HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-14, Page 6sas 8-'rbiu.taay ;bile 14, 1908. THt SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. IIThe Weekly Farm Bulletin A grout teal has bent written and. on this (•ulititleut eared for twelve said this spring about the datnatge t.il acres Of crop.: now the acreage i wheat fields; not at mutat has Irene plated at thirty-four. Figures fur ti United States show that there ereoult Leanhatbout the damage to alfalfa audl twist• the number of farm worker. there were three-quarters of a century ago and thatthey are looking atier Luckily there have been abundant nearly six titin•s the acreage. rain, in early June, and fields which I Now We Knots. looked far from prirutisiug a short Is the tomato u vegetable or a fruit'! , At least two generations leave guzzled Hole age. have made a remarkable !twit- herds -wore or less -over this recovery. intriguing question, anti now it 1s Where the regular hay crop is short • anawerwt. In cat tar a, the lh•tuielul, there are several wept of increasing i Department of Agrieutture Is concern - the supply. even yet. One is to nut a I wt, it is a felt, aco,rdiug to all otlkaul field of oats ou the green side. either ruling. with the mower for lute or with the It Looks O.K. • binder to feed in the sheaf. Last The,wol market i- firm, and likely year the writer tried the latter plan to continue is.. Siwe the first of the ' and liked it. Another supplement is year there liave been marked ad - the old rellabke, millet. "Pere,: vars both art Isrudon and at Reston. Panicle is the beat variety.enough cif us ask for it year and ff Stocks to racer are light, and con- sumption is ;Mettler than in the best year or twat • Stott tirally. there Is nothing weak In the market situation. lioalttg {aper t. S. poultry and egg market observ- ers are predicting very high prices: for •i. • next tall and winter. Storage eloper. To the average farmer the latter is perhaps the more important. perhaps eventually local tu'eclsweta will stork it. At present It is hard to get. Millet cut at the right stage Is a good fetal. touch better feed than it lies credit for. Where alfalfa has been killed out not only this year's hay crop is gone, ttletteinirs tire stews our quartet lest but next year's also. Late June tweed- than they were a year ago; high feed Ings glee perhaps the test catch. and prices have discouraged many pro - 1t may be good policy to get in a field ,burrs and euused them to cut down .this month" for next year's uta. eta -L their-'l11rk orders; and e•onsumption alfalfa Reed is dear just now. a mix- i, cuutluually on the Increase. Futrth- tore with sweet clover and a little al- :moire, a new outlet for eggs has just tike and timothy might be better than leen opened In South America. the Blear. If this creaming holds geed for the Cull Them Out. r. 14.. 'Canadian egg prices are likely Feed is high prieid this spring. E rots. to respond t, some degree. while bolding remarkably firm. can be !;pill in tete Air. produced at a profit only when the Web pinuting actually under way, hens ere hitting on all cylinders -if the toteacro grower's presorts ere such a term le --permissible. ("Law, stili more or less in the air. The Wei Mrs. Jones, 'ow you does mix your jetted pool is still far short of Ito• semaphores!") Ordinarily, with the! Ne,mote', objective. and seems likely to light breeds, it Is worth while carrying remain ea A considerable proportion bees through a neck moult. This. of the 19. crop In some sections re - spring it is doubtful whether such is mains unsold. Altogether, the fine the care. Ordinarily, elan, if,e hen : cured and black -fired growers are the after passing through the broody COO ansa trues in a happy frame of mind. relapses again into clucking we think• i. nothing of it; but this spring feed comes too high to carry boarders. I GEO. SPOTTON, M.P., A New -type Sprayer. , HOLDS WINGHAM MEETING A new type of sprayer made Its ap. pities" • 1n untario orchards for the hittg I;nve,nement Criticized by North first. time last year, or possibly the Iluron Mt -tuber anti Other Speaker% year' before, and after extensive trial Witghuti. June 2. -The first of a it Seem!' satisfactory. It is almost atj series of meetings to give an ace t fast as a cluster. anti doCtatter work;' of his stewardship Pas held here ant- is mueh faster than the ordinary I tinkly night by George W. wptottou, strayer. requires much less power., andCenas•rcntice M. P. for North Huron. does as coot' work. Supporting Mr. fpottou were Luutxu The spray flows through an extra a inelalr, M.1'., North Wehington : -4 The Wonder Week of The Western World I. IIer, we art I tPathe-re end ell. _. the „Id •tasr reser. 4. A redass et the 'tale. . S. The evardeea at the weal. The Calgary Stampede -- An- other introduction to the public of Knights of the Range, Kings of the Saddle and Rope; competing for Canadian and North Ameri- can champlonahip honors in pic- turesque, romantic and spectacu- lar pageants and contests inci- dental to their country. Here gather the reclaim of the hills end plains. the cowboys and cowgirls from Rio Grande to the Pesos River, the pioneers and the veterans of the original Rr,ya1 Northwest Mounted Police Who contributed so much to the /pro- gress of the West to -day. Skill and brains will enmpe'c with skill and brains when the cow- boys climb the bucking lironchce for the title of the world's buck - Thousands Thousands will see the old cov- erts wagon rare against the fleet bareback Indian riders, during the mock battle. The exhibition stampede . will be held July 9th to the 14th, and is to be opened by His Fxcellen- a. A mountain of thing tire. cy vlsooatag Willingtlon, who will ride at the head of the great stampede parade. He will be a.companied by Her Excellency Lady W(llingtkm who herself is to participate in several events during the week. For this par- ticu']ar event the Canadian Paci- fic Railway are co-operating to the extent of offering reduced rates to Banff with stopover at Calgary, thus enabling visit:ore to be guests of the Banff Springs Hotel which is only a three heron motor ride from Calgary. 7, No. 3'0• . (;elderlceh town- ship, cult from middle- 2,300.00tuu's Corners ...tett S. An until ply twilit* t t Hen sell and • Total ...:,....,.$20.:til.11f► The ,•sllwateot expenditures for 1925 are cc. follows: , Mfaintcmwee: I i I Itesurfaiiag 1 , 121 Oiling and tatrlty,. • •2,St11.00 a::1 Suets lads •22.501.411 i l i 1►ntgging _',,a10.tki 151 lsridur•s t.noo 15' t it I I'uhvrt.. f(11.u11 171 Weed. t �100.M 141 1 l lei t • ' .'.,y111,ta1 lO1 liradin;4113.000.00 9,i121.00 $ Ille.(�i►a.M UM .00 Machinery: $I �•I111.M Nee• $coleus 5'000.M Superintendence (`(Nest tact lou Deficit from lir= Total Estimated Receipts: 2 !mill levy ltel.ttes and sundry ru- 4e1pt14 t cue -r1111nnt 20.01sUct _- • - 5 210.15' _4;,321.1111 i 0 000.M 1 S1711,521.411l CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM CURTAILED THIS YEAR Cslmlt ' Road l'oeunission'. Report to l'ounty Council The report of the county road tom• whatnot presented at the meeting of the county council last !reek. was as follows: Since the beginning of Itr-Sa the maintenance work eon the county roads system has been going on as usual, and the nods are in as good cvudltlali as the severe sprheg cineatieti W. in ocean, An expenditure of LUJ,I►29.0' has been made to date, a considerable large teazle and strikes against a Felix Quinn, M.l'.. Halifax, and J. C.part of which Is accounted far -be brand disk, around wU1ch air is con- Brady, mel'., Skeena, B.C. I gravelling work done at the end of tSMually torrid This breaks the eprxy ' Mr. Spotton praised the Hon. J. C.1 11r27, anti during the early minter. A foto a line alai before It leaves the Elliott, minister of Public (Works, for helavier exp eliture fur dragging,JIM nozsle. The result In f el.'" of "Pr"! placing in the estimates an appropria- ]leen necessary this year to get.'the which envelope the whisk, tree- thou of 5100,4100 fur Goderich harbor. made into a smooth condition. Brsil;e t speed, this new sprayer has ik- said Western Ontario ails well An mope •tloli was nxtck' of the advantage of requiring only low served by its three members in the all the county roads by your commis- pressure, about fifteen pounds, anti Cabinet, the Hou. Mr. Elliott, the Hon, skin. with a view to determining the ccneiequ•ntly the expensive high pees- Junes Malcolm and the lion. William work neessury for maintenance and sure pumps and engines are not Euler. Otherwise Mr. Spotton had cruestnn'tiou for 1ir2$. uerrl(d. At present the price Is high. little but criticism fur the King Ad- On February 23 the commi,sion met --tint is Ilse nueshenlsm Is so "pie It ministration. lie decried any policy in Toronto and tnsprteel various is exis4'ted that the machine will soon '_which should spend large sums on 1m- tnn s. -and tractors and other ma- bep there 1 no hurry In the ehinery which it was proposed to pur- among others, danger signs en• being placed 4111) feet from twelve level rail- way crossings. During 19% the payuent.ot-aILtC.. counts by cheque has been adopted, rather (ball by sending a lump sum to patrolman. The Ontario Deportment of -High- ways has advised us that it is the duty of this county to see that all fences on the London road are moved off the road allowance by July 15, and notice bas accordingly hien given to the owners affected. The approval of the Ihgptrtme•tit of Highways has erten :;icon to the clauses of the county bylaw dealg- Ser turned out very cheaply. mignit an, as I to e s r More Early POI* UM. matter, he believed. Mr. Brenton pre eltaer'-'otif letting the week_/titelideli. The Ontario early potato acreage, dieted that, the present bi11 for an in- sessions of the uutario Geld Roads from a commcnial standp int. le al of flit must double this year what It Was Ti•lephane Company weutui be detesttech. last. noco,rling -to Dominion fruit He denounied unsparingly the ex- brun•It estimate.. With a favorable peusliture for the Governor -Ge'nerat'e senson the crap sltuuld to 0.1 least dent- accommodation at Quebec and Rideau ble. and the commercial movement in hall. and on the leautiflirition of s that fame will amount to nearly 1,100 Ott*WL._IIe said millions were being R. K. Etmith, the new Deputy afln• Turnherry from Itluerate to Wroxeter ears It is eignifiiaut of the Changing spent In Ottawa to hold two et -ate for later of Iltghways, stressed tile4tF0 'vier thr2nd concession: •- -- _ transid rtaaiion7 ,oilitii,ti -hilt almrest the rateerlmrnt in the next else -tion. ante of climer relations between tin• 3. The road in the township of Ste - h A - Delatrtnwnt of Ilughways anti the I phen easterly from tete London mad tuunitlisclitit's, and gave an illctmin- tiling address on road matters gener- ally. enerally. Safety. on the highways reeivell much attention among other matters. and much of interest to the township muftis -ipso liti(me=stsw4isett leti-- Full report, of the convention may be seen in the issues of The Municipal Mr. Meehan was iermaneutly, serious- ly disabl World, The Contract Record., and The c•et a- a result of wontlds and Canadian Engineer. - reeeiree as very' meagre pension. On April 19, the commission left by• -". Wt+ rsommend that the Ontario car on an Inmpeetlon trip to the coati• 1;,ovctnnent hemonk-modto amend the ties Mf St. Clair, Maercmb and Wast, .existing legislation at, that tines ha. '1stlon convention be ug held Meting the following roads as runty there. A number of intere,-ting-IRIIQ r„,,,1.: instructive papers and addresser! were 1. The road in the townshipps of give% and the importance of highway Colborne and Goderich front Car•,iw transportation was generally emptia- to the Huron road. ized• 2.. The road in the township of $ RS:4137. • 0,0110.uu subsidy . • ft2 ZW `'' • It will lie noted that the etiestructl n, program hit• Teem+ materially curtal in order to avoid the necessity for an increase• in the county mad levy. We re rim a flit a tevy of twain -Me t , ,`rrvcr title progrnm. ' • Stewed' Report A second report of the county rete! commission was an foil-oi�R - Ile motion of Mestere. Snell and 4..eetz that improvement te- made to t t'onthiu d on page so reduce the proportion et tate crest of 1'rovlucial highways payable by the counties frotu twenty per tent. to ten tier cent. fie applieutiurl of the town of Ga1- ,•rieh for the improvement of I'ambria read, we reotunie'Iil that this ht• done from the abate .l a this year. We recommend that the f•eiowing' items of read construction ,.other taken this year: 1. No. 12. McKillop, 1!•�e •netts along tsince's"ion 2-4 $ 2. No. 30, llowick. - 1- mile along cucewslon 3. No. 2e',, Grey and McKil- lop, 112 wiles easterly front eidercod 3 and Q McKillop towntihiti . • assoct-cat No. 1. Itullett. at eene•tery •451./1' No. 30. Detrick, at Mc- leaughlinatr Hill • • -• 200 An 0. No. 21, Tltrnberry and aforrit,, easterly from Wingham I ni Wd.... 4,0110.1•' bait of this tiara. according to the oft-, Mr. Sinclair criticised t e - us (•ial estimate, will be truckeel to mar-- tralion treaty, the Government's Im- ket. As the meson is rather back- 1 tti2rntlon 'silky and the -foolish- ex - ward. sbipmeuts are not expected to ps•u -liturc of the Government, par - begin In tiny quantity until the middle t„ a:Irly that on bautifying Ottawa. cif *tidy. ( The dairying interests of the country, Signing 1.p• _ ie iSits•lair contended. had been sac- We•tten„•rs am voluntarily r,tewing _rttbeerl through the Australian tritltr-- their wheal pool entracte in large for the motor car and pulp interests. uuwlers, relotts John Ii. tWeason• nn lane Goi'ernment, he went on, has oMend of the tte$kntc•he(van Wheat l• spent $12.11110,1011 On immigration dur- Poet• who has been In Ontario address-' Ing the pest five years with a net lose ing insetting on behalf of the Ics-al or- of 17,267 In totnl population of the ganiaattjon. The original tlw••vear i Dominion, (-miracle in ueialcatchewan were signed Mr. Quinn. whose privilege he said ptosed for Infractions of the intNo in 192:1, and ismscrtttenily expire with It had. been to bring the now-fatboue tenew in the State of Michigan for the' laws. occurring -c county f roads, tt '. cap. Although no very Mct'onnchie Immigration Baa' to incl purpose thof ocM�ntie's and partirving tile h'(iii: rlyI paid to the county instead of to the to examine the types of machinery hit local municipality as at present, so use there. The eountiet lit the State i that in the future, If It Is deemed ex - of Michigan are ter cognizit e'as being.' prtlent to-ajil,oint a traffic officer. the perhaps, further advanced In method„ cost will be provided for from that of maintenance and eon -trot -aloft of scuta, Highway- hitssuch Ch roads as we have au any other , The Department of High k+.• 1n the world. All of their equip I ,ledneted the 1928 Provincial highway at Centralia to concession roods 2 and 3, thence northerly to contay road' N'. 4. We reeemnlenci that the pensions board at Ottawa be petitioned to et- consider ;he matter of petsiun for Mr. tt__of,_1Wmxeter, at d that his his pen -;in be substantially 1 er'tlM. tuts year ihorough sigh -Ill) ramp/ligehas yet attention of Parliament on the floor been conducted. about 0.tssallO ► acres' of the Ilonse, r•henreal the facts of cif the total 13,'sat.t111 lois nlreilcty tsl'n rtile ens, as he heti fecund • them anti placed under -contract for the next live• laid them before the Government. He yenr period. characterized the episode as a "ilk - Holding On. grace" to the Government and Mr. analysis of sow marketings since 1''cirke, the Minister of Immigration, in 1 t " h the first of the year showa quite clearly that Coondlabi hog•rate'rc have not lb.lr heeds aver, the tareteni.sltJla- tion. Although there is a eagle rise in the totnl sees marketert in each of the live months, as compared with the aux' metallic last year and the year be- fore. and the totnl thus far into the year is consequently markedly higher, it is not enough to indicate a whole- sale nurses «54 cif the !erg buslnes . /1f hawed "cows .an nnw• be enrriid for ROMP Months largely on paster.•. it Is unlikely thnt there will be any great ,ncrifice of news until breeders seep and cafe. hew the fall ()Whelk shop`s. The Park Moire, which tie town R Heo Are Valuable.a,•hltl ed reently. Is being.ie- nnfel htecetut quutetlyns fr?m Chl(ago give In 1 the peke of hides lip to 23 (ante Per tel* ,e•ehtna ed. tonna. and at At. Paul up to 25 cants. At these prices the hide repteetento ten i it has hien our observation that particular, and averred t to one puc pbill from the 1927 wt►1►1dy on "curia ense' should be enough to overthrew went is motorizeduc) , nod mt the Government." Iable information was obtained, which roads. Together with the 1927 ae- = ti flottitt heauttfy titer flnenetat f wile useful In assist ing your commis- count, the total to be met for I'rovin- conditfnn before we beautify Ottawa siun in deciding en the purchase of 1a1 highways i- fh1,t2i1.118. 'Thee fully at the met of millions as the Govern- machinery. \"alnnhle infortnatioti .n -as I be provided for by the lease of teen- meut is doing." Mr. Quinn averred. I also pined by learning of their -pre- I ty-venr five per cent. Installment de - "The King Government, I believe, is the most unlctslnesstikc• Adminlstra- th in Canada has ever known." 4. A large new electric sign was reseed' to front of the 4;eCit'rieh inn the pest geek. Two signs were also plated in front of the British Exchange hotel per cent. of the value of the whole animal. The general trade report is that there are few hides in storage and a strong demand. which is likely to tom t l sou•. 1��l Alleve sh Mature. "What is a good all -mash mixture for growing pullets?" a co,rreependeat sok*. Here is the (41110 mixture, which hes been very extensively needGretna yellow torn, 70 pounds; middlings or good shorts, 20 Isunds: meat wrap. Ore pounds; chick etre hone meat live pounds: salt, one plied. Mix thor- oughly. and keep a fresh emptily before the birds atalstee l times 4fel ;rren feed and oyster shell milk In some form is navigable Rnvetntionary. it is c•stlmeted that �e'e'rfive e years ago the average farnw persons who paint Rumen In meth glowing colors el oq't temaln there to enjoy the view. --Philadelphia In- quirer. is the best remedy known for sunburn, heat rashes, eczema sore feet. stings and blisters. A skin food? All edaraa (aJ arra-i0e. tie" m mad signs and in the aimil,xi- lion of calcium (-bitable, ,inti other duet pilliaticc's. Tle conetnu'tion methodx on br'lifkcc and grades, etc., were also of into rest. They are adopt- ing on some roads a /standard grade of flf'y fort in width, giving a 15 -foot shoulder which provides safe parking sprier. and p rmite of widatilg the pavement when necersary. The road I authorities in thee counties slowed' us every consideration, and we -are indebted tee team for - = their courtesy. • During the past month mnehlnery line been purchased as follows: 2 nee) trucks. 2 -ton; 1 1.11.('. used trunk for maintainer: 1 Itumley 20-30 tractor; 2 ('ace 1S -:t'2 tractors; 1 1►ecminion RAnd power melees ('ontifderahle expendi- ture will she be reelnlred for repairing and remodelling the county crn,h'rs, so that our machinery (rest for this year will be considerably higher than mmol. This county haw followed, the prac- tice to the peat of using teams almost exclnslvely for hauling, tint such ex- perMnee its we have had and the ex• perfence of neighboring counties show Mat hauling by truck is much cheaper. In 1927 contracts were let by the eonnty for 20e per yard mile, and other conntieeu show coats for hauling with their own truck, of from 1(k• to 14c per yard mile. A ennsldenhle number of road slgne have been tested this year, and, ;S.IM.� 1,4"''.. Coal and Wood Genuine Har$ Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes Qu.ntity of Good Hardwood is venous lengths I can supply your aunts in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone 178j Goderieh - Sore Throat Gargle with Min- ard's in water. Also take a half teaspoon of Minard's in syrup at night. Quick relief assured for hoarseness, croup, quinsy and other troubles. The Great White Liniment M bentar•e, which would coat thecounty of Huron $01.50111.70 yenrly f" twenty years. The county of Hunwill be able to secure money on 4.00 per er'nt. ba.is, or lees. We recommend that the rrtarin Government be further p'i't oneri „to *40'4' Re -roof this Year wih RIB -ROLL the Permanent Roofing for Barna, Houses, Sheds Low in initial cost, . -Domes in big sheets -wary and quick to lay -permanent... leak -proof... handsome in appearance. Pre- vent. fires . - . increases value of property. Made of famous Council Standard galvanized sheets. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write to: Eastern Steel LpL PSRSTON• OW. . lSrAtaad THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The S.enet sad The Tomato SO Globe The Signal and The Tesseste 8 SO Daily Star r - The Signal and TheLondon 6 50 Advertiser The Signal and The London 6.50 Free Press The Signal and The Toronto 6.50 Mail and Empire The Signal and The Farmers' 3 26 Sun - - The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.011 The Signal sad Saturday S SO Night The Sigasl sad Saturday E+ening Peet..._... 4 75 The Signal and The New Outlook .........1 3.9" The Signal sad -Canadian Homes and Gardena- 4 65 The Signal and The ''Catholic Record _ 3.75 The Signal tad McLean's 3 75 Magauna The Signal sad Meatrael Wit- ness rssewel... 3.55 W OW 3.51) The Signal a n d World Wide . rsaawal 4.25 n ew 385 The Signal and Youth's Companion ..... 3.15 The Signal and The Toroat° Star Weekly... ..... 5.75 The Signal__ amid Rod sad Gun -._ 3.55 The Signal mad The Cassdisa Countryman 2.96 Clubbing Rates With Other Pevi- odicela May Be Had .ow App !cation ALF. TEBBUTT & SON PHONE 486 Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass WE DELIVER • :,• II „� ..,_ , - f P Pp r � Neptunite \Tarnishes'" Lowe Brothers Neptunite Varnishes are ideal for either exterior or interior use. They have the distinction of being the only varnishes that have successfully withstood the heat from a Hot Iron on their surface. They will not turn white, crack under the hammer test or show heel marks. Ice and snow or rain have no effect on them. __ • Theyproduce a remarkably beautiful finish; they wear longer and cost less than most good varnish. , 4 ,.... ..„..• ,,,,,,_,..__ _______.t Neptunite Varnish , ," • %p�' -•^ e ;- "8!LonPfborAe Pca sat ....... • ,• •, .,r...... ,'."'° --- I r Neptunite Varnish -Stain Is a high grade varnish stain. It varnishes and stains in one easy operation. The stain colors are non -fad- ing. Neptunite Varnish Stain t� `' . has splendid wSaring qualities . and gives a fine mirror-like it„,...9 gloss. Easy to use. Dries a surface likewith .quick-hased -- 7` I glass that is free from sticki- nese and dusts off easily. Mellotone Flat Wall Paint For interior decoration; it is h liquid paint, ready for use. Mellotone combines the delicacy of a water paint with all the durable elements of a lead and oil paint. -� It is very economical and �yeltt tr- easy to apply. It can be wash - soapand water; is ;V . color fast and covers 900 "I square feet to the gallon. Paint a "High lasts dreds aIt House Lowe Brothers "High covers fully half so-called cheap paint. Standard" is so so long that it is of users to be the paint sold. Paint Standard" Liquid as much more than More than this, easy to apply and conceded by hun- most economical per square foot comes in a splendid of beautiful colors produces a high gloss that wears off leaving the sur- in splendid condition repainting. Try it next you paint Auto -Gloss There is no need to drive a shabby car when any amateur can refinish his car in a few hours with Lowe Brothers Auto - Gloss. Auto -Gloss produces a finish of remark- able beauty and depth. It flows out evenly and leaves no brush marks or overiappings. It is - • permanent and impervious _ --- to the weather. { �' ., t t We will be very glad to I , 3. TOMOBIIE I supply you with literature ' •;, la in cobs`. - telling you how to re.4 Illr store the finish to your ti ear. You will be sur- prised to learn bow easy t it he. ��- -i- ---t,...,riari=listrree �C' ♦' • ' range BA R$' and b•UQU,D•PAIIfT finish evenly, face =,�ae �, for -zr=ar when ALF. TEBBUTT & SON PHONE 486 Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass WE DELIVER