al organization. Holy Name Society Rally 'Ilse annual rally of the li,oly Name Society for (Ilia district a as held in Goderich an Sunday afteno•.•t:. The loyal Society was joined by tho-e of A'•hlield. St. .tugustine aid Wit glna11. The panto* forwent at the gnluu't. of St. Peter's wilted and marched t., St, Peter's church, where an eloquent , address war girs'n by lieu. Father i McMahon. S.J.. of Guelph. Rev. 'Nth. ors Meltugh and Gibbons, of Wing- , haus, 'f.f'ardle, of Ashfield, Paquette, .4 St. Augn. fine, and Campeau, oft 11. ,!*•rich. were present. There were t n umber or vi it r from Drysdale Menrsetung Hotel Opens Next Week lair. 11. 11. McCreath was up from '1.'..ronto this week niakieg arrange- uteuts for the opening of Meuesetung Park hotel for the season. The hotel gill open for business nest Werk Clad will In in charge of Mr. J. M. Mc- t:acheru, Toronto metllcal student, who already arrived. ('ablegram from Peking Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tom reee/ced ward this week of the safety of their ..ulghter, Mies Mabel Toys. who 1s -^;s•ri nteudeut of nurses iu the Union \lt-,!ital College at Peking. Chine. The i Miss Jean Winter. student of the t :!....1 'mg cablegram from Peking. University of Toronto,' 1s home for the dated June 14th, was received ut the vacation. \etv York headquarters in counet•tion Prof. el. E. Holt and Miss Constance wlth the College. which Is an Amertctyn Bust, of Toronto, are In town for a -t it niton: britd stay. Commeutemeut exercises yesler. Miss Entine Wallace is home from ! ty'. Suceesane graduates thirteen Norwood; where she teaches in the ....eters and three nurses Peking quiet. There is no °erasion fur .naxiety." THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO, LIMITED. Publishers. PERSONAL . MENTION Mr. Wm. Weir, of Toronto, is holi- daying lu town. Miss loan Weiss is home from De- troit for a hoUday visit. Mr. A. J. Cooper visited hie son, Mr. Harold Cooper, at Detroit last week. Miss Margaret Strang was home front Toronto for the week -end. Mr. Norris Cox, of Seattle, Wasb., is visiting relatives and friends in t ow u. Mr. stud Mrs. 1'. Robinson and fam- ily,o Parkhill, mere or town f 1 e vlelt s in at the weekend, Mrs. Athol Mctjuarrie, of Toronto, is ri1itiug her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. 4'. A. Nairn. W. C. F. M. Party to I'ietoria Mr. J. J. Page, general manager 44 Western Canada Flour Mills Co., lad., Is away to Victoria, B.4'., to attend the t•ekel.ra1ion In (swum -Goon with the fiftieth anniversary of the fouuding of the 'trackman Ker Milling CO.. Ltd.. a subsidiary of -Wester Canada Flour Mille Co.. Ltd. Other members of the party which left Toronto last Satur- day are Mr. D. B. Ilanna, president home' after visiting triennia at Toronto, Western Canada Fleur Mille Co.; Mr. Whitest and Stratford. H. Wright, director: Mr. It. O. (1. Mn. It. 11. Midtown and Miss Ida Thompson. secretary : Mr. 1). I. Hodgson. of Tonntto, are the guests of Walker, Eastern mauuger, and Mr. die Mttitiei Robertson; 'Victoria street, Athol McQuarrle. advertising manager. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams and Miss " e 'm ry ThP party will ire away about .three! Mary Adams, of London, were week• osawb and other points: and the gathering weeks uud will nislt other Prairie and acrd visitors at the home of Mr. J. Y. rally about :alp Next gar's , Mune. Coast branches ell route. rally will it. held at T1'ingham. i Misses Evelyn Clark, latera John- Sherwood--Weod sten and Alter Oram are hotue from "Ars You a Mason?' at Blyth At the home of Mr. and Mrs. ('los.! 5rro1ford, where they were attending Itlyth Standard:, The play, -Are H. llumis•r, Victoria street, on Satur-, the Normal School. You a Mason'!" presented in Memorial day afternoon last, the marriage was Mr. and- Mrs. J. G. atomise!' and Dalt on Friday night by rhe Arthur' (solemnized of Mabel Clythera Wood, children, of Kira•ardine, spent Sunday Circle of Knox church. Go.lerlch, under daughter of Mrs. Woosi rand the lute. vtith Mrs. Murrise.u's mother, Mrs. he auspices of the Ladies Aid of Old , Amos 11. wood. of Warren, ([nt.. to l .1a-•. Ilamilton. St. Andrew's Presln-terlan church, 11 r. James Sherwood. of A►lrHeid \I r• auo1. Mr'''. thee Meg: w and Miss brought a fair-sized house 'and was. township. The ceremony was per- 1 -\lit * Addlsrn left °u Mui4uy. fur cured a success by those who attended. formed by Itev. F. 4'. Elliott, pastor of Vancouver. They are narking the c tri, motor ( s 1 w it Goderich Baptist r car. The play c h Ba u church. t had many amusinpt in lUents, p fit c ur Mrs. Barber, I ] se when a couple of charac•tere, rel per. sister of the groom. played the wed- Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Shield: and of whom had been iultlaterl Into the ding starch and Mrs. Elliott sang •V - little a,n. accompanied - by Mr. and a JIM.d r I V' \e" J.Junes and ' i ani .1 es rd ntall i mysteries Freemasonry, Afterwards b of Detroit s of F'rce n our set Is •eS on t a m exhibit "signs." it Many very enter- tiott was held for the happy cmtple nt are visiting at the home of Mr. and raining and- much enjoyed by those the home of the groom's' parents. Mr. Mrs- Thos. Shields this week. present. The Iadies' Aid, which is a and Mrs. Sherwood will make their Miss Mary McDnuxld, o[ Swift Cur present. organization in rennsetf°n with home in Ashfield township. real, is- yisiting her, slater, Mrs. W. I 511 St. Andrew's. are much elated --- Grigg, and iter aunt, 11[t'st Rod John - over their initial attempt at enter- \Drlt'er-McKinnon Ston, and grandmother, Mrs. A. G. A pretty .wedding was solemnized at M 1htt rid. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Proustfoot, of Iligh School. Miss Olive Robertson, of Toronto, le visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Robertson. Miss Jean Campbell, of Tonarrasdn, N.Y., is visiting her aister. Miss Mar - gone Campbell. Miss Grace Strang, of Guelph Col- legiate Inatittlte, 19 •cp endlsng holidnys at her home here. Mr. uud Mrs. ('has. K. Saunders are away on a holiday trip flown the St - 1st wrence River. Mrs. S. A. Smith baa returned GODERICH BEATS STAFFA IN RAGGED GAME Poor Visibility Makes Trouble for the Fielders Playing N'etlttcsday evening ou the local diamotid, ueder•a clouded sky that wade cod Belding an impossi- bility, the I 'aI nine emerged rietori- nus over t StnRx crew of bail - chasers In a game that contained all sorts of ball pilayiug, good, bad and In- different. ', The result of the +awe was always In doubt, Gale •h having to tsrereonte the visitors' leu at tenet three times, a lead which wa obtained as a rule by the loot* pinyin of the locals F'ritzlt•y, 'who d the pitching in Staffs a week ago, and pitched a !W- hit, no -run, game against them, could not get working right ami the StRRa alluggers took great` delight in slam- ming ttic ball over. a der and through the local defene. unney. who re- lieved Fritzlcy, gets c •dit for the vie- . tory, but even at that len had a hard time to keep the visll° s from carry- ing off the bacon. Shier. the Stain lour r, pitched a good game. having neve strike -tutu to his credit, and at tim he proved very effective in the pinch n. We hope the hauls nth 1 moat of their had pitying in Gila \game, for had they been up against an • stronger twtnt than Stain they w• old have lawn devidedly out of hick. Gene Duquette. the 1•s•al th d base- man. was absent from the gam . as he has moved to Kinenrdine to work, and this In itself was n handlnp \to the itlticksox. as the Infield tonld n,rt get working together. , st The rK-oreAsjs_hustngs : . Setaffa 1 0 2 5 1 0..- 11 (;eslertch 2 0 2 4 3 x7-11 'rhe IjitP-ftp: Stain --(fettles /Is Baker 21r, Reed e. Shier p, R. Warden If. O. R cf. N. Elliott rf. Kerslake lh. ltntfe - ftoderieh--It %'nfrn 2h. NI. McKa .ef, M. Sanderson e, C. Archer as, (1 Goldthorpe :31., O. Madden If. H. Mur- rey rf. C. Sheardoa'n 11.. M. Fritzley t• ��tow qy DOMINION DAY NOTES i : a i n heti t. the manse at Tivertonby itev. N. 11. Too Free with a Gun I5• Sinclair.-ort>Weducsday, ,Lune el. at On Friday last Harry Tanney, toren- 10 a.m., wtei\ Alberta McKinnon, ty-tnte years old, of Morris township, daughter of thhe Ite Mr. and Mrs. A. pleaded guilty before Magistrate Reid McKinnon. and ole of the late Mrs. to the charge of robbery while armed.leabella M'Farlane, `.ot Kincardine, Tile offence tank i t t' last winter, vias united in the holy bonds of metre ver, 10. le wording a few days fa wiaen Turney bought a toiler Tor the mony to Mr. J. Maitland rlver,.only town with her aunt, yin.. \1'ilsirn [ier- scrn of Mr. and Mrs. %V m, Drives, �.f ttld. en route to Great Britain, where latrpo•'e. 1t is alleged, of making , "hooteh." He left the boil Goderich. After the ., cera my the sire MIH lend the rummer. boiler with a }Doug (Ample motored to the itttms' of, Mr. S. F. \1'atslaingfon. K.C., wanneighbor. who. when he learned for Mr. Robs. McFarlane, cousin nt the here this we'e'k on a visit to his sister, what ise d to se intended to use bride, where dinner was served. The; \lis. tl:ashiugton. roti his hrMhpts, at, refused to Rite it up until Timmey \Ir. ('hits. R'nsbingtou, of town, and produced 1 gnu to enf vee his demand. bride wore a dress of white s7isl Mitt( Informatlnn was laid against him. Met Chantilly Ince and orange blossoms Mr. ./. J. \1'nslahngtou, tient WnwA- and cnrriwi a banquet of sweetheart teeth. he left for the «'est, and it was only rows. The young couple left on a 1t'v'. Gordon M. ifohnes, B.A.. B.Th.. on his return rnrntly that the ofileers arose-. alae 4o apprehend him. The. mdynr -trio t� \lagin4 Ielling and �urn�1�•rly pastor of (:oderleh 14tptiet rother' points, the bide trntelling silt?' church-, moot now in has sixth year' as magistrate give him a sentence nt nue to two years to the Ontario Refnrma- cont of moonlight grey and. blue, alth 'meter it Lindsay, lona recently dP- frs l•. hat and shoes to match. On tlinel a tfGl to the Strathrty Baptist tory. Tltnnyy is said to be a Berner- their return Mr. and Mrs. Drh'cr will rhurel. do boy re'sade on Glebe farm, Goderich town- MFwc Edith Humber was at 'itnm- ]in the Magi%tratdfi ('qtr( ship. Ilfun on :Ssturdas- attending the wed - Two .)nue 5. nlont thirty- ding of her s.ousin, Mia .belt .\guys Tan poling. rien of (Talton were Le-ra (Acarids tae Miro Mel lama g..tbee s'aase1s<_-el&Wshter ut -agek)[eta. R Mee Magistrate Read parking lay on the -ell at the home of Mrs. James Robin- outW01111(111 ofear lights. The had t t g , ono] to They w couple n[ P .til ) Goderich girls with them and were p nl the popular bride-to-be i with a TerregrorP nnd little hnring a little party in the dnrk vin pieced shower. The gifts were ht back street on Sunday night. it pieced inn wagon decorate! in blue cost them each *8.75 and white, drna'n by little Ruhr Rnh- tW and e•etrtsl.-ftssrrn find Tommry Xinrnlii. ► •e11ninfy The maglatrnte and police will not luncheon acro served by Mrs. Robinson. allow 11115 kbn51 of thing in Goderich. Magistrate Reid was at Scaforth on ----- Tis' New Pumping EquipmentFriday Iasi and 1851 James Riley, a Mr. it. N. ,1u'tin, of the Turbine young form hand, l.efare him for reek- Flgttipmenl 4' . Ltd. Toronto. was its ass driving on the main wirer[ of Sea- town on Tuesday looking over the new forth and Interfering with n pollee of- pntrriping equipment w-hieh has Com- fit -yr who tried to check Trim. Riley r pony Is !metalling at the municipal {arid 110 and mats -.and. llite_automoblle14o,wt•risoi,y, ile Feld he wee wpit- lieenss' wits enncelle(1 for a year. p'ea-ed with the operation of the two Other ('Asea the post week concerned t .w pampa nlnyaly installed. The n Goderich young man who was fined new 100.h.p. s•Is,•trie ramp. ableit heti *5 and d ((s t. r for operating ntin R amrwith- Iw.eu net a drivin RTemit nn d I wanoh man who paid yl- and costs cIV. ntlmuHts operation pulmi p ing trotter Mterattnn for Iwvesal weeks giving first I .r e and Is in on n eherge of intoxication. for do/nest to use. This engine lona n capacity of 7:'5 gallon- per minrte• at Bowling Tournament Next Week 1345 stns. Ire•'nrt•. When it was first The Godnrieh lawn bowling eluli tested out it punt's•d :as Hutch ns SOO will hold its annual rink tournament- gallons per naauute nt 12) lbs. prey, for the Western ('a notda Fleun Mills sure. One orf the now 2400.hso g14,1111P trophy mad the association event on p11nsps has Leen( set up find hots been Wednesday. June 27th. .in the trio- . In nperatidwn for the past two weeks. phy avert the first prize trill be four Title mime 'niter hes n pumping elapa- reed armohnirw and the second prize -Its- of 725gnllone perminnfe and hits tour reed fcrn.stands. In the asseo•in• 1 preyed satisfactory in every way. When sl.u.event the first prise alp he four tested ant this ebgIhe produced a wicker ferneries and the second prize' premier tet 105 Rem. with the standpipe - four /Fever psis'-plate-haidelw, There is valve np'n, Thia 1s eouai lere,l very a speetnl event for all rinks losing two naflsfaetory, es the old, 'team pump out of first three games. Of1e wet of was e.p,ble of prothwing only EW) lbs. .rizes will be given to the winners in pressure when the st*nrlpilw' valve his event. Entries must 1* In by 9 wan closed. Another 200-h.p. pump '.m. June 20th, and the play begins at will to in/stailed within the next two .:30 a.m.. June 27th. s week% and when the work in eom- in the local tournament inat Friday Meted (foderlch alt! hove one of the evening the prise -winners were: let, most nt-b sttI a pimping stations le Grn"'Ma -Vicar and Dr. 1i. R. Hall; the i'rovin(c. Engineer J. B. Kelly 2nd, T. Glazier and L. ITarrlsnn. end member." of the Lava! arpper And A tournament wan not held on Mon- light eommis,1 n are well stitivned day night on semnnt of the rain, but with the new equipment. ahith has one was held Tuesday. evening, the i been Installed by tom' employees Prize -winners being: 1st, W. C. PM- under the saperrisben of Engineer J. ham and Jas. Mae%iear; 2n41, (leo. T. Clarke of the Turllne ISteipment Symonds and It. Bleeet. Compnv The are. to the steam . Three rinks of Ineal bowlers took plant Imre been let net and If will no part In a howling 'tournament at Myth longer he necessary to keep steam np nn Wednesday. The rink composed of In earn of fire alarms, as the gnw,llne A. Whiteside, F. Hunt. J. Brophy end pumps: can it' pot In operation In a R. Johnston won third pries. few seconds. 4'hacago, spent the week -end In town with Mr. and Mrs. T. It. i'stters.nn and left ou Monday to take the St. Ianvren•e-Sagttcuny trip. Miss Marjorie Ilernld. of Vattern, - Orange Church Parade The annual church parade of L.0.L. No. 182 and I.O.II..1. No. 443 wag held on Sunday morning last to the Ba Kist church. The parade was heeded by the Goderich fife and drum baud in full strength. Vislting breth- ren were present from Toronto, Len - don, Kotnoka, Clinton, Riveraton, Ben - miller, Nile and Dungannon, ninety members being in line. Wor. afro. Ihnvid Sproul acted ns master of cere- mtesnies. Rev. F. C. Elliott, pastor of the (church, extended a hearty welcome to those present. He spoke M the brethren and sisters In his own in- imitable style on the Lc.yal Orange Asew•Iait4nn, Its conetitutiott and laws, and emphasized the principle of lore to (fod and our fellowman. True ven- eration of (sod the Supreme One oehsuld be the rule and guide of every member of the Orange order. To ire diligent readers of (fowl's Word was the duty of every true Orangemen, he I said. It spoke to each one of truth 0 anti loyalty to Jesus, Chrlat, the medi- ator between God and man. He street - sed the point as to the Rnkltn(•e of the Holy Spirit. A man or woman shmtld be temperate In all things. The speaker cloned a stirring address by the statement. that "No earthly church Ix supreme, God's word -atone in the ate preme thing In this universe." The church was filled to capacity. Reserve Wednesday, July 11th, for a bridge party and dance to he held at the Pavilion by the Women's Itaspd- tal Auxiliary. daughter. Shirley, Mr. Donald Camp- bell and Mr. Peter Wood. till of Tnne- w•nndn. N.Y., spent the week -e In town and were the guest% of Miss Mary Campbell, Montreal street. Mr. 1lnrold Cerrito was tip from De- troit foot the week -end and on his re- fttrir was aeenmpwlnied by Mrs. (titrrie and the Tatter's mother mol'broth- er, Mrs. St. George frier and ,tne•k, wile will tnoke n visit at Detroit. Principal urns' and Mr. A. NI. -Robertson are at Exeter this week conducting Delon la mental examina- tions at the Iilgh Ss'hel there. Prin- cipal Wetlaw, of Exeter, and lnspctor Tom Are presiding at the e. I sag examination" nations in the Collegiate illMihlte herb. Miss Oral Cooper I. home from Toronto University for the slimmer aneation. Miss Cooper has neeeptel a position on the stns of the fort }'lgiI High Seltrol anti will inks' over her new defies In So stemlwer. Mr. and Mrs. 5.--11. ('toper, of Clin- ton, and Mr. fence Lndd, of itedlnnds- ('nlif., were 'visitors nt the homy of Mr. and Mn. A. .i. Cooper the past week. Mr. end Mrs. 3. 8. Cooper will Aev'trm- Iany Mr. field DI) his return trip_lsy bettor to Reflinnla thin weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ramie, of Tray -- nor. Saskntehewnn, nrrivedt in town Inst week M vialt the letter's pnrenfs,' Mr. And Mrs. Henry Hnrney. Nc41Rnte street. find exert to-remnln for n few week'( flailing other reinllves end friends In fawn and mnnf ry. Mr, ilnrris reports the crop in his district weal enrIter then last year and look - big very prnmlaing when 11e left on Mr. William Rlrnie receive,' the mad news haat Thnrwlny evening or the death of hie slater, ElIzaheth Blrnte, widow of the bite Robert Wntsnn, nt Detroit, Mleh. The annual picnic of the officers and directors of the Wp't Wawannsh Mu- tual Fire ineursnn' ('ompens. with their families and a number of friends. washarbor 1114Park. rntoday (Thnday) at the Arrangements for the htg baseball game. (islets v. Risdons. on Dominion Day In Goderich are progressing satin- \ folios -11y. Mesars. Legg and (iullfnlR. of London, who umpired the game be- tween the snnae two 'pants here last year, will A R stn fofiiclAle. • • • • • Inert 11th, who was in town this week. %a 'tierce will be ■ gnoa represeatat!on from Toronto here for the celebration. "Ifappy" Wet -sue -otherwise known nv Pigskin Peters -will be on the card for the nfternnnn. '•nappy" a 'ns here with the Osler, lent year and created n Int of fun. nrad nna that we're Re - mutinied ail!' him and know that It 1sn't 111111011111 t° laugh when lie does his Irick: he will ire funnier than ester. • • • • • Hewitt. sporting salitor M The Tor- onto Star. help!" along with this para- graph in his osolimin of comment: "Before the war It was not unusual for the entailer 4lntario towns to put on some Lig celehrntintts, hot the high rnat of nttru tions gradually foxed most of them fu gins' itis the Iden. Last year Goderich took a chance on an Px- p'ndihtre of $2_.:.00 to put orer a cnn- 14e of real athletk attrnctions and they were in well saliefied with the mall( flint they have arrtngs'd fur an- other big tiny on July 2nd. Reside., a loiathlette program.-thasehtet base - hall attraction will be the Osiers and the itisd,n team of Detroit. Chairman James ltsynolole of the Gewlerieh nth- letir s-untnitt4e has ntteeessfnlly soleal the diftk•ttlty with ethibltlnn baseball. f'snnlly shy teams make is forts' of the Rome. lett the Gnderteh management hnve put up n purse orf $700 and let- ting the tennis fight for a winner's and aera,c.51111 'fin's Watson of Plg- r1tnrs tante alit he anhtiik'r Lig attradlton that Western Ontario fnna will ao n long sac to herr rind ear. Wntwon ns n bnw'hnll clown 14 in a clan, with Nick Altroek and Al New Teaeher Engaged The (' .rwferich (1'lis' i nfe Institute R trustee board- rmet- Test Fridley effete to noon. Mr. Smith•rsnn, of Tnroetn, ars enamored to 1111 the vneattcv on the tep•laitse stns mums/ by the re<igt1A- tiori of Miss lbtrwn'•h. Nr. Amither- son is qualified to like chards* of the physical training nnel will eue.seed Mr., .1. M. Rnh.rtson In tLrr! oopnelty. Mr. Robertson line had Omrt'e of the physl- ca1 training for a ponder of years rind land Asked to he evi'c'ted of this part of het antic,. C. H. Humber Retiring../root .Puolimo t The annnnncSmsnt of Sir. 1 '"9•. A. ffitrtpez ttutt 1(e Ft haring !t ,-rte to elope mit his jewellery tonde.••s in (imieraeh will be received with same snrpriee. Mr. Ilnmber, thnngh .1111 * eeffirstratnelS rising man, inns boon an hnaineu in Goderich sn long. •hie father !teeing 'tattled fie htMntes when thepresent proprietor was a hent, that he has Men Inokori urwon ifs n "fixture" -•well, for another ()Harter of a century, of any rata Mr. 'lumber. however, has ober plana, and though ear nmt'erafand he Intend% to nenntn a resident of notterleh he is. retINni from bneiness, and 1ls annmtneetnent. whet will he found on pitta 4 nt The Signal titi. work. will he of compels) Interred to tho.e of oar renders whit wish to afnek up on nfli•erware ettJ "they article* aitch so are fnnnd In a jewel!Pry stets. The entire stock IMM on lisle nn Saturday morning of WS eek. t is 'r f