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The Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
can give you a price on almost any
publication issued on the continent.
First-class work at reasonable prices.
Call The Signal when you want a
job of printing well done.
Telephone 35
I:le11'1'1 F'IiPcl'YiARNee .4.`
Special Course
in Public Speaking
FOP Teachers
Courses offered also in Astron-
omy, Botany, English, French.
Geology, German, Greek, His-
tory, Latin and Physics.
A splendid social and ■tbi.tic
program througaost.
Beautdil new tithes soy Build -
lugs in a 200 acre Park.
Stn.• t on a B.A. no..
Six delightful
weeks of study
and recreation.
For Information write
this Do.cae, Dr. H. S.
WU, Of .E.P.R. 11=Liagston, or has
Lotion.. Oatarau.
LIFE -BUOY OUTING SHOES have proved to be
the most reliable, best -wearing summer footwear on
the market, for baseball, tennis, bowling and all other
pastimes that are enjoyed by men, women and chil-
dren. They are here in the latest styles at the most
reasonable prices.
Golf Shoes are now in stock in the new patterns.
North Side of Square Goderich, Ont.
$2 "Ne
Quiet. Homelike
Many travelers stop at
our HOTELS because they
find qquiet surroundings
homelike atmosphere and
comfortable acmo,nmodations
at moderate prices.
tiunisser Iirasrters Syu u lig Them -
seises with Provincial Ggv't+rnnteut
Toronto, June 1.• A eeptuuce this
week by lion. Williuni Finlayson of it
repsrrt and rccommcodations from tie-
partweutaal 'diktats respecting Bruce
Reach su muer colony ends a long con-
troversy iia which certain residents
professed to fluid the Government a
hard-hearted landlord, and the-LaaudF
awl -Forests Department arrived at the
tanc4usiou that "pinions" are a tough
proposition when It tamest to parting
with cash. Bruce Peach, on lake Hu-
ron- below Kittcardit.o, lea become a
popular resort In went years, and
of something Ilke 1:d1 cottages ere•tesl
uu ('row'u land a can-Iderahle number
are owned or occupied by ch'rgyuaoa
who take vacatlou there. There .ire'
a number of United State* residents
among the "agnattero' as well.
When the Ik-paartlnent point- tine,
ago attempled to e••i:Mt 'on the lmsis
of l.aaehuld. then • was a wail from
the "sluatters,'' who had not been
paying anything for their bit of leach
land. and eventually as ass.. kation
was forums] to argue the Issue with
the Guvernnten• Hinge the liktter had
no difficulty it establishing its jurts-
dlctlon, indiv:.:nat cottagers have been
laying up, o' late, and atxtnt one-third
have already done so. Rental goes
back only the date that the lirst
leaseholder "catue aunt's" with his
rent. a enni.le of years or SO ago.
No further trouble is anticipated on
this polo;, although the eottagers are
now ea.iiug for road aceommowlstton
which ahs Department regards as out
of alt proportion to the $15 or so to
whirl. it !las Whittled down the annual
rental. •ca
hill. hcril at 'Lion cihnrrh for .ter
f, . rt t years
Veteran Railroader Retires I: wassuli out nine or ten years after
e:netph. June t:. gIlavin.im
g ,pieted, his arrival in Canada, in 13704• . that he
,rev -two years of service In the em- `-+'alae• to the township of Aslatleid and.
ploy of the C.P.R., Charles A. Ism- 1 IWi' many others, took up land covered
ut of
Rohn Bsrm) Had Passed His l04ilh Kil+ga(uu Whig -Standard: After a
Birthday Long and painful illness there entered
' John 13ari,oy,.A,dttield's "gruud old into rest on Wednesday tuorningr,Julie
tutu." who .rlebraitd his ituttii birth- I lith, at her residence, 1;1 Punto street,
west, \L•u•gaurt. eldest daughter itf the
d.,) on Msrcla ii. died at the home u: Lore Henry and R00101 Burns. Mies
los. son, James ltaraby, lot 1, e.nice•- 11urns was a lifelong resident of Kiug•
s•ou 12, Ashti -id tonuship, on Fri:ay. -ton and u faithful, devout member of
June 1st. St. Janes ttnelienu churh. Of -a
t'util rxrntly, ,te,late lits great age.' quiet and retiring disposition. Miss
r, Burnt)) cone .a. „ ' Burns endeared herself to u large` dr -
Vie active u01 mus "le of friends who will mourn her
:itie to be about the house. Ills mind tfaissin.. She 1a enarclmerl by two tis
••.:os bright mud h•• fuoik grim,. interest •;,.1•+, Mrs. J. It. M.',.n• of Toronto oad
what Was tak t.; piney, although Mr.. 1.. L. Knot of G(oele ,latter
sears had divatue•a :is eyes and his .,t' whew aus nidi her drichuringthe helattt hast
...wing. lie was f..: -t of musk and in ilinesx. lite fuue•rxl takes platy al
s younger days- a hail u rich and Satunlay mornitag at Irl tieieek from
,..martin voice awl area recently he her tat+• msideo.r to St. James church
ved lo sing the ' "id hymns and and from Itare to Catonaqui cemetery.
I :alms. which, for s.. try „t years. he I MISS. J. V. MaeKF1NI►RICK
ass atsustumed to s.ug.
lie was born on March 11. 1522, at '1'I... Cottoning with reference to the
Beetord, Yorkshire,
Eugiuud, u14,ut death of a former resident of God-
<•igbleeta miter -flee-, tl.. L... ..t'- 44u14 +rich-:,. trvio The [:alt 'Reporter:
and was thus it youtaat lad of fifteen There passed away tit mins* on at
).writ when the late Queen Victoria urday. ,lune 2, after a long illuesd.
cattle 10 the throne. 1t•.-lteed-YUiire- t a- Ilene •i lUitsxtt.,. dxugl+ter uL
reigns of tire British. -overeigns. At the late James Wilkinson and Mar -
the age of twenty-two. in lt*SL he; caret Patton, of Goderich, and wife of
came to Catt4da i n a sailing vessi•I I .1 N. MacKeudrick, 52 Oak street.
with a brother three years his junior. Mn-. Mau'Kendriek had been a resident
At that thin ,• there way oa.ic eighteen' of Gait fur thirty-eight years. and un-
mile- of railway extending from Mon.ostentatious)
trent and the first steamship had ar- nwvetoents huviag for their object the
rived at the port of Qu.'h••' a short bettering of conditions of those Un -
time ptev'fousiy to this. lie remained fortunately plums] in this world. She
at Montreal for a time. coming later f v tier
to the vicinity of Hamilton and wood.
stock. where lie wan employed as d
stockhand. It wt s while at Wood-
st•k that liemarrledt Miss Elizabeth
J,dahslon, who has been buried 1n- the
t • assuu•lated herself with
was aspeelally interested n the u -
privtleged boys, to whose welfare she!
Fortner fort Albert Matt an Outstand-
ing Personality in Manitoba
( Frew The Winnipeg 'rrlhuue)
John Cranford, pli'neer builder stud
legislator of Manitoba: died on Thurs-
day, May 31, fit the family home 00
First street, Neepsuwa. He was seventy-
two years of age. Mr. Crawford passed
ii uuy after an illness extending over
some mouths, his condition gradually
becoming Invoker each day. - For the
past ten harks he had !cern toutlwrI
to lash and that lie made such a gut
taut tight against (tenth bespoke aan
.•xrepUonaI vitulitc,
The passing of Johu ('raawford turkey
a xerioms break tai the ranks et • the
pdo besets. Ile was au outstanding
personality of that type.
James '1'. t'nawford, his father, was
also a typical untario pioneer. being
the principal bnsiucss man of the Ill
tie village of Port Albert, tint., run
ufng sawmill, grist mill and store.
That pt'obatus -amounts fur She- een'a•
aptitude with machinery and fur, ph.
neer n.lufmmenls.
The family canner to Manitoba in
1176. settling on Snake Creek, where
the Crawford home was the recognized
...immunity centre.
'It is interesting to remember that
the younger Crawford took over from
his father an agency he bad at -rented
thraagld the iufluenee or William 'Pey-
ton. father: of Colonel F. G. Taylor, M.
L.A. There was ,but little (male so
young Crawford took the wheels off a
• Rtxrtw1
devotes! matey years of her life. She
was also an active member of the wo-
men's institute of Windermere, Mus-
koka. where she had silent most of the
wills nmol eventually developed n bud -
hay -rake, built' a sulk) and
on tai. caner among implements and
machinery. On that first trip Ste --Sell
at least a car of Gerohamy fanning
summers during the past thirty years.; [less record of which is well known.
\not her organization in which Mrs. QM:, naturally one so well known
alueKeudrick took much interest was grad tatei into the 'carton."' forms of
the 1!i.D.E., for many years holding! tallith. ilfe. Incoming In ti-arn ,ocat
the office of honorary regent of the tntsthw. eouneillur, reeve. member of I
29th chapter. Sin' was a member of
Central Presbyterian church. Besides the Provincial Legislature and of the
part. veteran Guelph railroader, Nshav 4 with trent elmar ars] .Broad u n. survive two suns. House of Commons. •He.waR "Captain
gave up his duties as roadmaster of -ht' wilderness of -forest -* home for Bruce. ather µ home•11anti Nene. of stns- House ort! oou. ons. •I daring the ain
the ilxmllb,n-f;'uteri ch Bue. Ills rr himself and n ri!y,and tttrdme one ofCrawford"
hi ,esu t relee ' g tt
tlrement was nisarkwl by a umiustr.r' t!: �• hard-working. sturdy, clean. ford. 'Conn.. and one daughter. No Tlie himton of the town of NOP -
tended banqu
in his honor, which -was at.' living Ron. of 1011 who have been site t rah; at home. Three sisters also sur tw'a is full of f•vfdeere of his public
be .^.•r 2(Mi rallrcµdns n from bucklottp of t'uneda. He settled on I vise: \Cts. J. R. Itrayl '. Toronto. 'Jowl Brit. anti many will mourn the loss
as oyer the district. , the farm eu the 12th concession of Ash- I on a visit In SIsokalne, •Mash.. Mrs. A.;
Mr l.anapgrd was presented with a I tiebl which Intl continued to, be hisi II. Irving. Spokane. and Mrs. R. A.of It friend to whom they could eomff•
olently g0 in time of stress.
.flyer •.•a .errie'and a geld locket r -home for upward* tiithree'quarters of Briscoe, city. The death tc his a It cess X is.miter
- _
'searing the Masonic emblem. 'a, a a century. 1rine funeral_ tterrtee+rw•ere-arid `Pups- FIntl left him lonely indeed; and Wi-
lds ?clime employeea. The pnea uta- Mrs. al.•r4litla
•.�k.•n of the P.toem and coax! vii or His family ovnmistR of one daughter, day afternoon QuiteQuitetip at the family
resldenee. �_ I ink stmt, Rcv. W. F. i though he braved hims•if for the work
- of Edmonton. and of his business ids strength failed and
'ion -was axle by R. Benwnlete of fall- IWO Rut.. William Barnby. of Wheat- Bre •r officiating. Tie pallbearers for seven 0r eight months he was an
, • i. h. :off .1 James Rutledge of water- landsr ltortli-L)akota: and James Barn -i -Were. Jou. lt. Blake. A. It.. G eNlhi R. i tornse mid eight m hs h errMa
ren.! the address. T. 09tarn, by. with whom he residt,l. Ile had It. Robertson. J. Tmmaihausr• of
' ' Itrndev f lten
his work was clone. The surviving
tlIIs }oaang
Telephone 230
Masonic Temple Building
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
LIFT: INSURANCE (Sim Life ('o').
Houses and iots in (;odes]& and Vi-
cinity, and Farms for Sale
Some very cheap properties for quick
Rale. Just a few of the many lIstes]•
1 i f.Rtury red brick h.nauv. mod-
ern equipped. Fine lots ill good
residential location. Import-
ant to Bell to close estate.
Price for quick sale • $1206
Good 11,y -story house, 2 lots, 2
barns. Convenient to Square. .$1076
lt.-story house; electric lights
41101 water in house; time lots;
stoat! etahle $700
Small erftath ; -'good appeat-
suer•: 2 lots $525
1 Many others; ask about them.
Large number of fine farms for mile.
Sotue'tif them van be bought just now
for abut value of buildings and
i improvements.
Office days—Mondays, Wednesdays,
t r11Hftnrdays, or-nny day by ' special
' request,
• --. __- beget s,u..riated alt itis life with the
Lr.,irr wheel b<all.li+ig--masd�--�►f--�-thP�
London division. also spoke.
Methodist church. being one of -the
of -Pion -s Htew._. United_
reit In the AshfieIl circuit_ Two
years ago, when this church celebrated
its (Helmond jubilee, his picture occu-
pied a prominent pinto in the booklet
got oat by the church. Until he was
eight) years of age lie walked to this
church. .a distance of four mikes, and
home again every Sunday.
The funeral „took place Monday lois death was ill Ills eighty-third -ren r.
for ❑not her sent of the dear
e 4th. ass] was larpelcl_A rt boy he moved with his parents to home Signal "---airs. C. E. Marr •
attendfst. The servicers ut house and ` Stanley [oafishly, and later he (:1111' south Tacoma. Washington.move ae're condue•b•d by Rev. A. i . t0.Cullxonae, near Nile. lie was nl.o. (
• tin' a resietent ur (ioJeren for some year-. -
deceased had been a lifelong member. but laid leen at Killarney, Man., tl,
olden galleons"
,From the West
BY the tens and hundreds they come—
heavily loaded galleons, carrying car-
goes of golden grain to be stored in the
huge concrete elevators of our upper Lake
The Government, realizing the import-
ance of facilitating grain traffic, is con-
stantly making harbor improvements in
strategically located grain distributing cen-
ters, such as Goderich and Pt. Colborne.
The volume of grain which flows through
the vast terminal elevators of these ports is
now one of the barometers of our prosperity,
and it is significant to Canadians collectively
and the individual investor that this volume
is increasing year by year.
Midland Securities
Royal Bank Building - Londoni Canada
Telephone—Metcalf 1184
ntie:ap". 1 f 1u'sxnfitfully 'I type \urs H
mem hers
tint.:-aa•t-rf':-(}nndry. of-Golerle•h: Dt-
lit took place in Mount View ,
The death of Thomas Morrow, a
former resident of this district, a 111
brother of Mr. W. J. Morrow, Water-,
1041 street. Guderich. occurred lit Kil-
latney, Mau:.. May ilnla. Laren:elf ‚Ii -
a and at tIle time' of
Gil,sitn. *B of inspector (:lh--suit 41-1--Est-s11tlarticuiars see or w to
the Bank -of -Montreal -stoat Feonrls.-ands- J. W. ARMSTRONG
Thorpe, of Neepawa _air. Crawford , Real Fatale
nos ii member of the I'resbyterinn '
clnrrclt auil for several '.curs its P. 0. Box 89.
From an Old and Esteemed Subscriber
flea*• find enclosed amount d...
Mr. Brown It As assisted by Rev. C. H.
FWcke•osxrti. a forayer pastor .of the
chin'.It, who was home from - the West
on holidays. I)ttring the service re-
fer•nee was made to the sterling worth
OM! irreproachtable charne-tcr of the
wjo_ ihaiLendured the hardsi ips
-Ms4-rsofpioneer life and hail
been ll—leder In on good things In the
community for go bong a period. -
Interment nap In the cemetery at
Zion church. where forty years ago h -Is
wife mem laid to rest. The remain,
were borne by ,ix neighbors, Ralph
11•-1 aus,W4llinm (ia[•tit
Donald M45'.n i►ngh McIntosh and.
George Swan.
The Sire—Luke Allan.
'The %Basing Chancellor—J. S.
The Row forest ['lot—A. R. Weekes.
The N. -w• 'Fr,nt Line—Hubert
Victor; Joseph Cot:rad.
The 1;»••otte—Joseph Conrad.
Typheen--Joseph ('onrad.
Roma..e-Joseph Conrad.
The \ Mitres --44, F. 'Merriman.
Clair.-.tin-blei Headlt Tairknti tri.
A 'il�a.t 2ian�licep--Ann Denman.
Ki AVatwick Duping. .
i'('otnes for the Archbishop—
WI ,!other.
from the MLadding Crowd—
Th hardy.
Mayor of (':asterbridge—Thos.
14..s Tittle Ironies—Thos. Hardy.
Girl In While Armour—A. B.
• Problems of Philosophy ---J. G.
sRe Life est Jemmy i,tttit—liras. Ray-
11aee Maude.
Obbcrt 'Louis Stevenson -10. K.
?tingle days—'Wm. Beebe.
' TheBong of the Prairie Land—
'ilson McDonald.
Rhrubs--F. E. Rorkw•ell. ,
Sunshine and Itcslth—R. C. Mac-
; fir.
Everyday Electricity—J. R. iimh.
How to Enjoy rieturm--J. bittle-
Annals of Niagara—Wm. )(Irby.
A Canadian Art Movement B.
0Mba of the year --Molly Bevan.
Household ('arpentry—i,. H. Resell.
The Design of small Properties --
R. Rnttomley.
Moms go of the (Niarilltm— W.
I Mackenzie King.
last ttrirtynine years, 14a1e1u44114g
store there --for a time. Iliac wife.
formerly Emily M. Johnston, pr•de
.'cased him about eighteen years. Mr
It. M. Elliott of town, who was ii
Manitoba at the time. visited Mr. Mor
row _shortly la•f,•rc_hie death _and_ ale.
rrttetnlee} the imieral service. Writiu;;
Mr. W. J. M,Irrow• here, Mr. Elliott
"On Monthly afternoon. May 21st, 1
attended his funeral service held in
the United church, Killarney. There
was a large gathering of friends at i
took hast.- lisv�,kor
ester, an old retired Methodist min-
ister, gave the address, speaking troll
the words, 'I um now ready'.' Ile
suid he had been a friend of the fain -
for twenty years and it was stlrel)
beautiful the way' lie referred to the
Christian character of the dtce,R'd.
Rev. Mr. awoke, Ids present pastor,
spoke briefly and mentioned a card he
livid on which was We MOW. Thomas
Morrow, and Bev. Philp, which was
signal sixty-two years ago in Huron
county, The card referred to was his
first •churcli membership card -on trial,
and you may remember the time. Rev.
Anderson from the other United church
opened the service by reading, 'God is
our refuge and our strength,' and,
gave the opening prayer. Dr. Cooke
read from the gist P>atltu -and-- also
from the fourteenth chapter of St
John. The hymns were from the Me
thodist hymn book and were 671 and
She Dlde't Need One
Radios were his line, so much down
ug so much a week. As lie knocked
at the dour of a certain house he re-
membered that he had been there be-
fore and received a curt dlsmlawtl.
This time•, however, it was different.
"Oh, it's you. is it?" said the hou.se•-
wife h)nlfatly. "Come in, won't
Two naintte+'t• hither he found him-
self In a room with five children, bowl-
ing and squabbling and creating a ter-
rible tweket. The woman hind locked
the door and gone off to do her tamp
After an hour bed pes& she re-
"Now," she said sweetly. -if you
still think that I need a radio in this
house. i am ready to ihelen to you."
Without a trod the PA
reached for him hat and quietly lett the
That artist who soya there is no
beauty in straight lines never ha.
seen a whits sphere describing one
just over second base --Hartford
iNI). I. A. HUNT,
recently re-elected President of the
1k,tterlch }levator and Truisit (b.
Mr. limit has been President of this
welltRfAlllsite,! Company since Its in-
ception in 151St.
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Fstabl,ahed 1559
!lead Off.
waterI,o, (inlanea
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Street. Phone 250
Godarich, Ontario.
(:oderkl4, Ont
Geo. Williams
I)ealtr In
Mt'Ni('IP,tl. ANI) CORPO-
Fire, accident, Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, next to Hank of Commerce
1'I • 53 (iuilerichu
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
ofT,•rs ninny attractive forms
of policies. Consult us
regarding these. '
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
Gold Mine
at 30c a share.
Several good houses
for sale.
Car, LifeandFire
W. J. Powell
Phone 292 I' O. Ilt,x 438
Stocks Bonds Grain
Market quotations supplied for any linter! .trek. Orders
promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and ties York Stock
Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg Grain Exchanges.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Bldg. GODERICH, ONTSGFOR. PTte sea : 430 and 44S
Private air,. connections with all leading mock and grain etehmngt'o