HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-11-03, Page 18CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS
coached by Murray Hunter of the
history department, captured the
junior boys Huron-Perth champion-
ship held in St. Marys on October
20.' Next step is the Western
Ontario meet which the t
attend on Saturday.
They 'are, left to rigl
Passchier, Shane Purdo
Kinahan, Keith Metzge
Gamble,' Mr. Hunter, cos
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Parent Teacher
Parent-teacher consultation
night was held at the F. E. Madill
,Secondary School on. Monday,
October 25th. ,Over 250 parents
responded to the invitation; which
accompanied the progress report;
to visit the school and discuss
concerns with the subject teachers.
The evening was arranged by the
Guidance Services Department and
involved 35 student secretaries and
receptionists along with 12 student
guides: All teachers_ were 'in
attendance and many were "Book-
ed" solidly , with interviews. It is
hoped that this occasion will assist
in the improvement of the achieve-
ment and performance of students
- as well as strengthen communica-
tion and understanding between
home , and school.
Cross Country
On Wednesday, October 20 the
Haron-Perth, Cross Country champ-
ionship meet was held at' the ,
Wildwood Conservation area at St.
There were eleven schoels in this
conference. The teams from Madill
represented our school very well.
the midget and senior boys finished
fourth in their. respective divisions.
The senior girls finished third. The
junior boys from Madill enjoyed the
most success of the day with their
victory in the junior' race.
Congratulations team!
Madill Before
On the, inside cover of the 1970
yearbook of F. E. Madill stand a
young woman and a young man. It
is dusk and the sky is golden with
its richness.. The couple stand
erect, silhouetted against the
horizon as they gazed together into
the entrance of a school. It seems
as though they are standing on the
edge of time.
Courier '70 gave a report on the
Commencement of 1969. It was
held on December 5, 1969 and for
the first time it took place in the
double gym., Mr. F. E. Madill was
\ra guest speaker. ,The evening was.
summarized quite nicely. The
evening undoubtedly brought to '
mind many unforgettable memor-
ies of past acquaintances and
events at this school. I'm sure it
will be a similar feeling, that
circulates on November 12th, 1976
in the double gym for those that
The unforgettable Pete SnoW
was chosen as school leader.
"Everyone knows and likes• Pete.
Peter is one of the best athletes
ever to come from F. E. Madill," a
certain 'student had commented.
Barb Dauphin held the title of
School Queen. "Her winning
personality and ready smile won
her the title of Snow Queen of'
Wingham as well as School
Queen," commented a fellow
Mr. G. 0. Phillips, principal of F.
E. Madill stated in his address to
the students "1969-1970 was the
last year for the usual five year or•
four year couries,,S.T. and T., or
B. and C. branches. The next year,
hopefully, students would be
taking subjects of, interest to
themselves resulting in individual
time tables.'
When I' was flipping through the
pages of graduates I recognized
several faces: Some are home
economics teachers, some are
farmers, quite a few are'teachers of
some, sort. Most have married,
others have gone out west and one
former student I heard has been
shipped off to Africa. Few of them
had their future • down pat ,when
composing the grad comments.
There is still hope for us! We are
the undecided majority.
Pandora's Paint Box, Restricted
Movie House and Judo were .
• different extra-curricular activities
that. were held in 1970 at F. E.
Madill. •
Taking a 'look at sports ....there
was a tennis team consisting of
three -team members and two
coaches. The cross country teams-,
really out did • themselves. the
midget boys, senior boys and the
girls cross country teams came
home with Huron-Perth Champion-
ship trophies. The junior boys
cross country team' won Huron-
Perth and the WOSSA champion-
ship. Their coach was Mr. Young.
1970 was the year Mr. Dennis:
coached the gymnastics teams
along with the help of Miss
Houston. There was a Theatre
Hour Company presentation On.
December 1st of 1969. Spirit Week
was held October 20-24, 1969.
Plenty of spirit had been displayed
by the end of the week. The Molars
(teachers) challenged the Californ-
ia Cuties on February .14 of that
year. To supplement the Christ-
mas season a. Christmas party was
held on December 19 of 1969.
There were pie throwing contests,
a kissing booth, "kiss me, .Sc", and
a race similar to the ancient chariot'
races. • Mrs. Tiffin . was pulled
around in a little red wagon by
sortie of her students, racing in a
matter of life and death against her
opponents. Her title was "Terrible
Tiffin". She' was pulled through
the .corridors of F. E. Madill
wearing a hard helmet.
There are different aspects of
school life.' The. academic achieve-
ment 'is only one of a great many
Others. It is funny when looking
back to grade nine. I don't
'remember the tinier of turmoil but
rather the excitement I felt before
my first 'school :dance.' I can't
remember the first test I flunked,
but always remember the first
assignment I received from the
school Page. The time I had
writing and rewriting my article
until I felt I had, it polished! We
remember the.. good times we
enjoyed and usually not. the bad.
Students learn more from practical
trial and error situations than can
ever be learned from books.
Miss Hardie graduated from F.
E. Madill in 1970. Her favourite
saying was "Doesn't it make ydu
old?" Ask her about 1970. she has
an inside story that will never be
forgotten because she experienced
Town Members
Are Lazy
The big "trend" lately is to get,
involved' with participaction. But,
it is, not just a silly fad that will soon
,be forgotten. Take a good look at
yourself. Do you like what you see?
If not: get involveok. Do a little
participaction, it just )inay help you
live long enough to enjoy the next
big "trend".
. ,
Participaction! Are you 'doing'
Every morning 'dad' must go to'
work so he jumps into the car and
off' he ' goes. Whenever 'morn'
needs a missing ingredient or
hairspray or a pair of panty hose
she jumps into the car and takes off
to get them. Then, 'typical
teenager' runs out of paper or ink
or must take little brother or •sister
to buy a popsickle so he grabs the,
keys, jumps into the car and zooms
away. Eventually 'dog' has to be
exercised so someone jumps into
the car and lets the pet run behind.
These are typical examples of
this and many town's `unparticip-
acting' people: Surprisingly, city
dwellers are generally more active
than towns-folk. They consider
walking to catch a bus or subway a
minor part of their journey but we
complain,, if we have to walk
downtown which probably, isn't as
far. When they finally reach their
shopping spot they might walk
miles to find what they are looking
for. We hop out of our cars, run'
into each store, and hop back into
our car and 'move on until we get
what we want.'
Town eople are, complaining 0.4)
about a la k of parking space on the
main eet. If more of thee
complainers would use Man Power
to get their frail bodies to their
destinations we wouldn't have to
worry about parking space.
There are many means of
exercising Man Power. T1
and most common is the ti
walk.. No one should I
trouble with this method.
naturally, like eating..
even vary it for interest
skipping, hopping or dar
you are ambitious you can
your walk to a relaxing
thrilling sprint. Both of 1
'get you to your goal quite
Another excellent method
is the bicycle. A bike can
to most places with(
needing gas or too man
repairs. In the winter
cross-country ski 'to you,
,tion for a change.
There is no excuse for n
the participaction move]
will "make you feel bei
better and be a better p
Come on, all you' tow
Get 'participactlng' I
Friday, October 22
o'clock was the time of t
school dance of the.year.
of about 550 people dan
music of the band Tabl(
The band played a wide's
popular music, and wa
handle both slow and
with equal dexterity.
• The crowd seemed to
band immensely judging
spirited participation in
dancing, clapping and
listening. A total of abou
made' overall.
A special thanks is g
the teacher chaperones a
organizers who made
such a success.
And if you.had to miss
don't make the same mi
, If it's painful for you
your . friends, you're, saf
it; if you take the slighte
in it, that's the time to
11/1adill Mirror
Do not look back on you!'
happiness or dream of it in the
-future. You are only sure of today;
do not let,yourself be cheated out of