HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-14, Page 5Brownie Cameras Practical sturdy ,picture makers that make it easy as possible to make pictures. $2.25 up Let us do your Developing and Printing Campbell's Drug Store PHONE 90 GODERICH Graduation Gifts AS a Gift for a success- ful boy or girl, noth- ing will please more than a Parker f)uotold Pen or a Pencil to match. We carry a large stock for your s41i4•tion and the prices are sta nilard the world over. Cole's Book Store Major's 6 -piece Orchestra (D. I. D. Major, I.w,u)er is open for engagements for Garden Parties, Lawn Socials, Entertainments, etc. -NEW SNAPPY MUSIC - Popular and Clay.- c l- -For terms are - S. PALMER, C. CARTER, Telelibune l(t& Telephone :ti. I;.sltrich - Irntario SHINGLES We specialize in Shingles of all kinds • Let us supply your wants Robt. Standish Phone 369 East Street Goderich ARGUMENT NO. 2 --PRICE pRICE, as applied to Flowers, Is merely a matter of grade, wherever the purchase is made. if you demand "first" blooms, you, of course, pay the "first bloom" price. And in fksw•ers, as In moat other things, quality is the lest of cheap - newt. We can supply exactly the same grades of flowers and plants, from the name nurseries, at as good, and very often a better prier. as any floral concern you may censor. We art anxious to serve and satiety you. Phone, write or call. GEO. STEWART Florist Telephone 105 - Goderich BELFAST BELFAST. June I1. -Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood, of ltelfaat, visited with their daughter, Mrs. James Me- Whtuey. of Dungannon, on Saturday hurt. Messrs. lanai Nixon, Earl Sherwood nod Torn Twuiiib'y took in the excur- sion to Iw trolt on. the Greyhound. A number from here attended the Webster plank at Bayfield on Satin., day last. \1'e are worry•• to report that Mrs. Irvine Henry Is under the doctor's care. it ASHF'IELI) AiHPIELD, June 11. -Services were held in the Ashfield Presbyterian church uu Sunday. We were glad to Boats-_Jk-v, 4ir_:: kit .:ia_ ti e_;rutpit again. N'e are glad to report that Mr. Am- brose Iktgan is now Ituprdring rapidly.' Wa' are sorry to report that -Mi. and Sirs. .1!ex. MacKenzle rewired the sail truss of the sudden (lentis of their ,Laughter. Mrs. Washburn of IMtrott. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. will he held sit the home of Mrs. John M:u•Kay. Kintall. Sirs. t.indsty and son Duncan, of Sarnia. visited at the tisane of her :cunt. Sirs. David Stewart oif Lochalsh. A number from Ashfield took in the trip to If•rtlt lust week on the Grey - !mond. THE SIGNAL, . - GODERIC hat to tuat.h. Tial will n't•kk• at Flint, Mkh. The young asuuple were the map:eol , t• molly beautiful and curtly gifts,iu,•lwliug several 0ie111tss; : ,oil before the tmu•riatte the hrieje was honored by twit showers from her girl asips:latetl. -\+not:, those present at die aeddjag Pd -re: Mr. and Mrtr. I:es,r• o Foreni Ii.. p;an.uta ut the groom; Mrs. E Driver. -r., ' Mrs. .E. Driver, jr., Miss Dorothy and Master Tofu' Driver, and Mr. Si.'il.Cheati4ey, all of %warlock: Mr. Leonard Foreman and son Itobbte, Mr. and Mrs. 1). t5raaford aria futuily, Mr. rod Mrs. Gurdon \\'ilstin and Maxine, of Flint. Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dixon, of Port Carting; Mr. and Mrs. M. Ewer- s tit and Edith. of ltostr•au; Mrs. Dixon. of Parry Sound; Mrs. (Williat and Thomas, of Pakoaley Miss Lee, of London: Mr anti Mrs. Fred Wilson I anti Jean, Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Wilson anti Ruth, of Cochrane; Dr. and Mrs.l Stuart and little daughter, of Port Perry. The hrhle Is the fifth dough - ter and youngest of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson's faintly of twelve, all liming and doing; well, and all married hot one son; yet the father and tut,- thes are atil1 well and active and en -! I joying life to the full. They have; forty-six grandchildren. Their many friends hote they may enjoy molly > -ars yet lit their cosy, hospitaldt- I,,,me, ',Bids -ween." Teaching regarding Self-Investtuent furl (lust and IIutn:aitlty." -solo. "t(ouw•gHuly," I, Mrs. Wtiitfltddv atHet to the 011 4%.1 of to aplru'tl•l meeting. 'lie regular - ueeek-night meeting , will •• held uta Friday evening. when the illi tk tvrmmittee will have elinrift'. 'Plat, \£.uteri's ,Juslitate me( at Sites. \t' (:. M.•t'rustlds ou '1'111 rsduy, with l i,i' nem' .prealdent, Jar-. John Millet; In the chair. A- lirt•ly talk on ,tinning rias very iuteresttug. liv- Ilrm papers were rc.t.l by Mrs. Geo. Webb on 'The Fsseulia of. institute Work. ,.'.urns and Needs of the House, wife. and House Making." and by Mrs. \t' I. Miller on '"true hospitality." Urs. A. Andersontreasurer of the cemetery fund. brought up the matter of Mime wok that should be done. Community singing was enjoyed. At- - teudaue'e, Iwen ty-tan.. Lunch was us-rvvsl by the hordes/. EINGEIBRIDGE KING,SBlt1L(:,F:. Jute l3. -Mr. James (►'t\eil ail fawil), of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mrs. John O'Neil. Mrs. Morgan Dalton anti Ray and Edwin Garvey motored last week to Toronto, where Edwin secured his It. A. degree. ('ongratulptlous, Edwin. Mrs. M. J. O'Connor is visiting her daughte*s in Detroit. Miss Katie McCarthy, of Mt. Cle- mens, Mich.. is spending a few weeks with her .sister, Mrs. Ionia Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Connor spent Sunday with friends lu Wingham. Mist. Irene McCarthy. of Detroit, ar- rived bane on the steamer Greyhound. Mr. George (trophy is visiting tit Mr. P. NI. Sullivan's. We are glad to he able to report the ren 'very of Ambrose Hogan, who Poe: 1_ - .thE:must few I w e't k s, ASIIFIELD THE ANN I t 1, 4;.% RIPON PARTY 'tiler til. auspices, of the Ashtdeld Ladies' Aid a ill be held ,on 'ruescliiy e-%ening. Jm,.• j'Jth, mi Mr. Will .\1 - ton's law's. The Westfield 1►ruuatit !'hili wit. give a full program, iw i•mdiug tt.,•ir popular play, •'N'elcu'us' II.'ue. .1.mmy." Supper from tl to 8 p.ni. ,\ :nis.ion: Adults :o tents; children 23 cents A$Mlt't!')IU). June 13.-Miutt Beth Slcl.-r.nell entertained a half•ehtzen of ST. HELENS her _ rl friends on the occasion of her hirt day On Saturday last. Slr, Walter A. Harper and sou S'r. 1I0[.11XR. Jurie 11. -The snm- mer meeting of the St. Helena Wo- men's Institute will ire . held in the , ommnerlry tla#r on Wednesday, June -o. at Y.ae► o'clock. when Mics Emily J. .u.•st.'M.A., will mistress the meeting. A neneral invitation is extended to e11 the community. Tle new• township stone crasher is starti.:g work in Mr. Will, Ilnmphrey's gravel pit Slr. ltobtrt Mlfe•Qulllin, of the Stand- ar. Bunk, ile'ller111c, is home for • couple of weeks' holidays with Sits parent*. Mr. and Mrs. W.. McQuillin. Mrs. Fwriy. of Mllit.ank. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Eery and children, of Thin - salmon. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gen. McRnherts last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jane's Durnin. Miss Mary and Mr. Earl Durnin and Mr. T. Webster. of Detroit. who is visiting his slater. attended the Webster picnic held lit Hayfield on Saturday. Miss Muriel Miller motored from London on Saturday and spent the week -end with her Parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Jr. There was a good attendance at the i young people's meeting on Sundae evening, when Rev 11:Whitfield took •ns the suhjeet for his n.ldres. "('hrist's COLBORNE TOWNSHIP I$)l)RORN1 TOWNSHIP. Juste 1S,. - Sirs. Fisher. sr.. with her two daugh- ters. Mrs. Henry and Miss Nuu.•y Fisher. all of Toronto. visited nt-thea Inoue of her son. Mr. Aaron Fisher wvr: -a a',,' Sufi 'anther tr-int' NIlw at„- 'aft the week -end with the )ndy's atler, Mr., Janet ]uughlut. Miss Nina Johnston Is sporting a , new Whipper rWfM, Mr. and Sirs. Roy Farrow and c, rim. of Mitchell. silent Sunday at home 'Of Mr. roil Mrs. J. ii. Johtralo, .Mr. nn1 Mrs. Win,. Coates. of Flis'. Stich.. are visiting friends in the vii loge tills week. ' Mr. and Mrs: Walter Me•G111, of Itlyth. were Sunday . visitors at the home of Mr. rind Mrs: W. T. Riddell. Mr. and Sirs. Sowerhy. of Detroit. spent the weekend at, the home of SIr. James Carter. Mrs. Fred Shoal rind Maros facers Robinson. of Detroit. spent. a few days last week with thc4r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arrhle Itohinwm. Miss L.- Nicholson, who had leen visiting in 'Buffalo, returned how.• o, Monday. - PORT ALBERT Sueemsful Garden Party. --The first garden party of the sen u, at Ilithis es.'- tion was held Wednesday evening of Itis week. under the auspices of St. Andrea's United church. at the home „f Mr. Will Crawford opposite the Omni'. A large gathering assembled from all directions to enjoy the or, c.,-lings of the evening. A bountiful slipper was gene.' on the spacioushewn and was followedby a programof ''sic, readings, etc.. In which a trio of entertainers from Kineordine bad: a prominent part. Earlier in the ti ening lit'ehall games were played try tis• girl. hod young sten and Were w•it- uees.,l by a large rowed. The pro- heti: were aiout $1'O. over the week -end. SALTFORD r. and Mrs. F.4 and \Gtskell, tared to St. Tlurma. to attend the graduation exercises /.'olle 4,. _ on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Treble n er..red to Putnam: on Saturday, to visit tlo•ir ant:titer. Sirs. W. Clayton. . Ws. Si. G. Treble visited friend. in .\etittrii an Tuesday last. Mr. Geo. Baxter, sk., is laid tip with pleurisy. Sir. Herb Morris hada very .n..•, fol (cern raising one day la'L_week. Mr. Baxter. of Toronto, is visiting with his brother. Sir. GPO. hushes. ]ir 'Harvey hatter is lime,' from Loudon for a few days. The Carlow and lienntiller Sunday hoof: held their picnic at Menewenung Mac. It beim : rttt:0 rias there of hmdon, are visiting with uu S" • SI r. and Mrs. R. Sic\\'hinne. w'a° quite a large S lel tree. Sirs. Donald McKenzie has been u Tlic'earlow W.M.R. held their mot - ---_ -.-" T mteiing at the ho nC-Lai .IlF n 1. week. Elie d« tsar s iar(edurltig tiSFjSit r" Feagan. week. was Mr. D. McK••nrie. of Ashfield, came The regular monthly meeting ofas home from the We -t on Tuesday with, held at the home off Mrs. W.M.S.. of Crewe- S rs.ted chnr,•la wwWm. McCun- a. ' a ,arloof h,•rseS. which were ship-, n•11 on Thursday afternoon, June 7th. ;sat to McCaw station. Rev. ' W. E. Perry, rector of St. Sir. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher and i'aurs aia-Cli Tat church. Whore received fatuity_ ]Lr -W A Thompson .and son . full ordination to therieatho,"I at Reg. motor.t to Harriston on Sunday p and spent the day • visiting Mr. and Wuealstock last week. administered the rite of holy communion Co a full meat- Mrs B. Ii. Willings. • Is•rsltip at -('heist church, Port Albert. •a Sunday last. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. e;,,'. tit, Fre attslittun11yjp the death of Mr. Free at Dungannon on Satur- day liort. 'For many years Mr. and Sirs. Free were residents of the 4th coute•,tston of .lehfleld. Mr. and Sirs. Richard McWhinney -sent a couple of days last week with friend.' in London. CARLOW Benmiller Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10 o'clock Etta Csrliaalklulled b Attend Republic of Colombia 6 External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Dated April 1, 1928. Mature October 1, 1961. Thre,ionds will constitute direct obligation of the Republic of Col bia, secured by its full faith and credit. NORMAN LEWIS ('oder Hamilton and Newgate Ste. Phone 47(1 ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE W. C. SNAZEL IT ober lash.•r and Dry Cleaner Wean. laundry in Connection West Street Telephone 339 CARLOADS - - CARLOADS SHINGLES RQQFI NG EVERY GRADE, KIND AND SHADE WOOD OR SLATE SLAB Call us if you are in need of anything in this line. Goderich Planing Mills (BUCHANAN'S) Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies Phone 47 P. 0. Drawer 160 ('ARLOW, June 13. -Mr. Herb, Fisher --ler sporting a new Chevrolet - I, Rich. Mr. and Mrs. -John Graham. tr.tt. mime up on the Greyhound and Kia•ut a few day: with their relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jardine, of near Col- lingwood, are visiting the latter's bro- ther, Mr. Amos Stoll. Mr. and Mrs. Jardine are on their honeymoon. --Miss Dorothy Robertson is spending the week at Auburn. Mrs. Alex. Jardine and ion John, of City. NutnrnNaa gaes rreon sue t Fargo. N.D., visited with their rola- l r.rgram and a merry mtime were enjoyed ttves lege over tete week -end. all. The picnic next season is to be They are on a tour by motor through rt Lonaknow. Ontario. They left here on Monday Mr. and Mrs. W Clifton, Joan and • for Niagara Falls and will visit Hum• Bud I'ottort and Mr's• Alway, of lam- for ISA 'V Fl Fl I.11, June 11. -At 1 an- nual meeting of the Young People's So - defy which was held on Friday even- ing in the basement of St. Andrew's church. the following officers were ap- pointed: President. Murray Grainger: rite -president. Dorothy Scotchmer secretary. Annie McLeod; treasurer, Fred 'Heard; organist. Floy H. Ed- wards. Hr. and Mrs. 11. Lawson, Florence sad -Harry -Lawson. of Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. A F. King um! sire Douglas. of o nontot to, are visitln Mi and -rs. O./ King. The first large pit•uk' of the season was held at ,low-e'tt's Grove u-t(at.nr- day last, it being the Webeteif reunion. Two hundred and fifty members were present from Toronto, I„tndun, Detroit, Lucknow, Sea forth, Clinton. Goderich. \' j Varma. Brus •ttetd, lion Mind RalKa 5.11.TIY►EI►. ,iun' ja... Mr. Gesng,• Symonds has purchased til,• house and tett «tush Were owned by the late Mrs. Connell. Mr. Edward ('nrn'll has purchased the two has adjoining his property 'rim the There. Kelly estate. The house and lot owned by the lute Mr. Kelly are being offered for sole. Sirs. Iver Pulling and little daugh- ter. of Detroit. affil Mrs. Euimerson of Windsor, visited their par .•its, Mr. and Mrs. George Symonds. last week. .Tout_ rued Allan Fisher tool: lathe Gt.e•yhounl trip to Detroit. Alis Cowrnt has retuned to her home much Improved. in health after having spent several weeks at the hospital. A baby girl arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Terynbee Imtnb. on Tuesday. June rtth. t'nngrntniaHonx. Sirs. Harry Symonds and little daughter, of Windsor, are•viaithlg with Sir. and Sirs. George Synfonds. WESTFIELD WESTFiELD, June 12. -Wedding bells will be ringing on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Woods were Gesterieh .sisitnrir on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walden, of Myth. visited at Westfield on Sunday. Mises Annie Wightman ia.tisiting at the home of her mule, Mr. Charles Wightnatn of Whitechurch. Messrs. Jason Ellis. Douglas Camp- bell and Norman McDowell attended I a play at i.undesloro' on 'Friday last, I put on by the Junior Farmers' I'Intb. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett, of Winthrop, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook. Mr. and Sirs. William Walden were Stratford visitors otr!ilmday. Mr. Alfred Cook, of Toronto. was home to attend the funeral of his c. •goer re. _v iso--ltelle Cook. There was a gathering of the \Weat- fkeld 'e•munnnity at the hound of Mr. and Sirs. Alva McDowell on 'Monday evening, Julie 11th, when Miss Elva Walden was presented with a mimel lonetus shower and an nil irv'nt prior to her marring.' on We -NW -May. June Lath- ._JifL±t~. WWnik•n made a feeling and fltt!ng reply, thanking the friends fur their tokens of kindness. The Community Mourn'. -.5 very snti death tssurreel In the Westfield community mm Tuesday evening. June 5. when IBM Belle Cook, daughter of Mrs. Cook and the late John Cook. Announcement WISH to announce that I have taken over the Hud- son and Essex Agency and will be able to give service on these cars. New Models in Stock L. J. BAKER "GODERICH INN" Hamilton Street Phone 247 #hon. Toronto, tHe(leville and. netts -don, spent the w,ek.'nd at the iurm-, 'pwsseek- rwaF3# -the :. •tf-EwentT• home by way of Ogdensburg; and Utica, er s cottage. N.Y., where Mre. Jardine still repo- Mho' Olive Poria, k. of Stanley, Is sent the Federal Musical Association the guest of her 'sun'• Misr M. Camp - of Dakota. While here they were the 1"•lie guests etf Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robertson. Mrs. Frank V. Martin, of Detroit, Foreman-Wibton Wedding. - The entertained a number of her friends at horse of Sl r. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, cottage, "'Bookie!. Lodge.- over the east of Carlow, was the 8(4.114. of a week -end. The gnrsty ware Mr. and very interesting dvent on Saturday.. Mrs. Samuel Gle►gowSi Mr. and Mrs. MIL at 12.30 noon, when their Samuel Mendelsohn. Sir. and airs. M. voutige•st daughter, Pearl Harriet. was B. Sulzberger and Sic F. V. Martin. united in marriage to Mr. Ernest Foreman, of Flint, Mich., son of Mr. ' and Sirs. George Forenmu of Wood- stock. Rev. W. R. Alp, puwtur of Au- burn United church, was thq oflk•Inting Al iltl'1tN, June 12. ---Mr. Chas. clergyman. The bride appean'l on Itnyd, of Detroit, is the guest of his the arm of her father, to the strains uncle, Sir. Ed. Honig,burn, and fever brothers: David. lu of the welding march played by Slim Mrs. M Hultaltauer, of laondeslore, ( the West. Jasper. of Myth. Thomas. Kath Amos. of Ailsa Craig. She wu__ _who was tin' Burst otMrta•f41m Wi ' Fted nod WNlter, of i'wtst_. attrtuush. A Iai-,.nning and dainty gown of blue inn, sr., i. _t week, Rturteil to her fle.rdon or New Ontsrtn. and George. AUBURN four as the result of "tin" and enmpli- nations. Miss Cook took sick at the home of her brother, Mr. Fred Conk, just on tine eve of her marriage to Mr. An•hie Robinson of llttllctt. and al- though everything was done to save her she gradually grew worse until tleatb carie. She was a member of Westfield tinned chureh and an :write member of the young ladles' Bible class there. She was of n pleasant and bright disposition and had many warm friends throughout the nems munity. She Is survived by her moth- er, Mrs. John Cook. three sisters: Mrs. I. Snell. of Itlyth. Sirs. Reg. Porter and Sir. Earl+MeKuuigitt, Not, of An georgette with pearl and gilt bandeau home I and carried a shuw-,'r bouquet of sweet- The heart roses and Illy of the valley. The I will to uereutony was performed before a nsnt laacy arrangement of Mat- and apple ` TI blossoms sprigs over which was sots- chit pander' a large wedding hell to'whk•h Nee I white and pink streamers were at- Frid at Saturday. , 1 of i elgrave. The funeral was held in place on Thur iay after• her hrnther. Fred. and suns conduetel the Baptist church. t by er. \\'. B.p oWesetd fritted AILS. of , iJte Presbyterian , .-amnitio, Shee wAlens hofrn• tottlher grace nail their nktut:tl quilting in Ivy six first consists, while the memhers Inert of the Rapti -t church oh C or the voting Indio.' Bible class aided THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The S,gnal and The Toronto Globe t6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Duly Star 6.50 The Signal and The London t Advertiser 6.50 The Signal and The London Free Press 6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Empire 6.50 The Signal and The Farmers' Sun .. 3.25 The Signal and The Fundy--- Herald and Weekly Star 3.0e1 The Signal and Saturday Night 5.50 The Signal and Saturday Evening Post 4.75 The Signal and The New g3.90Outlook r3.9 The Signal and CanadianHomes and Gardeks 4 65 The Signal and The Catholic Record _ 3.75 The Signal and Mclean's Magazine 3.75 The Signal and Montreal Wit- ness renewal 3.85 new 3.5t• The Signal a n d World Wide renewal 425 _ - new_ 3.85 The Signal sod Youth's Companion 3 75 The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly 8.75 The Signal and Rod and Gun x,55 The Signal and The Canadian Countryman 2.95 Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Be Had on Application Put an ad. In The Simi Highest Prices Paid For Beef Hides, Goose Feathers and all kinds of Junk. Good Prices Paid for Hens DAVID BROWN Phone 270 Goderich Paint Requirements We handle S. W. P. BEST ail' TEST We handle only Pure Linseed Oil, Turpentine and other paint ingredients Don't be misled by cheaper dope Carrie's Hardware Phones 501 and 363 Godet g. t;matiun of Mr. It. It. Gracle Thtrrdnv afternoon from the hone Last. as flower-M'•rers, The funeral was Inrhe'eh. The bridesmaid was Mt" Steal from hen• n?hi lied tle Wo- teary largely • ttendeeel. friends arming l'etta Kennedy, lit Flint, Mk•h., whir nue•n's tatitute tutuue'ntion lit Itlyth on' from far and wile. anti the Hornl trl- wore a lately dress of trinnon shade 'I'tumi • last. bites were numerous and )seantifnt. .5 rr ith hose and shoes to nunand Mr nerd Yen.bint, of Kai'far• ..1rrit-I ii bouquet of pink roses and spent t mile of days Last week with IIue ftrge•t•lute-riots. NI r. Jo men his yrente. Mr. and Mrs. Iheore Foreman, of flint. lirttthe•r it? the Yun croon'. way Is•st than. !Attie Jolla M(_Jame. Ho II, of 1'hnth,mn. called [Heim, nice of the bride, dressed in on firh.x In the cllktge on Saturday. white, mode a dainty Hower girl, and Nil lit't.rge Sturdy has macho -mil a Master Brine Crawford, ne•plew of the lie Chrysler car from Mr. Itnssd bride. attired in page costunse, us'as SI R•• the ring-Isaner. The ceremony ons Jr. find Mrs. R. Shun snit Sir. Malt. followed by a resgttton, the bride's ,ten were In Guelph en 'Phvr'day. mother wearing tate georgette with a 1M r. Ed. Ilehclg Is tisng at Wind- lottgmer of matte sweet liens. while R this week. the gnstm'e mother a -ns In black silk, Sir. Chlorite Beadle took in ahe with white 'tweet psoas. 1,atcr n sump- s(ener Gresholind cx, nhe rsion to I - thous wedding dinner was «•rued to tls,trolttilast week• party, numbering seventy -fire. Th., Mims 'bottle Lawlor !visited friends dining•rtom and tables were arttatie's .et \\'Irslanr the put uucek. ly devrrtatad In pink and white•. Toa. Mr- and Mrs. Ilosuitrl Itols'rtson. of were proposd and several aI:iem. ' I (io,l+Hch, visited with the•'ill era glair spreclsee were made in 'reply. Theon Su happy crmple deft, amid showers of r andnday. Mrs. (feel Wagner, of mon confetti, on a motor trip to Wood- stock, Niagara and other points' the bride wearing a sand ensemble with low, (thin, are visiting the forme'r's sola. Mr. and Mrs. J Wagner. lr, and Mrs. ('haspang, of Detroit. snit feature of the funeral was flint the deets•ased ass buried iii tie clothes Phi, had prepared,for Lor wt•tlding, , 1'i-.ympnthy [t ir-TinTs e•ommitnity e..es out to those w'ho mourn her pns'- trig and pmrticniarly to her aged mo- ther. T1s' burial took place field er•tnetery. \Sic are quilts' sate That tis' will give them heck pure and beautiful; We 1014 1W lb- will lull keep Our own aid ilia until we fill We know He gloom[ not mean To hn'sk the ',fronds renehing The here and There. In West- . bright. I asleep, bet wee.. Mhu'hlecon, keys having riddled the Winrl(ows of a vnesni hooter on South Street with stones. 'l'oll'y Sergeant (toss rortndel there rip, took Iberia Is' fore the magistrate and halt the dam ages nssrwr,f nghirrst them, and the boys will ire held responsible until the nmounfs are mid. i Liberals Flit. animal Meeting of til,• Federal and Provincial I.ibe'ia1 \s`ociatiuu:.•f South ilurot N1 ill he held ire tIte ' Town Hall, Hensall, on Wednesday, June 20 I : ,1-", au '.'..:it tP_ tt 1 I to mo•etimg still be titbit.; -..1 I'' M1I1. TUBS. \full!.!..\\. \i. 1' :end other speaker Federal Officers DR. J. W. SHAW. President. J. A. McEWLN. Secretary. Provincial Officers T.SHILLINGLAW, President J. M GOVENLOCK,Secretary. THE GODERICH OAT XbUf$ cri MAKE YOUR MONEY GO FURTHER WITHOUT THROWING IT AWAY BY TRADING WITH THE HEAT FOLKS • Heat Folks Coal and • Heat Folks Service Give you the hest values for your money that you will find. Order your supply today of our D. i.. X\\. ('oral, and make sure of satis- factory cooking now and satisfac- tory heating next winter. CALL THE For Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARDCO CMPLANY - -- ' Phone 98 - Goderich A BIG SPECIAL ABOUT 50 'PAIRS ONLY Ladies' Fine Shoes the celebrated "GEORGiNA" brand, made by the Blachford Shoe Co. of Toronto. Oxfords in fine Vici Kid, or Straps in the very best quality Patent Leather. Regular prices $7.00, $7.50 and $8.00. , Sale Price $5.65 SHARMAN 'S "Retiring from Business" Sole EAST SIDE SQUARE - GODERICH