HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-11-24, Page 5Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE. MATTER OF the Estate Of MARY ADA •BROPHY late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Spinster, deceaS- All persons' having any claims' against the estate of MARY ADA BROPHY, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of August 1976, are hereby notified to send them to the tehdersigned solicitors for, the Executrices of the estate' duly verified on or before December 15, 1976, after 'which date, the assets of the .said Estate will be distribut- ed among the persons entitled thereon, having regard only to the claims of which the Executrices shall, then have noticed , DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this third day of November 1976. WRAY, RUSSELL 663 Greenwood Avenue Toronto, Ontario. M4J 4B4 Solicitors for the ' Executrices. WANTED WANTED - horses or ponies to board.'Transportation available. Call Glen Hodgins. 395-2337. , WANTED - to 'buy a roll-a-way bed, in good condition. Phone ,529-7587. WORK WANTED - strong 17-year- old high school student, with farm experience,, willing and keen to work. 'Please call 528-2730. WANTED - Pho 357-1343. WANTED - custom fall tillage, Glencoe soil saver or molboard ploi,v. Call Clete Dalton 529-7124. WANTED - custom sewing in Own home. Phone 528-3126. WANTED - used Canadian post- cards 1900-1920; preferably Canad- ian Town scenes. Write R. Powell, Box 121, Milliken. LOH 11(0. FOUND FOUND - one pig in the Kintail area.. Owner may have same by proving .property. Phone 395-5351, You might be cut out for a career, but it's up to you to cut out the best one for you. o PINE LODGE REST HOME (THE FORMER PINECREST MANOR NURSING HOME) (GOUGH-ST., LUCKNOW ONTARIO)' A A sui3ervised retirement rest home carmg,tor your perional needs 24 hours per day. • STANDARD, SEMI=PRIVATE AND • PRIVATE ACCOMMODATIONS :LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 528-2703 FAIRVIEW CARWASH OPEN YEAR ROUND Hot Water, Soap, Wax , Paper Towels, Vacuum Cleaner YOU WASH IT OR WE WELL WASH IT FOR YOU LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2001 LOST LOST - 700 lb. heifer from 2nd concession west, Kinloss Township on November 14th. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts phone 395-5.041.. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Tenders for-snow blowing in the vicinity of Port Albert. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., Decem- ber 7, 1976 for tractor and 'snow 1 blower. ' State horsepower and hourly rate. Lowest or, any, tender "not necessarily accepted. James Hunter Road Superintendent R. R. 3 Lucknow McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE . LTD.- LUCKNOW ,. DUPLEX — 1st unit ' — 3 bedrooms, 3' pc. bath; 2nd unit — 2 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath; oil furnace, newly painted. Asking $25,000. POINT CLARK COTTAGE — Lake front, '2 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, beautiful view, all /furnish- ed. Asking $32,500. KINLOSS FARM — 100 acres, 90 workable, good' barn and pit silo, house needing repairs. Asking $69,000. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528.2031 Res. 529.7417 4,1976 • Is n the lace mnel mii•mow — is Mont- s Phar- ,, Luck- Sepoy .ey and 88. or col ban- Luck- ICHRE e Luck- Rods . 'MENT rs, Silo Crates, Ind Hog • ohnston, 395-5390. ets EL )edroom ucknow, 65. per a Apart- , ifnished ble Dec- 14. vailable 1-3810. n farm 1st, 2'/2 month. K £RS WEDNESDAY.. NOVEMBER R 24, 194 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE •COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow; every Thursday., 8,30 p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 regular games $10 each, 2 Share, the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $115: on 59 or $25 ,consolation..prize. LEGION MEETING' All members of Branch 309 Roy- al Canadian Legion are , requested to attend the regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 36th 'at 8:45 p.m. BLYTH LIONS BINGO Blyth Lions. Club, Saturday Night Bingos, 8:30 .m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on' 60 calls, regular and share the wealth games. Everyone wel- come. RECEPTION A reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Durnin in the Lucknow Legion !fall on Saturday, December 4. Boyd's Orchestra, Lunch provided, Everyone wel- come. HOWICK BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, November 26th, at 8.30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Special; Jack- pot of $95.00 'on 58 calls; Purple Ball of $90.00; Door and Consola- tion prizes. ANNUAL MEETING The, annual meeting of the, Farmer's Co-operative of Lucknow Ltd. will be held in the Scale Room on Saturday, December fourth at 2 o'clock p.m: to attend to necessary business. Alvin Irwin, Seeretarj. KINLOSS CENTRE ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting for the 'Kinloss Community' Centre on Monday, November 29th at '8 p.m. at the Kinloss Community Centre. Any- one interested in the Centre please attend this meeting. 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Open House will be held for Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley of Lucknow on Saturday, November 27th from 2:4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m, at the Parish Hall, Lucknow. No gifts please, best wishes only. RECEPTION FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and Mr-and Mrs. Robert Farrish wish to invite their friends, neighbours and relatives to a reception in honour of their daughter Wanda and son Ken Moran in' Saltford Valley Hall, Friday, November 26th. Music by Shannon. BANQUET AND VARIETY NIGHT The West Huron Junior Farmers will be holding their Banquet . and Variety Night on Wednesday, December' 8th • at 7 par. , at Brookside School. 'CHE CROSS AND THE SWITCH BLADE" A motion picture will be present- ed Deceniber 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. in the F. E. Madill Secondary School, Winghain, by the Lucknow Young Peoples Society. Adults $2.00, Children $1.50. Rommob••••••••••... CARD PARTY A card party will be held in the Dungannon L.O.L. Hall on Friday, November 6, at 8:30 p.m. " LEGION DANCE The monthly Lucknow Legion dance will be held Saturday, November 27th to music by Ian Wilbee. Admission includes lunch. Tickets available at Legion Hall and from executive. TACK I HOUSE is well stocked for your Christmas shopping ENGLISH AND WESTERN SADDLES HATS, BOOTS AND NECKERCHIEFS BOLO TEES, BELTS & CARDS ' EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HORSE Drop in, and look around Phone 881-1153 Then we will be home , CUNNINGHAM TACK HOUSE , 20 BROWN.STREET Walkerton immimionsmomisimilmir"""•••• NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR., HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry .Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try, our Fresh 1,loine. Mode Sousage. Cus- tom killing h' Appointment. " Phone 528-21n HAVING A DRINKING PROB- LE1VI? AA can help. Phone God- erich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881- 3655. HOG SHIPPING I am now shipper for U.C.O.' Hogs will be shipped Mondays 7 a.m. 12 noon. Cattle are shipp- ed Tuesday, I will be at the yards Monday morning and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. '- 5:00 p.m. I would appreciate your patronage. William Taylor, 529-7310 - home 528-3119 - yard NOTICE CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS The Lucknovv Women's Institute have Christmas Puddings for sale Please order before December 9th. Call Mrs. Gordon ' Fisher, 'Mrs. Grace Campbell or Mrs. Alex McNay. NOTICE . The regular meetings of the Township of Huron will be held December 2nd and 15th. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife as of Tuesday, November 16, 1976. Wayne Lowry, R. R.1 Kineardine. NOTICE TO SKATING CLUB MEMBERS Anyone interested in getting jackets or sweat jackets made are asked to phone Debbie Rhody at 395-5680. mo.H4.~.~:~•••••~••••#•••• THE MAN TO SEE.IS-...• 200 ACRES ASHFIELD TWP., approximately 190 workable, excel- lent 4 bedroom 'home, every convenience, large barn for beef cattle, auger feeding, silo 20 X 60 plus farrowing unit, choice cash crop, good drainage. DAIRY FARM adjacent to Highway 86, Lucknow area, modern barn, completely equipped with comfort stalls and glitter cleaners, herd of 80 cows and quota ' available. Property has' large silo and implement shed. Brick two storey /home has recently been panelled etc., make an appointmenCto "see- this 'property. RIPLEY, 3. bedroom seven room home. Ideal retirement location. CloSe to stores, schools and churches. Immediate•possession. CHOICE BUILDING, LOT ideally located in the Village of Ripley, lot size 65' X 130'. OWNER HAS MOVED, must sell Parkwood mobile homer Complete- ly furnished and nearly new. Must be moved from present location.. WE HAVE an established general store with 4 bedroom living quarters Jot.' sale. For further particulars give us a call. 'WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7150 •40#########Hef eeeeeeeHe-me•, NOTICE RE — — Ready For Occupancy $42,800.00 3 BEDROOM HOME WALK-OUT BASEMENT - ON WELL TREED LOT - SUNDECK ON ELGIN ST. IN LUCKNOW NEAR THE SCHOOL h. CONSTRUCTION JUST STARTED ON A 3 BEDROOM HOME ON WILLOUGHBY ST. ALSO NEAR THE SCHOOL - Wla BE ' COMPLETED BY CHRISTMAS. 2.-c›-Qt•<:> GERRIE GLENN INC. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3234