HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-11-24, Page 1township representative , on the
Saugeen Valley Conservation Auth-
ority. He referred to the Saugeen
Bluffs, north of Paisley, and urged
all township residents to view this
area at some 'time., and takp
advantage of the facilities offered.
An anonymous donor. contributed
25% of the cost of this project and
the province paid 75%, made
possible under the. charitable
foundations act. He cited figures of
attendance at the international
ploWing match tiro 'YValiterton this
Fall' and said what a benefit it had
been to. Bruce County. After
expenses, One-third of the proceeds
Of the match will come back to
Business Assoc.
Plan For Santa,
Christmas Hours
Lucknow Business Association
met at Lucknow Town Hall on
Wednesday of last week to make
plans for. Christmas hours and ,‘
Santa's visit.
Tom Andrew of the . Kingnien
Club attended the meeting "and
explained the plans of the Kinsmen '
in organizing, the Santa visit and
parade, as well as free films for the
The date of Santa Claus visit was
set for.. 1 p.m. on' Saturday,
December '11th. Following the
parade down town, treats and gifts
will be passed out to the small
children at the school. Films. Will
follow the parade and will be shown
at the school. ,
Last year's parade was, rained
out. It is hoped to have 'a number
of floats in the parade and possibly
some cartoon characters. ,
The school band will be asked to
participate in the parade,
It was decided to again sponsor
free, skating at the arena on
Saturday afternoOns, December 4,
11 and 18 and on Friday, December
Christmas shopping hours were
Died. Suddenly
James Durnin , of Lucknow pas-
sed away suddenly at Witigham
and District Hospital on Tuesday,
November 16th. He was 76. •
The funeral service was held at
MacKenzie , Memorial Chapel,
Lucknow on Thursday, November
Interment . was / in Kincardine
1111111.111111•111111111Mill NINE II
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tg for a week,
,eral Store at
ye winnerl of
casserole dish
thirley Hunter,
lernice Kemp,
id Bob Man•
ms winners!
Lucknow is a'
n and. District
?ABER 1/, 1976
WOO A Year In AdvanCe $740 Extra To U,S.A.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1976 Singh) Copy 20c "" 24 Pages
• Nolyrood..'Hollfilled For
Lively RitepoVers. Mfetip.g.
On a motion of Leonard Clarke
and Gerald Murray, William
Evans of VVhitechurch; a former
Reeve of Kinloss; was. named
chairman for the evening.'
First to be called on was Reeve
Leo Murray; completing four years
in the Reeve's chair. Mr. Murray,
as a member of the county roads
committee, outlined work complet-
ed in the county during the year
including the $100,000 2.3 mile
rebuilding job on county road 1
from the 4th concession of Kinloss
to Holyrood. He' stated that the
ARDA farm 'in Bruce continues to
be popular with a' total of 1500 head
of cattle pastured there this year,
plus another 200 head of short keep
stock. , •
He referred to the mill rate
increase in the township' last year
which allowed payment of one third,
of a new fire tanker truck; 1st
payment on the new road grader
plus the township share in the new
fire hall to' serve the area. A 1.43
mill rate increase this year will
allow the grader to be paid off, plus'
participation in the • new area
medical centre in LucknoW.
Mr. Murray explained the share
programs with adjacent municipal-
ities in. Recreation, Fire, Medical
and Senior Citizens housing, and
stated that there were no deben-
tures sold in the township since the
arena project in Lucknow. • ,
He indicated. hig intention of
seeking the Reeveship again and
asked for the support of 'the
Members of the sitting Council
were called on to speak.
Duncan Campbell explained the
township's involvement in the
conservation work, he being the
When they returned to Toronto
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Carman '
Farrier and family and Miss
Winnifred Farrier. Carman . is
making a remarkable recovery after
a fall• off a ladder to the cem nt
sidewalk about 2 months age
81 McCharles of 'Lochalsh 'recently Amount Of $ 5 enjoyed a two week vacation to the • r 0
iian s I lands of Oahu 'and Hawa
Visit Hawaii Ashfield To. Get
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook of, Planning Grant In
Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver •
The Township Hall at Holyrood
was filled to capacity for the
ratepayers meeting on Thursday
evening of last week.
With an election for Reeve and
Council slated for December 6th,.
candidates had an opportunity to
state their platform, make them-
selves known and members of the
present council had an opportunity
to elaborate on business carriednut
during their term Of office.
409' H01111 SPAN
What a wall' trophy this animal
will make. Vince Austin of
Ashfield Township is pictured with
the head of a 1400 lb. steer which
will be mounted by Joe Martin of
Hamilton, a tatidertnist, and a
native of the. Kingsbridge commun.'
ity. The horns measured 40" from
,,Glenndale Drive -In
Sold To Brusselt
Area Couple
Oliver and Lenore Glenn of
Lucknow have sold their Glenndale
Drive-In Restaurant at the east end
of town to Jghn and Mary
MacKinnon of the Bfussels area.
The business is closed for the
winter months and will be opening
about March 1st.
The sale was completed by Wm.
Adamson of Lticknow, salesman
for Dim Hoist Real Estate.,
Died In 95th Year
Mrs. Edward Thom of Lucknow
passed away in Wingham and
District Hospital on Thursday,
November 18th in' her 95th year.
The funeral service' was conduct-
ed at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,
Lucknow on Saturday, November
Interment was in Greenhill
Robert Meyer of Teeswater and
Clare Kraemer of R. R. 3'
Walkerton have been elected by
acclimation as members of the ,
Bruce-Grey County ' Separate
School Board.
They represent the municiptilit-
A tragic, accident abouti p.m. on
Wednesday of last week took the
life 'of Robert ,Moffat of Lucknow.
Mr. Moffat, who was 87 years of
age,' was struck by their car while
standing on the street in front of
their Ross • Street home:
Mrs. Moffat was backing the car
out of driveway at the time
when Mr. Moffat was struck by the
rear of the car, falling under the
'rear wheel.
He died in hospital 'a few hours
.Mr. and Mrs. .Moffat were
summer residents of Point Clark,
residing in the winter months in
The late Mr. Moffat was born in
Kinloss TownshiLY on September
19, 1889, a son of George Moffat
and Jane Thomson.
He is survived by his wife, the
former 'Margaret Laureen Wells, ,
ies of .Bruce Township, Tiverton,
P.ncardine, Ripley, ,Kincardine
Township; Lucknow, Teeswater, .
Culrogs, • Huron, Kinloss, West
Wawitnosh, Turnberry and Ash-
field townships.
Martin of Goderich and Clarence
Doherty of Ashfield.
Now about the wolf in the
Enroute , to having the steer
slaughtered at Holyrood, Vince
Austin spotted the wolf at the Grey
Ox, the 4th of Kinloss, east of the
roadway on the river flats. Vince
shot the wolf, adding a bounty of
$55 to his morning's work.
whom he married 'in Goderich on
March 9, 1927; two daughters,,
Mrs. George (Shirley) • Forler of
Barrie and Mrs.' Wayne (Joyce)
Woods • of Pembroke; four grand-
children, Mark, Julie Wand Eric
Forler and Shelley, Woods; also one
sister, Mrs. • Robert (Bessie) Craik
of Hamilton. .
He was predeceased•, by six
brothers and two sisters, Foster of
Langside. Wm. John of Hamilton,
Maggie of Langside,• Peter. Graham
Reeds Rromi,nent
On. Air Waves
Last week, Jim and Eleanor, son
and daughter of Allan and Frances
Reed, :formerly of Dungannon,
were much in evidence on the air
• Jim was on the CTV network
program "W 5" interviewing on
the Quebec ' election.' Jim is a
regular on W5.
Eleanor and Graham Townsend,
both champion fiddlers_in Canada,
were interviewed on the CBC pro-
gram "Morning Side". They told
of their trip to Ireland, to dig into
Irish folk fiddle music and to
compare it to Canada's folk fiddle
• Community • planning study
grants totalling $117,177 have been
alloCated to 17 Ontarib municipalit-
ies and planning boards, Housing
Minister John Rhodes announced.
Ashfield . Township will receive
The grants are designed to assist
municipalities and planning boards
in preparing, official plans and
zoning bylaws or in bringing these
up to an acceptable level. ,
The funds can , also be used 'to
prepare . zoning by-laws to replace
minister's zoning orders, to finance
Planning programs for unorganized
municipalities or for other relevent
planning studies.
These grants are allocated as
part of the . Ministry of Housing
'objective of helping municipalities
and planning boards prepare sound
planning programs.
tip to tip.
Joe and Vince were out hunting ,
recently whenJoe spotted the huge
steer belonging. to Bob Howard of
Ashfield. He expreised an interest
in having the, head .to mount ,and
arrangements were made with Bob
Howard to purchase the steer at
shipping time.
The meat will be shared by Joe
Martin, his brother Ted Martin of
Hamilton, another brother Jim
Acclamations To School Positions
Tragic Accident Takes Life Of
Lucknow Man, Robert Moffat