HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-14, Page 2mar S s-Tht14r(My. Juste 14. 1t1Cd, Suomi ESTABLISHICIB 184 GODERICH • • CANADA Member -of Canadian Weekly News- : papers Aasodation Published every 'Thursday meriting. $'ubacripllon price 112.0 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO:'.LTD. Telephslte 33 • , (ioderieh, Ont. W. II. Robertson, Editor and Mauager Thursday, ,lune 14, 192'4. EDITORIAL NOTES Lovely June • •• • "Every prospect pleases." • • • Isn't this the weather you wanted? • • • t The uewtrprlut makers are said to be at Mar. We will believe it when the price (ernes down. . • • • aiiou, while at the sae Rule the 1111 theist deist is b.inng yitilistatillaIly- r• fined. During !Le latter pan .444•14141 1111,1:11..1, 11114 t04.lU'Mt'1 Win prir:to leillet. tw1411•11 were ' eu" ley 111,111'.4•61 0.114l('1 to the I , it: ' of tit o. :Measures. lttdh 1 i THE SIGNAL, TheWeek at Ottawa 11y it .1. Uet1141 111an 14r1i114. Mini-t(r81.1 the kruhlr of the; eupjasirl.ol veli.`-.r+l 111 wal1lsfartUrll, `1:iawa, .1 low I. The 1'prlimu.w 11 4, the rises w1:L.'11 1111,11' of such .,•,, o: j• uo,r its close. The xo,,11 1.resettings. Tia•' 14111s in question mat ..'•r the tint, Kori Ix a'i t. the letter r ll ill have ulerle,j ,cion?, but a good bill n pre fur IIIl cosies root. '1'eulp•rs arc '4.4111 11' b1.elsd as readily ss a I.: i 1e'tting sharp and snapp. M14:111111y1""1111 u_ ole. Thy. eletor. Lace a right to .temdlly iU tote :t114:11:134.11'14' olher 4.,ou know how thele reppvarntattve's lin+ tolkiug a, persistently :Is members or 114) on Int'asuri•s %%Well are lntrdliee t I'11rllaw•-ut W!k get thoroughly tire) of ,• 1111,41441. '44:4 ar11fu t ,':t ,t:4 toe' in Parliament. 1.411 the talking ,11m 'pro; i ""1"1-"1erose 011.40s the members no tier...rtn- geul•r.'.14 of spirit. Men he -1 voi a Irrilalde. The only remedy Is to turrejliew 4.111 to the pasture. Itovkllg uitc of recording their opinlou44 atoll a-a(tufug responMbility for thein, around the °{sell fields for it little ----- - whlie i4. 411,,. fresh spring yrass will re. Checking Up an George ore their g,e„lIltek1111/ heart. The 1 hi itowel Banner) bine will ,..4.u• ellen they will lung When the (louse of Commons passed once more for Uttaw•a. 111111 come back be aet increasing the pay of rural post- to the old team eith the Haute glad- nm..ter,, Geiorge .j•.tten. member for -I,so.' of spirit whleli now marks 1lwlr North Hurons hastened to inform the anxiety to get away from It. p.,rtniastera in his riding of the geed . • • • • • news, Amon:t the letters went out was The committee 4.0 ngrk•ulUlre and °4.e addressed to the Iastnulster at ro:oniration has made Its report. M:I'4wortly. "t:,•orts., Jn xplte of all There is nothing very wild and ex - election eawllaignIag, Ix not eating about it. Many tine old gentle - familiar with 1114 riding for the pent- men of marked pomposity of manner, °thee at Nloleswerth has been closed some wealth ■4.d muck .rtutidente Ii, for at east ten years. their own powers have told their story. The committee Las ., 4itatel upon these remarks stud hear turwu- Litt .1 a report. o document. of :ipproxt- u,ately four thousand wrds, giving suggestions of th1ttga that are thought Wdae for the ._-lteolli ttki 01 iu1uhigra- jtion to the lsnmtUton of Canada. The r41nww,•ud:ul.us cover a num- ber of things. .ttu.ug there might be listed the following: 1. Improvement In overseas indi- 'eal inspection st•rvice so as not to of- -fool -the sensttivItl'. of British 1110m1- gratts who alight heel offended if they were inspected Ly ritnedieit d..•terli, 2 Extension by the Canadian Gov- erutnent of asalstance. to Canadian youth who ehealte to go into farming as a business. 3. Conferences with the steamship ,vmpaniea to induce them to soften their hearts in regard to steamship rates. 4. , Extended effort to bring out Iroy imwlgruuts trent fourteen to nineteen. years of age and domestic servants. • 3. 'Further e•xtenslon of assisted pw4snee privileges to •familles of Im- • migrant, frntu Great Britain. 41. The suggestion that railways Always the stall must grow: • shonl,t provide home -seeker.'' exctr- sloes similar to those in vogue before 1t can hardly he denied that a new grandstand is badly meths' at the Agricultural Hoek. The old one has been a 1114wraee for many years. • • • Public ownership of telephones may emerge as an issue In national tstlltics If Parliament falls to protect the pills lie Interest, under private ownership •. .• • From recent articles in The 'h,ron: Star And The Toronto Globe, we W0ulu judge that the managers of these pub 'Mations do not sleep together atghta • • • When Parliamentary bills can 0, "balked out" by a few members in the Howes of Commons, there seems to be no, need of the Senate as a "cheek on legislation." • • • The Chinese Nat ona11144 have taken TIE RHYMING OPTIMIST By Aline Michaello . (:run th Nes. you atv you, and l 11111 1, Ilr so the thoughtless say; (tut white -the rhnnging sen.pne tly- 11'e. Its,, change. day by day. \1‘ self today. is 41.44 the tutus .1s that of other years; old loves and hopes 4.,1 longer name, old faiths are gene, old fears. Yet strangely. through this restless !de Pekin. Will this moon the emergence 4)f hungers and desires. of a real national elovernulent, or 0111' Alf 11ungtugs alt In4ati4ftd, e►uc goal the spirit tin's, the ('i:inese kalMdo4copi'merely take ` another perplexing turn? 11:11 faiths may fall. old raptures fade • • Itul though we let them go, The Repubiir•an convention at Rim- t'hniugh r•r•nsi'trr changes, nnrtia saw City was Informed by the "key mnye . note" speaker that President Coolidge was the greatest personal and pollti- eal force in the worid today. It may be so; but there are a lot of people who, elon't know It. • • • NEW STRENGTH FOR the war.yi WEAK STOMACHS The last is a very wise suggestion. Any movement which tends to increase the interchange of people between John R. Bone. managing editor of i Prdvine and Province serves au PI - The Toronto Star, whose sudden death Indigestion Disappears When the (*Ileus purpose- It may be that there Taut week Is much regretted by these Blood is Enriched are people living in Manitoba and Saskatelwwan who would be inter- ested 1{e the Idea of fruk-grlwlug 1n the 4'itovince of Ontario. There are _agricultural opportunities In the Mari- time Provinces, neglected because peo- ple pass by the chanes of their own door and strike away for the distant hills which are always strewn with the verdure of hope. Think what a cheerful influence It would be If some of the wilder constituencies of Western Canada were to be Invaded by Con- servative minds such as grow up na- turally In Weet York or the city of Brantford. or If some of the flaming roiliest. from the constituency of "Ted" Garland. "Ed." Young or Gor- Ross should come down into the city of Toronto and bring their level- ling influence to tear on the mass of voters who po out on -polling day in a spirit of sublime resignation and In happy disregard for the realities of life vote for "Tommy" Church. There are nation -building poselblllti's in the suggestion. There 1s more In the idea than appears on the frivolous surface of things. who knew him, was a Huron lay. having been horn, In the year 1S77, on Dla father's farm In East Wawanosh near Relgrrve. ile went r' The Star In iumlft. after graduation a1 the 1TnI- versify of Toronto. and had been with that paper over Flints.. Ilia llfc is an }iluatratlon of the fact that oo news- paper man may do a great Ileal of use' - Int. even brilliant, work- and yet be- enm4' little known to the Public- • • • A public competition has been held at Wlarton to decide upon a name for the perk at the bay town, and from meaty -seven sngeratons "Blue We ter Reach" was adopted by the commit -- tee of judges. It is a good name. all right. and an Wlarton 1s quite a dis- tance from Goderlch it may not dis- appoint the people • up that way to kern that there 1s already a 'Blur Water Beach on the Blue Water lllgh- The most urgent nest of 111 who suf. fer from any form of Indigestion is t _{once -to -a li the-Llood--- distress after ,Ming is the way Hie stomach *bows that 1t Is too weak tel perform - 41he work of Aigiewting the food It takes. New strength is given to weak stomachs by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because they purify and En- rich the blood. This accounts for the speedy relief in stomach dHaorders that follows the use of this medicine. The value of this medicine In cases of Indlgeetlon 1s shown by the ease of Mrs. George W. Johnson. Lequllle, N.S., who nays:- e'l bare no hesita- tion In recommending Dr. IVlnlams' Pink 1'1114, 1 wan greatly distressed with Indigestion. Always after eat- fng- i-enfferett-?rum paler in the stom- ach and other dlstre "Ing symptoms. I tried different reme..o•s. but without getting relief. I W1U4 advised by a friend to try I)r. Williams' ('Ink Pilaw, which I readily did, and I am feeling very grateful ever aline to the person who gave me the adriee. The 1017 way, the reenrt e,tabltshed for some first box hell.e.1 me and before '1 had taken a half dozen boxes 1_wN_ter genre theetorr mAN-6ek►w Y:,od,�rdrk - baying been esteoslvely advertlwd by atoned to my former good health and aII frac.'.' of' this filigreeing trouble disappeared. it Is now about a year since i book the pills, and I have not The county council of Huron will been troubled with hidigeation since. feel that its action In declining -for I have taken .eery oeraslon to recom- mend present, at least -4o make a :°xmrt'D)r. h flllsrnw' ('Ink Fills to throe In' MKT a nietlkone &ha MIM( con- tinue to 110 so." .% little booklet. "What to Fact and 11ow to FAL" will he sent fir to any- orw asking for it. Yon 4.9n get the that name. • • • towards the endowment fund of the University of Western Ontario has been endorsed by similar action which tuts been taken in scvernl other mun- GODERICH, ONT. Tilt: IIEAI.TH II TOKF:K Farm 1.lborer Ral.kl10) : "This is the cuff to give 'em The British Illov.rt,u4•it's Agricultural Credits 1:111 bus just leen lntreshoed. It" will pe,ii,i• the farmer with long term ,•r,•dits to buy hes freeholds, nen with st.ort credits for working capital. \,•w, 4.f the World. look. Someone remarked ot:e time that it would be almost impteib:e for any person ,ictually to be as ho11'Xt as ('harlle Stew'urt lo,iked. .11111 t.e this the fact that he, 11114 a .,lulewhllt In- fectious laugh and 'the capacity for Infinite good nature. The msuft is that he gets along pretty well in the House and seldom ,nvaken4i Ili any- body, friend or foe, the ardetrt desire to go otttsuut.alay..him b•fere break - fest. else after the other. he anolys.d the M.t'lymom charges. 'He apswered them. Of (ours• he didn't en/"'r them all, be•aure life i4 too s: ort and auanering all the things .•f Mr. alt- ` ('lym,nt would extend 41M -e un - lint when he w'a4 ti.eoulfh nu nue took air. M.t'Iyluunt very serlupsly I and It may be epelily glle'xth.'1w1 whe- ther anybody ever took hint at more i than' fifteen tier eenL of the assaulted value he put 4.0 himself. There was a more airy exchange of pl. Awtntrh's between Mr. Ste -wart and Mr. llenuett. Ik'un41t sugge:ted that all supplies for Itanff 1'a0: were provided by friends' of the Government. Stewart retorted that o4e of the lar^,. -t ,-.,utr:..tors, w+ for a9 /Upplhes wen- eoneen,ed, was, the firm of 4'. Morns h (41i1:puy of Calgary. A,. air. Bennett Las been 4amewhat closely ass,s•iated with this firm. it armed to carry the suogestien that not ,•t'er;ything in sight wall 1011- t lea l p4ttn.n.ge! _ in A disell-cion of this kind. the Op- position always becomes ex41wlingly virtuous. Virtue is as natural to an 1►pposltion as rte, to a Covrrnment. This happens regardle•ia of the party 111 power. An elppasltion just keeps on getting !.'Mer and better. until tt enters Into the pearly gates ..f Gov- ernment, then it starts 'on its down- ward (sours•. Mr. Neill of Alberni, a gentleman who always bottle' four aces In his hand proved this the other night._ Mr- Bennett had just shown how much he deplor4tl patronage when Mr. Neill read a letter shoring that a tender for ten cord; ..f wood during the brief reign e.f Mr. Melghen ova■ held up for worn.• time. until the friends of that Government had a ehance to tender, M that this ripe plum of pat- ronage might drop on the right side of the party fence! TRAVEL B] CANADA'S FAMOUS TRAIN Wending its way from coast to coast the creek train of the Canadian Pacl- sC•nada ," neer 4.4 eke luxe trains in the Loma has now enterers on its tenth summer echedule. This Doled "Ryer" which leaves from both Toronto and Montreal for the run to Vancouver and from the industrial capital of British Colum- bia to the two great eastern cities, cuts off no test than twelve hours from the ordinary train time between Toronto and the Pachle Coast. TM! 4umm,•r the Trans -Canada will make 140 trips each way; thus running up to September 29 inclunlve. It is composed entirely of compxrr ment and .Ieeping cars with the ex- ception that a parlor car Is ataehei to the train for the run between Otte - WR and Montreal and vise versa. Ity a ,careful arrangement of times the Journey through the magnificent none try of the Caie.tian Rockies is made }"or some time there has appeared in the Ottawa paper. a merles of ad- vertisements written by a Mr. Mc- ('lymont. This gentleman was at one time an employee of the Department of Interior. Be 1s not now so em- ployed. It seems that be has a strong desire to become once more a etvtl sedvant. These advertlietnpnts of his were directed to the assertion that if he were brought hack once more into the fold and given a free hand he could bring alert the most natounding and extraordinary reforms. Ile was goingto save, approximately, n hundred million dollars. He was going to do many otter wonderful things• but back of It all, through every adyertietom•nt, there gleeeme d SIc('Iym••nt wanted he wanted It bark Gardening Hints \.n. 11a�1 Ileo genion Is up and _1•,win4 our mutt mobilize sprayers and 1(p11. ill; material to tight the i_ of Li:sects aud_uther pests which tore'y on flowers 111111 vegetables., Roughly sps,king. these pests are di -I vidwl Hite two groups. those that rat bele. In 1he,-fdiage, anti those that 1 ' sack out the juice:. In the tir-t ca Re. poison. 14 applied, Willie the "-ueker-.'• the 4111 1114444, (rout whIch 14 apparent by the plants willing ,.nd dyeing. are de- stroyed with it spray which will hunt them. Fur Eating Insects For etitiug inv.'s spray with pari- gren. arw•mic of lea.(, hellebore. ,.r sortie ' patent 44•!-.•11141144 prep,arnHon. Paris green i.: usually applied at, the rate of 1 ..z. dlssolvei In ten gullets of water. k -- la -welt to-s,kl a cougar or ounces ,.f. freshly slake.! lithe to make this wi'rllre stick and too prevent burning. Arsenate of lead l4. powder- ed furca is .x414.11411 at the ra•ee of 1 Peen fit '.4. 44. a full gallon of watt r, - As heltets.re rapidly weakens when els'- - posal to the air, a fresh supply of this poison must lot• secured every year and amino' at the rate of 1 or.. to a gnu .4111 of warm water. It may be dust•.! ••n dry. whet. the folktge is damp. 4'nt worms which eat through the see -41,4 of plants elude to the surface of the soli rwpulre spee•lal treatment. These grubs are at4.ut three-quarters of an inch long, gray 1n color and about'ones- thlyd inch in -dlame•ter. If the tomato or other plant withers and toprplrs over, cult Warms are generally reepon- .ibie. ('ultirate thoroughly and spread QUALITY is apparent in the longer, lower, more beautiful bodies of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet . quality such as only Fis, craftsmanship and Fisher steel -and -hardwood 'unction can impart. And that same impressive standard of quality es- tends rolet clear throughdowwto everythe iast detail fger and t its design Chev- rolet and construction It is Chevrolet's insistence upon quality that pro- vides the smooth, effortless power of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet engine . . . that gives you such a swift, Clashing getaway when you step on on the gas . . . that assures you such safety you apply the non-locking four-wheel brakes . • that gives you so much real motoring pleasure for so many thousands of miles. It is quality that makes the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet the world's most luxurious low-priced car quality that makes it the world's most outstanding value 4.t the low-priced held. Accept no verdict but your own. Weigh no evi- dence but that of Chevrolet's own performance. Judge Chevrolet quality for yourself . . . by taking a drive today. cos -t-7 ac The Gil 4C . . C•e.erd Moe.f owe drlen.d ►ay,...1 M•• .Deets she woes ra..eeesi eel 1 a. N. rl '•arwf 7•••r 1 NEW LOWER PRICES ra•o-eo - 162100 loop i Sadao _ - Ro.d..er - Ttwn.v •471.0• (sm.erw.. _ _ - X70.00 __. _ (Annie - - 740.00 Commercial Chinon • . . ' 671.00 • Coach • • 71040 a.. T. Dem.err • , 6)1.00 &AM • . 111.00 T. Troth Cheri* - • a..rwe nae... • • • - 0610 00 424 r••4., tl read.", Oshawa Gww•ams T4aa, assale+ anal Stan Tv. ama MacEwan & Tebbutt GODERICH, ONTARIO OLET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OP CANADA, IIMrl� a little poisoned bran around the plants. Mix one quart of bran with Fashion Fancies one teaspwnful of puns green. add oto. tablespoonful of molasses, with enough water to moisten the bran ('aper ...liars around the stems of to- mato and similar plants w114 also pro- tect from theme testa. Far Suiting Posta For stx-king pests, chief of which are the aphids, or plant Hee. spray with whale oil snap. one pound of swap to six gallons of water; nicotine saI- idlate of "Black Leaf 40" or any either repellent advlswl hy a edemen. Cold _14-t-rttet Iron, a fine nozzle _high Dominion I presn:re will w,netime( wash off the pests. Amita iHaeasew When a fnnitu. attacks the plants, the foliage usually turns yellow or brown. or white 'Tot. like mildew cover the leaves. Panful examination Will usually reveal the pristemee of tiny spores on the .under aide of leaves. Attacks of -MO kind may he expected during warm, murky wea- ther. Spraying with Mortifying mix- ture. or floating with flowersof anl- phnr. when the plants are motet. will usnally ba- found effective. Sulphur dust will alert profeet h•dlyhw•ks and other plants from rest. Apply wtth * large 4haiter mask• of a tin can plcreed with hotel'. ,:Adding a dry poison 1(11(1, as arsenate of lead 4.r lotion's) 11nstwill make the mixture effective ngalnst futons and Inaw•t pests ex well, Dills from any mwlleln, dealer or in daylight, thus ensuring to the tis. Elgin. dnmhdm and allddlescx 1 7 W traveller tLe Irrtelnty of a perfect ' ides priceless 4ceni( mall at air A Tax fro m The Dr il- Bounty errnnells, *1I meeting -lest 'lams' MwJletne 1'° 11n.,l,,1 a 7)nf t•1.'w--of - Cnn week. derided• against taking eon- - .----- ---- arena. trfbuti°11x. The ,.runty of Middlr PROGRESSIVES TO REMAINall travel pre ser, it was stated in the teeomtnendl• IN THE POLITICAL Timm fnrnlsllwi hy ticket agent, 4100 adopted by the .aunty mnncll, has. - alrendy given 3100.000 to the 1 nluer• Annual Meeting Held at Winglike% Pa olty. and any further contribution is Boykin • Withheld until the other munllr44 }Cingbam, ,Tune ••Uefinite d.risiuu retualn in the 1,4011lea I tlrll scam grant some assistance. reached a1 a Meeting of the North 1111- • • • sou I'rog11'4AI e• Association. held in • this alta• lion. John S. Ma rt h:, all: lster ,1r enc touncu cnam41er nen Sb e w 1 1 Bricker 1 s the £gmhr iiltttt-fr 4 ohtwrrlw, --s- give-testi-, mony to the .alto of full fairs. I11 a 4'no 41'44$ive candidate In the bye4'lr-' tion Inst 441.1.14.111ber whoa George 144.1 - recent speech he Mid: - ton, Ponse•rvrtive .I.P. for North Mt - "A gtssl ninny people do not realize re u, i1 u. elected. was our 4.f the spsaak- bow valuable fairs ire. I myst'lt hare; yrs ,luring the afternoon. Then, was been rl product of the fairs. 1 lulu! to three -cornered eenl'st 8t. the Ow - been 4'111lbit11112 at thepl f.,r the past 1i,v1. al r. Bricker 100k part in the twenty-fire-y..ers 1111.1 1 4,44.4• not 4114' ,ii.eussion 115 10 41bether the PNern's- slightest hesll:,llon in saying that the sives •'11nn1.I remain n iolitical f• vee fairs hate made 111 and bel 111.11 nm to in the tilling. toper speakers were! whatever 1.11"1 7r 1 hay 8011i114el: At Mrs.' to. O. :4n,.-rsat. Mrs. tle,rge one fair I 1,nve tern rthlbitin¢ for L:ul noel G,1r,1on Lamb. twctlty-taw y,wr4,- 4410 -laic.. been •1- 1'144• emcees of the •1)•o.lallon were ehanlpdou 111 my r!nw.' dmrllg 4114' 4.11,114' eluted ns f,11411ts; 11 -. .r•:r} pr silent. of that period. I think. th•1t mlcllt , %Villiant Rtithe•rtor.! - pr'+bl4'nt. Rod perhaps-hse world's .,. ord.." y , 14dlli+tm J. - Irfr. Stettin fnrher remarked that Ilendersnnt 'c'end dcopresident. "them is no 1.111-rnlclinn: r,•r brine Mrs.$,Tr.1e; .e.•retary tnmsur7R. F. .1. l'urMe; auditors. 4,' b )lam' \', icht- fng the (*.wintry and I•11 p..1ph• to 1111111 1111,1 1u'ilfrd 1:, itei.4. grthrr than fall fair-. It' brings, i'.. ip l"pr•scufatll•es. .11(hfe11, thein together. and It focus and re- T. :\ e.,merou aid )urs. (l.org,• lane: nwnts friendships. and the results c'oo'l.. rise, Thome. Winton and Mrs. .1. from the wtanlpelnt of community "•;•-1 ;.1 lin • West 1Valcatiosh. lohu spirit are altogether walnlnry.•, tl 1"e'"- net Mrs. William ltuth•-r- • • • • , lord: Ina,: Wit W11aos►o• Sam Morton and Mrs O. 13. .1nders ; Tuntlerry, 1OU , 10 14:1 thisone,'ear eat l- ltds- job bark 811,1 right away. Now. all these ch most were aired other ,My. 'pile We(tart• 1141 111:e1 1.ey.1l1'1I. $l408r't open 4,0U111 11111 l'arltament hos prorogued nml the events of the session are reins; re- vlewe4l. So foot as the ordinary citl- s4•n Is ,oneerne), the moo 1.01'1 1101 feature of the wed°n was Mr. RobNs hlwlget The 1•inenc' Minister eats, more ,nnonn'r1I n redisetlon of tax•( ()ee,rge Sperling. 1: leen Crideksbmnks and Mr.. Jo`epb llrc'kenrl.f0e: Morels, A, 1'nw-t„r and Mr4 11'I11iam J. llenderson; Grtl. ' William Turnbull; Howl.'k, S. 1'opmt, I es M,•tlwaln ; 5)1(1 arge•s of Mr. Mc(ly- in the ilouse the 11. l ombtc Charles tif the Department. im a man with 1111 :end ma very frank rtl•ulars 0.11 be gladly any Canadian I'neltk: :angry Motorist: ^Some fit , .n pcIioFtrinns walk alo11g just a. "stied elle' .(rpt`" 404(4. Ih'r:e•strilu� : "1'e-.., 11,11.4., '....•4 you motori-ds drile orotmd just :1'• if' yon lw-Ieel the ,111•.,, Brevity A cub reporter. fnepueitly reprl- mandell for pedixity And warned to he brief,. turned in the following: "A .'h..•king nffnlr occurred last night. Sir Edward plow -less, it gnewt it La'4' 4 aulMore. bah. e•.mpdulel of feeling ill. took a hightslll, his hat, his mat. Ills departure. no /letiee of his -friend•, a taxi. 11 pistol from 11111 4..4(et. :11,1 41nally Ills life. Nur hsps ke_rel- 11491 .,I1 41,411." BRITAIN'S NEW SPEEi) KING TO .ATTEMIPT TO IA) f�liYht 1,h•uu•nnnl 44.tr'r .t Grel2. one of Great Britain's airmnen• Is William Pollock and Mrs. 11o)t. %Vight• 1 would s mjs•ed reseed shortly. Ile will 41.' n Snp•nnnrine Napier s:. mon • man : Brussels, F. ('ardlff and Mrs. I ante 4-'lt. 1•t, Klnkenrd, who was killed 44•ently- while endeavoring to rel \111111 ii a picture of Gn'Ig and the plane he will fly. K RECORD ,vert*ke an attempt on the id.c,• sdmllir to that used by the ha, the speed mord for 'Britain. ('harming 11e4O,elerw Frock N' a Idol Midvunrner's 1)ay Men's Store SMART WEAR HAND TAILORING Special Orders to your measure Chas. Black Phone 219 This summer you will not be trim, .'lderel demotic, If yen yield to tempGI- tlon and blossom forth'on a leery hot day in an utterly eleeveletsa gown. The eharmttlg frrk In the Illustra- tlwn shown you leer leatttifully- silo can ba• 114.11o. It Is of pale only crepe de chili•, finely plated. and smocked III e1„r.. 1f, however, yon, s11011!,1 be tlmIll spill and tear 14) snake your first ap- pearance without p.rotrrtion of PI nwe _;„tries. a short.. ar tlns•.toarter -mat ..f silk or thelia in n snatching odor wetild make a moat attractive en - nimble. • JUST NEXT IN/OR Ati (mean voyage seems it long w114. off 71/401l10e4, but here Joist next d,..r tie Canadian l',ieiIM (Great hakes 1 steamship service pn•ew•nts a two dn.,' inbroQ- toren %oyag4' across Hurotl', bloc waters through the lovely St. llnrg's Hever end ;may over the broad • .pans/• of Lake-Sugeri,rr. a stea'm- i",1at etllrees train from Toronto is tmr-tr-tlltnrr''tt'tp-'Tii ihe' prnmi wtiTte stile; the m.orings aro in go and away we start nn 11 4141111h/fill r•rul-, that eases fagged brains and wear. boll•-.'. There are ion s111111111:s a week daring the sntutner "n,ont114 from Port M,'Nloll and one from Owen Wound And the erne number of east- ward anilines from Fort William and Port Arthur. Few wenn 4','4141(•14 hive IM,re Inxtirlons oc'ommodallm,' than those provided on the S S. Keewatin and S.S. .\w4inilala, which ply the (treat 10kr4. nor the S.N. Mnnitoba, which 111111111 between Owen Sound and the Twin tithe, Tickets. parlor ear end hosts rmpr- ltttIon. from any Canadian P.eHk ticket agent. 2t Country trade is now City trade Realize the immense change in conditions -in just a few years - that the telephone has helped bring about. The store in the smaller town now carries pretty much the same up-to-date styles as the big city store. Thanks to I,ong Distance, Manufacturers' or Whole- salers' warehouses are prac- tically at the storekeeper'. elbow. The time required to telephone an order by Long 1)i,tance is now only a few minutes; connections are now often made at once, without hanging up the receiver. And the coat of Long Dis- tance messages is *mall is often quite a little' less than 1. generally supposed. Call up our Manager and ask him the rate to pointy you are interested in,