HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-11-24, Page 10Lit Holyrood
Girl Guides
The 1pt Holyrood Girl Guides
' and; the Iolyrood Brownies bOth
participated in a craft sale on
Saturday, November 20th at the
Kinlough •Church from 2 p.m.,. to 5
p.m: The Girl Guides had baking,
crafts and a white elephant, table.
The Brownies had crafts and
baking' Wong with a draw. The
Guides had been working hard at
home and at the meetings to make
all of the baking And crafts,
Mothers of the Girl Guides also
donated many nice things: Tea and
donuts were served to the visitors.
All of the 1st Holyrood Girl. Guides.
are proud to say it• was quite a
Listen to the
Back to. God Roux
Message of Today
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen Sourid, 1:30 p.m.
Radio dial 560
Presbyterian, Church
Rey. Glenn Noble, B.A., LLD.
Phone 5282740
10:00 a.m. Sunday. School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev. Doug Kaufman.
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
. Nursery provided
for pre-school children
Jr. Congregation for
5, - 8 year old children
Jack Needham$
60*(e, TraVektgu
In October, the -Ambles
,Branch Elder's Quorum of 1
Church of Jesus'Christ' of Late
Day Saints, held •a "Dance 4
Split" in the auditorium. Coup
attended from the Teeswater ar
Harri'ston, Cargill and the Mildn
area, and a great evening
games, jokes and dancing was 1
by. all. .
A game of animal charm
pitted the ladies against the ger
and the animals would' never h:
recognized themselves. The lad
won the game, thus earning 1
right 'to make their own bang
splits before the losing gentlenal
With a whole table of good
before them, the splits crew
were almost too good to eat
However, hungry appetites tc
over and they were soon demoli:
ed. This little bird refuses to nai
those who had seconds.
,The women of Relief Society
on a dinner fortheir opening soci
Each of the teachers set up
display showing what their Jesse
would 'be about for the comi
year. The health exhibit
excellent, Showing many of 1
things we should have in c
homes, in case of emergency.
Cultural Living we. learned ti
we'd be studying Columbia, Er
land, Korea, Sweden, New •Ze
and, Panama and French Polyne:
this year. With Homemaki
Lessons, Spiritual Living, Mod
Education,' Social Relations a
Visiting Teaching Messages,
know it'll be a busy year aheac
Following the meal and' displa3
we were,very lucky to have Mr. a)
Mrs. Jack Needham of Lucknow,
' show slides and describe their ti
to South America and Africa. Th
were 'an inspiration to all of us, ai
perhaps some day when the rest
.us , are retired, we too may be at
to take similar trips, doing volu
leer work in underprivileged •cou
Donnybrook United Chur,
Women met at the home of "•Mr
John Hildebrand on Wednesd:
night, November 10 for the
November meeting, with 11 pre
Mrs. Roger Reiman gave the co
to worship followed with the hyrn:
Rise up, 0 men of God.
Responsive reading was given b
Mrs. Heiman followed with th
hymn, Fight the good fight. Mr:
~Roger Beiman read a poer
"Deliver Us" followed with prayer
Mit. Wm. Hardy read th
meditations. A hymn, Faith of ou
fathers, was sung. Mrs, Ott'
Weber gave the poem "In Flander
Fields". Mrs. John Hildebrand
Mrs. E. Robinson, Mrs. Ray Hantn
and Mrs. Win. Hardy had a shor
play, A Dream Comes True, taker
from the mission profile. Mrs
Wm. Hardy gave the topic "Native
Spiritually and Christianity" about
Indian religion and the white man's
ways of religion' in Northern
The hymn, Stand up, stand up
for Jesus, was sung and Mrs.
Reiman closed with prayer. The
minutes and collection was taken
and the business was handed over
to the president, Mrs. E. Snowden.
A dainty lunch followed with
hosteis Mrs. Otto Weber and Mrs.
H. Jefferson helping the hostess.
is to take enough lunch for their
'family. Hymn 599,.. verses 1 and 5
were sung. Mrs. MacKenzie gave
the closing prayer, grace was sung,
lunch and an hour of fellowship
brought the meeting to an end.
Doug Zehr, Student Pastor
Phone 529-7751
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. "Morning Worship"
St. Marys
St. ' Mary's Catholic ,Women's
League was held on Sunday
afternoon at the home of
Peter MacDonald.
Fr, Dentinger opened the meet-
ing with the League Prayers said in
unison with the 10 members
Mrs. Leddy, president, conduct-
ed the meeting with secretary Mrs.
MacDonald giving the financial
report. • Correspondence was dealt
with which was mainly a letter
received from the Diocesian Christ-
ian Family Life convener. The first
part was read by Mrs. MacDonald
containing the need of Foreign and
Home Missions, Vacations, Family
Life and Youth Projeets. It stressed
very strongly that we as Christians
be able to see people who are not
baptized Christians living a Christ-
ian Life, because their lives are
directed in the pursuit of the Good,
the Truth and the Beautiful.
Miss Feddy read the second part
which dealt with the "Battered
Child" which is a very timely
subject now. A film can be
obtained regarding this subject.
Also the under privileged child
should be assisted by both spiritual
and material counselling. Lastly
the elderly and the ones confined to.
Homes should not be forgotten.
The meeting was brought to a
conclusion ,with Mrs,. O'Donnell,
Spiritual Convener, giving 2 read-
ings "Value of Prayer" and
"Half-Past Four".
Fr. Dentinger gave his usual
short but verr worthwhile message
then repeated the League closing
0.80N,OF MAN!
Veiled in MY immem—
orial being and .in
the ancient eternity'
of My es$ence, I
knew My love for
thee; therefore I
created thee, have
engraved on thee
Mine . image and re—
vealed to thee. My
9:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
12:00 NOON •
Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst
10 a.m. Sunday School -
11 a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Midweek Prayer Service
Wednesday at 8 p.m.
C.A. (Young People)
Friday at 8:00 p.m.
St. Peters A.C.W.
Mrs. Harold CooPer presided for
the 1November meeting of St:
_fleter'.'s Anglican Church. Women
and opened the meeting with' a
Litany, the A.C.W.'.prayer and the
LOrd's prayer. Mrs. Les Hazelden
read the scripture, Psalm 72: 1-15.
A letter ofthanks was read from
St. Monica's House for 'clonation
sent. An invitation to St. Paul's in
London was received for "a day to
talk about chtireh work", Decem-
ber 7. In answer to a request for
used eye glasses, it was decided to
collect them. Anyone may leave
glasses with any member of the
A .C,W. It was reported several
banquets are coming up.
Mrs. Ernest Gaunt conducted
two Bible quizzes and Mrs. Cooper
read an article "All excuses
covered". The meeting closed with
the Grace and lunch and a social
time followed..
Kinlqugh A.C.W.
Mrs. Howard Thompson was
hostess for the. NoveMber meeting
of the Anglican Church Women on
Thursday afternoon.
Miss' May Boyle presided -and
welcomed everyone. Mrs. Delbert
Hedley, read a. Remembrance Day
poem "The .Poppy Story". The
hymn "0 God our help in ages
past" was sung followed by
prayers and everyone was thanked
for their' help and co-operation on
the day of the Harvest Service.
Mrs. John Scott read the.
scripture from the 46th Psalm.
Mrs., Gertrude Walsh gave the
meditation basing her thoughts on
the hymn "0 valiant hearts" and
read the poem "In Flanders
Fields". Karen Hedley gave a
recitation "Poppies' ' .
The word for the roll call was,
"Remember". A committee was
appointed' to arrange for a visit to
Pinecrest Manor at Lucknow,
namely Mrs. Delbert Hedley and
Miss Edna Boyle. The. Christmas
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Bert Nicholson. This part of
the meeting clased with prayer.
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh presided
for the election of officers which
were: president, Miss May 'Boyle;
1st -vice president, Mrs. Delbert
Hedley; secretary treasurer, Mrs.-
Ronald Thacker; assistant secret-
ary treasurer, Mrs. Roy Collins;
Sunday School superintendent,
Mrs. Gerald Rhody; work and
supplies, Mrs. Bert Nicholson,
Mrs. Art Haldeitby, Mrs. George
Graham; prayer partners secretary,
Mrs. Howard Thompion; family
life, Miss May Boyle, Mrs. Bert
Nicholson; social service , corres-
pondence secretary, Miss Edna
Boyle; social 'service visiting com-
ntittee, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, Mrs.
George Graham; program planning
committee, Miss' May Boyle, Mrs.
Delbert Hedley; Mrs. Eric Thacker,
Mrs. Roy Collins; social convener;
Mrs, Howard Thompson.
Two crib quilts were sold during
the afternoon. Delicious refresh-
ments were • served . and Mrs.
George Graham gave the courtesy
During the afternoon 3 bales
were packed for Keewatin, 1 hale
to Rev. and Mrs. George Honour
(our prayer partners) for Christmas •
and 2 bales for St. Monica House,
Waterloo. The president express-
ed appreciation to' everyone who
had contributed so generously to
these bales, which consisted of all
new' or nearly new clothing;
bedding, baby needs and knitted
Trinity U.C.W.
The November meeting of Trin-
ity U.C.W. was held on Wednes-
day, November 10, at the home of
Mrs.' Frank Ritchie, with an.,
attendance of 20. The 'president;
Mrs. Chester Hackett, thanked
Mrs.. Ritchie for hiving the•
meeting and all joined in 'singing
"Onward Christian Soldiers". The
presidentled in prayer. Mrs. Alex
Hackett gave a reading , "In
Flanders Fields" and Mrs. Chester
Hackett read • a poem "World
Peace". •
The roll call was answered by
each member telling something
they were particularly thankful for.
Two thank-you letters were read.
The social committee reminded us
that the pot luck supper will be held
in the church basement on Novem-
ber 23rd, and all committees were
to have their annual reports in for
this meeting. • Mrs. Chester
Hackett read in prayer. The rest of
the business followed. Mrs.
Hackett gave a short prayer.
Mrs. Donald Hackett acted as
president for the. balance of the
meeting and Mrs. Marvin Scott
introduced the topic for devotions
"Debtors To Everybody". All
joined in singing, "hi Christ There
Is No East or West", Mrs. Scott
and Mrs. Reg Broome read
scripture. Mrs. Scott. gave the
meditation and "The Morning
Light Is Breaking" was sung. Mrs.
Scott read a poem "Impatience"
and closed the 'devotions with
Mrs. Hackett announced that a
bale will be 'packed Monday or
Tuesday of next week. The four
ladies who went to the executive
meeting at' Walton reported on the
meeting. Mrs. ' Donald Hackett
explained the changes in the names
of the different committees. Hymn
400 was sung and all repeated the
mizpah benediction. A dainty
lunch was served 'by the,committee
in charge..
Ashfield Women's h4issionary
Society ladies met at the home of
Mrs. Lloyd Collins fur their
November meeting. Mrs. Henry
MacKenzie welcomed everyone
and opened the meeting with
prayer. Hymn 568, verses 1 and 4
were' sung. • and the' W.M.S.
Purpose was repeated. Mrs. Stuart
MacLennan gave the , scripture
taken from Deut. 8: 10-20, followed
by prayer. Twelve ladies answered
roll call with' a gift for the cancer
cupboard. Hymn 766, verses 1 and
4, were sung. /
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie showed
slides on a tour taken of the city of
Nashville, Tennessee showing pic-
tures on the last supper and Mrs.
Jim West read the scripture during
the showing of the last supper.
Also pictures of stained glass '
windows and the meaning was told
by Mrs. MacKenzie.
'Hymn 192, verses A, 2 and 4
were sung. Mrs. Joe Litt gave the
offertory prayer. Mrs. Henry
MacKenzie had a memorial read-
ing and showed slides of Arlington
Cemetery and the Unknown Tomb.
"In Flanders Fields" was given by •
Mrs. Lift. Verses 1 and 4 of Hymn
643 were sung. .
Business was conducted by Mrs.
Warren Wylds. Thank you notes
were received from Mr. and Mrs.
Clarke Mills and Mrs. Frank
MacLennan. Mrs.-Wylds reported
on the Fall Rally held in October at
Wingham. Rev. and Mrs. Rhoad,
former minister of Ashfield and
Ripley, plan to attend church at •
Ashfield, -on November 28th.
Everyone is asked to come and
renew acquaintances with them
and welcome Rev. and Mrs.
Nugent to our community. W.M.S.
December meeting will be held on.
December 9th beginning at noon
for a pot luck dinner. Sunday
School concert ,is to be held oil
December 5th at 8 p.M. Everyone