HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-14, Page 8F 8—Thursday, June 14. 1eaa. TI1E SIGNAL, CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM CURTAILED THIS YEAR (Continued from page 6) the approecls to the Exeter bridge, we recommend that the commission ex- amine the situation and take such action as deemed advisable. Re resolution of the county council of Perth county. petitioning the Ie- I partment of Highways for the desig- nation of a Prw•Inelal highway south- erly from Mitchell. through Klrkton, along the easterly limit of t'aborue township, we recommend that this council endorse this petition and that the Minister of Highways be notified acordiughy. Re motion of Meters. Kennedy and .McQuaid. asking for irnprtr'ement of the Egnondrflle bridge and the erec- tion of slims. we recommend that dan- ger signs he erected, and that the bridge be examined and any urgent repairs be made. ldie motion of Mt•strs. McKibtoi and dendcrsah that bridge on the Prairie road be widened, we recommend that action be deferral till next year. as the necessary expenditure will be con- siderable. Re petition from ratepayers In the village of Egmondville and re motion of- Meters. Kennedy and Beattie that the street of Egmondviile be paved, we recommend that this street he sur- face -treated with tar. Ite' motion of Messrs' Johnston and ---- Haekett. urging the completion of the Debentures Will He Issued to Assenting work at Dickies hill, we recommend of $100,000 'I that this work be completed, if condi- tieing to pre -sure of other mutter Hens permit. offering for publication this week, it Be application of delegates front the Is imptserible to give a detailed report village of Be'grave asking for 1m- of the proceedings of the county eohn- provement to the road and bridge be cif in this issue. Some of the out- • tween the village and the public school, standing matters dealt with, outside of we recommend that this situation is' those reported last week, are as fob examined and improvement made next pops• year. The equalisation of last year was adopted for this year's assessment of AGREEMENT BETWEEN the carious munleipwllttes of the county... . COUNTY AND C A.S. The county levy for 192$ will be the same as last year. six mills, being four (county Takes Control of Children's mills for general purposes and two Aid Work I mills for highways. The special committee appointed top To meet financial obligations' done this year, it was decided to issue $100; report upon the county's assumption of the management agement of the (children's' Met of 4'1 per cent. fifteen-yar sink - Shelter and the formation of a joint ing fund debentures, in denominations CODrol of matters relating' to childof $iIIW) and $1.000, to be sold by tender. welfare in the county reported that The annual picnic of the county the amalgamation between the county j•tYuncil Will be held at Bayfield June interest and that of the (iiildr'n's Aid nth Society •heel been completed. Follow- ing is a summary statement of the agreement reached between the Child- ren'e Alit Snclety• executive and the committee of the county council: The board of management or exam- I tire committee of the Children's Aid Society for the county of Huron khall consist of ten members. to he ap- pointed annually. six members by the county. of whom one shall be the War- den and the other, members of the county cmuncii, and four members by ' the Children's Aid Society. of whom one shall be the president of the ( ren's Aid Society. The oftk'prs of the Children'! Aid So- ciety shall he appointee at the annual meeting of the Society. All ,members of the county council shall he members of the Children's Aid Society, iut shall not be eligible to trote for the appoint- ment of the four members of the executive representing the Children's Aid Society. The ehildreit•a Aid Society shall hold its monthly meeting as may be ar- ranged by the executive. and to act in conjunction with the superintendent in ELMER C. BEACOM, B.A. an advisory capacity. but no expendi- I appointed by the county council to otic- ceed Mr. J. E. Tom as inspector of public schools for West Huron. Mr.- Beacom r:Beacom is at preen assistant princi- pal of Brown put is etchoole. road, Toronto, a sltlon he has held i fornineyears. 'e x one year ofthis period he was en ."exchange" teacher in London, England. atment shall be made without the approval of the Provincial superin- tendent. - a The corporation of the county of Hu- ron shall undertake the financial re- tgaourdlrility for the support and main- tenance of the C.A.S. work' in the county, including the salaries of the matron of the Shelter and the in - Spector, and shall furnish to suitable house to be used as a Children's Shel- ter. Either the corporation of the count. of Huron, or the Children's Aid So- ciety, may give one month's written teethe to the other, repealing this agreement, in which event the county shall he relieved of any financial re- sponsibility rspnnslbility or gjtligation of supplying a house• to be used for a Children's Shelter. All bequests or other gifts of money made to the Children's Aid Society. or 'to the Children's Shelter. or for the sopped of neglected children in the county, shall lee handed over to the county treasurer. to be by him invested In bonds or other securities to be heli as an endowment fund, the lnterefe only to be used for maintenance of the children's aid work in the county. The county clerk shall act as peeve - tart' to the exeruttt•e committee, with- out vote. COUNTY LEVY TO BE SIX MILLS FOR 1928 THE GRANDSTAND BIT lW GODERICH, ONT. To the Editor of The Signal. Sir,---1It may not be out of p ate ut this time W point out that the God- erich Agricultural Society is deeply interested In the fate of the bylaw to be voted on on June 22nd, which is I't- k:titled to provide funds fur the era, i on of a new grandstand at Agricul !oral Park. Fur many years the So- ••iety kiss been hampered in carrying out the prograuu in connection with the fall fair by the luck of suitable granistaud acceumn dation. The pres- ent stand la so dilapidntte that many people du not earn to trust themaelvcs upon it. It he open to the 51111, the wind and the rain, and only under the most favorable conditions of weather Ls it of much use. We believe that with the modern covered structure which it is intended to erect it will he toseible to put on a program which can be enjoyed in comfort by a large crowd, thus augmenting the receipts of the fair, which in turn will be able to contribute towards the cost of the Maud. The directors of the Agricultural Society hope that the bylaw will re- ceive the support of the electors. JAMES CONNOLLY, President Agricultural Society. CHURCH NOTES L.O.L. 182 will hold its molal church parade on Sunday morning next. to the Baptist church. The paw tor. Rel. F. C. Elliott, will occupy the pulpit. The services at Victoria street United church nett Sunday will be 'conducted by the pastor. Rev. M. C. Parr. Ihtblic worship at 11 a.m. and 7. p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. The regular meeting of tin W.M.S. of Knox church will be held in the lecture ratm ou Tueslny. June 19th, at :3.30 p.m. The program will be in charge of Mrs. A. Horton, Miss Fulford and Mrs. Senelerson. At North street United church next Sunday, in addition to the choir an- thems, at the morning seri-ice Mr. E. C. Belcher will sing "Shadows," and In the evening Miss K. Graham will sing 'linty a Little_ Ware' The services at Knox church next Sunday will be conducted by the min- ister.' Sermon subjects: 11 A.m., ''Worship and Life;" 7 p.m., "Mystery and Wonder." Sabbath school and Pilde classes at 10 o'clock. - The annual meeting of the Walker ton association of Baptist churches was held last week at Mount Forest. Rev. -F. C. Elliott, of Goderich, pre - !sided. and othe'rn present from the local Baptist congregation were Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. l'. II. Huinber and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston. The services at North street rnited church next Sunday will be as follows: It) a.m., Men's Club, church classes and Mie ion iklnd. "in .what ways wan we serve the Lord through the church?" is the subject to be intro- duced in the Men's Club by Mr. A. M. Rols•rtsitn. Public worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The sermon subject In the tug -will lee eSet Blows that Hurt and Shadows that Heal." -- • Capt. J. Rogers, leader of Column A of the Church Army Crnsaehers, will preach at the morning service in St. George's church on Sunday, June 24th. Members of Maitland Lodge, No. 33. A.F. & A.M., will attend the evening service on this Sdnday. On Sunday. July -1st,. ills Grace the Archbishop of Huron will be present for confirma- tion serw•ite in the morning. On the evening of July 1st the Church Army ve-t'epifatns and three sis- ters under tin leadership of Capt. Morley—will commence a two weeks' mission. tures of money are to he made except by the consent of the cxeentive com- mittee. The superintendent shall be selected by the executive committee. but no D. L. and W. Scranton COAL Pocohontan and Alberta Lump Shingles and Cement, Second-hand Lumber. such as ('Piling I,ntiil.•r. Lath. Wainscotting, 2 x 6 Rafters and Studding, Sheeting, Windows and Window Sills and about 30,0t(e good Brick. Wm. McClure Phone 42 Dungannon BABY CHICKS e After lime I dh Chicksram f our pens of heavy -laying hens will:--ise at rock -bottom prices. O. A. C.. Barred Rocket 15r. N. C. AV. Lea. horns 13e. Our shack is production - bred, hardy and free from disease. C. G. CAMPBELL Wattles Specialty term AUBURN. 081. Phone 1024 Myth Municipal TRIPLE FATALITY — ! TURNBERRY three Lee_ s twat is Result of Coal On Explosion A tragedy that has stirred the whole district With horror and sym- imthy tick place Wednesday evening oL_tlet,week,at the home of Alonao Finlay, 11th coneesslon of Turnlerry, about two mikes from Wingham. Sup - leer Wits being prepared by the daugh- ters c f the home stud to hasten the fire ono of them picked- up a five -gallon calf Of t- l all and toured Setae in the •tm-e: Immediately there was an ex- plosion. the end being blown out of the can, and the burning mal All sprayed ' ower two of the (Infighters. Velma, aged eighteen, and Laura. aged tlftawn, who. were terribly burned and died a few hours later. The fuer-months-old baby of Mrs. Percy J orris, a married :laughter. wits in her cradle nearby,'i and the mother was badly burned In extinguishing the Weer clothing. which bad taken fire. The baby died later, but the' tnother Is expected to re - elver. ulthmtgh she is In a very serious condition. In Another room in the house at the time of tin trngsaiy lay the body of the grandfather, Thomas ('a}ver:. father of Mrs. Finlay. who had died two days before In his eighty - feu rt your and was to be burled the following day. The people of Wingham have rallied to the gssistnnce of the stricken faintly and have raised a suubstantial- fund to aid theme in their distreen. THE PAVILION GODERICH Next Week Open MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. canotel Cade leave on Saturday on a thew months' trip to Western paints and will go as tar the Coarct, to, visit at Vancouver and Victoria. air- the CARD OF THANKS THE M4r1'11EIt AND 111'SBAND and other relatives of the late Mrs. Wm. Tweedie take this means of teftderiug tltelr sincere tenuity to iieighteiree and friends for the many kiudnerse a rendered to the in the time of bereavement. FOR SALE SALE,—L•OOD GARLOE B,US1- NESS in a progressive town in Western Outsr-o_ Apply to itOX 33, SIGNAL OFFICE. PLANTS FOR SALE.—CABBAGE, cauliflower aid asters; Lieu a few good tomato p;aats• JOHN FELL, corner Cambria road and Trafalgar street. it SALE.—TWO HOUSES, COR- • NER of Victoria and Napier streets, eight and seven rooms and the proper use and enjoymcut of the furnaces; also eight -room tense on said Park to erect a grandstand; Newgate street. of the D. A. Mclereu AND WHEREAS the grandstand estate. Apply A. J. GOiDTIIOR,PE. at present on toe premises is in Al very R. R. No. 4, t:oderlcb. 4t unsafe and dangerous coudltlon; AND WHEREAS the Gotk•rich HOUSE FOR SALE ON NAl'IER Trotting and Agricultural Association for hive donated to the Town the sum of STREET. --Hot elHot water heated, One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.0o) to wired electric range, all modernbe used to defray the cost of erecting conveniences, large lot and lo - I the said gtvn.lstand ; cation. Everything in goad condi- ANTD WHEREAS it will be Detes- tlou. MRS. X. BAECHLEIt, Rapier' ,any to issue debentures of the ecus - street. the sum of SeveuThousand and Nine FOR SALE.—.SLIGHTLY USED' llnudrt.l 15•itars t$7,iklO.00t, the pro - aa furnace in perfect cdndition. Only ceeda of the sale of the said delxn- been used a short time. Will sell tures to be spelled for the purpose of cheap and arrange for installation If erecting the said graudstaud and none deered. Cash or terns. PHONE other; 165. 3t AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures ut 'ate time FOR SALE.—SEVEN-ROOM WHITE and make the. principal of the said brick house. Good location on ! debt repayable tty yearly suns during North street. Modern conveniences. a period of fifteen years, tong the Apply to G. c:. NEWTON. the Square. currency of the said debentures, the said yearly sums being of suet re- spective amounts that the aggregate amount payable et each year for prin- cipal and interest in respect of the said debt shall be a: nearly as pos- sible equal to the amount payable in each of tin other fourteen years of the said period; AM) WHEREAS the total amount required, Le the Mluuicilal Act, beiug 11.8.0. 1927. cap. 2 1. to be raised an Dually by emetic rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter preeIrket Is the a f- 4.7411, W 1 AND WIIEREA$ the amount of the whole rateable pruw'ri}...L-11rr_Tausa of Goderich, according -to the I'+t re- vised ass-ament roll then...'. Is t)2,:;9,674.00 ; AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is $360,926.46 (ex' liteve of local improvement debts secured by special acts. rates or asaessnietee). whereof no principal or interest is In arrear; NOW. THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the roan of Goderich enacts as foliow's: (1-) The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Teen of Guderict shall raise the sum of Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($7,900.00) for the -purpose oterecing a grandntnn'i ' on the hands known as the Agricul- ; • Town of Goderich BYLAW No. 13 OF 11)28 01' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN .or GODlBIOH. A BYLAW 'nu PROVIDE FUNDS FOR TIKE F)REOTION OF A GRAND- STAND AT 'FHt1 AG1tIOUL- TURAl. PARK. WHEREAS the Town is the owner of the lands known us the Agricul- tural Park lying between MacDonald and Ekion streets in the Town of Goderich; - AND WHEREAS the said Part Is used by the citisens of the said Town of Goderich as a recreation park; AND WHEREAS it is necessary for UPRIGHT PIANO (BELL) FOR SALE.—In first-class condition. Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. O. Box 467, Goderich. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPER- aU TY FOR SALE —1It corner of Bri- tannia road and William street. Tea rooms besides bathroom, closets, eta Good Aimee. All couvenieuces, For terms and further particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0: Box 457. Godelich. rf PUBLIC NOTICE N(►TICE. - - Notice I. hereby given that Carence Percy Shields, of the township of Ash- field, In the county of Huron, farmer, will apply to the Parlleemeu; of Can- ada, at the nest session thereof, for a bill of divorce from his wife. Irene Hazel Shields, of the town of God- erich. In the county of Huron, on the ground'of adultery and desertion, Dated at the town of Goderich. in the county of Huron, this 28th day of May, AD. 1928. - HAYS & NAYS. Barristers, Etc., Hamilton -street. Goderich, Ont., tura Park situate in the Tuwu ,.f 3t Solicitors for the Applicant. Goderich betwte•ut MacDonald and Eldon street -s, and the proceeds from the sale of the debentures, hereinafter mentioned, shall be used for the said TOWN OF (1(1DERICIt. I purpose and none other. (2) In order to raise the said tom I Tenders for building a new grand..debenture... of the said Town of God -1 stand at the i'alr Grieco... w4DF•here• erich to the amount of $7:900.00 as criced by the Town oh•rk up until L" ` aforesued bearing interest at five per annumshellIsucl ' lint J pere o'clock nor,n _ .(rg �pinduf, June _:.th. � t %) i be t The lowest or any tender not ne•ecs- I am u' one year from ton• btu big of eerily accepted. Plans and apes/1l a -I tills Bplaw• each of whl,h debenture's Hens can be seen at the Clerk's office` shall be for the sum of not less than ' r'' Deputy -returning officer, D. D. Rooney; poll clerk, Fred Weir. Pollirrg tub -division No. 3, et the town-hall—EJepuly-returntag officer, N. eel. Belcher; poll clerk, Geo. Belcher. Polling sub --division No. 4, at Stoth- ers' wagon shop Victoria street- 1►eput•-returning officer, Huron A. Tut - ford ; all clerk, William Stothers. Polling sub -division No. 5, at P. L Waljon's store, West street—Deputy- returning officer, Harold Blackstoue; pall clerk, Gerald Newton. Polling sub -division No. 6, at Mac - Arthur's electrical store, West street— Deputy-returning othit•er, II. L• Wat- son; poli clerk, David ,Marwick. Polling tub -division No. 7, at Geo. Haggitt's residence, corner of William ;nd Cay'ley at reeto-„lseputy-returning officer, Frank Binghani; poll clerk, Robert McKay. On Thursday, the 21st day of June, 1928. the Mayor of the said Town will attend at the Council'L'hatnbers of the said Town at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, to appoint persons to attend at the various ladting places aforesaid, and at the tinal summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the Persons interested in and promoting cur opposing the passing of the said pro- posed bylaw. respce-tively. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of (laterite will attend at his ()eke in the Town Hall, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday, the 23rd day of June. 1925. to sum up the num- ber of votes for and epeeist the said TENDERS L. L. IC-NY►X, Town Clerk. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of GOODS AND ClIATTELS. •` r We , are instructed by MR. WM. F. 001tRh1 T to sell by public auction at his former: home, Mill Nord, Goderich on SATURDAY,: JUNE 10th, commencing at, 1.30 sharp: One light sleigh, 2 -seater, single or double; 1 light spring wagon; 1 set of heavy single harness; 1 mowing machine; 1 ((ruttier; 1 gang plow; 1 gravel or sand scoop; 1 pig crate; 1 Condon hietemtor, capacity twelve hundred eggs; 1 Coal -burning stove f,•r ineulwtor; 1 wheelbarrow; 3 fore.*• 1 ,hoveln• 1 spade; I steam pipe vise; I pipe -cutter, 2 -in.: I .tiliarplesa cream separator; 1 ts- 11.1'. motor; Is white Leghorn hens; 1 colony broader house. capacity :d110 clicks; 1 broader coal -burning stove, complete; 70 feet of cow rope: 1 5 -ft. crosscut saw; 1 bucksaw; a number of window's; a number of doors, and numerous other at'tkies. As Mr. CerbetV, hoose has been .destroyed by fire, everything must be sold. TERMS. --All sums of $10 and ut ter, cash; over that amount three u.• nths' credit will be given on 'i,rnishing approved Joint notes. T. Gl'NDItY & SON, Auctie.neers. TO RENT e TENDERS WANTED SEALHI) '1SRS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for North Pier Reconstruction, G,slerich, Ont.." will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Thursday, June 2C, 1 , for the ree on- structlun of the Nor Pier, at Crat- ere-le Huron county, t. 7 Plans and forms of ntract can be seen and epetiflcatlon and forms of tender obtained at this Department. at the offices of the INstriet Engineers, Customs Building, London, Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Offen, Goderich, Ont., and at the Builders' Exchange, 1104 Bay street, Toronto. Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered lank. payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Rail- way Comptiy will also be aevepNe,t as sw•nrit'. or lands olid a cheque if re- quired to make up nn arid amount. NOTE. —Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by niepadttng an accepted cheque for the sum of $20.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will to returned If the intending bidder subunit a regu- lar bid. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN. Secretary. Department of P'trhlte Works, Ottawa, June 0, 192$. AUCTIONEERING THOMAS GUND,,tV. GODERICH. -- LIVE STOCK AND GEINIRAit AUCTIONEER Telephone No.1119. Bales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give aatteactloa Farmers' Sale notes discounted. ROBT. ROBERTSON, The Auctioneer, will renduct and arrange any sale of the latest methods to get the best re- sults. sults. See him or drop a card and he ?will give it immediate attention► Farm sales a ap'cd:fey. Eldon et. Gode r Ich. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST GODERICH Equipped with electro-magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and chlropraotic. Chronic organic and aervow diseases Lady in attendanc e i" u'i RENT.--IIOUSE CORNER AL- A BERT and Itrock Meets. Fully modern. Reasonable rent. Apply W'F)SLF.Y WALKER. phone 197. Uc►l'SE FOR RENT.—COltFORT- fI ABLE six•ruutn house, las elec- tricity. rhnoing water and sink. $8 RANK P. GIBBS. CHARTERED per month. Apply MRS. A. FINLAY- Accountant. 102 Ontario stree,, 54)N, South street, Goderich. Stratford. Plow 1680. Res, 1.380J. Office hours 2 to 6, and 7 to 9 p.m.. excepting Monday and Thursday af- ternoons L ternoons and evenings, and by ape polntment. Residence and once—Corner et South street and Britannia road. 4 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT THREE. HOUSES FOR RENT.—All with modern conveni ens-erl. Cent - at the Town -Hall. I $ntu.00 and shall be dated upon the rally. located. M. W. HOWELL. 'late of the issue thereof, and shall Phone 213. 2t CHAS. Public LEle payable annually at the Bank of 2t Chairman of Works. Montreal at the Town of Goderich Ti.' ILE.NT.—STORE SUITABLE TOR within fifteen years thereafter. grocery or office. Immediate poa- (3) Each oT foe still debenTuris session given. Apply , to ' ALEX. shall be signed hr the Mayor of the SAUNDERS, Godericb. Corporation of tie Town of Goderie h or by- some other p'e'rson authorized by law to sign the same and also by Charlie Chaplinin "The Circus" will Ise shown at the Model Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. For full details of program' ear ad- vertisement on lunge 4. The regular monthly meeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church will be held Monday evening. June 18th. Hrs. R. Bisset and Mrs. If. H. Reid will have charge of the meeting. Many from Goderich took in the Seaferth races yesterday itnd saw Dr. Whitely's horses run in two of the three events. Ramona Grattan won the 2.10 race in three stralgh: heats, Sid Ifni foarth. Peggy Aller on was se - ..Duel In the 2.22 class. 15'. Jas. Mc(lInton, of Toronto, formerly of Gexlefich, has revived t from the t'niversity of Toronto the dere M Bachelor In r of the Science : Mi - Medicine. Ills sister. an C. M' ('linton, went to Toronto last week to attend University convocation, at which the degree was conferred. TENDERS FOR DECORATING VP - TOR IA SCHOOL Tender, are asked for the des•orating of. the interior of Vitoria public school. $itecifk•rttlons may be obtained the Treasurer of the said Corporation. from F'. R. Miller, chairman of •the and the Clerk shall attach thereto the p rop•rt • committee. Tenders to be' given n wr ti to the chatrnian and fo clone June 22nd at 12 o'clock nein. Lowest er any tender riot necessarily u ctepted. • F. R. MITJLEIt, It Chairman. SEALED TF:N'DFIItS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed 'Tender for Reconstruction of West Wall, Owen fi'dund, Ont.," will In. re- vived until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, June 27, 1928, for thenstrucri. 1 „ nko o then rnr n f a ruc- tnre of the West wall of the Ferrante (channel, at Owen Sound, Grey ,aunty, Ont. Sire isn't everything, pone, of the .au, Meet vocabularies can rip off the nest hide.---dwhaw•a Tines. BORN 1•'i.EMIN'ti. --At Owen Sound. on , April 29th. 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fleshing, a sun. William Edward. MARRIED • }+NhARRIE—'.tltRit'K. -- At -'whim church, on leteaia3'. June 5, by Rev, H. G. Whitfield, Lavine .lean, srrond daughter of Mr. and %Ir'. it. V. Car - met. to Mr. Alfred Jame., Clarke, of Amher. Churg, Ont. DiED. 11,1.1X.=1n Goderich, on W'edm'sday, Jnne lath, Elizaleth Jewell. widow "f the late John Aplin, in tier Silt tear. TW}:E:DV --At 'Detroit. on Saturday, June 9th, Ethel May belong. belovedbelovedwife of Wm. E. Tweedy, In her 44th Plans and form of contra' I can be seen and specification and 'ems of tender obtained at this Dept nt, at the ofllee of the Diatrlct gineer, Equity Building, Toronto, 0 , also at the Poet Office, Owen Sound nt., and ihlltders' Exnnge, 1101 • street, Toronto, OatMt Tenders will not- be constt.red un- less made on printed forms .applied by the' Department anti Ino ,relwnee with the ,e,ndltions pentnlne( therein. FAA fender must be avenue lee by an accepted oheepe on n cla.tered hank. payable to the order of tis Mln- Ister of Futile Works, equal tor cent. of' the amount of the tete Rends • t the Dominion of (caned or bond, of the Canadian National 1.11_ way Company will also he ar•eept.'tt.ha see•ttrlty-, er bonds and a cheetue If ._ e quird to make up as odd 'amount. NOT}' Itlue prints can Ise obtnine at this Department by depositing a, ntvepte,l cheque for the sum of $20.On payable to the order of the Minister of year. Public Work,. which will he returned If the intending bidder submit a regu- lar hie LOST OR i IR'NI) LOST.-4'AIR Or SHELL -RIMMED glasses. Finder pleas* return to SIGNAL OFFICE. It fly order. A. E. O'BRiEN, Secrets Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 6, 1112$. corporate settle ge_eb ,Jtuaiciprlits. (4) During the cerrency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property In the said Corpora- tion of the Town of Goderee the sum of $761.10 for the purpose of repaying the amount due In each of th'e said years for principal and interest in re- spect of the said debt. This Bylaw shall take effect on the -day of the final passing thereof. ROAD a first and second time and provisionally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of God- erich this 29th day of May, A.D. 1928. (Sgd.) H. J. A. MacEWAN, Mayor. (Sgd.) L. L. KNOX, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been taken Into consideration, and Whit•h will be finally passed by the Connell of the Municipality (in the event of the assent of the electors be- ing obtained thereto) after one mouth from the first publication of a copy thereof In The Goderich Star news- paper. the date of which publication was the 31st day of May, 192e. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all leaseholders qualified under the provisions of the Municipal Act, Section 265. s. a, 3, and amendments thereto, are requited ten days hef6re the date of voting to file with me a statutory declaration ,of qualtflcations, otherwise their names will not appear on the voters' list for such voting. AND Ft'WPFfER TAKE NOTICE that the vote of the electors of the said Town of Goderich will be taken on the said proposed bylaw at the fol- lowing times and places, that is to say, on Friday. the 22nd day of June. 1928, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock In the forenoon, and tohtinulng until five o'clock In the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy iteturning Officers: Polling sub -division No. 1, at Miller's rage, at corner of Victoria street nd Elgin fle0.—Deputy-retnreing Mll- e, Thos. R. Wallis; poll clerk, JAmes acVlcar, Polling subdivision No. 2, at W ipdeton's tailor shop, Last street --- WANTED MEDICAL Dit. F. J. R. F'ORSTER, EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon Ness York Opiy, Mamie and Aural hospital, awistaa$ at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the A WONDERFUL ()el.('I'I"LAITY — evening of third Monday of each For ladies, over 311. to sell the month till the following day. Tnasday. lareai seensation —in foundation gar- at 1 p.m. meats, also correct supporting gar- ments and lingerie. Part or full pro ire from the beginning. an. SIGNAL OFF iCF.. time. Good Apply HI IX ATTENTION.—O -YU DON'T HAVE to make any glorified stnte•ments in your galea talk to make a white man's wage, nor do you have to peddle !Dune to house. Our husiness is dignified. We are the oldest and largest in our business In Canada, and our line is a staple article used all the year round. It is not stocks, bonds, insurance, brushes, electrical appliances or nur- sery- seek. All equipment ,Js emptied free with 100 per cent. co-operation. We train you, and if you witI ori six hours e da3 truthfully we can prove to you that you will make real eteady, permanent money, and at the same time build ups business that will he all your own, with great pas- alMlitlea of advancement. If you really want a position that is worth while come in to London and meet our Ontario Sales Manager, who wilt he In London till the end of the week at the office till 8 p.m., or writef par- ticulars to LEWIS ,FABER, TD., Room 210. Royal Bank Chambers London, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given to all per- sons having claim•, ngninat he estate of Theophilua Kelly, late.5f the vil- lage of SRltford, who died 6n or about the 22nd day of May. A.D. 1928, to present such claim! to the under- signed, duly proven, on or before the 15th day of June. A.D. 1928, after which date the executor of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said eatate, having re- gard only to the claims of which no - Hee shall have been received. DATED AT (W)DER1(ilf this thir- tieth day of May, A.P. 192R. HAYS & HAY'S. Goderich, Ont. Solicitor's for the Executor of the above estate. at • LEGAL LIR-NEST M. LEE, as Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east, Toronto 2. Telephones Elgin 8415.8417, DUDLEY B. HOLMEB, Banister, Etc. Office—Hamilton street, Goderich. Phone 27. Q R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97, Office—The Square, Goderich. `laps & daps BARata'17Ra, En', r R.C.HAYS—R.C.HAYS meek A Hamilton St.. (loderien ' i INSURANCE, i.O.. M. E'Ms M'°',' MUTU SURANCE 00 hied town pro Ofllcerw—Jas. ... God- erich P. 0.; Jan. II . Pres, Beechwood P. 0.; D. t tegor, Sec. -Trina, Seaforth P. 0. Directors-3.Broadfoot. R. R. No. 3, SeaforflF; G. Grieve, Na 4, Walton; WI Ktnn, R. R. Na 2, Seaforth ; 1' . eaaewls, Brod- hagen ; Geo. M • risky. R. R. No, Is Seaforth; - t'Orris, Harloek; Murrsy G Behrntltld; Immo Evans, ' ' : Jame* Connolly. Odderlch, Agin Tee. Goderich; Ales. I R IL No. 1, (Minton: John tray, Seaforth; E. RInehleq, 8eafoyth. Policy-hoMers can sate all. paynannts and getthNr reeds treeMpt- ed at R. J. hlovriah's Clothing Store, Cilntos ; R. H. Outlet Grocery, Eine- mon street. (loderleh, or J. H. RaIrre �Deaoral Stern Bartlett