HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-11-24, Page 4• 'WEDNESIDAt NOVEMBER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • :k i:::.4:::••••••,•••••••-,:<:4441. 'Ps • A.,. .,,::,::::;:•:-$.:b*:,;,..,:,:,...:.•141,:.:.;a?..:.:::3,..,::;,:::?....:.i;:.i,$:-ili;i.*::ici..:i:ii..1zit$.:gi::,:tiiiii:i:IKiiiE:::i:i.:,is:::::.:::i*:::::::::4:M,X::::?:::i,:i:K:::::.:>:.:::0,:.f..--:....;::::::*::::?•;:•:•:•::•:::,::::::::', •:*:::0,%.::::•:::::11•:- . ..,,,,,, N + • • • • . • :::.:. e.. ...,., , , . , , . .. .., .... ... ,... ...,:,,, .4.........:...y,..., -...-.!.....x.:.;.‹...!...,;:,:•...,...-:,;•:,..;,•;,:x.,.::•:,x.:•.*::::,•:•:::,.e.:::::,;•.!..:..ii.:•::;::•.4:x.:.•:.•:::••.4.Ko:•:, , .... . . i IS . • . . . . .. ' SI • qgftwwNiaROM00& • 14 The Sentinel is, open 'on Mondays with exceptibn of a Monday statutory holiday. To p one of these ads, just drop in at The Sent Office 'or Phone: Mondays at. .6 'pal E DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED DEADLINE . 528.2822. FOR SALE ADMISSION TICKETS -- in rolls of 1000 andt00, singles,' doubles, all in stock a The Lucknow Sent- inel, 528-2822. FOR -SALE - .1973 - 440 Ski-doo Blizzard. Call Clete Dalton, 5/9-7124. FOR SALE - two aluminum doors, 31 by 74; one 3 by 5 double glaze bashwopd window,' with 'screen; Simplicity wringer washer in good condition; ,General Electric floor polisher in good condition; phone 529-7441. 'CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs and' cattle Mondays Cattle only on Fridays Ripley Abattoir Phone 395-2905 or 395-2979 PICTURE FRAMING -- ;loose from 500 samples, also an array of coloured, matting. Snyder Studio, Wingham, phone 357-1851. HELLO BADGES -- for meetings, parties, etc.; stick 'to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - cross bred Charolais calves, male and:- female, Jim McTavish, R. 1 Ripley, 395-2834. after 6 p.m. FOR SALE - two-yeat-old, quiet quarter-horse mare; one-year-old colt; cutter -in good condition. Phone 392-6587. FOR SALE - .5500 bales first-cut hay, to be' removed or arrange- ' ments can be made to rent barn and feed cattle. Bill Farrish, 395-5058. GESTETNER STENCILS - paper, ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The Luck- now Sentinel, 'phone 528-2822. REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes, and models, call 357-1085 Wingham. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. : FOR SALE - Boy's Bauer hockey skates, size 2, worn only 1 season, half 'price, $20. Art Collins, 395-2465. FOR SALE - Rainbow trout for stocking ponds, etc., all sizes available; phone Blue Spring Trout Farm, 364-1065. Please tele- phone first. The Workshop WIB HARTIN. and SON R.R. 1 DUngannoti ANY ITEM 'IN WOOD NEW FURNITURE BUILT OLD FURNITURE .*• REPAIRED FOR SALE FOR A FULL LINE of fertilizer contact Hirold Courtney, 395-2972, Ripley.. 8-3246 or 7-2144 with magnesium and sulphur, bagged price $129.50 a ton. urea $151.50'a ton. Also varieties such as 6-24-24, 18-46-0, 5-10-15' available. Check now as sotriwinter storage is available. HOUSE. FOR SALE. IN LUCKNOW Two storey home on Gough St. on lot 86' x 165'; two bathrooms, one upstairs and one on main floor; three bedrooms, family room, living room, dining room, kitchen, small office; oil furnace; garage; inspection by appointment only. Contact Don Thompson, Lucknow, phone 528-2822 or 528- 3516. FOR SALE - 6' piece Sears drums, good condition. Call 396-7696 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Westinghouse colour T.V. with AM-FM radio tape player, completely, reconditioned. Phone Murray Wilken 395-5055. ' ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. NEED A PAINTER? call 357-3455 for interior and exterior painting. FOR SALE - 24 inch Moffat Electric range, perfect condition; also Sunbeam electric floor polisher with brushes and buffers. Phone 528-2449. - FOR SALE - 10 Holstein heifers, good size, ready to' breed, Blake Lotion, phone 395-5654. FOR SALE - 17 cu. ft. freezer and Maytag dryer. Jack Ackert, phone Kincardine • 396-3709. FOR. SALE - HO electric train set with lots of extra accessories, used only, once, some parts never used, only. S55'.00. Great for all ages. Phone 395-5091. ELECTRIC STOVE -.,- Acme 30", .1 with oven and warming cliket, 4 burner, :1 not working, $25; Don Thompson, Lucknow, 528=3516 after :6 • THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first published in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also" have available the "seqUel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1961 written by °Norman McLeod - same price, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL , FOR SALE- oven-ready roosters. Call 529-7152. . FOR SALE - Shelvador frig, Quake" oil stove, 125 gallon oil tank. Phone 528-2399. FOR SALE - Art Bell's Fruit Farm will have a truck at the Lucknow Sales Barn every Wednesday' with fresh apple cider; Macs; No. 2 Spys S4.00; No., 2 potatoes, 75 lb. for $3.00; also bags of onions. AUCTIONEER' SERVICE Grant' McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392.6170 FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE - one hundred acres corn land, seventy arable, thirty. bush, lot 20, concession 10, West' Wawanosh. Write. B. Will, 16 Cedar Ave., Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE - in White- church, 4 bedroom; also adjoining lot. Contact Lloyd Whytock 357- 3470 or 528-3433. GRAVEL AND TOP SOIL Vincent Austin & Sons R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7240 BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped' to your specifications. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Phone 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 WINTARIO Ontario Lottery Tickets. $1.00 Each On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTINEL FILING CABINETS 2. drawer and '4 drawer letter size In stock for immediate delivery THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ASK ES BROS. CONSTRUCTION Homes, Cottages, Farm Build- ings, .General Carpentry, interior and exterior. Phone 528-2726, 1.ticknow, Ontario. MacDONALD SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING - BANNERS - SHOWCARDS SILK SCREENING • Phone 395-5129 O FARMERS ***/••••••••••••• NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK 1 - 210 J & M gravity box 1 - 250 J & M gravity box 'with extension 2 - 300 J & M gravity boxes, 1 - .350 J & M gravity box 1 - 6 ton J & M wagon - 2 - 10 ton J & M wagons 1 - 10 ton Vic Wagon 1 - Danornex 3 pt. hitch spreader 1 - 10' J & M' fertilizer auger 2 - 12' J & M fertilizer augers 4 - Vic stone pickers 1 - Smoker elevator - 36' 1 : J & M elevator - 43' 1 - D & S '5 ton dump trailer WESTFIELD PORTABLE GRAIN AUGERS 1 - 6" X41' 1 - 7" X41' . -1 - 8" X46' 8 - heavy duty airplane tires on 6• hole split rims D & S cattle feeders, headgates, fence line feeders,' feed carts, gates and penning 1 7 20' Zero grazing feeder USED EQUIPMENT Tandem trailer, 16' x8', plank deck, loading ramp, heavy steel frame. Fully wired and . electric brakes. (Always stored inside). 6 ton Martin wagon and Turnco gravity box 12' J & M fertilizer auger, used 1 season. RIEGLING'S NEW AND USED FARM EQUIPMENT 395-5107 Miles West Of Lucknow On No. 86 Hwy. FOR SALE FOR SALE - 4970 BOa Ski snowmobile, red in colour, model 11, price $300:00, contact Henery Edgar. Phone 528-2838. GETTING MARRIED ONLY , HOME WEEK-.ENDS Call The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822 and reserve the Wedding Stationery Order Books for Home Viewing on the Week-end. Viewing' in the home on any week night may also be arranged or the books may be seen at the office daily, Monday to Saturday noon. LUAL FARMS R. R. 5 LUCKNOW ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS 50 lb. bags louse powder $18.95; A.D.E., injection, liquid, powder; water bowls; pig feeders; farm gates. (Pen strep $2.95, case lots of 12, special until November 30). LYNN LOWRY FARM ,SYSTEMS I LTD. AMBERELY PHONE 395-5286 CLAY - Silo Unloaders, Feed- ers, Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Ele- vators, Liquid Manure Equip- ment, Hog Equipment. BUTLER - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - • Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. ZERO - Bulk Tanks, Pipeline and Parlour Equipment. WESTSTEEL' ROSCO -- Gran- aries. B & L Hog Panelling. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Western heifer and steer calves from B.C., Alberta, Sask. Contact Harvey, Davis, Dobbinton, phone' 3535446. FOR SALE - electric fencers, 110 volt, any strength, guaranteed. 5 year money backvirepair to all makes. Alvin :Erman, R. 1 Dublin, phone 345-2306. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Most makes in stock at The Lubknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE - repairs to -all makes and models. Sales on used and new zig zak and stretch stitch machines: All work fully' guaran- teed, 16 yrs. experience. Phone Ripley 395-5341 only Thursday evening and all day Friday and Saturdays for appointments. Ger- ald Courtney, Courtney Crescent, Point Clark. FOR SALE THE LUCKNOW SENTINI for sale in Lucknow at gomery's Sunoco; Umbach' macy, H. and B. Discount now Service Centre and Drive-In. FOR SALE - feed bar] mixed grain., Phone 529-74 TABLE PAPER - white oured designs for coved' quet or picnic tables, Thi now Sentinel. ' COURT WHIST AND 'EU Tallies available at Th now Sentinel. MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHIN Roofing and Lightning Lucknow 528-5156 BERG STABLE EQUIP Cleaners, Bunk Feede Unloaders, Farrowing Water Bowls, Cow Stalls ; Paneling. Contact. Lloyd J R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone WINTAIVO Ontario Lottery Tick $1.00 Each On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTIN FOR REN1 FOR RENT - Two 2-1 apartments in Village of L recently new. Rent p month. Phone Glennhavei ments,' 528,3234. FOR. RENT - ' small fi upstairs apartment, 'availa ember 4th. Phone' 528-3V FOR RENT - farm house a December 1st. Phone 52E FOR RENT - 4 bedrOor house, available December miles east of Ripley, $250. a 395-5890.- . SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDING1 ALL STEELWORN AIR HAMMER WOR BA& HOEING ARNOLD STOTH PHONE 5294403 FOR ESTIMATES MiX111111111111glallgaigaillagilliniligliagal POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY . Have Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equipment. For - piano tuning and repairs call 395- 2982. TOWER KING Pressed Stave Silos with complete cement plaster lining. Discount if ordered by December 31st. Local representa- tive, Francis Boyle, 395-5088 Ripley. 'PHONE 5297205 •