HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-11-24, Page 7WEDNESDAY, 'NOVEMBER 240974 41ramillim:10110•11111.11111111"1"1"11`• LEGION DANCE LES PETTER. SHOES LUCKNOW lORNE REID t PHONE 528.2011 SHOE REPAIR. SKATE SHARPENING • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 24, 1976 ,on harioes Aborne eg y .. 'ton wer ch ANKS y thank all visited me n Victoria Wingham I thanks to workers at 'entecostal nerman. d Edwards onvey our )n for the us from . A the time rother and :houghtful, 'limbered. dacKenzie and family me for the while I was' Hospital. rdon Lyons' or sincere for cards less at the a Durnin's so. much Ian Durnin ad families - wife Helen all those also those ad parcels Kincardine cards and •son, also I were not .nk you all ery happy our three sbands to lay. e Murray ess their friends the kind- loss of a :her and dona- lockey, to lation and by cards Ouse were k special )ed in the d the boys who came as of Pine ink-you to Len nap -- me, the earers. wn a t our forever nndt ade itude, nd faMilY Lucknow. Legion. Hall Sat. Nov. 27th Farewell Party At Langside Hall LANGSIDE NEWS A farewell party was held in Langsidecommunity hall on Friday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young who have moved to LUcknow and also in honour of Mrs. Visser and Winnie who have moved to, ,Wingham. Thirteen tables of euchre were enjoyed with the high prizes going to Ethel Holmes and Ivan Conley and the lows to Bessie Myths and Keith Bregnaan. Mrs. Visser and Winnie, were then asked' to come to the platiorm. 'An address was read by Mrs. Mann and a floor lamp was presented to Mrs. Visseeand a• bedside lamp to Winnie on behalf of the community by Bob and Agnes Bregman after which Mrs. Visser thanked every- one for their kindness'. Wesley and Edna'. Young were then called to the platform. An address was read by. William Bates and a floor lamp was presented to them on behalf of the community' by Elmer Scott and Dave Moffat. Wesley thanked all who had come and those who Organized the party and asked all to call on them if they were in Lucknow. All joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows" with Donalda Scott at the piano. A bounteous lunch was then served to end an enjoyable evening. Sympathy of the 'community.,: is extended to Mr. and Mrs. William Bates in the loss of his father NO r• MATTER WHAT THE SCORE YOU RENT THE HALL WE'LL FEED THEM ALL CATERING SERVICES AVAILAIILE • FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY PARTIES REASONABLE RATES Cancer Society Names A New President On November , 16, a meeting of people interested in the work of the Cancer Society in the area was held in the Lucknow. Town Hall. About twenty-five people 'turned out'. Mrs: Jack McKim introduced two guests, Mrs. Lola Timms of Angus Bates of Shelburne, who passed away on November 8th. • Sympathy is Also extended to the relatives of Robert Moffat of Lucknow Who passed away on Wednesday, November 17th. The Brownie Pack and Girl Guide Co. of Holyrood held a successful bazaar at Kinlough Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon. Choir practice will begin next' Sunday in preparation for the christmas candlelight service to be held 'in the VVhitechurch Presby- terian Church on December 19th and which will be broadcast over CKNX Mr. and Mrs. Donald England Jr. and baby Matthew visited with Mr.' and Mrs. Clifford. Young on Thursday afternoon. ' • Ken Young visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Springer and family on Saturday evening.. • Mr. and Mrs. Hank Boss of Belmore visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bregman and family. Mildmay,' president of the Bruce CpUnty 'Unit of the •Canadian Cancer Society and Bill O'Cpnnor, Field Secretary for :the Ontario Division, Canadian Cancer Society. 'The local group has been operating on 'a shoestring, and with Mr. O'Connor and Mrs. Timnis' encourageinent, a new slate of • officers 'were,. appointed. President, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton; Education Chairman, Mrs. Bob Struthers; Service to Patients and Transporta- tion, Mrs. Roy Emberlin and Mrs. Barry McDonagh; Campaign 'Chairman, Mrs._ Jack Treleaven; Treasurer and In Memoriajn, Mrs. Jack McKim and Mrs. Mel Corrin. Several others offered to help with telephoning and visiting. To assist the new' chairman, a workshop will be held' in the Lucknow Town Hall on. December 2nd tinder 'the direction of Mrs. Lola Timms and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton. . • SOUTH K1NLOSS Mr.' and Mrs. Evan Keith attended the open house at Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo on ' Sunday. Murray is in his first year there. Grace and Audrey MacDougall of Orangeville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall on the weekend. • VISIT TO HOLLAND Mrs. Bill Searle is holidaying in Holland for 3 'weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham have left for their holidays in Florida. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cranston were visited by Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hunt and family from Owen Sound. In spite of the nasty weather on November 12th Mr: and Mrs. Ronald Sprague moved into St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Sprague's mobile home is just behind the Taylor residence. Mrs._ Taylor is Mr. and Mrs, Sprague's daughter. Ron and Clara enjoy playing cards. Mp. Sprague has retired from the Canadian National Railway com- pany after 27 years. We all welcome them to our community and hope they enjoy their new home. SHOOT PARTY Seven tableS joined for the Shoot party Thursday night., Prizes for the men went to Pete Jefferson and Ross Errington. Ladies prizes went to Mrs. Agnes Gaunt and Mrs. Clarence Hanna. The `MOst Shoots' prize went to Mrs. Marie Park.. The lucky draws were won by Jim Coultes and Alice Jefferson. Mrs. Wayne. Todd and Miss Christina Todd 'returned 'home after a 40 day visit. with Mr. and. Mrs. Aldis MakovskiS and family of Willowdale. Mr. and MrS. Hugh Todd spent the weekend visiting With Mr. and Mrs. John Bick of Scarhorough. lucknow Junior omen s PAGE SEVEN RIPLEY HURON CENTRAL REPORTERS'1., Sheila Osborne and Lori Roberts GRADE 2 We welcome new pupil, Phi %) Plowright to our class. He comes from W. E. Thompson School in ' Kincardine, He is' originally from England. We hope he, enjoys being in our class. We are glad to havey him as a classmate.. GRADE 5 Congratulations 'to Mr. O'Dono- hue who is now the proud father of a baby girl. • Congratulations also go. to Mr. Stanley who is also the proud father of a baby girl. KAIRSHEA W.I. The. Kairshea Women's Institute met at the home , of Mrs. Harry Lavis Thursday, November 18. The 1st vice president, Mrs. Evan i Keith, presided and opened the I meeting with a poem "Now" and welcoMed visitors and members. The meeting opened with sing- ing the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect repeated in unison. The scripture, John 3, was read by Mrs. Harold Campbell, followed by the roll call, If yOu were not a ' housewife what would you choose as a career. There were ,17 members and 3 visitors present. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall read' the correspondence. The business' was dealt With as clubs. • MrS. Allan MacDougall presided for the following program. Sing Ong, readings by Mrs. Harold Campbell. Mrs. Bob Gilchrist gave an excellent report of the Area Convention held in Chesley. Mrs. MacliOugall conducted a Fun Contest, followed by Current Events prepared by Mrs. Bill Haldenby and read by Mrs. Gordon Wall. The December •meeting will be held December 16 at the home of • Mrs. Donald C. Maclntyre at 1.30 p.m. Courtesies were by Mrs. Harold Campbell. The meeting closed with the singing of 0 Callada and the 'Institute Grace. Refreshments were served by the hostesS and directors Mrs. Allan MacDougall . and Mrs. Harold Campbell. BANQUET & VARIET NIGHT Wed. Deo, 8th Brooks] de School SpOnsoredby•West Huron Junior Farmers TAKE OUT FOOD 15 Pieces $6,90 21 Pieces $8.95 GREY CUP Suoulay Nov. 27 Only BUY A BUCKET OF‘\\ GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN AT THE REGULAR PRICE GET YOUR FRENGH FRIES AND COLE SLAW FREE HIGHWAY 86' AT THE WEST END OF LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2434 .MONDAY - THURSDAY • 8 A.M. MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 8 A:M. - 2 A.M. SATURDAY 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. SUNDAY II A.M. - MIDNIGHT OPEN SE! 1.1 will be held November 27th in The November meeting of the. Ripley. Those taking the Senior Lucknow Junior Women's Institute Course, "Quilts -, meet 'at the was held in the town hall on . Kairshea Hall, Tuesday, November Tuesday, November 16 at 8 p.m. 30, at 7.30 p.m. The Curator, Mrs. Nancy Brown, the vice. president, Leoriard Maclnnes, reported 3 presided over the • meeting by volumes of the Tweedsmuir History opening with the Ode. , to be sent' to Toronto to be micro filmed and put in the Archives. The minutes of the last meeting Standing committee reports were were read by Nancy Ritchie as the given. Mrs. Leonard Clarke and secretary was absent. Tuesday, . Mrs. Clarence Ritchie spent 2 days December 14 will be the fl next in Toronto, •guests at the Royal meeting with Insurance as the Win ter Fair on behalf of the 4-H topic. All bills are to be handed in for the next meeting. also with the money from the Institute pens we are selling. - Nancy Brown handed 'out pam- phlets on "Credit and You" and "Balance In the, °Marketplace -, Nancy Ritchie, handed out 'the Enthusiastic and reported when Achievement Days in this `area were being held. Ltieknow No. 1, Saturday, November 27 - Ripley Complex. ' Lucknow No. 2, Satur- day, December.• 18 - Walkerton D.S.S. Nancy Ritchie gave the ' treasurer's report. Nancy Brown demonstrated how to make decorations for presents while Mary Nelson demonstrated 'how to make felt decorations for presentS or the Christmas tree. A social time followed. W Institute follows 441.-AchieVement Day for. the course "Clothes for Leisure -. Two storey‘horne On Cough St : on lot 86' x las';, two bath- roorns, one upstairs and one on main floor: three bedrooms, fam- ily room, living room, dining room, kitchen, small office; oil fur- nace; garage; inspettion by appointment only. HOUSE FOR SALE IN LUCKNOW CONTACT DON THOMPSON — LUCKNOW Phone 528-2822 or 528-3516