HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-14, Page 1ti June Weddings WEDDING STATIONERY in correct form can be had from THE SIGNAL at reasonable prices. Call and see samples • ionat Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchan- dising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The SIGNAL is unsurpassed. ( •ei t EttorI'I, F'titST YF)Alt Nit. 24. INSPECTOR TOM "CANED" BY COUNTY COUNCIL Testimusuial of Appreciation of His Long and Faithful Service Just before the county eoiwcil coir dudes( .its Jane session, Friday morn- ing Af `last week, Inspector Tom, who is retiring from the post which he has heli shoe Det6, was made the re- cipient of an expression of the cuun - PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Geo. Itue-hanan is home from London for the summer vacation. Dr. and Mrs. B. Young, of Toronto, are holidaying at their summer cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. J. It ('ox, of hordes. visited friends In this district last w eek. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haley visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fleming at Owen Sound recently. Mr. G. M. Elliott returned last week from his visit to the 'West and la con- siderably improved in health. Mrs. ]i. L. Freiburger, of Blair, (Int., was a vialtnr at the home of Mrs. J. McCracken the past week. Mr. Album Finn and Miss Yarbur, of Detroit, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Finn. Mrs. James Connolly was in Toronto last week and was present at the graduation of her grandson, James A. Wright. Mr. and Mr. Byron Wilson, meow - pilule! by Miss G. Ware and Mr. F. \Van'. are away to Michigan on a mo- toring trip. Mr. and Mr. Union •Rees, of St. Innis, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Rees, of Detroit. will spend the weekend with the Misses Wild. Ages kol est '\`tit derived last week from California and will remain for two or three months. We made the trip by automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Mahony and family. of SUme(ee, spent the week -end with Mrs. O'Maliony's mother, Mrs. Win. Young of Loyal. Mira Olive McNee, of Cleveland, is Saving a month's holldays and is visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNee. Mr. and Mrs. H. Amesbury and Miss Dorothy Hunt, of Rochester, N.Y., were visitors last w'e'ek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Cheer. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rutledge. of De- • J(11fN EIA.IN TIM, who is retiring from the position of lnsp eter of public schools for West Huron after over forty-two years of faithful tw•rvi a in that capacity. cies ap.pre•lati.0 of his long and use- ful nerviee to the came of education in this i..unty Al address was read by Reece still of Colborne, while Reeve tette spent several _days visiting in K1., r o ,nwntetip Mr. Tout with ■ hand- The steamer Saskatchewan arrived have With them ag.,,u Rio. Father I Mr. E. Douglas Brown, of Goderich, II 1Ilarriedin. Auburn and Gealericb,• re- ,Iris (Thursday) morning from Fort alortin, who has been absent for avel Was elected chairman of the Laymen's Finn visited reletRea at entre conte suitably enugracwl. The ed - dress was as follows: Mrs 1' i turning to Detroit on Tuesday. . Di- Wililem with a cargo sof Mete bushels, ttteeuths went eut la huspltpls nt,i Associethm; sled Mrs, F. lis !'cull, of Council Chambers, troll last wank. She returned to tone k' elf oats and 30.000 bushels of wheat for . Chatham and Detroit, where be under- Bayfield, and Mrs. Ii. B. ilulwes, of 1 (ho -...h elevator This was the went three serious operation•. All will Gerrie. were elected preeitb it and GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1928 The News of the Town Open Meeting of Women's Institute A special meeting of the Women's institute of Guderteh will be held in MacKay 'Hall ou Thur. day, June 2s. at 3 o'clock p.m., when Miss Emily Guest, Departmental speaker, will give au ad- dress on "Helping Boys and Girls to Find the Bight Lifework." A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend this meeting. Geaeridt Elevator and Transit Co. 'At a meeting of the directors of the Goderich Elevator & Transit On. Lim- ited, held in Toronto. the new no par value cowman stock was put ou an an- nual dividend basis of $1.40 per share; the first dividend to tie paid July 1st at the rate of 35 centa a share. Reports for the year received showed the business to be very satisfactory, and receipts from wain handling well above the average. Mr. Charles Bawl. Jr., of Toronto, was added to the board of directors. Dominion Day Features In addition t • the big international baseball game. I eters v. Itiseioue, a feature of the Dominion Day celebra- tion in Goderich wilt be the tug-of-war the enamel tournament of Sketch dou- and Miss Margaret Wilson and Major's competlUon for the cup donated last hkeS at Kincardine last Thursday : F. six -piece or'hestra rendered several year by the Huron Old Boys' Aeae,cia- iluut. E. Cowan, J. Cott, W. .1.' selections in guild . style. On Friday don of Toronto and at present held by Powell. J. MacVlcar and T. Pritchard. evening the play will be presented in the Asbfe:(I team which won in the They did nut sin any of the prizes. !, the Memorial Ilall at Blyth. ('enteunial Week pull. Any muted - polity it the county may enter a team' Has Had Three Operations in this • ••mpetition. which will be on The following from The ltldgetowa the afto: toxon program at Agricultural leduiuion with reference to stet. W. Park. , T. Moran, formerly of SI. Augustine, Fur the evening it has been decided will he of interest to many readers of to hate a carnival on the Square. and The Signal, who will Join in the hope it is hoped that many from outside the that the reverend gentleman may be town, as well as townspeople, will I completely restored to his f.,rmer vig- tatee pert in this event. . p= _ `orou- health: -Not only/ his parishioners but his Harbor Notes ' many friends in t wn are pleased to 1 I ,, Oitlsss At a recent meeting of Huron Lodge, No. 62, I.O.O.F., the following officers were re-flected for the ensuing six mouths: N.G., Frank Dunn; V.G., it. Johnston.; eel...Niue secretary. C. A. lb id; financial secretary, Jas. C. Car- ri,•; treasurer, Weds Abel. Events at Blue Water Golf Course There was a large crowd present at A Closer ,fi iolinid the grounds of the Blue Water Golf Mrs. B. E. Wilson, Cameron street, and Country Club on 1Vedueeday after - has just received word that her son, noun, when part of the postponed Harland 11. Lodge, aged seventeen, King's, Birthday program was carried wen the silver cup with his violin at out. The winners in the various the recent musical festival at St. events were: Mixed two -ball foursome, 'Phomas. Among his .'•.tupetltora were I let Mrs. Kuyvet Nutlet and Mr. A. J. a music teacher and the prize pupil/of MacKay, 2nd Mrs. W. 5. Saunders and Professor Gordon of St. Thoma Dr. A. H. Macklin; driving coronet'. lion, let Mr. H. C. Young, 2nd Mr. Lawn Howling Notes iii ('has. Naft -l. In the lawn bowline tuuruament on Monday evening A. J. Goldthorpe and Play Is Still Popular A. I. Maxwell won first prize and W. The Arthur Circle players presented C. Pridham and A. Murdock second their play "Are You a Meaner' In the lrrGce. parish hall, Dungannon, on Tuesday The prize -winners In the tournament eveuiug under the auspices( of the on Wednesday afternoon r were: 1st.! Dungauhon •Presbyterian church. Fred Hunt and li. R. Hall; 2nd. Jus.1 There was a fair audience and the Swatlield and A. L. MaxwelL I play was well received. Vocal solos Several local bowlers took part in were given by Mrs. W. I'. Saunders Their Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. William Jewell enter- tained at a family dinner at their I home lu Colborne townattlp on Sunday t last in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. 'rilE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. OBITUARY MRS. W. E. TWi•JEDIE The death of Ethel May DeLoog, wife of Win. E. Tweeter, occurred on Saturday last at Detroit, where she had lived the last two years. Deceased, who was in her forty-fourth year. was born at Port Albert and lived in Guderic•!' for a short time before go - ,Ing to Toronto, where she was married to her now bereft husband, also a former resident of Goderich. They continued to reside at Toronto until their removal to Detroit two years ago. li elides her husbaud, deceased leaves four children, two boys and two girls. The body wee brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. Richard Lk•Long, St. 1lsvid's street, town, whence the funeral took place yester- day to Maitland cemetery. Rev. J. N. II. Mills, rector of St. George's church, cvendueted the funeral services, and the palteterers were Messrs. Harold laver. ('has. Walters, Robert Foley, John Currell, Edward Carrell and I ph. Tweedie. Among those present from a diatuuce, besides the hgaband. were John arab Clifford (`carrell, Mrs. ('has. Statism slid Mr. and Mrs. Chas.'Nieholweu and family, all of De- troit ; Eph. Tweedie, of Columbus, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDoi(ald, of fort Huron; Mrs. Knoll, of Ham- ilton, and Mrs. Sodawater, of London. Deanery of Huron The semi-annual meeting of the Deanery of Huron was held in St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, on Tuesday, with 200 delegates In attendance. Ad- dresses were given by Cyril Jervis. chairman of the Laymen's Association of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex: Rev-. W. H. Townsend. of Barrie; J. Rogers. of the Church Army Cru- saders. and ('Snot. It. J. M. Perkins. Goderich, Ont., June 8, 19:to. Mr. J. E. Tom, inspector public Schools, West Hu- nte. 15*MilW,in. (loderieb, Ont., Dear Sir, -We. the members of the Huron county council in seseou as- sembled: received with surprise and fooling of regret your resignation which eras read to us oh this occasion. Having known you as inspector dur- ing the time of many of uur school; days, we always looked forward to your ililta with considerable pride and pleasure, and, while at that time we were not familiar with the great amid important task with which you were confronted, we have during our later years become quite well acquainted with time responsibilities. of your other and fully realise that your work has been a power for good in the assist- ance you breve rendered in furthering eeche•ati,.n end morality in the county in general and your inspectorate in particular. 'We have also noted that your dis- trict has been exerpluually well blessed with teachers of a high calibre; this can quite properly be amounted for by the assistance rendered by you to the trustees in the selection of the teachers and your later Influence upon them in your official capacity. rendered appreciated per- OcularTimelyOurenjoy become J. Warden.HUGH had hadfrom oh the steamer Greyhound and was anompained by her son. M . Joe Finn. Mrs. T. Anderson took lb -the Grey - bound excursion to Detroit. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gatemen, at Wyan- dotte. and returned by motor on eat - belay. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. King. of Detroit. were visitors last week s the home of the latter's doter, Mrs. A. Davidson, Colborne street, having come up on the Greyhound. Mr. and Mrs. 'F. Woollcombe were at leronto last Reck and atten convocation of the University of Tor- onto, at which their daughter. Miss Wlnnifrcd Doris Wogll•ttmbe, received her B.A. degree. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson and Mrs. M. N. McDonald and little Phyllis wen/ to Ietroit on the Greyhound ex- cursion last week and visited Mr. and Mrs. Henderson's daughter, Mrs. L. Van Hoten. They report a very plea- SiiTiT trip. Dr. W. F. Clark spent a week In Mlehleen-andeet-araed-with his daugh- ter. ter. Miss Retta Clark, of Toledo. and lois daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert ('lark of Pontiac. who drove up to Southamp- torp to visit Mrs. Clark's mother.b•fore they returned. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Farrow, Miss Mary Farrow and Miss Evelyn Reed. oftown, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston of Myth. sister-in-law of Mrm. Farrow, left Wednesday morning on a motor trip with Dover, in the State of Dela- ware. as their objective. There they will visit a brother of Mr. Farrows. and they will also take In points of interest along the way. They expect to he away ten days or so. Mr. James Crawford, of Port Albert, returned home on Friday latt after spending six weeks in Manitoba. He states that crop prospects in that Pro- time were never better than they are this year. the season being a full month ahead of Intl year. Mr. Craw- ford aunt a good deal of him time with his brother. Mr. John Crawford, ex - MP.. of Ntepnvs, who was in poor health and who passed away on the 31st of May. tents tinierlibrary-banal.for dance flatiron's. Candela wrest. reception heAMR dined) parsonage Agri - millirem! be any tering. to- ward( (sett, race !VIM- /mm.(1.Park the us?'ladies and The P.1 office this been Ontario lack season, usedof'Iced the for t v- *_dm tune -o out -450 - feet . and cuats..Ju.ing imposed lieellen and else for th►-completlon of the j Fur making a false statement__ehen messing ell!' in the west end of the; applying for an automobile license the harbor. i One wan $20 and costs. In two cases -- I of lunmxicatlou the tine in each case SCHEDULES FOR CHURCH was e25 and costs. For peddling SOFT -BALL TEAMS '1 goods a Ithout a license $25 and coats _ __ I were a-:'essed. In a case of assault St•ltednlcs have ies'u arr-ng..l as fol- , the leo i was $10 and costs. A Luck - Iowa to connection with ti. Presbytery I now win Mid $100 and costs for of Huron goft-l.all Iwague 1 having :ittuor ill a public place. Boys' Sehedule--.bulb INdrlel ' Leaving the scene or .iii accident chat .) • . Union and marriageto-Mr.bride's Claraparents.. dinner dressdot , 12-Porter's.11111 at 1'Wl St. charges were parking a --ear wit 15 -Union at Porter's Dilllights. and operating a ear without a I of pink georgette trimmed with Lace. l5 --')North St. at Vtttorha 0t. chauffeur's license while under age. $5 a coat of hit'ge poir•t twill and hat. , 18 -Union at Victoria St. and costa. being assessed in each of shoes and 110-c' to ma teh. tun their 1S -North St. at Porter's 11111. these cases. return Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore will r'e- 21-17non at North St. `idt• in ('limns. . William anvil seventy- ninth on her period Errington. Goderich, Open connection2nd ago lateGood.Lee. in 0c -toiler. son,i.e2ndThree-leg elm -Oren- Densonlong period, --..Good, Frankmeth_ Mee lotand married out was and Hamilton. The thing pr costume0- 6 tuner/11Si.Rev. Mille GoderichlugItMr. andthepallbearersbeing Carey. D.Brown'. H. he. carnet!. base,on.theirsno fuel :t 2 TiernanGoderich-D. Nairn Sander - c, et'.Tunneysnide-II. 000092000=3 pie- ale June good in Invites gatheredformed occupied pro- grambrew Z.Canteen.Frames Frank Morris. Point aliment (firsts count three pxointtr. eeeonds two prints, thirds one point 1 --Kathleen Tyndall (two firsts), 6 points; 2nd Rnby Errington (one first and one second). 5 points; 3rd Frank Walter (one first and twe thltdn(, 5 points. 21 Vktorta St. at Porter's 11111. 25 -Porter's 'Hill at Union. 20 -Victoria St. at North Rt. 29 -Victoria St. at Union. 29 -Porter's Hill at North St. Bova' Schedule -North District June 19 -St. Helens at Ashfield. 22 -Dungannon at et. -Helena. 27 -Ashfield at Dungannon. July 3 -Ashfield at St. Helens. 6 -St. Helens at Dungannon. , 9 -Dungannon at Asliflcld. Girls' Schedule June 19 -Victoria 'St. at Nile. 20 --Dungannon at St. itclena. • 22 -Nile at Goderich. 25 -St. Helens at Dungannon. July 3. ---Dungannon at ooderie•ls. 4 -St. Helens at Nile. 5 -Nile at Dungannon. 9 -St. Helena at Goderich. ll--Goderich at Dungannon. 11, -Nile at St. Helens. 13-Goderlch at et. Helens. 13 -Dungannon at Nile. Mr. E. G. Westbrook, of Goderi,•lis supervisor for the League In this part of the Presbytery. Primary round fa to he flntsheef by July 15th; second round by August lat. Semi -finale and finals are to be played at Seaforth on civic holiday In that town. Bathing Capt. Campbell's Store. Drug Brief Sitting of Cewity Court The Jane sitting of the I'entity Court was held on Tuesday and was very brief. lashes little orer an hour. His Honor Judge Lewi, presided. Three eases were on the docket and were (Hewett' of as follows: Frallck v. i'nmpbell-an action for damages for trespass and breach of contract. The plaintiff is Alice Fra - lick, of the tewnahip of Morris, and the defendants ars• Ernest Campiu and Thomas Penne. farmers In the same township. The action is held over to the next jury sitting of the County Court. Imbert Bell Engle and Tlrreelter Co.. Senforth, v. t' N. Itcsllwnye--an action for damages toa threshing ma- chine destroyed, by fire while being shipped from Seaforth to h.imtow•el. 3 was Arisenin acMrlanee with a ,cit:.'ment teethed between the parties, plointtff being awarded $709 anti costs. Brown 'v. Nicol et al. --an action for trespass and removal of timber. The plaintiff. John A. ltt'own, is n farmer in Morris township, and defendants.Lorne NIdel. Frank Nicol and John D. Spier, are residents of the mire' town- ship. ¢'vial a cornett to June -SOT Huron Men to the Fore A news item- in last week's Signal regarding the election of two ex -stu- dents of the Goderich Collegiate as presidents respectively of the London Conference of the United Church and of the London ('onfesence Lay Asso- ciation prompts a subecrits-r to call attention to the preference the Lon- don 'Conference seemm to hate for men rr- from lluron. The Rist presldt•trt after the union in 1120 was Itev. A. E. M. Thomson, a native of Huron, horn near Walton. The president last year was Bev. Robert Ipieks, who w'Ita brought lap in the southern part of the Goderieh Nine Take First Is -ague couThis yen r',. president is 1tev. Game at Stains1V. R.nty. Mclnhtth, an oscine of A`h11P11• Backed lip with nn almost {e•rfeet. and the second highest vote in elect- defence by his team mates. Max Fritz - lug the pttenidettt was given to Rev. John A. Agnew. another Ashfield man. Mr. John 'Elliott. prestdentwelee•t of the Lay Asseelation, Is from Collerne envie-hip. and the preacher of the or- dination sermon on the Sunday of Conference was Prof. A. J. Johnston, D.D.. of Victoria University, a Huron roan from near Riney/11e. A eric via Pr 'Mrs at St. George's Church i fifty menila•re '.f Court God - ;o. 3'2. Celle, and a number of brethren penrel•tt Its a body to lee's church bust Sunday morn - ,Ste rector, Het. .1. N. hi. Mills, t an iusterine 'c'rmon and the .der the direction of the orhsa- C. A. R. Wiklcinsoe• i'enrtin'ti o.riate musts Molls' sermon subject was ••(lnr Etcaal Selfhood." his tt xt being from Joe 10: h7 -"What is this that ile ,db unto us?" Mr. Mills welcomed u'- mefihers of the Order to the so- ps in the name of the church. Par - early did he welcome them, he ial, because they were members of a aternity Which took Its inception from theme things for which the tehnrch Mends as n witness, requiring tint men shcntld he sound physically and mentally, that they should Inn- ,tnally assist In the improvement of their members, and that they should seek to establish a preteetinn for their dependen/s. Their mind. also ,were directed to the life beyond, and In few of thea his message to them was e which he trusted sone/ strengthen r eonadence in God and confirm hope he that life which God has the them Oat love Him. MISS 11014114 W(14)I1.001fRel. 8.A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Wbolt- comhe% of teem, who graduated ted last weak in the nentbemascs and physics course of the Uaiwsrelty of Tome*. ley, the diminutivee hurler of the God- erich flinging corps, entered into tutsebnil't ball of fame by ncrotnplish• Ing n feat which is the dream of every pib-hert- on. Mondry last. when he pitched a no -hit, no ruin game ugrtin d Staffs In the first League game of the waxen. Try as they would, the Staffs a;uggers could not connect safely with Ftitzley's -Plante, and ale times a We huddle Naphtha, the high-grade Staffs batter watcher) three gtwsi ones telt-aiinie weer Tor cleaning•. zttt. Teti• gut by. (1n the otb7efr- biro-' rhe T.r,c1 Trott & Son. 'Phone 486. We deliver. reel' hllecksox were hitting every- -- thing that Shier, the °musing pilcher. • had to offer, including his bnckhreak• ing entelrnp. which. If Shier can only get a little more speed ixehind it. will prove t'• he the stumbling block of a good manly- lettere, g,ani nnei nihrr- wise, before the season ends. In all Goderich ...Olmsted sixhett haw -hits. fneholing a triple by Archer with tVeo nn basis. McKey had n terrier day at pmt, getting two hits mit of two times at brit and scoring' twIee. The choice piny of the game was made by Nmnttersen,- who tent(. *- spectacular catch of a Ay ball. rooming for Mick and picking It right off the wire backstop. With them game under their belts, the Icx•ale•art' deterptlned to keep on ,top of the heap from the very start or make the teem which displaces them {clay real bell to do se, The lineettp: Gkderlch- P. Nairn 2b, M. Sander- son e, (I. Tanney lf, C. Archer sa 0. Hadden rf. G. Duquette Mt. M. Mc- Kay et, 0. Aheardowa lb, M. 11Mtaley p. Sttsh..--Trrgnnn, Mallough, G. Goldthorpe. Staff. .Shier k Wards it, Hargett e. Reid 21.. F:teott If. Q;lasbiy rf, Brnc•e as, Kerslake ID, 3. llagprth 3b. Aurs-RoberMOS, O. Ho art. MISS itl'Tlt MARTIN. B.A., who graduated at the t'nlrersity -of Thrown last week. The young lady is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. /Yank iL Martin of town. Autumn Assists Delete of autumn sittings of the Su- preme (hurt of Ontario are annomtveit 'rhe date for the jury and non -jury sitITng hn (To>'Te heh is Tuesday, Otto - torr :udth. Mr. Justie Fisher pre- siding. Miss Worsef Resigns Itlyth Standard: Miss Worsen, who lone been principal of Blyth continua- tion s4'ool for the pest number of years, tendered her resigneton to the board at Its last meeting., tithe hat been a faithful painstaking teacher and the results of her effort* were fully manifested with the examina- tions each year. 'IT. board regrets losing her from the staff. Mrs. Agnes Buchman has purchased Mr. W. M. Hell's residence cm -111g1a Menne.