HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-14, Page 7County and District
S. S. No. 8, Grey, wilt hold a reoulun
till July 19th.
Several new cottages aro" being
ereetad and other improvetueuta wade
at (:rand !loud.
('lone hays Crooks, widow of the
late Wu'. Turnbull, passed away May.
81st In Morris township, in her'seven-
ty-first year.
Frank WeroJs, of Iluliett, recently
amid a mato shorthorn. eleven moutha
old, to a breeder in the Slate of Illi,
nuts for 85,5110.
The Wetineadey hatlf-holiday will be
observed in Exeter, Henault and Zurich
during the mouths of June. July and
Henry Straug, clerk of I'siatrue
township, and Mrs. Strang are away
on a trip to the Pacific coast, where
they will visit relatives.
Mrs. lien. Riley. au old resident of
Mullett township, passed 'way June
6th, and is survived by her huadtand.
three daughters and two sons.
WIn. Johnston, of Flint, has add his
hundred -acre farm on the Babylon
line, Stanley, to Geo. McClinehey, of
Varna. for $6,(00: paaaeasiou to be
given March 1st, 1929. .
Hugh Moses, of the 2nd cunesrion
of Morris passed away June 4th, at
the age of eighty -toric• years. 'tie had
been a resident of Morris for sixty
years. One eon, John Moses, survives.
Miss Mary A. Mell„rd1e, a former
resident of Tuckersnlith. and later of
Lembo', 4)111., died re elitly at Ingle-
wood. California, where she had lived
for wane years. Mr.. TLeckie . T. Lkie of
London, formally lit wtmirth-1 ;-- hes
Mete of the det'eawd.
The death arurrcel an June 3rd of
File Manu, wife of Rom. Mt•'entgart•
Grey township. at the age• of fifty-one
years. Mceenavt had undergone an
operation a few days previous. • Re-
sided her husband, four mals slid ren•
daughter survive.
A pretty wedding took place recently
at the 1'nite.l church paarenaege, itlue-
vale, when Jeanette. dnughtcr by Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Curti's, became the
bride of Harold Proctor, son of Mr.
snit Mrs. A. Procter of Belgrave. Rev.
A. V. Waltksn oltkriated.
`y'bledeath lit Mrs.-Grasty, widow of
the late Jeeeph Grssby, occurred in
Morris township on May 29th. at the
age if sixty-seven years. ger hus-
band died five years ago and one
.laughter and two sons survive: Mrs.
W .1. Noble. of High River. Alta.,
Martin and Harry. of Morris township.
farmers along the London road hate
received orders to move back the
fences on the roadside. By a remelt
survey it was found that meet of the
fences were encroaching upon the road
allowance and the Provincial Depart-
ment of liigbw'aja, which has taken
ever the road, has director! that the
fences must be rendes.' to the proper
roast line. -
At the home of Mr. and Mrs 'Harry
Lyon, Loodeaboro', on Wednesday.
June 6, their daughter. Alberta Mae,
was united in marriage to Emmerson
,on of Mr. and Mrs., Win. Hest.
>Sth concession of Mullett. Rev. B. Snell
tied the nuptial knot. The young eou-
will reside on the groom's farm in
"iewfs Stonehouse was seriously in-
jured at Ik.lgrave when a heavy
moving van frightened his horse, which
became unmanageable and dashed into
a gasoline pump on the street. The
sudden stop jarred Stonehouse out of
the rig to the cement sidewalk. causing
a fracture of the Ault. He was taken
to Wingham hospital and for a time
there were grave doubts of his re-
Mise Lena Robinson, who has been
assistant in the Finlayson store. has
entered the %%Ingham hospital to train
as a nurse.
Mrs. Robert Mulvaney, of London.
Eng., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dehid
Rev. C. H. McDonald and William
Connell are at Regina attending the
Presbyterian General Assembly. Mr.
Connell will go on to the Coast before
returning home. •
P. J. Dorsey, has !teen 141001uted it
slwi•tor of thy'. Louden division for II,.
Supertest Company,
Sunday last marked the close id
Roc. 11r. Larkin's paslorute of Oven!)
eight years In First Presbyterian
coon h, SeaftirtIt. 1)r. Larkin pn•ecln,
dile sermons t.. hinge congregations, at
Iwith w•rvlees of Ile day. On Friday
evening a social gathering of the con-
gregation wa• held in the w•hadntow
of the churcb in honor of Dr. and Mrs.
Larkin. Speeches were made by mem-
hers of lite iso gregtitiom and Ihr. Lar-
kin was prevented al I, it, cheque for
$500, while Mrs. Larkin revalued a
purse of $80 In gold.
Floyd Fink, teller of the Zurich
branch of the Bask of Montnvtl, has
Ie'•u transferred to the Watford
IlerTert Kalutlriseln graduate of
Waterloo College, re•cwham, his degree
of B A. at the ,smvvcation of the Itui-
versity of Western Ontario at lssndoa.
H.• took his examination with honors.
Ills father. losuls Katlotleiseh. and
other relatives went to Ltawlon to at-
tend at the graduation excmlacs.
1'. %Irk, of the Bronson line, has
',unbelted from O. Weber. of New
Hamburg. a fifty -acre farm on the
Parr line, Play township, and --wilt
likely use It as a grass farm
New -stop" signs are Is•i,g plated
on the *trivia In the riling'' l..ediug -to
the %uroll road.
4'. P. !Multi'. manager of the Can-
adian Bank of ('umutere' her•: left
Ia it week to spend et month in Europe.
Chester Showers haw a looker' aria.
the result of a collision of nisi automo-
bile with a post.
Andrew McKenzie. a young man
who lives between WLtghanl and Tees -
water. wits brought to N9hghoin ho*
pital suferito. fruw injuries nrPfve.l
when his car rain Into a telephone post
Willie he was driving; to Wingham.
One arm was broken anti he received
painful wounds ,.n. -his fate and arma-
Th• rnarringe of Nora Claire,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lauchlin Kennedy; of Toronto, former-
ly of Winghant, to Thomas Henry, son
of Mrs. Geetrge Noble of Toronto,
took place on Julie 2nd at St. John's
Angticwn church, West Toronto. Rev.
R. Me•Nnmara perforated the ceremony.
The bride and groom left on an ex-
tended motor tour and on their return
will reside at Burlington.
Thomas Calvert. of Tdrnberry town-
ship near Wtnghatn, died June 4th in
his eighty-fourth year. lie had been
a resident of this locality for the last
twenty-five years.
The engagement is announced of
Carole Ruth, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Walkinahaw and the late James
Walkinshaw, Clinton, to Themes Rees
Jenkins, of Woodlands Farm. The
marriage will take place quietly the
latter part of June.
Mn. -Hibbert and Miss Richmond
have resigned from the staff of the
Clinton Collegiate institute Mr*.
Hibbert will give up teaching at the
end of the present term and will re-
side In Hamilton. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil are horse
from Orlando. •Florida, where they
spent the winter.
The marriage of Felten Elizabeth
(Bendel, youngest daughter of Mr.
soul Mrs. R. H. Cole, to Cecil J. Ash -
tun of 'Stanley township took place on
June 2nd at the home of the bride's
parents in Clinton. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. A. A. 'Holmes.
There were no attendants except the
little niece of the bride. Miss Freda
White of tioderieh, who was the flower
girl. The happy couple left on a mo-
tor trip to Michigan point.. They will
make their home on the groom's farm
in Star:icy township. near 'Varna.
A pretty wedding took pine at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joann Harding
on Wednesday, June (nth, when their
daughter. Alma Irene, 11er11111e the
bride of Frederick Arthur Rundle. eld-
er eon of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rundle
of 1'sbonu•. The ten•nemty was per-
formed by Rev. D. Mt-'l\tvish In the
presence of shat thirty guests. After-
wards the happy couple left by motor
tin a trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls
and (IshsWa. On their return they
will ;aside on the grsom'a farm In
Andrew Hal gent. tun r„ tecitdd resi-
dentyf Exeter. pewee) away .Julie 4th
lit the age of sixty-nine yeiirs. Iwo- 1
teased wits a 'native of t's►sirte .towte
ship, where le farmed until his r•-
moi•nl to Exeter in Ihrenelmr, 19.28.
Five sous „n41 "lie duutghter .nrvlt•P.
John Floyd, a former n•>ltle•nt def
4- \etcr. died at (*Button June aril. !well
:Ijl4reutyeight years, The ri-m:.lits
a ere firma -lit to F:aeter for Interment.
The singe -ganine of Main ...tree!
"ltd James. street united churches will
wife their serci.ws itis Ht„ smnenic•r
mon:hs. ,Cowing the ministers each
tai.• .t ntontb's holidays.
\\'In. La weal. ons cotnplees1 his
I t,utyr lit the i eninT rorhatia. Termite.
Vith 111e deltrpu' of li i).S. Ile has not
e;t t itle ;l where he will locate.
•_ •
oil Rnndly. June 24th. the Femond-
vlle I'niti') church will erlei.rato the
fiftieth. anniversary of the art -wilt
s•hnreh bullding.
short course In home i't•im"nnle-
will he held In t aforth June 15th amt
Int h, when an instructor from the tilt
In rho (i.a•ernment Institute itratieb will
give lectures. Ian June Y1ml n jldglli
tvimpetitlon hived on the work taken
lip in this enure...wilt Ise held, And the
three girls staniHesr highest will h•'
selavted as the team to rimmed Hu-
ron county In the competition at the
Toronto Exhibition.
R E Reid-, who recently Auld his
plumbing and tlnsmlrbing business to
The death of Miss Margaret Forsyth,
an esteemed resident of Blyth, took
place Sunday morning. June 3rd. De -
refined was horn in Scotland, coming
to 1'1111ada In Peon with her parents,
who settled at Wroxeter. For the last
forty-two yearn else had been -a reset
dent of Blyth.
Much intense was taken in the pro-
fit th Community Hall on
gram at
Monday night of last week. The hall
Is now free of debt and the central
feature of the prser'lingp was "the
burning of the mortlll•'." The hall
W114 built in 1920.21 I. the united ef-
forts of the people of lttyth and the
township.' of Morris. East \Vi.wnnnsli
nn' Itulle'I. and is a memorial to the
soldier. of this eierlun tale. served In
fare grant -,vat'; Iifier: *V,- Mlle dna -
at th" ntietitr; I -•lit week.:Id-
t!ressP, were glve•at by I'. A. Itolerts...n.
and .1. F.. Tom. and P. fantail -
nee otliclnted In the innrniig .,f the '
Mothers Endorse Lydia E. Pink-
harn', Vegetable Compound
dray, N. S. --"My se'tenGen year
old daughter took Lydia E. I'inkham.'s
Vegetable Compound for weakness
and pains. She could not go about
much with the other girls as she was
not strong enough. We got six bottles
and it did her a great turn. She is work-
ing out now in a store and walks three
miles every morning and back in the
evening." --Mas. MARY VANCE, 44
Lingan Road, Sydney, N. S.
F $ s Road to
I \ , • \\Ill:ftr_\;
e .. vat.
(aIlius abut lute, the w itl. of nen,
Alli wart ',i us ill lila boast,
To royal Ir -,,ors raised our head,
And ata..,• us priests to God,
T.. ll,i It'' overs tongue le praise,
.Ind every heart be love!
\.I grateful honors paid on earth.
Anal ttobl.•r songs above! . Amen.
-Isaac Watts.
Pinewood, Ont. -"I constantly had S. S. LESSON. "OR JI NI'; 211h, 1928
pains in my back and side and spent lesson Topic -Review•: Jesus Ihr
two days in bed every month. I have iour.
taken three boxes of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound Tableta. Lesson 1'at age`/.rph, 3:11-20.
They have done me good and I always (.older Text --.Joshua 24:15.
have them in the house. I have recom- April i -Jesus, the Suffering Sleessiuh,
-Mark 8:27.37.
-Mark 8:3d.
Jesus had guns' with His disciple,
into the regiuu round about t'esarea
Philippi in the northeastern end of
I•olastine. and echos there He talked
intimately with theta about Hituv.•If
lie inquired of then, who 'lie was onil.-
I-tsed to be and wh., they thought lie
was. And, on being told by Peter that
IIB was the Christ, lie tont tletu what
was to be the outcome of His a11+./ion.
Ile was to suffer. be ernt•ith..l and
mended your good medicine to several
friends and have given it to my 17
year-old girl."-MR•s. ALFRED ODE
LIME., Pinewood, Ontario.
mortgage. There wits also a program
of music, daces. etc,
Mrs. Tlaonuts Roberto' passed away
May 29th at ler hone in Ilnllett town-
ship. at the age of eighty-four years.
Her husband died live sears ago and
one 114111 and three',huuchtPra aur -Tee:
Thomas. of 'Mullett : Mrs. N: Feltner.- _ _ _
ton, fort Arthur: Ills. .Catherine buried and then to ri..• again. uu be- i answer plat with the man's approval.
$palhl, .Wbnrn. anti \Ins. H. J Pringle, lug rebuked by I'ct.•r for suet& a ditaip;• s that they moat become as and on his saying SO .10011a told Min he
Port Auliby.. Mile I. -aura also seven= gloomy pro'la--I. He sternly r•l•uke•1 sac!, u, enter to enter heaven. Was h„t filr from the tlugdoun of Ilea
teen gramichtldren-nntt alba -ii -e #-tIIIm-and'trarueiTfinIt ,Ilsrlpte. .end'
1 0o it ':Nth- The !'oat of Ilolsdplealaip. ;Pru.
griwdchltdren. - . the temple gathered el lit thein that p -Muck 19:17.27; 12rt1-I4.
Word was received last week of the limy, teat, must be prep.,:ed for is't'se` flay ' 7tM-The Wicked IhtsbatttltaPn.
-\Lilt. fi:'.1• e -!lark 12:1.12.
death at Ikada,sal, Smith Dakota. cation and death if they aoul•l be Hi- .Wr Have -._ill these passages two, -Psalm 1:6.
nn Slav 30th, of i herpes Brown, n nn- follower*.
tire of Morel- township. 'He /went tt,q'!-Ing pliurea. In the first I is to 'i lu this panlust JPsf t,. sal ill.
April 8 -The It, s'0. . a ries young ruler seklug Jesus tot the r•brllieu, hlstery of Israel in th,
to the West -cut thirty years ago.. _1Lark 16:1-8, 19, "_0. :yuitw the way to eU•nml life. Wheal
Itnetfled wu- ,.!tont fifty years of :rte ^lost 14:19. past and foretold the darn that
he sold he hod kept all tie con1.iatnl-1 attuned thew as a nation, nod the es
and leaves. Is•.Idep lila widow, two , fc•ic wons-it, anxious I. do helloes nicnts from his youth to tan• pr•went.- tiblisoiug of the kingdom of Gal
brothers and two sisters: J. A. Brown. 1st the lead lanh of their If.
ro.r• .!esus dill not dlsagne, -hut dd,p him
Morrie town -hip: J. H. grown, T. oust., the Gentiles. 'i'Ilr in lb.'s of
onto: Mrs t\': \ewcomttP.'Ngrth Rat. tefun• btwuk of _lay uud hurried f.. foci pont Was mot enough. lent• to Gal: Israel had rejected and slain the pro -
onto tt Knave '1'h.J thus toerunue the first to- lilt b.ce to his fellowman were need owl.,
ivIluul t:uJ lWJ pineetl anion::
Health at Sixty
ruit-a-tives" corrects
B dderandKidneyTrouble
' I am sixty years old and tried all kinds
of medicines for bladder and kidney
trouble, which used -to keep me from
work a month at a time, until I started
taking 'Fruit -a -fives'. Thanks to 'Fruit-
a-tives' 1 hays worked steadily for four
years without a sick day. I have never
felt better than I do now," writes mt.
Thomas Graham of Oshawa, Ont.
Because it is made from the juices of
fresh, ripe fruits, intensified and com-
bined with strengthening tonics, "Fruit-
a-tives" soon brings radiant health to
those who suffer from constipation,
bladder and kidney troubles. It works
in nature's own way. You will find
"Fruit-e-tives" the very thing your sys-
tem needs. 25c and Soc a box at all
druggists. Start right away -to -day,
n silly. Juno 16, 11r -l4. -T
Special Prices at McEweu's
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
of Square
Phone 46 South S t: q
Goesla delivered promptly to all parts of the town without charge
,Jesus told them to "render to Caesar
the things that are Caesar's and to t
God the things that are Crud's." A
sc rile heriring His wise judgment came
and asked Wm which was the greatest
.•owmaudment --souther disputed alb
Pet. Jesus told him it was love to
God first and then love to mutt The
Haloed -k afro. It 11 1 •'•
1 Poe I„I i the news of the r•.nrrn iiner: fol. and if lie truly w•ialed ate stool , tient. They. were now plotting again,'
Rev: \Cl;llam Phefiri
lan. who was Or-1they thus,ledam.• the firs' t.' tett tie rieht•s he m1M1 hunks' the ch„lt•d•: "8a'll the very wu i' God. They ought
dallied • the priesthood et iaindi,n I news and affirm the word ('heist had what thualNISt, and giro to Ihr {eros, think His death would la Her cud of
Sat,urday. Juwe 2nd. celebrated hial-t►fteh -told them when lie wu; alive. i yn.l thou shalt have treasure in hest-4_11_
plot ill 6tilli authority,'
the bat such
The angel* particularly enjoined 1110 i'rn :'and i•otne, take u 'the' crnvs and keeping righteous
lily mass in St. s.y' fool's ehun•h,}
itlyth. on the Sunday following. s•v 1 to tell.the hews to Peter. In this les.' toll„"• Ste -
of God. Jevtus told Ihe•n,
ern! ..t tete priests of neighboring par I stir• too, we have reference to Christ's In the second picture we have Christ' that •'Phe stone which the- builders re
I+Ila ns IstlnR. At the clear of the a•ceuslot and Ills (wing ghell a seat at :cv.mnu•nding a poor woman for doing I coital is In lie wit
the lead• of the
a•nlce an address and a purse con- the right hand of Gal. 'flees there is', what the rich ruler had refused to do.I corner."
notice taken of how the ups,stle•s went iter love to I;04 and ills kingdom June 3rd -Jesus Facing Betrayal and
far and near, fearless and unashamed, I were her +um
i -me t.udwrn. Uexe
presetting the f;osls-l.
May 61h --Greatness eThrough Sen'iee ' -Mark 1x:17 :3, 82.36.
April 15th-Twtstlgurallot and Ser-
-Nark is:3545. I -Mark 11:36•
vire. 4 -Mark 16:45-
t;iining aver $200 were „re'en tFYI to
F.Ither Phelan as a token of regard
from his friend*. Afterwards a re•
ivptton was held at the young priest'.
parental home and was littlelt at-
The Dr. Wlllktms' Mesileine Co.
ihave received the following letter from
Mrs. Griffith, of 21 Merchlson avenue,
East Hamilton, Ont., concerning her
experience with Baby's Own Tablets:
Dear Sirs. -4 wish to thank you for
the handy little booklet you sent me
on the ('are of Children. My baby
boy was six weeks o1,1 when I first
used Boby's Own Tablets, being new
to Canada, but since the first proof of
their many uses In bringing up a fam-
ily. I have never teen without them,
for they are worth their weight in
gold. There is no trouble ha getting
the little ones to take them and they
often prevent an illness 1f taken in
time. My first lathy ii now at the age
of four and a -half years, a picture of
health, and my nice-monthyeld baby
is also well and happy. They are both
a real good sample of what Betsy's
Own Tablets can do, fur I have never
yet needed a doctor for either of
The booklet to which Mrs. Crfi[b
refers is entitled "Care of the Baby,"
and treats with what a mother ought
to know for baby's sake. A copy of
the booklet will be sent free to anyone
requesting same from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Bros•kWllle, One.
orale world. hod instituted marriage.
and it had never teen annulled. It
He: "Will you marry me?" was -till death them did part," ex -
Ste: -You! Why, you couldn't twpting for one came, which Jests
keeps me in handkerchiefs." afterwards spoke about to 'His Ms -
',But you're not going to have a clples.
cold all your life, are you?" At this time Jeans merle it plata
-hat Ile was never hal busy to be un -
The average man often uses better willing to receive and bless little (hilt!.
judgment in selecting a cigar than in ren He tarok one huo His atm, and
cbt►osing a alts. l'heago Melly News. trade It nn object I' iso,, telling the
-hark 8:2.8, 17. 18, 25-29. Jesus was with Ilk disciples pear- ,
Still believing that Jeans had come I taking of the Passover feast. He
Jesus took with Him Peter. James ' establish an earthly kingdom two there made known to them that He
and John and ,,tired to a mountain to of the twelve bpi -tune ambitious to tic- I was aware that one of them was •
espy the chief seats In that kingdom. traitor. All but Judas, at once Silerel
and thought to get ahead of the others1 with t•onsteroation. asked: "Is 1t iY'
by getting Jesus to grant their desire. Then the guilty one, for the sake of
This made the others very Indignant., appearances, joined them in the (n-
and Jesus. seeing a quarrel ens brew-' quiry and was told, in words he well
Ing. drew them to Himself and phoweet understood, that be was the one meant:
them the true meaning of grwntnass. He at once left the room and Jesus
pray As the night drew on. the dis-
ciples became sleep', but, rousing
themselves. a great sight met their
gaze. Je+nis was now dazzlingly
bright, and two heavenly visitors were
talking with Him. It was of His ap-
proaching death at Jerusalem they
were talking. A cloud descended and
enshrouded them and out of it a voice
spoke. It was God testifying to Jesus
Christ and ivtmmanding the disciples
to listen to Him. "This is my beloved
Son. Haar ye Him."
When they descended next morning
a crowd mat them, and a man be-
sought Jesus on behalf of his epileptic
son. The disciples had tried to heal
him at.,1 had not been able and the
father appealed to Jesus, Raying: "If
Thou eanet do ar>,ything. have compas-
sion on us, and help us." Jesus re-
plied: "If thou const believe, all
things are possible to him that be-
Ileveth." Thus, 'through the father's
faith and the ardour's, power the de-
mon Was cast out anti the boy made
April 22nd -Jesus and the Hose.
-Mark 10:2-9, 13.16.
-Epi. 8:2.
On one oetasion; when Jesus Was
making Ills last journey to Jerusalem,
Pharisees tried to entente Iplm on
tete question of divorce. They quoted
Moses as permitting It, but Jesus
showed them the question went farther
back than Mows. God, at the creation
`(Now don't forget
to bring me Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food. I am feeling
ass much better I don't want
to miss a single dose."
Dr.Chases Nerve rood
He took Himself as an example. Ile
did not require them when Iia called
them to he -lila followers to serve -Him.
He came to serve mankind. even to the
point of giving up 'His life. HP that
would be the greatest must become
the servant of all.
May 13th--slesua Enters Jerusalem.
-Mark 11:1.10, 15.18.
--Zech 9:9.
We have here fleet the story of
Christ's entry into Jerusalem a few
days before ills death, and secondly
ills cleansing of the temple. thereby
rousing the hate of the scribe!' and
Pharisees. Great numbers of people
joined Him and Hi+distiplea as they
were entering the city. Jesus having
Pe0e11r4t the use of a colt on which to
rine. They b•enn to show 'treat re-
spect to Hlm, aprending Rarmenta and
hrnnehes In ills way and shouting
hosannas as tl ey_marr'_ht!d. On reach-
ing the city Jests went directly to the
temple. where he saw things flint dig -
pleased Ifim. don - the morrow Ifs
drove out the offe•nderp, paying they
had made' the Millie of prayer a den of
thieves. This angered the Pharisee*,
and they nought to kill Jeans..
May 20th --Jesus Teaching hl the
-Mark 12:13-17, 28.34.
-Matt. 7:29.
'Flue Pharisees and llenolians tried
to entangle Jesus In Ills talk su that
they might have walla Just cause for -
accusing Ifim, 'ass they asked for Ills
opinion on a disputed subject. Should
,leas pay tribute to a foreign psowerl
In One Man's Life Time
The other day, Thomas a Wa who, as a young mach-
inist, built the first telepho m apaelfieations prepared
by its inventor, Alexander Grate!
' efi "r"pjwd in. with Mn
Watson, to the Bell Telrphr, ° ahoratonea where many
wonderul inventions in the fie, « communication are being •
perfected. I Mr. and Mn. Watson Wore shown the apparatus by means of which Television was so recently
demonstrated. The dl*tinttui.hM tors tested the mechanism for themselves and expressed their
amazement at the prthe test and its allied products had made since the early experiments In
a p
which Mr. Watson played 'Off!' at a part•
proceeded to institute the Last Supper.
Afterwards they went to the Mount of
Olives. where Jesus. leasing Ills dis-
ciples at a little distance, prayed that I
if it were possible God would permit
the cup to pass from Him. He trd-
umpbed over Ills deep distress and j
submitted to the will of Coit. I
June 10th -The Arrest and TtiaL I
-Mark 1a:1-15- I
-ha. 53:3.
After Jesus was arrested In the ,
garden. 'He was bound and taken be-
fore the Sanhedrin. There He was'
judged to be guilty of blasphemy. 1k-'
Ing under Roman rule the chief 1
priests knew that they would not as'-,
complied) His death on that accusation.
Pilate, the Roman G,mernor, was in
Jerusalem that week and before him
they brought Jesus and itemised illm
of treason- Pilate questioned Jesus
and then told His accusers that he
eouid find no fault In Him. They per-
sisted in their acruaations, and at
length Pilate resorted to the e'ustom of
releasing a prisoner during Passover
week. They clamored for the release
of a noted robber and for the crnel-
flxlon of Jesus. Three times I'llate
Bald' to the scribes and people that he
found no fault in Jesus. Being nfrni.l
of the people at length 'Pilate handed
over a man whom be felt to be inno-
cent to the ethers to he crucified.
June 17th -The Crucifixion.
-Mark 1:1:22-26, 33-39.
-Rom, 5:8.
Christ was handed over by Pilate
to the soldiers. He was taken from
the judgment hall to. Ceivary enol
"there Ile "'ns numbered with the
trnnsgressots." for two robbers were
pout to death with 111m. Ile wee scoffed
at and relied spam by .pessershy,
riders and Ills compnnlens on the
crosses, lint Hls words were nll of
eraew until ills last agonising cry t,,
God. Seeing and hearing t.nnyluec't
the centurion In charge that Jeans bail '
-berx-wrtadtl_y e.tttee•mne,l crit-nreittrtk •
1111(1 he -*lid : "Truly Oil. man wee* the
Non of Go.l.•,
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
We guarantee our Hydro lame•s
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West side of Square Goderich
F Nil. 1, ('I1I.I111ilNi:
Report -et-1' S. S. N • t. I. t'ol+s„•i •
rot .\pr11 and May:
T. st marks.
Jr. IS'. K•ithhcut \\'illi iii-. 7t pe
Sr. Ill. -Eileen 1'. itg:u, •I {s r e n'..
\\ liII,'t itrnfTe.is • 77. Ke ltli 1',':.0 let.
1':iFni7'R 1pritiiiF-•y"-iiT:
Jr. III. •Kennt•th l\'llli;iiii- Is
eell'.. Iteu • n F'etgnn 72.
Sr. I1. lk•n.i.nt Kerr 39 p,:* ••cut.
Baily nnevks.
.1r. I1'. Kathleen N'i:li:ons 1_ 11
.Sr. III. Keith Fds,gtne l:sil, 1\'lime r
ItoI''Ii - itr:tn, Eileen Volum nt tale_,
1 'seinen Itrimlley 130. '
.11. III, ,Iti•nr''n F.•agutt ells:. K.•n-
t,etti Wllltntns !sit.
Sr. II. •lteoson Kerr 7a4t.
.1r. II \Vinnifred 1v'nesori 1147,
Iham;.l 11'fl;hnns 1: Gordon 11'11-
Bares 1 71. Kenneth Kerr a79.
ter. l'r. -Phyllis Kerr 1114, Arthur
Jnia•. Itll.
Jr 1'r. 'Doris ris Williams. Elwin Ry-
an. !soviet iHardly: .\ninl.LYoung and
(Hen Wilhelm 11.•s.
Ntnn►er on roll, 20; firerstte attetel•
ams•, 1x.11. M. WNIRDS, Teacher.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Illreettov and
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 356w
Hamilton Street, Ooderteh
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hours, day or night.
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Fixtures, etc.
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Free dery n•I v, '
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